Required Competencies For Professional Development Programs To Teacher Educators of English Language in Public Diploma Teachers' Colleges Tanzania

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Volume 6, Issue 7, July – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Required Competencies for Professional

Development Programs to Teacher Educators of
English Language in Public Diploma Teachers’
Colleges Tanzania
Joyce F. Mchilo
A PhD candidate- Mwenge Catholic University
Rev. Professor Philbert Vumilia -Mwenge Catholic University
Professor Evans Ogoti Okendo - Mwenge Catholic University

Abstract:- The research aimed at exploring the teacher educators to attend professional development to
competencies that are required by the teacher educators get the required competencies. It is recommended
for professional development programs in diploma further that Diploma teachers’ colleges have to ensure
teachers’ colleges in Tanzania. Social learning theory as that they plan professional development policy programs
proposed by Bandura (1977) guided the study. The that will allow indoor training to improve the teacher
researcher applied mixed research approach where educators’ content and pedagogical competencies.
concurrent design was used to accommodate qualitative Moreover, it is recommended that the designers of the
and quantitative research characteristics. Qualitative English language course for the teacher educators (TIE
data were used to support quantitative data. Two and universities) to design the courses which will allow
instruments, namely questionnaire and in-depth the teacher educators to possess the required content and
interview guide were used to collect data. A sample of 44 pedagogy for teaching English language in diploma
teacher educators, 4 principals and 233 Diploma teachers’ colleges.
students of English language from teachers’ colleges
participated in the study. Non-probability and Keywords:- Teacher Educators, Professional Development,
probability sampling were used to get the participants. Competencies Enhancement
Six teachers’ colleges (one from each teacher education
zone) that offer English language to diploma students I. INTRODUCTION
participated in the study. The findings revealed that
teacher educators required competencies in academic Professional development for teacher educators of
content specifically in teaching sound system and oral English language in teachers’ colleges is considered as an
literature. In pedagogy teacher educators need the instrument for enhancing teaching and learning
training in the English language teaching methods competencies. The assumption is that relevant professional
including natural method, total physical responses, development programs in teacher education can promise
audio- lingua and aural oral method and assessment. access capacity building that will improve the content and
Further they require training in teaching speaking and teaching methods and hence improve learners’ performance
listening skills. Integration of ICT in teaching English in the respective disciplines. Proficiency in teaching and
language, setting exams which measure the four learning competencies will ensure students’ language
language skills and focusing on competence based performance.
curriculum, diagnosis of students’ needs and curriculum
analysis were required by the teacher educators as the In Tanzania English language is both a subject of study
competences that need training. Moreover, during the and a medium of instruction for secondary and higher
interview, it was revealed that teacher educators need to education (Ministry of Education and Vocation Training,
be developed in guidance and counselling; and dealing 2014).
with students with special needs. Teacher educators did
not require training on the competencies related to However, for a long period of time, scholars have
teachers’ ability to attain self- realization, ability to raised criticisms directed to teacher educators’ competencies
understand the relationship between students and of the English language (Malekela, 2003; Puja, 2003; Vuzo,
teachers of English language; and ability to understand a 2010; Jidamva, 2012; Mosha, 2010; Ulla 2018). The scholar
student as a unique person. From the findings of this argued that teachers of the English language in teachers’
study, the researcher recommends that the Ministry of colleges do not possess sufficient teaching competencies in
Education Science and Technology to prioritize the teaching and would urgently require professional
budget for provision of professional development development.
programs for teacher educators that will allow many

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Volume 6, Issue 7, July – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
In Tanzanian education system, academicians and Teacher Training in Tanzania (EQUIP-T ELT). It was
other educational stakeholders use students’ examination established in 2003(Tilya 2010). The aim of EQUIP-T ELT
results as a measure of good teaching competencies program was to improve teacher educators’ capacity to teach
(Ingvarson & Rowe, 2008; Mkumbo, 2017). Based on this English language and use it as a medium of instruction
approach the following English language examination across the curriculum. The program included all teacher
results for Diploma in Secondary Education Examination educators who used English language as a medium of
(DSEE) are presented to expose certain observations. instruction in the subject of specialization including English
Diploma in secondary education is one of the courses which language (Namamba & Rao 2017)
are provided in teachers’ colleges. Teacher educators of
English language are the ones who train the students in this It was assumed that the impact of these programs
course. The results reflect the needs for professional would address the problem facing teacher educators and
development of the teacher educators of English language so students in teaching and learning using English language by
as to improve the performance in English language. providing some of the teaching competencies. Mosha
(2010), Meena (2009), Chambulila (2013) and Namamba &
Table 1: Diploma in Secondary Education Examination Rao, (2017) argued that although professional development
(DSEE) Results for English Language in Public for teacher educators was being offered; the focus for
Teachers’ Colleges, Tanzania addressing the specific prevailing challenges in the aspects
YEAR 2015 2018 2019 TOTAL of the strategies used in training, management,
Number 181 140 523 844 sustainability, time, relevance of the programme for English
of language teachers were questionable; because the problem
students of lack of English language teaching competencies for
who sat teacher educator persisted even after the training. The study
for investigated the competencies required for professional
DSEE development programs of the teacher educators of English
Grade A 00 00 00 00 language in Public diploma teachers’ colleges in Tanzania.
scored by B 10 00 00 10
the C 126 15 175 316 Statement of the Problem
diploma D 41 111 322 474 There is a demand of competent teacher educators of
students F 4 14 26 44 English language in Diploma teachers’ colleges in Tanzania.
in Professional development is one of the intervention
English measures to improve teaching competencies among teacher
language educators of English language. However, studies including
Source those conducted by Jidamva (2012), Chambulila (2013),
Namamba and Rao (2017), Komba and Mwakabenga (2019)
In the years 2015, 2018 and 2019, DSEE results, show and Kapinga (2012) questioned on the number, quality and
that most of the diploma students of English language opportunities for professional development programmes to
scored D and C in the English language subject. The results teacher educators. Furthermore, Namamba and Rao (2017)
indicate that teacher educators need professional showed that some of the Professional development
development to improve the performance. Osaki (2000), programmes such as TEP and EQUIP-T-ELT were
Mosha (2012) and Mkumbo (2017) mentioned that apart conducted but their sustainability, management and
from many other factors including time spent in learning, relevance to specific competencies for teachers of English
availability of teaching and learning materials, attitude of language were questionable; because teacher educators lack
the learners towards English language and nature of the some of the teaching English language competencies even
examination questions, management supervision, and after the programs (Mosha, 2010; Malekela, 2003; Kadege,
monitoring the society tends to conclude that poor results 2003; Chambulila, 2013; Jidamva, 2012; Ulla, 2017).
indicate poor teaching. Poor teaching leads to student Teacher educators perform below the expectations.
teachers’ low achievement.
Moreover, different countries studied on professional
Knowing that there is a problem of English language development to teacher educators. Some of the studies
teaching and learning, some programmes such as TEP were include those done by Murphy (2017) on managing
established in 1998 by the Ministry of Education and culture professional development to academic staffs in Ireland, Ali
in collaboration with Stockholm institute of Education and Halim (2012) in Thailand, and Jidamva (2012) who
(Hojlund, Mtana, Mhando 2001) and later on implemented studied on Professional development for secondary school
in collaboration with the open university of Tanzania. The quality enhancement in Tanzania; Chambulila (2013) who
aim of TEP was to train teacher educators for effective studied professional development for quality teacher
delivery of teaching and learning process. The training education in Tanzania, and Kapinga (2012) studied on
package contained theories of learning, curriculum, professional development among educators pursuing a
motivation and how to deal with big class in classroom bachelor of education in special education in Tanzania. Even
instructions (Namamba & Rao 2017; Mhando 2012). though all these studies dealt with professional development,
Another program was known as Education Development recommended the necessity for teachers to be provided with
and Quality Improvement Project for English Language professional development, none of the study focused on the

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Volume 6, Issue 7, July – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
competencies required to be developed during professional II. LITERATURE REVIEW
development programmes for teacher educators of English Required Competencies for Professional Development
language in diploma teachers’ colleges Tanzania. Therefore, Programs to Teacher educators
this study concentrated on it. Pantic and Radisic (2012) conducted a study on
Teachers’ Competence for Educational Change- Teacher
Research Question Perspectives in Serbia. In this study mixed method approach
What are the competencies required for professional was used to collect data. The researcher explored teachers’
development programs to teacher educators of English own perceptions of what represents their competencies by
language in public diploma teachers’ colleges Tanzania? involving Kindergarten, primary, secondary school teachers
and teacher educators from post-secondary institutions. The
Theoretical Framework findings revealed that teachers considered content,
The study was guided by the Social Learning Theory pedagogy, self- evaluation, value and child development as
as proposed by Bandura (1977). The theory states that an more important than understanding the system of education
individual can learn better by observing other people’s and its development.
behaviors. Thereafter he or she imitates and practices it.
Motivation, reinforcement, attention and retention are the However, the author viewed that failure to understand
elements which support the learning behavior to take place. the Education system is the failure to guide students in
Feedback in the training is necessary. education matters. Understanding the system of education
The Strengths of the Theory will give the teachers ability to lead the students towards
The theory is useful for the training. The training of particular required performance. Pantic and Radisic (2012)
the teacher educators determines the required competencies observed that teacher educators can be taught the necessity
of English language. During the training, teacher educators of balancing the issues of quality and quantity in the system
observe, imitate then practice it in teaching the students. The of education. The issues of quality and quantity were
theory therefore emphasizes the necessity of having necessary to this study when studying on the quality of the
professional development programs to teacher educators of programmes provided to teacher educators of English
English language that for a person to learn a particular language during professional development; and the
competency, he or she must observe how others are doing. opportunities for them to attend professional development.
Indeed, the theory is useful for the planner of the The study provided the gap also on assessing the required
professional development to prepare the training that and not required competencies for professional development
provide teaching competencies to teacher educators; since of the teacher educators of English language.
the teacher educators will get model of teaching methods
and other teaching related behaviors. Moreover, Pantic and Radisic (2012) found what
represents teachers’ competences by involving
The Weaknesses of the Theory Kindergarten, primary, secondary school teachers and
The theory emphasizes observing, imitating and then teacher educators from post-secondary institutions in Serbia
practicing what it has been observed. This idea limits the and revealed that for a teacher to be competent he or she
teacher educators’ creativity in teaching. Since there is not must own content, pedagogy, self-evaluation and value of
only one teaching competency, the trainers cannot teach all child development. Similarly, Ponte (2008) in his study on
the English language competencies. A teacher who depends professional development among mathematics teacher
only on what he or she observed, will fail to apply other educators in Portugal revealed that, teachers need to be
competencies in teaching English language. developed in content and pedagogical competencies during
professional development. Pantic and Radisic (2012)
The Relevance of the Theory revealed the results for the purpose of changing education in
In relation to this study, the teacher educators must be general. Ponte (2008) dealt with the competencies required
given an opportunity to attend professional development by mathematics teachers for professional development.
where model of lesson will be provided to them. Binde From the Pantic and Radisic (2012) findings where the
(2010) contented that in modelling process, a certain kind of competencies for changing education system were raised,
teaching behaviour will be displayed to help the teachers the researcher of this study observed that changing
learn how a particular subject is to be taught. The model of education system requires some of the competencies which
lessons which will be provided to teacher educators can sometimes cannot have direct connection to the
make them improve the teaching competencies and practice competencies required in teaching English language.
them during teaching English language in their colleges. Similarly, Ponte (2008) who dealt with the competencies
Therefore, during the training programme teacher educators required by the teachers who teach mathematics, gave a gap
must pay attention to what is taught so as they can retain the to the study since mathematic subject has its rules and
knowledge and use it in their teaching. Managers have to competencies for teaching it differently from the
motivate teacher educators to apply the learnt competences competencies for teaching English language.
by offering them the required teaching and learning
materials; conducting assessment and provide feedback on The findings were useful for the study to explore what
the training. Feedback motivates teacher educators’ learning. competencies are required by the teacher educators of
English language in Diploma teachers’ colleges in Tanzania
for professional development programs.

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Volume 6, Issue 7, July – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Drankulic (2013) conducted a study under the title revealed that teachers were not competent in using rhymes
“Foreign Language Teacher Competencies as perceived by or poems, telling stories, creative or free writing. The
English Language and Literature Students”. The study was researcher also observed English language teachers’
conducted in Croatia for the purpose of investigating the professional development needs. The findings indicated that
metric characteristics of the instruments to determine most of the teachers needed professional development in
foreign language teacher competencies. 126 students who speaking skills, classroom management in crowded classes
studied bachelor and master degree in English language and and how to use games and songs.
literature participated in the study through responding
questionnaires. The research findings showed that the Similarly, Ghosh (2020) conducted a study in Assam-
developed instrument is not fully applicable to the Croatian India on A need for teacher development training
foreign language learning context. The study further realized programmes for teachers of English language at tertiary
that Primary schools’ foreign language teachers’ were education. The findings revealed that teachers need to be
trained in the competences related to language and culture in developed in the techniques and methods that will
communicative language, general theories of language discourage learners’ rote learning and increase motivation,
acquisition, applying knowledge for language teaching ICT integration in teaching, plan lessons in way that the
theory and how to conduct assessment and evaluation on needs of the learners will be addressed; develop skills of
students’ communicative language. The findings differ from self-reflection, peer reviewing, developed in research and
the ones found by Ponte (2008) in Portugal and Pantic and paper publication.
Radisic (2012) in Serbia, where content and pedagogy were
required by the teachers, without mentioning specifically the The findings from Ghosh (2020) and Abali (2013)
kind of content to be taught. The context and the needs of leave the gap for the researcher of the current study to
the teachers differ from one country to another and one research on the competencies related to understanding the
subject to another. The revealed findings provided a gap for societal needs in English language, understanding the
the research to be conducted in Tanzanian context to teacher relationship between students and teachers of English
educators of English language in Diploma teachers’ language, how to set English language Exam and
colleges. Instead of using only questionnaire, the researcher recognizing students of English language needs since they
of this study applied questionnaire and In-depth interview did not deal with these competencies in the studies. Instead
guide. of using online questionnaire, the researcher of this study
used in-depth interview guide, and questionnaire.
Moreover, the study conducted by Drankulic (2013) in
Croatia, indicated what were the primary school teachers Ulla (2018) conducted a study related to In-service
trained on and not what do they need to be trained. What if teacher training in Myanmar-Asia. He collected data through
they could be asked to respond to the question on the types interview from 8 university lecturers’ personal experiences
of competencies they need for the training, would they and knowledge on the teacher training programmes. In this
responded similarly to what competencies were they being study the experiences of teacher educators and the principals
trained? Drankulic (2013) conducted a study to teachers who in professional development of the teacher educators was
are prepared for teaching. This study dealt with the teacher investigated. The findings from Ulla’s study showed that
educators who are at work. There is a possibility that teacher teachers need to be developed in English language
educators’ needs while they are still in the initial training, proficiency and students’ centred strategies. However, Ulla
differ from those who experienced teaching. Furthermore, (2018) showed that teachers have tight timetables which
the study conducted by Drankulic (2013) dealt with primary cannot allow them to join for professional development.
school teachers in Croatia were the teaching competencies Myanmar is different context with Tanzania. There is a
required is not the same as the competencies required for possibility that the lecturers in Myanmar interact with the
teaching English language for Diploma level in Tanzania. teacher educators to identify the teacher educators’
The current study therefore dealt with the required competencies gaps. In Tanzania the interaction between
competencies for teacher educators of English language in teacher educators of the diploma colleges and the lectures of
Diploma teachers’ colleges in Tanzania for professional university is low. Therefore, the lecturers would not able to
development. provide the required competencies of the teacher educators
at the diploma level. Therefore, instead of involving
A study conducted by Abali (2013) was related with university lecturers in the study, the researcher involved
English language teachers’ competencies and professional teacher educators, students and principals found in the
development needs for specific classroom activities in sampled teachers’ colleges.
Turkey- Middle East. The researcher used online
questionnaire to collect data from fifty English language Uchenna, Abang and Achi (2015) conducted a study
primary school teachers. The researcher provided the on mentorship and University lecturer’s professional growth
participants with two questions that needed to be responded in Nigeria. The findings revealed that new and junior
to. The first question asked the teacher to select the activities academic staffs have to be trained in publication, conference
done mostly in teaching and their ability to use the activities attendance, community services and research orientation.
in teaching. Teachers’ responses showed that many teachers To some extent the findings concurred with the findings
were able to use filling gap, grammar exercise, and students’ revealed by Ghosh (2020) in the aspect of paper publication
memorization of words and phrases. The findings further and research orientation. There is a possibility that the

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
findings are related because they were conducted at the Teacher education in Tanzania is characterized by lack of
tertiary levels. Since diploma teachers’ colleges fall under basic teaching competencies among teacher educators,
the same level of education, the study assessed how teacher professional development is not taken into consideration.
educators participated in academic conferences related to Moreover, the training of the teacher educators is conducted
English language where they can learn different perceptions by underqualified trainers; and there is no sustainability in
which lead to improvement of students’ performance in provision of professional development to teacher educators.
English language. Namamba and Rao (2017) discussed on teacher educators’
professional development in general. They did not discuss
Hannessy, Hablerand Hofmann (2015) conducted a on the required competencies by the teacher educators of
study on the challenges and opportunities for teacher English language. This study reviewed what specific
professional development in interactive use of technology in competencies were required by the teacher educators of
African schools. The findings revealed that teacher English language.
educators should be trained in the integration of interactive
pedagogies, technology and commitment. Integration of Summary of Reviewed Studies
interactive pedagogies are useful for capturing the needs of Many Studies conducted in Europe, Asia and other
every individual learner in the English language class. The counties in Africa including Pantic and Radsic (2012), Ponte
study provided a gap to the researcher to assess whether the (2008), Drankulic (2013), Abali (2013), Ghosh (2020), Ulla
teacher educators own pedagogical knowledge which allow (2018), Uchenn, Abang, and Ach (2015) and Hannesy,
them to interact with students in English language class. The Habler and Hofman (2015), provided the knowledge on the
study showed that teachers need to be trained in competencies required by teachers in different levels of
commitment. In a real sense, it is not an easy task to train education such as primary, secondary and tertiary. The
someone to be committed, rather he can be trained in the competencies required for professional development
aspect of self-realization, understanding students’ and included competencies for education change, competencies
societal needs then the skills gained from these aspects will in mathematics, culture in communicative language, proper
build someone’s commitment. In realizing this, the study teaching methods and application of T/L materials, speaking
assessed whether the teacher educators of English language skills, classroom management in a crowded class, the use of
need to be trained in their own self-realization, poem, telling stories and creative writing. Moreover,
understanding students and societal needs and the competencies related to language proficiency, students’
relationship between teacher educators and students of centred strategies, publication, conference attendance,
English language. Moreover, the required training in community services, research orientation, technology and
technology as found by Hannessy, Hablerand Hofmann commitment were required by the teachers.
(2015) did not relate directly to English language teaching.
It was about in general teaching. This study identified the Few studies conducted in Tanzania by Jidamva
gap on whether the teacher educators of English language (2012), suggested that teachers required communication
need to be developed in the use of ICT in teaching. skills; and Namamba and Rao (2017) found that teachers
required to be developed in conducting research. Some of
Another study conducted by Jidamva (2012) on the studies revealed the required competencies for English
competence enhancement in secondary schools in Tanzania. language teachers, some revealed required competencies for
The use of qualitative approach, case study design, and mathematics and science subject teachers. Mwakabenga and
interview assisted the researcher to collect data from Komba (2019), Chambulila (2013) showed that teacher
secondary school teachers. The study revealed that teachers educators are required to be trained in ability to reflect;
were required to be developed in English language Kapinga (2012) and Mnyanyi (2014) suggested that teachers
communication skills, since they lack fluency in language. need to be trained in special needs education. The findings
Jidamva (2012) added that teachers tend to use Kiswahili to from the outside Tanzania and those from Tanzania in
explain points to students, highlight new information and relation to professional development showed that, little is
provide definitions of concepts that are difficult for the known on the competencies required by the teacher
learners to grasp in English. Teachers who teach in educators of English language in diploma teachers’ colleges
secondary schools are from the colleges were teacher in Tanzania for professional development programs.
educators also lack competencies in using English language Therefore, this study conducted to explore what are the
(See the background). To improve the problem of teaching competencies required by the teacher educators of English
English language in secondary schools in Tanzania there is a language in Diploma teachers’ colleges in Tanzania for
need to improve teaching of English language in teachers’ professional development programs.
colleges. The study conducted by Jidamva (2012) provided a
research gap to researcher on what competencies are III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
required by the teacher educators of English language in
diploma teachers’ colleges so as they can improve their The study used mixed method approach where
teaching in both content and pedagogical part of the concurrent design was used to accommodate qualitative and
syllabus. quantitative characteristics. Target population included10
principals,71 teacher educators and 714 diploma students of
Another study which was conducted in Tanzania by English language. Probability and non-probability sampling
Namamba and Rao (2017) revealed that, despite the fact that procedures were used to sample the respondents. Where 4

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Volume 6, Issue 7, July – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
principals, 44 teacher educators and 233 students knowledge in English language
participated in the study. Questionnaire and In-depth teaching
interview guide were used to collect data. The validity of 3 Ability to Understand a student as 18 56.3
quantitative data obtained was assessed in its content a unique person in English
validity where pilot study was done to improve the language learning
ambiguities which could occur when the respondents 4 Ability to understand the societal 18 56.3
responding to the questions. Triangulating the respondents needs in English language
on the questionnaire, that is students and teacher educators 5 Ability to Use ICT-in teaching 28 87.5
ensured the validity of the questionnaire. English language
6 Teachers ability to attain self- 14 43.7
In the same way triangulation methods used to ensure realization
validity in qualitative data where teacher educators and 7 Ability to Understand the 14 43.7
principals participated in the study. Also the in-depth relationship between students and
interview guide was composed after passing through teacher of English language
different literature. The validity was obtained when the 8 Ability to set English language 26 81.3
results represented what was expected. In measuring the exams
reliability of the questionnaire Cronbach Alpha method was 9 Ability to analyze English 24 75
appropriately used since the researcher administered the language Curriculum
questionnaire once. The Cronbach Alfa Coefficient 10 Ability to recognize students of 22 68.7
Correlation measured 0.811 for teacher educators’ English language needs
questionnaire; and for students’ questionnaire the Cronbach
Alfa Coefficient Correlation measured was 0.805. This The results indicate that 29 (90.6%) of the teacher
result showed that the reliability of the instrument was high educators responded that they required to be developed in
as stated by Ogula (2009). To ensure the reliability of the in- pedagogical knowledge in English language teaching. Then
depth interview, the researcher adhered to interview guide
28 (87.5%) teacher educators required to be developed in
and asked probing questions to seek clarification when there
ICT- in teaching English language. Moreover 26 (81.3%)
was a need. As it was done to ensure validity, in- depth
teacher educators required to be developed in understanding
interview guides were developed after doing literature on how to set English language exams and 24 (75%)
review. Moreover, Peer briefing was used to ensure
respondent, responded that they need to be developed in
reliability of the qualitative data where the researcher shared content knowledge in English language and skills for
with the field expert and improve the findings. English language curriculum analysis. By identifying the
required competencies during professional development
IV. RESEARCH RESULTS programs, the teacher educators identifying themselves on
the areas where they are not competent.
Required Competencies for Professional Development
programs of Teacher Educators of English Language in On the other hand, few 18 (56.3%) of the teacher
Diploma Teachers’ Colleges educators of English language indicated that they need to be
This theme is generated from the research question
developed in self- realization and understanding the
which aimed at identifying the competencies which are relationship between students and teachers of English
required by the teacher educators for PD programs. Teacher
language during professional development programs.
educators responded to both interview and questionnaire Likewise, 14(43.7) teacher educators indicated that they
while students responded only to questionnaire. Likewise, require the training in understanding a student as unique
principals responded to interview. In the questionnaire, person in English language learning and understanding
teacher educators and students were required to indicate the societal needs in English language.
required and not required competencies for professional
development programs to teacher educators of English The results imply that teacher educators required
language. Where the teacher educators or students indicated
training in pedagogical part of English language. In
the required competencies, it indicates that the teacher
responding to the question which required the teacher
educators do not possess such particular competency and educators to show whether the workshop they attended, and
therefore they need to attend training to get it.
the strategies used by the trainers during professional
development programs were effective to make them teach
Table 2: Responses of the Teacher Educators on the English language, most of the teacher educators responded
Competencies Required during Professional positively. Surprisingly, still the teacher educators suggested
Development (n=32) to be developed in pedagogical knowledge. The findings
S/N Competencies Required concurred with Pantic and Radisic (2012) and Ponte (2008)
competences who revealed that teachers required pedagogical knowledge
f % during professional development programs. Tilya (2010)
1 Ability to teach Content 24 75 mentioned that teacher educators who attended professional
knowledge in English language development were good and confident at subject matter
2 Ability to teach Pedagogical 29 90.6 knowledge compared to pedagogy. The responses imply that
pedagogical part of the English Language for diploma

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
students of English language is a complex one. There is no the areas of strengths and weaknesses on the teacher
specific teaching technique to be used in teaching English educators’ abilities. Therefore, the researcher required the
language. Selection of technique depends on the creativity students to participate in responding to the question on the
and nature of the topic to be taught. Moreover, in Diploma required competencies for professional development of the
course, English language is taught into two parts which teacher educators. The students’ responses were indicated in
include academic content, and pedagogy. In content part table 3.
topics which are taught include English language sound
system, sentence type and punctuation, word forms and Table 3: Diploma Students of English language
meaning, conversation, discussion and oral presentation, Responses on Competencies Required by the Teacher
comprehension of a variety of information text, literary Educators for Professional Development of Teacher
analysis, and writing in a variety of forms. To teach these Educators (n=233)
topics a teacher educator requires to be conversant in S/N Competencies Required
pedagogy. competence
f %
On the other hand, in pedagogy part, the topics include 1 Ability to teach Content knowledge 205 88
theories of language learning, teaching methods, preparation in English language
for teaching, teaching structure, teaching aural/oral skills, 2 Ability to teach Pedagogical 174 74.7
teaching reading, teaching writing, teaching literature and knowledge in English language
assessment. In general, when the teacher educators teaching
responding that they need to be trained in pedagogy, 3 Ability to understand a student as a 105 45.1
reflecting on how to teach pedagogy as part of syllabus and unique person in English language
how to use different techniques in teaching pedagogy as part learning
of syllabus which contains some topics. The implementation 4 Ability to Understand the societal 94 40.3
of the two activities imply the complexity of meeting the needs in English language
needs of the teacher educators during training programs. In 5 Ability to use ICT-in teaching 83 35.6
the complexity theory the idea has been expressed that English language
teacher educators differ in training and experiences. 6 Teachers ability to attain self- 79 33.9
Therefore, meeting their needs for professional development realization
is a complex one. 7 Ability to understand the 146 62.7
relationship between students and
Moreover, the competencies related to the ability to teachers of English language
recognize student’s needs as a unique person in English
8 Ability to set English language 152 65.2
language learning, the relationship between students and exams
teachers of English language and teachers of English
9 Ability to analyze English language 145 62.2
language self-realization indicated by few teacher educators
as required competencies for professional development. This
10 Recognizing students of English 131 56.2
means that the majority of the teacher educators possess the
language needs
competencies in teaching English language. Vuzo (2010)
proposed that the ability to use these competencies has great
The results show that 205 (88%) of the students
influence in teaching English language. It determines the
teaching method to be used, the organization and the responded that teacher educators have to be developed more
management of the English language classes to ensure that on content knowledge in English language. Then174
every student learns apart from the differences in his or her (74.7%) students showed that there is a need for teacher
ability due to different home’s and schools’ background in educators to be developed in pedagogical knowledge in
English language (Vuzo 2010 & Jidamva, 2012). The English language teaching and 152 (65.2%) of students
findings therefore reflect that however it is difficult to meet suggested that the teacher educators are to be developed in
the needs of the teachers in provision professional understanding how to set English language exam. The
development, the competencies that suggested by the responses of the students and the teacher educators are
similar. This indicates that students understand well the
majority have to be taken into consideration.
problems facing the teacher educators. They suggested the
Apart from teacher educators, students of English teacher educators to be developed in the content area so as
they get enough knowledge on the topics to be taught in the
language participated in responding to the question through
content part of the curriculum that seem to be difficult to
questionnaire. The researcher of this study experienced that
during teaching and learning process, students are provided them to teach.
with the content to be learnt during their course of study.
Similarly, every after a lesson for English language teaching On the other side, few students responded that the
and learning, students are provided with an opportunity to provision of professional development programs should
consider teacher educators’ ability to attain self-realization
make evaluation on how the lesson was conducted.
Moreover, there are topics in their syllabus related to how to as suggested by 79(33.9%) students, ICT in teaching English
set exam, and they learn the role of English language in language as suggested by 83(35.6%) of students, ability to
Tanzania. These aspects built on them ability to recognize understand the societal needs in English language as

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
suggested by94(40.3%) of the students and ability to that; the performance of English language can be changed if
understand students as a unique person in English language the teacher educators will be built on assessing students on
learning as suggested by 105(45.1%) of students. Almost the other four language skill than measuring writing only. The
students’ responded similar as teacher educators except in students could be assessed on reading, speaking and
the ICT competency where majority teacher educators listening skills.
required the training in the ICT competency. The
possibilities for this different responses are that, teacher Moreover, since the students are required to teach
educators do not apply ICT during teaching and therefore English language, they could be assessed on their ability to
they do not influence the students to see the importance of teach English language. This could enable the teachers to
ICT in learning English language or vice versa, and prepare good English language teachers. The researcher’s
therefore the do not see the necessity of planning experience shows that most of the students who are studying
professional development programs. English language when they are going for the field they tend
to opt teaching other subject than English language.
On the other hand, teacher educators required to be Therefore, they are not assessed on how they can teach
developed in ICT training because they know how relevance English Language. Training teacher educators in appropriate
the ICT knowledge is in teaching English language however set of exam could provide them knowledge on how to
Tilya (2010) mentioned that there are some challenges in the monitor students during the Block Teaching Practice to
implementation of the knowledge gained from the training ensure that the students teach English language as part of
due to lack of the required resources. It has been explained Exam; since there are claims that in Tanzania teacher
in the theoretical framework proposed by Bandura (1977) preparation is poor as graduates from colleges lack
that for effective professional development, there is a need necessary skills to teach English language (Hakielimu, 2007;
for the management to ensure that the required resources for Komba and Nkumbi, 2008). Therefore, it is better to revisit
the implementation of the knowledge gained are available. the format and education examination of English language
The availability of resources motivates teachers teaching. to get teachers with necessary qualities.
Since the resources are not available some of the teacher
educators are no longer use ICT in teaching English In responding to the question during the interview
language after training and hence they lose the knowledge. teacher educators mentioned that they need to be developed
in academic content and pedagogical knowledge. For
Moreover, 65% of the students suggested that teacher example, one of the teacher educators said:
educators have to be trained on how the exams are set, for
the aim of improving the performances in English language. I want to be developed in the content part of the
Hakielimu (2007) supported the students’ idea by criticizing curriculum specially in the topic related to sound system.
the quality of examinations that are done by the students. Teaching sounds of English language needs practical. Since
Haki Elimu (2007) mentioned that Tanzania education we are not teaching it practically due to lack of language
system shifted from content based to competence based. The laboratory, teaching this topic for sure needs special training
nature of examination still measures remembering or (16 June 2020).
reproducing facts. In Diploma level for example, the final
exam of 2019, 2020 set by the national examination council Another teacher educator responded the same that:
of Tanzania (NECTA) question number one up to ten out of I face difficult in teaching the topic related to sound
sixteen questions, required the students to reproduce facts by system. I recommend that if there will be any training, the
giving short answers. In the other six questions, the students topic must be taught to us so as we can get appropriate
were required to answer only four essay questions, which to technique to teach it (19 June, 2020).
some extent require the students to make analysis,
evaluation and explanation on the facts. Ghosh (2020) in his In supporting this idea, one of the teacher educators
study, revealed that students are not comfortable in all four during the interview responded that:
language skills because of the way English language is
taught, the content which is taught, and the teachers’ In my side I would like to be developed in academic
approach to the target language. Students are taught to write part of the curriculum. There are challenging academic
to pass exam. topics in the syllabus that I teach. Some of the topics such as
teaching structure, sound system, need refresher courses to
In diploma course there are topics which require the be taught effectively. In Pedagogy, I would like to be trained
students to be measured in all four language skills. But the in assessment topic (5, June 2020).
exams measure only one writing skill. These types of exams
limit the students to be measured in other forms of language Another teacher educator said:
skills that could provide opportunity to students with unique
characteristics to be measured in their capacities. Teacher I would like to be trained in content part specifically in
educators therefore need to be trained on how to set quality pronunciation. In pedagogy, I would like to be trained in
exams which will measure different capacities of the different methods of teaching. Under this topic thee are ……
students. Jidamva (2012) and Ghosh (2020) suggested that I think for English teaching methods namely audio-lingua,
the system of examination must be changed so as to measure total physical, direct method and aural- oral method (6, June
other qualities than cognitive only. This suggestion shows 2020).

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
He continued saying: teaching pedagogy is difficult one of the teacher educators
during the interview responded that:
The methods suggested to be taught by giving the
characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of using them. I need to be trained in pedagogy. When I was
But how to apply them in teaching so as students to attending my first degree studies, I was trained just the
understand the concepts is difficult (6, June 2020). content in English language. It is difficult for me to teach
others how to teach. In fact, I did not experience teaching
The other two teacher educators replied similarly. One pedagogy part of English language (18 June 2020).
of them said
Reflecting the responses of the teacher educators in the
I want to be developed in the topic called teaching interview, one of the teachers require to be developed in
methods in pedagogy. Those special methods for teaching pedagogical part of English language syllabus in diploma
English language. I remember one which is called Natural level. She has mentioned specifically that she needs to be
method (18 June 2020). trained in assessment topic. To some extent the topic is
related to how to set exam. In that topic things which are
This response from the teacher educators who expected to be taught include the importance of assessing
responded that there is a need for them to be developed in students, what are assessment tools, assessment items and
methods of teaching in pedagogy part of English language how to prepare exams using Bloom taxonomy. If the teacher
syllabus, implies that he needs the training in the suggested needs to be developed in this topic it means that she is not
teaching methods in the English language syllabus which are able to set proper exam to students. The response therefore,
total physical response, audio-lingua method, aural /oral and concurred with the students’ and some of the teachers’
natural or direct method. In pronunciation, he meant in responses in a questionnaire.
sound system topic in a content part of curriculum.
Other areas of competency that teacher educators
Others responded that they need training on the expressed needs of being developed on are guidance and
pedagogical way of training speaking and listening skills to counseling. In expressing this need one of the teacher
student. In responding to the question one of the teacher educators said:
educators said:
Students have many issues that can hinder their
We have experienced that students lack speaking and learning of English Language. To deal with them we need to
listening skills. But most of our activities in class focus on have enough knowledge on guidance and counseling. In our
reading and writing. Let me give you one example. In region there is a certain NGO known as ‘’Tusome Pamoja”.
teaching Literature there are written and oral literature. But The NGO is doing a good job to provide training to teachers
most of time we concentrate much on written literature and teacher educators on guidance and counseling; but it is
because that is what we know. In pedagogy we need to teach not exhaustive (12, June, 2020).
the students how they can teach listening and speaking skills Another teacher educator replied similarly that:
but we do not provide them model of lesson for teaching
speaking and listening (05 June 2020). According to the nature of students we have, we need
guidance and counselling course. Of course we learnt it in
The findings from this study revealed that English our initial training. But because of time and experience, to
language teacher educators need to be developed in some extent we need more training (5 June, 2020)
academic content and pedagogical competencies. According Posing a challenge on the training package, one of the
to Kafyulilo, (2012), effective teaching requires teachers to respondents claimed that:
master the content they want to teach and the pedagogy they
want to deliver. Content knowledge is the knowledge of the In professional development programmes, most of the
actual subject matter that is to be taught or learned concepts, time the focus is on the academic content and methods of
theories and ideas of a particular subject for example teaching English language. We are not developed in other
English language (Shulman, 1986). Pedagogical knowledge areas of teaching competencies such as guidance and
is about teaching approaches from planning the lesson to counseling, integration of ICT in teaching and
students’ assessment. It includes methods or techniques used administration of examination (15, June 2020).
in the classroom and strategies (Kohler & Mishra, 2009).
Emphasizing the importance of teaching competencies in He continued to explain:
pedagogy, (Mosha 2012) says without good teaching
methods, it is difficult to improve students’ academic We attended ICT training. During the training we were
performance. Therefore, teacher educators need to be divided into groups. Mmm! They were labeled us as level
developed in both pedagogical and subject content one and level two. Level one category learnt the bases for
competencies. Teacher educators need to be trained in computer operation including word process, excel. I was in
pedagogical part of curriculum for the purpose of training the second category identified as level two where we learnt
the teacher trainees on how to teach. They are required to be different programmes such as is the
competent in teaching the topics in pedagogy. To show that programme used in designing posters and editing still
pictures. Unfortunately, even after completing the training I

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Volume 6, Issue 7, July – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
do not know how I can apply it in teaching English and learning resources. Moreover, Mnyanyi (2014) added
language. Moreover, the system which could provide access that teacher educators are ill prepared from the colleges or
to the programme is not accessed for free. So immediately universities. Teacher educators who are not competent
after training, I left everything there (30, June 2020). cannot teach average students and those with special needs.
Under the situation where there is Educational diversity
Studies on the use of ICT in Teachers’ Colleges which needs inclusive education in regular schools, a good
expose that, ICT is superficially taught, pre-service teachers initial training will not meet the needs of the students in
do not acquire enough knowledge to integrate ICT in classes; rather there is a need to have regular professional
teaching specific subject. Teacher educators also lack this development to teacher educators of English language. In
competence, they have theoretical knowledge of ICT and responding to the interview question, two teacher educators
ideas of integrating it in teaching, but they lack experience responded similarly with the principal in the special needs
of how to use it in real classroom teaching (Kafyulilo, 2012; training programs. Example one of them said:
Tilya, 2008). As the findings and literature reveal, the
appropriate strategy to address this challenge is to integrate In our college we had one deaf and one blind students.
ICT competence in English language teacher educators’ First time I met with them it was difficult for me to include
professional development programmes. them in learning. I just left them without interacting with
them in anyhow. But as days went on I realized that I was
The response of the teacher educator in the ICT needed to assist them. Therefore, I asked the blind student
training reveals that the teacher educators are trained in ICT how he learns. Then the class told me that the deaf student
without considering the implementation of the knowledge was getting support from one of the students who had
gained from the training. The response reveals that the knowledge on sign language. From there I was inspired to
teacher educators trained on the use of paint.Net which is learn even sign language to help the students (16 June 2020)
useful for editing still picture. In actual sense, the
programme could be useful in preparing teaching aids for The second teacher educator responded that:
English language teaching. The implementation of the
knowledge becomes poor because the programme is not If it will occur any opportunity for us to get training,
accessible. Therefore, there is a need for the ministry let them train us on how to deal with students with special
responsible for education to ensure that before planning for needs (18 June 2020)
training programme, facilities and other required materials Moreover, the principals in responding the question,
for implementing the training knowledge are available in they identified other areas which are required to be
teachers’ colleges. Kagoda (2013) and Tsesema (2012) developed to teacher educators. they have mentioned the
observed in their countries; that is Uganda and Ethiopia, the training needs in professionalism, ethics and commitment.
knowledge gained from the training is not implemented by One of the principals said:
the teachers due to lack of facilities. This indicates that the
teaching of English language will continue to be poor if the Teacher educators need to be trained in
strategies for training teachers will not be changed. professionalism where they will learn ethics, and
commitment. You know sometimes teacher educators are
Another competence identified by respondents to be attending professional development programs. When they
included in teacher educators’ professional development come back regardless the resources available or not, they do
programmes is related to ability to identify and attend not apply the knowledge they gained. Some are not
learners with special needs. Discussing about this committed. Through the lesson about professionalism may
competence one of the principals responded: be they can change their behaviors (30, June 2020)
He continued saying:
Teacher educators have to be trained in special needs
education; learners have diverse of needs which have to be Teaching English language needs some commitments.
addressed in different ways in order to facilitate learning to If teachers will not be committed, even if they will attend
all learners in a class. Think of teaching English in a class training every year, they will improve nothing (30 June
where one of the students is a deaf. How a teacher educator 2020)
will handle the situation? (13, June 2020).
The responses of the teacher educators and the
The education system in Tanzania introduced inclusive principal indicated that apart from pedagogy and content
education. Students with different characteristics and needs areas of the teaching of English language, teacher educators
are registered in regular colleges compared to former system experience other difficulties in other areas which hinder
of education where students with some difficulties were their teaching. Ability to teach the content and pedagogy is
registered in special colleges. Therefore, Mnyanyi (2014) determined by the nature of the students in the class and
and Kapinga (2012) suggested that there is a need for the how teacher educators are committed and observe ethics in
teacher educators to be trained on how they can handle the teaching.
students with special needs. However, Mnyanyi (2014)
revealed that there are challenges in implementing inclusive
education in Tanzania. The challenges are related with lack
of capacity building to teachers, infrastructure and teaching

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ISSN No:-2456-2165

It is concluded that teacher educators required It is recommended to conduct other researches on the
competencies related to academic content and pedagogy. In implementation of the ICT knowledge in teaching English
academic content, teacher educators required the training in language. Since the teacher educators and students of
specific competencies related to pronunciation, phonology English language differed in responding the need of ICT
(sound system) and teaching structure. In pedagogy, teacher training to teacher educators, the researcher proposed that
educators need to be developed in teaching methods other research to be conducted to see whether ICT is
including total physical response, audio –lingua method, integrated in teaching English language or not. Moreover, I
direct or natural methods and aural oral methods; and recommend the study to be done on how teacher educators
assessment. These required competencies have suggested to teach the suggested difficult topics.
be taught in English language syllabus for Diploma students.
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