Intra North Sea Ballastwater Exchange

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Agenda Item 3 OSPAR 14/3/3-E

English only
OSPAR Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic
Meeting of the OSPAR Commission
Cascais (Portugal): 23-27 June 2014

Ballast Water Exchange Areas in the North Sea

Presented by Secretariat
Regulation B-4.2 of the IMO Ballast Water Management Convention allows ports States to designate
areas, in consultation with adjacent or other States, as appropriate, where ships may conduct ballast
water exchange as a temporary regulation until the D-2 Standard of the Convention enters into force for
all ships. A proposal for the North Sea is outlined in this document.
Action requested
1. OSPAR is invited to note the information provided and endorse the proposed designated areas for
ballast water exchange in the North Sea for intra North Sea Traffic, as outlined in Annex 1.
2. In 2012 the North Sea Ballast Water exchange and exemptions group, in consultation with the North
Sea Ballast Water Opportunity project and EMSA, prepared for the implementation of ballast water
exchange areas in the North Sea.
3. The proposed sets out designated ballast water exchange areas in the North Sea for intra North Sea
traffic. Within Norwegian territorial waters and economic zone the Norwegian national regulation applies.
The designation of areas of ballast water exchange is a temporary regulation. It should enter into force
when the Convention enters into force, and terminates when ships shall meet regulation D-2 of the
4. Regulation B-4.2 of the Convention allows ports States to designate areas, in consultation with
adjacent or other States, as appropriate, where ships may conduct ballast water exchange. Regulation B-4.2
determines that such sea areas can be designated in sea areas where the distance from the nearest land or
the depth does not meet the requirements described in paragraph 1.1 or 1.2 of the regulation. The North
Sea falls under this category, as the required depth is to shallow.
5. The identification, assessment and designation of the proposed ballast water exchange areas were
done taking into account the relevant guideline of the Convention: “Guidelines on Designation of Areas for
Ballast Water Exchange (G14)”.
6. The assessment of identified areas was done in the European Space Agency (ESA) Due Innovator II
project. The goal of this project was to investigate the opportunity for remote sensing data to contribute to
the risk assessment of Ballast Water exchange. Some of the basic principles used were:
 clear water indicates a low risk
 high chlorophyll concentration indicates high risk
 a close distance to the coast indicates a high risk
 low depth indicates a high risk

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7. The “Designation of areas for Ballast Water Exchange in the North Sea for intra North Sea Traffic” is
presented in Annex 1.
8. Norway has implemented parts of the Ballast Water Management Convention (D-1; Exchange
standard) in its national regulations. The Norwegian Ballast Water Regulation entered into force on 1 July
2010. As regulation B-4.2 in the BWMC allows, Norway has designated areas for ballast water exchange
within its exclusive economic zone (EEZ). Areas within Norway´s EEZ are therefore excluded from the
current proposal. The Norwegian ballast water exchange areas are displayed in Annex 2.
9. EIHA 2012 considered the proposal and agreed to forward it to OSPAR 2012 for endorsement.
Unfortunately at OSPAR 2012 Germany were not in a position to be able to endorse the designation of
areas for Ballast Water Exchange in the North Sea for intra North Sea Traffic as they were still in the process
of ratifying the Ballast Water Convention. At the last Joint OSPAR/HELCOM Task Group on Ballast Water
Management Convention Exemptions, held in Copenhagen on the 12-13 May 2014, Germany informed the
meeting that they had now completed the ratification process and could now endorse the proposal.

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Annex 1

As a result of deliberations, the North Sea countries have suggested to designate ballast water
exchange areas in the North Sea.


1 This regulation designates areas in which ballast water exchange cannot take place in the
North Sea for intra North Sea traffic, in accordance with the International Convention for the
Control and Management of Ships Ballast Water and Sediments (the Convention). A ship on a
voyage between two North Sea ports, which must at least meet the standards described in
regulation D-1 of the Convention, may conduct ballast water exchange in these areas. Within
Norwegian territorial waters and economic zone the Norwegian national regulation applies. This
designation of areas of ballast water exchange in the North Sea is a temporary regulation. It enters
into force when the Convention enters into force, and terminates when ships shall meet regulation
D-2 of the Convention (ultimately 2016 for all categories of ships).


2 The Convention aims “to prevent, minimize and ultimately eliminate the risks to the
environment, human health, property and resources arising from the transfer of Harmful Aquatic
Organisms and Pathogens through the control and management of ships’ Ballast Water and
Sediments, as well as to avoid unwanted side-effects from that control and to encourage
developments in related knowledge and technology.”
3 Regulation B-3 of the Convention states for different categories of ships when Ballast Water
Management must be conducted to at least meeting the standard described in regulation D-1:
“Ballast water Exchange Standard”.
4 Regulation B-4.2 of the Convention allows ports States to designate areas, in consultation
with adjacent or other States, as appropriate, where ships may conduct ballast water exchange.
Regulation B-4.2 determines that such sea areas can be designated in sea areas where the
distance from the nearest land or the depth does not meet the parameters described in paragraph
1.1 or 1.2 of the regulation. The North Sea falls under this category, as the required depth is to
5 The identification, assessment and designation of these areas were done taking into account
the relevant guideline of the Convention: “Guidelines on Designation of Areas for Ballast Water
Exchange (G14).”
6 The assessment of identified areas was done in the European Space Agency (ESA) Due
Innovator II project. The goal of this project was to investigate the opportunity for remote sensing
data to contribute to the risk assessment of Ballast Water exchange. Some of the basic principles
used were:
 clear water indicates a low risk
 high chlorophyll concentration indicates high risk
 a close distance to the coast indicates a high risk
 low depth indicates a high risk

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After careful consideration, the group proposed that ballast water exchange should, in principle, be
avoided in areas with a risk index of 0,75 and above; consequently areas with a risk index lower
than 0,75 can be designated as ballast water exchange areas. However, while the group agreed
that a high standard of protection was desirable, taking into consideration regulation B-4 of the
BWMC, the group agreed that a delay of the voyage of a deviation from the intended voyage
should be avoided. The group noted that options for exchange on the Traffic Separations Scheme
Terschelling-German Bight might not be sufficient with the proposed index value of 0,75. Rather
than lowering the standard of protection for the North Sea as a whole, the group agreed to adjust
the boundary of the designated ballast water exchange area around the TSS, in order to afford
ships bound on the TSS the opportunity for ballast water exchange.
Norway has implemented parts of the Ballast Water Management Convention (D-1; Exchange
standard) in its national regulations. The Norwegian Ballast Water Regulation entered into force on
1 July 2010. As regulation B-4.2 in the BWMC allows, Norway has designated areas for ballast
water exchange within its exclusive economic zone (EEZ). Areas within Norway´s EEZ are
therefore excluded from the current proposal. The Norwegian ballast water exchange areas are
displayed in Annex 2.
7 The North Sea area means1 the North Sea proper including seas therein with the boundary
.1 the North Sea southwards of latitude 620 N and eastwards of longitude 40 W;
.2 the Skagerrak and part of the Kattegat, the southern limit of which is determined east of
the Skaw by latitude 57044’ N; and
.3 the English Channel and its approaches eastwards of longitude 50 W and northwards of
latitude 48030’ N.

Ballast Water Exchange in the North Sea

8 A ship, on a voyage between 2 ports located in the North Sea, which under the Convention
shall at least meet the standard described in regulation D-1, may conduct ballast water exchange
in the designated ballast water exchange area in the North Sea. A ship conducting ballast water
exchange in this area shall comply with all the regulations for ballast water exchange in the
Convention, with the exception of regulation B-4.1.
9 The designated ballast water exchange area in the North Sea is the area with a risk index
ARI of less then 0,75, the area which is not red, corrected for the “Kompromisslinie” for the Traffic
Separations Scheme Terschelling-German Bright, and corrected for the Norwegian EEZ
10 Within the Norwegian EEZ ballast water exchange areas are displayed in Annex 2.

The definition of the North Sea is consistent with MARPOL 73/78, Annex V, Regulation 5 (1) (f), but above that includes a part
of the Kattegat so that traffic to and from Gothenburg is included.

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Annex 1 - Coordinates of the designated ballast water exchange area in the North Sea

The area with a risk index ARI of less then 0,75, corrected for the “Kompromisslinie” for the Traffic
Separations Scheme Terschelling-German

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Latitude Longitude 4 58,76806 3,01639 7 54,18167 -2,77194
2 60,66417 0,76472 4 58,75639 3,19222 7 54,23000 -3,09806
2 60,59611 0,88750 4 58,76889 3,39889 7 54,22167 -3,37111
2 60,50194 0,96083 5 56,86306 -6,91472 7 53,99556 -3,35778
2 60,41833 0,92139 5 56,75528 -7,00778 8 49,51722 2,41917
2 60,33472 1,02611 5 56,79278 -6,55889 8 49,38167 2,47861
2 60,18333 1,01833 5 56,90444 -6,55000 8 49,40139 2,71083
2 60,05667 1,16611 6 54,36444 -2,80111 8 49,57111 2,50750
2 59,85667 1,17250 6 54,34056 -2,78194 9 49,08556 2,05278
2 59,85389 1,37611 6 54,36528 -2,69556 9 49,03694 2,09056
2 60,01583 1,33972 6 54,57528 -2,84917 9 49,05556 2,20111
2 60,19361 1,29528 6 54,79556 -2,88750 9 49,14750 2,23861
2 60,13611 1,44944 6 54,92028 -2,97833 9 49,23278 2,29000
2 60,21722 1,67167 6 55,05667 -3,03583 9 49,28167 2,11472
2 60,32944 1,71333 6 55,17889 -3,10778 9 49,61611 2,05806
2 60,35278 1,46250 6 55,31556 -3,16528 9 49,49667 1,94222
2 60,37889 1,42500 6 55,43694 -3,26250 9 49,14194 1,98000
2 60,48111 1,63500 6 55,48083 -3,36639 10 48,89139 3,31667
2 60,68500 1,40250 6 55,59000 -3,51611 10 48,87222 3,08806
2 60,63528 1,23250 6 55,73944 -3,88389 10 48,75250 2,93528
2 60,82611 1,13583 6 55,81722 -4,01639 10 48,69722 2,78722
2 60,84194 1,01306 6 55,70917 -4,39500 10 48,62583 2,73778
2 60,95167 0,96583 6 55,62028 -4,46611 10 48,62583 3,91917
2 60,95667 0,80389 6 55,45306 -4,74167 10 48,77444 3,91944
2 60,84444 0,75167 6 55,39444 -4,66000 10 48,76056 3,88611
3 59,22750 2,40667 6 55,34417 -4,31389 10 48,79583 3,57417
3 59,06861 2,59222 6 55,27000 -4,13778 10 48,87500 3,51944
3 59,13861 2,84556 6 55,13583 -3,97028 10 48,89083 3,44861
3 59,34333 3,13639 6 55,09750 -3,87917 10 48,87611 3,38389
3 59,35667 2,60000 6 54,96333 -3,71139 11 65,12417 -11,72556
3 59,32694 2,35639 6 54,92500 -3,62056 11 54,37611 -11,72917
4 59,15472 3,36278 6 54,79083 -3,45278 11 54,40278 -11,52750
4 59,14556 3,16833 6 54,75250 -3,36167 11 54,27333 -11,47278
4 59,15194 3,06250 6 54,57528 -3,15083 11 54,14750 -11,39889
4 59,06333 2,88861 6 54,53694 -3,06000 11 54,09500 -11,21472
4 58,91694 2,72056 6 54,44583 -2,93528 11 54,10694 -11,11694
4 58,80444 2,84611 7 53,93028 -3,36750 11 54,03722 -11,09750
4 58,69556 2,86667 7 53,82306 -3,34250 11 54,02750 -11,24944
4 58,71583 2,93250 7 53,84333 -2,85028 11 53,97278 -11,38028

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11 54,04861 -11,39972 11 50,00944 -1,07639 11 53,88722 3,62528
11 54,06639 -11,49667 11 50,06333 -1,20472 11 54,00417 3,55667
11 54,14667 -11,50556 11 50,36083 -1,26889 11 54,10139 3,43500
11 54,22944 -11,72917 11 50,52556 -1,24833 11 54,23972 3,45222
11 48,62583 -11,73139 11 50,68333 -1,30917 11 54,44583 3,70972
11 48,62583 2,59778 11 50,74833 -1,08167 11 54,68139 3,92917
11 48,66806 2,49778 11 50,73722 -0,99250 11 58,57444 3,93583
11 48,71583 2,41611 11 50,75778 -0,82833 11 58,58694 3,79278
11 48,75417 2,28222 11 50,69444 -0,60694 11 58,69167 3,41111
11 48,83833 2,13861 11 50,64000 -0,29417 11 58,66806 3,01528
11 48,73889 2,05917 11 50,74250 0,04000 11 58,52306 3,02083
11 48,76194 1,87472 11 50,78083 0,23806 11 58,41139 3,01639
11 48,74861 1,76694 11 50,69444 0,38472 11 58,30944 3,12667
11 48,84528 1,72639 11 50,64500 0,50250 11 58,20056 3,40639
11 48,96500 1,65583 11 50,41833 0,81278 11 58,06139 3,52417
11 49,21389 1,68667 11 50,34611 1,06472 11 57,94167 3,44778
11 49,34806 1,85417 11 50,41028 1,34611 11 57,87472 3,38556
11 49,60500 1,90806 11 50,52694 1,50583 11 57,77000 3,27278
11 49,66139 1,98889 11 50,56528 1,59694 11 57,74333 2,46833
11 49,73972 1,91889 11 50,71667 1,83500 11 57,72694 2,21972
11 49,86194 1,90250 11 50,52194 2,06639 11 57,72694 2,04722
11 49,91833 1,75583 11 50,48361 2,14806 11 57,68417 1,82722
11 49,74583 1,68333 11 50,61306 2,32528 11 57,54083 1,74389
11 49,69083 1,42889 11 50,46722 2,40944 11 57,39861 1,76889
11 49,70778 1,29278 11 50,48833 2,57889 11 57,33556 1,90278
11 49,69500 1,18889 11 50,65611 2,84278 11 57,09694 2,07528
11 49,53111 1,20944 11 50,71778 2,98861 11 56,94861 2,11111
11 49,45944 1,13250 11 50,65139 3,10139 11 56,81472 2,15806
11 49,45722 0,96944 11 50,57500 3,28306 11 56,73444 2,32833
11 49,43583 0,79694 11 50,51194 3,43278 11 56,64167 2,46333
11 49,45556 0,63667 11 50,32361 3,50278 11 56,47417 2,54250
11 49,37722 0,22028 11 50,22028 3,57500 11 56,38639 2,58889
11 49,66444 0,00167 11 50,18194 3,77389 11 56,30250 2,58556
11 49,74417 -0,09806 11 50,26806 3,92056 11 56,17389 2,49917
11 49,78889 -0,30500 11 50,26833 3,92194 11 56,06750 2,50333
11 49,92639 -0,53861 11 53,39583 3,92722 11 55,95833 2,11111
11 49,91528 -0,62611 11 53,41111 3,70500 11 55,79667 1,90056
11 49,93694 -0,79861 11 53,49361 3,49028 11 55,67278 1,41250
11 49,94444 -0,98472 11 53,66972 3,45111 11 55,56500 1,37667

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11 55,41444 1,38250 11 51,86028 -3,19250 11 56,02833 -7,75028
11 55,33889 1,52028 11 52,15361 -3,55306 11 56,61611 -7,64306
11 55,22583 1,52556 11 52,24833 -3,79611 11 56,88278 -7,96806
11 55,02444 1,29139 11 52,29306 -3,88083 11 57,00444 -8,02556
11 54,96583 1,29361 11 52,33472 -4,01167 11 57,15639 -8,18972
11 54,92250 1,29194 11 52,49444 -4,24417 11 57,21778 -7,93250
11 54,83667 1,29528 11 52,63806 -4,31194 11 57,29833 -7,93583
11 54,62250 0,96389 11 52,72278 -4,35667 11 57,41333 -8,17972
11 54,53528 0,68833 11 52,89694 -4,39806 11 57,25278 -8,94722
11 54,44583 0,51917 11 53,03333 -4,44611 11 57,38833 -9,33444
11 54,36278 0,34333 11 53,25333 -4,43722 11 57,50917 -9,27056
11 54,23361 0,25778 11 53,42528 -4,25167 11 57,59583 -9,27389
11 54,22944 0,15278 11 53,57889 -4,33306 11 57,63833 -9,18444
11 54,14278 -0,09472 11 53,62806 -4,74472 11 57,70861 -9,18722
11 53,82306 -0,08194 11 53,67306 -4,82944 11 57,76750 -9,32333
11 53,73833 -0,26111 11 53,81389 -5,16417 11 57,63833 -9,44306
11 53,67139 -0,38806 11 53,75028 -5,46750 11 57,55361 -9,71139
11 53,62833 -0,61278 11 53,76278 -5,78444 11 57,64583 -9,88556
11 53,54194 -0,77611 11 53,93167 -5,86417 11 57,85389 -9,83111
11 53,43528 -1,11278 11 54,01333 -5,95222 11 58,02139 -9,78972
11 53,32639 -1,16417 11 54,08694 -5,94944 11 58,07278 -10,11167
11 53,27944 -1,26333 11 54,20556 -6,25389 11 58,16528 -10,46472
11 53,14528 -1,38778 11 54,12333 -6,48861 11 58,07111 -10,65194
11 53,02611 -1,64028 11 54,03833 -6,93278 11 57,89694 -10,95222
11 52,89528 -1,85417 11 54,06444 -7,59000 11 57,85556 -11,08333
11 52,85361 -1,98500 11 54,22250 -7,67528 11 57,76139 -11,27250
11 52,80722 -2,11750 11 54,46861 -7,48667 11 57,59528 -11,42667
11 52,81222 -2,24333 11 54,50167 -6,98056 11 57,55361 -11,49389
11 52,66056 -2,29139 11 54,82222 -6,48639 11 57,82222 -11,42361
11 52,47944 -2,28417 11 54,92806 -6,34028 11 58,02194 -11,43139
11 52,24694 -2,12417 11 55,02278 -6,44250 11 58,12500 -11,37694
11 51,86028 -2,07139 11 55,17500 -6,76472 11 58,27389 -11,21639
11 51,46583 -1,95583 11 55,55583 -6,81667 11 58,46083 -11,12806
11 51,30139 -2,07917 11 55,65639 -6,81278 11 58,66833 -10,90417
11 51,42861 -2,31972 11 55,78917 -6,90417 11 58,84722 -10,73833
11 51,51194 -2,66972 11 55,77778 -7,19056 11 58,88861 -10,69361
11 51,64639 -2,88889 11 55,82889 -7,28722 11 59,11778 -10,60444
11 51,69306 -2,98806 11 55,87028 -7,37500 11 59,23444 -10,60889
11 51,81889 -3,10472 11 55,91528 -7,45972 11 59,27750 -10,60722

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11 59,36389 -10,61083 11 59,40917 -5,17944 11 53,92139 -7,77556
11 59,46278 -10,58861 11 59,53611 -5,15111 11 53,86056 -7,34167
11 59,53556 -10,45528 11 59,60111 -5,19667 11 53,93167 -6,50611
11 59,40944 -10,54222 11 59,60250 -5,11083 11 54,01750 -6,33972
11 59,24583 -10,55306 11 59,64278 -5,06833 11 54,05972 -6,04750
11 59,08250 -10,48556 11 59,80056 -5,04444 11 53,74583 -6,28583
11 58,98556 -10,35167 11 59,88361 -5,04639 11 53,69611 -6,23389
11 58,92028 -10,07778 11 60,10361 -5,18472 11 53,58750 -5,67889
11 58,91333 -9,86278 11 60,18917 -5,21139 11 53,58333 -5,46472
11 58,88861 -9,66028 11 60,20000 -4,93861 11 53,49806 -5,21500
11 58,67306 -9,31528 11 60,34278 -4,90222 11 53,48500 -5,18611
11 58,52194 -9,02306 11 60,40917 -4,97139 11 53,46083 -5,07028
11 58,37139 -8,79806 11 60,56222 -4,88861 11 53,43250 -4,96194
11 58,24194 -8,58222 11 60,70167 -4,84306 11 53,24917 -4,65861
11 58,20056 -8,36500 11 60,88222 -4,93417 11 53,18250 -4,58861
11 58,07361 -8,20833 11 60,93056 -4,89167 11 53,04639 -4,44556
11 58,02194 -8,00111 11 61,02306 -4,93111 11 53,03333 -4,44611
11 58,03611 -7,64722 11 61,02472 -4,72639 11 52,92444 -4,40778
11 57,97528 -7,53222 11 61,12917 -4,70361
11 57,98833 -7,20167 11 61,19306 -4,75222
11 57,98222 -7,05083 11 61,22917 -4,95222
11 57,98528 -6,97667 11 61,40528 -4,94472
11 58,04111 -6,80806 11 61,52500 -5,07194
11 58,04167 -6,53194 11 61,53556 -5,02667
11 58,20000 -6,55750 11 61,62500 -4,94306
11 58,24194 -6,33861 11 61,67250 -4,87250
11 58,28667 -6,25389 11 61,87972 -4,70972
11 58,37139 -6,03667 11 61,93472 -4,83222
11 58,41611 -5,95222 11 61,96333 -5,05278
11 58,45750 -5,77806 11 55,78333 -10,26111
11 58,69056 -5,45556 11 55,70611 -10,17861
11 58,99472 -5,48583 11 55,63417 -10,50028
11 59,06111 -5,61500 11 55,71917 -10,47472
11 59,21444 -5,58750 11 54,61556 -10,35056
11 59,21583 -5,39639 11 54,55611 -10,54333
11 59,08417 -5,22972 11 54,81694 -10,57861
11 59,06278 -5,15083 11 54,78583 -10,42556
11 59,32639 -5,08972 11 54,42194 -7,52222
11 59,38250 -5,10917 11 54,22250 -7,67528

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Annex 2

The North Sea and Norwegian ballast water exchange areas

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