E Industrial Applications

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Industrial Use of FRP Marine Composites

Industrial Use of FRP

Thermoplastic resins were first used for industrial applications in 1889. Reinforced polyester resins
were first utilized in 1944. FRP's advantages in this field include: lightweight structural
applications, wide useful temperature range, chemical resistance, flexibility, thermal and electrical
insulation, and favorable fatigue characteristics.

Piping Systems
The use of FRP for large diameter industrial piping is attractive because handling and corrosion
considerations are greatly improved. Filament wound piping can be used at working
temperatures up to around 300o F with a projected service life of 100 years. Interior surfaces
are much smoother than steel or concrete, which reduces frictional losses. The major difficulty
with FRP piping installation is associated with connection arrangements. Construction
techniques and engineering considerations are presented here, along with specific application

Pipe Construction
The cylindrical geometry of pipes make them extremely well suited for filament winding
construction. In this process, individual lengths of fiberglass are wound on to a mandrel form
in an engineered geometry. Resin is either applied at the time of winding or pre-impregnated
(prepreg) into the fiberglass in a semi-cured state. High pressure pipes and tanks are fabricated
using this technique.
A more economical but less structural method of producing pipes is called centrifugal casting.
In this process, chopped glass fibers are mixed with resin and applied to the inside of a rotating
cylindrical mold. The reinforcement fibers end up in a random arrangement making the
structure's strength properties isotropic. This process is used for large diameter pipe in low
pressure applications.
Contact molding by hand or with automated spray equipment is also used to produce large
diameter pipe. The designer has somewhat more flexibility over directional strength properties
with this process. Different applications may be more sensitive to either hoop stresses or
longitudinal bending stresses. Figure 1-44 shows the typical construction sequence of a
contact-molded pipe.

Piping Materials
Fiberglass is by far the most widely used reinforcement material for reinforced piping
components. The strength benefits of higher strength fibers do not justify the added cost for
large structures. The type of resin system used does vary greatly, depending upon the given
application. Table 1-7 lists various resin characteristics with respect to pipe applications.

Engineering Considerations
The general approach to FRP pipe construction involves a chemically resistant inner layer that
is surrounded by a high fiber content structural layer and finally a resin rich coating.
Additional reinforcement is provided by ribbed stiffeners, which are either solid or hollow.


Figure 1-44 Cutaway View of Contact-Molded Pipe [Cheremisinoff, Fiberglass-

Reinforced Plastics Deskbook]

Table 1-7 FRP Pipe Resin Systems

[Cheremisinoff, Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastics Deskbook]

Resin Application

Isophthalic Mild corrosives at moderate temperatures

and general acid wastes
Furmarated bi-sphenol Mild to severe corrosive fluids including
A-type polyester many alkalies and acids

Fire-retardant polyester Maximum chemical resistance to acids,

alkalies and solvents

Various thermoset resins High degree of chemical resistance to

specific chemicals

High-quality epoxy Extremely high resistance to strong

caustic solutions

Vinyl ester and proprietary Extremely high resistance to organic

resin systems acids, oxidizing acids, alkalis and specific
solvents operating in excess of 350 F

The joining of FRP pipe to other

materials, such as steel, can be
accomplished using a simple flange to
flange mate; with an encased concrete
system that utilizes thrust rings; or with a
rubber expansion joint, as shown in Figure
1-45. For straight FRP connections, an
“O ring” seal can be used.
Figure 1-45 Typical Expansion Joint Tie-
In [Cheremisinoff, Fiberglass-Reinforced
Plastics Deskbook]

Industrial Use of FRP Marine Composites

Practices or codes regarding safe FRP pipe design are established by the following organizations:

• The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM);

• The American Society for Mechanical Engineers (ASME); and
• The American Petroleum Institute (API).

Table 1-8 presents average properties of FRP pipe manufactured by different methods. Table
1-9 lists some recommended wall thicknesses for filament wound and contact molded pipes.

FRP Piping Applications

Oil Industry
Approximately 500,000 feet of FRP pipe is installed at a Hodge-Union Texas project near
Ringwood, OK, which is believed to be the single largest FRP pipe installation. FRP epoxy
pipe was selected because of its excellent corrosion resistance and low paraffin buildup. The
smoothness of the pipe walls and low thermal conductivity contribute to the inherent resistance
to paraffin accumulation. The materials that tend to corrode metallic piping include crudes,
natural gases, saltwater and corrosive soils. At an offshore installation in the Arabian Gulf,
FRP vinyl ester pipe was selected because of its excellent resistance to saltwater and humidity.
At this site, seawater is filtered through a series of 15 foot diameter tanks that are connected by
16 inch diameter piping using a multitude of FRP fittings.

Table 1-8 Average Properties of Various FRP Pipe

[Cheremisinoff, Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastics Deskbook]

Filament Wound Centrifugally Cast Contact Molded

Property with Epoxy or with Epoxy or with Polyester
Polyester Resins Polyester Resin Resin
Modulus of Elasticity
in Axial 1.0 - 2.7 x 10
1.3 - 1.5 x 10
0.8 - 1.8 x 10
Tension @ 77 F, psi
Ultimate Axial Tensile
o 8,000 - 10,000 25,000 9,000 - 18,000
Strength @ 77 F, psi
Ultimate Hoop oTensile 24,000 - 50,000 35,000 9,000 - 10,000
Strength @ 77 F, psi
Modulus of Elasticityo in 1 - 2 x 10
1.3 - 1.5 x 10
1.0 - 1.2 x 10
Beam Flexure @ 77 F, psi
Coefficient of Thermalo 8.5 - 12.7 x 10
13 x 10
15 x 10
Expansion, inch/inch/ F
Heat Deflection
Temperature 200 - 300 200 - 300 200 - 250
@ 264 psi, F
o 1.3 - 2.0 0.9 1.5
Btu/ft -hr- F/inch
Specific Gravity 1.8 - 1.9 1.58 1.3 - 1.7
Corrosive Resistance E E NR
E = excellent, will resist most corrosive chemicals
NR = not recommended for highly alkaline or solvent applications


Coal Mine
Coal mines have successfully used FRP epoxy resin pipe, according to the Fiber Glass
Resources Corporation. The material is capable of handling freshwater, acid mine water and
slurries more effectively than mild steel and considerably cheaper than stainless steel.
Additionally, FRP is well suited for remote areas, fire protection lines, boreholes and rough
terrain installations.

Paper Mill
A paper mill in Wisconsin was experiencing a problem with large concentrations of sodium
hydroxide that was a byproduct of the deinking process. Type 316 stainless steel was replaced
with a corrosion resistant FRP using bell and spigot-joining methods to further reduce
installation costs.

Power Production
Circulating water pipes of 96 inch diameter FRP were specially designed to meet the
engineering challenges of the Big Cajun #2 fossil fuel power plant in New Roads, LA. The
instability of the soil precluded the use of conventional thrust blocks to absorb axial loads. By
custom lay-up of axial fiber, the pipe itself was made to handle these loads. Additionally,
custom elbow joints were engineered to improve flow characteristics in tight turns.

Table 1-9 Recommended FRP Pipe Wall Thickness in Inches

[Cheremisinoff, Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastics Deskbook]

Internal Pressure Rating, psi

25 50 75 100 125 150
Inches Filament Contact Filament Contact Filament Contact Filament Contact Filament Contact Filament Contact
Wound Molded Wound Molded Wound Molded Wound Molded Wound Molded Wound Molded

2 0.188 0.187 0.188 0.187 0.188 0.187 0.188 0.187 0.188 0.187 0.188 0.187
4 0.188 0.187 0.188 0.187 0.188 0.187 0.188 0.250 0.188 0.250 0.188 0.250
6 0.188 0.187 0.188 0.187 0.188 0.250 0.188 0.250 0.188 0.312 0.188 0.375
8 0.188 0.187 0.188 0.250 0.188 0.250 0.188 0.312 0.188 0.375 0.188 0.437
10 0.188 0.187 0.188 0.250 0.188 0.312 0.188 0.375 0.188 0.437 0.188 0.500
12 0.188 0.187 0.188 0.250 0.188 0.375 0.188 0.437 0.188 0.500 0.214 0.625
18 0.188 0.250 0.188 0.375 0.188 0.500 0.214 0.625 0.268 0.750 0.321 0.937
24 0.188 0.250 0.188 0.437 0.214 0.625 0.286 0.812 0.357 1.000 0.429 1.120
36 0.188 0.375 0.214 0.625 0.321 0.937 0.429 1.250 0.536 1.500 0.643 1.810
48 0.188 0.437 0.286 0.812 0.429 1.250 0.571 1.620 0.714 2.000 0.857 2.440
60 0.188 0.500 0.357 1.000 0.536 1.500 0.714 2.000 0.893 2.500 1.070 3.000
72 0.214 0.625 0.429 1.250 0.643 1.810 0.857 2.440 1.070 3.000 1.290 3.620
96 0.286 0.812 0.571 1.620 0.857 2.440 1.140 3.250 1.430 4.000 1.710 4.810

Industrial Use of FRP Marine Composites

FRP storage tanks are gaining increased attention as of late due to recent revelations that their
metallic counterparts are corroding and rupturing in underground installations. The fact that
this activity can go unnoticed for some time can lead to severe environmental ramifications.

A cross-sectional view of a typical
FRP tank would closely resemble
the pipe described in the previous
section with a barrier inner skin
followed by the primary reinforcing
element. Figure 1-46 shows the
typical construction of an FRP tank.
A general limit for design strain
level is 0.001 inch inch according to
ASTM for filament wound tanks
and National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST) for contact
molded tanks. Hoop tensile modulii
(psi) range from 2.0 x 106 to 4.3 x
106 for filament winding and 1.0 x
Figure 1-46 Cross-Sectional View of Standard
106 to 1.2 x 106 for contact molding. Vertical Tank Wall Laminate [Cheremisinoff,
Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastics Deskbook]
FRP is used for vertical tanks when the material to be stored creates a corrosion problem for
conventional steel tanks. Designs vary primarily in the bottom sections to meet drainage and
strength requirements. Horizontal tanks are usually used for underground storage of fuel oils.
Owens-Corning has fabricated 48,000 gallon tanks for this purpose that require no heating
provision when buried below the frost line.

Air Handling Equipment

FRP blower fans offer protection against corrosive fumes and gases. The ease of moldability
associated with FRP fan blades enables the designer to specify an optimum shape. An overall
reduction in component weight makes installation easier. In addition to axial fans, various
types of centrifugal fans are fabricated of FRP.
Ductwork and stacks are also fabricated of FRP when corrosion resistance and installation ease
are of paramount concern. Stacks are generally fabricated using hand lay-up techniques
employing some type of fire-retardant resin.


Commercial Ladders
The Fiber Technology Corporation is an example of a
company that has adapted an aluminum ladder design for
a customer to produce a nonconductive FRP replacement.
The intricate angles and flares incorporated into the
aluminum design precluded the use of a pultrusion
process. Additionally, the design incorporated unique
hinges to give the ladder added versatility. All these
features were maintained while the objective of producing
a lighter, nonconductive alternative was achieved.
Major ladder manufacturers, such as R.D. Werner and
Lynn Manufacturing also produce step and extension type
ladders using rails made from pultruded glass/polyester
structural sections. Indeed, ANSI has developed standard
A 14.5-1982 for ladders of portable reinforced plastics.
Table 1-10 lists the minimum mechanical properties Figure 1-47 Stepladder
with Composite Rails [ANSI
required for compliance with the ANSI standard. standard A14.5-1982]

Table 1-10 Minimum Composite Properties of Ladder Rail Sections

[American National Standards Institute standard A14.5-1982]

Flange Web Web Web Lengthwise

Material Property
Lengthwise Cross Wet 150°F Weather
Tensile Strength, psi 45,000 30,000 - 23,000 21,000 23,000
Tensile Modulus, 10 psi 2.8 2.0 - 1.5 1.4 1.5
Compressive Strength, psi 40,000 28,000 10,000 21,000 19,000 22,000
Compressive Modulus, 10 psi 2.8 2.0 - 1.5 1.4 1.6
Flexural Strength, psi 38,000 35,000 5,000 26,000 26,000 28,000
Flexural Modulus, 10 psi 2.0 1.8 0.70 1.4 1.4 1.4
Ultimate Bearing Strength, psi - 30,000 - - - -
Izod Impact, ft-lb/inch - 20 - - - -

Aerial Towers
In 1959, the Plastic Composites Corporation introduced an aerial man-lift device used by
electrical and telephone industries. The bucket, upper boom and lower boom insulator are all
fabricated of fiberglass. The towers, known today as “cherry pickers,” are currently certified to
69 kVA in accordance with ANSI standards and are periodically verified for structural integrity
using acoustic emission techniques.

Industrial Use of FRP Marine Composites

Drive Shafts
Power transmission drive shafts have been built from composite materials for over a decade.
Initial applications focused on high corrosivity areas, such as cooling towers. As end fitting
and coupling mechanisms developed,
other benefits of composites have been
realized. Addax, Inc. has built over 1700
shafts up to 255 inches long with power
transmission to 4,500 hp. Figure 1-48
shows a flexible composite coupling
patented by Addax that allows for
misalignment. Industrial drive shafts that
weigh 500 pounds when made from
metal can weigh as little as 100 pounds
when built with carbon/epoxy. [1-65] Figure 1-48 Patented Flexible Coupling
Allows for up to 2° Misalignment [Addax]
Bridge Structures
Several recent projects headed by
universities have focused on applying
composite materials for infrastructure
applications. The University of California,
San Diego undertook an ARPA effort that
focused on renewal and new structures.
The higher profile tasks included: wrapping
deteriorated and seismic-prone concrete
columns; manufacture and analysis of
bridge decks; cable and anchoring
technology; and development of composite
wear surfaces.
Wrapping concrete columns with helical
reinforcement is being approached Figure 1-49 E a rly P ro t o t y p e Tru s s
differently by several companies. XXsys Structure Built by Hardcore DuPont and
Technologies developed a wrapping Tested at UCSD [author photo]
machine that applies carbon/epoxy prepreg
in a continuous fashion. Hexcell Fyfe uses a glass/epoxy system known as Tyfo S Fibrwraptm,
which is applied by hand wrapping. Both NCF Industries and Hardcore DuPont utilize a
technique where prefabricated shells are fit around columns and bonded in-place. ClockSpring
uses a continuous prepreg wound around columns in a process borrowed from the offshore oil
industry for heating large pipes. [1-66]


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