Triduum in Honor of John Vianney

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Days of Prayer for Priests

and for Vocation to the

01-03 August 2010

Committee on Liturgy
San Carlos Seminary
Makati City
FIRST DAY – 01 August 2010
Entrance Hymn
When the assembly has gathered, a suitable song may be sung while the priest is
entering the sanctuary. After the song the priest greets the people.

Greeting and Introduction to the Celebration

After the entrance song, the presider and the faithful remain standing and make the
sign of the cross, as the presider says:

Leader: In the name of the Father,

and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
All: Amen.
Then the presider, facing the people, extends his hands and greets all present with
the following greetings:

Presider: Grace, mercy, and peace

be with you
from God the Father
and Christ Jesus our Savior.
All: And also with you.

Presider: Dear brothers, we are gathered

together this evening on this first day
of our triduum honoring
the holy Cure’ of Ars,
St. John Marie Vianney.
Let us together implore,
through his intercession,
that the Lord of the harvest
may send workers for His harvest,
for the harvest is great
and laborers are few.
May the Lord touch and inspire
the hearts of many generous men and
women to respond to God’s call
of service to His holy Church.

The song “Here I am Lord” is sung.

Opening Prayer
All pray in silence for a brief period. Afterwards the presider, with hands joined, sings
or says:

Presider: Let us pray.

Pause for Silent Prayer

in Your plan of salvation
You provide shepherds
for Your people.
Fill Your Church with the spirit
of courage and love.
Raise up worthy ministers
for Your altars and ardent
but gentle servants of the Gospel.

Grant this through Christ our Lord.

All: Amen.


Gospel Acclamation
A suitable song is sung to acclaim the Gospel

Gospel Reading
Presider:   The Lord be with you.
All: And also with you.
Presider: + A reading from the holy Gospel
according to Matthew

At the sight of the crowds,

the heart of Jesus was moved with pity.
They were lying prostrate
from exhaustion, like a sheep
without a shepherd.
He said to His disciples:
“The harvest is good
but laborers are scarce.
Beg the harvest master to send out
laborers to gather his harvest.”
Then he summoned
His twelve disciples
and gave them authority
to expel unclean spirits and cure sickness and
disease of every kind.
The Gospel of the Lord.

All: Praise to You Lord Jesus Christ.
Homily / Sharing (optional)

Presider: We need men who will give You
their mouths to speak to us of You,
their feet to travel the world
preaching Your Gospel,
their hand to bless us,
their eyes to reflect
Your loving fatherly gaze.
We need You, Lord.
The world and the Church need You.
We ask you humbly and earnestly,
to send us priest,
vessels of Your saving power.
Send us missionaries,
consecrated men and women
who will be light in the darkness
of the world and salt to free us
from the corruption of sin and evil.
All : Lord, send laborers to Your harvest.
Presider: When you took pity on the crowd
that followed you, and saw in it
all the multitudes of those
that throughout history
would need shepherds on their journey
toward you, you told us to pray.
Hear now our humble prayer.
All : Lord, send us shepherds
after your own heart.

Presider: Lord, the fields are vast.

Do not let the harvest
that cost you the high price
of your passion and death
go unreaped for want of laborers
to gather it in.
All : Lord, send priests to your Church.
Presider: Men and women
who live the consecrated life
leave everything
in order to follow you alone,
the Supreme Good,
in perfect charity.
They give their freedom
out of love for you;
they offer up the best
of their affection and love to you;
they follow you in poverty
on the path of sacrifice.
Great is their generosity
and their consecrated life
is a great gift to your Church.
All : Lord, send your Church vocations
to the consecrated life.

Presider: In the remotest places in the world,
at times in the midst of persecution
and at great risk, your missionaries preach
your Gospel to those
who have not heard of you.
They endure loneliness, fatigue
and misunderstanding,
yet they bear it all with love,
so long as they can see your love
take root in the hearts
of those people
to whom they reach out.
All: Lord, send missionaries to your Church.
Presider: Send us, Lord,
All: priests after your own heart.

Presider: Let us now make

our prayers complete,
let us pray in the way Jesus taught us

Our Father…

The Our Father is sung. After the the Lord’s prayer the presider and the
assembly prays the triduum prayer in honor of St. John Marie Vianney.


Lord, heavenly Father and Source of all blessings,

You blessed St. John Marie Vianney with the desire to
become a priest after Your Heart. He became outstanding
in humility and love of poverty, exemplary in acts of
mortification and prayer, totally devoted to the service of
Your people. Because of this, he became the model and
patron of all priests.
As we honor him in this triduum, we pray that You,
Almighty and Loving Father, the Lord of the harvest, may
give to Your Church today many more priests after the
example of St. John Marie Vianney. May You give us
priests who wholeheartedly devote themselves to prayer
and penance according to the command of the Lord Jesus.
May the priests of today be examples of humility and
simplicity of life, shining examples of holiness in a world
desperately searching for Your presence in a materialistic
world. May You send us priests after the examples of St.
John Marie Vianney who will be tireless and powerful
preachers of the Word, helping the community to reform
and live according to the Gospel values of Christ. May You
send priests who are zealous dispensers of God’s grace in
the sacraments that are signs of Your life and love for us.
Give us priests who have a deep love for Jesus, Your Son,
in the Eucharist and priests who have a deep love and
devotion to Mary, Mother of Your Son.
May we obtain all these graces that we pray for
through the intercession of St. John Marie Vianney, patron
of priests, so that we, Your community, may all grow in
our faith and life of holiness through the ministry of good
and holy priests. We ask this through the intercession of
the Immaculate Heart of Mary and in the name of Jesus,

Your most beloved Son.

Final Blessing
Presider: The Lord be with you.
All: And also with you.
Presider: May almighty God bless you,
the Father + , and the son and
the Holy Spirit.
All: Amen.
Presider: Go in Peace.
All: Thanks be to God.

SECOND DAY – 02 August 2010
Entrance Hymn
When the assembly has gathered, a suitable song may be sung while the priest is
entering the sanctuary. After the song the priest greets the people.

Greeting and Introduction to the Celebration

After the entrance song, the presider and the faithful remain standing and make the
sign of the cross, as the presider says:

Presider: In the name of the Father,

and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
All: Amen.
Then the presider, facing the people, extends his hands and greets all present with
the following greetings:

Presider: Grace, mercy, and peace

be with you from God the Father
and Christ Jesus our Savior.
All: And also with you.

Presider: Dear brothers,

we are gathered together
this evening on this second day
of our triduum honoring
St. John Marie Vianney,
patron of all priests.
Let us together thank God,
for the gift of the priesthood
to His holy Church
– through the ministry of priests
the Word of God is proclaimed,
the Saving Mysteries of Christ
made available to us
and God’s holy people is build up
into the one Body of Christ.
Let us also turn to the shining example of
priestly life and service
given us by holy Cure’ of Ars
and pray that through his intercession
we too may have the priestly heart
- a heart after the heart
of the Good Shepherd himself.
The song “Naising Maglingkod” is sung.

Opening Prayer
All pray in silence for a brief period. Afterwards the presider, with hands joined, sings
or says:

Presider: Let us pray.

Pause for Silent Prayer

Father of mercy,
hear our prayers
and fill the hearts of Your priests
with the light of the Holy Spirit.
May they worthily minister
Your mysteries,
faithfully serve Your Church,
and come to love You
with a never-ending love

Grant this through Christ our Lord.

All: Amen.
Gospel Acclamation
A suitable song is sung to acclaim the Gospel

Gospel Reading
Presider:   The Lord be with you.
All: And also with you.
Presider: + A reading from the holy Gospel
according to John

Jesus said:
“I am the good shepherd;
the good shepherd lays down his life for the
The hired hand who is no shepherd
nor owner of the sheep
catches sight of the wolf coming
and runs away, leaving the sheep
to be snatched
and scattered by the wolf.
That is because he works for pay;
he has no concern for the sheep.”

“I am the good shepherd;
I know my sheep
and my sheep know me
in the same way that
the Father knows me
and I know the Father;
for these sheep I will give my life.
I have other sheep
that do not belong to this fold.
I must lead them, too,
and they shall hear my voice.
There shall be one flock then,
one shepherd.
The Father loves me for this:
that I lay down my life
to take it up again.”
they believed it was You who sent me.
The Gospel of the Lord.
All: Praise to You Lord Jesus Christ.

Homily / Sharing

Reader: We thank the Lord
for the gift of our priests
whose life and ministry bring Christ
to us and lead us to bring Christ
to each other.
We offer our prayers
for our beloved priests
that they may continue to be instruments of
God’s grace
and the living sacrament of his loving
presence in the world.
All: Lord Jesus, keep Your priests
and all of us in Your love.

Reader: We are grateful for the many gifts

our priests bring to our community:
for drawing us together in worship,
for visiting us in our homes,
for comforting us in sickness,
for showing us compassion,
for blessing our marriage,
for baptizing us,
for confirming us in our calling,
for supporting us in bereavement,
for helping us grow in faith,
for encouraging us to take the initiative,
for helping the whole community
realize God’s presence among us.
All: Lord Jesus, keep Your priests
and all of us in Your love.
Reader: For our part, we pray
that we may always be
attentive to your needs
and never take you for granted.
Our priests need friendship and love,

welcome and a sense of belonging,
kind words and acts of thoughtfulness.

All: Lord Jesus, keep Your priests

and all of us in Your love.
Reader: We pray also,
for the priests who have wounded
the priesthood.
May we be willing to forgive
and may they be open to healing.
May we support one another
During times of crisis.
All: Lord Jesus, keep Your priests
and all of us in Your love.

Presider: God our Father, we ask you

To bless and confirm our priests
in their calling.
Give them the gifts they need
To respond with generosity
and a joyful heart.
All: Amen.

Presider: Let us now make

our prayers complete, let us pray
in the way Jesus taught us

Our Father…

The Our Father is sung. After the the Lord’s prayer the presider and the
Assembly prays the triduum prayer in honor of St. John Marie Vianney.



  Almighty and loving God, full of mercy and

compassion for sinners, Your Son Jesus Christ reconciled
the world to You through his death and resurrection. He
continues to do so through the sacrament of reconciliation
and the ministry of priests who hear the confessions of
Your people. Inspired by this great gift of mercy and
forgiveness, St. John Marie Vianney dedicated most of his
life and ministry hearing confessions and became an
instrument of Your mercy and love for sinners.
As we honor him in this triduum, we ask for the
grace that You, merciful Father, will fill our hearts with the
humility to accept our sinfulness and seek the sacrament
of reconciliation through a good and holy confession of
our sins. We pray that You, Loving Father, will send us
priests after the example of St. John Marie Vianney who
will devote time in hearing confessions and become
instruments of peace and healing in the community. We
also pray that we may experience genuine contrition and
firm purpose of amendment so that we can have a deep
abhorrence of sin and lasting repentance.
We pray too that all priests be worthy ministers of
God’s mercy, making themselves readily available in the
confessional and through their kind and prudent counsel
to all penitents. We pray that You fill our priests with zeal
for the conversion of sinners with their gentle patience
and their holiness of life, after the shining and heroic
example of St. John Marie Vianney. 
St. John Marie Vianney, obtain for us these graces
that we pray for from the Heart of Jesus, pierced on the
cross for our sins, through the heart of Mary, pierced at
the foot of the cross for the love of her sinless Son and all
her children.

Final Blessing
Presider: The Lord be with you.
All: And also with you.
Presider: May almighty God bless you,
the Father ,and the son and
the Holy Spirit.
All: Amen.
Presider: Go in Peace.
All: Thanks be to God.

THIRD DAY – 03 August 2010
Entrance Hymn
When the assembly has gathered, a suitable song may be sung while the priest is
entering the sanctuary. After the song the priest greets the people.

Greeting and Introduction to the Celebration

After the entrance song, the presider and the faithful remain standing and make the
sign of the cross, as the presider says:

Presider: In the name of the Father,

and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
All: Amen.
Then the presider, facing the people, extends his hands and greets all present with
the following greetings:

Presider: Grace, mercy, and peace

be with you from God the Father
and Christ Jesus our Savior.
All: And also with you.

Presider: Dear brothers,

we are gathered together
this evening on this third day
of our triduum honoring
St. John Marie Vianney,
patron of all priests.
Let us together pray,
through his intercession,
for those whom God has called
to service in His holy Church –
our bishops, priests, deacons,
religious men and women
and lay leaders.
May God’s grace make them
more credible and forceful witnesses to the
Gospel in the world
after the example
of the Holy Cure’ of Ars.
The song “Pastorale” is sung.

Opening Prayer
All pray in silence for a brief period. Afterwards the presider, with hands joined, sings
or says:

Presider: Let us pray.

Pause for Silent Prayer
Father, You have appointed
Your Son Jesus Christ
eternal High Priest.
Guide those he has chosen
to be ministers of word and sacrament and
help them
to be faithful in fulfilling the ministry
they have received.

Grant this through Christ our Lord.
All: Amen.


Gospel Acclamation (2 Tim.2:11-12)

A suitable song is sung to acclaim the Gospel

“If we die with Christ, we shall live with him, and if we are
faithful to the end, we shall reign with him.”

Gospel Reading
Presider:   The Lord be with you.
All: And also with you.
Presider: + A reading from the holy Gospel
according to John

Do you now, Father, give me glory

at Your right side,
the glory I had with You
before the world began.
I have made Your name known
to those You gave me out of the world.
These men You gave me were Yours;
they have kept Your word.
Now they realize that all You gave me
comes from You.
I entrust to them the message
You entrusted to me,
and they received it.
They have known that
in truth I came from You
they believed it was You who sent me.
“For these I pray –
not for the world
but for these you have given me,
they are really Yours.
(Just as all that belongs to me is Yours,
So all that belongs to You is mine.)
It is in them that I have been glorified.
The Gospel of the Lord.
All: Praise to You Lord Jesus Christ.

Homily / Sharing

Presider: The harvest is great.
The laborers are few.
All: Lord, send laborers to your harvest.
Presider: You took pity on the crowds
without a shepherd.
All: Lord, send laborers to your harvest.
Presider: For young people who feel your call,

All: Grant them generosity
to be consistent.
Presider: For souls consecrated to you,
All: increase their charity.

Presider: For young people who doubt your call,

All: Grant them certainty.
Presider: For those who feel your call
while they are still young,
All: Lord, be with them.

Presider: For seminarians,

All: Lord, grant them perseverance.

Presider: For priests who are tempted,

All: Lord, give them strength.

Presider: For zealous priests,

All: Inflame them even more
with Your love.
Presider: For tepid priests,
All: Lord, grant them your holiness.

Presider: For priests undergoing sadness,

All: Lord, be their consolation.

Presider: For priests who are

undergoing loneliness,
All: Lord, be their company.
Presider: For missionary priests,
All: Lord, fill them with your zeal.

Presider: For young priests,

All: Lord, move them strongly
to seek your glory.

Presider: For elderly priests,

All: Lord, sustain them in your service.

Presider: For deceased priests,

All: Lord, grant them your glory.

Presider: The harvest is great.

The laborers are few.
All: Lord, send laborers into your harvest.

Presider:: For our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI,

All: Lord, hear our prayer.

Presider: For the all shepherds of your Church,

All: Lord, hear our prayer.

Presider: For our bishop, Gaudencio,

All: Lord, hear our prayer.

Presider: For those who most need your grace,

All: Lord, hear our prayer.

Presider: For those who are far from you.

All: Lord, hear our prayer.

Presider: Let us now make

our prayers complete, let us pray
in the way Jesus taught us

Our Father…
The Our Father is sung. After the the Lord’s prayer the presider and the
Assembly prays the triduum prayer in honor of St. John Marie Vianney.



  Almighty and loving Father, as we honor St. John

Marie Vianney in this triduum, we come with all our faith
and confidence that You love Your Church and the many
priests whom Your Son Jesus called to serve and minister
in Your Church. We pray for our wounded Church, beset
with conflicts, scandals and division. We pray for the
sanctification of our Bishops and priests, religious and lay
leaders through the gift of the Holy Eucharist that we
celebrate and the Holy Communion that we receive. You
have given us the shining example of St. John Marie
Vianney in his burning devotion to Jesus, Your Son, in the
Blessed Sacrament, his solemn and fervent celebration of
the Holy Mass that moved people to tears and belief in
the Holy Presence.
Strengthen us, loving Father,that we may deepen
our love for the Church with a solemn commitment to
grow in the life of holiness and pastoral charity. Through
the inspiration of St. John Marie Vianney, may we have
spiritual leaders who will always have the good of the
flock foremost in their hearts, who will protect the people
from the savage wolves of false teachings and worldly
values of pleasure and materialism. Through the powerful
intercession of St. John Marie Vianney, Your priest and
the Saint of all priests, may we develop a deep love for
the Church and be willing to serve our brothers and
sisters especially the poor and the oppressed, the sick and
the lonely and those who are hardened sinners. Loving
Father, bless and sanctify Your priests - be with them
always especially in moments of trial and temptation.
Protect them from the snares of the devil and lure of this
Through the intercession of St. John Marie Vianney,
may we obtain all these graces that we pray for, from the
Sacred Heart of Jesus, our High Priest, who gave himself
to us in the Eucharist, through the Heart of Mary, who
bids us to obey her Son, saying: “Do whatever he tells

Final Blessing
Presider: The Lord be with you.
All: And also with you.
Presider: May almighty God bless you,
the Father ,and the son and
the Holy Spirit.
All: Amen.
Presider: Go in Peace.
All: Thanks be to God.


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