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CSE 302 : Analysis and design of Information System Architecture
School: LSECA Department: CSE/IT
Name of the faculty member: SUNIL DHAWAN
Class: B.TECH Section: D1804 Batch: 2008
Max. Marks: 7 DOA: 22-01-2011 DOS: 31-01-2011

Part- A

Q1. A situation in which an organization can use information system for taking
strategic and managerial decisions.


The information needs are different at different organizational levels.

In an organization, strategic management is the set of decision used to
implement stratigies that is fit in the organization and its environment so as to
achieve organizational goals. Top executives use strategic decision to define an
overall direction for the organization and try to achieve long term goals. In this
the information needed by top most management for decision making. This
decision provides information to the manager who must make judgements about
particular situations.
Management decision is the category of information required by the middle
management. Information like sales information for the past or yearly
production details fall in this category. It deals with well structured decision
situation. Managerial decision are required by all the organization and same
have separate management information system departments to look to the
related problems and for the proper working of the system.
Q2: A system analyst plays an important in helping an organization in
overcoming a problem relating to sales targets not being achieved.

A system analyst are familiar with a variety of computer hardware,

programming language, operating system because they convert user request into
technical specification. System analyst tells how to use computers for better
work. They tell the organization which software is good and better for the work
or not and have to buy it or not. They take a feedback about the computer
system from the people. Then, they plan a computer system that can do those
tasks well. After understanding, what the system needs to do, they break down
the tasks into small steps. They draw the diagram to show how information will
enter into the system, processed and give output according to the requirements
of the people. For example system analyst decide how sales information will get
enter in a system and how the computer will add up information in a way that
makes it useful for store managers. They try to find the tools that are required
for the system to work fastest and easiest.

Q3: “The Successful information systems are always the result of team effort”.
Elaborate it.


A successful information system requires that the daily work habits of every
person in your organization change. A successful program requires a thoughtful,
comprehensive strategy. Developing the strategy involves assessing your
current situation.

The role of CEO's of a company is to communicate and to guide planning. It

involve teams at all levels in planning helps to build a shared vision, and
increases each individual's motivation to see plans succeed.

In the teams leaders are required which is the source of inspiration and coaching
rather than command and control. Recognizing and rewarding success,
inspiring, and modeling behaviors is more likely to result in true commitment
than use of authority, which can lead to passive resistance and hidden rebellion.

The senior management team discuss, challenge, and finally agree on the strategic direction and key
components of the plan. They challenge themselves to be clear in their purpose and intent, and to
push for consistent operational definitions that each member of the team agrees to.

A common way to begin is to review the organization's current state and future possibilities using a
SWOT i.e. strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat analysis. This involves identifying strengths
and core capabilities in products, resources, people, and customers
Next step is implementation, this is where most failures occur. A common method of implementation
is communication effort. This can involve slogans, posters, events, memos, videos, Web sites, etc. It
provide motivation, and allow sustained attention.

Also top management provides a role model for other managers to use in assessing the salient
environmental variables and their relationship to the organization, and the appropriateness of the
organization's response to these variables. It is also responsible for the design and control of the
organization's reward and incentive systems, and responsible for the determination of organization
structure e.g., information flow, decision-making processes, and job assignments.

Finally, top management are involved in the design of information systems for the organization. They
make certain that information concerning these key variables is available to affected managers. Top-
level managers use feedback concerning the organization's performance and the performance of
individual business.


Q4: Feasibility Study is considered one of the most important steps in system development.
Provide examples to support your answer.

Feasibility studies contain comprehensive, detailed information about

your business structure, your products and services, the market, logistics
of how you will actually deliver a product or service, the resources you
need to make the business run efficiently, as well as other information
about the business.

The feasibility study investigates the problem and the information needs of the
stakeholders. It determine the resources required to provide an information
systems solution, the cost and benefits of such a solution, and the feasibility of
such a solution. The feasibility study….

• List in detail all the things you need to make the business work
• Identify logistical and other business-related problems and solutions
• Develop marketing strategies to belive a investor that your business is
worth considering as an investment
• Serve as a solid foundation for developing your business plan.
In setting up a new business the failures of businesses are caused by many different things. One of the
things that can cause a business to fail is the lack of feasibility analysis, before starting their own
business, people need to perform a simple feasibility analysis.
The following are several things that people should do when doing their feasibility analysis:

1. Economic feasibility—It determines the cost and benefit of proposed system and compares
with the budget. The cost of the project should not overweigh the budget. The cost of project
include cost of hardware and software, development and implementation. If benefits are
found to be more than cost then only analyst decide to continue with the project. A project is
approved only if it covers its cost in a given period of time.
2. Technical feasibility—it determines whether technical resources are sufficient for the
proposed system or not, if they are not sufficient, analyst suggest the configuration. This is
demonstrated if the needed hardware and software are available in the marketplace or can be
developed by the time of implementation.
3. Operational feasibility—It determines whether the system will operate in the way user want.
The ability, desire, and willingness of the stakeholders to use, support, and operate the
proposed computer information system. The stakeholders are interested in systems that are
easy to operate, produce the desired information, and fall within the objectives of the

A feasibility study can be conducted by the school foodservice director in the

district considering a central kitchen. The school foodservice director often
does not have the time required to conduct the in-depth analysis feasibility

A consultant often is hired to conduct the feasibility study because the

director may lack the expertise necessary for completing the study.

The individual conducting a feasibility study should have the following


• Experience in conducting feasibility studies.

• Experience in foodservice and experience in school foodservice.

It is important that all necessary data are collected and presented so that the
best decision can be made.

The school foodservice director will provide most of the operational data
needed to assess the current operational situation, including information
about costs, staffing, participation, etc.
Q5:What kind of fact finding techniques would you use for investigating the information
requirements for a multispeciality hospital, which is presently using the manual registrations?
Which kind of techniques do you think will be more effective? Also, mention the problems
you anticipate in conducting the investigations.

Q6: Write the help of an example explain the development life cycle for a fee collection
system in a college.
The components involve in development life cycle for a fee collection system in a college is

• Fully Web Based

• Stable Platform
• Robust Processing
• Scalable
• Fully Customizable
• Centralized Information
• User Friendly Environment
• Search Capability
• Export to Excel/PDF
• Integration with Banks, Accounting
and other Remote Systems
• Email Notifications
Students can view their fee status online on a internet. This helps the student. It also provide a
stable platform for this activity. Fee details can be easily captured with provision to send alert message for
students with overdue .The
Administration Module controls all the procedures related to the registrar,
accounting department, students’ affairs and academic director.
A new module is also integrated in the Faculty Module to enable online interaction with students through the use of
forums / help desk.

Instructors can also check classes taught in previous semesters through the archive section.
The Faculty Payroll Module displays payroll information of each instructor according to the type, location and credits
Students are also able to print their tuition fees payment vouchers from the “My Payments” section and pay at the
Bank. The advanced communication protocol between the UMS and the Bank allows control and monitoring of late

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