World English Intro Workboot Answers
World English Intro Workboot Answers
World English Intro Workboot Answers
Unit 1
Lesson A Lesson B
1. A: Hi, how’s it going? 1. father
B: Fine, and you? 2. mother
And you, are you fine? 3. brother
2. A: Good morning, how are you? 4. sister
B: Fine, thank you / thanks. And 5. grandfather
how are you? 6. grandmother
3. A: This is my friend Yong-Jun. 7. husband
B: Nice to meet you, Yong-Jun. 8. children
C: Nice to meet you, too. 9. parents
10. grandparents
1. We’re Tom and Jason. (uír) B
2. He’s Mr. Smith. (rís) 1. grandfather
3. I’m Aisha. (aim) 2. grandmother
4. You’re Stefan. (íur) 3. mother
5. They’re Luis and Marta. (deír) 4. father
6. She’s Noriko. (xis) 5. husband
6. sister
C 7. son
1. His
2. My / her C
3. Our 1. Their
4. Their 2. are
5. Her 3. Her
6. His / Your 4. His
5. is
Lesson C Lesson D
1. young 1. Mari
2. short 2. Jeff
3. married 3. Yuji
4. handsome 4. Sara and Emma
5. old 5. Hiroshi
6. short 6. Yuji and Aya
7. pretty 7. Sara, Emma, and David
8. single 8. Emma
Answers vary. C
1. Yes
C 2. No
1. A: Is 3. No
B: isn’t / short 4. Yes
2. A: Are 5. No
B: is / is / isn’t / He’s 6. No
7. No
8. Yes
Answers vary:
Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. D
Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t. Answers vary.
Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
Across 1. name
1. My 2. tall
4. Her 3. long
5. Is 4. sister
7. grandfather 5. wavy
11. his 6. married
12. young 7. children
Down 8. daughter
1. married
2. brothers C
3. Their Answers vary.
6. not
7. Good
8. are
9. Family
10. How’s
Unit 2
Lesson A
A Lesson B
1. He’s a taxi driver.
2. She’s a cook.
1. What is your name?
3. He’s an engineer.
My name is ….
4. She’s a secretary / a writer.
2. How old are you?
5. She’s an engineer / an architect.
I am … years old.
6. He’s a teacher.
3. What is your job?
7. He’s a doctor.
I am a… / an…
8. She’s a painter / an artist.
4. Is your job interesting?
B Yes, my job is interesting.
1. He isn’t a student. No, my job isn’t interesting.
2. They aren’t old. 5. How old is your father?
3. She isn’t an architect. He is … years old.
4. You aren’t a teacher. 6. What is his job?
5. We aren’t tall. He is a… / an…
6. It isn’t interesting. 7. Is his job interesting?
Yes, his job is interesting.
C No, his job isn’t interesting.
1. a teacher
2. an architect B
3. a daughter 1. What is your name?
4. a child 2. How old are you?
5. a job 3. Are you married?
6. a son 4. What is your job?
7. an engineer 5. Is your job interesting?
8. a husband
9. a chef
10. an artist
1. B
D 2. D
1. She’s fine. 3. A
2. They’re good. 4. C
3. He’s 23.
4. Yes, he is. .
Lesson C Lesson D
1. Mexico is a hot country. 1. T
2. UK is a wet country. 2. T
3. Is Asia a big continent? 3. F
4. Is Saudi Arabia a dry country? 4. T
5. Mexico isn’t in South America. 5. T
6. T? (He is from Korea, possibly Seoul)
B 7. F
1. Is Belize a big country? 8. T
2. Is … a wet country? 9. F
3. Is … in …? (ex.: Is Brazil in Europe?) 10. F
4. Is … a cold country?
5. Is … a dry country?
C Answers vary.
1. you
2. from Text example:
3. Russia This is Antonio. He is married with …
4. Europe and Asia children. He is 34 years old. He is a farmer
5. Is and grows bananas. His bananas are very
6. very good and sweet, and he sells them to
D countries in North America. The weather in
Answers vary. Example: Honduras is great for growing bananas, it is
Brandon: Where do you come from? always hot and wet.
You: I’m from Rio de Janeiro.
Brandon: Rio de Janeiro is in Brazil, right?
You: Yes, it is.
Brandon: So, tell me about Brazil.
You: It’s in South America.
Review B
A 1. is
Across 2. in
2. boring 3. a
3. country 4. dry
4. Korea 5. teacher
6. Europe 6. job
8. continent C
9. Argentina Answers vary. Example answer:
11. China
12. small Joana is my best friend. She is from Buenos
13. driver Aires, in Argentina. Argentina is in South
America, and it is a beautiful country. The
Down weather in Buenos Aires is hot in the
1. South America summer and cold in the winter. Joana is an
5. wet artist, and her job is very interesting. She is
7. old single and has one daughter.
10. an
11. cold