Algae Farm Cost Model: Considerations For Photobioreactors: Y Zhu DB Anderson SB Jones
Algae Farm Cost Model: Considerations For Photobioreactors: Y Zhu DB Anderson SB Jones
Algae Farm Cost Model: Considerations For Photobioreactors: Y Zhu DB Anderson SB Jones
Y Zhu DB Anderson
SB Jones
October 2018
Y Zhu DB Anderson
SB Jones
October 2018
Cost estimates and assumptions for a vertical hanging-bag type photobioreactor (PBR) system are
reported here for a preliminary model developed to elucidate major cost drivers and opportunities for
reducing the costs of algae cultivation. The design inputs and assumptions for this system are described in
the report. A baseline case is presented, and alternative cases with differing areal algal productivities are
used to compare to an open-pond case. The baseline algae production cost is estimated to be $1,137/short
ton (st) algae, on an ash-free dry weight (AFDW) basis (2016 US$). Sensitivity analyses probe the areal
productivity, support structure cost, and PBR bag replacement cost and life as significant impact factors
affecting the system cost. A preliminary comparison of the PBR system and an open pond system is also
developed to indicate the cost difference between these two systems. The baseline economic summary is
shown in Table ES.1.
The authors wish to thank the U.S. Department of Energy Bioenergy Technologies Office for funding
this work. We also wish to thank our industrial partners who provided invaluable feedback and guidance.
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Unit Abbreviations
g/L grams per liter
g/m /d grams per square meter per day
ft feet
L liter
L/m /d liters per square meter per day
st short ton
t ton
W/m3 watts per cubic meter
yr year
1.0 Introduction
Development of renewable energy provides value to the country by making use of domestic natural
resources and deriving economic gains through jobs, infrastructure development, and technical
competitiveness. Different biomass feedstocks (e.g., wood, switchgrass, and algae) have been investigated
for liquid fuels production (Xu and Lad 2008, Mullen and Boateng 2008, Biller and Ross 2011). Liquid
fuels and products from microalgae do not compete with food or fiber when sustainable water and land
use are considered (Efroymson et al. 2017). Further, microalgae exhibit higher photosynthesis efficiency
(compared with agricultural and forest crops), which enables faster conversion of CO2 and water into
biomass, and thus improves CO2 mitigation ability (Brennan and Owende 2009). This efficient use of
solar energy enables microalgae to produce up to 30 times more lipids per unit area than oilseed crops
(Luque et al. 2011). These advantages have prompted extensive research into algae cultivation in order to
reduce the cultivation cost and increase the productivity of microalgae for use in the production of fuels
and chemicals.
Algae cultivation methods include open, closed, and hybrid cultivation systems (IEA Bioenergy 2017,
DOE 2016a, 2016b). A typical open system, such as a raceway pond, consists of a closed-loop channel
with circulation pumps and underground distribution pipelines. A closed photobioreactor (PBR) system
consists of closed transparent reactors, which can be tubes, flat panels, bags, or columns, or flat-plate,
floating-bag, vertical flat-bag, or vertical or horizontal tubes or columns (Beal et al. 2015, Borowitzka and
Moheimani 2013, Algasol Renewables 2015, OriginClear Group 2014, Jorquera et al. 2010, Luque et al.
2011, Kotrba 2015, Menetrez 2012, National Research Council 2012, Woods 2015). Open-pond and PBR
systems have been tested at the laboratory and commercial scales (IEA Bioenergy 2017, White and Ryan
2015). Compared to the open pond systems, a PBR system features better control of the cultivation
environment because of the closed reactor design, with respect to nutrient feed, water supply, gas mixing,
protection from external contamination, and evaporation loss. In addition, PBRs have higher algae harvest
concentration and higher algae productivity, and therefore the potential for significant productivity
improvements when compared to open pond systems for the same algal production yields (Richardson
et al. 2014). Recent modeling efforts indicate that productivity improvements per unit of top surface area
can be realized, but that production per land surface area is highly dependent upon PBR spacing and
orientation (Wigmosta 2017). PBR systems can use natural or artificial light. The costs presented here are
for a natural-light system.
Plastic-bag type PBRs receive more attention than other types in the literature. This is because of their
lower material cost for commercial-scale production. Additionally, they offer good sterility at start-up
because of their high film-extrusion temperatures (Wang et al. 2012, Algasol Renewables 2015,
Woods 2015). Floating-bag PBR systems have application in ocean environments, while vertical flat-bag
PBR systems are best suited for land-based operations (Kotrba 2015). Considering the land use flexibility
of vertical hanging flat-bag PBR systems and their smaller cultivation area requirement compared to
floating-bag PBRs, the vertical hanging flat-bag PBR is chosen for this initial study.
2.0 Design Basis
A typical plastic bag PBR is shown in Figure 2.1. The PBR system consists of plastic bags, frame
(which supports the plastic bag), and aeration systems (Huang et al. 2017, Han et al. 2017).
Figure 2.1. Vertical Plastic Bag PBR Example (Huang et al. 2017)
The PBR cost model is developed in an Excel format. The design for the PBR system is based on
open literature (Woods 2015, Kotrba 2015, Jessen 2015) and the results have been reviewed by an
industrial expert with commercial PBR operating experience. The major input parameters for the PBR
cost model are listed in Table 2.1. These include cultivation related parameters (algae areal productivity,
biomass harvesting concentration, water loss, etc.) and PBR unit parameters (bag dimensions, number,
and lifetime). The cultivation area is assumed to be 1000 acres, which is reasonable for a PBR based
commercial algae farm operation based on industrial input. The areal productivity for plastic bag PBR
systems greatly varies depending on different culture conditions (temperature, whether indoor or outdoor,
seasonal variations, location, bag dimensions, etc.) and algae strain types. Han et al. (2017) and Zittelli
et al. (2013) claim that the areal productivity of plastic bag PBR systems can be very high. Similarly, a
flat-plate PBR system is reported to have a productivity ranging from 5 to 35 g/m2/d (Acién et al. 2017).
Based on the above literature information, an annual average cultivation areal productivity of 25 g/m2/d
on an AFDW (ash-free dry weight) basis is selected and assumed for this study. With the specified areal
productivity and the assumed hydraulic retention time of 3 days, the resulting biomass harvesting
concentration is 2 grams/liter (g/L). A range of 1 to 4 g/L for PBR systems has been reported in the
literature, and this range is used in this study for sensitivity analysis. PBR systems generally have higher
harvesting concentration than that of open pond systems because PBRs function like settlers, which can
lead to higher harvest concentration and thus lower costs for algae dewatering (Jorquera et al. 2010,
Menetrez 2012, Davis et al. 2016). The PBR energy consumption mainly includes (1) water circulation,
which is specified based on literature values for flat-panel vertical PBR systems (Borowitzka and
Moheimani 2013, Jorquera et al. 2010); (2) aeration, which is based on industrial experts’ inputs; and
(3) algae dewatering (Davis et al. 2016).
Table 2.1. PBR Cost Model Parameters
The major capital cost components include PBR support structure, inoculum, and clean-in-place
(CIP) systems. Other capital costs are the systems for CO2 delivery, makeup water delivery, and algal
dewatering. The PBR bag costs are estimated as a variable operating cost based on the bag life
specification. Key costs are shown in Table 2.2 and in the Appendix.
The PBR bag cost is specified based on review by an industrial practitioner in the field, and also
compared to the cost derived from literature information (Algasol Renewables 2015). The capital cost for
the inoculum system is estimated from literature information for a 5 acre PBR module (Scott et al. 2015).
It is assumed that for every 5 acres of PBR, there is an associated inoculation system required and its
major equipment includes inoculum tanks, drip emitters, and surge tanks. The capital costs for CO2
delivery, makeup water delivery, and dewatering systems are based on information from the National
Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) open pond farm report (Davis et al. 2016). Algae compositions
reported in Jones et al. (2014) for Chlorella, a freshwater strain, are assumed for this study and used to
estimate the CO2 and nutrient requirements.
Table 2.2. Key Capital and Operating Cost Inputs
3.0 Results and Discussion
This section summarizes the analysis results for the initial PBR system algae cultivation Excel-based
cost model. A baseline case was developed, and the major cost results are shown in Table 3.1.
The PBR cultivation and inoculum system’s capital costs represent over 90% of the total cost. The
PBR bag replacement costs are treated as variable operating costs, and the initial set of bags is not
included in the capital costs. For the production cost breakdown based on each major area, the cost in unit
of $/st AFDW (short ton, ash free dry weight) was estimated. The total cost of the PBR cultivation and
inoculum system and bag replacement represents about 65% of the total production cost. Figure 3.1
depicts the operating cost breakouts for the PBR system. The PBR bag replacement and fixed costs
together represent about 60% of the operating cost, and the PBR bag cost is the most significant one.
Fixed Costs
26.9% PBR bag
Because the PBR algae cultivation technologies are still in the early development stage, there are
many uncertainties related to the process parameters. To understand the effects of the variations in key
parameters on the PBR system cost, the values for the cultivation areal productivity, PBR support
structure costs, CO2 and nutrient costs, PBR bag replacement cost, PBR bag life, CO2 and nutrients cost,
algae cultivation area, and CIP capital cost are varied for sensitivity analysis. The baseline values and
variation ranges for the selected parameters and their potential effects on the system are presented in
Table 3.2.
Table 3.2. Selected Parameters for Sensitivity Analysis
Parameter Values Impacts Notes
Cultivation areal Base case: 25 g/m2/day Annual average for a given cultivation area
productivity Range: 5 to 50 g/m2/day production rate, and harvesting
harvest rate, and costs concentration; productivity
for circulation and of 50 g/m2/day represents a
dewatering processes potential future target
PBR support Base case: $20/bag Capital costs Per input from industry
structure cost Range: 50% of base review
PBR bag life Base case: 5 years Variable operating Per input from industry
Range: 3 to 8 years costs review
CO2 and nutrients Base case: Variable operating Range is estimated based on
cost $7.0 million/year costs potential changes in CO2
Range: 30% of base and nutrients’ unit prices
Algae cultivation Base case: 1000 acres Annual algae Range is estimated
area Range: 500 to 3000 acres production rate, fixed
operating cost
CIP system capital Base case: $6000/acre Capital costs Per input from industry
cost Range: 50% of base review
Biomass Base case: 2 g/L Capital and operating Range is based on literature
harvesting Range: 1 to 4 g/L cost related to values
concentration dewatering and
The sensitivity analysis results are depicted in Figure 3.2 and Figure 3.3. The cultivation areal
productivity has the most significant impact on the MBSP of the PBR system, as shown in Figure 3.2. In
addition, a decrease in the productivity has a relatively greater effect on the cost than an increase in the
productivity. The MBSP decreases by about 38% when the productivity increases from 25 to 50 g/m2/d
AFDW, while the cost increases about 300% when the productivity decreases from 25 to 5 g/m2/d
AFDW. The productivity change directly affects the annual algae yields and thus the operating cost in
units of $/st algae biomass. Productivity change also affects the capital cost for CO2 delivery, circulation,
dewatering, and storage. For operating cost, productivity affects the CO2 and nutrients cost, as well as
power consumption. The combined effects lead to significant changes in the final production cost.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Cultivation Areal Productivity (g/m2/d AFDW)
Figure 3.2. Effects of Cultivation Areal Productivity on the PBR Algae Farm Cost
The effects of other selected parameters on the MBSP of the PBR system are shown in Figure 3.3.
The PBR support structure also significantly affects the algae production cost. Variation by 50% leads to
the MBSP changing by 15% or, in absolute terms, from 961 to 1,312 $/ton AFDW algae. Although the
support structure is a large cost component for the vertical-bag type PBR system investigated in this
study, other types of PBR systems, such as floating bags, are likely to have different cost drivers that may
be worth considering in future studies. Comparing Figure 3.2 and Figure 3.3, changing the cultivation
areal productivities has much greater cost impacts than other selected parameters.
Figure 3.3. Effects of Selected Parameters on the PBR Algae Farm Cost
Other significant factors leading to more than a 10% production cost change include the PBR bag
replacement cost and PBR bag life. The 50% change in the PBR bag replacement cost leads to about
11% change in the production cost. Therefore, reducing the PBR bag replacement cost is an important
consideration towards lowering costs. Decreasing the PBR bag life from 5 to 3 years increases the
production cost by 11%. Although the plastic bag reactors used in this PBR system are less expensive
than other PBR materials such as glass or thick polyvinyl chloride (PVC), their replacement rate is still an
important cost driver.
The algae cultivation area and the CO2 and nutrients cost moderately affect the production cost within
the specified variation range. In the PBR model of this study, the capital and operating costs related to the
PBR cultivation and inoculum systems are linearly proportional to the cultivation area with scaling
exponents of 1. When the areal productivity is a constant number, these costs are also linearly
proportional to the annual algae yields. Therefore, the sensitivity analysis results do not demonstrate
obvious economic benefits resulting from large plant scale or cultivation area. More pilot-scale or
commercial-scale PBR systems need to be developed to provide information about the effects of large
plant scale. Decrease in the CO2 and nutrients cost can be realized by improving their utilization
efficiencies and decreasing unit prices, such as obtaining CO2 from lower cost sources. The effects of CIP
capital cost and biomass harvesting concentration on the MBSP are minor, with less than 5% relative
change, compared to other factors.
A preliminary comparison of the PBR system in this study and a typical open pond system was
conducted to investigate the cost difference between these two systems. The comparison results are
presented in Table 3.3. The open pond system cost information is from the 2016 Multiple-Year Program
Plan (MYPP) (DOE 2016a). The same algae production scale, 188 ton/d AFDW, is assumed for the two
types of algae farms as a consistent comparison basis. As mentioned earlier, many factors affect the
productivity of PBR systems. Considering this and limited commercial-scale PBR operating data, three
cases with different productivities are considered. Case A represents a highly optimistic, high productivity
case based on literature suggestions for PBRs, which that have not been demonstrated. For Case B, the
productivity and area are adjusted to match the same MBSP as for the open pond. Case C matches the
same productivity of the open pond case (i.e., 8.5 g/m2/day). The open system is based on a 5000 acre
algae farm. For the comparison purpose, the cost analyses of PBR cases are adjusted to use consistent cost
assumptions consistent with the open pond case, including the same cost year, 2014 US$, and income tax
rate at 35%.
Table 3.3. Case Comparison of PBR and Open Pond Systems
Open Pond
Algae Farm Types PBR (2015 SOT) a
Case C -
Case A - high Case B - MBSP
productivity of
productivity of open pond
Cases open pond
Algae production scale,
ton AFDW/d 188 188 188 188
Productivity, g/m2/day 50 21.7 8.5 8.5
Cultivation area, acres 845 1,945 5,000 5000
Production cost breakdown, $/ton
(2014 US$)
Cultivation and inoculum systems 407 873 2,145 945
CO2 and nutrient demands 132 131 131 124
Other costs 137 223 467 158
MBSP 676 1,227 2,743 1,227
SOT = state of technology
At very high PBR productivity, Case A results in a 45% lower MBSP than that of the open pond case.
The major cost advantage for this case is the lower cultivation and inoculum system cost, which is about
57% lower than the open pond case. The high productivity of Case A leads to lower cultivation area and
thus lower cost. The CO2 and nutrient costs are mainly dictated by the algae composition and the
efficiency of carbon and nutrient utilization. Therefore, the two systems have similar cost for the CO2 and
nutrient demands when the same algae composition is assumed. The other costs include the fixed
operating costs (essentially manpower and associated overhead) and dewatering costs. Dewatering costs
for PBR systems are typically lower than for open pond systems because PBR-grown algae can be
harvested at higher concentrations, 1 to 4 g/L, than that from an open pond, 0.5 g/L (Jorquera et al. 2010,
Menetrez 2012, Davis et al. 2016). For Case B with the same MBSP as the open pond case, the PBR
system has higher productivity than the open pond case, and thus a smaller cultivation area. Although the
higher productivity leads to 8% lower cultivation and inoculum cost, the other costs are 41% higher than
the open pond case, mainly because the fixed operating costs (mainly labor) are higher. Because of the
smaller cultivation area, the labor cost for the PBR system per acre of cultivation area is much higher than
for the open pond system. For Case C with the same algae productivity and cultivation area, the MBSP is
124% higher than for the open pond case, mainly resulting from the higher cultivation and inoculum costs
and the fixed operating cost.
The cost advantage of the PBR system mainly results from its potentially higher areal productivity
and thus lower cultivation area than the open pond system. When the productivity of the PBR system is
lower than approximately 20 g/m2/day, there appears to be no cost advantage over the open pond system
with 8.5 g/m2/day productivity and other 2015 SOT assumptions. A target case for the open pond system
is also documented by DOE (2016a), where an algal productivity of 25 g/m2/day and other improvements
are assumed. For appropriate comparison to the open pond target case, a PBR case with projected optimal
productivity and design assumptions must be developed based on industrial inputs and comments, but is
out of scope for this work. This should be considered for future work in this area. Alternative PBR
designs have wide ranges in the productivities and capital costs, and thus the conclusions for comparison
to the open pond systems may be different. In addition, because of the lack of technical and cost
information for very large-scale PBR, this study is limited to not including the potential effects of scale
change on biomass productivity as reported by Wigmosta et al. (2017). The effect of areal change on the
PBR structure and CIP capital cost are based on the assumption that they vary linearly with the cultivation
area. Future efforts should incorporate alternative PBR designs, scales, and productivity effects for a more
robust comparison. When more field data for PBR systems becomes available, a more comprehensive
comparison between PBR and other algae cultivation technologies can be conducted.
4.0 Conclusions
A preliminary cost model has been developed for a vertical hanging-bag PBR algae cultivation
system based on industrial input and literature information. The largest cost contribution is from the PBR
cultivation and inoculum systems. Sensitivity analysis demonstrates that the areal productivity, support
structure cost, PBR replacement cost, and PBR bag life have significant effects on the PBR system
economics. A simplified comparison of the PBR system to an open pond system at the same algae
production scale with different productivities and areas was conducted. The PBR system modeled here
potentially has a land use advantage relative to open pond systems. However, because of the potentially
wide variations in the PBR system productivities, the PBR system must have much higher productivity
than the open pond system at the projected large scale of the open ponds in order to have clear cost
Data Gaps
PBR algae cultivation systems are still in the early development phase, and different designs lead to
significant variability and cost uncertainty. As such, the following data gaps have been identified:
1. Limited published information regarding PBR systems is available. More information is needed,
for example, on long-term, large-scale PBR areal productivity and long-term robustness of PBR
materials (bags, structures, etc.).
2. The PBR model reported here considers algae production only. PBR application for hybrid
production of both algae and chemicals, such as ethanol, has been demonstrated, and the cost
model for such a system could be developed to evaluate the advantages and risks of the hybrid
3. The PBR cost model would be more useful if integrated with a conversion facility model, such as
hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) and upgrading, to investigate the cost effects of recycling
wastewater from conversion systems to the PBR cultivation system. Consideration could also be
given to
a. incorporating the co-feeding of other renewable feedstocks, such as dry terrestrial
biomass, or wet wastes, to the conversion system, and investigating the effects of
recycling streams on the PBR systems
b. incorporating alternative HTL aqueous treatment methods and investigating the effects of
recycling the effluent streams to the PBR systems.
4. PBR farm configurations, shading, and other factors that potentially increase areal land use are
under investigation, and should be included in future evaluations of PBR systems.
5. Emerging approaches to CO2 and nutrient utilization (via algal strain improvements), techniques
for facilitating CO2 transport, and farm operational approaches are under investigation, and
should be included in future studies.
5.0 References
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Equipment Cost Details
for Baseline Case
COST Total Original Scaled
Original Original Scaling Scaled Installed Installed CE Index
Number Number stream Size Base BASIS: Equip Cost Installation Uninstalled CE Index
Area Equipment Name Scaling Stream Equipment New Flows Equip Cost Expone Cost in Cost in Base Cost in source base
Required Spares flow units Ratio Year installed (Req'd & Factor Cost in 2016
Stream Flow (per unit) nt Base Year Year 2016$ year
(i) or Spare) in Base 2016$
number of PBR
A001 1 0 PBR support structure bags 1 3,600,000 units 3,600,000 $20 2014 i $20 1 72,000,000 1.2 72,000,000 67,700,746 $56,417,289 1 576.1 541.7
1 0 CIP system Area 1 1,000 acres 1,000 $6,000 2014 i $6,000 1 6,000,000 1.2 6,000,000 5,641,729 $4,701,441 1 576.1 541.7
A002 1 0 Inoculum system Area 5 1,000 acres 200 $19,987 2014 b $19,987 1 3,997,400 1.2 4,796,879 4,510,449 $3,758,707 2 576.1 541.7
A004 Dewatering
1 0 Clarified water return pipe Clarified water 66,420,622 2,475,516 kg/h 0.04 $11,329,058 2014 b $11,329,058 1 422,237 1.0 442,133 415,733 $397,025 3 576.1 541.7
2 0 Pump for clarified water pipeline Clarified water 6,653 5,507 gpm 0.83 $121,905 2012 b $243,810 0.8 209,592 1.15 241,031 223,344 $194,212 3 584.6 541.7
3 0 Settler Biomass harvesting 1,000 833 m3/h 0.83 $34,300 2014 b $102,900 1 85,750 1.0 85,750 80,630 $80,630 3 576.1 541.7
1 0 Membrane 1% wt% conc.
solid inlet 20,000,000 2,673,071 gal/d 0.13 $12,864,000 2014 b $12,864,000 0.75 2,843,553 1.0 2,977,543 2,799,748 $2,673,759 3 576.1 541.7
1 0 Centrifuge 13wt% solid inlet 463 32 m3/h 0.07 2,242,500 2013 b $2,242,500 0.6 454,910 1.8 818,839 781,888 $434,382 3 567.3 541.7
A005 1 0 Storage Algae biomass to 152,336 21,077 kg/h 20wt% 0.14 $3,982,119 2014 b $3,982,119 0.7 997,296 1.3 1,336,376 1,256,579 $937,745 3 576.1 541.7
Total Equipment cost $90,296,257 $84,913,148 $70,889,542
Source References
1 Correspondence with industrial experts
2 Estimated based on PBR inoculum system information in US 9,121,012 B2
3 NREL/TP-5100-64772, Process Design and Economics for the Production of Algal Biomass, Feb. 2016