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The document discusses organization development and what organization development consultants do. It provides definitions and explanations of organization development, why it is important, what organization development consultants do, who they serve, and the types of services they provide to improve organization and employee effectiveness.

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Priyanka Sharda
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78 views13 pages


The document discusses organization development and what organization development consultants do. It provides definitions and explanations of organization development, why it is important, what organization development consultants do, who they serve, and the types of services they provide to improve organization and employee effectiveness.

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Priyanka Sharda
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Organization Development (OD) is the process of improving organizations. The process is

carefully planned and implemented to benefit the organization, its employees and its
stakeholders. The client organization may be an entire company, public agency, non-profit
organization, volunteer group - or a smaller part of a larger organization.

The change process supports improvement of the organization or group as a whole. The client
and consultant work together to gather data, define issues and determine a suitable course of
action. The organization is assessed to create an understanding of the current situation and to
identify opportunities for change that will meet business objectives.

OD differs from traditional consulting because client involvement is encouraged throughout

the entire process. The ways in which people communicate and work together are addressed
concurrently with technical or procedural issues that need resolution.


Profitability, productivity, morale and quality of work life are of concern to most
organizations because they impact achievement of organization goals. There is an increasing
trend to maximize an organization's investment in its employees. Jobs that previously
required physical dexterity now require more mental effort. Organizations need to "work
smarter" and apply creative ideas.

The work force has also changed. Employees expect more from a day's work than simply a
day's pay. They want challenge, recognition, a sense of accomplishment, worthwhile tasks
and meaningful relationships with their managers and co-workers. When these needs are not
met, performance declines.

Today's customers demand continually improving quality, rapid product or service delivery;
fast turn-around time on changes, competitive pricing and other features that are best
achieved in complex environments by innovative organizational practices.

The effective organization must be able to meet today's and tomorrow's challenges.
Adaptability and responsiveness are essential to survive and thrive.

OD consultants custom tailor established social science theory and methods to organizations
seeking to improve profitability, productivity, morale and/or quality of work life. Examples
of activities which are facilitated by OD consultants are:

Goal Setting
Group Facilitation
Creative Problem solving
Strategic Planning
Leadership Development
Management Development
Career Management
Conflict Resolution
Developmental Education
Interpersonal Communication
Human Resources Management
Managing Workforce Diversity
Organization Restructuring
High Involvement Work Teams
Sociotechnical Systems Design
Technical Training
Total Quality Management

Often described as "change agents," OD consultants come from varied backgrounds with
experience and training in organization development, organization behavior, psychology,
education, management and/or human resources. Many have advanced degrees and most
have experience in a variety of organizational settings.

There are both internal and external OD consultants. An internal OD consultant is a full-time
employee with a given organization. External consultants may be self-employed or on the
staff of a consulting firm. "Externals" work with one or more clients contracting for specific

OD consultants work with all levels of employees. Examples include:

· The Board of Directors, CEO or Vice Presidents -- during changes in corporate

strategy, mission, leadership development, technology or organization structure.
· Middle Managers -- within specific areas or across functions to identify sources of
conflict and barriers to performance, or help build a broader vision and more effective
· First-line supervisors -- improve operations and employee involvement, establish high
involvement work teams, improve organizational communication, install statistical
process control (SPC) develop supervisory training or new reward systems.
· Line workers -- to facilitate job redesign improved performance, teambuilding or
improvement in the work environment.


You can expect an organization development consultant to conduct an OD project in a timely,

cost-effective, well-coordinated and ethical manner.

In reaching an agreement or written contract with a consultant, you may want to discuss these
kinds of questions:

· What approach will be taken?

· Strategy for implementation? Anticipated schedule? How results will be measured?
· Project team members?
· Resources to be made available to the consultant?
· Pricing of consultant's services; payment schedule?
· Confidentiality


Organization Development (OD) consultants provide services to improve organization

effectiveness and/or individual employee effectiveness. The purposes are to increase
productivity, work satisfaction and profit for the client company. The strategies appearing
below "Organization" and "Employee" Effectiveness are defined to help you become an
informed user of OD consultant services.

Organization Effectiveness

Consultants apply organization effectiveness strategies such as those shown below when
there are needs for assessment, planning, growth, quality improvement, teamwork and other
organizational changes.

Action Research - An assessment and problem solving process aimed at improved

effectiveness for the entire organization or specific work units. The consultant helps the client
organization identify the strengths and weaknesses of organization and management issues
and works with the client in addressing problem opportunities. (Some form of action research
is generally applied as a foundation for other consulting strategies.)

Conflict Management - Bringing conflicts to the surface to discover their roots, developing a
common ground from which to resolve or better manage conflict. Consultants serve as
facilitator in a conflict situation or train employees to better understand and manage conflict.

Executive Development - One-on-one or group developmental consultation with CEO's or

VP's to improve their effectiveness.

Goal Setting - Defining and applying concrete goals as a road map to help an organization
get where it wants to go. (Can also be applied to employee development.)

Group Facilitation - Helping people learn to interact more effectively at meetings and to
apply group guidelines that foster open communication, participation and accomplishment.

Managing Resistance to Change - Helping clients identify, understand, and begin to manage
their resistance to planned organizational change.

Organizational Restructuring - Changing departmental and/or individual reporting

structures, identifying roles and responsibilities, redesigning job functions to assure that the
way work gets done in the organization produces excellence in production and service.
Project Management - The general management of specific work, blending diverse functions
and skills, usually for a fixed time and aimed at reaching defined outcomes.

Self-Directed Work Teams - Developing work groups to be fully responsible for creating a
well defined segment of finished work.

Sociotechnical Systems Design - Designing and managing organizations to emphasize the

relationship between people's performance, the workplace environment and the technology
used to produce goods and services in order to effect high level productivity.

Strategic Planning - A dynamic process which defines the organization's mission and vision,
sets goals and develops action steps to help an organization focus its present and future
resources toward fulfilling its vision.

Teambuilding - Improving how well organization members help one another in activities
where they must interact.

Total Quality Management - Through work process analysis, teambuilding, defining quality
and setting measurable standards, the consultant assists the organization in becoming more
cost effective, approach zero-defects and be more market-driven.

Employee Effectiveness

Consultants use employee effectiveness strategies such as those below when there are needs
for employee improvement in skill, commitment and leadership.

Career Counseling - Focused attention on goal setting, career selection and job seeking help
individuals make career decisions.

Coordination & Management of Multi-Disciplinary Consultants - One or several different

technical specialists team up with an OD consultant to design and install new equipment,
work processes, work methods, or work procedures.

Creative Problem Solving - Organization members use practical problem solving models to
address existing problems in a systematic, creative manner.
Customer Service Training - Creating interpersonal excellence in public contact positions
where the individual and the organization are expected to meet or exceed customer

Developmental Education - Training in basic math, reading, writing and grammar.

Interpersonal Communication Skills - Increased skill in exchanging needed information

within the organization and providing feedback in a non-threatening, non-judgmental way.

Human Resource Management - Managing the function of hiring, compensation, benefits

and employee relations toward systematic goals of the organization's morale and

Labor Relations - Facilitation of conflict, planning and problem-solving among management

and workforce union representation.

Leadership Development - Training in select areas which change managers to leaders.

Includes visioning, change management and creative problem solving.

Management Development - Training in various management skill areas with particular

focus on performance management, communications and problem solving.

Outplacement - Providing individual and group job search skills and services to employees
who have been affected by corporate downsizing. Typically paid for by the employer.

Sales Training - Training in the art of selling a product or service.

Stress Management - An individual growth workshop designed to arm and activate healthy
responses to stress. It enables participants to maximize positive stressors and minimize the
negative, both for themselves and others.

Technical Training - Training in a specific technical area, such as computers.

Time Management - An opportunity for individuals and organizations to effect higher levels
of productivity with the time they are allotted.
Training Evaluation - Systematic controlled inquiry grounded in sound statistical practice,
assessing on-line training effectiveness and/or business impact. Assessment focuses on
course relevance, transfer and cost value.

Workforce Diversity - Facilitating understanding between groups toward the goal where
differences among people in an organization become the strengths for competitive advantage,
productivity and work satisfaction.



PFIZER a pharmaceutical company hired The Catalyst Consulting Group for its process

The Challenge the company faced-

The company wanted to look at a new business model for its Finance function. The CFO was
interested in new ways to support the line, reduce costs, and increase productivity.

The Approach the OD Consultant took -

He reengineered several processes (e.g., Accounts Payable, Closing, Accounts Receivables) within
the Finance function. Project included identifying the most strategic processes within Finance,
completing a customer requirements and best practices analysis, identifying future state functionality,
detailing the future state process, conducting dynamic process modelling, identifying organizational
and technology modifications, and providing full implementation support.

BPR/Redesign Process Followed

They followed two distinct types of process assistance to redesign. The first type of process they
offered was called process redesign and is typically best suited to analyze the current process to
identify opportunities for "streamlining".

The second type of process was called reengineering and doesn’t spend much time on the current way
work is completed. This approach focuses on a "white piece of paper" exercise more appropriate for
organizations that are looking for step function levels of improvement.

Range of Services:

Readiness Assessments – They quickly collected data via multiple channels to identify the
appropriate timing for projects, key challenges/obstacles to overcome, and begin identifying high
level design issues.

Design & Implementation Assistance – They provided the full lifecycle of consulting support

The creation of a process architecture to identify all of the core and support processes and more
importantly how those processes interface with each other.

PMO support to properly organize and manage a project.

Identification of process "best practices" which many find very useful in getting individuals to think
outside of the box.

Processes redesign/reengineering workshops that included representatives from all key stakeholder
groups that are co-located together to redesign the entire future state process solution. They
Implemented support that included the dynamic process modelling, piloting, and all relevant change
management support.

The Result which got after the reengineering by OD consultant was-

Transaction costs decreased by 35%, cycle times were reduced by 40%, and customer satisfaction
improved by 59%.

A Government organization of Australia entered the field of OD by hiring an OD consultant for doing
survey feedback. The consultant followed a text book approach. He collected data from all members
of the senior management team and also through focuses group interviews. He also deployed a
questionnaire to collect individual response data from a cross section of organizational personnel.

The consultant diligently analyzed the data and presented it to the senior management team members.

Dissatisfaction of decades of lack of upward communication and an ivory tower attitude emerged in
cascades of negativism towards the organization and its leaders.

The organizational personnel spoke out in strength against bureaucratic processes and the hijacking of
HR policies by senior management personnel.

The consultant did the job of analyzing, synthesizing and categorizing data.

As the consultant was presenting the data, there was strong resistance from the senior management
team members.

The “Survey Feedback Report” became a political document to downgrade the leaders. The
“Performers” as well as the “Initiators” of the OD exercise suffered while the “Non-performers”
became the aggressors.
The “Survey Feedback Report” did not yield any positive organization development outcome. It only
had negative political fallouts. Thus, a lot of effort was put in with no impact.

Such OD failures become important steps on the learning ladder. They yield important learning

Some of the key suggestions that they should have followed:

1. The data collected should be evenly balanced between qualitative and quantitative data.

Both these kinds of data have their weaknesses. It is only in combination that they become potent
especially when they throw up patterns about performance parameters.

2. There needs to be briefing of all senior management team members when the OD intervention is
initiated. The buy in of all the Sr.Management Team members is important for the success of the OD

This reduces the forces of resistance to the OD interventions. It also creates alignment among senior
management members regarding the objectives and the process of the OD intervention.

3. The framework of the OD intervention should focus the intervention on enhancing organizational
performance. If it is focused on only social-psychological change, it is not only inadequate, it also
raises questions about the OD intervention’s relevance to a business organization.

An often repeated statement against OD intervention is that they are good to do things but impractical
and would not impact the organization’s effectiveness in any manner.
In order to make the OD intervention relevant, it needs to identify and assess the organization on
performance parameters, key organization processes, competencies, SMT activities as well as



• Organization development (OD) consultants should provide planned interventions

with individuals (leadership coaching, 360 evaluations), groups (conflict negotiation,
team building, facilitation and training), or entire organizations (change management
processes and implementation).
• OD consultants require a great deal of contact and collaboration with people directly
involved in the intervention.
• OD consultants should work independently analyzing data as well as studying the
client system with an outsider’s perspective to provide learning and growth for
tackling future issues on their own.
• OD consultants should offer organizations huge benefits that supplement in-house
management and staff. The consultant can be brought in when necessary to solve
problems or develop opportunities as they arise.
• The OD consultant should be trained in the interdisciplinary fields of sociology and
psychology, drawing on theories of motivation, learning and personality. Central to
the OD process are the ideas of group dynamics and action research as well as
maintaining a collaborative relationship with the client. The OD consultant is
ultimately a change agent and knows how to get people in the organization involved
in solving their own problems.
• Much of the value the OD consultant provides is measured qualitatively rather than
quantitatively. And though these results may be difficult to measure, especially
because they are often longer in duration, measurements must be included in the
scope of any project.





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