In Partial Fulfilment For The Requirements in Practical Research 2

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In partial fulfilment for the requirements in Practical Research 2

Submitted to:
Mr. Edwin Villa

Submitted by:
Beriso, Wendie .
Gitalado, Michael
Logum, Inteshar

12- ABM


The researchers want to conduct a research about the effectiveness of
online shopping to senior high school students because the researchers desire to
know if they are comfortable using it. And the researchers also want to know how
consumer prefers to search online than going to the mall and check the product
by their own. Of course, the researchers want to understand why the consumers
are enjoying shopping online than shopping in malls. Researchers found that
same of online customers are unsatisfied with their online product experiences, in
some cases; they receive the wrong o low quality product and sometimes ask for
refunds. And certainly, the people who have high students on using such products
are students.

According to Gregory Karp (2009), “online-shopping can be a smart

consumers best friend, with the ability to search for discounts and make
purchases with few mouse clicks” online shopping gives discount it is designed as
a convenient way of buying products, which attracts students to use such way.
This made them choose online-shopping than shopping in malls. In other hand,
they students, disregard the fact that there is always a disadvantage in using such
way to fully know the effectiveness of this study is to fully observe what it may
bring to students especially when students give support to this way of buying. The
researchers also see the negative effects of online-shopping which most students
disregards. A great impact from something needs a great observation to discover
its effectiveness to someone’s perspective.

Researchers aimed to know the effectiveness of online-shopping to Senior High

School students. The researchers desire to know how effective shopping online is
when it comes to buying. The purpose of this study is to know more how Senior
High School students see the effectiveness of buying or shopping online.

Statement of the Problems

The purpose of this study is to know how the effectiveness of online-
shopping for Accountancy and Business Management and General Academic
Strand students at the St. Dominic savio college. At the stage in the research the
online-shopping will be generally defined as a general buying and selling of goods

in an online. Online-shopping offers the customers a wide range products and

services wherein he is able to compare the price quoted by different suppliers and
choose the best deal from it. Internet marketing is conceptually different from
other marketing channels and internet promotes a one-to-one communication
between the seller and the user with round the clock customer’s services. (Vol-1
issue-5 2015). This paper aims to answer the following questions:
1. How many senior high school students rely on online-shopping?
2. How often students use online-shopping?
3. How much is the cost of the products they usually bought on online-
4. What are the products mostly available on online-shopping?
5. What is the common products that usually bought by the consumers?

Scope and the delimitation

The focus of this study is to determine the effectiveness of online-
shopping. This study is only limited to Senior High School students of St. Dominic
savio college under Accountancy and Business Management and General
Academic Strand. The purpose of this study is to know how students look at
online-shopping as a way of buying because of the effectiveness it brings. This
study also includes how safe online-shopping is to students. The study covers of
minimum of 50 participants from Accountancy and Business Management and
General Academic Strand Senior High School students. In response to this
problem, the researchers study proposes to observe and examine the
effectiveness of online-shopping to Senior High School students this study will be
conducting surveys inside St. Dominic savio college
This will not tackle about the other schools and students because we have
a limit of time in gathering and analyzing of information and some of the
respondents are not interested and not willing to participate in this study.
Significance of the study
The findings of the study may provide deeper insights on how online-
shopping can be made easier and more meaningful by the use of browsing in
social medias. The effectiveness of online shopping to Senior High School to the
students, the result may serve as a way to shop easily, compare prices, features
and get the latest updates of any products just by browsing online.
To the seller, the result may produce strategic ways in selling online. It may also
reduce the possibility of damaging the reputation and losing sales.
To the students, the result may serve as a way to shop easily, compare prices,
features and get the latest updates of any products just by browsing online.
To the future researchers, the result may help as an additional information.
Online shopping is phenomenon in a modern society.

Chapter 2
Review of Related Literature
In the Philippines, e-commerce is mostly being implemented by major
retailers and multinational corporations for bank-to-bank exchange. A number of
Business-to-consumer transactions have emerged through the years such as
auctions, online shopping, and online banking (Lacson, Pasadilla, 2016). This just
shows that Filipino businesses welcome this new opportunity in selling goods
since 16% of the population is using internet. This new marketing strategy will not
only benefit those big companies but also the small businesses who cannot afford
to advertise their products. Just by creating a website in a very affordable cost
would make the business grow in terms of sales and enhance the company image
as well.
Philippine firms have yet to fully tap the potentials of e-commerce that will
help them to compete in domestic and global markets. In the process of preparing
themselves to conduct e-commerce, these firms will be changing the way they
do business. These changes are expected to have an impact on the welfare of
Philippine workers. Most efforts to measure the economic effects of e-commerce
including those on workers’ welfare have focused on the U.S. and Europe, who
are considered to be the leaders in e-commerce. (Roberto, 2002) In general, it
discussed the changes in the nature of work from the front to back office is likely
within the sectors performing services Employment demand for these industry,
they may be focused away from agents and blue collared workers, toward higher
management and exclusive staff.

Business who engaged into Electronic Commerce (e-commerce) have been

observed to gain a competitive edge in the fields of Marketing in terms of
accessibility, convenience and availability. Since the internet is accessible by
people globally, the customer is no longer limited within the vicinity of the store.
Anyone can visit the store anywhere, anytime without hassle. Just by navigating
the store, the customer can choose the products purchase it without going to the
store directly. (Deanna and Fritz,2015). With these, a good relationship with their
consumers will be established and their objective of increasing their sales will be
achieved (Kim and Katherine, 2004). Through internet, E-commerce offers a
simplified approach in business deals and gives a new option for selling and
buying the company’s products and at the same time not only selling and buying
of products but also advertising the site. (Roso and Navarro 2018). Since the
products are available on web, the more chances of gaining exposure to target
customers and can eventually encourage them to purchase an item. It is the most
affordable way of advertising compared to some paid commercials that even
small business can easily implement.

The web has become an opportunity for the marketers to add value to
products and services. The phenomenal growth and rising of the popularity of the
internet and the World Wide Web have become a key to attract more consumers
and businesses to engage the benefits of Electronic Commerce (E-commerce).
This E-commerce is sited as any form of business transaction in which the parties
interact electronically rather than by physical exchanges or direct physical contact
(Aldin, Brehmer & Johansson, 2016). This has transformed the traditional
commerce and enhanced sales and exchanges of merchandise and information.
It is not just considered as single entity of technology but a combination of
technologies where applications,
processes, businesses strategies are necessary to do business electronically.
The availability of goods and services with the click of a mouse is changing the
global setting.
Consideration of the websites design and operations are dependent upon the
nature of business activities and target consumers. According to Burleson (2019),
a website must be simple and focused site to succeed. One that is easy to build,
maintenance-free, low cost, trustworthy, and a powerful traffic-builder and
customer-converter. Having the right tool and the right product alone doesn’t
ensure the success of the website. To be effective, the website must be designed
with the target audience as foremost consideration. Website designers must
balance design considerations and capabilities with client objectives and the
consumer’s level of understanding in the modern technology (Geissler, 2017).

Review of Related Studies

Businesses who engaged into Electronic Commerce (e-Commerce)
have been observed to gain a competitive edge in the field of marketing in terms
of accessibility, convenience and availability. Since the internet is accessible by
people globally, the customers are no longer limited within the vicinity of the store.
Anyone can visit the store anywhere, anytime without hassle. Just by navigating
the store, the customer can choose the products and purchase it without going to
the store directly. E-commerce proves to enhance the way usual business
transactions occur and helps lessen the time and effort consumed by the
company and customers as well (Deanna and Fritz, 2006). With these, a good
relationship with their consumers will be established and their objective of
increasing their sales will be achieved (Kim and Katherine, 2015).
Through internet, E-commerce offers a simplified and approach in business
deals and gives a new option for selling and buying the company’s products and
at the same not only selling and buying of products but also advertising the site.
(Roso and Navarro 2019). Since the products are available in the web, the more
chances of gaining exposure to target customers and can eventually encourage

them to purchase an item. It’s the most affordable way of advertising compared to
some paid commercials that even small businesses can easily implement.
“The love for shopping is alive among Filipinos. They find joy in going up
and down the aisles to check our grocery items. Retailers can further intensify the
in-store shopping expensive by offering a pleasant store environment” said Lou-
Ann Navalya, Nielsen’s Shopper Insights leader in the Philippines. Despite the
rise of online shopping. Filipinos still prefer making a purchase in a store and
seeing, if not touching the goods for themselves.
According to Nielsen’s Shopper Trends Report, at least 9 out of 0 Filipinos
enjoy doing their grocery shopping in-store, with 8 out of 10 wanting to take their
and go through the aisles. (
E-commerce has become a standard method of providing distributed information
to many different platforms. It is being implemented by a growing number of
companies to be more completive in corporate world. All companies need to make
a step forward towards a new technology. To be able to compete with the global
market, e-commerce was a good answers (Lanvin and Maggarqul, 2017).
The company’s websites seem to have significant influence on sales and
corporate image and are expected to contribute to overall customer satisfaction
(Hossain, 2015). The easiest way to be reliable to the customer is to maintain an
easy and simple image in the company’s website, which created positive web
experience to the customer. This can be done by having transparent interface,
rich content, easily accessible information and having a design that facilitates
multiple audiences. This is simply emphasizing the importance of knowing the
target visitors as they have different tastes in terms of color and design as a
whole. Also, a good design is not enough to make your customers stay in the
website: it must be informative as well especially on the product details. As what
Efendioglu and Igna stated that companies may have great content, dynamic and
attractive design on their website, but the customer may not be aware of that
website because of wrong or inadequate online marketing.

As said by Rama (201) online retail marker in India has been emerging at
an extraordinary rate. With the growing internet diffusion and broadband
availability and increasing usage of Smart phones and tablets. Indian population
have starter buying products online. According to a report by Gartner more than
30% of the traffic on online-shopping portals is coming from smart phones and
tablets. E-commerce industry has picked up pace and has been striding leaps and
bounds over the past few years. This scenario is estimated to carry on as the
market is expected to reach $14.5 billion by 2018. Forecaster Research
projections for Asia-Pacific also portray the rapid growth of e-commerce market in
India. The prediction depicts e-commerce’s growth in India, where sales are
expected to grow by 57% yearly till 2016. It will reach $8.8 billion by 2016. This

demand is backed by increase in consumers’ online buying behavior and growing

penetration of technology.
According to Nyugen & Nham (2015), online customers loyalty has been
dominating behavioral issue in researchers of customer service. The reason is
that customer loyalty nowadays is critical to many aspects of the society, including
the e-commerce field. The central thrust of the marketing activities of a firm is
often considered to be development, maintenance, or enhancement of customers’
loyalty towards its products/services.
Conceptual Framework
It is an analytical tool with several variations and contexts. It can be applied
in different categories of work where an overall picture is needed. It is used to
make conceptual distinctions and organize ideas.

Input process out put

Online Shopping Analysis of Data

- Convenient way of Through - Enlightenment about
shopping - Surveys online-shopping
- Knowledge of - Promote safety and
Senior High School convenience
in using technology.

Figure.4 IPO model (The Effectiveness of Online-Shopping to Senior High

School students)

Online-shopping became an effective way of buying or shopping because of

social media's influence. The entire study pertains to know it's effectiveness of
online-shopping especially to students. The study will determine most of online-
shopping's effectiveness. This study will enlighten most of the people, and by
enlightening them, this study will prevent the negative effects a consumer may
experience. There will be a lot of possible outcome of online-shopping's
effectiveness to students. This study will produce such information as it
undergoes to different ways of observation.

Definition of Terms
The degree to which something is successful in producing a desired result,
A particular attitude toward or way of regarding of something; a point of
Give (someone) greater knowledge and understanding about a subject or
Intensify, increase, or further improve the quality. value or extent of.
having a solid, almost unyielding surface or structure
To have strong and often bad effect on (something or someone).
An object used to do work.
Unusual in a way that is very impressive

A quality or situation that makes something easy or useful for someone by
reducing the amount of work or time required to do something.
Able to be reached or approached.


Research Methodology is the process used to collect information and data for the
purpose of making business. The methodology may include publication research,
interviews, surveys, and other research techniques, and could include both
present and historical information.
A. Research Design
The researchers use the descriptive design to gain related information
about the study. The purpose of the study is to discover how safe, convenient,
and effective online-shopping is to student. This method was completed by
surveys answered by the Senior High School students who use online-shopping
as way of buying.
Sanchez (1980) cited the process of descriptive method as going beyond
mere gathering and tabulation with the meaning or significance of what is
described. Thus, Description is often combined with comparison and contrast
involving measurement, classification, interpretation, and evaluation.
The descriptive survey was used to obtain and evaluate the effectiveness
of online-shopping to students, the data that the researcher collected will gain
enough information about the study.

B. Respondents and Sampling Procedure

The purpose of this study is to know how students look at online-shopping
as a way of buying because of the effectiveness it brings. The researchers aimed
to know the effectiveness of online shopping to Senior High School students.
Sampling is a process through which a researcher selects a portion or
segment from the population at the center of the researcher study. The
researchers’ respondents are Senior High School students in St. Dominic Savio
College the sampling technique that the researchers use is simple random
The researchers choose the Senior High School students of St. Dominic
Savio College under the track of Accountancy and Business Management and
General Academic Strand as the respondents of this study. This was practical to
the researchers since they belong to this school, would have no difficulty in talking
with the respondents, and would save time, energy, money, and efforts.

C. Data Collection Method

The researchers use surveys or questionaires to collect data
The researchers used coding type. This entails knowledge of statistics on
the part of researcher, as statistical formula application is necessary to arrive at
the findings.
The study called for the development and use of instruments to measure
the application of management by culture. These instruments are the following:
A. Personal Data Sheet. This includes the personal attributes of the respondents
and other relevant information vital to the study.
B. Questionnaire. To determine low, they often use social media to buy online.
C. Interview Schedule. This method was used to check the accuracy of the
impression the researcher gained through observations.

St.Dominic Savio College

Practical Research 2
Survey Form
The Effectiveness of Online-Shopping to Senior High School Students
Name: ______________________________________
Section: _____________________________________

1. How often you use online-shopping?

□ Always
□ Sometime
□ Seldom
2. How much is the cost of products you usually buy online?
□ Below 500php
□ 500php – 1000php
□ 1000php – 2000php
□ 2000php and above
3. What are the common products available online-shopping?
□ Accessories
□ Beauty Products
□ Clothes
□ Shoes
4. What are the products you usually buy online?
□ Accessories
□ Beauty Products
□ Clothes
□ Shoes
5. How does online-shopping help you?
□ Easy to find the products
□ Not tiring
□ Can browse anywhere
6. Rate how effective is online-shopping.
□ Very Effective

□ Effective
□ Less Effective
□ Not Effective

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