Case Study

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Business Environment



Case Study
1. What are the key factors Ram identifies as having contributed most to Long
leaf’s success and growth?

Answer. The majority of the vodka uses engineered flavours, which are synthetic identical
flavours unlike Longleaf, and this turns out to be the main thing that added to Ram and his
Longleaf is the requirement for premium products, as longleaf is also an exceptional product,
which has contributed to Longleaf's growth. Similarly, the Australian market where they sell
their product has premium cocktail flavours, so if they can tap into that, as it will be
beneficial to their business. Longleaf has also been honoured with a prestigious award for
finest tea vodka on a global scale, which will aid in their promotion to the general public.
2. What are the two lessons that he says a startup must learn to succeed?

Answer. Getting good cooperative people will improve the culture of your company, just as
getting a bad person will disrupt the critical thinking test. Similarly, while starting a business,
we need a talented workforce to flourish and advance the organization to the next level. As a
result, selecting the best people for a job is critical since it increases the likelihood of
organizational growth and productivity.
We are not totally aware as we establish a business, and we begin draining our assets again
toward the start of our business, until there is nothing left at a later time when it is most
needed. The importance of asset distribution in project boards is that it provides a clear image
of the amount of work that needs to be completed. It also aids in planning ahead and having a
knowledge of the group's progress, including allocating the appropriate amount of time to
each member of the group. As a result, he cautions against making this mistake and focusing
all of your resources on a single region.
3. On the competitive environment, what are the global trends he highlights that
are favorable to Longleaf? What new products is he planning to introduce and
how do they fit in with the company's core product?

Answer. Their product is fantastic because it capitalizes on existing global trends, such as
people drinking more high-end spirits than low-end alcohol. Furthermore, as a top-tier
product, they are completely prepared to take advantage of the situation. According to the
research, while per capita alcohol use has decreased over time, the amount spent on alcohol
has increased as people drink less but pay more for wine, premium mixed drinks, and
specialty brews. They're in a great position as a versatile beverage with the ability to
construct premium mixed beverages to take advantage of the current climate. Another
worldwide trend is for people in Asia and a specific part of Europe to mix tea with cocktails,
and because this is the current troop pattern, they have an advantage because they have
effectively been on the lookout for a long time. Soon, their arrangements will continue to be
premium, and they will produce more flavoured vodka, tea-based but with a variety of Sri
Lankan flavours.
Ram wants to expand his product portfolio in an even and upward way, which means he'll
show off products like his all-natural vodka while also expanding his market for ready-to-
drink beverages like brew and wine. His company is also studying the addition of flavours to
vodka and a few other tea-based drinks, such as ginger tea vodka, as he mentioned. Because
they are still seeking to advance farther, each of these portfolio extension strategies fits in
with their core product in some way.
4. What are the challenges facing the regulatory environment, notably in terms of
taxation? What are the issues arising from the heavy taxation of spirits?

Answer. Ram claims that as a growing company, they face numerous challenges, the extract
duty (in type of tax assessment) like in Australia, the tax assessment on wine and lager is
burdened less, but the tax assessment on food strength and soul is burdened virtually large is
the significant test they look at.. Furthermore, approximately 85 percent of assembling costs
are burdened; if this can be reduced by a small amount, it would surely effect their edge and
positively aid them with progressing and producing a controllable substance. If they can
lobby for government relaxation, it will help him generate revenue so he can expand his
range to include ready-to-drink beverages such as brew, where there is less duty collected.

5. What advice does Ram offer to other entrepreneurs with a business idea?

Answer. Whether or not a competing arrangement is accessible should not determine a

thought's potential. There is always room for expansion and distinction in every industry, no
matter how fierce or underfunded it is. Ram advised various business executives in this
manner. Sending out troublesome first-to-advertise deals doesn't protect fledgling businesses
from competition or failure, but the idea is worthless until it's put into action. So, he advises,
get out there and start small, but implement your ideas, since starting a business will always
be difficult, whether or not there is a direct competitor. To build a successful start-up in a
competitive market, one must identify and execute on one's own unique differentiators.
Another suggestion he made was to not over-analyse your goods when it comes to
investigating loss of motion. If you dispatch a product and it's fantastic, you've waited an
unreasonable amount of time for it to arrive, so don't wait too long to ship your goods.
Perhaps rather of sending it out when it's barely ready, allow the market to show you how to
improve it or adjust it, and learn from the feedbacks provided while working on your final

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