2018-Bugada-Update On Selective Regional Analgesia For Hip Surgery Patients

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Update on Selective

Regional Analgesia for Hip

S u r ge ry Pat i en t s
Dario Bugada, MDa,*, Valentina Bellini, MD
, Luca F. Lorini, MD
Edward R. Mariano, MD, MASc,d

 Total hip replacement  Hip fracture  Femoral nerve block  Fascia iliaca block
 Lumbar plexus block  Local infiltration analgesia  Surgical outcome
 Postoperative analgesia

 A wide range of selective nerve blocks are available for hip surgery analgesia, reflecting
the complex innervation of the hip.
 The ideal block technique or combination for hip surgery is not yet defined; there is sup-
portive evidence for posterior lumbar plexus, femoral nerve, and fascia iliaca blocks.
 Alternative nerve and interfascial plane blocks may have a role in analgesia for patients
undergoing hip surgery but rigorous studies are lacking.
 Despite the type of block used, a strategy of multimodal analgesia in the perioperative
period is mandatory.


The hip surgery patient population worldwide is quite diverse, from children with
congenital hip dysplasia, to younger athletic adults who undergo hip arthroscopy, to
frail elderly patients with multiple medical problems who suffer a mechanical fall.
This review focuses on adult hip surgery patients with a special emphasis on the ap-
plications of regional anesthesia and analgesia following hip fracture repair and total
hip arthroplasty (THA).

Emergency and Intensive Care Department, ASST Papa Giovanni XXIII, Piazza OMS, 1, Bergamo
24127, Italy; b Department of Anesthesia and Pain Therapy, Parma University Hospital, Via
Gramsci, 14, Parma 43126, Italy; c Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine,
Stanford University School of Medicine, 3801 Miranda Avenue, MC 112A, Palo Alto, CA 94304,
USA; d Anesthesiology and Perioperative Care Service, Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health
Care System, 3801 Miranda Avenue, MC 112A, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA
* Corresponding author. Emergency and Intensive Care Department, ASST Papa Giovanni XXIII,
Piazza OMS, 1, Bergamo 24127, Italy.
E-mail address: [email protected]

Anesthesiology Clin - (2018) -–-

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anclin.2018.04.001 anesthesiology.theclinics.com
1932-2275/18/ª 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 Bugada et al

Hip fracture due to mechanical falls continues to occur at a significant rate despite
focused efforts on prevention.1 Most of these patients are elderly and frail with mul-
tiple comorbidities. In this vulnerable population, early and appropriate analgesic
treatment can have a strong positive influence on the trajectory of postoperative re-
covery.2 Total joint replacement, including THA, is projected to become among the
most common elective surgical procedures in the United States in the coming
decade.3 Effective pain management is an essential element of successful rehabili-
tation and enhanced recovery.4,5 In this context, appropriate application of regional
anesthesia and analgesia continues to play an important role in perioperative pain
management but must be carefully balanced with the expected occurrence of lower
limb motor block.6
Beyond the immediate postoperative period, regional anesthesia and analgesia
can have potentially beneficial effects on long-term outcomes, especially on persistent
postsurgical pain7 and functional rehabilitation.8 Continuous regional analgesia,
in particular, has been extensively studied in patients who undergo total joint replace-
ment surgery and may positively influence patient outcomes in other surgical
New appraisals on hip anatomy and innervation, as well as the emergence of new
equipment and techniques, have increased the spectrum of possible regional anes-
thesia and analgesia options for anesthesiologists and pain physicians who care for
hip surgery patients. This review presents the latest information on this topic, with spe-
cial attention on anatomy, selective unilateral regional analgesic techniques, and
outcome data.


Hip innervation is complex with contributions from many nerve components. Birn-
baum and colleagues10 reported that the femoral nerve (FN) innervates the anterolat-
eral capsule, and the obturator nerve (ON) innervates the anteromedial capsule.
Combined innervation of the anterior capsule was often observed. The posterior
and inferior parts of the hip joint capsule are innervated by the sacral plexus, consist-
ing of branches directly from the sciatic or superior gluteal nerves, or via the sciatic
nerve branch to the quadratus femoris muscle.
A histologic study of the hip joint capsule found nociceptive fibers to be pre-
dominantly present in the anterior and superolateral parts of the hip joint capsule.
Neural fibers found in the posterior and inferior parts were identified as mechano-
receptors.11 These findings support the assumption that the FNs and ONs may be
the primary mediators of nociceptive pain from the hip joint, thus narrowing the
focus of regional analgesic techniques.12 However, blockade of the sacral plexus
is necessary to provide surgical anesthesia, and the lateral femoral cutaneous
nerve (LFCN) is also important for postoperative analgesia because it innervates
the skin in the lateral part of the thigh, which is frequently involved in the surgical
incision (Fig. 1). Although neuraxial blocks, epidurals, and spinal techniques are
known to provide effective anesthesia and analgesia for hip surgery patients,
they are nonselective for unilateral surgery and may be associated with undesir-
able side effects.13


Lumbar Plexus Block
Lumbar plexus block (LPB) targets the FN, LFCN, and ON as they run within the psoas
major muscle. It is also known as the psoas compartment block. There are various
Regional Analgesia for Hip Surgery Patients 3

Fig. 1. Innervation of the hip joint and skin dermatomes relevant for hip surgery. Innerva-
tion: (A) hip joint, anterior view; (B) hip joint, posterior or lateral view; (C) femur, medial
side. Skin innervation: (D) anterior view, (E) posterior view. LAT, lateral.

approaches to perform the LPB technique using both electrical stimulation and ultra-
sound guidance.14,15
Despite the introduction of newer approaches, the use of ultrasound for LPB in
adults has to date been unfortunately less helpful than in other peripheral blocks.16
The main reason is likely the depth of the plexus, resulting in reduced image resolution
and poor needle visualization. Nevertheless, the use of ultrasound imaging for pre-
puncture scanning17 or in conjunction with peripheral nerve stimulation may enhance
block performance by providing an indication of psoas muscle depth, position of the
kidney, and spread of injectate.18
The primary indication for LPB is postoperative analgesia after major hip surgery
such as arthroplasty. Single-injection LPB reduces pain ratings and postoperative
morphine requirements.19 Continuous LPB results in excellent pain relief during the
first 48 hours20 and decreases the time required to achieve discharge criteria.21
Compared with neuraxial blockade, LPB results in less hypotension and improved
analgesia in elderly patients undergoing hip fracture repair15 and is as effective as
epidural block for analgesia after THA, with less nausea, urinary retention, motor
block, and hypotension.
Despite proven efficacy, potential side effects and serious complications have tradi-
tionally limited the use of LPB. LPB is considered a deep block and is subject to all the
restrictions of neuraxial block in the anticoagulated patient.22,23 Further, neuraxial and
4 Bugada et al

bilateral spread can occur; the close proximity of the epidural and intrathecal spaces
may result in catheter misplacement.24
These concerns are based on the findings of a major multiinstitutional study of com-
plications after regional anesthesia that found 5 serious complications after 394 LPB
procedures,25 all either secondary to the occurrence of intrathecal or epidural block, or
intravascular local anesthetic administration. A more recent registry confirms that se-
vere complications are still possible despite all precautions related to the prevention of
neuraxial spread and intravascular injection.26 The reason for the migration of injectate
is not completely understood but it is thought that it relies on the diffusion along nerve
roots toward the neuraxis. Various attempts have been made to reduce this phenom-
enon but neuraxial spread of local anesthetic can still occur in up to 30% of cases. The
technique used for LPB,27 use of ultrasound, and the reduction in the volume of local
anesthetics do not seem to eliminate the problem.28 Recently, severe complications
have been associated with even the lowest possible volumes of injectate to obtain a
successful LPB; therefore, 100% prevention may not be possible even with new
ultrasound-guided approaches.26,28 Only limiting opening injection pressure (<15
psi)24 and lateral position29 seem to be protective but no large prospective studies
are available to support this claim. Hemodynamic monitoring, therefore, should be
continued for 45 minutes after block with regular assessment for contralateral spread
by sensory testing. Use of a test dose and/or radiological imaging may be warranted to
confirm catheter placement.30
In a randomized clinical trial (RCT) comparing continuous LPB to a proximally
inserted FN catheter technique (nearly identical to the fascia iliaca catheter) for sub-
jects undergoing THA, postoperative analgesia was equivalent between the 2
groups.31 Given these results and the comparison of procedure-related risks, the in-
dications for LPB seem to be shrinking.

Fascia Iliaca Block

The concept of fascia iliaca block (FIB) is to introduce high volumes of local anesthetic
underneath the fascia iliaca, assuming that the proximal diffusion of the injectate along
the psoas muscle will target FNs, LFCNs, and ONs during their course (the so-called
3-in-1 block).
Different techniques are available. The first to be described was the landmark-
based double-pop technique,32 a loss-of-resistance approach based on the pop felt
when the needle passes through both fascia lata and fascia iliaca.
Ultrasound-guided approaches have also been described. One early approach rec-
ommends the use of high frequency linear transducer with transverse orientation
placed below the inguinal ligament and lateral to the femoral artery. A more cranial ac-
cess point (above the inguinal ligament) has been described33 in the attempt to in-
crease proximal local anesthetic spread to the iliac fossa. The orientation of the
probe seems to influence block success with perpendicular orientation to the inguinal
ligament associated with greater incidence of successful LFCN block.34 Without ultra-
sound, the accuracy of the loss-of-resistance technique in positioning the needle in
the fascia iliaca compartment is 56%, with drug diffusion above the fascia in 14%
and intramuscular injection in 29% of patients.35 Ultrasound guidance increases the
frequency of FN block (FNB) and ON block (ONB).36
When compared with the FNB technique, FIB may have an inherent safety advan-
tage because the puncture site is further away from large vessels and the FN. FIB is
a valuable technique that can be used in the emergency department (ED) to treat
pain associated with hip fractures. RCTs have shown a statistically significant
improvement in maximum pain relief both at rest and at movement,37 with fewer
Regional Analgesia for Hip Surgery Patients 5

adverse events compared with other analgesics.38 Furthermore, in a recent study on

ED patients with hip fracture, FIB provided immediate pain relief and allowed a larger
proportion of patients to reach a clinically meaningful decrease in pain without opioids
at 4 to 8 hours.39 FIB’s opioid-sparing effect and analgesic efficacy with fewer side ef-
fects have been consistently reported.40,41
Single-injection FIB techniques may provide effective analgesia for several hours or
even up to 2 days.42 When indicated (eg, when longer time is expected to pass be-
tween hospital admission and surgery), a catheter can be inserted to perform contin-
uous regional analgesia with potential benefits on patient outcomes, especially
cognitive impairment.43
FIB is also a valuable element of multimodal analgesia after THA. Despite some -con-
flicting results, FIB has generally been shown to be superior to placebo for postoper-
ative analgesia, irrespective of the type of hip surgery.44,45 In a recent RCT, a
high-dose longitudinal suprainguinal ultrasound-guided FIB resulted in a statistically
significant reduction in morphine consumption at 24 and 48 hours postoperatively
compared with intravenous analgesia alone, with decreased pain scores up to 24 hours
postoperatively.46 Continuous FIB maintained for the first 48 hours after surgery re-
duces pain intensity when compared with fentanyl intravenous patient-controlled anal-
gesia, with a lower incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting, and pruritus.47
When managed appropriately (ie, pausing infusions hours before anticipated mobility),
continuous FIB may not impair ambulatory ability for postoperative THA patients.48
A recent meta-analysis comparing FNB and FIB indicates that both techniques mini-
mize opioid consumption in patients after THA.49 A study by Rashiq and colleagues50
compared multiple pain treatment options for subjects following hip fracture surgery,
with variable timing of block execution and type of injection (eg, single-injection, cath-
eter with continuous infusion, intermittent bolus). FIB was the most protective against
postoperative delirium. Further studies are required to confirm these results.

Femoral Nerve Block

FNB is a common peripheral nerve block procedure, carries a low risk of complica-
tions, and has multiple clinical applications for postoperative analgesia. All available
techniques are based on the relationship of FN to the vessels in the femoral triangle.
The FN is always lateral to the artery; identifying the femoral artery (either by palpation
or by ultrasound) is a helpful guide when locating the nerve. The nerve is easily iden-
tified by ultrasound (in between the fascia iliaca and iliacus muscle) and usually ap-
pears as a flat or teardrop-shaped hyperechoic structure. If using nerve stimulation,
needle-to-nerve proximity is indicated by eliciting quadriceps contraction with patellar
movement (the so-called dancing patella). Different approaches have been used for
ultrasound-guided FNB, typically with short-axis target imaging and either out-of-
plane or in-plane needle guidance.51
For patients presenting to the ED with acute hip pain from a proximal femoral frac-
ture, both nerve stimulator and ultrasound guidance result in successful blocks of
similar duration; however, ultrasound decreases block performance time.52 Providing
early FNB in this setting effectively controls pain during radiological examinations and
traction application.53 A recent review emphasizes FNB’s effectiveness versus opioids
and its higher safety profile in patients with hip fractures.54
FNB may also be useful when positioning patients for neuraxial anesthesia; when
compared with intravenous fentanyl, FNB reduces the need for additional analgesics
and decreases the time needed to perform spinal anesthesia.55
Single-injection FNB, although limited in duration, may offer some benefits during
postoperative recovery after hip surgery. When compared with placebo, FNB can
6 Bugada et al

extend the time from anesthetic emergence to the first request for analgesia.56 Ac-
cording to a study by Wiesmann and colleagues,57 subjects who received an FNB
for hip surgery demonstrated decreased systemic analgesic consumption up to
24 hours after surgery, improved pulmonary function, and faster achievement of post-
anesthesia care unit discharge criteria.
Continuous FNB provides extended postoperative analgesia after hip surgery.
When a catheter is properly placed next to the FN, effective analgesic duration is
longer, and the quality of analgesia is equivalent to that of a continuous LPB. A suc-
cessful FNB results in quadriceps weakness,58 which may impair early ambulatory
ability after lower extremity surgery.31 However, peripheral nerve blocks may not be
entirely to blame in terms of increased fall risk. Large-scale database studies and
RCTs have shown other factors (ie, obesity, age, higher comorbidity burden) to be
associated with postoperative falls and difficulty with ambulation after hip arthro-
plasty.48,59 For outpatient hip surgery (eg, arthroscopy), routine FNB may not be rec-
ommended due to this risk.60 Careful consideration of risks and benefits should
always be performed when evaluating potential candidates for peripheral nerve
blockade, and explicit instructions regarding safe care of the affected extremity should
be provided to the patient and caregivers.61


Obturator Nerve Block
The ON descends through psoas major and extends to the anterior thigh through the
obturator canal. The common ON runs between the pectineus and obturator externus
muscles immediately after the nerve emerges from the obturator canal. The articular
branch supplying the hip joint is derived from the common ON or its branches at
different levels in conjunction with the obturator canal.62
ONB can be performed by different techniques. Regardless of technique
used, the aim for successful analgesia of the hip joint should be the common
ON before bifurcation into anterior and posterior branches. When using nerve
stimulation alone, blind needle advancement toward intrapelvic components may
result in a higher rate of complications63 and articular branches to the hip joint
are not always blocked. Ultrasound-guided ONB below the inguinal ligament is
an easy technique to block anterior and posterior divisions64 but articular branches
to the hip may be inconsistently anesthetized. Recently, a cadaveric study has
demonstrated that injection of 15 mL within the muscular plane between the pecti-
neus and the external obturator muscle provides 100% block of the articular
It remains unclear whether an ONB alone can significantly improve the management
of acute pain after hip surgery. An RCT demonstrating equivalent analgesia between
continuous FNB (essentially a fascia iliaca catheter technique) and continuous LPB31
argues against a clinically meaningful benefit of ONB. One RCT described the combi-
nation of ONB and LFCN blockade as an effective approach in controlling acute pain
after surgery for hip fracture.52 However, the available evidence is based on indirect
multicomparison analysis and should be carefully interpreted. The clinical relevance
of adding ONB to a standard FNB for analgesia in hip fracture or hip surgery, or
possible advantages of selective ONB compared with other plexus or peripheral nerve
blocks are unclear. As understanding of hip innervation increases and the expecta-
tions for postoperative ambulation after joint replacement change, combined with ad-
vances in ultrasound-guided techniques,65 there may yet be an indication for ONB in
this setting.
Regional Analgesia for Hip Surgery Patients 7

Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve Block

The LFCN is a sensory branch of the lumbar plexus. The LFCN divides into several
branches and provides superficial innervation over the anterolateral thigh. There is a
large variation in the area of sensory coverage among individuals because of the highly
variable course of the LFCN and its branches. Different anatomic variants have been
shown,66 which must be taken into account when this nerve block is performed, mak-
ing it challenging to perform an effective landmark-based block. Ultrasound guidance,
however, allows for more accurate needle insertion into the appropriate fascial plane.
The LFCN is typically visualized with ultrasound between the tensor fasciae latae and
the sartorius muscles, 1 to 2 cm medial and inferior to the anterior superior iliac spine,
as an oval hypoechoic small structure with a hyperechoic rim.67
LFCN block can be helpful for postoperative pain management in hip surgery pa-
tients but with limited effectiveness when performed alone. Thybo and colleagues68
demonstrated that ultrasound-guided LFCN block performed postoperatively in
THA subjects experiencing pain scores higher than 40 mm during hip flexion,
may reduce pain at mobilization by an average of 17 mm. However, they showed
a significant percentage of nonresponders (around 42%). The same investigators
performed an additional RCT in which an ultrasound-guided LFCN block was
administered at the end of THA, before the spinal block resolved. No differences
were reported in the following 24 hours in terms of opioid consumption, pain at
rest and movement, time to first mobilization, and degree of mobilization.69 The
limited effectiveness of LFCN block when performed alone may be due to the sur-
gical incision (at least in part) extending beyond the skin area innervated by LFCN.
In a group of 20 volunteers, more than half of incisions drawn according to a simu-
lated hip arthroplasty fell completely outside the area of anesthesia produced
by LFCN block. In these cases, an alternative approach may be the infiltration of
the skin performed by the surgeon because LFCN selectively innervates the skin

Interfascial Plane Blocks: Quadratus Lumborum Block

The quadratus lumborum block (QLB) aims to block the anterior branches of thora-
coabdominal nerves and may extend to the upper branches of the lumbar plexus
and lateral cutaneous branches of the thoracoabdominal nerves with possible spread
of injectate to the paravertebral space. Multiple approaches are described in the liter-
ature: lateral, posterior, and anterior (transmuscular). Different approaches determine
different spread patterns of injectate with affected dermatomes ranging from thoracic
(T)6 to lumbar (L)2.71
QLB has mostly been described for abdominal surgery71 but has also recently been
applied for hip fracture patients. In patients with neck of femur fracture, QLB may
result in better pain control in the first 24 hours after surgery compared with FNB
with a lower use of opioids.72 La Colla and colleagues73 have described QLB with
block duration of about 30 hours, extending through T10 to L3 dermatomes, and
without associated muscle weakness. Analgesia lasting more than 24 hours has
been reported without association with hip flexor or quadriceps weakness in 2 other
patients receiving hip surgery with 0.5% ropivacaine.74 A continuous QLB with cath-
eter placement may represent an option for continuous regional analgesia. In a report,
0.2% ropivacaine was infused at 7 mL per hour to provide analgesia without motor
block in a single case of primary THA through posterior approach.75
However, not all QLB approaches are the same and motor weakness is possible,76
especially with deeper injection of local anesthetic anterior to the quadratus lumborum
8 Bugada et al

muscle. With deeper approaches, considerations related to regional anesthesia in the

anticoagulated patient are relevant.
There may be a role for QLB in multimodal pain management for hip surgery patients
due to its potential for analgesic effectiveness and preservation of muscle strength
with certain techniques, which makes it less likely to impair early functional rehabilita-
tion. More outcome data based on prospective studies are still needed, as well as bet-
ter understanding of the applications of the various QLB techniques. Safety issues
should be addressed because they may limit QLB application, especially in the anti-
coagulated patient.


Local infiltration analgesia (LIA) relies on the injection of local anesthetic (alone or in
combination with other analgesics) within the surgical field in multiple layers, providing
analgesia without any motor block. In contrast to LIA for total knee replacement, which
is strongly supported, the efficacy of LIA for analgesia after THA is not as widely
accepted.77,78 However, a recent RCT provides supportive evidence for the analgesic
effectiveness of LIA with liposomal bupivacaine after THA.79 Compared with intra-
thecal morphine and epidural analgesia, LIA was reported to have similar or improved
analgesic efficacy.80 In a recent meta-analysis, no difference was observed between
LIA and peripheral nerve blocks (LPB, FNB, FIB) in terms of cumulative opioid use and
pain scores at 24 hours after surgery. LIA had a greater probability of being ranked first
in efficacy for patient outcomes.81 This was confirmed by a recent study that showed
higher incidence of motor block for FNB, whereas lower morphine consumption and
better pain control at 24 hours were obtained with LIA; however, issues with study
design may limit generalizability of these results.82 In another recent RCT, the investi-
gators found a modest improvement with respect to analgesia in patients receiving
continuous LPB compared with those receiving LIA with ropivacaine.79 LIA for THA re-
quires systematic, extensive, and meticulous multilayer tissue injection before surgical
wound closure, encompassing both capsular and soft tissues.83 Injectate typically
contains local anesthetics, as well as other analgesic adjuncts.84


Hip surgery is widely performed and regional anesthesia techniques offer many ben-
efits in terms of postoperative pain management and functional recovery. To date, no
single technique or combination of techniques has been shown to be superior in all hip
surgeries. Use of LPB, FNB, and FIB within the context of a multimodal regimen are all
fairly well supported by published evidence. Other techniques, such as ONB and
LFCN block, have limited applications when used alone. Newer regional analgesic ap-
proaches, such as QLB, still require rigorous comparative effectiveness studies
against established techniques. Regardless of which block technique is used, a multi-
modal approach must be used. To realize potential long-term outcome benefits, more
work is needed to advance postoperative regional analgesia tailored to the individual
patient, beyond the first 1 to 3 days after hip surgery.


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