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"Article Critique" Walden University Methods For Evidence-Based Practice, Nursing 8200 January 28, 2019

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Article Critique

“Article Critique”

Walden University

Methods for Evidence-Based Practice, Nursing 8200

January 28, 2019

Article Critique

Critical evaluation of an article can be defined as a systematic way of considering the

truthfulness of a piece of research, the results and how relevant and applicable they are.
(Caldwell, Henshaw, & Taylor, 2011) The ability to apply research findings and integrate
nursing science into evidence based- practice is very important. To develop this ability, being
able to critique scientific papers, identify strengths and weakness of the paper is key in nursing
practice.(Lipp & Fothergill, 2015) Nurses are expected to base their clinical practice on evidence
derived from research, to provide the highest quality to care to their patients.(Beck, 2009) In
critically reviewing a paper, you don’t take what you read at face value but the work should be
considered with critical mind, this will help decided on the value of the paper and likewise
empower the nurse practitioner whether to change practice based on what they have read or
decide if the work is worthwhile and identifies knowledge gap for future research studies.
(Caldwell et al., 2011).
An article in this context is a written published paper of original research presented in a peer
reviewed journal, to allow it be judged in the context of the body of the knowledge.(Caldwell et
al., 2011). In reviewing an article, the Title should be precise and concise whilst reflecting the
content of the work, Key words should encapsulate the main topics of the research, Introduction
should contain evidence of literature review, the methods should form a recipe for the research
so that another worker could exactly replicate the study elsewhere to allow disproof of findings.
Results should be sequenced appropriately, and a decision should be presented by the author as
to whether the aims and hypotheses of the study were met by the results, Discussions is a
commentary on the research findings while the conclusion should be clearly stated and give rise
to recommendation.(Lipp & Fothergill, 2015). This assignment will critique “The concept of
Motherhood Among Three Generations of African American Women” by Katherine Ferrell
Fouquier, PhD, RN, CNM1. Katherine Ferrell is a Post- Doctoral fellow at Byrdine F. Lewis
School of nursing, Georgia State University, Atlanta at the time the paper was published.

Overview of the Study

This is a phenomenological study, it aims to describe experience of African American women
among three generations as they transitioned to motherhood. The study utilized a qualitative
research as key in-depth interviews were conducted transcribed and analysed. 18 African
American women from three generations were sampled using purposive sampling. They were
Article Critique

mostly middle class, partnered and educated. Generation 1 were women born between 1950 and
1970, Generation 2 were women born between 1971 and 1990 while Generation 3 were women
born between 1991 and 2003. The study revealed three constitutive patterns and associated
themes were identified. The first pattern, It took me a minute, had three themes: finding out,
realizing what mothers do, and way tricked! The second pattern, preserving our home, had four
themes: mothering within the isms: racism, classism, and sexism, I did the best I could, mothers
and others, and spiritual mothers. Eat the meat, throw away the bone, the third pattern had two
themes: the ways in which we learn and someone who looks like me. The study concluded that
the African American women described motherhood as a source of power and it provides
significant meaning, satisfaction and respect within the family and the larger community.
(Fouquier  PhD, RN, CNM, 2011). The study was reviewed and approved by the Georgia State
University Institutional Review Board.


Title/Abstract: The title of the study is clear concise and peaks the interest of the reader. The
concept of motherhood among three generations of African American women is clearly
identified as the key phenomenon being investigated. It implies that the population being studied
is African American women who have given birth and so are mothers. In the abstract,
background objective, methods, results and conclusions are clearly and concisely summarized.
Eight keywords were also identified.
Statement of Problem: The problem statement was clearly located in the first paragraph of the
article; “The transition to motherhood is both an individual process and one that is influenced by
a combination of social, political, cultural and environmental factors, then it says, however, these
variables were developed and tested from the perspective of white, middle-class, partnered
women. The experiences of other groups, such as African American women, have been judged
against this standard, and cross-cultural relevance of these theories has not been assessed”.
(Fouquier  PhD, RN, CNM, 2011)
Research Question/Literature Review: At the end of the introduction the author clearly stated
the research goal: “The goal of this study was to reorient the definition of motherhood among
African American women in a way that more closely reflects their lived experience.”(Fouquier 
PhD, RN, CNM, 2011). In the literature review the author adequately summarized case studies
Article Critique

done on mothers as they transition. The author clearly identified knowledge gaps. The few
studies that were located in literature review focused on the maternal attainment without regard
to the effects that race, class, and gender may have on the maternal role among African
American women.(Fouquier  PhD, RN, CNM, 2011)
Findings/Recommendations: The study revealed findings from an understudied population, it
added to current literature on becoming a mother and the black feminist description of
motherhood as it relates to cultural, historical, political and economic constraints. The themes
were effectively summarized in context with vivid quoted from the mothers. The circular process
of analysis revealed three constitutive patterns and their relational themes emerged from the data.
Specific implications for clinical practice were addressed in relation to complexities that racism,
classism and sexism play in the lives of African American mothers and their families.(Fouquier 
PhD, RN, CNM, 2011)


Consent From: The study was approved by Georgia State University Institutional Review Board
however; the author did not indicate if consent forms were obtained from the participants.
Methodology/Sample and Setting: The study conducted individual interviews using open ended
and semi-structured questions. I identify this as a weakness because I believe focus group
discussions are carefully planned discussions that facilitate the exploration of in-depth
information through perceptions, experiences and attitudes of carefully selected participants who
share an experience or characteristics. Focus groups are an effective data collection tool to use
when conducting an initial exploration of a research area or when conducting researching a topic
with limited knowledge.(Quinn & Fantasia, 2018) The sample size of 18 participants in my
opinion was not adequate for a phenomenological study. The author did not, however
specifically state that saturation of data occurred. Saturation refers to the point in the qualitative
data collection when the researcher finds redundancy in the findings and indicates that data
collection can end. In grounded theory the researcher is encouraged to continue increasing the
number of participants until n new data emerges.(Lipp & Fothergill, 2015) In choosing the three
generations, the author did not specify the criteria for describing the three generations chosen,
Generation 1 is a gap of 20years, Generation 2 a Gap of 19 years while Generation 3 a gap of
12years as such there is no consistency in the generation gap.
Article Critique

Data Analysis: The data analysis was done using NVIVO 8.(Fouquier  PhD, RN, CNM, 2011)
In a phenomenological study, the essence of an experience is described by themes or repetitive
patterns that’s are identified from the data. The analytic procedures did not suggest the
possibility of bias.(Caldwell et al., 2011)

Conclusion: This assignment has demonstrated the need to read literature, even those published
in peer reviewed journals, with a critical mind. It has provided a systematic framework with
which to do this, allowing the reader to appreciate both the strengths and weaknesses of the
work. Critiquing research studies is a critical step in achieving evidence-based practice in the
nursing profession.(Lipp & Fothergill, 2015). (please relate to practice)

Beck, C. T. (2009). Critiquing Qualitative Research. AORN Journal, 90(4), 543–554.
Caldwell, K., Henshaw, L., & Taylor, G. (2011). Developing a framework for critiquing health
research: An early evaluation. Nurse Education Today, 31(8), e1–e7.
Fouquier PhD, RN, CNM, K. F. (2011). The Concept of Motherhood Among Three Generations
of African American Women. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 43(2), 145–153.
Lipp, A., & Fothergill, A. (2015). A guide to critiquing a research paper. Methodological
appraisal of a paper on nurses in abortion care. Nurse Education Today, 35(3), e14–e17.
Quinn, B. L., & Fantasia, H. C. (2018). Forming Focus Groups for Pediatric Pain Research in
Nursing: A Review of Methods. Pain Management Nursing, 19(3), 303–312.

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