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Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Issue 01 : Rev No. 1 : Dt.


Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s

Vishwakarma Institute of Technology

(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University)

Structure & Syllabus of

SY. (Common)
Pattern ‘B20’

Effective from Academic Year 2020-21

Prepared by: - SY (Common)

Approved by: - Academic Board, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune

Signed by

Chairman – BOS Chairman – Academic Board

SY (Common) Structure (applicable w.e.f. AY 2020-2021)

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Sr. No Course Code Course Name Page No

1 3
Structure Module III

2 4
MD2201 Data Science

3 11
MD2202 Applied Electronics

4 MD2203 Mechanical and 24

System Engineering

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SY (Common) Module -III

Contact hours per

Subject Course week
Course Name Credits
Head Code
Theory Lab Tut

S1 MD2201 DATA SCIENCE 3 2 1 5

3 2 1 5


S3 MD2203

2 1
2 1



S8 - 0

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FF No.: 654


Course Prerequisites:
1. Linear Algebra Basics
2. Central Tendency & Measures of Dispersion – Mean, Mode, Median
3. Probability
4. Some exposure to programming environment – C programming; Python
Course Objectives:
1. Understand data processing pipeline
2. Perform dimensionality reduction operations
3. Optimize the performance of functions
4. Apply descriptive statistics tools
5. Deduce meaningful statistical inferences
6. Use unsupervised classification algorithms
7. Use supervised classification algorithms
8. Utilize the data science principles for an entire project life cycle as a case study

Credits: 5 Teaching Scheme Theory: 3 Hours/Week

Tut: 1 Hours/Week
Lab: 2 Hours/Week
Course Relevance:
The course is offered in S.Y. B.Tech. to all branches of Engineering
Data Science is a multidisciplinary field. It uses scientific approaches, procedures, algorithms and
frameworks to extract knowledge and insight from a huge amount of data.
Data Science uses concepts and methods which belong to fields like information technology,
Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science etc.
Data Science influences the growth and improvements of the product by providing a lot of
intelligence about customers and operations, by using methods such as data mining and data
The course is relevant to all branches of Engineering and beyond, since data is generated as an
obvious outcome of many processes.

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● Introduction to Data Science

Role of data scientist, introduction to R, R studio; introduction to univariate and
multivariate systems, understanding databases, Data Processing - Data collection; Data
preparation ; Data visualization techniques and inferences - scatter plot, scatter matrix,
histogram, box plot. (6 Hours)
● Normal distribution, evaluating normal distribution, Binomial distribution, confidence
Intervals, central limit Theorem, hypothesis testing, inference for numerical data – t-
distribution, paired data, ANOVA (8 Hours)
● Vector norms, distances & projections, discriminants, least squares, Singular Value
Decomposition, Principal Component Analysis, Optimization: constrained and
unconstrained, Gradient Descent (6 Hours)


● Supervised Learning – line fitting, residuals, correlation; line fitting by least squares
regression; outliers in linear regression; Inference for linear regression; Multiple
regression; Model selection; Logistic regression, Nearest Neighbor Classification – Knn;
Naïve Bayes Classification – Bayesian methods, Bayes algorithm; Classification using
decision trees and learners (9 Hours)
● Unsupervised Clustering - K-means clustering; Evaluation of model performance –
Confusion matrices, sensitivity, specificity, kappa statistics, precision, recall, F-measure,
ROC curve etc.; Methods of cross-validation, Bootstrapping; Meta-learning through
ensemble approach – Bagging, boosting, Random Forests strategies. (7 Hours)
● Applications of Data Science – Indicative List: (4 Hours)
○ Predicting default cases in the Banking Industry;
○ Predict passengers’ survival in a Ship mishap evaluation technique;
○ Classify Junk emails based on probability;
○ Classify malicious websites;
○ SMS Spam collection data:
○ Gender recognition by voice;
○ Store Item Demand Forecasting:
○ Predict 3 months of item sales at different store

List of Tutorials:

1. Data Visualization
2. Distances and Projections
3. Singular Value Decomposition
4. Principal Component Analysis

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5. Optimization
6. Normal & Binomial Distribution
7. Hypothesis Testing
8. ANOVA test
9. Linear Regression
10. Logistic Regression
11. Nearest Neighbor Classification
12. Decision Trees based classification
13. Naive Bayes classification
14. Clustering
15. Evaluation of model performance
16. Bagging & Boosting approaches

List of Practicals: (Any Six)

1. Data visualization
2. Unconstrained Optimization
3. Hypothesis Testing
4. Linear regression
5. Logistic Regression
6. Nearest Neighbor classification
7. Naive Bayes classification
8. Clustering
9. Classifier performance using Confusion matrix and other attributes
10. Cross Validation methods

List of Course Projects:

1. Movie recommendation system

2. Customer Segmentation using Machine Learning
3. Sentiment analysis
4. Uber Data analysis
5. Loan prediction
6. HVAC needs forecasting
7. Customer relationship management
8. Clinical decision support systems
9. Development of machine learning solutions using available data sets (multiple projects)
10. Fraud detection

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List of Course Seminar Topics:

1. Data wrangling
2. Predictive modeling
3. Data analytics in life science (multiple topics)
4. Ensemble modeling techniques
5. Text pre-processing
6. Feature scaling for machine learning
7. Multivariate normal distribution applications
8. Distance metrics and their applications
9. Visualization techniques such as Chernoff’s faces
10. Tree based algorithms
11. Ridge regression

List of Course Group Discussion Topics:

1. PCA and ICA

2. Hierarchical and nonhierarchical systems
3. Linear - Non linear regression
4. Parametric-non parametric estimation
5. Overfitting and underfitting in the context of classification
6. Linear and Quadratic discriminant analysis
7. Regression v/s classification
8. Classifier performance measures
9. Supervised and unsupervised learning
10. Various clustering approaches
11. Classifiers and classifier combinations
12. Balancing errors in hypothesis testing
13. Standard sampling practices for a successful survey for reliable sample data

List of Home Assignments:

Case Study: A very large number of resources are available for data generated out of case study.
Unique Home assignments will be set up for all groups
Surveys: Principles of surveying will be implemented by groups to demonstrate use of data
science principles in home assignments

Assessment Scheme:

Mid Semester Examination - 10 Marks

Presentation - 15 Marks
Laboratory - 10 Marks
Course Project - 10 Marks
Home Assignment - 10 Marks
Group Discussion - 15 Marks

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End Semester Examination - 10 Marks

Comprehensive Viva Voce - 20 Marks

Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. ‘A Beginner’s Guide to R’ – Zuur, Leno, Meesters; Springer, 2009

2. ‘Introduction to Data Science’ – Igual, Segui; Springer, 2017
3. ‘Mathematics for Machine Learning’ – Diesenroth, Faisal, Ong; Cambridge University
Press, 2017
4. ‘Machine Learning with R’ – Lantz, Packt Publishing, 2018

Reference Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. ‘Elements of Statistical Learning’ - Hastie, Tibshirani, Friedman; Springer; 2011

2. ‘Data Science from Scratch’ - Grus; Google Books; 2015
3. ‘The art of Data Science’ - Matsui, Peng; 2016
4. ‘Machine Learning for absolute beginners’ - Theobald; Google Books; 2017

Moocs Links and additional reading material:


Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, student will be able to –

1. Apply Data processing & data visualization techniques - 3

2. Implement dimensionality reduction & optimization techniques for enhancing data
suitability - 5
3. Perform Descriptive and Inferential statistical analysis for building reliable predictions
4. Implement Supervised algorithms for classification and prediction - 4
5. Implement Unsupervised classification algorithms - 3
6. Evaluate the performance metrics of supervised and unsupervised algorithms - 2
7. Demonstrate complete Data Science life cycle with case studies - 4

Future Courses Mapping:

1. Deep Learning
2. Reinforcement Learning

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4. Big Data
5. Data Mining
6. Information Retrieval
7. Recommendation Systems
8. Cloud Computing – AWS
9. IOT
10. Artificial Intelligence
11. Pattern Recognition
12. Natural Language Processing
13. Computer Vision
14. Machine Vision
15. Fault Diagnosis
16. Optimization
17. Bioinformatics
18. Computational Biology
19. Econometrics
20. Supply Chain
21. Ergonomics
22. Operations Research
23. Nano-informatics

Job Mapping:
Job opportunities that one can get after learning this course
1. Data Scientist
2. Data Analyst
3. AI Engineer
4. Data Architect.
5. Data Engineer.
6. Statistician.
7. Database Administrator.
8. Business Analyst
9. Business Intelligence Developer
10. Infrastructure Architect
11. Enterprise Architect
12. Machine Learning Engineering
13. Machine Learning Scientist

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FF No. : 654

Course Prerequisites:
Concepts of modern physics

Course Objectives:
1. To familiarize with working and applications of electronic devices and circuits
2. To introduce various signals, systems and its analysis
3. To understand concepts of feedback control system and its performance analysis
4. To design basic digital circuits and understand their applications
5. To know basics of power devices, components and their applications
6. To comprehend fundamentals of communication system

Credits: 5 Teaching Scheme Theory: 3 Hours/Week

Tut: 1 Hours/Week
Lab: 2 Hours/Week

Course Relevance:
Now-a-days, there are lots of electronic and electro-mechanical systems with embedded
electronics for their control. A knowledge of fundamentals of electronics and major functioning
of electronic devices and systems can assist an engineer to better communicate and collaborate
for the design / manufacturing of various systems.

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Topics and Contents

● Devices & Circuits (8 Hours)

Role of Applied Electronics, Basic Electronic Components, RLC Circuits, Diode
Applications, Transistor as an Amplifier, Operational Amplifier Circuits.
● Signals & Systems (7 Hours)
Signals, Systems, Impulse Response & Convolution, Signal Operations , Basic Image
Processing Techniques, Transforms.
● Control Systems (6 Hours)
Signal Flow Graphs, Block diagram reduction, System Stability, Bode Plots, Network
Theorems, Single & Two Port Networks.


Topics and Contents

● Digital Electronics (6 Hours)

Boolean Algebra, Combinational Logic Circuits, Sequential Logic Circuits, Converters
● Power Electronics (5 Hours)
Power Devices, Power Circuits, Power Supply, SMPS, UPS, Batteries
● Communication (8 Hours)
Communication System, Analog Communication, Digital Communication, Wireless
Communication Basics, Communication Protocols, Mobile Communication

List of Practicals: (Any Six)

1. Identification of Electronics components & Devices

2. Study of Series Resonance & Parallel Resonance Circuit
3. Diode as clipper & clamper
4. Common Emitter Amplifier
5. OPAMP Inverting & Non-Inverting Amplifier - Self study
6. Generation of Signals & Signal Operations
7. Implementation of Analog Filter
8. Implementation of Image Pre-processing Techniques
9. Design and evaluation of second order system
10. Design lead / lag compensating network for the given specifications
11. Understand the functioning of logic gates, their implementation and verification of truth
12. Design of code converter
13. Design and implement a Combinational logic circuit for given boolean equation

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14. Design and implement Mod-n Counter using J-K flip flops
15. Design and implement Sequence generator using shift register
16. Combinational logic design using Multiplexers
17. Gate Firing Circuits for SCR’s: To trigger an SCR by using R, RC & UJT triggering
circuits and observe the output waveforms for different firing angles.
18. To construct a single-phase half-controlled bridge rectifier and to observe the output
waveforms with a. R load, b. RL Load, c. RLC Load, using MATLAB
19. Build Double sideband suppressed carrier (DSBSC) modulator and demodulator.
Observe spectral components of time-domain signal using Digital Storage Oscilloscope
20. Build Frequency modulator (FM).
21. Simulation of Analog communication system.
22. Simulation of Digital communication system.

List of Course Projects:

1. Design and implement 230V AC Bulb On-Off switch using BJT & Relay
2. Design and Implement OR & AND logic circuits using P-N diodes.
3. Design and Implement NAND & NOR gate using Transistor
4. Design Band Pass Filter using RLC circuit
5. Design and implement Low Pass Filter using OPAMP
6. Function Generator
7. Image Enhancer
8. Automated Inspection System (IP Based)
9. Noise Removal System
10. Spectrum Analyser
11. Smart Lift Control System
12. On off temperature controller
13. Alcohol Sensing Display With Alarm Project
14. Temperature control in Room
15. Smart Traffic Control System
16. Season Based Automatic Street Lights Switching
17. Display Object Counter On 7 Segment Display
18. Home Automation Using Touch Screen
19. Motion Based Automatic Door Opener
20. Solar lighting system with auto tracking
21. Design Staircase lighting using flip flops
22. Design battery level indicator
23. Design 4 bit error checker/ generator circuit
24. Design parity generator for 3 bits input.
25. Design Digital to Analog Converter circuit using DAC0808

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26. Digital IC tester

27. Battery Charger using Controlled Rectifier
28. Precise Illumination Control of Lamp using Thyristors (Intensity control of lighting)
29. Develop a switching/triggering circuit for a power device (SCR / power BJT / power
30. Fan Regulator– Speed Control and Rotation Direction Control
31. Solar Lamp
32. Home automation system using Packet Tracer
33. Simulation of Analog/Digital Communication System
34. Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis for FM
35. Design of Anti aliasing filter
36. Design of Audio System
37. Implementation of Adaptive Delta modulator to avoid slope overload distortion
38. Generation of discrete PAM signal

List of Course Seminar Topics:

1. Role of impurities in formation of P & N type of Material

2. Zener diode as voltage regulator and avalanche break down
3. CLASS A, CLASS B, CLASS C & CLASS D types of amplifiers
4. Role of Q factor in series resonance and parallel resonance
5. Optoelectronic devices
6. Different Electronics Devices Used in Industries
7. PCB design criteria for RF applications
8. Different types of Heat sinks for Power semiconductor devices
9. Different types of PCB connectors
10. Liquid Crystal Display Device
11. Types of PCB & PCB Design Rules
12. LiDAR Technology
13. OLED Technology
14. Surveillance-camera System
15. RFID Technology
16. Compressed Image Processing
17. Wireless Power Transmission Technology
18. Laplace Transform
19. Fourier Series
20. Fourier Transform
21. Important Attributes of an Image
22. Working of Automatic washing Machine
23. System of Bread Toaster
24. Recent standards used in Control System Industry
25. How Infrared Thermal Gun works?
26. Working of Automatic Tea/ coffee vending machine

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27. PLC Based Product Sorting Machine

28. Use of Electronics in Automobile industry
29. Use of Electronics in Chemical Industries
30. Hydraulic Control Systems
31. Fuzzy Controllers
32. Distributed Control Systems
33. Data Acquisition System
34. Pneumatic Control System Components
35. E-P & P-E converters
36. Digital Logic Families
37. Digital Circuit Design using PLA & PAL
38. Different analog to digital (ADC) conversion techniques
39. Different digital to analog (DAC) conversion techniques
40. Role of Memory Devices in Embedded Systems
41. Algorithmic state machines and sequential logic circuits
42. Switch capacitor
43. Hazards in digital circuits
44. Alphanumeric codes
45. Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA)
46. Digital integrated circuits Characteristics: Logic levels, propagation delay, power
dissipation, fan-out and fan-in, noise margins
47. Advances in Analog-to-Digital Converters over the Last Decade
48. Hybrid Electric Vehicles
49. Applications of Power Diodes
50. Role of Power Electronics in Renewable Energy Deployment
51. Insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT)
52. Role of Power Electronics Technology to Energy Efficiency and CO2 Reduction
53. Industrial Laser power supply
54. Traction control of Electric Vehicles
55. Electric Bikes
56. Subway and locomotive propulsion
57. Power control of welding arc furnace
58. How new technologies are affecting health (Physical and mental)
59. various Wireless technologies that could make 5G faster
60. Effect of Mobile phones on health
61. Harnessing technology for better mental health services
62. Cognitive radio
63. Software defined radio
64. Applications of Radar in defense
65. Working of Jio fibre
66. Bluetooth Applications
67. MANETs and VANETs

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List of Course Group Discussion Topics:

1. Role of Surface mount technology in Electronic circuits

2. Types of Diodes and their applications
3. Role of MOSFET in the electronics switching circuits
4. Characteristics of ideal OPAMP
5. 555 Timer IC and its applications
6. Can PCB be considered as a graph (Data Structures)?
7. Display Technology
8. Photo Sensing Devices
9. Solid state relay Vs Electromechanical relay
10. Role of electronics in mechanical & Allied industries
11. Next Generation Photo Voltaics
12. Next Generation MOSFETS (e-GaN MOSFET)
13. Convolution in Image Processing
14. 5G Communication - System Perspective
15. Significance of Impulse Response
16. Fourier Series vs Fourier Transform
17. Applications of Laplace Transform
18. Convolution Integral
19. Impulse Response vs Step Response
20. Significance of LTI System
21. Causality of LTI System
22. Linear System vs Non-linear System
23. Analog System vs Digital System
24. Stability criterion for Control Systems
25. Process controller
26. Open loop and closed loop systems
27. Applications of Electronics in Boilers
28. Sensors used in Automobile industries
29. Modelling a mechanical system for system analysis
30. Modelling a Electrical system for system analysis
31. Applications of Bode plot in System Stability
32. Intelligent Controller
33. Automation in production industries
34. Role of digital electronics in the field of consumer electronics
35. Role of digital electronics in the field of Communication
36. Importance of Military grade integrated circuits
37. Edge triggered & level triggered digital circuits
38. Applications of digital electronics in mechanical systems
39. What is Digital in Digital Electronics?
40. What is Analog in Analog Electronics?
41. How does digital technology improve our lives ?
42. Digitization: Pros & Cons

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43. Journey of television from CRT to LED

44. Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs)
45. History of Microprocessor
46. Energy Storage Technologies / Techniques
47. Linear Regulated Power Supply and SMPS
48. Pros and Cons of Power Electronics Converters
49. Smart Electric Grid
50. Motor Drives - Types and Applications
51. Role of Power Electronics in Climate Change
52. Materials used in Power Electronics for improved performance and efficiency
53. Power electronics in biomedical field
54. Miniaturization of Power electronics devices - Challenges
55. Role of Circuit Breakers - Types and Applications
56. Digital Revolution in communication systems - Pros and Cons
57. Effects of noise and distortion on analog and digital signal
58. Effect of sampling rate, bit rate on audio quality
59. Use of Satellites in Disaster Management in India
60. Submarine Communication for Global Internet Connectivity
61. Internet of Things
62. Wi-Fi-- Security and Privacy
63. Wireless Sensor Networks
64. Wireless Connectivity - Anytime anywhere
65. Connected Cars

List of Home Assignments:


1. Design Voltage multiplier circuit using diodes and capacitors

2. Design of transistorized regulated power supply
3. Design of RLC Impedance matching circuit
4. Design of Astable multivibrator using OPAMP
5. Design of Audio Amplifier
6. Satellite For Amateur Radio
7. Face Detection System
8. Detection of Breathing
9. Pitch Recognition System
10. Denoising Audio Signal
11. Design PID controller for Flow Control loop
12. Design PI controller for Level Control loop
13. Design PID controller for Temperature Control loop
14. Design PID controller for DC motor speed control
15. Design Token Number Display System

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16. Design Talking Token Number Display System using CMOS key encoder and seven
segment display and Speech encoder
17. Design water level controller using logic gates & relays.
18. Design LED chaser
19. Design Digital Voltmeter using ICL7107 and 7 Segment Display
20. UPS / Emergency Lighting Systems
21. Electric-door openers
22. Induction Cooking
23. AC Regulator
24. Battery Supplied Vehicle - Power Supply
25. Design a BPSK modulation/demodulation system
26. Design Pulse Amplitude modulation system.
27. Design Pulse Code modulation and demodulation.
28. Design Delta modulation and demodulation.
29. Design Quadrature phase shift keying modulation and demodulation.
30. Design frequency shift keying modulation and demodulation


1. Transistor Parameter Models

3. Role of semiconductor devices in Power Electronics
4. Future of the nanoelectronics
5. Safety standards in electronics industries.
6. Quantum Physics
7. 7G Communication System
8. Wireless Power Transmission System
9. Plastic Solar Cell System
10. Nanotechnology in Electronics
11. Haptic Technology
12. Steady state response of any process loop
13. Will addition of poles / zeros affect the performance of the system?
14. Will addition of poles / zeros affect the stability of the system?
15. How can a PID controller improve the performance of the system?
16. Different control schemes and criterion for selection of appropriate contact scheme
17. Handling digital devices
18. Significance of number systems
19. Impact of digital electronics on industry development
20. Low power ADCs
21. Low Pin Count Microcontrollers
22. High Frequency considerations in Power Electronics
23. VAR compensation
24. Voltage Dip Restorer
25. Regenerative Braking

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26. Multilevel Inverters

27. Are we ready for the Information war?
28. 24 Hour Connectivity - Boon or Curse
29. Personal data security
30. Radar for Car Safety
31. GPS Applications
32. Mission Shakti


1. Transistors and their packaging

2. Applications of RLC circuits in industries
3. Different Types of Oscillators used in industries
4. Worldwide Fabrication Lab scenario
5. Solar Power Energy generation in india using PV Cells
6. Remote Sensing Methods
7. Electronic Systems in Healthcare
8. Electronics Systems in Defense
9. Morphological Operators in Image Processing
10. Biggest Systems in the World
11. Different types of PLCS
12. Comparisons on PI, PID and PD controller.
13. Different types of open loop processes used in industry
14. Different types of closed loop processes used in industry
15. IEEE Papers
16. Digital Integrated Circuits manufacturing companies across the world and their turnover
(min 3)
17. Use of Successive Approximation Register ADC in advanced microcontrollers
18. Effects of Power Quality issues on digital circuits
19. Use of Microcontrollers in different areas w.r.t industry 4.0
20. Active Power Devices
21. High voltage DC Transmission (HVDC)
22. Electric Drives
23. Flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS)
24. Battery energy storage system (BESS)
25. Adverse effects of 5G technology
26. Is India ready for Industry 4.0?
27. Evaluation of performance of 5G
28. How radio Mirchi Works? - A Technical Perspective
29. Indian satellite program
30. Best satellite internet provider 2020

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Case Study

1. Process carried out at fabrication LAB

2. Different soldering techniques
3. Transition from vacuum tubes to solid state devices
4. Electronics used in boiler
5. Data centers and their cooling
6. Biometric Voting Machine
7. Speech Signal Analysis
8. Weapon Detection System
9. Intensity Modulation Technique
10. Voice based Security System
11. Different control system and control strategies used in dairy industry
12. Control System at Pharmaceutical industry
13. Control System at Thermal Power plant
14. Control System at Water Purification plant
15. Control System at Sugar factory
16. Evolution of Automation in Indian Industries
17. Simulation based digital circuit design
18. Integrated Circuits: SSI, MSI, LSI, VLSI, ULSI
19. Digital electronics in Vehicular communication (Protocols, Circuits)
20. Transition from electromechanical systems to Electronics systems
21. Application of Power Electronics in Automotive Power Generation
22. SMPS Applications in the PowerTrain System- The power train systems of HEVs,
electric vehicles and ICE need the following SMPS conditioners such as: Regenerative
braking (AC/DC), On-board charger (AC/DC), Dual-battery system (DC/DC), Traction
motor (DC/AC)
23. Electric Locomotives
24. Aircraft power system / Space Shuttle Power Supply
25. Hybrid Electric Vehicles
26. GMRT
27. PA System / Home Theatre System
28. Missile Guidance System
29. Air Traffic Control
30. Satellite Service for Crop Management in India
31. 2G Spectrum distribution in India during 2005

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Assessment Scheme:

Mid Semester Examination - 10 Marks

Presentation - 15 Marks
Laboratory - 10 Marks
Course Project - 10 Marks
Home Assignment - 10 Marks
Group Discussion - 15 Marks
End Semester Examination - 10 Marks
Comprehensive Viva Voce - 20 Marks

Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Varsha Agrawal Anil K. Maini, Electronic Devices and Circuits, Wiley, Kindle Edition
2. Thomas L Floyd: Electronic Devices (Conventional Current Version), Pearson,10th
3. Nagrath Gopal - Control System Engineering
4. Norman Nise - Control Systems Engineering, Sixth Edition, Wiley
5. R.P. Jain, ―Modern Digital Electronicsǁ, TMH, 2012, ISBN–13: 978-0-07- 066911-6.
6. M D Singh, K B Khanchandani; Power Electronics; 2 nd Edition; TMH.
7. M. H. Rashid; Power Electronics Circuits, Devices and Applications; 3 rd Edition; PHI
8. Simon Haykin,Principles of Communication Systems , John Wiley, 2nd Ed
9. Louis E Frenzel, Principles of Electronic Communication Systems, Tata McGraw Hill
Publications, Third Edition.
10. H. Taub and D. Schilling, Principles of Communication Systems , TMH, 2003.
11. Simon Haykin, Digital Communications, John Wiley,2005
12. Theodore S. Rappaport, Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice Pearson
Education India, 2009

Reference Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Robert L. Boylestad, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Pearson; 11 edition

2. Mahmood Nahvi & Joseph A. Edminister, Schaum's Outline of Electric Circuits,
McGraw-Hill Education; 6 edition
3. Katsuhiko Ogata - Modern Control Engineering, Prentice Hall
4. Anil K. Maini : Digital Electronics: Principles And Integrated Circuits 1st Edition,
ISBN: 978-0-470-51051-3
5. N. Mohan, T. M. Undeland and W.P. Robbins; Power Electronics: Converters,
Applications, and Design; 3rd edition; John Willey and Sons, Singapore.
6. P. C. Sen; Modern Power Electronics; S. Chand and Co, New Delhi.
7. B.P. Lathi, Communication Systems, BS Publication, 2006.
8. B. Sklar, Digital Communication, Pearson, Second Edition.

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9. Simon Haykin, Analog & Digital Communications, Wiley Publications.

10. Wayne Tomasi, Electronic Communication Systems, Fourth Edition.
11. Simon Haykin, Digital Communications, Wiley Publications, Fourth Edition.

Moocs Links and additional reading material:

1. Introduction to Electronics:

2. Linear Circuits 2: AC Analysis:
3. (Electrical Engineering : Introduction to
Signals and Systems)
4. (Signal processing problems, solved in
MATLAB and in Python)
5. NPTEL: Digital Circuits By By Prof. Santanu Chattopadhyay, IIT Kharagpur,
6. NPTEL: Courses-Electrical Engineering-NOC Fundamentals of Power Electronics
7. NPTEL: Wireless Communication-

Course Outcomes:

1. Build basic circuits using different electronic devices

2. Classify various signals and systems for different applications
3. Illustrate performance analysis of feedback control system
4. Construct digital circuits for various applications
5. Choose the appropriate power devices and circuits for its applications in power electronics
6. Describe various communication systems

Future Courses Mapping:

Industrial Electronics, Industrial Automation, Robotics, Wireless Communication,

Mechatronics, Hybrid/Electric Vehicles, Energy Harvesting, Digital Signal Processing
Job Mapping:

This course will help the students to build foundation for interdisciplinary job opportunities in
the field of
1. Automation,
2. Robotics,
3. Automobiles,
4. Communication etc

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FF No.: 654

Course Prerequisites:
Basic statistics, Probability distribution

Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering discipline and its applications to
2. Develop capacities in integrating knowledge of design along with other aspects of value
addition in the conceptualization and manufacturing stage of various products.
3. To develop an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints
4. To impart knowledge on selection of suitable manufacturing process for the typical component
5. To understand the application of various Mechanical Measurement techniques in engineering
6. This course provides a solid foundation in core mechanical and industrial engineering
disciplines, critical thinking and problem-solving skills

Credits: 5 Teaching Scheme Theory: 3 Hours/Week

Tut: 1 Hours/Week
Lab: 2 Hours/Week
Course Relevance:
Mechanical and System Engineering has a strong flavor of design and hands-on experience. The
course includes a study of a number of engineering topics to design systems relevant to the
contemporary industries. The areas introduced are design philosophy, Heat Transfer,
Manufacturing Science, System Engineering.

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Topics and Contents

● Materials and Material Selection (4 Hours)

Types of Materials, Properties of materials, Effect of alloying elements, Application of
materials in mechanical, chemical, electronics and software industry, Selection of
Material, Basic Heat Treatment Processes
● Manufacturing Processes (7 Hours)
Casting, welding, Brazing, Soldering, Material forming, Sheet Metal working, Surface
treatments, Machining Processes, Advanced Machining Processes like Additive
manufacturing, Photo chemical Machining and Laser Beam Machining etc., Automation
and Types of Automation, Introduction to Computer Integrated Manufacturing
● Mechanical Measurement (5 Hours)
Engineering Measurements, Measurement Errors, Uncertainties of Measurement,
Temperature Measurement, Pressure Measurement, Force measurement, Strain
Measurement, Torque Measurement, Velocity Measurement Flow Measurement Torque
Measurement, Vernier calipers, Micrometer or Screw Gauge, Dial Gauge or Dial
Indicator, Spirit Level, Concept of Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing.
● Design Philosophy (4 Hours)
Engineering Design, Product Development Process, Problem, Types of Design, Phases
of Engineering design, Definition and Need Identification to Detailed Design, Ergonomic
and Aesthetic Aspects in Design, Design for Manufacturing


● Operations Strategy (4 Hours)

Manufacturing vs Service Operations, Concept of Process as applied to manufacturing
and services, SIPOC (Supplier-Input-Process-Output-Customer), Process Choices in
Manufacturing: Project, Job Shop/Job Order, Batch, Mass/Assembly, Continuous
● Quality Assurance (7 Hours)
Quality – Concept, Definitions, Quality attributes for products & services, Cost & Value
of quality, Inspection – 100% vs Sampling, Statistical Process Control, TQM, Six Sigma
Concept – Measurements, DMAIC & DMADV, 7 QC Tools – Check sheets, Histogram,
Fishbone diagram, Pareto diagram, Scatter Diagram
● Logistics & Supply Chain Management (5 Hours)
Logistics Management, Functions – Transportation, Warehousing, Inventory
Management, Material handling & Packaging, Order (Information) Processing, Supply
Chain – Types: Product SC, Service Spares SC, Service SC, Sustainable SC – Green SC,
Reverse Logistics

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● Project Management (4 Hours)

Projects – Definition, Characteristics, Classification, Project Life Cycle Phases –
Concept/Initiation, Feasibility, Planning & Organization, Implementation, Clean-up &
Shut Down Phase, Project Planning – Project Charter, Statement of Works, Network
Analysis – PERT/CPM

List of Tutorials: (Any Three)

In the tutorial students are expected to present a technical seminar (PPT) relevant to Mechanical
and System Engineering (MSE). Also, students (in a group of 4/5 students) are expected to
discuss any technical novel topic related to Mechanical and System Engineering.

List of Practicals: (Any Six)

1. Tension test on Mild Steel and Aluminum

2. Brinell hardness test on different materials
3. Demonstration on Lathe Machine, Milling and drilling Machine
4. Demonstration of CNC Lathe Machine Operation
5. Demonstration of various welding methods
6. Coordinate Measuring machine
7. Laser Beam Machining
8. 3D Printing Machine
9. Injection Molding Machine
10. Study of basic measuring instruments, Vernier Caliper, Micrometer, Dial Indicator,
Profile Projector etc.
11. Experiment on profile projector and vision measuring system
12. Case study on Product Design Philosophy
13. Use of 7 quality tools implementation (using MS Excel)
14. Use of Statistical process Control (SPC) for manufacturing/Service industry (using MS
15. Implementation of Define and Measure phase of Six Sigma to manufacturing/Service
industry (using standard templates made in MS Excel)
16. Case studies on Operation strategies
17. Implementation of Project Management concepts for managing projects (using MS

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List of Course Projects:

1. Material selection
2. New material development
3. Smart materials usage
4. Manufacturing process selection for complex parts
5. Use of manufacturing for simple parts
6. Model for measurement system
7. Model for measuring instrument
8. New Product Design for customer satisfaction
9. Operation strategy of manufacturing / service industry
10. Implementation of Six sigma (At least first two phases i.e. Design and Measure) for
manufacturing and service industry
11. Use of seven quality tools for improvement of product or service quality
12. Implementation of Statistical Process Control (SPC) for manufacturing or service
13. Supply chain management study for a manufacturing/service industry
14. Analysis of logistics management of a manufacturing/service industry
15. Implementation of Project Management concepts for a manufacturing/service industry
16. Use of software for project management

List of Course Seminar Topics:

1. Composite Materials and their applications

2. Additive Manufacturing
3. Design for Manufacturing
4. Laser Beam Machining
5. Photo chemical Machining
6. PCB Manufacturing
7. Manufacturing of semiconductor devices
8. Selection of material
9. Alloying materials
10. Materials used for Automobile applications
11. Materials used for Aerospace and space applications
12. Energy Management
13. Non renewable Energy Sources
14. Pollution and remedial measures for it
15. Heat Treatment of materials
16. Coordinate Measuring Machine
17. Non contact type inspection methods
18. Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing
19. SIPOC for manufacturing industry
20. SIPOC for service industry

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23. Surface treatments
24. Six sigma and its applications
25. Use of 7 quality tools
26. Statistical Process control for manufacturing industry
27. Statistical Process control for service industry
28. Cost of quality and value of quality
29. Quality Philosophy
30. Introduction to logistics and supply chain Management
31. Applications of SCM in various sectors
32. Types of SCM
33. Project Management Basics
34. Use of Network analysis for project Management
35. Use of CPM/PERT for project Management
36. Product Life cycle management
37. Automation and Robotics
38. Metal Matrix composite processing
39. Recent trends in quality Management
40. Total Quality Management
41. Smart Materials
42. Shape Memory Alloys
43. Friction Stir Welding
44. Incremental Sheet Forming
45. CNC Machine
46. Virtual Manufacturing

List of Course Group Discussion Topics:

1. Methods of force measurement

2. Force sensing technology
3. Surface modification technology
4. Application and use of carbon fiber reinforced plastic
5. Effect of non metallic alloying elements
6. Materials used in electronic industry
7. Modern trends in heat treatment technology
8. Use of simulation in manufacturing
9. Electro chemical machining
10. Electro beam machining
11. Water jet machining
12. Thermodynamic laws - real life applications
13. Measurement of heat transfer rate
14. Laser metrology
15. Virtual gauging
16. Design for inspection

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17. Electronic gauges

18. Gauging automation
19. Use of nanotechnology in material science
20. Use of computers in design and development process. including CAE, CAM.
21. Use of highly reliable plastic materials in engineering.
22. Emerging integration of mechanism with electronics.
23. Liberal use of instrumentation in mechanical systems
24. 3D printing in industrial scale
25. Micro Electro - Mechanical Systems
26. Computer aided manufacturing
27. Just in time production
28. Lean production
29. E-Supply chain management
30. Automation and operation strategy
31. Shifting from B2B model to B2B2C model
32. Business process management
33. Six sigma for continuous business growth
34. Quality circle
35. The Toyota production system
36. Taguchi Method
37. Zero defect program
38. QFD
39. Green Supply chain management
40. Closed loop supply chain
41. Forecasting product returns
42. Effect of SCM on BIG data and AI
43. Impact of Industry 4.0 on SCM
44. Resilient supply chain
45. Sustainability issues in supply chain
46. Block supply chain
47. AI and Project management
48. IOT and project management
49. Risk analysis in Project Management
50. Role of computer in Project Management

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List of Home Assignments:

1. Stress strain relationship for various ductile materials

2. Stress strain relationship for various brittle materials
3. System and types of forces
4. Stress, strain and their types
5. Basics of Factor of Safety in design and engineering
6. Engineering materials and their properties
7. Alloys and Composite materials
8. Materials for various Engineering applications
9. Selection of material for various industrial applications
10. Heat treatment of engineering materials
11. Selection of manufacturing processes for various industrial applications
12. Joining processes and their applications
13. Deformation processes and their applications
14. Sheet metal operations
15. Conventional and non-conventional machining processes
16. Casting Processes and their applications
17. Additive manufacturing: concept and applications
18. Thermal machining processes
19. Chemical and electrochemical machining processes
20. Mechanical machining processes
21. Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing
22. Industrial automation: History and development
23. Computer integrated manufacturing
24. Heat transfer concept and applications
25. Laws of thermodynamics
26. Power generating and power absorbing devices.
27. Manufacturing and service industries and operations
28. SIPOC diagram
29. Types of production systems
30. Quality assurance and its role in industries
31. Quality, its cost and value
32. Quality control and SPC
33. Total Quality Management
34. Six Sigma: Concept and methodology
35. Applications of 7 QC tools
36. Logistics Management and its functions
37. Supply chain Management and types of supply chain
38. Project Management
39. Project life cycle
40. Network Analysis
41. Project charter

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Survey/Design (Broad areas)

1. Design of simple components for manufacturability

2. Establishing part dimensions based on stress strain calculations
3. Development of SIPOC diagram for various processes
4. Data collection, design of control charts for variables and their interpretation
5. Six Sigma: Define and measure phase
6. Problem solving using 7 QC tools.

1. Engineering Design Principles
2. Design for Manufacturing
3. Design for Assembly
4.Asthetic Considerations in Design
5.Ergonomic considerations in Design
6. Design for Quality
7. Design for Six Sigma
8. Quality Function Deployment

Case Study:
1. Case study on material selection for electronic industry, chemical industry, aerospace
and automobile industry etc.
2. Case study on selection of manufacturing process for given component
3. Difficult to cut materials and effective strategies to manufacture for the same
4. Complex part measurement using measuring instruments
5.Case study on CMM
6. Design thinking case study
7. Case study on selection of operation strategy
8. Use of DMAIC for product company
9. Use of DMAIC for service industry
10. Supply chain management case study
11. Logistics management of industry
12. Project management case study

1. New materials for manufacturing industry
2. Materials for industry 4.0
3. Smart Materials
4. New product development
5. Micro Machining
6. Advance machining Processes
7. Robotics and Automation
8. 3 D Metal printing
9. Supply chain management and block chain

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10. Quality need of hour

11. Lean Six sigma
12. Project management tools and techniques

1. Manufacturing processes in Industry
2. Use of Materials for industry applications
3. Effectiveness of CMM
4. Operation strategies of manufacturing companies
5.Operation strategies for service industry
6. Quality control in the era of industry 4.0
7. Machine vision usages
8. In line gauging
9. Supply chain methods used for manufacturing and service industry
10. Project management principles and its execution

Assessment Scheme:

Mid Semester Examination - 10 Marks

Presentation - 15 Marks
Laboratory - 10 Marks
Course Project - 10 Marks
Home Assignment - 10 Marks
Group Discussion - 15 Marks
End Semester Examination - 10 Marks
Comprehensive Viva Voce - 20 Marks

Text Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. G. Shanmugam and S. Ravidran ; Basic Mechanical Engineering; Tata McGraw Hill

2. S. Ramamrutham; Strength of Materials; 15th Edition, Dhanpat Rai Publishing
3. Beer P. Johnson, E. Russell Johnstn Jr., John T. Dowolf, David F. Mazurek; Mechanics
of Materials, 2nd edition, McGrawHill publications.
4. P. N. Rao; Manufacturing Technology; Vol I & II; Tata McGraw Hill Publications
5. Kalpakjian and Schmid, Manufacturing processes for engineering materials (5th
Edition)- Pearson India, 2014
6. V Raghavan; Material Science and Engineering; Prentice Hall of India; New Delhi
7. P. K. Nag; Engineering Thermodynamics; Tata McGraw Hill Publications

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8. Amitava Mitra; Fundamentals of Quality Control & Improvement; 2nd edition, Pearson
Education 2002
9. Sunil Chopra & Peter Meindl, Supply Chain Management - Strategy, Planning &
Operation –Pearson Education

Reference Books: (As per IEEE format)

1. Gere and Temoshenko; Mechanics of Material; 4th Edition, CBS Publishers

2. V.B.Bhandari, Elements of Mechanical Engineering, Tata McGrawHill Publications
3. R. K. Jain Production Technology, Khanna Publishers
4. Chaudhari, Hajra ; Elements of workshop technology Vol I and II; Media promoters and
5. J. M. Juran & F. M. Gryna; Quality Planning and Analysis; 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill,
6. Logistics & Supply Chain Management: Cases and Concepts – Raghuram
7. Y Cengel and Boles; Thermodynamics - An Engineering Approach; Tata McGraw Hill

Moocs Links and additional reading material:
1. of manufacturing
2. and strains
3. and Heat
4. : Project Planning
5. : Project Planning
6. : Materials

Course Outcomes:

1. Develop conceptual understanding of engineering design for any component and also to
select the appropriate manufacturing methods.
2. Select the suitable material based on its mechanical, chemical and other properties for
given engineering applications.
3. Understand basics of thermodynamics, heat transfer and sources of energy .
4. Understand nature of manufacturing and service operations; apply principles of
operations strategy for process choice and plan and organize projects

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5. Understand and apply principles of quality management, quality tools and six sigma
6. Identify the key elements and processes in supply chain and their interaction

Future Courses Mapping:

This course will map to following courses at TY and Final year of Production and
Mechanical Engineering
Machining Processes, Manufacturing Engineering, Machine Design, Operations management,
Project Management

Job Mapping:

With the successful completion of this course Students can acquire skills required for
following job profile in manufacturing and service industry
1. Manufacturing Engineer
2. Design Engineer
3. Project Manager
4. Quality Control Engineer

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