Cold Plasma: A Novel Non-Thermal Technology For Food Processing

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Cold Plasma: A novel Non-Thermal Technology

for Food Processing

Article in Food Biophysics · November 2014

DOI: 10.1007/s11483-014-9382-z


36 1,906

3 authors:

Rohit Thirumdas Chaitanya Sarangapani

Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai Dublin Institute of Technology


Uday S. Annapure
Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai


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Food Biophysics
DOI 10.1007/s11483-014-9382-z


Cold Plasma: A novel Non-Thermal Technology for Food

Rohit Thirumdas & Chaitanya Sarangapani &
Uday S. Annapure

Received: 6 August 2014 / Accepted: 19 November 2014

# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014

Abstract In the past cold plasma is used for sterilization of state of matter which abundantly exists. So, Plasma is hence
sensitive materials and now it is extended to food industries as referred to as the fourth state of matter, next to solids, liquids
a novel technology. For years cold plasma processing has and gases. The term ‘Plasma’ was first employed by Irving
been viewed as useful for microbial inactivation while main- Langmuir in 1928 to define this fourth state of matter which is
taining quality of fresh produce. However, this process is not partially or wholly ionized state of gas and discovered plasma
effective for in vitro model food systems for inactivation of oscillations in ionized gas [1]. The change of phase from solid
microbes or enzymes which are present in intact tissues, as it is to liquid and further to gas occurs as we increase the energy
a surface phenomenon. Cold plasma technology is also used input likewise increasing the energy input beyond a certain
to inactivate endogenous enzymes which are responsible for level in gas state causes ionization of molecules which yields
browning reactions particularly polyphenoloxidase and per- the plasma state [2]. d Agostino et al. [3] reported that plasma
oxidases. Several research investigations showed a reduced can be obtained either in low temperature, non-equilibrium
growth of microorganism via different mode of actions by glow discharge or high temperature, equilibrium thermal
etching phenomenon, cell disruption by electrophoration etc. plasma.
Plasma technology is considered as modern non conventional Based on the properties of plasma, it is used in various
technique which is used for the preparation of modified fields like textile, electronics, life sciences, packaging etc. [4].
starches, altering its physical and chemical properties. Overall The application of plasma technology as a surface cleaning
application of cold plasma for microbial destruction on differ- tool has been commercially adopted for the removal of disin-
ent food substrates like fruits, meat products, cheese etc. was fection chemicals applied to medical devices manufactured
discussed. Besides this, it is also used to alter the germination from heat sensitive plastics [5]. In the biomedical sector
rate of seeds. It is an eco-friendly process which is used in the plasma technology is used for cold sterilization of instruments
preservation of food and other potential applications as an and prostheses as well as many thermo labile materials used in
alternative to common techniques. the biomedical technology sector for its particular advantages,
including its moderate or negligible impact on substrate ma-
terials and use on nontoxic compounds [6]. Conventionally,
Keywords Cold plasma . Microbial inactivation . Reactive
species . Surface modifications sterilization methods such as heat, chemical solutions are used
for the surface disinfection of fruits, seeds, and spices etc.,
which are often time-consuming and damaging or have toxic
residues [7]. Van de Veen et al. [8] reported that the effect of
Introduction cold plasma on bacterial spores is more than the conventional
techniques like heat, chemicals and UV treatment. The objec-
Matter on earth exists mostly in three distinct phases (gas, tive of this review are first, to present recent knowledge on
liquid and solid) but when universe is considered as fourth effect of cold plasma on microbial inactivation and structural
modifications of packaging materials as many reviews has
R. Thirumdas (*) : C. Sarangapani : U. S. Annapure
been published on these topics. Secondly, the effect of cold
Department of Food engineering & Technology, Institute of
Chemical Technology, Mumbai 400019, India plasma on endogenous enzymes, seed germination, starch
e-mail: [email protected] modifications and limitations for its potential application in
Food Biophysics

food sector as novel technology. One of the important chal- for plasma generation includes the corona discharge, dielectric
lenges associated with cold plasma technology is ensuring barrier discharges (DBD), radio frequency plasma (RFP) and
high microbial inactivation while maintaining sensory quali- the gliding arc discharge [10]. Cold plasmas, including low-
ties that ensure there fresh appearance. pressure DC and RF discharges (silent discharges), discharges
from fluorescent (e.g., neon) illuminating tubes, DBDs may
Plasma Chemistry: Process & Categories be found both at low pressure or atmospheric pressure [11].
The dielectric barrier discharges (DBDs), historically also
In plasma processing ionization is always considered as first called ‘silent discharges’. They also operate at approximately
important element followed by other factors like reaction rate, atmospheric pressure (typically 0.1–1 atm). An A.C. voltage
rate constants, the mean free path, the electron energy distri- with amplitude of 1–100 kV and a frequency of a few Hz to
bution [9]. Plasma chemical process can be divided into two MHz is applied to the discharge, and a dielectric layer (made
categories based on reactions i) homogeneous gas-phase re- of glass, quartz, ceramic material or polymers) is again placed
action (for example generation of N3 from N2) and ii) hetero- between the electrodes. When a potential difference is applied
geneous reaction where plasma comes in contact with the between cathode and anode, a continuous current will flow
solid or liquid medium. The heterogeneous reaction is further through the discharge; giving rise to direct current (D.C) glow
classified into three sub categories. In the first sub category, discharge. Capacitively coupled (CC) radio-frequency (RF)
material is removed from the surface termed as etching or discharges are produced when alternating voltage is applied
ablation; in the second sub category, material is added on the between the two electrodes, so that each electrode will act
solid surface in the form of thin film observed during plasma alternately as the cathode and anode. The frequencies gener-
polymerization by a process called plasma enhanced chemical ally used for these alternating voltages are typically in the
vapour deposition and in third sub category there is no mate- radiofrequency (RF) range (1 kHz–103 MHz; with a most
rial added or removed but the substrate surface is modified common value of 13.56 MHz). Non thermal gas discharges
physically and chemically during exposure to plasma [3]. at atmospheric pressure are of interest for the food industries
Different types of possible mechanisms that the gas used for as they don’t subject the food system to extreme conditions.
plasma generation may act on the substrate during the plasma
processing are shown in (Fig. 1).
Plasma can be produced by subjecting a gas to an electric Evolution of Plasma’s Research or Application
field (between two electrodes), either of constant (direct-
current field) or alternating amplitude (usually high frequency Going back to history in 1960’s for the first time sterilization
field). Plasma state can be attained by the application of property of plasma was introduced, and a patent was filed in
energy in several forms including; thermal, electric or mag- the year 1968 [12]. It was reported that the destruction of 106
netic fields and radio or microwave frequencies, which in- spores in inner surface of vials occurred in less than second
crease the kinetic energy of the electrons resulting in increased using argon plasma by pulsed RF field atmospheric plasma. A
number of collisions in the gas forming plasma products like series of patents were even filed by Ashman and Menashi
electrons, ions, radicals and radiation of varying wavelengths [13], Boucher [14], and Bithell [15] reported that electrical
including that in the UV ranges. The various approaches used discharge in particular gases can lead to complete sterilization.

Fig. 1 Types of modifications

caused by cold plasma on
Food Biophysics

Boucher [14] in his patent explained the role of UV radia- monocytogenes respectively. The efficiency of microbial re-
tions on microbial inactivation along with plasma. It was duction was improved with increase in humidity of air. Ex-
reported that UV photon can penetrate to the depth of only perimental results of several authors suggested that the effica-
one micrometer, where as plasma penetrated to the depth of cy of cold plasma on particular microorganism depends upon
10 micrometer was observed which is helpful for the destruc- the treated surface. For example, the destruction of Listeria
tion of sporulated bacteria. Jacobs and Lin [16] used H202 as monocytogenes was high in sliced cheese when compared to
sterilizing agent and applied plasma to remove the residues of sliced ham [30]. It is also reported that there is more than 8 log
chemical on the sterilized products. The first work with plas- reduction after exposure to 150 W for 120 s in sliced cheese
ma was made from oxygen which was proposed in 1989 and and in sliced ham after exposure to 120 s there is 0.25 to
its lethal activity was defined as it interferes with the biolog- 1.73 cfu/g reduction in microbial growth. Citrobacter freundii
ical matter. Nelson and Berger [17] reported that O2 plasma loads in apple juice were reduced by about 5 log cycles after a
showed efficient biocidal action on B. subtilis and Clostridium plasma exposure of 480 s using argon and 0.1 % oxygen plus a
sporogenes as these two were considered as the most resistant subsequent storage time of 24 h reported by Surowsky et al.
bacteria. Plasmas generated at 200 W were sufficient to reduce [31]. Recent findings in the area of cold plasma for the
the population of B. subtilis more than 3.5 log10 in 5 min [18]. inactivation of microorganisms on food surfaces are shown
From then the utilization of plasma for sterilization was in Table 1.
Plasma treatment can effectively inactivate a wide range of Functionality of Plasma
microorganisms including spores [19–21] and viruses [22].
Feichtinger et al. [19] reported that cold plasma technology Effect of Plasma on Microbial Cells
preferred as alternative source for surface sterilization and
disinfection process which can act on both vegetative cells The effect of plasma treatment on microbial cells is mainly
and spores with shorter periods of time. The chemical com- due to the plasma ions and cell interactions. The reactive
position of plasma contains free radicals, highly reactive spe- species in plasma have been widely associated with the direct
cies and radiations are often generated in varying range from oxidative effects on the outer surface of microbial cells. The
UV to visible. It is believed that the role of different constit- effect of plasma is highly dependent on the presence of water,
uent depends on the gas and operating pressure. The destruc- highest effect was observed in moist organism compared to
tion of microbial DNA by UV irradiation, volatilization of lowest in dry organism [45]. The potential application of
compounds from spore, so-called “etching” of the spore sur- plasma in inactivation is based on the fact that plasma reactive
face by adsorption is because of reactive species like free species damage the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in the chro-
radicals [23]. mosomes. Wiseman and Halliwell reported that the results of
Cold plasma can be successfully employed for microbial radiobiology proved that the mechanism of plasma on a cell is
destruction on fresh products to increase shelf life. In recent through formation of ROS directly in the vicinity of a DNA
investigation of Misra et al. [24] reported that decrease in total molecule inside a cell nucleus. The ROS of interest in plasma
mesophilic count was 12–85 %, yeast and mould count by 44– processing are hydroxyl radicals, hydrogen peroxide, and the
95 % in cold plasma treated strawberries. Raw milk was superoxide anion [46]. The application of plasma results in
treated for destruction of E. coli using low temperature plasma formation of malondialdehyde (MDA) in microbial cells,
by Gurol et al. [25]. They observed 54 % reduction of E.coli which participates in the formation of DNA adducts resulting
after the treatment of 3 min. Application of air plasma and SF6 in damage to cells [45]. In particular, reactive species interacts
on nuts (pea nuts, hazel nuts and pistachio) found that 50 % with water, leading to the formation of OH* ions [47] which
reduction in total aflatoxins using air plasma and 20 % reduc- are most reactive and harmful to the cells (Fig. 2). It is worth
tion using SF6 [26]. Fernandez et al. [27] reported that treating mentioning that the OH* radical is most important; these
with plasma for 15 min can achieve 2.72, 1.76 and 0.94 log- radicals formed in the hydration layer around the DNA mol-
reductions of S. Typhimurium on lettuce, strawberry and po- ecule are responsible for 90 % of DNA damage. Hydroxyl
tato respectively. The efficiency of microbial inactivation radicals can then react with nearby organics leading to chain
depends upon the surface of treating produce, plasma device, oxidation and thus destruction of DNA molecules as well as
gas composition, and mode of exposure. Produces like pota- cellular membranes and other cell components [45].
toes, strawberries took more time for complete destruction of Although it is likely that several active species are reacting
microbes due to grooves and uneven surfaces [27, 28]. with cells, it is well documented that reactive oxygen species
Vannini et al. [29] applied the gas plasma for the decontami- such as oxygen radicals can produce profound effects on cells
nation of Salmonella Enteritidis and Listeria monocytogenes by reacting with various macromolecules. The microorgan-
from table eggs. The maximum reduction was observed to be isms are more susceptible to singlet state oxygen leading to
4 and 5 log reduction of Salmonella Enteritidis and Listeria deformation of cells [48]. The lipid bi-layer of microbial cell is
Food Biophysics

Table 1 Recent finding of microbial inactivation using cold plasma

Microorganism Substrate Plasma source Exposure time Log reduction Reference

S.enteritidis (01) Table Egg RBD prototype 90 min 4–5 [32]

L. monocytogenes
E.coli, C.jejuni Chicken skin Pulsed gas plasma discharge 24 s up to 8 [33]
Listeria innocua Chicken meat He-O2 plasma 4 min > 3.5 [33]
E. coli, S. typhimurium Bacon APP 90 s 2–3 [34]
L. monocytogenes,
L. monocytogenes Sliced Ham APP 120 s up to 1.73
Sliced cheese APP 120 s >8 [35]
S. typhimurium Lettuce 15 min up to 2.72
Strawberry CAP 15 min 1.76 [27]
E. coli, S. Stanley Red apples Gliding arc 3 min up to 3.7 [36]
Yeast/mouls Strawberries DBD 5 min up to 3 [24]
E. coli Apple juice Needle/plate system – 7 [37]
E. coli Almonds Dielectric discharge 30 s 1.8–5 [38]
S. aureus, E.coli, C. albicans Orange juice DBD 25 s >5 [39]
A. parasiticus Hazelnuts, peanuts, pistachio nuts Low pressure plasma 20 min 5 [26]
G. liquefaciens,P. agglomerans, S. cerevisiae Mango & melon skin APJ 25 s 1–3 [40]
E. coli Mango & melon skin APJ 5s up to 3 [40]
A. parasiticus, Penicillium Grains and cereals SF6 CP 15 min 3 [41]
L. sakei, Cold-smoked salmon DBD – 1–5 [42]
S.typhimurium Tomatoes DBD 300 s 3.8 [28]
A. hydrophila Lettuce COP 5 min 5 [43]
A.flavus Pepper powder microwave-CPT 20 min 2.5 [44]

DBD-Dielctric barrier discharge, APJ-Atmospheric plasma jet, CP-cold plasma, COP-Cold oxygen plasma, APP-Atmospheric pressure plasma

more susceptible to atomic oxygen as the reactivity of atomic During application of plasma, microorganisms are exposed
oxygen is much higher than the molecular oxygen, which can to an intense bombardment by the radicals most likely pro-
degrade lipids, proteins and DNA of cells. The damage of the voking surface lesions that the living cell cannot repair suffi-
double bonds in lipid bi-layer cause impaired transportation of ciently fast this process is termed “etching”. Plasma etching is
molecules in and out of cell. The bombardment of reactive based on the interaction of relative energetic ions and activat-
oxygen species (ROS) on the surface of bacterial cell also ed species with the molecules of the substrate. The accumu-
disrupts the membrane lipids [49–51]. lation of charges imparts an electrostatic force at the outer

Fig. 2 Dissociation of water

molecule into reactive species
Food Biophysics

surface of cell membranes which can cause cell wall rupture there is increase in activity of lipase with increase in plasma
called as electropermeabilization as the same principle occur- treatment time due to changes in the molecular structure of
ring in pulsed electric fields [52–55]. During application of lipase protein which were confirmed by circular dichroism
plasma treatment where plasma initiates, catalyzes, or helps [CD] and fluorescence spectrum. The changes in activity of
sustain a complex biological response, compromised mem- antioxidant enzymes was studied in the body tissues of plasma
brane structure (e.g. peroxidation) or change in membrane- treated Indian meal moth larvae by Aziz et al. [48] It was
bound proteins and/or enzymes leads to complex cell re- reported that the activity of catalyse, lipid peroxide and glu-
sponses and may affect many cells as the affected cell signal tathione S-transferase enzymes was observed significant in-
others [45]. Dolezalova and Lukes [56] demonstrated with crease and no change in glutathione peroxidase activity.
their experiments that peroxidation of cell membrane lipids by
cold plasma was an important pathway of bacterial inactiva-
tion. It is also reported that the amount of malondialdehyde Effect on Starch Granules and its Modification
and membrane permeability of E. coli to propidium iodide
increased with increasing bacterial inactivation by plasma. Modified starches are prepared to alter its functional proper-
ties to increase its efficiency to use as food additives in several
Action of Plasma on Endogenous Enzymes food preparations. Tensile strength and mechanical properties
were observed to be improved in starch films with the use of
The plasma can be applied not only to microorganisms, but modified starches. For the preparations of modified starches,
also to simpler biological compounds, like enzymes [45]. the natural polymers available are sensitive to chemicals par-
Fruits and vegetables mostly spoil due to the enzymatic brow- ticularly to strong acids for etching of surface. So, they use
ning which is considered as secondary loss during post harvest weak chemicals to convert smooth hydrophobic surfaces to
handling and during storage. The endogenous enzymes par- rough hydrophilic surfaces. Pashkuleva et al. [68] reported
ticularly polyphenoloxidase and peroxidase are the major that cold plasma technology is an alternative technique for dry
causes for enzymatic browning as they oxidize phenols at etching for surface modification and surface cleaning of bio-
the expense of H2O2 leading to off flavours [57]. Different polymers. They also reported that introduction of oxygen
methods used to prevent the enzymatic browning are heating, containing groups like hydroxyl, carboxyl, and carbonyl
blanching, commercial sterilization [58, 59]. Enzymes are groups increases surfaces hydrophilicity. According to previ-
inactivated through oxidation reactions mediated by free rad- ous reports starch can be modified by using cold plasma. Most
icals and atomic oxygen [60]. The other non conventional probably starch is modified by two main mechanisms,
techniques used in inactivation of endogenous enzyme are deploymerization and cross linking of starch granules. The
the pulsed electric field [61, 62], irradiation [63], high pressure depolymerisation of starch granules can occur at amylopectin
processing [64]. side chains or break down of glycoside bonds which are close
Dobrynin and his colleagues observed there is decrease in to side chains. Lii et al. [69] reported that glow plasma could
enzymatic activity of trypsin (zero at 4 Jcm−2) after the applica- induce the graft-polymerization of ethylene onto sweet potato
tion of plasma [45]. They reported that the plasma was able to and rice starches, while the homopolymerization of ethylene
change the 3D structure of proteins in trypsin enzymes due to on the granules took place for cassava, potato, corn, and waxy
cleavage of peptides bonds. In our investigation we found that corn starches. The plasma treatment has a significant effect on
the activity of polyphenoloxidase in cold plasma treated guava the crystallinity of the solid starch granules [70]. It was also
(Psidium guajava) pulp and whole fruit was reduced by 70 % reported that there is a high degree effect on the supra-
and 10 % in 300 s at 2 kv respectively. In recent investigations of molecular region and a higher decrease in the molecular
Pankaj et al. studied the kinetics of inactivation of tomato weight of plasma treated starch granules.
peroxidase enzymes fitting in different kinetic modeling like The cross linking agent joins two starch molecules by the
first-order, Weibull and logistic models [65]. They observed that removal of hydrogen bonds forming stronger covalent bonds.
there is a decrease in the enzymes activity at different voltages Previous studies reported that modification of starches can
using atmospheric air dielectric barrier discharge plasma. also be prepared by exposing starch to plasma at different
The hypothesis of Meiqiang et al. [66] showed there is varying condition of pressure and time. Zuo et al. [47] report-
increase in the activity of lipase and dehydrogenase enzymes ed that the starch modification can be occur using plasma as
in the hypocotyls of tomato root cells. They concluded that per the mechanism shown in Eq. (1). The two starch mole-
there is no detrimental effect of magnetized plasma on the cules are cross linked by the release of water molecule. The
tomato growth and yield but treatments should be optimized. water molecule formed will de disassociated to hydrogen and
The relative lipase activity was increased from 1 to 1.4 with hydroxyl ion with no residue of chemical compound.
the increase in treatment time from 0 to 50 s using helium RF
atmospheric pressure discharge [67]. They also reported that Starch−H þ OH–Starch→Starch−O−starch þ H2 O ð1Þ
Food Biophysics

Lii et al. [69] reported that reaction of plasma treated starch Recent investigations of Grzegorzewski et al. [80] using
with iodine reagent showed an increase in shift in wavelength low-pressure oxygen plasma, that a time and structure depen-
in UV-VIS band this shows that there is an increase in avail- dent degradation flavonoids can be observed, due to plasma-
ability of amylose for the reaction with iodine. There is immanent reactive species such as ozone or hydroxyl radicals.
decrease in pH of plasma treated starch solution due to cross To evaluate possible protective effects of the plant’s matrix
linking of starch molecules resulting in formation of carbox- against plasma-induced degradation of secondary plant me-
ylic acid [69]. Due to the oxidation, the surface of starch tabolites Grzegorzewski et al. [81] worked on flavonols and
granules are covered by irregular deposits like subtle occurs phenolic acid of lamb’s lettuce leaves which were exposed to
by a process called etching [71]. The effect of plasma on the cold oxygen plasma. It was reported that there is increase
crystalline structure of starch was explained by [72], it was in phenolic contents particularly protocatechuic acid and
observed slight decrease in crystallinity after exposure to luteolin was observed doubled upon plasma treatment. The
ethylene plasma. According to Mirabedini et al. [73] changes diosmetin content was found to be increased more than others,
in crystalline structure is due to the physical damage caused by whereas there is no change in chlorogenic acid content. The
the bombardment of high energetic particles formed during use of cold plasma technique over the conventional sources
the plasma generation breaking down the chemical bonds. like pasteurization for the treatment of sour cherry marasca
The ultimate goal of cold plasma is to create more hydro- juice showed a higher percentage of phenolic acid and antho-
philic surfaces of the starch films. Szymanowski et al. [74] cyanin content reported by Garofulic et al. [82]
studied the changes in properties of potato starch film using
RF plasma produce from methane gas to use as filler in
polyethylene composite films. The plasma treatment can be Effect on Seed Germination
used to reduce the capillary elevation by de-agglomeration of
starch granules. In untreated samples agglomeration of starch Several authors found that early germination of seeds can be
granules was observed, but in treated samples starch granules achieved by treating the seeds with plasma this is because of
were separated attributing to decrease in capillary elevation. penetrating active particles through the seed coat and directly
Andrade et al. [75] worked on the plasma polymerization of influencing cells inside. The increase in germination rate is
maize starch film to reduce its water absorption using cold due to changes on the surface causing ablations which in-
glow butene plasma. Lares and Parez [76] reported that due to creased the transmission of oxygen and moisture through the
rearrangement of intermolecular bonds of starch resulting in seed coat to the embryo affecting its germination rate. Ac-
disintegration causing lower water absorption capacity. Misra cording to Fridman, the interaction of cells with plasma might
et al. [77] studied the effect of atmospheric plasma on the have been resulting in DNA damage, cell wall fracture, can
dough rheology of wheat flour. They reported that there is stimulate natural signal like production of growth factors,
increase in viscous and elastic moduli of strong wheat flour changing the protein structure, affecting enzymatic activity
after the plasma treatment. With the application of cold plasma leading to breakdown of seed dormant stage casing which
the secondary structure of proteins were affected by changing lead to increase in the germination rate of seeds [9]. Sera et al.
the number of beta sheets and alpha helix. [83] found that germination rate of plasma treated wheat was
quick and germination occurred first in plasma treated seeds
Effect on Phenolic and Antioxidant Compounds then in untreated seeds. The seed immersed into air plasma is
subjected by attack of oxygen radicals and bombardment by
Antioxidants are considered as first line of defence against low-energetic ions resulting in seed coat ablation and probably
free radicals. It is therefore of particular interest to elucidate significantly contributes to germination enhancement. Germi-
and understand the basic interactions of plasma species with nation studies of legumes was carried out by Filatova et al.
bioactive compounds, in order to avoid nutritional degrada- [84] resulted increase in germination both at laboratory and
tion or any other undesired effects in future applications. field by 10–20 % and also lowered the fungicidal effect by 3–
Antioxidants protect cells against the damaging effects of 15 % and concluded that atomic oxygen and OH radicals
ROS, such as singlet oxygen, superoxide, peroxyl radicals, generated in plasma to be the most probable sterilizing agents.
hydroxyl ions and peroxynitrite etc. [78]. There are only a few The germination rate of safflower seeds was conducted by
literatures available on effect of plasma treatment on the Dhayal et al. [85] using cold plasma. It reported that cold
phenolic compounds. Harborne & Williams [79] reported that plasma is suitable for surface modification of seeds due to
several plant species are tolerant to UV radiations accumulat- high ion energy particles causing etching of seed coat leading
ing flavonoid metabolites in epidermal cells. During plasma to increase in germination rate of seeds by 50 % after the
generation the UV radiations formed may be responsible for treatment. Jiafeng et al. [86] successfully increased the germi-
the formation of phenolic compounds which are extracted nation rate of wheat by 6.7 % using helium plasma. They also
from the cells of upper epidermis of leaves. conducted field experiments using plasma treated seeds and
Food Biophysics

observed the increase in growth of plant significantly com- microscopy [AFM]. The roughness of plasma treated zein film
pared to control plant growth. increased with a root mean square of 100 nm from 20 nm in
Volin et al. [87] investigated on the effect of cold plasma untreated films this is due to surface etching occurred during
chemistry technology to enhance the delay of seed germina- plasma treatment. Table 2 shows the finding of changes in the
tion by coating with CF4 and octadecafluorodecalin. It was properties of packing materials after the exposure to cold
reported that the delay in germination of seeds greatly plasma.
depended on the thickness of coating. It was also reported
that they successfully studied the delay in germination of soy Waste Water Treatment
beans, peas, corn etc. The degree of delay was observed to be
more in octadecafluorodecalin coated seeds compared to CF4. Developing an innovative advanced oxidation process for
To improve the seedling growth and germination of spinach treatment of waste water is a big challenge. As complete
seeds were carried out by Shao et al. [88] using arc plasma. It oxidation is required for the treatment of waste water and
has been reported that there is increase in germination rate by transfer of contaminants is not complete in methods like
137.2 % and germination vigour was increased by 217.6 % photocatalysis, ultrasonication , UV/ozone [101]. Phsico-
after the plasmas treatment. chemical effects of plasma gernerates the formation of oxidiz-
ing species: radicals (H−, O−, OH−) may diffuse into the
Effect on Packing Material liquids and molecules (H2O2, O3, etc.), shockwave, ultraviolet
light and electrohydraulic cavitation may degrade the pollut-
Food packaging materials are responsible for protection of ant in waste water or decomposes the pollutant into other
food materials from the outside environment during handling, compound [102].In liquid and gas plasma can be created
transportation and distribution. Cold plasma is used in decon- either directly in the liquid, or in the gas above the liquid, or,
tamination of packing material externally where chance of in case of hybrid rectors, both in liquid and in gas. The more
shadow effect is negligible as plasma flows all round the efficient way which requires less energy for waste water
surface [89]. Plasma processing is well known to change or treatment can be done by diffusing gaseous phase species into
make surface modifications in the case of packing materials. It liquid [103] .Recent investigations of Non thermal plasma on
serves purposes for surface treatment such as cleaning, coat- oxidation of products in water phenols [104] organic dyes
ing, printing, painting, and adhesive bonding [90]. Low- [105], degradation of pharmaceutical compounds [106], pes-
temperature gas plasma sterilization allows fast and safe ster- ticides [107] and also mineralization of pollutants by using
ilization of packaging materials such as plastic bottles, lids several catalysts are also reviewed extensively [103]. Exten-
and films without adversely affecting the properties of the sive research for commercial design of non-thermal plasma
material or leaving any residues. Cold plasma can be used waste water treatment equipment should involve in theoretical
for sterilization of heat sensitive packing materials like poly- aspects of diversified fields of Engineering, Electronics and
thene ethylene and polycarbonate as the temperature is low. Applied Sciences. Plasma oxidation mechanism of degrada-
Surfaces of polymers particularly for edible packaging films tion of parent pollutants, different other properties to optimse
nature of surface should be more hydrophobic with lower the plasma plant process and also the interaction of liquid and
surface energies [91]. gas on liquid gas interface should be examined [108].
Using plasma as the transport mechanism and the catalyst,
one material can be deposited (in a very thin layer) onto the
surface of another material; thereby transferring some of its
qualities. Hedenqvist and Johansson studied the oxygen trans- Limitations and Toxicology of Plasma Treatment
port properties of the SiOx coating on polyethylene terephthal-
ate [PET], low and high-density polyethylene [LDPE, HDPE] There are some limitations of plasma processing like increase
and polypropylene [PP] films, obtained using cold plasma in oxidation of lipids, reduction in colour, decrease in firmness
technology and compared experimental data with computer of fruits, and increase in acidity etc. were reported. In our
model and found diffusivity was less than normal material preliminary studies we successfully decontaminated the sur-
[92]. Plasma deposition of heat-sensitive materials such as face of walnuts and peanuts using cold plasma technology. In
vitamins, antioxidants and antimicrobials into the packaging our research work for plasma generation we used Bell jar 5
material may be sought as potential alternatives in the emerg- radio frequency plasma reactor with 13.56 MHz frequency
ing field of antimicrobial and active packaging. Applications and atmospheric air was used as gas for plasma generation and
of nanotechnology in packaging as become wide spread to pressure was kept constant at 0.5 mbar. We treated the peanuts
improve the barrier properties of packing material and this can and walnuts at three different powers and times and analyzed
be achieved by cold plasma processing. Pankaj et al. [93] for peroxide value. The main important problem encountered
studied the surface topography of zein film using atomic force is increase in peroxide value by 20 % in walnuts at higher
Food Biophysics

Table 2 Results of action of cold plasma on packing materials

Packing materials Treatment plasma Applied voltage Results References

Polypropylene Air Corona 30 kHz, 1.7 j/cm2 Decrease in contact angle, increase in adhesion [94]
PET films Glow discharge 10 W Decrease in contact angle, increase in roughness, crystallinity [95]
and degradation yield
Potato starch film Air plasma – Decrease in hydrophilic nature, Increase in tensile strength [71]
PP film Diode plasma discharge 8.3 W Decrease in contact angle, increase in surface energy [96]
PET film Jet plasma 35 W Increase in hydrophobic nature [97]
DC discharge
PET Jet plasma 285 V Increase in weight, decrease in contact angle and wettability [98]
HDPE film RF Ar:O2 Plasma 150 W Decrease in crystallinity, contact angle, increase in roughness [99]
LDPE RF Argon plasma 25–100 W Decrease in contact angle and ageing effect, increase in crystallinity [100]
BOPP film RF Air plasma 10–50 W Decrease in contact angle, increase, roughness ageing effect [73]

power and time of treatment. We observed similar results in induced secondary metabolites when they exposed to adverse
the case of plasma treated peanuts samples (Fig. 3). This is conditions like UV radiations in there epidermal layer to
may be due to radicals are capable of oxidizing lipid mole- protect the cells. These secondary metabolites may induce
cules and resulted in increase in peroxide value. We noticed a pathogenesis induce related proteins some of which have high
decrease in L*, a* and b* in treated samples. Similar kind of allergenicity [112]. Kasera et al. [113] investigated on the
results was observed for strawberries treated with cold atmo- allergenicity of legume proteins using combined effect of
spheric plasma [24]. The discolouration and wilting effect of cooking and irradiation. It was reported that there is reduction
spinach leaves was observed after treating in atmospheric non of IgE binding to both soluble and insoluble proteins and
equilibrium plasma for 5 min by [109]. Another main disad- resulted in attenuating allergernicity of legume proteins.
vantage of this technology, it is not possible to use for inacti- Lectins treated with gamma irradiations showed changes in
vation of endogenous enzymes which are present intact in the the hydrophobic surface of proteins resulted in protein
whole fruits because plasma effect is a surface phenomenon. misfolding and aggregation to reduce or eliminate allergenic-
The other disadvantage is that application of direct plasma ity [114]. These reports concluded that exposure with gamma
causes decrease in firmness of fruits [24]. Kim et al. [110] irradiation can reduce allergenicity of proteins in lectins.
reported that with the application of plasma there is decrease Based on these results plasma treatment may have chances
in pH of milk after 10 min treatment. of reduction or no significant effect on allergenicity of proteins
Till now no investigation has been carried out on the even after the plasma treatment. However, there is no such
formation of any toxic compounds after the application of data available presently on the allergenicity of plasma treated
cold plasma in food products. Any technology used for food food products. No studies have been conducted on formation
processing should not affect allergenicity of food constituents. of toxic compounds in plasma treated foods.
Besler et al. [111] reported that several processing technolo-
gies could alter allergenicity particularly antibody (IgE) relat-
ed allergy to food. The allergic activity of proteins will be
Impact on Environment and Economy
remained stable or lowered, but rarely increase is observed.
Harborne and Williams [79] stated that plants produce stress
The aim of any food processing industries is to reach con-
sumers demand for high quality foods raising their economic
standards, with net profits. Over a past few years the food
3 processing industries are focusing on the energy consumption
Peroxide value

and energy savings. This can be achieved only with the use of

2 non conventional emerging technologies as the thermal pres-

ervation techniques requires large amounts of water and addi-
15 tional cost for waste water managements. Many authors re-
0 10 ported that energy efficiency of non conventional technolo-
control 5 gies was high compared to thermal processing. Dalsgaard &
40W Abbots reported that the principal type of energy used for
50W Time(min)
Power 60W
traditional thermal processing is fossil fuel, whereas electricity
Fig. 3 Effect of cold plasma on peroxide value (PV) of Peanuts is mainly used for refrigeration and generation of mechanical
Food Biophysics

power for pumps [115]. It is also reported that use of novel application in food processing. d’ Agostino et al. [3] reported
non-conventional technologies like PEF and HPP may par- that there are 14 research areas where application of plasma
tially reduce the use of cooling systems, which often repre- technology can be increased which are determined by inter-
sents approximately 50 % of total electricity consumption. In national research scientists. The amount of energy consump-
many developing countries food processing industries contin- tions and stability depends up on the type of discharges used
uously evaluating the use of non conventional technologies, as for treatment. Based on this parameters for the application of
most of these technologies are not only energy saving but also plasma should be optimized for maximum efficiency at low
water saving (water scarcity was already occurred in many of cost of operation. Many scientists successfully applied plasma
world particularly in developing countries like India). Schluter on foods (solids and liquids) for the microbial inactivation but
et al. [116] reported that plasma treatment is also regarded as a they did not explain its effects on the nutritional qualities and
potential alternative to other chemical or physical methods toxicology of treated foods. There is a necessary that applica-
(HPP, PEF, and irradiation). Advantages of plasma processes tion of plasma on foods should be recognized as GRAS after
are: high efficiency at low temperatures, precise generation of intense study and research (in vitro and in vivo) in this field.
plasmas suitable for the intended use; just in time production Future studies should be done on applications of plasma on
of the acting agent; low impact on the internal product matrix; food surfaces to change its physical and chemical properties
application free of water or solvents; no residues; resource- with cost effective.
efficient. The main advantage of cold plasma technology in
volatile organic compounds (VOC) removal from the food
industries which are toxic and harmful are their relatively low Acknowledgments This research was supported by Union grant com-
mission [UGC], New Dehli, India.
energy consumption and generally moderate cost, compared
to conventional air treatment methods, and more importantly,
their ability to treat air containing low concentrations of VOCs
at relatively low operating temperatures [117]. References

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