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published: 23 October 2020

doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.591088

The Oral Microbiome and Cancer

Muhammad Irfan , Renata Zoraida Rizental Delgado and Jorge Frias-Lopez *

Department of Oral Biology, College of Dentistry, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, United States

There is mounting evidence that members of the human microbiome are highly associated
with a wide variety of cancer types. Among oral cancers, oral squamous cell carcinoma
(OSCC) is the most prevalent and most commonly studied, and it is the most common
malignancy of the head and neck worldwide. However, there is a void regarding the role
that the oral microbiome may play in OSCC. Previous studies have not consistently found
a characteristic oral microbiome composition associated with OSCC. Although a direct
causality has not been proven, individual members of the oral microbiome are capable of
promoting various tumorigenic functions related to cancer development. Two prominent
oral pathogens, Porphyromonas gingivalis, and Fusobacterium nucleatum can promote
tumor progression in mice. P. gingivalis infection has been associated with oro-digestive
cancer, increased oral cancer invasion, and proliferation of oral cancer stem cells. The
microbiome can influence the evolution of the disease by directly interacting with the
human body and significantly altering the response and toxicity to various forms of cancer
Edited by:
Marcelo Freire,
therapy. Recent studies have shown an association of certain phylogenetic groups with
J. Craig Venter Institute (La Jolla), the immunotherapy treatment outcomes of certain tumors. On the other side of the coin,
United States recently it has been a resurgence in interest on the potential use of bacteria to cure cancer.
Reviewed by: These kinds of treatments were used in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries as
Mohammad Samiul Alam,
United States Food and Drug the first line of defense against cancer in some hospitals but later displaced by other types
Administration, United States of treatments such as radiotherapy. Currently, organisms such as Salmonella typhimurium
Yu L. Lei,
University of Michigan, United States
and Clostridium spp. have been used for targeted strategies as potential vectors to treat
cancer. In this review, we briefly summarize our current knowledge of the role of the oral
Jorge Frias-Lopez microbiome, focusing on its bacterial fraction, in cancer in general and in OSCC more
[email protected] precisely, and a brief description of the potential use of bacteria to target tumors.

Specialty section: Keywords: oral microbiome, cancer, oral squamous cell carcinoma, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Porphyromonas
This article was submitted to gingivalis, immunotherapy, bacteria-mediated tumor therapy
Microbial Immunology,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Immunology

Received: 03 August 2020

Accepted: 29 September 2020
About 30 trillion bacterial cells are living in or on every human. That is around one bacterium for
Published: 23 October 2020
each cell in the human body (1). These microorganisms are on the whole known as the microbiome.
Since the completion of the Human Microbiome Project (2), we have witnessed an increased
Irfan M, Delgado RZR and
Frias-Lopez J (2020) The Oral
interest in the role that the human microbiome plays in human health, many studies have linked
Microbiome and Cancer. changes in microbial communities to systemic conditions such as allergies, diabetes, inflammatory
Front. Immunol. 11:591088. bowel disease, and atherosclerosis (3–7). Among the systemic conditions influenced by the
doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.591088 microbiome, cancer has not been an exception. We have learned that chronic infections

Frontiers in Immunology | 1 October 2020 | Volume 11 | Article 591088

Irfan et al. The Oral Microbiome and Cancer

contribute to carcinogenesis, with approximately 13% of the association has recently experienced a renewed interest with the
global cancer burden being directly attributable to infectious recognition that members of the human microbiome can be
agents (8). responsible for the chronic inflammation observed in a wide
Many viruses promote cancer through well-described genetic variety of cancers (19). Increasing evidence shows the association
mechanisms. Around 10–15% of human cancers worldwide are of changes in the human microbiome with certain types of cancer
caused by seven human viruses, which include Epstein-Bar Virus (20–22). Studies in germ-free animals have revealed evidence for
(EBV), Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), Human T-lymphotropic virus-I tumor-promoting effects of the microbiome in spontaneous,
(HTLV-I), Human papillomaviruses (HPV), Hepatitis C virus genetically-induced, and carcinogen-induced cancers in various
(HCV), Kaposi’s sarcoma herpesvirus (KSHV) and Merkel cell organs (23).
polyomavirus (MCV) (9). However, the first evidence that There is strong epidemiological evidence that other bacterial
bacteria were directly involved in cancer development did not species are associated with cancer development, most likely
come until the 1980s with the work of Marshall and Warren (10). induced by creating a pro-inflammatory micro-environment
When they presented their results, entrenched was the belief that (24) or suppressing the immune response (25). Among the
lifestyle caused ulcers that it was difficult for them to convince species of bacteria that have been directly linked to the
the scientific world of Helicobacter pylori’s role in gastric cancer development of cancer is Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica
(Figure 1). To provide even more conclusive evidence, in 1985, sv. Typhi (S. Typhi) and gallbladder cancer (26–28),
Marshall deliberately infected himself with the bacterium and Streptococcus bovis and colon cancer (29–31), and Chlamydia
established his stomach illness. Since then, it has been firmly pneumoniae with lung cancer (32–36). The most persuasive
proven by many researchers worldwide that H. pylori cause more epidemiological evidence of bacterial oncogenic potential, aside
than 90% of duodenal ulcers and up to 80% of gastric ulcers, and from H. pylori, concerns S. Typhi. However, the evidence for S.
has been classified as a class I carcinogen by the World Health bovis and C. pneumoniae and Fusobacterium nucleatum is less
Organization due to its ability to promote stomach cancer after conclusive, a meta-analysis on the association of those organisms
chronic infection (11–13). Disease-promoting and cancer- with increased risk of cancer have shown either different or weak
promoting effects of pathogens often depend on virulence associations (33, 37–42).
factors. In H. pylori, strains expressing the virulence factors Although gallbladder carcinoma (GBC) is rare in western
cytotoxin associated gene A (CagA) or vacuolating cytotoxin A countries, there is a high incidence in countries with endemic S.
(VacA), exemplify the role of virulence factors by increasing Typhi infections such as South America and parts of Africa and
inflammation, and cancer rates (14). Asia, particularly India and Pakistan (43). The first
An emerging concept in cancer biology implicates the epidemiological association was found by Welton et al. in
microbiome as an influential environmental factor modulating 1979. In that paper, they analyzed 471 deceased typhoid
the carcinogenic process. The idea that inflammation promotes carriers, registered by the New York City Health Department
carcinogenesis was first postulated more than 150 years ago by between 1922 and 1975, and matched with 942 controls for sex,
the German pathologist Virchow (15). The link between chronic age at death, year of death, the borough the carrier died, and
inflammation and cancer is now well established (16–18). This where they were born. The results show that chronic typhoid

FIGURE 1 | Timeline: Some significant discoveries and events in cancer microbiome research.

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Irfan et al. The Oral Microbiome and Cancer

carriers die of hepatobiliary cancer six times more often than lymphoma) (55). Never smokers population with periodontal
the matched controls (44). Two more recent meta-analyses disease has a higher risk of developing hematopoietic and
confirmed these initial results. In the first study by Koshiol lymphatic cancers (55, 56). Pancreatic, lung, and colorectal
et al., they performed a case-control and a meta-analysis of cancers also show a positive correlation with periodontal
more than 1,000 GBC cases, and in both cases, they found a disease (55, 57–60). In the case of breast cancer, the evidence
positive association between S. Typhi and GBC (45). In the shows a more modest positive association between periodontal
second meta-analysis by Nagaraja and Eslick, they selected 17 disease and breast cancer (61). Finally, the most expected
studies for their analysis, most of them from India and China. correlation would be with oral cancers, and indeed there is a
The highest incidence of gallbladder cancer (GBC) occurs in clear positive correlation between periodontal disease and oral
India, contributing to about 10% of the global GBC cases (46). cancers (55, 59, 60). Edentulism has been positively correlated
When Nagaraja and Eslick performed a subgroup analysis with pancreatic cancer (58) but not within colorectal cancer (62).
according to region, they found a significant association Interestingly, in the study where authors did not find
between S. Typhi carrier state and carcinoma of the associations of edentulism and colorectal cancer (CRC), they
gallbladder based on detection methods of S. Typhi antibody also found no correlation between edentulism and periodontitis
levels and culture (47). A possible mechanism has been (62). One of these meta-analyses looked at not only a correlation
proposed that explains the link between gallbladder between periodontal disease and cancer but also correlations
carcinoma and infection by S. Typhi. In predispose mice, with particular organisms (60). The results of that meta-analysis
organoids and tissue culture with mutations in TP53 (tumor indicated that periodontal bacterial infection increased cancer
suppressor gene), and enhanced c-MYC (oncogenes) incidence and was associated with poor overall survival, disease-
expression translocated bacterial effector molecules SopE, free survival, and cancer-specific survival. Subgroup analysis
SopE2, SopB (Salmonella outer proteins), and SptP indicated that the risk of cancer was associated with
(Salmonella protein tyrosine phosphatase), from the Porphyromonas gingivalis and Prevotella intermedia infection but
Salmonella pathogenicity island 2 (SPI-2), activate the protein not Tannerella forsythia, Treponema denticola, Aggregatibacter
kinase B (Akt), or MAPK inhibitors, prevented mouse actinomycetemcomitans, and F. nucleatum infection (60).
embryonic fibroblast transformation (48). In the case of pancreatic cancer, a potential mechanism has
The previous examples refer to the link between specific been proposed (57). The innate immune response to pathogenic
organisms and carcinogenesis; however, microbes that trigger bacteria that results in inflammation also has been linked with
transformation events in host cells are rare. It has been pancreatic carcinogenesis. Lipopolysaccharide, a component in
demonstrated that in some cases, the tumorigenic process is the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, such as, P.
not the result of the activities of a specific organism but rather the gingivalis, triggers an innate immune response that involves
result of an instability in the composition of the bacterial recognition by Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), which stimulates
communities or dysbiosis, often associated with inflammatory both myeloid differentiation primary response 88 (MyD88)
disorders such as colitis or periodontal disease. In mouse models, dependent and MyD88-independent pathways that then
it has been shown that a dysbiotic community can lead to the activate the nuclear factor kB pathway and results in the
development of colorectal cancer (49, 50). release of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Interestingly, TLRs
The shift from a eubiotic community, with low cancer risk, to seem to have a role in pancreatic cancer development, and
a dysbiotic community, with increased cancer risk, is the result of TLR4 is explicitly highly expressed in human pancreatic cancer
changes in environmental conditions and associated with but not a healthy pancreas. In the murine models, the TLR4/
metabolic responses in the host that modulate the progression MyD88 pathway can trigger protection from pancreatic cancer
of cancer (51). Dysbiosis of the oral microbiome could influence development or acting to promote inflammation and pancreatic
cancer outcomes by different mechanisms. Two common cancer development (63). LPS was shown to drive pancreatic
mechanisms that could have severe implications in the carcinogenesis, as was the blockade of the MyD88-dependent
development of the disease are chronic inflammation and the pathway (via a dendritic cell-mediated deviation to TH2),
synthesis of metabolites that could induce mutations (52). whereas blockade of TLR4 (via TRIF, TIR-domain-containing
adapter-inducing interferon-b) and blockade of the MyD88
The Oral Microbiome and Cancer independent (via TRIF) were protective against pancreatic
There were reports of a correlation between periodontitis and cancer (63). Although more empirical evidence is needed,
leukemia as early as the late 1940s early 1950s (53, 54). Since similar mechanisms implicating inflammatory response of the
those pioneer studies, there is mounting evidence of the innate immune system may be implicated in other types
correlation between periodontal disease and various cancers. of cancer.
Several meta-analyses have confirmed the suspicion that
periodontal disease should be considered as a risk factor in
several types of cancers. In fact in a meta-analysis by Corbella Oral Microorganisms and Cancers Outside
et al., they found that a statistically significant association was the Oral Cavity
found for all cancers studied, both combined and individually One characteristic of the oral microbiome that distinguishes
(digestive tract, pancreatic, prostate, breast, corpus uteri, lung, from other body sites is that many oral microorganisms that are
hematological, esophageal/oropharyngeal and Non-Hodgkin considered commensals in the oral cavity are commonly

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Irfan et al. The Oral Microbiome and Cancer

associated with various cancers in distant organs (Table 1). The in numbers of individual organisms, use of models of several
associations of oral organisms and distant cancers occur in two organisms as predictors and assessing their performance, and
categories. The first appears in certain types of cancer where no finally changes in diversity indexes that give an overall picture of
oral microbes are directly involved in the tumor’s pathogenesis, the behavior of the community.
but there is a consistent change in the composition of the oral As examples of specific organisms as biomarkers, an increase
microbiome associated with cancer, thus with the potential use of in F. nucleatum has been linked to CRC (88), and P. gingivalis
those changes as biomarkers of cancer (71, 86). The second kind (69) and Fusobacterium spp. (70) have been linked to pancreatic
of association is the association of organisms involved in cancer. Additional examples of links of specific bacteria and oral
tumorigenesis, such as F. nucleatum association with CRC (88, organisms are presented in Table 1. Another approach in the
89, 100). search for biomarkers of cancer is the use of complex models of
Dysbiosis of the oral microbiome has been associated with a several organisms that maximize the area under the Receiver
wide variety of cancers (Table 1). There are three types of Operating Characteristics (ROC) curve or Area Under Curve
associations between microbiome and disease that have been (AUC). ROC shows how well a model can discriminate or
described as potential biomarkers in cancer: increase or decrease separate the cases and controls, and AUC has a value between

TABLE 1 | Oral organisms associated with distant tumors.

Cancer Organisms Sample type Reference

Esophageal cancer Increase of T. forsythia and P. gingivalis Oral rinse (64)

Esophageal cancer Streptococcus anginosus, S. mitis, Treponema denticola Saliva (65)
Esophageal cancer 3 taxon model: Lautropia, Streptococcus, and an unspecified genus of the order Oral swab (66)
Bacteroidales. (AUC = 0.94)
Esophageal cancer Overall decreased microbial diversity in cancer patients Saliva (67)
Pancreatic cancer Porphyromonas gingivalis, Aggregatibacteractinomycetemcomitans Oral rinse (68)
Pancreatic cancer Porphyromonas gingivalis Blood (antibodies) (69)
Pancreatic cancer Fusobacterium spp. Tissue from pancreatic (70)
ductal adenocarcinoma
Pancreatic cancer 2 taxon model: Streptococcus mitis and Neisseria elongata. (AUC =0.90) Saliva (71)
Pancreatic cancer Significative higher ratio of Leptotrichiato Porphyromonas was found in cancer patients. Saliva (72)
Pancreatic cancer Association with b-diversity and Haemophilus Saliva (73)
Pancreatic cancer Fusobacterium spp. Tissue samples, swabs, stool (74)
Pancreatic cancer Streptococcus thermophilus higher in cancer, and Haemophilus parainfluenzae and Saliva (75)
Neisseria flavescens lower in cancer
Pancreatic cancer Haemophilus, Porphyromonas, Leptotrichia and Fusobacterium could distinguish cancer Tongue coating microbiota (76)
patients from healthy subjects
Hepatic cancer Fusobacterium and Oribacterium. Increase in diversity. Tongue coat (77)
Lung cancer Capnocytophaga sp., Veillonella sp. Saliva (78)
Lung cancer Streptococcus and Veillonella Airway brushings (79)
Lung cancer Sphingomonas and Blastomonas Saliva (80)
Lung cancer Streptococcus and Veillonella Saliva (81)
Colorectal cancer T. denticola and Prevotella sp. oral taxon 313 Oral rinse (82)
Colorectal cancer Fusobacterium sp., Porphyromonas sp. Stool (83)
Colorectal cancer Fusobacterium sp. Colorectal cancer tissues (84)
Colorectal cancer Lactobacillus and Rothia Oral rinse (85)
Colorectal cancer Streptococcus and Prevotella spp. Oral swabcolonic mucosae (86)
and stools, colorectal polyps
or controls
Colorectal cancer Fusobacterium sp. Tissue and stool samples (87)
Colorectal cancer Fusobacterium nucleatum Colorectal tissue biopsies (88)
Colorectal cancer Fusobacterium sp. Colorectal tissue biopsies (89)
Colorectal cancer Fusobacterium sp. Colorectal tissue biopsies (21)
Colorectal cancer Fusobacterium sp., Lactococcus sp. Colorectal tissue biopsies (90)
Digestive tract Actinomyces odontolyticus, Steptococcus parasinguinis, Corynebacterium spp., Neisseria Saliva (91)
cancer spp.,TM7[G-1] sp., Porphyromonas gingivalis, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Neisseria elongata
and Streptococcus sanguinis
Colorectal cancer Fusobacterium nucleatum, Parvimonas micra, and Peptostreptococcus stomatis Colon tissue (92)
Colorectal cancer Peptostreptococcus stomatis, Fusobacteriumnucleatum, Parvimonas spp. Meta-analysisfecal samples (93)
Gastric cancer Overall diversity of tongue coating microbiota was reduced Tongue coating (94)
Gastric cancer Overall increased microbial diversity in cancer patients Saliva and plaque samples (95)
Gastric cancer 6 bacterial clusters were identified to distinguish cancer patients from controls. (cluster 6 Tongue coating (96)
had AUC = 0.76)
Breast cancer Corynebacterium, Staphylococcus, Actinomyces, and Propionibacteriaceae Urine (97)
Breast cancer Fusobacterium, Atopobium, Gluconacetobacter, Hydrogenophaga and Lactobacillus Breast tissue (98)
Breast cancer Coriobacteriaceae Oral rinse (99)

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Irfan et al. The Oral Microbiome and Cancer

0.50 and 1.0, indicating no discrimination and perfect that F. nucleatum was capable of increasing tumor multiplicity
discrimination, respectively (101). Thus, and AUC of 0.9 and selectively recruit tumor-infiltrating myeloid cells, which can
would indicate that the probability of discriminating a case vs. promote tumor progression. Tumors from Apc(Min/+) mice
control is 90%. In Table 1, we show three examples of combined exposed to F. nucleatum exhibit a pro-inflammatory expression
taxons to distinguish controls vs. cancer samples: a three taxon signature shared with human fusobacteria-positive colorectal
model of Lautropia, Streptococcus and an unspecified genus of carcinomas. F. nucleatum generates a pro-inflammatory
the order Bacteroidales, with AUC =0.94, has been associated microenvironment conducive to colorectal neoplasia progression
with esophageal cancer (66), a two taxon model, Streptococcus by recruiting tumor-infiltrating immune cells (87). This same year
mitis and Neisseria elongata with an AUC of 0.90, associated with Rubinstein et al. proposed a possible mechanism by which F.
pancreatic cancer (71) and a bacterial cluster associated with nucleatum induces tumorigenesis (104). F. nucleatum encodes
gastric cancer with AUC of 0.76 (96). Finally, another approach several adhesins for interspecies interactions, but so far, only one,
to the use of biomarkers in differentiating case vs. control FadA (adhesion protein FadA), has been identified as binding to
samples is using changes in biodiversity indicators as a proxy host cells (105). FadA is not only an adhesin but also an invasin
of changes in the microbiome that could be linked to the status of required for binding and invasion of both healthy and cancerous
the sample, independently of what organisms are present or host cells and binds to cell-junction molecules, the cadherins
absent. We have also presented examples of this approach in (105). In Rubinstein et al. model, FadA binds to E-cadherin
Table 1. For instance, Chen et al. observed an overall decrease of activating b-catenin signaling (104). The activation of b-catenin
microbial diversity in the saliva of esophageal cancer patients signaling in colorectal cancer is mediated via a TLR4/P-PAK1
(67), while an overall increase in diversity in saliva and plaque (p21-activated kinases) cascade (106). Loss of E-cadherin-
from gastric cancer patients was observed by Sun et al. (95). mediated-adhesion characterizes benign lesions’ transition to
Except for CRC, where Fusobacterium spp. are ubiquitous, in invasive, metastatic cancer (107, 108).
general, there is little overlapping in the biomarkers identified in In a more recent article, Rubinstein et al. expanded their
the different studies (Table 1), probably due to the different type model to include Annexin A1, a previously unrecognized
of samples and methods of analysis used to identify the modulator of Wnt/b-catenin signaling, which is a crucial
composition of the community. component through which F. nucleatum exerts its stimulatory
Pancreatic cancer has been one of the most widely studied effect. Annexin A1 is expressed explicitly in proliferating
types of cancer in seeking association between changes in the oral colorectal cancer cells and involved in the activation of Cyclin
microbiome and disease (68–76). Although the communities D1 (109). Over-expression of cyclin D1 has been linked to the
vary depending on the study, Porphyromonas and Fusobacterium development and progression of cancer (110). Based on their
genera were associated with cancer in most studies (Table 1). results, Rubinstein et al. proposed a “two-hit” model to explain
Likewise, in the case of lung cancer, the genus Veillonella how F. nucleatum acts in CRC. Somatic mutations cause the first
appeared associated with the majority of studies (Table 1). “hit”, and the second “hit” is caused by F. nucleatum,
CRC has been an exception in that Fusobacterium spp. have exacerbating cancer progression on those cells that suffered the
been consistently associated with this type of cancer, both as a initial mutations (109).
biomarker in the oral cavity (91) and more importantly, in stool
and biopsies from tumors samples (21, 84, 87–90, 92, 93), The Microbiome and Oral Cancer
indicating a possible direct effect on the progression of the Head and neck cancer was the seventh most common cancer
disease. A more direct indication of the clinical relevance of F. worldwide in 2018 (890,000 new cases and 450,000 deaths) (111).
nucleatum in CRC has been presented in a recent paper where Oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC), the most frequent
the authors show that in mice with colorectal tumors, oral or malignancies in the oral cavity, represented 2% of all cancers
intravenous administration of dextran nanoparticles covalently worldwide (354,864 cases and 177,384 deaths) (111). In the
linked to azide-modified phages that inhibit the growth of F. United States alone, it is expected that a total of 52,260 new
nucleatum significantly augments the efficiency of first-line cases of oral and pharynx cancer will occur in the year 2020
chemotherapy treatments of CRC (102). For all these reasons, (112). The financial cost of treating oral and oropharyngeal
most focus has been placed on studying the role of F. nucleatum cancer may be the highest of all cancers in the United States
in CRC. Using arbitrarily primed PCR (AP-PCR) to identify (113). Additionally, an essential factor in OSCC mortality is the
isolates at the strain level, Komiya et al. demonstrated that the high level of recurrence after treatment. Several studies, with
strains present in CRC samples were identical to strains isolated many cases, have shown that the overall recurrence rate was
from the saliva of CRC patients, supporting the oral origin of F. approximately 30% (114–116). Recurrence rate in OSCC is high.
nucleatum in the intestine of CRC patients (103). In the first 36 months, the recurrence rates range from 70 to 92%
In 2012 Kostic et al., using genomic analysis, identified of cases (114, 117–119). Interestingly the observed 5-year
Fusobacterium sequences as enriched in colon carcinomas; they survival after recurrence varies depending on the moment in
did not prove a causal relationship between Fusobacterium and which recurrence occurs. If recurrence occurs within the 18
colorectal cancer was the first indication of its potential months after treatment, the rate of survival ranges between 20.5
importance in CRC (21). One year later, Kostic et al., using the to 27.55%, but if recurrence occurs afterward, the rate of survival
mouse model of intestinal tumorigenesis Apc(Min/+), showed increases to 38.1% to 42.3% (114, 120).

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Irfan et al. The Oral Microbiome and Cancer

Despite advances in our knowledge of the causes and risk cancers. Table 2 presents some of the studies that linked
factors associated with OSCC, survival rates for oral cancers, bacteria’s presence to cancer of the oral cavity and pharynx.
including OSCC have not improved substantially in the last forty Several studies have found that the risk of developing OSCC may
years, emphasizing that new means of early detection and increase with periodontal disease (55, 142, 143), signaling a
treatment are urgently needed. possible role of inflammation caused by the microbiome with
Viruses have long been associated with the risk of developing oral cancer. Periodontitis is a typical example of an infectious
OSCC. The etiological role of human papillomavirus (HPV) in disease causing chronic inflammation in the oral cavity (144,
OSCC has been widely researched for more than three decades. 145). Thus several systematic reviews of the literature showed
Several meta-analyses have demonstrated that infection by HPV that periodontal disease increases the risk of oral cancer even
increments the risk of OSCC by up to 3-fold (121, 122). The after adjusting for significant risk factors (146, 147).
prevalence of HPV among OSCC patients is around 25% (121, Moreover, expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines in
123, 124); however, there is a geographical component with the periodontal disease such as IL-1 and TNF-a has been linked to
highest HPV prevalence in Africa and Asia, notably among microbial triggered carcinogenesis (19). In a study comparing the
Chinese studies from provinces with high OSCC incidence microbiome of gingival squamous cell carcinoma (GSCC) with
rates (123). Other viruses have been identified in OSCC p e r i o d on t i t i s m i cr o b i o m e, m e m b er s of th e g en e ra
samples, as individual infections or in co-infection with HPV. Fusobacterium, Peptostreptococcus, and Prevotella were more
Still, their role in the disease is unclear (124–127). Despite its abundant in cancerous, periodontal tissues. In contrast, saliva
importance, HPV-unrelated OSCC cases account for the vast or soft mucosa harbored more periodontal health-related
majority of oral cancer cases. Other environmental factors bacteria (148).
should play an essential role in OSCC development and Most studies on the role of the human microbiome on cancer
progression; among them, the microbiome’s role has just have focused on describing microbial communities present in
begun to be considered a risk factor. specific samples or the immunological response of the host to the
As mentioned previously, periodontitis has been linked to bacterial challenge. The oral microbiome has been proposed as a
various types of cancers, including esophagus/oropharyngeal diagnostic indicator of oral cancer; however, as in other types of

TABLE 2 | Oral organisms in oropharyngeal cancers.

Cancer Organisms Sample type Reference

Head and neck Streptococcus sp. and Lactobacillus sp. Saliva (128)
squamous cell
carcinoma (HNSCC)
HNSCC Streptococcus anginosus Tissue (129)
HNSCC Fusobacterium sp. Meta-analysis (38)
Oral squamous cell Streptococcus anginosus Tissue (130)
carcinoma (OSCC)
OSCC Capnocytophaga gingivalis, Prevotella melaninogenica, Streptococcus mitis Saliva (131)
OSCC Bacillus, Enterococcus, Parvimonas,Peptostreptococcus, Slackia Saliva (132)
OSCC Streptococcus sp. 058, S. salivarius, S. gordonii, S. parasanguinis, Peptostreptococcus stomatis, Tissue (133)
Gemella haemolysans, G.morbillorum, Johnsonella ignava
OSCC Parvimonas increased in OSCC, Actinomyces reduced in OSCC Tissue (134)
OSCC Fusobacterium periodonticum, Parvimonas micra, Streptococcus constellatus, Haemophilus Oral rinse (80)
influenza, and Filifactor alocis
OSCC Fusobacterium nucleatum, Prevotella intermedia, Aggregatibactersegnis, Capnocytophaga Tissue (135)
leadbetteri, Campylobacter rectus,Catonella morbi, Corynebacterium matruchotii, Gemella
morbillorun, Granulicatella adjacens, Granullicatella elegans, Peptococcus sp., Peptostreptococcus
stomatis, Porphyromonas catoniae and Streptococcus oralis
OSCC Fusobacterium, Dialister, Peptostreptococcus, Filifactor, Peptococcus, Catonella and Parvimonas Swabs (136)
OSCC Micrococcus luteus, Prevotella melaninogenica, Exiguobacterium oxidotolerans, Fusobacterium Tissue (137)
naviforme, Staphylococcus aureus, Veillonella parvula, Prevotella sp. (oral clone BE073 phylotype),
Rothia mucilaginosa, Streptococcus salivarius, Actinomyces odontolyticus, Moraxella osloensis,
Prevotella veroralis, Propionibacterium acnes, Atopobium parvulum, Streptococcus parasanguinis,
Veillonella dispar, Streptococcus mitis/oralis
Gingival squamous cell P. gingivalis Paraffin (138)
carcinoma embedded
Oral mucosal cancer Streptococcus intermedius, S. constellatus, S. oralis, S. mitis, S. sanguis, S. salivarius, Lymph nodes (139)
Peptostreptococcus sp.
Keratinizing squamous Veillonella sp., Fusobacterium sp., Prevotella sp., Porphyromonas sp., Actinomyces sp., Swabs (140)
cell carcinoma Clostridium sp., Haemophilus sp., Streptococcus sp., and Enterobacteriaceae
Potentially malignant Fusobacterium, Leptotrichia, Campylobacter and Rothia Swabs (141)
oral leukoplakia

Frontiers in Immunology | 6 October 2020 | Volume 11 | Article 591088

Irfan et al. The Oral Microbiome and Cancer

cancer, the search for possible biomarkers of oral cancer and, most F. nucleatum in esophageal cancer tissues has been associated
specifically, OSCC has not produced conclusive results (52). with shorter survival, suggesting a prognostic biomarker’s
Different organisms have been shown to increase in OSCC potential role. F. nucleatum might also contribute to aggressive
samples, as a few examples: Capnocytophaga gingivalis, Prevotella tumor behavior through the activation of chemokines, such as
melaninogenica, and S. mitis (131); F. nucleatum (149); chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 20 (CCL20) (162). Epithelial-
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (150); Campylobacter concisus, Prevotella mesenchymal transition (EMT) is the process by which epithelial
salivae, Prevotella loeschii, and Fusobacterium oral taxon 204 (151); cells acquire a mesenchymal-like phenotype. It has been
genera Fusobacterium, Dialister, Peptostreptococcus, Filifactor, proposed that EMT is responsible for compromising epithelial
Peptococcus, Catonella, and Parvimonas (136); and Prevotella oris, barrier function in the pathogenesis of several diseases, including
Neisseria flava, Neisseria flavescens/subflava, F. nucleatum ss OSCC. F. nucleatum infection of oral cell lines triggers EMT
polymorphum, Aggregatibacter segnis, and Fusobacterium (163, 164). F. nucleatum triggers EMT via lncRNA/MIR4435-
periodonticum (152). 2HG/miR-296-5p/Akt2/SNAI1 signaling pathway and up-
Yang et al. studied the progression of the microbiome during regulates mesenchymal markers, including N-cadherin,
cancer’s progression from the early to the late stage and found a Vimentin, and snail family transcription repressor 1 (SNAI1)
significant increase of Fusobacteria. At the species level, they (164). The fact that infection by periodontal pathogens generates
found that F. periodonticum, Parvimonas micra, Streptococcus EMT features introduces the possibility that this process may be
constellatus, Haemophilus influenza, and Filifactor alocis were involved in the loss of epithelial integrity during periodontitis
associated with OSCC, and they progressively increased in and may promote predisposition to malignant transformation
abundance from stage 1 to 4 (80). through the EMT.
Direct evidence of the role of the microbiome in OSCC was The metatranscriptome has recently begun to be used to
presented by Stashenko et al. were using a germ-free mouse model a analyze community-wide gene expression in the human
4-nitroquinoline-1 oxide (4NQO)-induced carcinogenesis the microbiome (165–168). Measuring bacterial gene expression in
authors observed a significant increase on the number of tumors the wild has been challenging. The half-life of mRNA is short,
and their size when the mice were inoculated with two different and mRNA in bacteria and archaea usually comprises only a
microbiomes vs. inoculated controls. The microbiomes used came small fraction of total RNA. Therefore large samples are needed
from the tongue of a healthy mouse and the other from the tumor to study expression, but obtaining such samples is not always
lesion of a diseased mouse, and Pasteurella was the dominant genus possible. Additionally, working with non-model organisms
in both groups (153). presents the challenge of lacking most of the bioinformatic
The carcinogenic potential of periodontal pathogens has also tools readily available for model organisms.
been described in several studies. P. gingivalis, one of the Using a metatranscriptome analysis of OSCC samples, Yost
essential periodontal pathogens, increase the invasiveness of et al. found that Fusobacteria showed a statistically significantly
oral cancer cells and resistance to chemotherapeutic agents higher number of transcripts at tumor sites, indicating a higher
(154–156). Using a 4NQO-induced mouse model of oral activity of this group of organisms in cancer. Moreover, when
cancer, the inoculation of P. gingivalis promoted tumor looking at tumor signatures of the oral microbiome, metabolic
progression by invading precancerous lesions and recruiting activities such as iron ion transport, tryptophanase activity,
the myeloid-derived suppressor cells by expressing chemokines peptidase activities, and superoxide dismutase were over-
such as C-C motif ligand 2 (CCL2) and chemokine (C-X-C represented in tumor samples when compared to the healthy
motif) ligand 2 (CXCL2), and cytokines such as IL-6 and IL-8 controls (169).
(157). P. gingivalis also induces expression of the ZEB1
transcription factor, which controls the epithelial-mesenchymal Effect of the Microbiome in the Outcomes
transition. Interestingly, the up-regulation of ZEB1 appears to be of Cancer Therapy
controlled by FimA, a major virulence factor involved in Despite its clinical importance, the human microbiome’s effect
adhesion and cellular invasion (158). The infection of P. on malignancy treatment is merely starting to be investigated.
gingivalis increases the expression of mesenchymal markers, While organisms assume significant activities in keeping up
including vimentin and matrix metalloproteinase MMP-9 (132, human well-being, they are likewise engaged with the turn of
158, 159). events that lead to tumor development. There is now proof
Utilizing a murine model of periodontitis-associated oral indicating that the microbiome can impact patient reactions to
tumorigenesis, Binder Gallimidi et al. showed that chronic cancer treatment. The microbiome has been implicated in
bacterial co-infection of P. gingivalis and F. nucleatum modulating cancer therapy’s efficacy and toxicity, including
promotes OSCC via direct interaction with oral epithelial cells chemotherapy and immunotherapy (170, 171). Moreover,
through Toll-like receptors, with an increase in expression of preclinical data suggest that the microbiome modulation could
TLR2 in OSCC cells and IL-6 in both cells and the mouse model become a novel strategy for improving the efficacy of immune-
(160). A detailed review of all the studies where P. gingivalis based therapies for cancer (172).
has been associated with the development of OSCC has The gut microbiota has the potential to affect the ability of
been recently published by Lafuente Ibá ñez de Mendoza cancer therapy. The microbiota, when affected by dysbiosis, can
et al. (161). profoundly influence both cancer pathogenesis and its

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Irfan et al. The Oral Microbiome and Cancer

therapeutic outcome. In particular, the regulation of such a specific bacterial taxa are connected with the effectiveness of
therapeutic outcome is firmly linked with the gut microbiota’s allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT)
capacity to process anti-cancer compounds and modify the and reduced hazard for graft-versus-host disease (GVHD)
host’s immune response. These two effects combined may succeeding treatment (177, 178). Besides, holding expanded
clarify the patient’s microbiome composition’s substantial measures of microorganisms having a place with the variety of
participation in affecting the efficiency of both immunotherapy Blautia was related to diminished GVHD lethality in this cohort
and chemotherapy. and was affirmed in another independent cohort of 51 patients
The oral microbiome’s role in the outcome of cancer from a similar organization (177).
treatments has not yet been evaluated. Only in two studies,
oral organisms were identified as influencing the outcome of
immunotherapies. The first of these studies showed that F.
nucleatum, along with Bacteroides fragilis and Escherichia coli
improved the survival of adoptive cell therapy (ACT) treated Ionizing radiation therapy (RTX) was received by cancer patients
patients, probably by increasing cytokine production and T cell that are genotoxic for tumor cells and might be curative for
infiltration (173). The second study found that Lactobacillus restricted cancers. The great worldview in radiation biology
fermentum attenuated the immune response in patients treated accepted that the cellular nucleus was the main objective of
with CpG-oligonucleotides, which are short synthetic single- radiation and DNA harm was incited by direct testimony of
stranded DNA molecules containing unmethylated CpG vitality or creation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) through a
dinucleotides, acting as agonists of Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9), radiation-induced separation of intracellular water molecules.
and leading to strong immunostimulatory effects (174). Ionizing radiation, however, additionally incites non-targeted
impact on non-irradiated cells, such as genomic unpredictability,
systemic radio-adaptive retorts, inflammatory and immune
EFFECTS ON CANCER CHEMOTHERAPY reactivity, and bystander effect on nearby cells. Observer and
foundational impacts are auxiliary to DNA harm and are
A recent survey of in situ bacterial effects on frequently used intervened by the interruption of gap intersection proteins
chemotherapeutics suggests the profound influence of distinct engaged with cell-cell interactions and by the arrival of
bacteria species on the anti-tumor effect. Heshiki et al. examined extracellular intermediaries, together with cytokines, exosomes,
the influence of the intestinal microbiome on treatment effects ROS and nitric oxide (NO). Along these lines, comparably to the
(175) in a heterogeneous cohort that comprised eight diverse tissue harm related to contamination by microorganisms,
malignancy types to recognize organisms with a collective effect on radiations initiate the arrival of damage-associated molecular
the immune response. It is revealed through human gut pattern (DAMP) pressure signals (179). The impacts of
metagenomic examination that responder patients had radiation are perplexing. It initiates both immunostimulant and
inherently higher microbial diversity arrangements than non- immunosuppressive reactions and might be deficient in enacting a
responders. Moreover, by assessing the gut microbiome’s job defensive anti-cancer invulnerable reaction (180). It very well may
without precedent for a heterogeneous patient cohort with be speculated that the gut microbiome likewise satisfies a job in the
different kinds of malignant growth and anti-cancer medicines, immunostimulatory impacts of RTX. The viewed fluctuations in
Heshiki et al. found a worldwide microbiome signature that is microbiome arrangement at epithelial surfaces in patients and
autonomous of disease type and heterogeneity (175). Explicit mice rewarded with RTX have been proposed to contribute to the
species, Bacteroides xylanisolvens, and Bacteroides ovatus were pathogenesis of bone marrow failure, colitis, looseness of the
decidedly connected with treatment results. Oral gavage of these bowels, oral mucositis and enteritis (181). RTX persuades
responder microbes fundamentally expanded the adequacy of apoptosis in the breach of the intestinal barrier, intestinal crypts,
chemotherapy (erlotinib) and actuated the declaration of CXCL9 and modifications in the microbiome conformation (182).
and IFN-g in a murine lung cancer model. Also, oral gavage of Studies have shown that the intestinal microbiome has a
explicit gut microbiome substantially expanded the impact of significant effect on total body irradiation. Fewer endothelial cells
chemotherapy in mice, decreasing the tumor volume by 46% of the intestinal mucosa are derived through irradiation into
contrasted with the control. apoptosis and prompt less lymphocyte invasion in germ-free
This information recommends an anticipated effect of the mice than in conventional mice (183). This finding shows that
microbiome’s explicit constituents on tumor development and gut commensals can assume a harmful role in protecting the
disease treatment results with suggestions for both visualization enteric harmfulness of total body irradiation (TBI) in germ-
and treatment. Curiously, the microbiome can bolster the resistant free mice.
framework in the battle against malignancy. For instance,
cyclophosphamide (a medication used to treat leukemia and
lymphomas) was found to impact the organisms living in the EFFECTS ON CANCER IMMUNOTHERAPY
gut. These gut organisms reacted by advancing the production of
resistant cells, which appears to improve cyclophosphamide Ongoing examinations have featured the significance and
adequacy (176). Among patients with hematologic malignancies, possible effect of organisms on ailment recuperation of

Frontiers in Immunology | 8 October 2020 | Volume 11 | Article 591088

Irfan et al. The Oral Microbiome and Cancer

immunotherapy. Strikingly, the microbiome can bolster the safe from ICIs in mice and patients. Their outcomes indicated that
framework in the battle against malignant growth (176). the anti-tumor impact was undermined in antibiotic (ATB)
Microorganisms have been appeared to advance cancer growth treatment group, with progression-free survival (PFS) and
improvement by instigating inflammation. This provocative overall survival (OS), being fundamentally shorter contrasted
reaction can, likewise, beneficially affect malignancy treatment. with that of the control group, showing that ATB could be
A few treatments, such as CpG-oligonucleotide immunotherapy, utilized as a prescient marker for estimating ICIs obstruction.
rely on inflammation (174). Additionally, utilizing the shotgun sequencing for quantitative
In an examination performed by Iida et al., it was seen that metagenomics of the fecal example, Enterococcus hirae and
mice treated with anti-toxins did not react to platinum Akkermansia muciniphila were demonstrated to be altogether
chemotherapy or CpG-oligonucleotide insusceptible treatment plentiful in patients with best clinical reaction to ICIs (PFS > 3
contrasted with mice with flawless gut microorganisms of months) (196).
subcutaneous tumors. These outcomes recommend that gut Naidoo et al. established a connection between the gut
microbiome improves the impacts of treatments that are microbiome and remedial results after the clinical examination
subject to aggravation. Desirable reactions to cancer therapy of Chinese patients with cutting edge non-little cell lung
require an unblemished commensal microbiome that intervenes carcinoma treated with PD-1 ICIs treatments. As indicated by
in its belongings by regulating myeloid-inferred cell capacities in their outcomes, reacting patients held greater assorted variety
the tumor microenvironment. These discoveries underscore the and stable arrangement of the natural gut microbiome during
significance of the microbiome in the outcomes of sickness treatment and had drawn-out PFS altogether. In detail, Prevotella
treatment (174). copri, Bifidobacterium longum, and Alistipes putredinis were
In most patients treated with traditional cancer therapies, improved in responders, though Ruminococcus spp. was found
tumors become resistant to therapy, and the chances of tumor mainly in non-reacting patients. As expected, in the periphery
recurrence are high (184). Immunotherapy approaches have blood of responding patients, a more noteworthy recurrence of
shown potential in treating hematopoietic (185, 186) and solid natural killer cell and memory CD8+ T cell subgroups was
cancers (187–189). However, the efficacy of immunotherapy is seen (198).
still limited by the variability of the immune response in different A consortium of 11 bacterial strains was isolated by Tanoue
patients and the different susceptibility of tumor types (190, 191). et al. from healthy human donor feces that can thrive in the
The emerging knowledge of the ability of the gut microbiome to intestine, increasing interferon-g-producing CD8 T cells. The
modulate the response to immunotherapy offers new possibilities colonization of mice improved immune checkpoint inhibitors’
to improve its efficacy by targeting the microbiome. therapeutic effectiveness with these 11-strain mixtures in
Utilization of Check Point Inhibitors (ICIs) has syngeneic tumor models. All these strains act together in a way
revolutionized cancer treatment across multiple cancer types that is subject to significant histocompatibility (MHC) class Ia
and has gotten the first since forever FDA endorsement of a molecules and CD103+ dendritic cells. Primarily the 11 strains
tumor agonistic agent in tumors with microsatellite instability represent rare, low-abundance components of the human
(MSI) (192). The most generally utilized ICIs are monoclonal microbiome, and subsequently, have incredible potential as
antibodies that focus on the customized cell demise protein (PD- extensively powerful biotherapeutics (199).
1), its ligand (PD-L1), or the cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4 Then again, immunotherapy viability has all the earmarks of
protein (CTLA-4). Table 3 shows the microbiome in malignant being intensely impacted by gut microbiome confirmation. Oral
growth patients dealt with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs). organization of probiotics, for example, A. muciniphila (196) and
It was proposed by Sivan (197) that Bifidobacterium, a particular Bifidobacterium species (197) or fecal microbiota transplantation
taxon of microbial commensals, armed anti-tumor resistance (FMT) (200) from treatment-responsive patients, considerably
and raised the viability of PD-L1 blocking treatment. They upgraded the PD1-based immunotherapy and canceled tumor
additionally recommended that microbiome could modify the outgrowth, robotically through the enlarged dendritic cell and T
anti-tumor invulnerability as well as the reaction to PD-L1 cell reaction (197). Even though these examinations are not
inhibitors. Routy et al. investigated the relationship of dysbiosis utilizing colorectal cancer (CRC) models, seeing how gut
with epithelial tumors to comprehend whether synchronous microbiome adjusts strong reaction might be necessary to
utilization of anti-infection agents creates essential protection encourage positive remedial results in CRC patients getting

TABLE 3 | Characteristics of the microbiome in cancer patients treated with immune check point inhibitors (ICIs).

Cancer Microbes related with response to ICI treatment References

Metastatic melanoma B. fragilis and/or B. thetaiotaomicron, Burkholderiales species (193)

Metastatic melanoma Faecalibacterium genus and other Firmicutes (194)
Metastatic melanoma Enterococcus faecium, Collinsella aerofaciens, Bifidobacterium adolescentis, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Veillonella parvula, (195)
Parabacteroides merdae, Lactobacillus species, and Bifidobacterium longum
Non-small cell lung Ruminococcaceae, Faecalibacterium, specifically Ruminococcae, Alistipes, and Eubacterium species (196)
Renal cell carcinoma Ruminococcaceae, Faecalibacterium, specifically Ruminococcae, Alistipes, and Eubacterium species (196)

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Irfan et al. The Oral Microbiome and Cancer

immunotherapy, or even to conquer opposition-held by non- vitamin B amalgamation in the gut related with an expanded
responders. To our best information, no clinical preliminaries danger of colitis (202).
assessing gut microbiome control and treatment viability are Moreover, Chaput et al. showed that baseline gut microbiota
distributed right now (201). A couple of clinical preliminaries are is a good predictor of clinical response and colitis in metastatic
started and now at the selecting stage (Table 4) in light of Fong melanoma patients treated with ipilimumab. Twenty-six patients
et al. (201). It stays dark whether these preclinical discoveries can with metastatic melanoma treated with ipilimumab were
be effectively meant clinical application. enrolled in the study. Fecal microbiota composition was
The microbiome, aside from the balance of adequacy, may assessed at baseline and before each ipilimumab infusion. In
likewise foresee the susceptibility to immunotherapy-associated their results, baseline gut microbiota enriched with
unfavorable events. While ICIs have given way to overawed Faecalibacterium and other Firmicutes was associated with
immunological resilience to tumors, the danger of auto beneficial clinical response compared with patients whose
insusceptibility in healthy tissues is a critical restriction in their baseline microbiota was driven by Bacteroides (194).
utilization. In patients on anti-CTLA-4, the immune-related The significant reason for repeat and poor prognosis is the
adverse events (irAEs) happen all the more generally treatment failure in colorectal cancer patients, resistance to
contrasted with those taking anti-PD-1/PD-L1, and when these malignancy medicines has been connected to the nearness of
mediators are used in amalgamation, the frequency of irAEs explicit sorts of microbes in the gut. In colorectal cancer patients,
appears to upsurge consequently (198). The microbiome has scientists observed that resistance to drugs correlated with an
been related to the danger of creating immune-related expansion in F. nucleatum in the gut. The bacterium appeared to
noxiousness. The abundance of species according to study by square passing (apoptosis) of the malignant growth cells and
Dubin et al. (202) among Bacteroidetes phylum, explicitly trigger autophagy, an endurance device for the disease cells. Yu
Barnesiellaceae, Bacteroidaceae, and Rikenellaceae, was related et al. explored the commitment of gut microbiome to
with resistance to colitis in patients with metastatic melanoma chemoresistance in patients with colorectal malignant growth
dealt with ipilimumab (n=34), though reduced recognition of (203). In colorectal cancer tissues in patients with relapse post-
hereditary pathways engaged with polyamine transport and chemotherapy, the F. nucleatum was found in abundance and

TABLE 4 | Ongoing clinical trials of gut microbiota modulation in potentiating efficacy of anticancer therapies.

Patient /Cancer Number of Intervention Primary Secondary outcome Location Status Clinical trial
subjects outcomes registration

Patients with 50 Chemotherapy + Weileshu PFS OS Zhejiang, Not yet NCT04021589
metastatic CRC (Lactobacillus salivarius AP-32, China recruiting
Lactobacillus johnsonii MH-68)
chemotherapy alone
Patients with 140 Chemotherapy + targeted ORR / Zhejiang, Not yet NCT04131803
metastatic CRC therapy + China recruiting
Bifico (Lactobacillus acidophilus
Bifidobacterium) vs
chemotherapy +
targeted therapy
Rectal cancer 160 VSL#3 vs placebo Impact of probiotics Acute bowel toxicity Rome, Italy Recruiting NCT01579591
patients receiving to Pathological complete
concurrent increase tumor response
chemotherapy and regression Sphincter saving surgery
pelvic Radiation grade (TRG) 1-2 Disease-free survival
therapy rate Late toxicity (at 12-36
Melanoma patients 20 Single-arm: FMT ORR T cell composition Pennsylvania, Recruiting NCT03341143
resistant/refractory to from anti-PD1 responders T cell function United States
PD-1 therapy through colonoscopy + PD-1 Immune profile
Patients with solid 132 Single-arm: MRx0518 + Adverse events Tumor biomarkers Texas, United Recruiting NCT03637803
tumors (including Pembrolizumab Clinical benefits States
non-small cell lung (ORR, DOR, DCR, PFS)
cancer, renal cell Microbiome composition
carcinoma, bladder OS
cancer or melanoma

PFS, progression-free survival; OS, overall survival; ORR, objective response rate; DOR, duration of response; DCR, disease control rate.

Frontiers in Immunology | 10 October 2020 | Volume 11 | Article 591088

Irfan et al. The Oral Microbiome and Cancer

was related to patient clinicopathological qualities. They contrast, biological generally exert target-specific effects and are
additionally showed that F. nucleatum elevated colorectal relatively safer for human use. Moreover, bacterial-based
malignant growth protection from chemotherapy. F. immunotherapies can penetrate solid tumors and inexpensive.
nucleatum, mechanistically, targets TLR4 and MYD88 inborn Upon systemic administration, various types of non-pathogenic
immune signaling and specific microRNAs to enact the obligate anaerobes and facultative anaerobes have been shown to
autophagy pathway and modify colorectal malignant growth infiltrate and selectively replicate within solid tumors (204, 209).
chemotherapeutic reaction. To control colorectal cancer A significant step in the development of bacterial therapeutics
chemoresistance mechanistically, clinically, and biologically, is identifying potential species and strains with minimal
the F. nucleatum arranges an atomic system of the Toll-like pathogenicity to the host, and that can replicate precisely in
receptor, autophagy, and micro-RNAs. Estimating and focusing the tumor hypoxic microenvironment. Several genera of bacteria,
on F. nucleatum and its related pathway will yield critical including Clostridium, Bifidobacterium, E. coli, and attenuated
understanding into clinical administration and may enhance Salmonella, have been used in bacteria-mediated tumor therapy
colorectal malignant patient outcomes (203). (204, 208–210).
Albeit a progression of examinations has confirmed the effect The genera Clostridium and Salmonella are probable the best-
of the microbiome on disease treatment, there still lies a lot of studied as vectors in bacteria-mediated tumor therapy. In 1947, it
vagueness and deficiency in these investigations. The initial test was first shown that direct injection of spores of Clostridium
experienced is the inadequate comprehension of the rare histolyticus into a transplantable mouse sarcoma caused
microbial species engaged with a better strong reaction. oncolysis and tumor regression; however, mice died soon after
(211). In 1964 Moese and Moese injected a non-pathogenic
The Potential of Microbiome in isolate of Clostridium butyricum intravenously and observed the
Cancer Therapy tumor’s disappearance, but again the survival of the mice was
The worldwide malignant growth trouble has risen drastically, non-permanent (212). The ability of Clostridium to grow in
making it a critical need to create novel treatments and anticipate hypoxic areas with necrosis gives them an advantage to target
which treatment will offer the most advantage to a disease quiet. The tumors. With the development of genetic systems to work with
use of microorganisms to treat tumors is nothing new. German Clostridium, this bacterium has attracted renewed interest as a
physician W Busch probably treated the first patient with cancer to potential vector to treat solid tumors. Thus, a genetically
be purposefully infected with bacteria in 1868 (204). He induced a engineered C. acetobutylicum expressing and secreting the E.
bacterial infection in a woman with an inoperable sarcoma by first coli cytosine deaminase (CDase) has been used against
cauterizing the tumor and then placing her into bedding previously rhabdomyosarcoma-bearing WAG/Rij rats and show that the
occupied by a patient with “erysipelas” (Streptococcus pyogenes). enzyme was produced in tumors in vivo (213).
Busch reported that within a week, the primary tumor and the Numerous S. typhimurium mutant strains have been studied
lymph nodes in the neck had shrunk in size. Unfortunately, the from the perspective of cancer treatment. One of the significant
patient died a few days after the infection had begun. Later, in 1883 advantages of using S. typhimurium is that there is a well-developed
Friedrich Fehleisen, a German surgeon had identified S. pyogenes as genetic system that allows for all kinds of genetic manipulations of
the cause of “erysipelas” and had begun treating patients with cancer this organism. Many different immunomodulators have been
with the living cultures of the bacteria with success (205). Almost cloned into S. typhimurium to be expressed at the tumor site.
simultaneously in the USA, William B. Coley was performing These include cytotoxic proteins, to kill tumor cells directly, and
similar experiments. In 1981 he injected Streptococcus into a tumor-associated antigens to increase the immune response in the
patient with inoperable cancer (206). The infection caused by the site of the tumor, and prodrug enzymes that modify a substrate to
bacterium has the side effect of shrinking the malignant tumor, and convert it into a toxic product (214, 215).
this was one of the first examples of immunotherapy. Given the So far, the only strain of S. typhimurium going through a
risks of using live organisms, Coley developed a mixture of dead phase I clinical trial is strain VNP20009, which contains
bacteria to treat his patients. They were known as Coley’s toxins. He deletions in the msbB and purl genes, to attenuate virulence
then devoted most of his life as head of the Bone Tumor Service at and avoid septic shock (216).
Memorial Hospital in New York, treating more than 1000 cancer A more recent approach has been combining bacteria-mediated
patients with bacteria or bacterial products (207). However, his cancer therapies with other kinds of therapies. For example, a
studies, the first using immunotherapy, were forgotten for several photo-thermal agent, such as melanin-like poly-dopamine (pDA),
reasons. First, the use of microorganism(s) to treat human cancers was coated with VNP20009 targeted to hypoxic and necrotic tumor
provided a short term benefit, but eventually, tumors recurred; areas. A mouse model of the tumor was irradiated with a near-
second, the discovery of radioactivity and its use to treat tumors in infrared laser, which achieved tumor targeting and tumor
the early 1930s and second the advent of chemotherapy in the 1940s elimination without relapse or metastasis (217).
relegated the use of immunotherapies on a second plane. Although no reports on the treatment of OSCC have been
In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in using published, the potential of these techniques to treat oral tumors is
bacteria-mediated tumor therapy (204, 208, 209). Although widely enormous. OSCC are solid tumors, and they are easily accessible
used for treating many tumors, chemotherapy causes many off- to be treated at the site, which makes the ideal type of cancer
target effects, such as significant damage to healthy tissues. In treated with bacterial-mediated tumor therapies.

Frontiers in Immunology | 11 October 2020 | Volume 11 | Article 591088

Irfan et al. The Oral Microbiome and Cancer

THE FUTURE OF MICROBIOME IN to be the most critical immediate bio optimization tool. FMT is a
CANCER THERAPY mainstream innovation that has been utilized clinically to treat
repetitive Clostridium difficile contaminations (220).
We anticipate that the human microbiome will bit by bit play an Finally, recent studies support the hypothesis that periodontal
undeniably conspicuous role in cancer treatment. As of now, the inflammation exacerbates gut inflammation in vivo by
system of the microbiome’s impacts in cancer treatment is not translocation of oral pathobionts to the gut, activating the
surely known; be that as it may, some clinical pilot studies will inflammasome in colonic mononuclear phagocytes resulting in
assist with uncovering the capability of the microbiome in tumor inflammation (221, 222). Additionally, periodontitis results in the
advancement and malignancy treatment. The advancement of generation of reactive Th17 cells against oral bacteria. These
these clinical preliminaries will expel impediments for utilizing reactive Th17 cells are exhibit gut tropism and migrate to the
the microbiome to improve and help treatment utilizing ICIs. inflamed gut. When in the gut, Th17 cells of oral origin can be
The microbiome, at first, can lessen complexities during activated by translocated oral pathobionts and cause the
malignant growth treatment. Right now, the most widely development of colitis, but gut-resident microbes do not activate
recognized noxious reaction when utilizing ICIs is related to them. We do not know if gut inflammation could have a similar
colitis. The reason for the ailment is uncertain. Curiously, the effect on the oral cavity’s inflammatory environment, as a result of
lactic acid bacterium Lactobacillus reuteri can wipe out ICIs which the severity of head and neck cancer could increase. Studies
related to colitis and improve weight reduction and irritation of the gut microbiome’s effect on the immune response to head
(218). Second, the intestinal microbiome upgrades the and neck cancer are lacking but maybe worth pursuing.
nourishing assimilation limit of patients with cancer and
improves their anti-tumor capacity. The rise of tumor micro-
ecological immune nutrition has additionally prepared for the
improvement of the microbiome as implement in disease AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
immunotherapy. Third, microbiome research is relied upon to
All authors contributed equally to the writing of the review. All
prompt the structure of immunization against tumors. An
authors contributed to the article and approved the
ongoing microbial-based malignancy immunization has
submitted version.
demonstrated its utility. This malignant growth antibody
forestalls the development of squamous cell carcinoma
communicating epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) vIII
and instigates EGFR vIII-explicit cell insusceptibility (219). FUNDING
Current research is thrilling for investigation against tumor
resistance and signifies a discovery in the structure of the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research.
microbiome. For cancer immunotherapy, FMT is predictable Grant DE021553.

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