Investigating The Health Workers' Disposition Towards The Use

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International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)

ISSN: 2643-9670
Vol. 5 Issue 4, April - 2021, Pages: 105-110

Investigating the Health Workers’ Disposition Towards the Use

of Covi-19 Vaccine in Pakistan: An Empirical Analysis
Abdul Rahim Chandio
Department of Public Administration, University of Sindh
[email protected]
Abstract: The emergence of the infectious pandemic becomes a transferrable factor to reach across the globe to affect people of
all race and faith except any discrimination and medical experts remains in compulsive order to meet the pandemic in appropriate
means. Though it exploded a volcano of fear, impede the mental health satisfactory, and deplore the social and economic mobility
in Pakistan due to lack of any appropriate and standard treatment and precautions in the country. While no triumphant of medical
science to create an approved COVID-19 vaccine in the world still rise the questions of unsatisfied health security and people’s
mistrust to meet the harms of the vaccine on their lives allow to produce obstacles in the implementation of COVID-19 vaccination
process in Pakistan as well. This study applies the initiatives to investigate the health workers to vaccinate themselves and create
an empirical analysis via a survey method and test of Hypothesis. For the data analysis 326 questionnaires were collected out of
400 from the health employees in Sindh regarding to be vaccinated with arrival of covid-19 vaccine in the country and dada
collection process carried out within two months. Prevailing inquiry is confined at narrow scale within province and survey items
were designed in English language.
Keywords: COVID-19, Vaccine, behavioral intention to use vaccine, health security
Infectious diseases have always affected a most important concern to a public health like coronavirus left its deep implication not
only to health but also affected social, economic and political institutions of life. The Covid-19 outbreak infected people quickly
and mobilized speedily global impacts and has vitiated health security that remained the cause of chaos as WHO officially
declared Covid-19 a pandemic in which Pakistan also one of the affected country with the natural calamity (Ali, 2020; Chandio,
2020; Shuja, et al., 2020). The multiple challenges due to COVID-19 pandemic affected the public health, and all other institutions
of life like economic systems, political institutions, and social and culture patterns and it has been recognized as the natural
disasters to human civilization.
COVID-19 pandemic is leading to the severe acute respiratory syndrome, as it came to identified in China (Wuhan) during
December 2019, Pakistan has reported its first positive case in February 2020 and the first death was reported on March 20 (Ali,
2020). The COVID-19 pandemic step on the soil of Pakistan on 26 February as a positive test of a Karachi student reached on the
surface as the patient came from Iran. Likely, the minister of health and concerning sources of Pakistan health department made an
official report that people who came from the infected regions have brought virus and transmitted it in the Society. It is the dire
need to adopt collective preventive measures and precautions’ to meet the worldwide safeguards and halt the spread of infectious
disease for further diffusion and it becomes the reason behind emergence of threat, stress, mental health issues and obsessive
disorder (Chandio, 2020; Lunn, et al., 2020; Yi, Y., Lagniton, et al., 2020).
It becomes a global challenge to encounter and halt the influence of the covid-19 spread in the society due to no availability of a
standard vaccine and treatment (M’sahel, et al.,., 2021). Encountering the natural dilemma requires global efforts to halt the
infectious and develop COVID- vaccine to be accessible on equitable basis to nations of the world (M’sahel, et al.,., 2021;
Tregoning, et al., 2020). COVID-19 vaccine has been accepted as the necessity of a global public health in encompassing the
pandemic. Moreover, the world communities apply diverse technologies concerning the vaccine in order to obstruct the pandemic
(Enitan, et al., 2020). Vaccine must be considered as a widely strategy part to enable the old patterns of socialization to succeed the
vaccination process. Significantly, the control of the infectious disease the production needs to be cheap, accessible to middle
classes and small number of preclinical doses to vials filled enough to immunize the world population, which requires close
collaboration with manufacturers and regulators and accelerating the clinical trials and produce multiple vaccines (Deming, et al.,
2020). This review explores the intentional approach of the health workers to use vaccine in the way to control the pandemic and
gather the perception to present their viewpoint how they perceive the use of the vaccine either it is protective against SARS-CoV-
2 and the potential vaccine for securing immune system.

Review literature
People’s assumption is to consider the vaccine to become lack of reliability to the treatment of the Covid-19 that urges to be
studied and investigated to collect the intention to assist the vaccine companies to represent the public issues and meet their
concern. Researcher tries to find out the empirical evidence on the health workers side to find the possible treatment alternatives
International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
ISSN: 2643-9670
Vol. 5 Issue 4, April - 2021, Pages: 105-110
and produce notion concern the vaccines for future prevention in which it supports to bring the people’s opinion on the surface.
The dearth of concerned literature on the COVID-19 vaccination program to impact the glob and gathering public perceptional
approach highlight it to become the domain as an important study in the to discover intentions to be vaccinated which can assist
the policy makers and health sectors to adopt innovative and effective strategies to meet the short comes to vaccinate the nation
(Ali, 2020). Positive effects contain the universal recognition for coronavirus vaccine can increase people’s confidence and
appreciation for vaccines that results to become easy to implement vaccination program successfully (Liu, et al., 2020; Tregoning,
et al., 2020; Shigemura , et al., 2019).
Vaccination is an important debate whereas world communities go to mobilize and sale the vaccine to other nations of the world
and it is a vital discussion for the reason that delays or stops in such programs can be cause of outbreak of other infectious diseases
(Ali, 2020). The rumors of the positive and negative implications of the COVID-19 vaccine are to ensure its use to result and make
the pandemic as a vaccine-preventable disease (VPDs). Hence, this study encompasses to determine the perception of health
workers whether they use the vaccine or not and consider the vaccine as to be vaccine-preventable pandemic and useful for their
strengthening immunity to encounter the infection. It is presumed to highlight the risk of the vaccine indicates to pursue the
controversy to an assumption to match the vaccine to become unreliable to the treatment of Covid-19 (Deming, et al., 2020). It is
the dominant perception of the negative impacts of the COVID-19 vaccine to drive the public attention to comprehend the
pandemic as a fact and low resource world communities also face the delayed vaccination program to prevent the outbreak of
Infectious diseases always deeply impacted the public health and world health organization (WHO) initiated scheme Expanded
Program on Immunization (EPI) earlier to encounter the infectious illnesses via adoption vaccination against the eleven vaccine-
preventable diseases (VPDs) such as Measles (Measles vaccine), Childhood TB (BCG vaccine), Poliomyelitis (OPV+IPV), Rota
Diarrhea (Rota vaccine), Pneumonia and meningitis due to S. pneumoniae (Pnumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV10)), Diphtheria,
Tetanus, Pertussis, Hepatitis B, and Hib pneumonia and meningitis (Pentavalent vaccine (DTP+Hep B + Hib)) (Ali, 2020). The
explosion of vaccine development has been caused by the emergence of COVID-19 pandemic at the end of 2019 and it initiated
the race of clinical trial of the vaccine by September 24, 2020 43 clinical trial entered the club of competition as some of them
have not been licensed earlier as the vaccine for human (Tregoning, et al., 2020). Stakeholders such as governments and the WHO
should take the prevailing moment to build effective policy making to vitalize the COVID vaccination programs and WHO
accelerate the initiatives to ensure vaccine manufacture to deliver across the world. As the world researches to find out the
standard treatment and produce the vaccine of the coronavirus pandemic and number of nations developed the vaccine as china
gifts it Pakistan that results to control the spread of infectious in the country.
Stress and an anxiety approach
Emergence of an uncertain situation articulate the behavior with impacts of the pandemic to self-confinement, lack of an
appropriate treatment for the infectious disease led to stress and inciting situation (Chandio, 2020; Lunn, et al., 2020). The
discomfort due to lack of reliability and infectious risk in the society regarding one’s proximity to others social contact and it has
been observed to psychologists complain of the mental health issues in rise during the covid-19 pandemic. Initially it was assessed
to public emotions response with an extreme fear, psychological stress, uncertainty, anxiety, insomnia, depression, and frustration
(Chandio, 2020; Shuja, et al., 2020; Shigemura, et al., 2019; Wu, et al., 2009). In the early studies concerning to SARS, patients
alleged COVID-19 suffered loneliness, anger, hysteria, frustration and isolation (Chandio, 2020; Xiang, et al., 2020; Shigemura, et
al., 2019).
Quarantined patients had become cause of the symptoms of stress, and it also brought the health workers at a high risk at the units
of SARS (Yi, Y., Lagniton, et al., 2020; Wu, et al., 2009). Moreover, medical professional and health workers dealt the SARS
patients during the outbreak spread the state of anxiety, fear, frustration and depression (Wu, et al., 2009). The nation as Pakistan
uncertainty has not only occupied due to COVID-19 but also for numerous about their life survival as meal and interrupted work
life because of lock down emotional disturbances such as aggression and frustration sustain to become common. While it has not
yet been possible to create a working vaccine for COVID-19, there is a general feeling of distrust in medicine among the masses,
leading to less use of medical facilities and health management (Burkle, 2020). As an example concerned to Pakistan where
uncertainty has employed towards the general use of medicine and prefer dosage to treat an illness while avoiding mental health
professionals for lack of knowledge, believing in myth and fear to be denounced.
International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
ISSN: 2643-9670
Vol. 5 Issue 4, April - 2021, Pages: 105-110
Table 1. Population and Sample Statistics
Health site Sample Proportionate Sampling
Percentage Questionnaire Response
Distributed rate
SMBBMU 96 29.4% 100 96
GMMMC 68 20.8% 90 68
LUMH 67 20.5% 105 67
ASIMSS 95 29.1% 105 95
Total 326 100% 400 326


H1. Perceived to be vaccinated for the provision of an effective health security has positive and significant influence on behavioral
intention to COVID-19 vaccine users.
H2. Perceived to be vaccinated to become usefulness to a healthy society and strengthening immunity has the positive and
significant impact on the behavioral intention to COVID-19 vaccine users.
H3. Social influence to be measured to use COVID-19 vaccine has positive and significant influence on behavioral intention to
COVID-19 vaccine users.
The proposed determinants highlight the positive significant relationship of independent and dependent factors in which use of
vaccine is supported by health workers and intent to be vaccinated when it is ensured the availability in the country. Moreover, it
indicates that adoption of vaccine by health workers to be considered useful and people of society also encouraged them to be
vaccinated in order to control the pandemic infectious.
Research methodology
This research follows the cross sectional based survey conducted within two months of November and December of 2020. In this
study data was collected from the 326 respondents out of 400 among Pakistani health to gather their perception regarding the use
of Covid-19 vaccine. Moreover, population has been gathered from the Chandka Medical College Hospital Larkana, Ghulam
Muhammad Mahar Medical College ( GMMMC), Liaquat University Hospital Jamshoro, and Syed Abdullah Shah Institute of
Medical Sciences Sehwan. Detail of drawing sample from the whole population is given in table 1. The data was analyzed by
using the SPSS version 24.0.
Sampling distribution follows that 100 questionnaires were distributed Chandka Medical College Hospital Larkana and ensured
the feed of 96 respondents (29.4%), Ghulam Muhammad Mahar Medical College ( GMMMC), 90 and feedback remained 68
(20.8%), Liaquat University Hospital Jamshoro, 105 and returned 67 (20.5%) whereas Syed Abdullah Shah Institute of Medical
Sciences Sehwan out of 105 questionnaires respondents rate sustained 95 (29.1%).
Data analysis
Data collection was collected from the health workers in whom 326 respondents produced their feedback. Though, the data
analysis of health employees remained under satisfactory to vaccinate themselves except any risk and fear. Numerous statistical
methods have been applied to compare the respondents to collect data of 326 of health employees. These methods encompass the
cross sectional study, regression and correlation analysis and implemented an analytical approach to sustain the relationship of
diverse determinants. Internal consistency was measured via using Cronbach's alpha value to determine scale reliability and
internal consistency mentions to estimate reliability which is based on the average correlation between items in a test. Reliability
of the concerned items of this study has been verified by computing the Cronbach‟s alpha and it suggested and preferred that a
minimum alpha of 0.6 sufficed for early stage of research.

Results and discussion

Researchers distributed 400 questionnaires among the health workers including doctors, staff nurse and other related paramedical
staff in which 36 respondents maintained their feedback to meet the and that meets the 81.5%. In the respondents participation
male and female ensured their feedback via filling the questionnaire survey. The participants were 15.3% female and 84.9% male
whereas education contains graduation in high percentage 62.8% and job experience were in majority between 1-3 years 53.9%.

Table 2: Demographic Characteristics of the respondents

Variables Description Frequency Percentage
International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
ISSN: 2643-9670
Vol. 5 Issue 4, April - 2021, Pages: 105-110
Gender Male 277 84.9
Female 49 15.3
30-40 176 53.9
41-50 89 27.3
51-60 61 18.7
Graduation 205 62.8
Education Master 117 35.8
M.Phil/ P.hd 4 1.2
1-3 years 176 53.9
3-5 years 123 37.7
Job Experience 6-30 years 27 8.2

In this study, 12 survey items were applied to collect the data collection and the five point likert scale was followed. Besides,
mean and standard deviation was used.

Survey Items Mean SD

Q1: I make intention to be Covid-19 vaccinated (BIT). 3.691 .9643
Q2: I expect to use of Covid-19 vaccine (BIT). 3.7468 .85112
Q3: I envision a plan to vaccinate myself (BIT). 3.7124 .86536
Q4: Using Covid-19 vaccine is easy and harms free dosage to produce the 3.6752 .84560
immunity capacity (P).
Q5: The use of the vaccine is the trouble-free and ensure the health 3.7210 .76245
security (P)
Q6: It would perceive to vaccinate myself when it can be supplied in the 3.7897 .72723
country (P)
Q7: The use of Covid-19 vaccine useful to encounter coronavirus and its 3.8359 .76509
pandemic infectious and faster strengthen immune system (PU)
Q8: Covid-19 vaccine is fruitful to public health and encounters the effect 3.8842 .74241
of infectious (PU).
Q9: Vaccine can assist to produce my performance level and eliminate my 3.7568 .78354
psychological stress and boost up my immunity level (PU).
Q10: People influence me to vaccinate myself for health security means 3.7124 .74201
Q11: Influential people consider the use of vaccine can bring effective 4.0043 2.68215
outcome to control the pandemic and guarantee the health security (SI)
Q12: the most significant people consider the vaccination to be applied to 3.8165 .76320
ensure the beneficial in the evaluation process of our health system (SI)
Table 3. Survey items, standard deviations and mean

Table 4. Cronbach's alpha

Behavioral intention to use 0.671
Perceived to be ease in use 0.751
Perceived usefulness 0.732
Social influence 0.786

Table 4. Cronbach's alpha

All variables possess the alpha values greater than 0.6 the determinants were therefore deemed to have acceptable reliability.
Checking multivariate correlations signifies to studying relationships between factors. Thus, a test was performed to examine the
relationship between the independent variables and dependent factor via Pearson's correlation. While all constructs in the
conceptual model for this study are supported, the results show a significant relationship at the 0.1 level.
International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
ISSN: 2643-9670
Vol. 5 Issue 4, April - 2021, Pages: 105-110

Table 5. Pearson correlation ( Note: Behavioral intention to use *dependent variable for this study)
Behavioral intention to use 1
Perceived to be ease in use (P) .589** 1
Perceived usefulness form .578** .505** 1
human health security (PU)
Social influence (SI) .522** .511** .513** 1

Tbale 5. The correlation

The correlation of the constructs lies between (.505 to .589) whereas the construct Perceived to be used (P) (.589) PU (.578_.505)
and SI (.511-513) has been confirmed. The correlation at its highest degree has been depicted between PP and BIT (.589 **) and
lowest correlation is between PU and SI (.505). The multiple regression analysis was occurred to find out the effect of
independent constructs and dependent factor or test the hypothesis. All hypotheses have been developed successfully on the basis
of the given results of the regression. Also, the beta, “t” values of the constructs can be mentioned as below given table.

Table 5: Coefficients
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig.
B Std.Error Beta
1 (Constant) .645 .302 2.172 .031
P .426 .082 .327 5.313 .000
PU .369 .081 .271 4.594 .000
SI .368 .080 .275 4.327 .001
a. Dependent Variable: Behavioral intention to use (BIT)

The population of the concerned study comprises the health workers intentions measurement regarding use of Covid-19 vaccine in
Pakistan and the sampling of the existing study is confined to investigate the degree of perception of health employees to be
vaccinated. The key sources of the respondents belong to health workers and concerned staff whereas researcher distributed and
collected 326 questionnaires randomly and five point Likert scale was used in questionnaire for data collection. The survey
instrument was distributed to respondents by the personal visit of the researcher, third party as workers and applies the online
survey method of the concerned organization and survey items were written in English language and the instructions of Krejcie
and Morgan (1970) were followed for sampling. The analysis in this study shows the behavioral intention to use Covid-19 vaccine
factors impact the perception of users to vaccinate the new produced vaccine and it is recommended to investigate the citizens’
attitude to use the vaccine for the health security purpose in Pakistan.

Although the spread of covi-19 pandemic not only become the reason of fear, frustration, and other mental health related disorder
it also impacted the social, political, and economic intuition of life and need of a solution is based on the Covid vaccine to
encounter the infectious. In Pakistan use of covid-19 vaccine is preferred by the health workers a to be useful for their health
security and social influence also maintained an encouragement to doctors and other health workers to use the vaccine and a
thorough research is required to interpret the public opinion on the use of new vaccine in the society. Also, an attention must be
paid on the pandemic parameter and hindrance capacity of the dosage and side effect to be measured by the medical experts.
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