UNTIL Superpowers Database II
UNTIL Superpowers Database II
UNTIL Superpowers Database II
A Sourcebook for Champions
To all the fans who enjoyed the USPD so much that we had to do
another one!
Special thanks to the fans who contributed to the Online USPD that
we’ve maintained on the Hero Games website since the publication
of the USPD (particularly Bob Greenwade and Chris Davis, both of
whom submitted enormous numbers of powers). Much of the con-
tents of this book comes from the contributions I accepted (some-
times with a bit of tweaking).
Hero SystemTM ® is DOJ, Inc.’s trademark for its roleplaying system. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
Hero System © 1984, 1989, 2002 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved. electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or computerization, or by
Champions © 1984, 1989, 2002 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved. any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the
Fantasy Hero © 2003 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved. Publisher: DOJ, Inc., 1 Haight Street, Suite A, San Francisco, California 94102.
Dark Champions © 2004 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved. First printing November 2005. Printed in Canada.
Dark Champions © 2004 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved. Produced and distributed by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games.
Pulp Hero © 2005 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved. Stock Number: DOJHERO219 • ISBN Number: 1-58366-048-8
Star Hero, Justice Inc., Danger International, Dark Champions, http://www.herogames.com
Western Hero © 2002 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved.
Introduction ..................................... 4 Fire And Heat Powers..................... 57 Solar And Celestial Powers ............. 98
Acid Powers .................................... 5 Force Powers ................................ 59 Sonic Powers ................................ 99
Air And Wind Powers ....................... 7 Gravity Powers .............................. 60 Speedster Powers........................ 101
Animal Powers .............................. 10 Hypercharacteristics ...................... 62 Spirit Projection ........................... 105
Body Control Powers ...................... 11 Hypersenses ................................. 70 Stretching Powers ....................... 111
Chaos And Entropy ........................ 19 Ice And Cold Powers ...................... 71 Telekinetic Powers ....................... 112
Cosmic Energy Powers................... 30 Kinetic Energy Powers.................... 73 Teleportation Powers.................... 115
Cyberkinesis Powers ...................... 33 Light Powers ................................. 76 Time Powers ............................... 118
Darkness Powers ........................... 37 Luck Powers ................................. 77 Vibration Powers.......................... 120
Density Alteration Powers ............... 39 Matter Manipulation Powers ........... 82 Water Powers .............................. 121
Dimensional Manipulation Powers .. 41 Mental And Psionic Powers ............ 85 Weather Powers .......................... 123
Earth And Stone Powers ................. 42 Precognition Powers ...................... 88 Wood And Plant Powers ............... 123
Electricity Powers .......................... 45 Shape Alteration Powers ................ 90 Miscellaneous Powers.................. 125
Emotion Control Powers ................. 47 Size Alteration Powers.................... 91 Appendix ..................................... 129
Energy Manipulation ...................... 49 Sleep And Dream Powers ............... 96
Category Matter Control Powers Subject ID Unknown Scale: ?? Mode
his is the second of Hero Games’s books of THE POWER TEMPLATE
pre-generated superpowers for use in Cham- To make this book as easy to use as possible,
pions games. The first, The UNTIL Super- it describes each power with a standard template.
powers Database, explains the whys and The information provided applies only to the stan-
wherefores of this sort of book, so please check its dard power; the options may have different areas of
introduction if you’d like some basic information effect, ranges, END costs, and so forth.
about what this book is and how to use it. Refer-
ences to “USPD” in this book are to the first UNTIL Name indicates the name of the power. You can,
Superpowers Database. of course, rename it to suit your own character if
For the most part, the USPD2 is just like the orig- you prefer.
inal USPD, but there are some important differences. Effect lists the basic game effect of the power in
First, it grew a little more organically. After the USPD simple terms: Energy Blast 8d6, Explosive; Deso-
was published, it was popular enough that Hero lidification; Telekinesis (30 STR). This tells you
started an Online USPD that fans could contribute quickly what a power can do so you don’t have to
to. Many of the powers in this book came from those delve into the full game write-up.
contributions, or were inspired by comments or ideas Target/Area Affected describes who or what the
voiced by other fans; you can read a list of additional power affects. An Attack Power usually indicates
contributors on the credits page. “One character” or the area covered due to the
Second, four of the categories in the USPD Area Of Effect or Explosion Advantages. (Of course,
— Illusion Powers, Magnetism Powers, Radia- sometimes even a “one character” power can be
tion Powers, and Strength And Toughness Powers Spread, or used with Rapid Fire or Sweep to affect
— aren’t covered in this book. The first three simply more than one target; a power’s shorthand descrip-
weren’t the subject of any fan contributions. The tion doesn’t override the rules.) “Self ” indicates the
third was covered extensively in The Ultimate Brick, power only works on the character using it (though
so there’s no need to reprint all those powers here. it may still “affect” other characters; for example,
Third, this book has four new power categories other characters can perceive the effects of Shape
the USPD doesn’t include: Chaos And Entropy Shift, even though it’s a “Self ” power.)
Powers, Energy Manipulation Powers, Hyper-
Characteristics, and Spirit Projection Powers. It Duration lists the power’s duration, typically Instant,
just goes to show that no book of superpowers, no Constant, Persistent, or Inherent (see the HERO
matter how large and thorough, can cover every- System 5th Edition, Revised, page 98). “Uncontrolled”
thing; there’s always another cool new idea lurking indicates the power has that Advantage; Continuing
around the corner. Charges are also listed here.
Lastly, the USPD2 has a special appendix. Since Range lists the range for the power. Ranged powers
the publication of the USPD, a few errata have turned usually have a range in inches (Active Points x 5”
up, and more importantly Hero has published a in most cases), but may have “LOS” (Line Of Sight)
Revised version of the 5th Edition rules. That means range. “No Range” indicates that the power has No
a handful of USPD powers need some corrections Range; “Self ” that the power only affects the charac-
or mild tweaking. To save those of you who already ter using it; “Touch” that the power involves having
bought the USPD from having to buy a Revised edi- to touch another character (which usually requires
tion just to get a few corrected powers, the USPD2 an Attack Roll).
Appendix contains the full, correct versions of any
END Cost lists the power’s Endurance cost.
USPD power that has been changed — even if the
change was only to clean up a typo. Description provides a (usually brief) textual descrip-
tion of the power. This section notes any special rules
or rules applications relevant to the power.
Game Information is a full write-up of the power in
game terms, including Active Point and Real Point
costs. (If only one point total is listed, that means
the Active and Real Point costs are the same.)
Lastly, many powers have Options listed below
the game information. These describe various stan-
dard ways to alter the power to create a slightly dif-
ferent ability. Optional powers often have their own
names related to the standard power’s name.
Acid Powers 5
OFFENSIVE POWERS 4) Faster Healing: Change to Delayed Return Rate
(points return at the rate of 5 per Day; +1½). Total
cost: 55 points.
Effect: Major Transform 8d6 (sighted
being into blind being) DEFENSIVE POWERS
Target/Area Affected: One character
Range: 20” Effect: Missile Deflection (any physi-
END Cost: 9 cal missile)
Description: The character sprays a small stream Target/Area Affected: Special
of acid directly into the target’s eyes, rendering the Duration: Constant
target permanently blind. Range: Self
END Cost: 3
Game Information: Major Transform 8d6
(person into blind person) (120 Active Points); Description: The character can project acid to
Limited Range (20”; -¼), Limited Targets destroy incoming physical missiles at range. This
(sighted beings; -¼), Must Target The Face (-8 only affects physical missiles with a DEF+BODY of
OCV; -1). Total cost: 48 points. 6 or less.
Game Information: Missile Deflection (any
OPTIONS: physical missile) (15 Active Points); Costs
1) Stronger Acid: Increase to Major Transform 9d6. Endurance (-½), Does Not Work Against Large
135 Active Points; total cost 54 points. Missiles (-¼). Total cost: 9 points.
Category Acid Powers Subject ID Teleios Creature Scale: ?? Mode
1) Faster Tunneling: Increase to Tunneling 11”
“The capabilities of ACID TUNNELING through 11 DEF material. Total cost: 55 points.
Teleios’s creations never 2) Slower Tunneling: Decrease to Tunneling 3”
ceases to amaze me. Effect: Tunneling 6” through 11 DEF
material through 11 DEF material. Total cost: 39 points.
During the so-called
“Zombie Bank Rob- Target/Area Affected: Self 3) Stronger Tunneling: Increase to Tunneling 6”
bers” incident in Denver, Duration: Constant through 16 DEF material. Total cost: 60 points.
we tracked him to a Range: Self
hidden base in the
4) Weaker Tunneling: Decrease to Tunneling 6”
END Cost: 4 through 6 DEF material. Total cost: 30 points.
Rocky Mountains. After
defeating some gigantic Description: The character applies his acid to the 5) Easy Tunneling: Add Reduced Endurance (½
“zombie” guards we ground — be it earth, stone, or some other sub- END; +¼). Total cost: 56 points.
entered his inner sanc- stance — to create a tunnel he can move through.
tum... only to discover The tunnel remains open behind him, so his friends 6) Tiring Tunneling: Add Increased Endurance Cost
he’d fled and left behind (or enemies) can follow. (x2 END; -½). 45 Active Points; total cost 30 points.
several enormous, acid-
spitting worms. Once Game Information: Tunneling 6” through 11
we defeated them and DEF material. Total cost: 45 points.
began trailing him, we
soon came to a rockface
with a tunnel bored
right into it... with acid!
I guess Teleios took one
or two worms with him
when he escaped. The
tunnel led to a large,
ered cavern complex, at
which point we lost him.
I understand Colorado’s
going to turn the cav-
erns into a state park.”
1) Greater Reduction: Increase to Succor Move-
ment 8d6. Total cost: 70 points.
2) Lesser Reduction: Increase to Succor Movement
4d6. Total cost: 35 points.
3) Untiring Reduction: Add Reduced Endurance
(0 END; +½). Total cost: 67 points.
4) Personal Reduction: Remove Ranged (+½)
and add Self Only (-½). 37 Active Points; total
cost 25 points.
8 ■ Air And Wind Powers Hero System 5th Edition
Effect: Gliding 15”
Target/Area Affected: Self
Duration: Constant
Range: Self
END Cost: 0
Description: The character can effortlessly “ride the
1) Fast Floating: Increase to Gliding 25”. Total cost:
25 points.
2) Slow Floating: Decrease to Gliding 10”. Total
cost: 10 points.
3) Tiring Floating: The character must exert some
Subject ID
Air/Aind Powers
END Cost: 0
Description: The character can sense the purity of the
air — how fresh it is, how contaminated (if at all), and
the type and percentage of various contaminants.
Game Information: Detect Air Purity (INT Roll)
(Smell/Taste Group), Discriminatory, Analyze.
Total cost: 13 points.
1) Improved Detection: Increase to INT Roll +7.
Total cost: 20 points.
2) Imprecise Detection: Remove Analyze. Total
cost: 8 points.
Air And Wind Powers 9
Effect: Energy Blast 6d6, NND Effect: Clinging, Cannot Resist Knock-
Target/Area Affected: One character back
Duration: Instant Target/Area Affected: Self
Range: Touch Duration: Constant
END Cost: 8 Charges Range: Self
Description: The character’s body has tissue that’s END Cost: 1
able to store an intense electrical charge. He can Description: The character can dig the tips of his
use the stored electricity as a weapon by touching claws into walls and other vertical surfaces enough
another character. It takes approximately 24 hours to allow him to climb them effortlessly.
for him to recharge the tissue after depleting it.
Game Information: Clinging (normal STR) (10
Game Information: Energy Blast 6d6, NND Active Points); Cannot Resist Knockback (-¼),
(defense is rPD not made of metal; +1) (60 Costs Endurance (-½). Total cost: 6 points.
Active Points); No Range (-½), 8 Charges (-½).
Total cost: 30 points. STICKY FINGERS
Effect: Clinging, Cannot Resist
1) Strong Touch: Increase to Energy Blast 8d6. 80 Target/Area Affected: Self
Active Points; total cost 40 points. Duration: Constant
Range: Self
2) Weak Touch: Decrease to Energy Blast 4d6. 40
END Cost: 1 (to activate)
Active Points; total cost 20 points.
Description: The character changes the shape of his
3) Bioelectric Grab: By maintaining contact with
hands and/or feet in some way — turning them
the victim, the character can keep shocking him,
into big suction cups, extending miniature claws
though this drains his internal stores of electric-
from their surfaces, or even just molding them
ity quickly. Add as a naked Advantage Continuous
to fit whatever surface he happens to be working
(+1) (30 Active Points); Only Works If Character
with — so he can stick to a surface. Alternately, the
Makes And Can Maintain Grab On Victim (-½)
character’s hands may always have that shape (e.g.,
(total cost: 20 points). 60 + 30 = 90 Active Points;
tiny suction cups along the fingers and toes).
total cost 30 + 20 = 50 Active Points.
Game Information: Clinging (normal STR) (10
Active Points); Cannot Resist Knockback (-¼),
DEFENSIVE POWERS Costs Endurance (to activate; -¼). Total cost:
7 points.
Effect: Life Support (Immunity to zoo-
toxins) 1) Strong Stickiness: Increase Clinging STR to
Target/Area Affected: Self normal STR + 15. 15 Active Points; total cost 10
Duration: Persistent points.
Range: Self
2) Tiring Stickiness: Change Costs Endurance (to
END Cost: 0
activate; -¼) to Costs Endurance (-½). Total cost: 6
Description: The character is immune to all zootox- points.
ins — that is, all poisons derived from animals.
3) Easy Stickiness: Remove Costs Endurance (-½).
Game Information: Life Support (Immunity: Total cost: 8 points.
zootoxins). Total cost: 5 points.
Body Control Powers 11
RKA 1d6, NND Does BODY
Target/Area Affected: One character
Effect: VPP for biochemical attacks Range: 300”
Target/Area Affected: One character END Cost: 6
Duration: Varies Description: Similar to Fleshwarping (USPD 34-
Range: No Range 35) but far more insidious and deadly, this power
END Cost: Varies allows a biomanipulator to warp, twist, and snap
Description: The character’s body can generate a the bones within a person’s body, inflicting hor-
wide variety of drugs, poisons, and other harmful rific damage.
biochemicals. If he touches the victim’s skin, he
Game Information: RKA 1d6, Continuous (+1),
can “inject” the substance into him. Anything that
NND (defense is having no skeletal structure or
prevents skin-to-skin contact, even a thin costume,
Power Defense; +1), Does BODY (+1). Total
keeps the power from affecting the victim.
cost: 60 points.
In game terms, most of the abilities a charac-
ter can build with this Power Pool are defined as
NND EBs or RKAs, various Drains, and the like. All OPTIONS:
powers have the Skin Contact Required (-1) Limita- 1) Strong Bonewarping: Increase to RKA 2d6. Total
tion. The GM determines whether a given power cost: 120 points.
reasonably falls within the special effect of “harmful
biochemicals.” 2) Weak Bonewarping: Decrease to RKA ½d6. Total
cost: 40 points.
Game Information: Biochemical Assault Power 3) Bonewarping Touch: The character must touch
Pool: 45 base + 22 control cost, Skin Contact his victim to warp his skeletal structure. Add No
Required (-1), Limited Class Of Powers (harmful Range (-½). 60 Active Points; total cost 40 points.
biochemicals only; -½). Total cost: 54 points.
OPTIONS: Effect: Energy Blast 5d6, NND
1) Strong Assault: Increase to 60 base + 30 control Target/Area Affected: One character
cost. Total cost: 72 points. Duration: Instant
Range: Touch
2) Weak Assault: Decrease to 30 base + 15 control END Cost: 5
cost. Total cost: 36 points.
Description: With but a touch, the character can
afflict another person with severe joint pain
Game Information: Energy Blast 5d6, NND
(defense is PD Force Field or not having a skel-
eton; +1) (50 Active Points); No Range (-½).
Total cost: 33 points.
1) Crippling Pain I: Increase to Energy Blast 7d6. 70
Active Points; total cost 47 points.
2) Crippling Pain II: The joint pain the victim expe-
riences makes it difficult for him to move properly
or agilely. Add Drain DEX 4d6 (40 Active Points);
Linked (-½). 50 + 40 = 90 Active Points; total cost
33 + 27 = 60 points.
3) Arthritis Attack: Decrease to Energy Blast 3d6. 30
Active Points; total cost 20 points.
4) Bone Blasting: The character can inflict pain at
range. Remove No Range (-½). Total cost: 50 points.
12 ■ Body Control Powers Hero System 5th Edition
Category Body Control Powers Subject ID Hornet Scale: 6 Mode
Entangle 4d6 (standard Effect:
4 BODY), 4 DEF, Damage Shield
Target/Area Affected: One or more characters BODY HEAT CONTROL
Duration: Constant Effect: Invisibility to Infrared Perception
Range: No Range Target/Area Affected: Self
END Cost: 0 Duration: Constant
Description: Whether due to some chemical it Range: Self
exudes, its large size/excessive fat content, flex- END Cost: 2
ibility, or some other reason, the character’s body Description: By controlling his body temperature, a
can “catch” and trap objects that hit it — attackers’ character can “blend in” with the ambient heat, thus
fists or weapons, for example. In game terms, this rendering himself invisible to the ability to perceive
is represented as an Entangle Damage Shield that thermal variations.
only works against attacks striking the character; This power uses a slight variant of the Invisibil-
the special effect of “breaking free” is usually not ity Power. Instead of Invisibility to an entire Sense
literally tearing the character’s body apart, but Group, it uses Invisibility to all forms of a specific
having the strength to pull free. Blades, energy Enhanced Sense, regardless of what Sense Group
beams, or other attacks used by the target (and in it’s assigned to. It uses the cost for a Targeting Sense
some cases other persons) are even more likely to Group.
free him than STR, because they hurt the character
and reflexively make him “let go.” The character can Game Information: Invisibility to Infrared Per-
voluntarily “relax” the effect to free all persons he ception. Total cost: 20 points.
currently has trapped.
In many cases, ideally the Entangle should OPTIONS:
have Active Points equal to the character’s STR. 1) Easy Body Heat Control: The character’s con-
Game Information: Entangle 4d6 (standard trol over his body heat is effortless. Add Reduced
Effect: 4 BODY), 4 DEF, Continuous (+1), Endurance (0 END; +½). Total cost: 30 points.
Damage Shield (+½), Reduced Endurance (0 2) Automatic Body Heat Control: The character
END; +½) (120 Active Points); Does Not Work automatically blends in with the ambient heat at all
Against Persons Character Grabs (-¼), Cannot times. Add Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Per-
Form Barriers (-¼), Set Effect (only traps sistent (+½), and Always On (-½). 40 Active Points;
objects or limbs used to hit character; -½), Vul- total cost 27 points.
nerable (to any physical or energy attack other
3) Precise Body Heat Control: Even persons close to
than STR which the victim uses to free himself;
the character can’t perceive his body heat. Add No
-1), Vulnerable (to RKAs used by other charac-
Fringe. Total cost: 30 points.
ters to free victim; -1). Total cost: 30 points.
Effect: Life Support (Expanded Breath-
1) Strong Power: Increase to Entangle 6d6 (stan- ing: Cannot Be Choked)
dard Effect: 6 BODY), 6 DEF. 180 Active Points; Target/Area Affected: Self
total cost 45 points. Duration: Inherent
Range: Self
2) Weak Power: Decrease to Entangle 3d6 (stan-
END Cost: 0
dard Effect: 3 BODY), 3 DEF. 90 Active Points;
total cost 22 points. Description: The character doesn’t breathe just
through his mouth and nose — he can take in
3) Uncontrollable Sticky Body: The character’s body
enough oxygen to keep himself alive through his
always retains its “stickiness”; he can never turn it
skin. This makes it difficult to choke, suffocate, or
off. Once someone gets stuck to him, that person
strangle him.
has to be pulled or cut free somehow. Add Persis-
tent (+½) and Always On (-½). 140 Active Points; Game Information: Life Support (Self-Con-
total cost 31 points. tained Breathing), Inherent (+¼) (12 Active
4) Variant Sticky Body: Change to Clinging (normal Points); Only To Protect Against Choking/Suf-
STR +30), Damage Shield (+½) (30 Active Points); focation/Strangulation Attacks (-1). Total cost:
Does Not Work Against Persons Character Grabs 6 points.
(-¼), Limited Power (if victim uses any physical or
energy attack other than STR to free himself, add OPTIONS:
the Active Points of that power to the victim’s STR 1) Tiring Skin Breathing: Remove Inherent and add
as “bonus STR” to determine if he can break free; Costs Endurance (-½). 10 Active Points; total cost
-1), Limited Power (RKAs used by other characters 4 points.
to free victim add their Active Points to the victim’s
STR as “bonus STR” to determine if he can break
free; -1). Total cost: 9 points.
14 ■ Body Control Powers Hero System 5th Edition
Power Defense (20 points)
Target/Area Affected: Self
Duration: Persistent BONE GROWTH
Range: Self Effect: Varies
END Cost: 0 Target/Area Affected: Varies
Description: The character’s body is so resilient that Duration: Varies
it resists any attempts to alter it, whether by drugs, Range: Varies
disease, or anything else — even magic. END Cost: Varies
Description: The character can accelerate the
Game Information: Power Defense (20 points).
growth of his own bones to create various effects
Total cost: 20 points.
— spikes that hurt anyone who touches him, osse-
ous armor, longer arms and legs, and so forth.
OPTIONS: A character may buy as many of these abili-
1) Greater Resilience: Increase to Power Defense ties as he wishes, perhaps as slots in an Elemental
(30 points). Total cost: 30 points. Control.
2) Lesser Resilience: Decrease to Power Defense Game Information:
(10 points). Total cost: 10 points. Cost Power
3) Tiring Resilience: Add Costs END (-½). 20 Active 41 Spiky Bones: HKA 1d6, Damage Shield (does
Points: total cost 13 points. damage in HTH combat; +¾), Continuous
49 Stable Spiky Bones: As Spiky Bones, but add
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½)
Bone Missiles: Energy Blast 6d6 (physical),
Armor Piercing (+½) (45 Active Points); 10
DNA PROFILE Charges (-¼)
Effect: Detect DNA Profile 16 Bone Armor: Armor (8 PD/8 ED) (24 Active
Target/Area Affected: One character Points); Costs Endurance (-½)
Duration: Constant 8 Armbone Extensions: Stretching 2” (10
Range: Touch Active Points); Limited Body Parts (-¼)
END Cost: 0 6 Legbone Extensions: Running +3”
Description: The character can “read” a subject’s DNA
profile just by touching the subject’s skin, or a tissue or HEALING
fluid sample from the subject. The character can later Effect: Simplified Healing 4d6
recognize the subject using the same power. If the Target/Area Affected: One character
character has an appropriate Science Skill or Knowl- Duration: Instant
edge Skill, he can also recognize and diagnose genetic Range: No Range
diseases that might otherwise go undetected. END Cost: 4
Game Information: Detect DNA Profile (INT Description: Rather than disrupting or warping
Roll) (no Sense Group), Discriminatory, Analyze, another person’s flesh, the character can use his
Microscopic (x1000). Total cost: 22 points. powers to heal and mend.
Game Information: Simplified Healing 4d6.
OPTIONS: Total cost: 40 points.
1) Accurate Profiling: Add +6 PER. Total cost:
28 points. OPTIONS:
2) Generalized Profiling: Remove Analyze. Total 1) Strong Healing: Increase to Simplified Healing
cost: 17 points. 6d6. Total cost: 60 points.
3) Tiring Profiling: Add Costs Endurance (-½). 22 2) Weak Healing: Decrease to Simplified Healing
Active Points; total cost 15 points. 3d6. Total cost: 30 points.
3) Tissue Regeneration: Add Can Heal Limbs. Total
cost: 45 points.
Body Control Powers 15
Major Transform 3d6 (remove
physical disabilities) Characters with this subset of Body Control
Target/Area Affected: One character Powers possess the unusual ability of secreting a
Duration: Instant glue-like substance from their bodies. They can use
Range: Touch this power for a wide variety of effects.
END Cost: 4
Description: The character can repair long-term
damage to another person’s body — anything from Effect: Entangle 6d6, 6 DEF
damage to the eyes, to loss of limbs, to removing Target/Area Affected: One character
scars and tattoos. Duration: Instant
In game terms, this Transform removes Dis- Range: 375”
advantages with physical effects, such as Physi- END Cost: 7
cal Limitations or Distinctive Features. The GM Description: The basic ability of glue is to stick
may also allow it to have related effects, such as things together, and with this power the character
removing some Limitations from powers when can project a blob or blast of glue that sticks to the
they derive from a physical malady of some sort. target and prevents him from moving.
Obviously, this power could prove extremely
unbalancing, so the GM should only allow it into Game Information: Entangle 6d6, 6 DEF, Entan-
the game after careful consideration. If he does gle And Character Both Take Damage (+¼).
allow it, he may also want to forbid characters Total cost: 75 points.
to take certain Disadvantages or Limitations, on
the grounds that a person with this power could OPTIONS:
easily “heal” those problems. 1) Greater Binding: Increase to Entangle 8d6, 8
Game Information: Major Transform 3d6 DEF. Total cost: 100 points.
(person with physical disabilities or deformi- 2) Lesser Binding: Decrease to Entangle 4d6, 4
ties to otherwise identical person without those DEF. Total cost: 50 points.
disabilities or deformities; heals back through
3) Tougher Binding: Increase to Entangle 6d6, 8
another application of this power, Fleshwarp-
DEF. Total cost: 87 points.
ing, or a like power) (45 Active Points); No
Range (-½). Total cost: 30 points. 4) Binding Blob: Decrease to Entangle 5d6, 5 DEF
and add Area Of Effect (One Hex; +½). Total cost:
OPTIONS: 87 points.
5) Big Binding Blob: Decrease to Entangle 4d6, 4
1) Strong Miraculous Healing: Increase to
DEF and add Area Of Effect (5” Radius). Total cost:
Major Transform 4d6 (60 Active Points). Total cost:
90 points.
40 points.
6) Binding Stream: Decrease to Entangle 4d6, 4
2) Weak Miraculous Healing: Decrease to
DEF and add Area Of Effect (20” Line). Total cost:
Major Transform 2d6 (30 Active Points). Total cost:
90 points.
20 points.
7) Easy Binding: Add Reduced Endurance (½
END; +¼). Total cost: 90 points.
8) Effortless Binding: Add Reduced Endurance (0
END; +½). Total cost: 105 points.
9) Stringy Binding: Add Nonresistant DEF (-¼). 75
Active Points; total cost 60 points.
10) Sticky Binding: Decrease to Entangle 5d6, 5
DEF and add Sticky (+½). Total cost: 87 points.
11) Blinding Binding: Add Stops Sight Sense Group.
Total cost: 87 points.
12) Sensory Deprivation Binding: Decrease to
Entangle 4d6, 4 DEF and add Stops Sight, Hearing,
and Smell Sense Groups. Total cost: 87 points.
16 ■ Body Control Powers Hero System 5th Edition
Effect: Endurance Reserve (100 END, Effect: Clinging (normal STR +30),
10 REC) Damage Shield
Target/Area Affected: Self Target/Area Affected: One or more characters
Duration: Persistent Duration: Constant
Range: Self Range: Touch
END Cost: 0 END Cost: 3
Description: The character’s body can only produce Description: The character’s very skin is sticky. He
so much glue at once. may be made of glue, exude glue from his pores, or
have a property of stickiness for some other reason.
Game Information: Endurance Reserve (100
In any event, anyone — or anything — touching
END, 10 REC). Total cost: 20 points.
him automatically sticks to him.
OPTIONS: Game Information: Clinging (Normal STR
+30), Damage Shield (+½) (30 Active Points);
1) Bigger Supply: Increase to Endurance Reserve Costs Endurance (-½). Total cost: 20 points.
(150 END, 10 REC). Total cost: 25 points.
2) Smaller Supply: Decrease to Endurance Reserve OPTIONS:
(50 END, 10 REC). Total cost: 15 points.
1) Strong Glue: Increase to Clinging (Normal STR
3) Faster Recovery: Increase to Endurance Reserve + 60). 45 Active Points; total cost 30 points.
(100 END, 15 REC). Total cost: 25 points.
2) Weak Glue: Decrease to Clinging (Normal STR).
4) Slower Recovery: Decrease to Endurance 15 Active Points; total cost 10 points.
Reserve (100 END, 5 REC). Total cost: 15 points.
3) Sticky Plague: The glue spreads quickly, so anyone
5) Limited Recovery: Add Personal REC (-½) to trying to free someone who’s become stuck must suc-
the REC. 20 Active Points; total cost 17 points. ceed immediately or also become stuck. Add Sticky
(+½). 40 Active Points; total cost 27 points.
4) Easy Glue: Remove Costs Endurance (-½). Total
Effect: Healing BODY 3d6, Can Heal
cost: 30 points.
Limbs, Simple Objects Only
Target/Area Affected: One object 5) Glue Baby: Remove Costs Endurance (-½) and
Duration: Instant add Persistent (+½) and Always On (-½). 40 Active
Range: No Range Points; total cost 27 points.
END Cost: 3
Description: The character can glue broken objects
back together. This only works on simple objects Effect: Knockback Resistance -10”
such as walls, doors, furniture, Ming vases, and the Target/Area Affected: Self
like; it will not work on complex machines such as Duration: Constant
vehicles, computers, or similar devices. The power Range: Self
also cannot repair damage done by fire, chemicals, END Cost: 2 to activate
or anything else other than simple breakage. The Description: The character exudes glue from his feet,
fact that the object has been glued back together is fastening himself to the ground. This makes it more
obvious; the cracks can still be seen. difficult to knock him with powerful attacks.
Game Information: Healing BODY 3d6 (30 Game Information: Knockback Resistance -10”
Active Points); Does Not Work Against Energy (20 Active Points); Costs Endurance (to acti-
Damage (-½), Simple Objects Only (-2). Total vate; -¼). Total cost: 16 points.
cost: 9 points.
1) Extra Sticky: Increase to Knockback Resistance
1) Greater Repair: Increase to Healing BODY 4d6. -15”. 30 Active Points; total cost 24 points.
40 Active Points; total cost 11 points. 2) Not So Sticky: Decrease to Knockback Resis-
2) Lesser Repair: Decrease to Healing BODY 2d6. tance -5”. 10 Active Points; total cost 8 points.
20 Active Points; total cost 6 points. 3) Tiring Stickiness: Change to Costs Endurance
(-½). Total cost: 13 points.
4) Tireless Stickiness: Remove Costs Endurance
(-¼). Total cost: 20 points.
Body Control Powers 17
1) Very Sticky Ground: Increase to Entangle 6d6, 6
DEF. 210 Active Points; total cost 47 points.
2) Not So Sticky Ground: Decrease to Entangle 3d6,
3 DEF. 105 Active Points; total cost 23 points.
3) Easy Sticky Ground: Add Reduced Endurance (½
END; +¼). 150 Active Points; total cost 33 points.
4) Large Sticky Ground: Increase to Area Of Effect (40”
Any Area; +1½). 200 Active Points; total cost 44 points.
18 ■ Body Control Powers Hero System 5th Edition
Category Body Control Powers Subject ID Fleshtone Scale: 14? Mode
—From a report by
UNTIL agent Pamela
Chaos And Entropy Powers 19
The category of Chaos and Entropy Powers OPTIONS:
gives the character control over the essential
forces of decay, disintegration, and disorder on all 1) Greater Manipulation: Increase to Major Trans-
levels. While the source of such powers is typically form 4d6. Total cost: 105 points.
something like evil magic or endowment from 2) Weak Manipulation: Decrease to Major Transform
the Primal Lords of Chaos (as seen in The Mystic 2d6. Total cost: 52 points.
World), there are plenty of characters who gain 3) Easy Manipulation: Add Reduced Endurance (½
powers of this type from an accident, experiment, END; +¼). Total cost: 90 points.
or just a mutant ability.
While the abilities shown here are at the level of 4) Effortless Manipulation: Add Reduced Endurance
standard Champions-level superheroes and supervil- (0 END; +½). Total cost: 101 points.
lains, most demonstrations of these powers are at a 5) Tiring Manipulation: Add Increased Endurance
much higher level, especially in the case of villains. Cost (x3 END; -1). 79 Active Points; total cost 39
These tend to be epic villains meant to challenge even points.
entire teams of Galactic Champions heroes.
6) Ongoing Manipulation: Decrease to Major
Other power categories with abilities of potential
Transform 2d6 and add Continuous (+1). Total
interest to a chaos controller include Acid Powers,
cost 82 points.
Body Control Powers, Cosmic Energy Powers,
Dimensional Manipulation Powers, Emotion Control CHAOS OF THE MIND
Powers, Luck Powers, Matter Manipulation Powers,
Effect: Ego Attack 4d6
Teleportation Powers, Time Powers, and Miscel-
Target/Area Affected: One character
laneous Powers — in the last case, the Death Touch
Duration: Instant
ability on page 260 of the UNTIL Superpowers Data-
Range: 200”
base is particularly appropriate.
END Cost: 4
Description: The character can cloud a target’s mind
OFFENSIVE POWERS with chaotic images and thoughts, confusing him.
Game Information: Ego Attack 4d6 (40 Active
AGE MANIPULATION Points); Normal Range Modifier (-½). Total
Effect: Major Transform 3d6 (aging), cost: 27 points.
Partial Transform
Target/Area Affected: One character OPTIONS:
Duration: Instant
1) Greater Chaos: Increase to Ego Attack 6d6. 60
Range: 395”
Active Points; total cost 40 points.
END Cost: 8
2) Lesser Chaos: Decrease to Ego Attack 3d6. 30
Description: The character can advance or regress
Active Points; total cost 20 points.
the age of a person, making him into a younger or
older version of himself. This may cause related 3) Easy Chaos: Add Reduced Endurance (½ END;
changes as well; for example, a mutant whose +¼). 50 Active Points; total cost 33 points.
powers manifested during puberty loses those 4) Effortless Chaos: Add Reduced Endurance (0
powers if regressed to age 5, and a person aged to END; +½). 60 Active Points; total cost 40 points.
the point of senility probably loses most if not all of
his abilities. 5) Tiring Chaos: Add Increased Endurance Cost (x4
END; -1½). 40 Active Points; total cost 13 points.
Game Information: Major Transform 3d6 (any-
6) Chaos by Sight: Remove Normal Range Modifier
thing into older/younger/newer version of itself;
(-½). Total cost: 40 points.
heals via the application of any time-manipu-
lation or Order-based power), Improved Result
Group (+¼), Partial Transform (+½). Total
cost: 79 Active Points.
20 ■ Chaos And Entropy Powers Hero System 5th Edition
CHAOTIC BLAST 5) Tiring Destruction: Add Increased Endurance Cost
Effect: Energy Blast 9d6 (x3 END; -1). 45 Active Points; total cost 20 points.
Target/Area Affected: One character 6) Powerful Destruction: Add Penetrating (+½). 67
Duration: Instant Active Points; total cost 54 points.
Range: 225”
7) Unreliable Destruction: Add Activation Roll 13- (-
END Cost: 4
¾). 45 Active Points; total cost 22 points.
Description: The character summons the force of
8) Continued Destruction: Decrease to RKA 2d6
chaos to damage a target.
and add Continuous (+1). 60 Active Points; total
Game Information: Energy Blast 9d6 (45 cost 48 points.
Active Points); No Knockback (-¼). Total cost: 9) Spreading Destruction: Add Sticky (+½). 67
36 points. Active Points; total cost 54 points.
Category Chaos And Entropy Powers Subject ID Entropy Scale: 18 Mode
Category Chaos And Entropy Powers Subject ID Entropy Scale: 18 Mode
Force Wall (10 PD/10 ED)
Target/Area Affected: 1 hex
“This artist’s rendition Duration: Constant ENTER THE REALM OF CHAOS
shows Entropy using Range: 250” Effect: Extra-Dimensional Movement
a power we know he END Cost: 5 (to a Chaos dimension)
possesses, but which Target/Area Affected: Self
has not been captured Description: The character creates a barrier that
stops anything from passing by dissipating all types Duration: Instant
on film since it’s not an
ability he’s likely to use of energy — and many types of matter. Range: Self
in combat. In effect he END Cost: 2
somehow focuses on the Game Information: Force Wall (10 PD/10 ED).
Description: The character’s ties to Chaos are so
trillions of probabilities Total cost: 50 points.
complete that he can travel to Beulah, the Realm of
and possibilities avail- Chaos (see The Mystic World, page 47); the Qlipho-
able and manipulates OPTIONS: thic World (The Mystic World, page 48); or some
the “threads of chaos”
(according to Dr. White) 1) Stronger Wall: Increase to Force Wall (12 PD/12 other dimension of Chaos or Entropy fitting the
to open a “portal” that ED). Total cost: 60 points. GM’s multiverse.
allows him to view dis- 2) Weaker Wall: Decrease to Force Wall (8 PD/8 Game Information: Extra-Dimensional Move-
tant locations. Sounds
ED). Total cost: 40 points. ment (to a single location in Beulah, the Qli-
like a crock of nawoz to
me, but I can’t deny that 3) Easy Wall: Add Reduced Endurance (½ END; phothic World, or some equivalent dimension).
it works somehow.” +¼). Total cost: 62 points. Total cost: 20 points.
7) Transparent Wall: Add Personal Immunity (+¼). 3) Tiring Entrance: Add Increased Endurance Cost
Total cost: 62 points. (x3 END; -1). 20 Active Points; total cost 10 points.
8) Big Wall: Add +5” wide. Total cost: 60 points. 4) Enter The Realm With Me: Add x2 Mass. Total
cost: 25 points.
9) Retributive Wall: Add Backlash (+½). Total cost:
75 points. 5) Let’s All Visit Chaos: Add x16 Mass. Total cost:
40 points.
Chaos And Entropy Powers 27
1) Longer Threads: Increase to Teleportation 30”. 5) Effortless Deterioration: Add Reduced Endurance
Total cost: 60 points. (0 END; +½). Total cost: 60 points.
2) Shorter Threads: Decrease to Teleportation 10”. 6) Tiring Deterioration: Add Increased Endurance Cost
Total cost: 20 points. (x3 END; -1). 40 Active Points; total cost 20 points.
13) Uncontrolled Riding: The character cannot con- 3) Accurate Sensing: Add Discriminatory. Total cost
trol exactly where he’ll end up when he teleports, 25 points.
except that he won’t be inside a solid object. Add 4) Very Accurate Sensing: Add Discriminatory and
Safe Blind Teleport (+¼) and No Conscious Con- Analyze. Total cost 30 points.
trol (-1). 50 Active Points; total cost 25 points. 5) Completely Accurate Sensing: Add Discrimina-
tory and Targeting. Total cost 35 points.
28 ■ Chaos And Entropy Powers Hero System 5th Edition
POINTS OF ENTROPY 7) Difficult Temporal Viewport: As Temporal Viewport,
Effect: Find Weakness 11- but also add Attack Roll Required (-¼) and Time
Target/Area Affected: One character Modifiers (-½). 80 Active Points; total cost 46 points.
Duration: Persistent 8) Easy Viewport: Add Reduced Endurance (½
Range: Self END; +¼). Total cost: 50 points.
END Cost: 0
9) Effortless Viewport: Add Reduced Endurance (0
Description: The character’s sense of entropy reveals END; +½). Total cost: 60 points.
points of weakness in a target’s defenses.
10) Tiring Viewport: Add Increased Endurance Cost
Game Information: Find Weakness 11- with all (x3 END; -1). 40 Active Points; total cost 20 points.
Chaos/Entropy attacks. Total cost: 20 points.
1) Mobile Viewport: Add Mobile Perception Point. Devoted Horror: Add Devoted (+¾). Total cost:
Total cost: 45 points. 175 points.
2) Long-Range Viewport: The character can remotely Slavish Horror: Add Slavishly Devoted (+1).
view a location nearly anyplace on the planet. Total cost: 200 points.
Change to:
2) Multiple Horrors: The character can summon
Cost Power more than one horror.
45 Viewport of Chaos: Multipower, 45-point
reserve Pair Of Horrors: Increase to 2 498-point Amor-
4u 1) Local Viewport: Clairsentience (Sight phous Horrors. Total cost 105 points.
Group), 16x Range (1,600”)
Squad Of Horrors: Increase to 8 498-point
4u 2) Distant Viewport: Clairsentience (Sight
Amorphous Horrors. Total cost 115 points.
Group), MegaScale (1” = 1,000 km, can scale
back to 1” = 1 km; +1¼). Platoon Of Horrors: Increase to 64 498-point
3) Multiple Viewports: Add Multiple Perception Amorphous Horrors. Total cost 130 points.
Points (up to four at once). Total cost: 50 points. Army Of Horrors: Increase to 500 498-point
4) Audio Viewport: The character can hear as well as see Amorphous Horrors. Total cost 145 points.
at a distance. Add Hearing Group. Total cost: 50 points. Invasion Of Horrors: Increase to 2,000 498-point
5) Internal Viewport: The character cannot see in his Amorphous Horrors. Total cost 155 points.
own location while using the Power. Add Blackout
(-½). 40 Active Points; total cost 27 points. 3) Easy Horror: Add Reduced Endurance (½ END;
6) Temporal Viewport: The character can view +¼). Total cost: 125 points.
through time. Add Precognition and Retrocogni- 4) Effortless Horror: Add Reduced Endurance (0
tion. Total cost: 80 points. END; +½). Total cost: 150 points.
Chaos And Entropy Powers 29
Effect: Force Wall (30 PD/30 ED), Effect: Various Sensory Powers
Hardened Target/Area Affected: Self
Target/Area Affected: One planet Duration: Persistent
Duration: Constant Range: Self
Range: 2,625” END Cost: 0
END Cost: 0 Description: One trait possessed by many charac-
Description: The character can erect a force field ters with Cosmic Energy powers, particularly those
large enough to protect an entire planet. The field of the “space god” or “cosmic” archetype, is a power-
keeps anyone from leaving or landing on the planet ful sensory ability often known as “cosmic aware-
(except the character himself) unless they first ness.” It gives the character the ability to perceive
break through the shield. universally — to know what’s going on throughout
Reality and to see whatever he needs to see.
Game Information: Force Wall (30 PD/30
In HERO System terms, there are many ways
ED), Hardened (+¼), MegaScale (1” =
you can simulate Cosmic Awareness (including the
100,000 km; +1½), Personal Immunity (+¼),
simple form of this power on page 42 of The UNTIL
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (525 Active
Superpowers Database). Listed below are several pos-
Points); Restricted Shape (sphere; -¼). Total
sibilities; a character can buy some or all of them, as
cost: 420 points.
he wishes. But of course, given the potential game
balance problems these abilities can create, he has to
OPTIONS: get the GM’s permission before doing so.
1) Strong Planetary Shield: Increase to Force In games on the sort of scale where True
Wall (40 PD/40 ED). 700 Active Points; total cost Cosmic Awareness would be used, the “any area”
560 points. for Danger Sense can be defined however the GM
wishes. The HERO System 5th Edition, Revised rec-
2) Weak Planetary Shield: Decrease to Force Wall (20 ommends restricting it to a planetary level. If the
PD/20 ED). 350 Active Points; total cost 280 points. GM does this, characters can increase the range as
3) Personal Planetary Shield: The character can follows: for an additional +5 points, to an entire
only use the Shield to protect a planet that he’s star cluster (or similar region of the Galaxy); for
on, and cannot leave the planet while the Shield an additional +5 points, to an entire galaxy; for an
remains in place. Remove Personal Immunity (+¼) additional +5 points, to throughout Reality. (The
and add No Range (-½). 487 Active Points; total power described below uses this rule.)
cost 278 points. Game Information:
4) Tiring Planetary Shield: Decrease Reduced Cost Power
Endurance to ½ END (+¼). 487 Active Points; total 63 Cosmic Awareness (Perceive Everything):
cost 390 points. Detect Physical Objects, Energy, and Magic
5) Let This World Be Your Prison: The character can (INT Roll) (no Sense Group), Discrimina-
only use the Planetary Shield to trap one person tory, Analyze, Increased Arc Of Perception
on a planet. He must choose this person when he (360 Degrees), Range, Sense, Targeting, Tele-
creates the Shield, and may not change it afterward. scopic (+12 versus Range Modifier), Tracking
Remove Personal Immunity (+¼) and add Persis- 283 Cosmic Awareness (Cosmic Scale): MegaScale
tent (+½) and Only Versus One Specific Individual (1” = 1,000 light-years, can scale down to 1”
(-2). 562 Active Points; total cost 173 points. = 1 km; +4½) for Detect Physical Objects,
Energy, and Magic
57 Cosmic Awareness (Threat Awareness):
Danger Sense (any area [all Reality], any
danger, sense) (INT Roll)
75 Cosmic Awareness (Sense Weaknesses): Find
Weakness 20- with All Attacks
Cosmic Energy Powers 31
Category Cosmic Energy Powers Subject ID Supernova Scale: 30 Mode
1) Greater Reserves: Increase to Endurance
COSMIC POWER RESERVES Reserve (300 END, 30 REC). Total cost: 60 points.
“NASA probes cap-
tured this picture of an Effect: Endurance Reserve (200 END, 2) Smaller Reserves: Decrease to Endurance
unknown superhuman 30 REC) Reserve (150 END, 20 REC). Total cost: 35 points.
flying near Mars, using Target/Area Affected: Self 3) Faster Recovery: Increase to Endurance Reserve
his powers to, appar- Duration: Persistent (200 END, 40 REC). Total cost: 60 points.
ently, open a wormhole Range: Self
for faster travel through 4) Much Faster Recovery: Increase to Endurance
space. Power readings
END Cost: 0 Reserve (200 END, 50 REC). Total cost: 70 points.
obtained by the probes Description: The character’s body stores the cosmic 5) Slower Recovery: Decrease to Endurance
indicated the being’s power that fuels his powers.
power level was off the Reserve (200 END, 20 REC). Total cost: 40 points.
charts — a not uncom- Game Information: Endurance Reserve (200
mon result for beings END, 30 REC). Total cost: 50 points.
able to exist effortlessly
in outer space. Captain
Chronos has told us the
being’s name is Super-
nova and that he comes
from the thirty-first
century, but would say
no more.”
—from a report by
mander Rodney Currie
Cyberkinesis Powers 33
Succor Machine Powers 6d6
Target/Area Affected: One machine
CYBERMORPHING Duration: Constant
Effect: Major Transform 3d6 Range: 260”
(machines to other machines, END Cost: 5
or spare parts into machines) Description: The character can increase the power
Target/Area Affected: One machine or collection of output of any single function of any single machine
spare parts (even if that machine has multiple components
Duration: Instant working in tandem, such as jet-boots).
Range: No Range
END Cost: 4 Game Information: Succor Machine Powers
6d6, any Machine Power one at a time (+¼),
Description: The character has the ability to cyberki-
Ranged (+½). Total cost: 52 points.
netically transmutate one machine into another
machine, or a collection of spare parts into a work-
ing machine. The GM determines the BODY of the OPTIONS:
machine or spare parts (see the HERO System 5th Edi- 1) Strong Power Boost: Increase to Succor 8d6.
tion, Revised rulebook, pages 447-49, for guidelines). Total cost: 70 points.
The rules for adding or removing abilities with Trans-
form (page 239 of the rulebook) apply. Depending on 2) Weak Power Boost: Decrease to Succor 4d6.
the situation, the GM may limit the scope of what the Total cost: 35 points.
character can do with this power based on the mate- 3) Power Boost Touch: The character has to touch
rial he’s got to work with and the degree of similarity a machine to enhance its power. Remove Ranged
between the two machines. For example, a cyberkinetic (+½). Total cost: 37 points.
could Transform a television remote control into an 4) Lasting Power Boost: Change to Aid Machine
infrared laser pistol, but not into a starter motor. Powers 3d6. Total cost: 52 points.
Game Information: Major Transform 3d6 5) Expanded Power Boost I: The character can
(machine into any other type of machine, increase the power of all functions of a single
or spare parts into working machine; heals machine. Change to Succor Machine Powers 3d6,
back by being taken apart or destroyed, or any two Machine Powers simultaneously (+½).
subjected to another use of this power) (45 Total cost: 30 points.
Active Points); No Range (-½), Limited Target
6) Expanded Power Boost II: As Expanded Power
(machines and spare parts for machines; -½).
Boost II, but change to any four Machine Powers
Total cost: 22 points.
simultaneously (+1). Total cost: 37 points.
OPTIONS: 7) Expanded Power Boost III: As Expanded Power
Boost II, but change to all Machine Powers simulta-
1) Strong Cybermorphing: Increase to Major Trans- neously (+2). Total cost: 52 points.
form 4d6. 60 Active Points; total cost 30 points.
8) Multiple Machine Boost: The character can affect
2) Weak Cybermorphing: Decrease to Major Trans- all machines in a given area, though only for one
form 2d6. 30 Active Points; total cost 15 points. function at a time. Decrease to Succor Machine
3) Ranged Cybermorphing: The character can trans- Power 4d6 and add Area Of Effect (4” Radius; +1).
mutate machines at range. Remove No Range (-½). Total cost: 55 points.
Total cost: 30 points.
34 ■ Cyberkinesis Powers Hero System 5th Edition
Category Cyberkinesis Subject ID The Engineer Scale: 14 Mode
SUBJECT ID: CYBERKINETIC CHAUFFEUR Game Information: Summon one motor vehicle
THE ENGINEER Effect: Summon one motor vehicle built on up to 300 total points, Expanded Class
built on up to 300 total points, (motor vehicles; +½), Slavishly Loyal (+1) (150
“A recent battle at a LOS Required Active Points); Arrives Under Own Power
construction site that Target/Area Affected: One motor vehicle (-½), Summoned Being Must Inhabit Locale
pitted Defender, Witch- Duration: Instant (-½), Character Must Have LOS To Vehicle To
craft, and Nighthawk of Range: No Range Summon It (-½). Total cost: 60 points.
the Champions against
END Cost: 15
the Engineer provided
a perfect example of Description: The character can remotely activate
the Engineer’s ability to any motor vehicle he can see and cause it to come 1) Strong Chauffeur: Increase to one motor vehicle
instantly create machin- to him and then obey his commands as he rides in built on up to 500 total points. 250 Active Points;
ery out of spare parts it. The car uses its own DEX and SPD, not the char- total cost 100 points.
— or other machines. acter’s DEX and SPD. The vehicle is totally “loyal” to
This leaves armored 2) Weak Chauffeur: Decrease to one motor vehicle
him, though someone else could physical take con-
superheroes such as built on up to 200 total points. 100 Active Points;
Defender particularly trol of it away from him (by, for example, leaping
total cost 40 points.
vulnerable to her abili- into the driver’s seat and grabbing the wheel).
ties. As seen here, she
began turning his armor
into harmless little toys
and scrap parts. Had
Witchcraft and Night-
hawk not been present
to keep her off-balance
while Defender made
some hasty repairs,
it’s likely things would
have gone badly for the
Champions’ leader.”
OFFENSIVE POWERS 5) Ongoing Confrontation: As long as the target
remains within the character’s Darkness, the Trans-
form effect continues to work on him. Decrease to
CONFRONT YOUR INNER SELF Major Transform 3d6, add Continuous (+1), and
Effect: Major Transform 6d6 (bad remove All Or Nothing (-½). 90 Active Points; total
person to good person), Only cost 40 points.
Versus Persons In Darkness 6) Confrontation Field: This form of the power
Target/Area Affected: One character works in conjunction with the character’s Darkness.
Duration: Instant Every evil or selfish person inside the Darkness
Range: No Range field suffers the effects for as long as they remain
END Cost: 9 within the field. The Confrontation effect can cover
Description: The character’s field of Darkness is up to 6”, but it’s limited to the extent of the char-
so potent, so frightening, that the can force evil, acter’s Darkness field. Change to Major Transform
mean-spirited, and just plain bad people trapped 2d6, Area Of Effect (up to 6” Radius; +1), Continu-
inside it to examine their inner selves. Thoroughly ous (+1) (90 Active Points); Linked (to Darkness;
disgusted by what he sees, the victim immediately -½), Limited Target (sentient beings; -¼). Total
has a change of heart and becomes a better person. cost: 51 points.
Some people, however, are too evil to change, and
can resist the effect.
In game terms, this effect is a Major Trans- Effect: Telekinesis (30 STR)
form of the Spirit. It only affects persons inside Target/Area Affected: One character
the character’s own Darkness field; it doesn’t Duration: Instant
work against persons in other types of shadow, Range: 225”
shade, or darkness. END Cost: 4
Game Information: Major Transform 6d6 Description: The character creates a field of dark
(bad person to good person) (90 Active energy so intense that it develops some physical
Points); Limited Target (sentient beings; -¼), properties — he can shape the field into a “hand”
All Or Nothing (-½), Only Versus Persons In that can move things around, strike or squeeze
Character’s Darkness (-½), No Range (-½). them, and perform other tasks.
Total cost: 33 points. Game Information: Telekinesis (30 STR). Total
cost: 45 points.
1) Stronger Confrontation: Increase to Major Trans-
form 8d6. 120 Active Points; total cost 44 points. 1) Stronger Hands: Increase to Telekinesis (40
2) Weaker Confrontation: Decrease to Major Trans- STR). Total cost: 60 points.
form 4d6. 60 Active Points; total cost 22 points. 2) Weaker Hands: Decrease to Telekinesis (20 STR).
3) Ranged Confrontation: The character doesn’t Total cost: 30 points.
have to touch the target to affect him. Remove No 3) Fine Hands: The character can shape and control
Range (-½). Total cost: 40 points. the hands precisely enough to do fine work. Add
4) Dark Mirror: This variant power doesn’t actually Fine Manipulation. Total cost: 55 points.
Transform anyone. It simply confronts the target 4) Lifting Hands: The hands cannot strike or
with a vision of his own evil or selfish conduct squeeze objects, but only move them around. Add
in the hope of “scaring him straight.” Change to Affects Whole Object (-¼). 45 Active Points; total
Mental Illusions 18d6 (90 Active Points); No Range cost 36 points.
(-½), Requires A DEX Roll (assumes DEX Roll of
13-; -¾), Only Versus Persons In Character’s Dark-
ness (-½), No Conscious Control (only to force
target to visualize his evil/selfish conduct; -1). Total
cost: 24 points.
38 ■ Darkness Powers Hero System 5th Edition
Effect: Change Environment 32” Effect: Force Wall (8 PD/8 ED),
radius, -4 to Normal Sight PER Opaque, Only For Englobing
Rolls Target/Area Affected: 1” Radius
Target/Area Affected: 32” Radius Duration: Constant
Duration: Constant Range: 260”
Range: 225” END Cost: 5
END Cost: 4 Description: The character can create a globe of
Description: The character can create darkness over quasi-solid shadow that englobes the target, trap-
an area — not total darkness, but the kind of dark- ping him and preventing him from seeing out (or
ness one experiences on a moonless night. others from seeing him).
Game Information: Change Environment 32” Game Information: Force Wall (8 PD/8 ED, 2”
radius, -4 to Normal Sight PER Rolls, Personal long), Opaque (Sight Group) (52 Active Points);
Immunity (+¼). Total cost: 45 points. Only To Englobe (-½). Total cost: 35 points.
1) Larger Shadows: Increase to 125” radius. Total 1) Strong Sphere: Increase to Force Wall (12 PD/12
cost: 57 points. ED). 72 Active Points; total cost 48 points.
2) Really Large Shadows: Increase to 500” radius. 2) Weak Sphere: Decrease to Force Wall (6 PD/6
Total cost: 70 points. ED). 42 Active Points; total cost 28 points.
3) Smaller Shadows: Decrease to 8” radius. Total 3) Large Sphere: Increase length of Force Wall to
cost: 32 points. 4”. 56 Active Points; total cost 37 points.
4) Moonlit Shadows: Decrease to -2 to Normal
Sight PER Rolls. Total cost: 40 points.
5) Restrictive Shadows: The character is affected by
his own power. Remove Personal Immunity (+¼).
Total cost: 36 points. EYES OF DARKNESS
Effect: Sight Group Flash Defense (10
6) Centered Shadows: Add No Range (-½). 45
Active Points; total cost 30 points.
Target/Area Affected: Self
7) Effortless Shadows: Add Reduced Endurance (0 Duration: Persistent
END; +½). Total cost: 63 points. Range: Self
END Cost: 0
Description: The character’s eyes are either made of
darkness, surrounded by darkness, or in some other
way protected by darkness, so bright flashes of light
don’t bother him so much.
Game Information: Sight Group Flash Defense
(10 points) (10 Active Points); Only Versus
Light-Based Effects (-¼). Total cost: 8 points.
1) Strong Eyes: Increase to Sight Group Flash Defense
(15 points). 15 Active Points; total cost 12 points.
2) Lesser Eyes: Decrease to Sight Group Flash
Defense (5 points). 5 Active Points; total cost 4 points.
3) Tiring Eyes: The power only works when the
character puts some effort into it. Add Costs
Endurance (-½). Total cost: 6 points.
Density Alteration Powers 39
Major Transform 6d6 (normal
being into being too heavy to
Effect: Change Environment, -5 DCV, Target/Area Affected: One character
-5 to DEX Rolls, -8” Movement Duration: Instant
Target/Area Affected: 8” Radius Range: 30”
Duration: Constant END Cost: 9
Range: 645” Description: The character can make another
END Cost: 5 character, or other living being, so heavy that the
Description: The character creates a field where target cannot move. His weight pins him to the
everyone is denser than normal, and so suffers the ground, preventing him from doing anything. He
penalties of carrying extra weight even though he can’t move, stand up, or use any powers the GM
had none. deems depend on the ability to move (including
The effects of this power are built using the most powers with the Limitations Focus, Gestures,
rules for encumbrance (HERO System 5th Edition, Incantations, and/or Restrainable).
Revised, page 379) as guidelines. As it stands, the For campaigns that want to be “realistic,”
field affects everyone equally, regardless of STR. the GM should make a character who buys this
If you want to be more “realistic” and account power declare exactly how heavy he can make the
for high STR, reduce each combat effect by 1 for target. The GM can then evaluate the target’s STR
every 5 points of STR a victim has above 10. At versus his imposed weight to determine if he is, in
the GM’s option, this might even qualify for a -¼ fact, unable to move (based on the target’s lifting
or -½ Limitation on the power. capacity, the Encumbrance rules, and so forth).
In campaigns where “realism” is less of a concern,
Game Information: Change Environment 8” assume the character can always make the target
radius, Multiple Combat Effects, -5 DCV, -5 to too heavy to move, regardless of the target’s STR. In
DEX Rolls, -8” Running, Personal Immunity either case, the target may do crushing damage to
(+¼), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼). Total whatever surface he’s on (see page 422 of the HERO
cost: 129 points. System 5th Edition, Revised).
Characters can only buy this power with the
OPTIONS: GM’s permission. It uses Transform to, in many
1) Larger Encumbrance Field: Increase to 32” radius. ways, simulate the effects of an Entangle, which
Total cost: 144 points. is against the rules. (See Too Heavy To Move,
USPG page 58, for an example of a similar power
2) Smaller Encumbrance Field: Decrease to 2” built with Entangle.) In this case, the Transform
radius. Total cost: 114 points. gets around some of the inherent drawbacks of
3) Easy Encumbrance Field: Increase to Reduced Entangle (such as the fact that it’s impossible to
Endurance (0 END; +½). Total cost: 150 points. build an Entangle the victim can’t try to break
4) Tiring Encumbrance Field: Remove Reduced out of), but that may prove too unbalancing for
Endurance (+¼). Total cost: 107 points. many campaigns.
Game Information: Major Transform 6d6
(normal being into being too heavy to move)
(90 Active Points; heals back in 1 Hour or
through another application of this power);
Limited Range (30”; -¼), Limited Target (living
beings; -¼). Total cost: 60 points.
1) Really Heavy: Increase to Major Transform 9d6.
135 Active Points; total cost 90 points.
2) Less Heavy: Decrease to Major Transform 4d6.
60 Active Points; total cost 40 points.
40 ■ Density Alteration Powers Hero System 5th Edition
3) Ever-Increasing Heaviness: The character can’t
make the target too heavy at first, but over time SENSORY POWERS
the power builds to the point where it can stop
anything. Decrease to Major Transform 2d6 and MASS JUDGMENT
add Continuous (+1). 60 Active Points; total cost Effect: Detect Exact Weight
40 points. Target/Area Affected: One character
Duration: Constant
END Cost:
Description: The character’s sensitivity to mass and
BLINK INTANGIBILITY density is so great that he can judge the weight of
Effect: +6 DCV an object or person just by touching it.
Target/Area Affected: Self
Game Information: Detect Exact Weight (No
Duration: Constant
Sense Group). Total cost: 3 points.
Range: Self
END Cost: 3
Description: The character can reflexively render
himself intangible. This makes it much harder for 1) Improved Mass Judgment: Add +5 to PER. Total
an attacker to strike him successfully; many attacks cost: 8 points.
that would otherwise hit him miss because he 2) Analytical Mass Judgment: The character not
phases out of existence right before they hit him, only can tell how much the object weighs, but can
then resolidifies a micro-second later. gather information about why it weighs what it
Game Information: +6 DCV (30 Active Points); does — where its center of gravity is, what parts (if
Costs Endurance (-½), Does Not Work While any) are hollow or have extra-dense fillers, and so
Density Increase Or Desolidification Are Active on. Add Discriminatory and Analyze. Total cost: 13
(-1), Does Not Work Against Affects Desolidi- points.
fied Attacks (-¼). Total cost: 11 points. 3) Ranged Mass Judgment: Add Range. Total cost:
8 points.
OPTIONS: 4) Automatic Mass Judgment: Add Sense. Total cost:
1) Strong Blink Intangibility: Increase to +8 DCV. 40 5 points.
Active Points; total cost 14 points. 5) Tiring Mass Judgment: Add Costs Endurance
2) Weak Blink Intangibility: Decrease to +4 DCV. 20 (-½). Total cost: 2 points.
Active Points; total cost 7 points.
Effect: Mental Defense (25 points +
(EGO/5)), Linked (to Desolidifi-
Target/Area Affected: Self
Duration: Constant
Range: Self
END Cost: 0
Description: While he’s intangible, the character’s
mind is so “diffuse” that characters with Mental
Powers have trouble “touching” or attacking it.
Game Information: Mental Defense (25 points
+ (EGO/5)) (25 Active Points); Linked (to
Desolidification; -½). Total cost: 17 points.
1) Strong Mind: Increase to Mental Defense (30 points
+ (EGO/5)). 30 Active Points; total cost 20 points.
2) Weak Mind: Decrease to Mental Defense (20 points
+ (EGO/5)). 20 Active Points; total cost 13 points.
Dimensional Manipulation Powers 41
1) Strong Zone: Increase to 16” radius. 255 Active
DISTANCE DISTORTION ZONE Points; total cost 204 points.
Effect: Change Environment (increase 2) Weak Zone: Decrease to 4” radius. 232 Active
the seeming scale of distance Points; total cost 186 points.
within the defined area), addi- 3) Safe Zone: The character doesn’t suffer the dis-
tional -6 to Range Modifier tortion effect due to his ability to warp the dimen-
Target/Area Affected: 8” radius sional fabric. Add Personal Immunity (+¼). 289
Duration: Constant Active Points; total cost 231 points.
Range: 100”
END Cost: 0
Description: The character can manipulate the MISCELLANEOUS POWERS
fabric of reality to create a zone 8” across that
seems like it’s actually 80” across to those within DIMENSIONAL VAULT
it. This affects how long it takes people to cross the Effect: Extra-Dimensional Movement
area, the Range Modifier they suffer for making (to pocket dimension)
Ranged attacks into or through the distance distor- Target/Area Affected: Self
tion zone, and the like. Duration: Instant
This power requires the GM’s permission to Range: Self
buy, since it’s built using Change Environment in END Cost: 2
a somewhat unorthodox way. The primary combat
effect is to increase the Range Modifier, which costs Description: The character controls a “pocket
4 Character Points for each additional -1 added to dimension” or other small section of interdimen-
the standard Range Modifier. The normal Range sional space that only he can access and use. Mostly
Modifier for 8” is -2; that for 80” is -8, so the power it’s just good for storing things, but occasionally it’s
adds -6 to the Range Modifier. Of course, the exact worth spending time there when he really wants to
modifier suffered by a character firing into, out of, be alone.
or through the field depends on the relative dis- Game Information: Extra-Dimensional Move-
tance between him and his target; it’s not necessar- ment (to a single physical location in pocket
ily always going to be -8. dimension). Total cost: 20 points.
The effect on movement is somewhat more dif-
ficult, since the power’s supposed to have an absolute
effect regardless of the number of inches of move- PLANAR REACH
ment a character has — the zone basically reduces Effect: Stretching 1”, Transdimen-
anyone’s ability to move through it to one-tenth of sional
normal. To simulate this, the power imposes -5” on all Target/Area Affected: Self
physical modes of movement (Flight, Gliding, Leap- Duration: Constant
ing, Running, Swimming, Swinging, Teleportation, Range: Self
and Tunneling). Following Rule #6 on page 543 of END Cost: 1
the HERO System 5th Edition, Revised core rulebook, Description: The character has the ability to reach
the GM should apply this combat effect not as a strict into other dimensions and touch, punch, or grab
reduction in the inches of movement of anyone in the things in them. (He can’t necessarily grasp some-
zone, but as a requirement to cross 80” rather than 8” thing and “pull” it back into his current dimension,
to get across the zone. though, unless the GM chooses to allow this.)
Game Information: Change Environment (create However, he can’t perceive into the other dimen-
distance distortion zone making it seem as if 8” sion to see what he’s touching; that would require a
is 80”) 8” radius, Multiple Combat Effects, addi- power like Perspective Of The Dimensions (USPD,
tional -6 to Range Modifier, -5” of Flight, Gliding, page 66).
Leaping, Running, Swimming, Swinging, Tele- Game Information: Stretching 1”, Transdimen-
portation, and Tunneling, Reduced Endurance sional (any dimension, one at a time; +1). Total
(0 END; +½) (247 Active Points); Limited Range cost: 10 points.
(100”; -¼). Total cost: 198 points.
42 ■ Earth And Stone Powers Hero System 5th Edition
1) Stronger Hand: Increase to Telekinesis (40 STR).
PITFALL 60 Active Points; total cost 40 points.
Effect: Tunneling 5”, Usable As Attack 2) Weaker Hand: Decrease to Telekinesis (20 STR).
Target/Area Affected: One hex 30 Active Points; total cost 20 points.
Duration: Instant 3) Stone Arm: The character can create a column
Range: 310” or “arm” of stone large enough to reach nearly any-
END Cost: 6 thing. Remove Only Versus Targets Within 2” Of
Description: The character can cause the earth to The Ground (-¼). Total cost: 36 points.
open up and form a 1” x 1” pit beneath a target’s
feet. Unless the target has Flight or Gliding, he falls
in; the GM may allow other characters to make DEFENSIVE POWERS
DEX Rolls to grab the edge of the pit.
Game Information: Tunneling 5” through DEF
5 materials, Usable As Attack (does not affect Effect: Healing BODY 3d6 (Regenera-
characters with Flight or Gliding; +1), Ranged tion)
(+½) (62 Active Points); Only To Form Pits Target/Area Affected: Self
Beneath Targets (-1). Total cost: 31 points. Duration: Persistent
Range: Self
Description: The character’s body heals any physical
1) Deep Pit: Increase to Tunneling 8” through DEF damage done to it as long as he remains in contact
8 materials. 100 Active Points; total cost 50 points. with the ground.
2) Shallow Pit: Decrease to Tunneling 3” through DEF
5 materials. 52 Active Points; total cost 26 points. Game Information: Healing BODY 3d6 (Regen-
eration; 3 BODY per Minute), Reduced Endur-
3) Suffocating Pit: The character can close the pit ance (0 END; +½), Persistent (+½) (60 Active
above his target(s), cutting off the air supply. Add Points); Extra Time + Increased Time Incre-
Fill In. 87 Active Points; total cost 43 points. ment (3 BODY/Minute; -1½), Self Only (-½),
4) Easy Pit: Add Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½). Only In Contact With The Ground (-¼). Total
75 Active Points; total cost 37 points. cost: 18 points.
Category Earth And Stone Powers Subject ID Geos Scale: ?? Mode
Clinging, Only Versus Earth Or
Target/Area Affected: Self THE SUSTAINING EARTH
Duration: Constant Effect: Life Support (Self-Contained
Range: Self Breathing), Only When In Con-
END Cost: 1 tact With The Ground
Description: The character can hold himself fast Target/Area Affected: Self
against any surface made of earth or stone by making Duration: Persistent
his feet or other body parts meld with them. Range: Self
END Cost: 0
Game Information: Clinging (normal STR +30)
Description: As long as the character remains in
(20 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-½), Only
physical contact with the ground, he can draw
Versus Earth Or Stone (-½). Total cost: 10
oxygen from it and doesn’t need to breathe.
Game Information: Life Support (Self-Con-
OPTIONS: tained Breathing) (10 Active Points); Only
When In Contact With The Ground (-¼). Total
1) Strong Grasp: Increase Clinging STR to normal cost: 8 points.
STR +45. 25 Active Points; total cost 12 points.
2) Not So Strong Grasp: Decrease Clinging STR to OPTIONS:
normal STR +15. 15 Active Points; total cost 7 points.
1) Earth Sustenance: The character also draws
3) Easy Grasp: Remove Costs Endurance (-½). nutrition from the earth. Add Life Support (Dimin-
Total cost: 13 points. ished Eating: no need to eat). Total cost 3 points;
total Active Cost of power 13 points; total cost of
power 10 points.
Effect: Change Environment, -3 to
Sight Group PER Rolls
Target/Area Affected: 16” Radius
Duration: Constant
Range: 155”
END Cost: 3
Description: The character can create a small but
intense sandstorm. While it’s not powerful enough
to hurt anyone, all the sand in the air makes it dif-
ficult to see.
Game Information: Change Environment 16”
radius, -3 to Sight Group PER Rolls. Total cost:
31 points.
1) Strong Sandstorm: Increase to -5 to Sight Group
PER Rolls. Total cost: 37 points.
2) Weak Sandstorm: Decrease to -2 to Sight Group
PER Rolls. Total cost: 28 points.
3) Large Sandstorm: Increase to 64” radius. Total
cost: 41 points.
Electricity Powers 45
Effect: Energy Blast 8d6
Target/Area Affected: 4”, Any Area
ARC WELDING Duration: Instant
Effect: Major Transform 1d6 (fuse two Range: 450”
metal objects together) END Cost: 9
Target/Area Affected: One object Description: The character can project a bolt of
Duration: Constant lightning that hits multiple targets in a given area
Range: Touch of effect one after the other. The bolt hits the first
END Cost: 1 target, then the second, and so on, and in the pro-
Description: The character can focus his control of cess it travels over or around any obstacles or tar-
electricity to generate a super-hot arc that welds gets the character wishes it to ignore.
two metal objects together. He has to know how to
Game Information: Energy Blast 8d6, Area Of
do it, though; the power takes the place of equip-
Effect (4” Any Area; +1), Selective (+¼). Total
ment, but doesn’t provide the necessary skill.
cost: 90 points.
Game Information: Major Transform 1d6 (two
pieces of metal into one, heals back by being OPTIONS:
broken or separated by force), Continuous
(+1), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼) (34 1) Strong Chain Lightning: Increase to Energy Blast
Active Points); No Range (-½), Requires A PS: 10d6 and any 5”. Total cost: 112 points.
Arc Welder Roll (-¼). Total cost: 19 points. 2) Weak Chain Lightning: Decrease to Energy Blast
6d6 and any 3”. Total cost: 67 points.
OPTIONS: 3) Larger Chain Lightning I: Increase to Area Of
1) Stronger Arc Welding: Increase to Major Trans- Effect (8” Any Area; +1¼). Total cost: 100 points.
form 2d6. 67 Active Points; total cost 38 points. 4) Larger Chain Lightning II: Increase to Area Of
2) Weaker Arc Welding: Decrease to Major Trans- Effect (16” Any Area; +1½). Total cost: 110 points.
form ½d6. 22 Active Points; total cost 12 points. 5) Short-Range Chain Lightning I: The character can
3) Ranged Arc Welding: Remove No Range (-½). only project his bolt of chain lightning at targets
Total cost: 27 points. up to 20” away. Add Limited Range (-¼). 90 Active
Points; total cost 72 points.
4) Tiring Arc Welding: Remove Reduced Endurance
(+¼). 30 Active Points; total cost 17 points. 6) Short-Range Chain Lightning II: As Short-Range
Chain Lightning I, but change to Reduced By
Range (-¼). 90 Active Points; total cost 72 points.
7) Tiring Chain Lightning: Using this power
exhausts the character. Add Increased Endurance
Cost (x2 END; -½). Total cost: 60 points.
8) Ongoing Chain Lightning: The field of chain light-
ning lasts as long as the character wants to keep it
up and pays END to do so. Add Continuous (+1).
Total cost: 130 points.
46 ■ Electricity Powers Hero System 5th Edition
Effect: Variable Power Pool for Drain/ 1) Heavy Ionization: Increase to -8 DCV. 60 Active
Suppress Points; total cost 40 points.
Target/Area Affected: One character
Duration: Instant 2) Light Ionization: Decrease to -3 DCV. 22 Active
Range: LOS Points; total cost 15 points.
END Cost: Varies 3) Accurate Ionization: The character can ionize any
Description: By touching another person, target within view, regardless of distance. Add Line
the character can project a field of electric- Of Sight (+½). 50 Active Points; total cost 33 points.
ity throughout his body that makes it difficult 4) Ionize Variant: This version of Ionize uses
or impossible for the victim to use some of his Change Environment instead of the optional rule
powers and/or Characteristics. for Negative Combat Skill Levels. Change Environ-
This is a very powerful ability, one the GM ment 8” radius, -5 DCV (40 Active Points); Only
should review and approve before it enters the Applies Versus Electricity, Magnetism, And Metal
game. Some GMs may prefer that characters buy Attacks (-½). Total cost: 27 points.
a Multipower of pre-defined Electrical Blocking
effects instead. TOUCH OFF
Game Information: Variable Power Pool (Elec- Effect: RKA 3d6, Requires Explosives
trical Blocking Pool), 40 base + 20 control cost; Target/Area Affected: 1” Radius
Only For Drains And Suppresses (-1), No Range Duration: Instant
(-½). 40 + 20 = 60 Active Points; total cost 40 Range: 335”
+ 8 = 48 points. END Cost: 7
Description: The character sends a mild pulse of
OPTIONS: electricity coursing over a person’s body. Anything
explosive on his person — grenades, gunpowder in
1) Larger Pool: Increase to 60 base + 30 control bullets, plastic explosives, dynamite — detonates
cost. Active Points 60 + 30 = 90; total cost 60 + 12 = from the heat and the charge. The explosion may
72 points. hurt other people nearby.
2) Smaller Pool: Decrease to 30 base + 15 control The GM should consider scaling the damage
cost. Active Points 30 + 15 = 45; total cost 30 + 6 = of this power based on the amount of explosive
36 points. substances present on the target’s body. For exam-
ple, if the target just has a clip full of bullets, maybe
IONIZE he takes a maximum of 1 BODY per bullet or the
Effect: -5 DCV total rolled on the damage roll, whichever is less.
Target/Area Affected: One character Technically this power should include a
Duration: Constant Linked Drain to deprive the target of his Charges
Range: 185” (bullets, explosives, and the like). If desired, the GM
END Cost: 4 can build that effect similar to the Legion Of Attack-
ers ability on page 154 of The UNTIL Superpower
Description: The character can electrically charge
Database and add it to this power.
an opponent’s body, making him easier to hit with
electrical, magnetic, or metal-based attacks. Game Information: RKA 3d6, Area Of Effect
This power requires the GM’s permission, (One Hex; +½) (67 Active Points); Requires
since it uses the optional rules for Negative Combat Explosive Substances (-1). Total cost: 33
Skill Levels. points.
Game Information: Negative Combat Skill
Levels (-5 to opponent’s DCV), Ranged (+½)
(37 Active Points); Only Applies Versus Elec- 1) Bigger Ka-boom: Increase to RKA 5d6. 112
tricity, Magnetism, And Metal Attacks (-½). Active Points; total cost 56 points.
Total cost: 25 points.
2) Smaller Ka-boom: Decrease to RKA 2d6. 45
Active Points; total cost 22 points.
Emotion Control Powers 47
Mind Control 12d6
Target/Area Affected: 30” radius around user
Effect: Entangle 3d6, 3 DEF, BOECV Range: No Range
Target/Area Affected: One character END Cost: None
Duration: Instant Description: A character with this power can
Range: LOS broadcast his current emotional state to every-
END Cost: 7 one around him, causing them to feel the same
Description: This power allows a character to inflict way he does.
on another character a depression so profound
Game Information: Mind Control 12d6, Tele-
that it causes quasi-catatonic inability to get up the
pathic (+¼), Explosion (lose 1d6 of effect per
willpower to do anything. Only strong-willed char-
2”; +¾), Personal Immunity (+¼), Reduced
acters can overcome the effect and break free.
Endurance (0 END; +½) (165 Active Points);
Game Information: Entangle 3d6, 3 DEF, No Range (-½), Limited Set Of Commands
Based On ECV (Mental Defense applies; +1), (only whatever emotion the user feels at the
Takes No Damage From Physical Attacks time, -½). Total cost: 82 points.
(+¼), Works Against EGO, Not STR (+¼)
(75 Active Points); Mental Defense Adds To OPTIONS:
EGO (-½), Cannot Form Barriers (-¼). Total
cost: 43 points. 1) Strong Field: Increase to Mind Control 16d6.
220 Active Points; total cost 110 points.
OPTIONS: 2) Weak Field: Decrease to Mind Control 10d6. 137
Active Points; total cost 68 points.
1) Strong Depression I: Increase to Entangle 5d6, 5
DEF. 125 Active Points; total cost 71 points. 3) Larger Field: Increase Explosion to -1d6 per 3”
(+1). 180 Active Points; total cost 90 points.
2) Strong Depression II: Increase to Entange 3d6, 6
DEF. 112 Active Points; total cost 64 points. 4) Perpetual Uncontrollable Field: The character
always broadcasts his emotions; he can’t control
3) Weak Depression: Decrease to Entangle 2d6, 2 himself. Change to Mind Control 14d6 (standard
DEF. 50 Active Points; total cost 28 points. Effect: 42 points), Telepathic (+¼), Explosion (lose
1d6 of effect per 2”; +¾), Mobile (+1), Personal
Immunity (+¼), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½),
Persistent (+½) (297 Active Points); Always On
(-½), No Range (-½), Limited Set Of Commands
(only whatever emotion the user feels at the time,
-½). Total cost: 119 points.
48 ■ Emotion Control Hero System 5th Edition
Category Emotion Control Subject ID Hypnos Scale: 6 Mode
HYPNOS Effect:
+6 with Interaction Skills
Target/Area Affected: Self
“The supercriminals of Duration: Constant CALM DEMEANOR
PSI are particularly dan- Range: Self Effect: Succor PRE 6d6
gerous because they often END Cost: 0 Target/Area Affected: Self
seem to develop new
Description: The character possesses innate Duration: Constant
ones over time. The mind
controller Hypnos was empathic powers that allow him to “attune” him- Range: Self
recently observed to be self to anyone he’s interacting with. As a result, he END Cost: 3
using his powers to alter always seems friendly, fascinating, sympathetic, Description: A character with this power can
the emotions of a small interesting, intimidating, sexy, or whatever else the enhance his courage and strengthen his will so he
crowd of individuals. other person is looking for or is most in need of at can resist the effects of fear and intimidation.
UNTIL agents from my the moment.
command had responded Game Information: Succor PRE 6d6 (30 Active
to an alarm and found PSI Game Information: +6 with Interaction Skills. Points); Only To Resist Presence Attacks And
engaged in a robbery. To Total cost: 30 points. Other Attacks Based On Fear (-1), Self Only
cover the group’s escape, (-½). Total cost: 12 points.
Hypnos used his powers
to cause nearby onlook-
ers to feel intense rage OPTIONS:
1) Strong Chameleon: Increase to +8 with Interac-
toward UNTIL personnel. tion Skills. Total cost: 40 points. 1) Great Calm: Increase to Succor PRE 9d6. 45
According to the reports
of the agents on the seen, 2) Weak Chameleon: Decrease to +4 with Interac- Active Points; total cost 18 points.
Hypnos was clearly affect- tion Skills. Total cost: 20 points. 2) Lesser Calm: Decrease to Succor PRE 3d6. 15
ing his targets’ emotions Active Points; total cost 6 points.
3) Active Chameleon: The character has to actively
rather than controlling
them directly. Fortunately, invoke this power; it’s not a subconscious thing. 3) Share The Calm I: The character can instill the
the agents were able to Add Costs Endurance (-½). 30 Active Points; total sense of calm in someone else, usually an ally.
subdue the civilians with- cost 20 points. Remove Self Only (-½). Total cost: 15 points.
out harming them... but
PSI escaped.”
Most characters with energy projection powers 3) Untiring Bolt: The character can project Energy
have the ability to manipulate a defined type or types Bolt after Energy Bolt without tiring. Add Reduced
of energy phenomena, such as Electricity, Fire/Heat, Endurance (0 END; +½). Total cost: 75 points.
Ice/Cold, Radiation, or Sonics. However, in the worlds 4) Piercing Bolt I: The character’s Energy Bolt burns
of Champions, many other types of energy exist that so hot and fierce that it cuts through defenses easily.
have no place in real-world physics. These include Add Armor Piercing (+½). Total cost: 75 points.
quasi-defined energies like “pulson rays” to even more
nebulous types such as “cosmic energy.” Some energy 5) Piercing Bolt II: Few characters can resist the
projectors have powers based on this “generically”- effects of the character’s powerful Energy Bolt,
defined energy, rather than an actual type of energy regardless of the strength of their defenses. Add
like Electricity or Fire. In the Champions Universe, Penetrating (+½). Total cost: 75 points.
Sapphire and Pulsar are two examples. 6) Long-Range Bolt: The character can easily hit
Energy Manipulation represents these sort distant targets with his Energy Bolt. Add No Range
of “general” energy powers, ones without any spe- Modifier (+½). Total cost: 75 points.
cific connection to real-world forms of energy. As
7) Eyebolt: The character fires his Energy Bolt from
such they make good generic “templates” for any
his eyes, making it easy to hit even distant targets.
sort of energy projector, and could be adopted by
Add Line Of Sight (+½). Total cost: 75 points.
characters who control actual forms of energy with
a simple change in special effect. Similarly, charac- 8) Multiphasic Bolt: The character’s Energy Bolt
ters with Energy Manipulation powers can look at contains so many wavelengths of energy that it can
other energy-based power sets for powers they can even affect intangible targets. Add Affects Desolidi-
“borrow” and redefine to fit their own backgrounds. fied (+½). Total cost: 75 points.
9) Energy Lash: Instead of a bolt, the character’s
Category Energy Manipulation Subject ID Maelstorm Scale: 6 Mode
1) Strong Mega-Bolt: Add plus Energy Blast
+4d6 (20 Active Points); Increased Endurance
Cost (x5 END; -2) (total cost: 7 points). Total
cost: 78 points.
Energy Manipulation Powers 53
1) Strong Mind: Increase to Mental Defense (15
points + EGO/5). Total cost: 15 points.
2) Weak Mind: Decrease to Mental Defense (6
points + EGO/5). Total cost: 6 points.
54 ■ Energy Manipulation Powers Hero System 5th Edition
Force Field (15 PD/25 ED)
Target/Area Affected: Self
Duration: Constant ENERGY SWINGLINE
Range: Self Effect: Swinging 20”
END Cost: 4 Target/Area Affected: Self
Description: The character can use his energy Duration: Constant
powers to create a protective field around himself. Range: Self
The field is more effective against energy attacks. END Cost: 2
Description: The character can create a line of pure
Game Information: Force Field (15 PD/25 ED).
energy and use it to swing on.
Total cost: 40 points.
Game Information: Swinging 20”. Total cost:
OPTIONS: 20 points.
1) Strong Energy Shield: Increase to Force Field (20 OPTIONS:
PD/30 ED). Total cost: 50 points.
2) Weak Energy Shield: Decrease to Force Field (12 1) Strong Swingline: Increase to Swinging 25”. Total
PD/18 ED). Total cost: 30 points. cost: 25 points.
2) Weak Swingline: Decrease to Swinging 15”. Total
ENERGY WALL cost: 15 points.
Effect: Force Wall (6 PD/10 ED; 3”
Target/Area Affected: Varies Effect: Flight 20”
Duration: Constant Target/Area Affected: Self
Range: 220” Duration: Constant
END Cost: 4 Range: Self
Description: The character can create a barrier of END Cost: 4
energy to shield himself (and sometimes his com- Description: The character can use his energy
rades) from attack. powers to propel himself through the air.
Game Information: Force Wall (6 PD/10 ED; 3” Game Information: Flight 20”. Total cost: 40
long). Total cost: 44 points. points.
1) Strong Energy Wall: Increase to Force Wall (8 1) Strong Flight: Increase to Flight 25”. Total cost:
PD/12 ED; 5” long and 2” tall). Total cost: 60 points. 50 points.
2) Weak Energy Wall: Decrease to Force Wall (4 2) Weak Flight: Decrease to Flight 15”. Total cost:
PD/8 ED; 3” long). Total cost: 34 points. 30 points.
3) Larger Energy Wall: Add +2” length and +1” 3) Swift Flight: The character can fly at high speeds
height. Total cost: 50 points. if necessary. Increase to x8 Noncombat. Total cost:
50 points.
4) Agile Flight: The character’s energy powers pro-
Effect: Sight Group Flash Defense (15 vide him with great control over his Flight, allowing
points) him to turn on a dime. Add No Turn Mode (+¼).
Target/Area Affected: Self Total cost: 50 points.
Duration: Persistent
Range: Self
END Cost: 0
Description: The energy that infuses the character’s
body also infuses his eyes, making it more difficult
than normal to blind him with bright flares of light
and the like.
Game Information: Sight Group Flash Defense
(15 points). Total cost: 15 points.
1) Strong Eyes: Increase to Sight Group Flash
Defense (20 points). Total cost: 20 points.
2) Weak Eyes: Decrease to Sight Group Flash
Defense (10 points). Total cost: 10 points.
Energy Manipulation Powers 55
Category Energy Manipulation Subject ID Stormfront Scale: 8? Mode
Description: The character uses heat to melt the 1) Bigger Ka-boom: Increase to RKA 5d6. 112
ground underneath his target. After the target Active Points; total cost 56 points.
sinks in the molten area, the heat is quickly with- 2) Smaller Ka-boom: Decrease to RKA 2d6. 45
drawn causing the target to be trapped in the Active Points; total cost 22 points.
now hardened ground (but without suffering any
significant burns).
Game Information: Entangle 4d6, 6 DEF,
Area Of Effect (One Hex; +½) (75 Active
Points); Only Affects Targets On The Ground
(-¼), Cannot Form Barriers (-¼). Total cost:
50 points.
58 ■ Fire And Heat Powers Hero System 5th Edition
Major Transform 1d6 (fuse two
metal objects together)
Target/Area Affected: One object FIREWALKING
Duration: Constant Effect: Teleportation 20”, Only
Range: Touch Through Fires
END Cost: 1 Target/Area Affected: Self
Description: The character can focus his control of Duration: Instant
fire to generate a super-hot flame that welds two Range: Self
metal objects together. He has to know how to do END Cost: 4
it, though; the power takes the place of equipment, Description: The character can travel instantly from
but doesn’t provide the necessary skill. one place to another — provided that there’s a fire
in both places. If he has no fire available, he cannot
Game Information: Major Transform 1d6 (two
Teleport; and even when he does have a fire to use
pieces of metal into one, heals back by being
at his departure point, he can only designate as
broken or separated by force), Continuous
arrival points other places where fire exists. Both
(+1), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼) (34
areas of fire must be at least 1” big (big enough to
Active Points); No Range (-½), Requires A PS:
cover an adult human).
Arc Welder Roll (-¼). Total cost: 19 points.
Game Information: Teleportation 20” (40
OPTIONS: Active Points), Only Through Fire (-1). Total
cost: 20 points.
1) Stronger Welding: Increase to Major Transform
2d6. 67 Active Points; total cost 38 points. OPTIONS:
2) Weaker Welding: Decrease to Major Transform
½d6. 22 Active Points; total cost 12 points. 1) Big Steps I: Increase to Teleportation 30”. 60
Active Points; total cost 30 points.
3) Ranged Welding: Remove No Range (-½). Total
cost: 27 points. 2) Big Steps II: Add x8 Noncombat. 50 Active
Points; total cost 25 points.
4) Tiring Welding: Remove Reduced Endurance
(+¼). 30 Active Points; total cost 17 points. 3) Big Steps III: The character can step to fires
many miles away, provided he can perceive them.
Add MegaScale (1” = 100 km, can scale down to 1”
DEFENSIVE POWERS = 1 km; +1). 80 Active Points; total cost 40 points.
4) Short Steps: Decrease to Teleportation 10”. 20
NEGATE HEAT SIGNATURE Active Points; total cost 10 points.
Effect: Invisibility to Infrared Percep- 5) Fiery Road: The character’s comrades can
tion accompany him on his journey, but the departure
Target/Area Affected: Self and arrival points must have fires large enough to
Duration: Constant contain the entire group (1” of fire per person). Add
Range: Self Usable Simultaneously (up to four people at once;
END Cost: 2 +¾) and Entire Group Must Travel Together (-¼).
70 Active Points; total cost 31 points.
Description: By controlling the temperature of his
body and his powers, a character can “blend in” with 6) Fiery Portal I: The character can open a “portal”
the ambient heat, thus rendering himself invisible to from one area of fire to another. People can travel
the ability to perceive thermal variations. either way through the portal, or fire attacks
This power uses a slight variant of the Invisibility through them. Change to Teleportation 15”, Area
Power. Instead of Invisibility to an entire Sense Group, Of Effect (One Hex; +½), Continuous (+1), Usable
it uses Invisibility to all forms of a specific Enhanced On Others (+¼) (82 Active Points); Gate (-½), Only
Sense, regardless of what Sense Group it’s assigned to. Through Fire (-1). Total cost: 33 points.
It uses the cost for a Targeting Sense Group. 7) Fiery Portal II: Like Fiery Portal I, but add Mega-
Game Information: Invisibility to Infrared Per- Scale (1” = 1 km; +¼). 90 Active Points; total cost
ception. Total cost: 20 points. 36 points.
8) Smokewalking: Like Firewalking, but the
OPTIONS: character can use 1” of smoke or fire to travel
through. He can start in fire and end up in smoke,
1) Easy Heat Signature Control: The character’s con- or vice-versa; he’s not restricted to fire-fire or
trol over his heat signature is effortless. Add Reduced smoke-smoke. Change Only Through Fire to Only
Endurance (0 END; +1/2). Total cost: 30 points. Through Fire Or Smoke (-½). Total cost: 27 points.
2) Precise Heat Signature Control: Even persons
close to the character can’t perceive his heat signa-
ture. Add No Fringe. Total cost: 30 points.
Force Powers 59
Effect: Suppress Force Field 8d6 Effect: Force Wall (12 PD, 10” long),
Target/Area Affected: One character Horizontal Only
Duration: Constant Target/Area Affected: Varies
Range: 200” Duration: Constant
END Cost: 4 Range: 240”
Description: The character’s control over fields END Cost: 5
and planes of force is so great that he can disrupt Description: The character has the power to create
protective force-fields around other characters platforms, bridges, and other horizontal structures
and objects. out of pure force. However, these structures col-
Because this power derives from a character’s lapse if exposed to any Energy damage (such as fire
ability to manipulate “force energy,” the GM may or electricity) or if forced to bear too much weight.
rule that some special effects of the Force Field
Game Information: Force Wall (12 PD, 10”
Power wouldn’t be susceptible to it (for example, a
long) (48 Active Points); Horizontal Only (-1).
Force Field bought with a Limitation to simulate
Total cost: 24 points.
a character’s heightened resistance to a particular
type of damage, rather than a “force field” in the
literal sense). Alternately, the power may affect such OPTIONS:
Force Fields at half strength (4d6). If these types of 1) Strong Platform: Increase to Force Wall (16 PD).
Force Fields occur commonly in the campaign, the 58 Active Points; total cost 29 points.
GM might even grant the character a Limitation on
this power. 2) Weak Platform: Decrease to Force Wall (8 PD).
38 Active Points; total cost 19 points.
Game Information: Suppress Force Field 8d6.
3) Long Platform: Increase to Force Wall (12 PD,
Total cost: 40 points.
20” long). 68 Active Points; total cost 34 points.
1) Strong Disruption: Increase to Suppress Force
Field 12d6. Total cost: 60 points.
2) Weak Disruption: Decrease to Suppress Force
Field 6d6. Total cost: 30 points.
3) Easy Disruption: Add Reduced Endurance (½
END; +¼). Total cost: 50 points.
4) Expanded Disruption I: The character can disrupt
both Force Fields and Force Walls, but not simul-
taneously. This power requires the GM’s approval,
since it uses the Varying Effect Advantage in a
slightly different way to allow the character to effect
either of two Powers, rather than any one power
within a given special effect. Add Varying Effect
(any one Force Field or Force Wall, one at a time;
+¼). Total cost: 50 points.
5) Expanded Disruption II: As Expanded Disrup-
tion I, but the character can affect Force Fields and
Force Walls simultaneously. Change to Add Varying
Effect (both Force Field and Force Wall simultane-
ously; +½). Total cost: 60 points.
60 ■ Gravity Powers Hero System 5th Edition
Energy Blast 3d6, AVLD (Power
GRAVITIC DRAG Target/Area Affected: One character
Effect: Suppress Movement Powers Duration: Instant
8d6 Range: 40”
Target/Area Affected: One character END Cost: 4
Duration: Instant Description: The character can “whipsaw” a target
Range: 250” with concentrated gravity, creating an effect similar to
END Cost: 5 the intense “G forces” that can cause jetfighter pilots
Description: The character manipulates gravity to to black out. (For more information about G forces,
interfere with another character’s ability to move. In including expanded rules, see page 186 of Star Hero.)
effect, he enhances the gravitic pull on the target to
Game Information: Energy Blast 3d6, AVLD
slow him down, maybe even stop him from moving
(Power Defense, or at the GM’s option an ED
Force Field; +1½) (37 Active Points); Limited
Game Information: Suppress Movement Powers Range (40”; -¼). Total cost: 30 points.
8d6, any one Movement Power at a time (+¼).
Total cost: 50 points. OPTIONS:
1) High Vertigo: Increase to Suppress DEX 10d6.
Total cost: 50 points.
2) Low Vertigo: Decrease to Suppress DEX 6d6.
Total cost: 30 points.
3) Vertigo Sickness: The vertigo also makes the
targets sick and nauseous. Decrease to Suppress
6d6, DEX and CON simultaneously (+½). Total
cost: 45 points.
Gravity Powers 61
1) Strong Lens: Increase to Telescopic (+24 PER
versus Range Modifier). 36 Active Points; total cost
24 points.
2) Weak Lens: Decrease to Telescopic (+16 PER
versus Range Modifier). 24 Active Points; total cost
16 points.
62 ■ Hyper-Characteristics Hero System 5th Edition
The Strength And Toughness Powers category
represents characters with far more powerful STR HYPER-DEXTERITY
(and CON, PD, and ED) than normal — Hyper-
Strength Powers, if you will. Similarly, at least some
of the Speedster Powers can in some respects be
regarded as Hyper-Dexterity and -Speed Powers. QUADRUPLE-JOINTED
Why should bricks and speedsters get to have Effect: Stretching 1”, Always Direct,
all the fun? Hyper-Characteristics Powers represent No Noncombat Stretching,
superpowers that derive from having superhu- Cannot Do Damage
manly powerful versions of some of the other Target/Area Affected: Self
HERO System Characteristics, such as INT and Duration: Constant
COM. In addition to the two categories mentioned Range: Self
above, you can find other powers that could have END Cost: 1
the special effect of “Hyper-Characteristics” in such Description: The character’s joints and body are so
categories as Body Control, Mental And Psionic, malleable and flexible that he can actually extend
and Precognitive. his reach for up to 1”, or otherwise contort his body
For purposes of The UNTIL Superpowers in ways that would make even the most accom-
Database, which only covers true superpowers, plished yoga practitioner green with envy.
it’s important to distinguish between Hyper-
Characteristics and similar abilities that express Game Information: Stretching 1” (5 Active
themselves as Talents or Super-Skills (see Dark Points); Always Direct (-¼), No Noncombat
Champions, pages 106-49). The later two are abili- Stretching (-¼), Cannot Do Damage (-½).
ties that non-superpowered characters could buy Total cost: 2 points.
to represent their superior skills or like abilities
— they don’t have to be true “superpowers” per se.
It’s entirely possible that a character with Hyper-
Characteristics could have them. For example, a
character with Hyper-Intelligence almost certainly POWERS
has the Talents Eidetic Memory and Lightning Cal-
culator (among others), and could easily have some IMMUNITY
of the Sensory Super-Skills from pages 133-38 of
Dark Champions, such as Deductive Observation. Effect: Life Support (Immunity to all
But that doesn’t make such abilities superpowers. terrestrial diseases, poisons,
The abilities described here are true superhuman and biological and chemical
abilities, or hew more closely to them than to warfare agents)
Super-Skills. Target/Area Affected: Self
Some Hyper-Characteristic Powers involve Duration: Persistent
Required Skill Rolls. It’s assumed that a character Range: Self
with Hyper-Characteristic Powers has at least a END Cost: 0
25, if not higher, value in the Characteristic in Description: The character’s metabolism is so
question. superhumanly strong and efficient that he shrugs
off the effects of poisons, drugs, chemicals, and
the like.
Game Information: Life Support (Immunity
to all terrestrial diseases, poisons, and bio-
logical and chemical warfare agents). Total
cost: 20 points.
1) Full-Spectrum Immunity: Increase to all diseases,
poisons, and biological and chemical warfare agents
(not just terrestrial ones), using the rules from page
14 of Galactic Champions. Total cost: 60 points.
Hyper-Characteristics 63
1) More Accurate Analysis: Increase to +3 SPD. 30
Active Points; total cost 15 points.
2) Less Accurate Analysis: Decrease to +1 SPD. 10
Active Points; total cost 5 points.
64 ■ Hyper-Characteristics Hero System 5th Edition
Category Hypercharacteristics Subject ID Mentiac Scale: 7 Mode Visual
SUBJECT ID: 3) Expanded Battle Analysis: The character’s analy- LOCATE FLAW
MENTIAC sis of the situation also allows him to time his Effect: Find Weakness 15- with
actions so that he acts before his enemies. Char- All Attacks
“Once again, Mentiac’s acter also buys Lightning Reflexes (+8 to act first Target/Area Affected: Self
amazing powers of with All Attacks) (12 Active Points); Requires An Duration: Persistent
analysis and prediction INT Roll (assumes an INT Roll of 14-, Active Point Range: Self
were the key to our suc- penalty of -1 per 5 Active Points; -1) (total cost: 6 END Cost: 0
cess. Before the VIPER points). Total cost of ability: 16 points.
squad could escape from Description: Between his heightened perceptiveness
the heist, we were there LINGUISTIC ANALYSIS and ability to rapidly process and analyze informa-
waiting for them — they tion, the character can spot flaws and weaknesses in
Effect: Universal Translator
ran out the back door his targets’ defenses... and that lets him take advan-
and right into our arms. (INT Roll +4)
tage of them.
In addition to making Target/Area Affected: Self
five arrests, we netted Duration: Persistent Game Information: Find Weakness 15- with All
a VIPER hovercraft in Range: Self Attacks. Total cost: 50 points.
pristine condition.” END Cost: 0
Description: The character’s ultra-intelligent mind OPTIONS:
—from a report by Lt. can rapidly analyze even a few spoken or written
Rodrigo Jimenez 1) More Accurate Analysis: Increase to Find Weak-
words, and from them deduce the form and nature ness 17-. Total cost: 60 points.
of the other words in that language, its grammati-
cal and linguistic forms, and so forth, making him 2) Less Accurate Analysis: Decrease to Find Weak-
instantly fluent in it. ness 14-. Total cost: 45 points.
1) More Accurate Analysis: Increase to INT Roll +6.
Total cost: 26 points.
2) Less Accurate Analysis: Decrease to INT Roll +2.
Total cost: 22 points.
Hyper-Characteristics 65
+40 PRE, Only To Make Fear-
POWERS /Intimidation-Based Presence
Attacks And Skill Rolls
AWE Target/Area Affected: Varies
Duration: Constant
Effect: +40 PRE Range: Self
Target/Area Affected: Varies END Cost: 4 to activate
Duration: Constant
Range: Self Description: While the character is pretty impres-
END Cost: 4 to activate sive in most situations, when it comes time to
intimidate or terrify someone, his true talents come
Description: The character’s nigh-godlike bearing to the fore. Like the God of the Old Testament, he
and general force of personality make it easy for possesses a majesty and grandeur of personality
him to overawe and impress others. Even when that is often terrifying in its aspect, and those on
he doesn’t actively exert his Presence (i.e., make a whom he turns his baleful glance tremble in fear.
Presence Attack), people near him tend to adopt
attitudes of deference, respect, adoration, and even Game Information: +40 PRE (40 Active Points);
worshipfulness. Costs Endurance (to activate; -¼), Only To Make
Fear-/Intimidation-Based Presence Attacks And
Game Information: +40 PRE (40 Active Points); Skill Rolls (-1). Total cost: 18 points.
Costs Endurance (to activate; -¼). Total cost:
32 points. OPTIONS:
OPTIONS: 1) Truly Awesome: Increase to +60 PRE. 60 Active
Points; total cost 27 points.
1) Truly Awesome: Increase to +60 PRE. 60 Active
Points; total cost 48 points. 2) Slightly Less Awesome: Decrease to +30 PRE. 30
Active Points; total cost 13 points.
2) Slightly Less Awesome: Decrease to +30 PRE. 30
Active Points; total cost 24 points.
Effect: +20 with Conversation, Per- POWERS
suasion, and Seduction
Target/Area Affected: Self ALTER APPEARANCE
Duration: Constant
Effect: Shape Shift (Sight and Touch
Range: Self
Groups, any humanoid face)
END Cost: 0
Target/Area Affected: Self
Description: The character is so superhumanly like- Duration: Constant
able, friendly, and persuasive that it’s difficult for Range: Self
anyone to resist his charms. His ability to persuade END Cost: 0
and befriend doesn’t quite rise to the level of Mind
Description: The character’s control over his own
Control, but it doesn’t fall far short, either.
appearance allows him to alter the shape of his
Game Information: +20 with Conversation, Per- face to adopt any appearance desired. In doing this,
suasion, and Seduction. Total cost: 60 points. he can increase or decrease his COM by 5 points
(that’s 5 points of COM, not 5 Character Points’
OPTIONS: worth of the Characteristic).
1) Strong Spin Doctor: Increase to +24 with Con- Game Information: Shape Shift (Sight and Touch
versation, Persuasion, and Seduction. Total cost: Groups, any humanoid form), Reduced Endur-
72 points. ance (0 END; +½) (34 Active Points); Only
Changes The Face (-½). Total cost: 23 points.
2) Weak Spin Doctor: Decrease to +16 with Con-
versation, Persuasion, and Seduction. Total cost:
48 points.
3) Expanded Spin Doctor: No one can resist the 1) True Appearance Alteration: The character can
character’s charms. Change to +20 with all Interac- alter his COM within the campaign range the GM
tion Skills. Total cost: 100 points. establishes for the Characteristic. Add Makeover. 42
Active Points; total cost 28 points.
2) Tiring Appearance Alteration: Remove Reduced
Endurance (+½). 23 Active Points; total cost 15 points.
3) Copy Appearance: The character can not only
change his appearance, he can flawlessly copy the
facial features of another person. Add Imitation. 49
Active Points; total cost 33 points.
Hero System Equipment Guide ■ Chapter One 67
Category Hypercharacteristics Subject ID Lemming (?) Scale: ?? Mode
1) What A Knockout!: Increase to Energy Blast 6d6.
60 Active Points; total cost 30 points.
2) She’s Not All That: Decrease to Energy Blast 2d6.
20 Active Points; total cost 10 points.
70 ■ Hypersenses Hero System 5th Edition
Flash Defense (various types)
Target/Area Affected: Self
COMBAT ANTICIPATION Duration: Persistent
Effect: Lightning Reflexes (+10 to act Range: Self
first with All Attacks) END Cost: 0
Target/Area Affected: Self Description: The character’s senses are so strong, or
Duration: Persistent so acute, that it’s much harder to “blind” or block
Range: Self them. The character may buy some or all of the
END Cost: 0 abilities listed below.
Description: The character’s senses are so acute Game Information:
that he can perceive what’s about to happen and
respond to it more quickly than others. Cost Power
10 Resilient Vision: Sight Group Flash Defense
Game Information: Lightning Reflexes: +10 to (10 points)
act first with All Attacks (15 Active Points); 10 Resilient Hearing: Hearing Group Flash
Requires A PER Roll (assumes PER Roll of 12- Defense (10 points)
or 13-; -¾). Total cost: 9 points. 10 Resilient Smell: Smell/Taste Group Flash
Defense (10 points)
OPTIONS: 10 Resilient Feel: Touch Group Flash Defense
1) Strong Anticipation: Increase to +14 DEX. 21
Active Points; total cost 12 points. SENSORY POWERS
2) Weak Anticipation: Decrease to +6 DEX. 9 Active
Points; total cost 5 points. I CAN HEAR YOU BREATHING
3) Tiring Anticipation: Add Costs Endurance (-½). Effect: Detect Respiration
15 Active Points; total cost 7 points. Target/Area Affected: Self
Duration: Persistent
END Cost:
Description: The character’s hearing is so acute that
DANGER SENSE DODGING he can perceive the sounds made by living beings
Effect: Armor (20 PD/20 ED), Hardened when they breathe. Even the sneakiest thief with
Target/Area Affected: Self the highest Stealth roll has to breathe, after all!
Duration: Instant
Range: Self Game Information: Detect Respiration (INT
END Cost: 0 Roll) (Hearing Group). Total cost: 3 points.
Category Ice And Cold Powers Subject ID Winter Dragon Scale: 6 Mode
Western propaganda, Effect: Gliding 12”, Usable As Attack Effect: Major Transform 4d6 (air into
the superhumans of the Target/Area Affected: 20” long and 4” wide Line ice sculptures)
Tiger Squad are true Duration: Constant Target/Area Affected: One sculpture
heroes (even if they’re
Range: 20” Duration: Instant
often used as pawns by
the Chinese govern- END Cost: 5 Range: No Range
ment). For example, this Description: The character can use his ice powers END Cost: 6
picture shows Winter to create a slide-like construct that catches people Description: The character can create shapes and
Dragon using his who are falling and lets them slide safely down to sculptures out of thin air by freezing water or water
powers to rescue victims the ground. The construct is 20” long and 4” wide, vapor. Each BODY rolled on the Transform dice cre-
trapped in a burning
so it can catch multiple people at once. ates .25 cubic meters’ worth of ice. Typically the shapes
building in Shanghai
— by creating an “ice This power requires the GM’s permission are simple — geometric shapes like cubes, spheres, or
slide” he gave them a because it uses some unusual constructs. Instead of stairs, vaguely detailed humanoid forms, and the like.
quick, easy, safe way to applying a form of Usable On Others and increas- If the character makes a PS: Sculptor roll, he can make
escape the flames. ing the number of people the power can affect, it the sculptures more detailed (the more he makes the
uses a combination of Usable As Attack (so the roll by, the finer the detail and the more aesthetically
—from the classified character controls the creation and location of the pleasing the overall creation).
UNTIL report, Superhu- slide, and pays the END for it) plus Area Of Effect
mans And Superhuman Game Information: Major Transform 4d6 (air
to define the size of the slide and thus how many
Activity In The People’s into ice sculptures; heals back by melting) (60
people it can catch.
Republic Of China Active Points); No Range (-½), Uses A PS: Sculp-
Game Information: Gliding 12”, Area Of Effect tor Roll (see text; -0). Total cost: 40 points.
(20” long and 4” wide Line; +1¾), Usable As
Attack (+1), Limited Range (20”; +¼) (48 OPTIONS:
Active Points); Costs Endurance (-½), Physical
Manifestation (-¼), Only To Slide People To 1) Strong Sculptures: Increase to Major Transform
The Ground (-¼). Total cost: 24 points. 6d6. 90 Active Points; total cost 60 points.
2) Weak Sculptures: Decrease to Major Transform
2d6. 30 Active Points; total cost 20 points.
3) Ranged Sculptures: The character can create his
sculptures at a distance. Remove No Range (-½).
Total cost: 60 points.
Kinetic Energy Powers 73
Suppress Movement Powers
KINETIC MISSILE Target/Area Affected: One character
Effect: Energy Blast 8d6/RKA 2½d6, Duration: Instant
OIF (objects of opportunity) Range: 260”
Target/Area Affected: One character END Cost: 5
Duration: Instant Description: The character’s control over kinetic
Range: 30” energy, momentum, and similar forces allows
END Cost: 4 him to reduce the velocity of objects or people
Description: The character can impart kinetic to decrease the force with which they impact
energy into small objects (pebbles, eating utensils, objects. The power does not affect Teleportation,
ball bearings, salt shakers, marbles, pencils...) and Extra-Dimensional Movement, or some forms of
cause them to fly toward the target with such speed Faster-Than-Light Travel, which do not involve
and force that they inflict severe injuries. Blunt kinetic motion.
objects do Normal Damage; sharp or pointed ones
Game Information: Suppress Movement Powers
Killing Damage. The GM may, at his discretion,
6d6, any kinetic energy-based Movement
reduce the damage caused by larger, softer, or more
Power one at a time (+¼) (37 Active Points);
fragile objects.
Only Works On People/Objects Currently In
Game Information: Motion (-¼). Total cost: 30 points.
Cost Power
20 Kinetic Missile: Multipower, 40-point OPTIONS:
reserve; all slots OIF (objects of opportunity;
1) Greater Subtraction: Increase to Suppress 8d6. 50
-½), Limited Range (30”; -¼), Beam (-¼)
Active Points; total cost 40 points.
2u 1) Blunt Objects: Energy Blast 8d6; OIF
(objects of opportunity; -½), Limited Range 2) Lesser Subtraction: Decrease to Suppress 4d6. 25
(30”; -¼), Beam (-¼) Active Points; total cost 20 points.
2u 2) Sharp Objects: RKA 2½d6; OIF (objects 3) Momentum-Subtracting Field: The character
of opportunity; -½), Limited Range (30”; -¼), can decrease characters’ ability to move through a
Beam (-¼) particular area. The character must affect the same
Total cost: 24 points type of movement for all targets with any given use
OPTIONS: of the power, but from use to use he can change the
type of Movement Power he can affect. Change to
1) Faster Missiles: Increase Multipower reserve to Change Environment 32” radius, -10” movement,
60 points, Slot 1 to Energy Blast 12d6, and Slot 2 to Varying Combat Effect (only to change mode of
RKA 4d6. Total cost: 36 points. movement power affects) (67 Active Points); Only
2) Slower Missiles: Decrease Multipower reserve Works On People/Objects Currently In Motion
to 30 points, Slot 1 to Energy Blast 6d6, and Slot 2 (-¼). Total cost: 54 points.
to RKA 2d6. Total cost: 17 points.
3) Kinetic Volley: Provided he has enough objects
to impart kinetic energy to, the character can fire
multiple shots at his target. Increase Multipower
reserve to 60 points and add Autofire (5 shots; +½)
to both slots. Total cost: 36 points.
74 ■ Kinetic Energy Powers Hero System 5th Edition
SIPHONED PUNCH +1) (20 Active Points); Linked (-½) (total cost: 13
Effect: Energy Blast 12d6 (physical), points). 30 + 20 = 50 Active Points total; total cost
Only If Someone Is Punching 24 + 13 = 37 points.
Target/Area Affected: One character 2) Damaging Stop: The sudden stop inflicts injury
Duration: Instant on the target due to the sudden absorption of
Range: 20” momentum. Add Energy Blast 8d6, NND (defense
END Cost: 6 is Teleportation or dimensional manipulation
Description: The character uses his control over powers; +1) (80 Active Points); Linked (-¼) (total
kinetic energy and momentum to tap into the force cost: 64 points). 30 + 80 = 110 Active Points total;
of a punch being thrown nearby and direct that total cost 24 + 64 = 88 points.
force injure someone else. He himself could be the 3) Vehicle Stop: The power can affect enough mass
target of the punch, but his intended victim cannot to stop most small vehicles. Add x64 mass (6,400
be. The target of the punch still takes damage from kg). 105 Active Points; total cost 84 points.
it; the character’s power merely siphons off some
of the force of the punch, it doesn’t drain it away TURNABOUT
entirely. The victim takes damage up to 12d6 or the Effect: Change Environment (impose
dice of damage in the punch, whichever is less. Turn Mode)
Game Information: Energy Blast 12d6 (physi- Target/Area Affected: One character
cal) (60 Active Points); Only If Someone Is Duration: Constant
Punching Another Person Within 10” Of Char- Range: 140”
acter And Target (-1), Extra Time (character END Cost: 3
must Hold his Phase and act on same DEX Description: A character with this power can use
as person throwing the punch; -0), Only Does his control over inertia to make it difficult for
12d6 Or Damage Equal To Punch, Whichever persons or vehicles to turn or maneuver while
Is Less (-0), Limited Range (20”; -¼). Total cost: moving. If the target (be it a person or vehicle) tries
27 points. to turn more frequently or sharply than allowed
by the Turn Mode rules (HERO System 5th Edition,
OPTIONS: Revised page 367), he must make a DEX Roll at -4.
If he fails, either he cannot turn, he doesn’t turn
1) Strong Siphoning: Increase to Energy Blast 14d6. far enough, or some other result applies (he slips
70 Active Points; total cost 31 points. and falls, he skids out of control, or the like). This
2) Weak Siphoning: Decrease to Energy Blast 10d6. applies regardless of the mode of movement used,
50 Active Points; total cost 22 points. and even if the mode of movement has the No Turn
Mode Advantage.
Game Information: Change Environment 1”
Effect: Teleportation 1”, No Relative radius (impose Turn Mode), -4 to DEX Rolls,
Velocity, Usable As Attack, Only Usable As Attack (+1) (28 Active Points); Only
To Stop A Moving Character Applies If Target Tries To Turn More Fre-
From Moving quently/Sharply Than Allowed By Turn Mode
Target/Area Affected: One character Rules (-1), Only Affects One Person (-½). Total
Duration: Instant cost: 11 points.
Range: 120”
END Cost: 3
Description: This power is similar to Stop Dead
(UNTIL Superpowers Database, page 122), but 1) Strong Turnabout: Increase to -6 to DEX Rolls.
without the harmful effects. The character simply 40 Active Points; total cost 16 points.
bleeds off all of the kinetic energy, momentum, 2) Weak Turnabout: Decrease to -2 to DEX Rolls. 16
and/or inertia that keeps a moving character Active Points; total cost 6 points.
moving, causing him to stop moving completely in
1” of distance no matter how fast he was moving.
Game Information: Teleportation 1”, No Rela-
tive Velocity, Usable As Attack (does not work
on characters with Teleportation or dimen-
sional manipulation powers; +1), Ranged (+½)
(30 Active Points); Only To Stop A Moving
Character From Moving (-¼). Total cost: 24
1) Disorienting Stop: The sudden stop disorients
the target. Add Energy Blast 2d6, NND (defense is
Teleportation or dimensional manipulation powers;
Kinetic Energy Powers 75
Category Kinetic Energy Powers Subject ID Momentum Scale: 12 Mode
1) Strong Shield: Increase to Force Field (50 PD). 1) Strong Adherence: Increase Clinging STR to
87 Active Points; total cost 58 points. normal STR +15. 15 Active Points; total cost 5 points.
2) Weak Shield: Decrease to Force Field (30 PD). 2) Very Strong Adherence: Increase Clinging STR to
52 Active Points; total cost 35 points. normal STR +30. 20 Active Points; total cost 7 points.
3) Variant Shield: The character’s Shield also
protects him against energy attacks. Change to
Force Field (20 PD/20 ED). 70 Active Points;
total cost 47 points.
76 ■ Light Powers Hero System 5th Edition
OFFENSIVE POWERS 3) Distant Mesmerizing Lights: Add Ranged. Total
cost: 67 points.
4) Long-Lasting Lights: Add Delayed Return Rate
DISPELLING THE DARKNESS (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +¼).
Effect: Dispel Darkness to Sight Group Total cost: 60 points.
5) Lasting Lights: Decrease to Drain EGO 2d6 and
Target/Area Affected: One character
add Continuous (+1). Total cost: 55 points.
Duration: Instant
Range: 300”
END Cost: 6
Description: The character’s powers of light gen-
eration are so strong that he can instantly disrupt
fields of darkness and shadow, whether it’s the
quasi-mystic inky blackness created by a superhu- Effect: Missile Deflection (all physical
man like Shadowdragon or a mere smoke grenade. attacks)
Target/Area Affected: Self
Game Information: Dispel Darkness to Sight Duration: Constant
Group 20d6. Total cost: 60 points. Range: Self
END Cost: 1
Description: The character uses laser beams to
1) Strong Dispelling: Increase to Dispel 24d6. Total destroy incoming projectiles.
cost: 72 points. Game Information: Missile Deflection (all phys-
2) Weak Dispelling: Decrease to Dispel 16d6. Total ical attacks) (15 Active Points); Costs Endur-
cost: 48 points. ance (-½). Total cost: 10 points.
3) Touch Dispelling: The character can only Dispel
Darkness fields that he touches. Add No Range OPTIONS:
(-½). 60 Active Points; total cost 40 points. 1) Improved Laser Point Defense: Add +5 with
Missile Deflection (total cost: 10 points). Total
cost: 20 points.
Effect: Drain EGO 3d6, AVLD (Sight
Flash Defense), Ranged 2) Ranged Laser Point Defense: Add Ranged (+1).
Target/Area Affected: One character 30 Active Points; total cost 20 points.
Duration: Instant
Range: No Range
END Cost: 5
Description: The character can create a pattern of
swirling, hypnotic lights that weakens the will of
anyone who looks at it, making that person more
susceptible to Mental Powers and other forms of
Game Information: Drain EGO 3d6, AVLD
(Sight Group Flash Defense; +¾). Total cost: 52
1) Strong Mesmerizing Lights: Increase to Drain
EGO 4d6. Total cost: 70 points.
2) Weak Mesmerizing Lights: Decrease to Drain
EGO 2d6. Total cost: 35 points.
Luck Powers 77
Major Transform 4d6 (into
person with Luck 4d6)
COMBAT TIMING Target/Area Affected: One character
Effect: Lightning Reflexes (+10 to go Duration: Instant
first with All Attacks) Range: No Range
Target/Area Affected: Self END Cost: 6
Duration: Persistent Description: The character can use his control over
Range: Self probabilities to make another person nearly as
END Cost: 0 lucky as he is for a short time.
Description: The character’s control over prob-
Game Information: Major Transform 4d6
abilities and luck affects things so that somehow, he
(ordinary person into person with Luck 4d6,
always gets to attack first in combat. Unexpected
heals back normally) (60 Active Points); Lim-
events (such as stumbling over a pebble at just the
ited Target (humans; -½), Rapid Healing (char-
wrong moment) or equipment failures give him the
acter heals his REC in Transformed BODY per
edge when it comes to attacking first.
Hour; -1). Total cost: 24 points.
Game Information: Lightning Reflexes (+10 to
go first with All Attacks). Total cost: 15 points. OPTIONS:
1) Really Lucky: Increase to Drain Luck Powers
3d6. Total cost: 105 points.
2) Not Quite So Lucky: Decrease to Drain Luck
Powers 1d6. Total cost: 35 points.
3) Long-Lasting Luck: Add Delayed Return Rate
(points return at the rate of 5 per 5 Minutes; +½).
Total cost: 80 points.
4) Uncontrollable Luck: The standard power
assumes the character has some control over his
luck power and can cause this effect to occur at
will. If that’s not the case — if the character’s luck
is an unconscious thing — add Trigger (+¼), Only
Works Once Per Scene (-½) and No Conscious
Control (-2). 75 Active Points; total cost 21 points.
78 ■ Luck Powers Hero System 5th Edition
UNFORTUNATE IMPRISONMENT or flaws in his protection. Character also buys
Effect: Entangle 6d6, no DEF, Indirect Lack Of Weakness (-10 for Normal and Resistant
Target/Area Affected: One character Defenses). Total cost: 20 points; total cost of
Duration: Instant overall power 155 points.
Range: 350” 4) Uncontrollable Luck: The standard power
END Cost: 7 assumes the character has some control over his
Description: Structures just inexplicably collapse luck power and can cause this effect to occur at
near the character, burying his enemies in rubble. will. If that’s not the case — if the character’s luck
However, the collapse causes no injury, and anyone is an unconscious thing — add Trigger (+¼), Only
can wriggle free of the debris given time. (To cause Works Once Per Scene (-½) and No Conscious
injury at the same time, use this power as part Control (-2). 157 Active Points; total cost 45 points.
of a multiple-Power attack with Environmental
Mayhem, USPD 130.)
Effect: Desolidification, Only To Protect
Game Information: Entangle 6d6, Indirect Against Limited Type Of Attack
(always from above; +¼) (75 Active Points); Target/Area Affected: Self
OIF (environmental objects of opportunity; Duration: Instant
-½), No Defense (-1½), Side Effects (miscel- Range: Self
laneous minor damage to the environment, END Cost: 4
always occurs; -0). Total cost: 25 points.
Description: Even in situations where it seems
virtually impossible that the character could
avoid harm or escape from a dangerous situation,
1) Uncontrollable Unfortunate Imprisonment: The he gets an incredibly lucky break that saves him.
standard power as written assumes the character For example, if stuck in a collapsing building
has some control over his luck powers and can or an avalanche zone, he just happens to stand
cause this effect to occur at will. If that’s not the where no debris falls; or multiple enemies could
case — if the character’s luck is an unconscious target him with Autofire weapons at point-blank
thing — add Trigger (+¼), Only Works Once Per range but miss with every shot.
Scene (-½), and No Conscious Control (-2). 90 Unfortunately, the character’s luck is not per-
Active Points; total cost 16 points. fect. It will not protect him against attacks or other
effects that “saturate” an area, such as fireballs, gas
clouds, or anything else the GM believes the char-
DEFENSIVE POWERS acter cannot avoid. Furthermore, the character can
only use this power to save himself from one dan-
gerous situation per Phase; once he activates it, it
won’t work again until the character’s next Phase.
Effect: Force Field (15 PD/15 ED/15
Mental/15 Power/15 Sight Game Information: Desolidification (affected
Group Flash/15 Hearing Group by “saturated” attacks) (40 Active Points); Only
Flash) To Protect Against Limited Type Of Attack (see
Target/Area Affected: Self text; -1), Instant (-½). Total cost: 16 points.
Duration: Constant
Range: Self OPTIONS:
END Cost: 0
1) Continuing Lucky Break: The power works for as
Description: The character’s control over probabili- long as the character pays END. Remove Instant.
ties and luck protects him from attacks. Somehow, Total cost: 20 points.
something always seems to go wrong with the
2) Persistent Lucky Break: The power remain in
attack, or goes right with his protective measures,
effect all the time, even when the character sleeps.
so that he suffers less injury or effect (or none!)
This requires the GM’s permission, or the charac-
from the attack.
ter has to buy Affects Physical World for all of his
Game Information: Force Field (15 PD/15 ED/15 other abilities. Remove Instant and add Reduced
Mental/15 Power/15 Sight Group Flash/15 Endurance (0 END; +½) and Persistent (+½). 80
Hearing Group Flash), Reduced Endurance (0 Active Points; total cost 40 points.
END; +½). Total cost: 135 points. 3) Uncontrollable Lucky Break: The standard power
as written assumes the character has some control
OPTIONS: over his luck powers and can cause this effect to
1) Really Lucky: Increase to 20 points of defense in occur at will. If that’s not the case — if the charac-
all categories. Total cost: 180 points. ter’s luck is an unconscious thing — add Trigger
(+¼), Only Works Once Per Scene (-½), and No
2) Not Quite So Lucky: Decrease to 10 points of Conscious Control (-2). 50 Active Points; total cost
defense in all categories. Total cost: 90 points. 10 points.
3) Expanded Luck: The character’s luck also
makes it difficult for others to find weaknesses
Luck Powers 79
1) The Will To Succeed: The character’s ability to
come out ahead depends less on sheer luck than on
his overwhelming will to succeed when the chips
are down. Add Requires An EGO Roll (assuming
an EGO of 13-22; -¾). Total cost: 18 points.
Luck Powers 81
Game Information: Summon one 350-point 1) Big Winner: The character routinely wins sig-
character (70 Active Points), Arrives Under nificant prizes. Increase to Money (Wealthy). Total
Own Power (-½). Total cost: 47 points. cost: 10 points.
2) Really Big Winner: The character routinely wins
OPTIONS: major lotteries. Increase to Money (Filthy Rich).
Total cost: 15 points.
1) Guess Who’s In The Neighborhood: The power
only works if the Summoned character is close
enough to arrive in time, and/or if he can hear the
“cry for help.” Add Summoned Being Must Inhabit
Locale (-½). Total cost: 35 points.
2) It’s The Bloomin’ Cavalry!: Increase to eight
350-point characters. 85 Active Points; total cost
57 points.
82 ■ Matter Manipulation Hero System 5th Edition
1) Strong Power: Increase reserve to 75 points,
CREATE BINDINGS Slot One to Entangle 8d6, 7 DEF and Slot Two to
Energy Blast 12d6. Total cost: 89 points.
Effect: Entangle 6d6, 6 DEF
Target/Area Affected: One character 2) Weak Power: Decrease reserve to 50 points,
Duration: Instant Slot One to Entangle 5d6, 5 DEF and Slot Two to
Range: 300” Energy Blast 8d6. Total cost: 60 points.
END Cost: 6 3) Sharp Matter Dropping: The character can also
Description: The character uses his control over create sharp or pointed chunks of matter to drop
matter to either warp local matter so that it snares on his foes. Add a third slot, RKA 3d6, Indirect
his target, or to create a stone-like substance out (always from above; +¼). Total cost: 78 points.
of thin air around the target. He can also use this
power to create protective barriers.
Effect: RKA 2d6, Armor Piercing,
Game Information: Entangle 6d6, 6 DEF. Total Penetrating (x2)
cost: 60 points. Target/Area Affected: One character
Duration: Instant
OPTIONS: Range: Touch
END Cost: 7
1) Strong Bindings: Increase to Entangle 8d6, 8
DEF. Total cost: 80 points. Description: The character can remove the cohesion
between molecules, thus allowing him to rip, tear,
2) Weak Bindings: Decrease to Entangle 4d6, 4
or pull apart an object with ease. Even the toughest
DEF. Total cost: 40 points.
materials have little chance against this power.
3) Large Bindings: The character can create
bindings large enough to capture entire groups Game Information: RKA 2d6, Armor Piercing
of people. Decrease to Entangle 5d6, 5 DEF and (+½), Penetrating (x2; +1) (75 Active Points); No
add Area Of Effect (5” Radius; +1). Total cost: Range (-½), Reduced STUN Multiplier (1d6-3;
100 points. -½), No Knockback (-¼). Total cost: 33 points.
Entangle 3d6, 6 DEF, Takes No
Damage From Attacks, Cannot (page 84)
Be Escaped With Teleportation CLOTH CONTROL
Target/Area Affected: One character Effect: Various (see text) “Black Mask of Vibora
Duration: Instant Target/Area Affected: Varies Bay recently reported
Range: 395” Duration: Varies an encounter with an
END Cost: 8 Range: Varies unidentified superhu-
END Cost: Varies man criminal who was
Description: The character can increase the molec- using matter-manipula-
ular attraction between the target’s atoms, causing Description: The character has broad powers of con- tion powers to break
the target’s limbs and extremities to stick to their trol over cloth, thread, and textile fibers in general. into the vault at the
body. Since there’s no actual binding agent save He can change one type or color of cloth to another, Seventh National Bank.
the target itself, the Entangle effect is transparent “stitch” clothes together to prevent the person wearing When confronted, he
to attacks. Similarly, the victim cannot escape the them from moving, or shred clothes. fled; when Black Mask
effect via Teleportation (since the target carries the Note that this power only works against cornered him at a con-
attraction effect with him as he moves). cloth (including artificial fibers like polyester) and struction site, he used
his powers to wrap her
objects made from it. It would not work against
Game Information: Entangle 3d6, 6 DEF, Takes up in metal beams. By
leather, the rubber soles of shoes, metal buckles, the time she wriggled
No Damage From Attacks (+½), Cannot Be
ivory buttons, or the like. free, he’d escaped.
Escaped With Teleportation (+¼) (79 Active
Points); Cannot Form Barriers (-¼). Total cost: Game Information:
63 points. “Black Mask’s descrip-
Cost Power
tion of the supercrimi-
20 Cloth Control: Multipower, 20-point reserve nal — a slightly older-
OPTIONS: 1u 1) Alter Clothing: Cosmetic Transform 4d6 looking man in a ragged,
(one set of clothes into another; heals back hooded cloak and also
1) Strong Attraction: Increase to Entangle 6d6, 6
through another application of this power); wearing what seemed
DEF. 105 Active Points; total cost 84 points.
Limited Target (clothes; -½) to be a high-tech, leath-
2) Weak Attraction: Decrease to Entangle 3d6, 3 1u 2) Confining Stitching: Entangle 2d6, 2 DEF; ery-looking armor and
DEF. 52 Active Points; total cost 42 points. Only Works Against Persons Wearing Appro- high-tech bracers of
priate Clothing (-½) some sort — does not
1u 3) Unstitch: RKA 1d6+1; Only Works match our records of
SENSORY POWERS Against Cloth (-2) any known superhu-
man. The presence of
Total cost: 23 points. technology raises the
SPEAKING STATUES question of whether his
MOLECULAR ADHESION abilities are natural, but
Effect: Retrocognition (Sight and
Hearing Groups) Effect: Clinging (STR +30) Black Mask believes his
Target/Area Affected: See text Target/Area Affected: Self powers didn’t emanate
Duration: Constant from the bracers or
Duration: Constant armor.
Range: No Range Range: Self
END Cost: 5 END Cost: 0
“All agents in the region
Description: This power allows a character to ani- Description: The character uses his control of around Vibora Bay are
mate a statue, the characters in a painting, or the molecular properties to “stick” to any surface — he instructed to remain
like so that they can tell him what’s happened near can even walk up walls! alert for this individual
them in the past. They have trouble remember- and to contact their
Game Information: Clinging (STR +30). Total informants to seek
ing things accurately the further back in time the cost: 20 points. information about him.”
character asks them to remember, and at the GM’s
option may have difficulty with human concepts OPTIONS: —excerpt from UNTIL’s
(such as large numbers). Nevertheless, they usually weekly internal infor-
provide valuable information. 1) Strong Adhesion: Increase to Clinging (STR +60). mation circular
Total cost: 30 points.
Game Information: Clairsentience (Sight and
Hearing Groups), Retrocognition (50 Active 2) Weak Adhesion: Decrease to Clinging (normal
Points); Extra Time (1 Turn; -1¼), No Range STR). Total cost: 10 points.
(-½), Requires Appropriate Artwork (-½), Ret-
rocognition Only (-1), Time Modifiers (-½).
Total cost: 10 points.
1) Clear Revelation: The artwork can remember
any point in the past with equal clarity. Remove
Time Modifiers (-½). Total cost: 12 points.
2) Quick Power: Remove Extra Time (-1¼). Total
cost: 14 points.
84 ■ Matter Manipulation Hero System 5th Edition
Category Subject ID Scale: Mode V is ual
1) Faster Loss: Increase to Major Transform ½d6.
BRAINBURNING 32 Active Points; total cost 26 points.
Effect: RKA 2d6, BOECV, Does BODY 2) Restricted Loss: This form of the power only
Target/Area Affected: One character works if the character has affected the target with
Duration: Instant Mental Illusions at the EGO +10 level or higher.
Range: LOS Add Linked (victim must be suffering effects of
END Cost: 9 EGO +10 or better Mental Illusion; -½). Total
cost: 9 points.
Description: By turning his telepathic powers on a
target full-force, the character can literally fry the PSI-BLADE
target’s brain, killing him without leaving any out- Effect: Ego Attack 4d6, Requires An
ward trace. Attack Roll
Game Information: RKA 2d6, BOECV (Mental Target/Area Affected: One character
Defense applies; +1), Does BODY (+1). Total Duration: Instant
cost: 90 points. Range: No Range
END Cost: 4
OPTIONS: Description: The character can form a blade of pure
psychic energy and use it to attack as he would a
1) Strong Burn: Increase to RKA 3d6. Total cost:
sword or dagger — except that it doesn’t cut the
135 points.
victim, it inflicts psionic damage that stuns him. In
2) Weak Burn: Decrease to RKA 1d6. Total cost: addition to the standard Ego Attack Roll, the char-
45 points. acter must also make an OCV-based Attack Roll to
3) Lasting Burn: The character can keep assault- hit the target. (The GM may, at his option, dispense
ing the target’s brain without making another ECV with the Ego Attack Roll, but this may cause game
Attack Roll as long as he keeps paying END. Add balance problems.)
Continuous (+1). Total cost: 120 points. Game Information: Ego Attack 4d6 (40 Active
Points); No Range (-½), Requires An Attack
Roll (-½). Total cost: 20 points.
Effect: Major Transform 1 point (make
person insane), BOECV OPTIONS:
Target/Area Affected: One character
Duration: Constant 1) Strong Psi-blade: Increase to Ego Attack 6d6. 60
Range: LOS Active Points; total cost 30 points.
END Cost: 2 2) Weak Psi-blade: Decrease to Ego Attack 3d6. 30
Description: The character uses his powers of illu- Active Points; total cost 15 points.
sion to make the victim unable to distinguish real- 3) Deadly Psi-blade I: Add Does BODY (+1). 80
ity from hallucination. Slowly but surely, this warps Active Points; total cost 40 points.
the victim’s mind until he becomes utterly insane.
The insanity usually lasts for at least a month or 4) Deadly Psi-blade II: Change to RKA 2d6,
two before the victim comes to himself. BOECV (Mental Defense applies; +1), Does BODY
(+1). 90 Active Points; total cost 45 points.
Game Information: Major Transform 1 point
(sentient being into being with the Psycho-
logical Limitation Utterly, Gibberingly Insane
[Very Common, Total]; heals back normally),
BOECV (Mental Defense applies; +1), Works
Against EGO, Not BODY (+¼), Continuous
(+1) (16 Active Points); Limited Target (sen-
tient beings; -¼). Total cost: 13 points.
86 ■ Mental And Psionic Powres Hero System 5th Edition
Effect: Ego Attack 4d6, Requires An Effect: Entangle 4d6, 4 DEF, BOECV
Attack Roll Target/Area Affected: 23” Radius
Target/Area Affected: One character Duration: Instant
Duration: Instant Range: LOS
Range: RBS END Cost: 0
END Cost: 4 Description: A character with this power can
Description: The character can form a “dart” telepathically “freeze” everyone in a 23” radius
of pure psychic energy and throw it at targets area. While frozen, the victims cannot use their
(for these purposes the dart is assumed to have senses, or even sense the passage of time; they
a “weight” of .25 kg). The dart doesn’t cut the “wake up” thinking nothing unusual has hap-
victim, it inflicts psionic damage that stuns him. pened (though they may experience odd physical
In addition to the standard Ego Attack Roll, the sensations, such as a funny taste in the mouth,
character must also make an OCV-based Attack for a few moments). The user of the ability can
Roll to hit the target. (The GM may, at his option, selectively chose to leave some people “unfrozen”
dispense with the Ego Attack Roll, but this may so he can interact with them.
cause game balance problems.)
Game Information: Entangle 4d6, 4 DEF, Stops
Game Information: Ego Attack 4d6 (40 Active A Given Sense Group (Sight Group, Hearing
Points); Normal Range Based On STR (-½), Group, Smell/Taste Group, Passage Of Time),
Requires An Attack Roll (-½). Total cost: 20 Takes No Damage From Physical Attacks (+¼),
points. BOECV (Mental Defense applies; +1), Works
Against EGO, Not STR (+¼), Area Of Effect
OPTIONS: (20” Radius; +1), Selective (+¼), Reduced
Endurance (0 END; +½) (340 Active Points);
1) Strong Psi-dart: Increase to Ego Attack 6d6. 60 Mental Defense Adds To EGO (-½), Cannot
Active Points; total cost 30 points. Form Barriers (-¼), Susceptible (to Mental
2) Weak Psi-dart: Decrease to Ego Attack 3d6. 30 Powers, Uncommon; -¼). Total cost: 170
Active Points; total cost 15 points. points.
3) Deadly Psi-dart I: Add Does BODY (+1). 80
Active Points; total cost 40 points. OPTIONS:
4) Deadly Psi-dart II: Change to RKA 2d6, BOECV 1) Strong Time Stop: Increase to Entangle 5d6, 5
(Mental Defense applies; +1), Does BODY (+1). 90 DEF. 382 Active Points; total cost 191 points.
Active Points; total cost 45 points. 2) Weak Telepathic Time Stop: Decrease to Entangle
5) Multiple Psi-darts: Add Autofire (3 shots; +1¼). 3d6, 3 DEF. 297 Active Points; total cost 148 points.
90 Active Points; total cost 45 points. 3) Larger Area: Increase to Area Of Effect (46” Radius;
6) Seeking Psi-darts: The character can throw the +1¼). 360 Active Points; total cost 180 points.
darts so that they arc around corners and other 4) Smaller Area: Decrease to Area Of Effect (4”
obstacles. Add Indirect (always originates from the Radius; +1). 340 Active Points; total cost 170 points.
character, but can strike target from any angle; +½).
60 Active Points; total cost 30 points. 5) Escape Time Stop: The character uses this power
solely to foil pursuit. Remove Selective (+¼). 320
Active Points; total cost 160 points.
Mental And Psionic Powres 87
OFFENSIVE POWERS 2) Weak Anticipation: Decrease to 7 points of each
form of Flash Defense. Total cost: 14 points.
Category Precognition Powers Subject ID Classified Scale: Clas.. Mode
Effect: Lack Of Weakness (-10) for Effect: Lockpicking (DEX Roll +5)
Normal and Resistant Defenses Target/Area Affected: One lock
Target/Area Affected: Self Duration: Instant
Duration: Constant Range: Touch
Range: Self END Cost: 1
END Cost: 1 Description: The character can extend tiny portions
Description: The character constantly shifts his of his finger into a mechanical lock, adjusting the
exterior form and appearance, making it virtually tumblers by feel until it opens.
impossible for attackers to detect any weaknesses in
Game Information: Lockpicking (DEX Roll +5)
his body. This only applies to innate defenses, such
(13 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-½), Only
as the character’s own PD, ED, and Damage Resis-
Versus Mechanical Key Locks (-1). Total cost:
tance; it has no effect on worn armors, force fields
5 points.
the character generates, or the like (the Limitation
that reflects this should be removed if the character
has no non-innate defenses). OPTIONS:
Game Information: Lack Of Weakness (-10) 1) Precise Lockpick: Increase to Lockpicking (DEX
for Normal and Resistant Defenses (20 Active Roll +10). 23 Active Points; total cost 9 points.
Points); Costs Endurance (-½), Only Applies 2) Simple Lockpick: Decrease to Lockpicking (DEX
To Character’s Innate Defenses (-¼). Total cost: Roll). 3 Active Points; total cost 1 point.
11 points.
1) Greater Mutating: Increase to Lack Of Weakness
(-15). 30 Active Points; total cost 17 points.
2) Lesser Mutating: Decrease to Lack of Weakness
(-5). 10 Active Points; total cost 6 points.
Size Alteration Powers 91
Most characters with size alteration powers
Effect: +15 PD and ED versus smaller
can only alter their own size. But some have the
power to change the size of other people or objects.
Target/Area Affected: Self
Duration: Persistent
END Cost:
Offensive Powers
Description: Smaller beings just don’t cause as ENLARGE/REDUCE OBJECTS
much harm as those of the character’s size.
Effect: Major Transform 6d6 (non-
Game Information: +15 PD (15 Active Points); living object into same object
Only Applies Versus Attackers At Least One but different size)
Size “Class” Smaller (-¼) (total cost: 12 points) Target/Area Affected: One object
plus +15 ED (15 Active Points); Only Applies Duration: Instant
Versus Attackers At Least One Size “Class” Range: No Range
Smaller (-¼) (total cost: 12 points). Total cost: END Cost: 13
24 points. Description: The character can increase or decrease
the size of non-living objects many hundred times.
OPTIONS: Typically he does this for utility purposes — to
1) Even Tougher: Increase both Characteristics to make something easier to carry, for example — but
+20. 20 + 20 = 40 Active Points; total cost 16 + 16 = the power has many other applications. Use the
32 points. rules on pages 447-49 of the HERO System 5th Edi-
tion, Revised rulebook to determine the BODY of
2) Weaker Defenses: Decrease both Characteristics objects.
to +10. 10 + 10 = 20 Active Points; total cost 8 + 8
= 16 points. Game Information: Major Transform 6d6 (non-
living object into same object but different size,
3) What Was That, A Mosquito?: The base power
heals back normally (4 BODY/day) or through
assumes the character’s toughness due to size
another application of this power), Improved
doesn’t work as well against Killing Attacks. Some
Results Group (+¼), Reduced Endurance (½
characters don’t suffer from that problem. Change
END; +¼) (135 Active Points); No Range (-½),
to Armor (15 PD/15 ED) (45 Active Points); Only
Limited Target (non-living objects; -¼). Total
Applies Versus Attackers At Least One Size “Class”
cost: 77 points.
Smaller (-¼). Total cost: 36 points.
1) Strong Enlarge/Reduce: Increase to Major Trans-
form 8d6. 180 Active Points; total cost 103 points.
2) Weak Enlarge/Reduce: Decrease to Major Trans-
form 4d6. 90 Active Points; total cost 51 points.
3) Ranged Enlarge/Reduce: The character can use
this power at range. Remove No Range (-½). Total
cost: 108 points.
92 ■ Size Alteration Powers Hero System 5th Edition
Effect: Entangle 6d6, up to 6 DEF, Only 1) Strong Falling: Increase to Teleportation 8”. 70
To Form Barriers Active Points; total cost 28 points.
Target/Area Affected: Varies
Duration: Instant 2) Weak Falling: Decrease to Teleportation 3”. 47
Range: 300” Active Points; total cost 19 points.
END Cost: 6 3) Ranged Falling: The character can use this
Description: The character can enlarge non-living power on targets at range. Add Ranged (+½). 69
objects — pebbles and twigs on the ground, for Active Points; total cost 28 points.
example — to create barriers to foil pursuit or give
him cover from attacks.
Effect: RKA 2d6, NND, Does BODY
Game Information: Entangle 6d6, up to 6 Target/Area Affected: One character
DEF (60 Active Points); OIF (small objects Duration: Instant
of opportunity; -½), Only To Form Barriers Range: 30”
(-1), Defense Depends On Materials Used (-½). END Cost: 9
Total cost: 20 points.
Description: The character can enlarge (or per-
haps shrink) a living being’s heart, causing col-
lapse of the circulatory system, heart attacks, and
1) Strong Barrier: Increase to Entangle 8d6, up to 8 agonizing death.
DEF. 80 Active Points; total cost 27 points.
Game Information: RKA 2d6, NND (defense
2) Weak Barrier: Decrease to Entangle 4d6, up to 4 is Power Defense or not having a circulatory
DEF. 40 Active Points; total cost 13 points. system; +1), Does BODY (+1) (90 Active
3) Short-Range Barrier: The character can only Points); Limited Range (30”; -¼). Total cost:
create barriers near himself. Add Limited Range 72 points.
(20”; -¼). Total cost: 18 points.
3) No-Range Barrier: The character can only create
barriers where he is. Add No Range (-½). Total cost: 1) Strong Power: Increase to RKA 3d6. 135 Active
17 points. Points; total cost 108 points.
Category Size Alteration Powers Subject ID Expanse Scale: 9 Mode
Minor Transform 6d6 (awake
person to sleeping person), All
Effect: Ego Attack 4d6, NND Target/Area Affected: One character
Target/Area Affected: One character Duration: Instant
Duration: Instant Range: 300”
Range: LOS END Cost: 6
END Cost: 8 Description: The character has the power to put
Description: This power is a variant on Sleep Inflic- other people into a gentle slumber. They remain
tion (USPD pages 185-86). It makes anyone who asleep until something awakens them — a loud
has to sleep so sleepy they may pass out right then noise, a bright light in their face, being splashed
and there. with water or slapped, and so forth.
This power requires the GM’s permission, for
Game Information: Ego Attack 4d6, NND two reasons. First, it uses Transform in an unusual
(defense is Life Support [Diminished Sleep] way that some GMs may object to, since in large
or the Dreamshield power; +1). Total cost: 80 part it duplicates some other powers (such as Ego
points. Attack). Second, some GMs may consider this
effect too powerful for a Minor Transform, and
OPTIONS: prefer to upgrade it to a Major Transform instead.
1) Strong Assault: Increase to Ego Attack 5d6. Total However, since the effects are relatively limited
cost: 100 points. — it’s very easy for the character to “heal” back
from the Transform — this power shouldn’t prove
2) Weak Assault: Decrease to Ego Attack 3d6. Total unbalancing, and may make an interesting alterna-
cost: 60 points. tive to the usual means of trying to put someone
3) Assault Of The Sleepies: The sleepiness contin- to sleep. It may also be a tactically better choice for
ues to afflict the target until he falls asleep. Decrease use on characters with high STUN totals, who are
to Ego Attack 2d6 and add Continuous (+1). Total very hard to put to sleep instantly with a single Ego
cost: 60 points. Attack or Drain STUN.
4) Easy Assault: Add Reduced Endurance (0 END; Game Information: Minor Transform 6d6
+½). Total cost: 100 points. (awake being to sleeping being; heals back
through any means that would awaken char-
acter) (60 Active Points); Limited Target
(living beings; -¼), All Or Nothing (-½).
Total cost: 34 points.
1) Strong Attack: Increase to Minor Transform 8d6.
80 Active Points; total cost 46 points.
2) Weak Attack: Decrease to Minor Transform 4d6.
40 Active Points; total cost 23 points.
3) Morphean Touch: The character has to touch his
target to affect him. Add No Range (-½). Total cost:
27 points.
4) Morphean Caress: The character can use the
attack repeatedly if it fails to work the first time.
Remove All Or Nothing (-½). Total cost: 48 points.
5) Attack Of The Sleepies: The victim gets sleepier
and sleepier until he falls asleep. Decrease to Minor
Transform 4d6, remove All Or Nothing (-½), and add
Sleep And Dream Powers 97
Category Sleep And Dream Powers Subject ID Classified Scale: Clas.. Mode
Continuous (+1). 80 Active Points; total cost 64 points. YOU’RE FEELING VEEEERRRRY SLEEPY... NOTICE!
6) Mass Morphean Attack: The character can make Effect: Drain END 4d6
a lot of people fall asleep at once. Decrease to Target/Area Affected: One character Image deleted.
Minor Transform 4d6 and add Area Of Effect (4” Duration: Instant We do not
Radius; +1). 80 Active Points; total cost 46 points. Range: 200” monitor the
END Cost: 6 dreams of
Description: When a character uses this power on heads of
Effect: Drain PRE 4d6 another character, the victim becomes so fatigued state. We
Target/Area Affected: One character he may have trouble moving, much less performing cannot afford
Duration: Instant more strenuous actions. Fortunately, the feeling is
Range: 200” another such
only temporary.
END Cost: 6 international
Game Information: Drain END 4d6, Ranged incident.
Description: This power is similar to Waking (+½). Total cost: 60 points.
Dreams (USPD page 186), but it only allows the
character to make the victim experience terrifying —Gideon H.
OPTIONS: Jones, Direc-
1) Strong Sleepy: Increase to Drain END 6d6. Total tor, Technical
Game Information: Drain PRE 4d6, Ranged Corps
cost: 90 points.
(+½). Total cost: 60 points.
2) Weak Sleepy: Decrease to Drain END 3d6. Total
OPTIONS: cost: 45 points.
Energy Blast 8d6, Explosion
Target/Area Affected: Explosion
1) Bigger Supply: BLACK HOLE BODY Duration: Instant
Increase to Endurance
Effect: Telekinesis (100 STR) plus RKA Range: 300”
Reserve (150 END, 10
REC). Total cost: 20 10d6 NND Does BODY END Cost: 6
points. Target/Area Affected: 38” Radius/Self Description: The character generates a tiny fusion
Duration: Constant reaction which releases superhot solar plasma.
2) Smaller Supply: Range: No Range Then he directs the plasma toward a target. The
Decrease to Endurance END Cost: 0 plasma spreads quickly over a wide area, which
Reserve (50 END, 10 Description: The character’s body can become a makes it possible to affect lots of people with it, but
REC). Total cost: 10 diminishes its effect over range.
“living black hole,” or is surrounded by a skintight
“black hole field.” As a result, any object within 38”
Game Information: Energy Blast 8d6, Explosion
is inexorably pulled toward him; when any object
3) Faster Recovery: (+½) (60 Active Points); Reduced By Range (-
Increase to Endurance contacts him, it’s crushed into a singularity by the
¼), Can Be Missile Deflected (-¼). Total cost:
Reserve (100 END, 15 force of his gravity and killed/destroyed.
40 points.
REC). Total cost: 17 Game Information: Telekinesis (100 STR), Area
Of Effect (23” Radius; +1), Reduced Endurance OPTIONS:
(0 END; +½) (375 Active Points); No Range
4) Slower Recovery: 1) Strong Plasma Blast: Increase to Energy Blast
(-½), Linked (-½), Affects Whole Object (-¼),
Decrease to Endurance 10d6. 75 Active Points; total cost 50 points.
Reserve (100 END, 5 Only To Pull Objects Directly To Character
REC). Total cost: 12 (-½) (total cost: 136 points) plus RKA 10d6, 2) Weak Plasma Blast: Decrease to Energy Blast
points. NND (defense is ED Force Wall; +1), Does 6d6. 45 Active Points; total cost: 30 points.
BODY (+1), Continuous (+1), Damage Shield 3) Coherent Plasma Blast: The character has
(+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (750 enough control over the plasma he creates to keep
Active Points); No Knockback (-¼) (total cost: it from spreading out too much. Remove Reduced
600 points). Total cost: 736 points. By Range (-¼). Total cost: 48 points.
1) Perpetual Black Hole Body: The character’s body is MISCELLANEOUS POWERS
always in black hole form; he can never turn the effect
off. Change to: Telekinesis (100 STR), Area Of Effect SOLAR STORAGE
(30” Radius; +1), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Effect: Endurance Reserve (100 END,
Persistent (+½) (450 Active Points); Always On (-½), 10 REC)
No Range (-½), Linked (-½), Affects Whole Object Target/Area Affected: Self
(-¼), Only To Pull Objects Directly To Character Duration: Persistent
(-½) (total cost: 138 points) plus RKA 10d6, NND Range: Self
(defense is ED Force Wall; +1), Does BODY (+1), END Cost: 0
Continuous (+1), Damage Shield (+½), Reduced
Endurance (0 END; +½), Persistent (+½) (825 Active Description: The character stores solar energy in his
Points); Always On (-½), No Knockback (-¼) (total body and uses it to fuel his celestial powers. He can
cost: 471 points). Total cost: 609 points. only replenish his power by exposing himself to
direct sunlight or starlight.
Game Information: Endurance Reserve (100
END) (total cost: 10 points) plus Endurance
Reserve (10 REC) (10 Active Points); Limited
Recovery (only in direct sun/starlight; -1) (total
cost: 5 points). Total cost: 15 points.
Sonic Powers 99
OFFENSIVE POWERS Game Information:
Cost Power
192 Solid Sound: Multipower, 240-point reserve;
SIREN SONG all Not Into/Through Areas Where Sound-
Effect: Mind Control 8d6 waves Cannot Propagate (-¼)
Target/Area Affected: One character 4u 1) Sound Shackles: Entangle 5d6, 5 DEF;
Duration: Constant Not Into/Through Areas Where Soundwaves
Range: 200” Cannot Propagate (-¼)
END Cost: 4 19u 2) Sound Creations: Summon any being or
Description: The characer can create sounds object built on up to 400 Character Points,
so haunting, they are hypnotic. He delivers his Expanded Class (anything; +1), Slavishly
orders to the victim by words in the sounds Loyal (+1); Not Into/Through Areas Where
(singing or the like). Soundwaves Cannot Propagate (-¼)
Total cost: 215 points.
Game Information: Mind Control 8d6 (40
Active Points); Does Not Provide Mental SONIC DISCOMFITURE
Awareness (-¼), Limited Normal Range (20”; Effect: Drain CON 2d6
-½). Total cost: 23 points. Target/Area Affected: 10” Radius
Duration: Constant
OPTIONS: Range: 375”
END Cost: 7
1) Strong Song: Increase to Mind Control 9d6. 45
Active Points; total cost 26 points. Description: The character emits a combination of
infrasound and ultrasound that induces feelings
2) Weak Song: Decrease to Mind Control 7d6. 35
of nausea and sickness. After sufficient exposure,
Active Points; total cost 20 points.
targets may vomit, lose control of their bowels, or
3) Loud Song: The character’s Song is so loud suffer similarly unpleasant physical effects.
everyone in the vicinity can hear the noise. Add
Noisy (-¼). Total cost: 20 points. Game Information: Drain CON 2d6, Area Of
Effect (10” Radius; +1¼), Continuous (+1),
4) Group Song: The song affects everyone who Ranged (+½) (75 Active Points); Does Not
hears it. Add Area Of Effect (16” Radius; +1½) and Work In A Vacuum (-¼). Total cost: 60 points.
change Limited Normal Range (-½) to No Range
(-½). 100 Active Points; total cost 57 points.
SOLID SOUND 1) Strong Discomfiture: Increase to Drain CON 3d6.
Effect: Various Attack Powers 112 Active Points; total cost 90 points.
Target/Area Affected: Varies 2) Weak Discomfiture: Decrease to Drain CON 1d6.
Duration: Varies 37 Active Points; total cost 30 points.
Range: Varies
END Cost: Varies 2) Easy Discomfiture: Add Reduced Endurance (½
END; +¼). 80 Active Points; total cost 64 points.
Description: The character has the ability to create
constructs out of soundwaves so densely packed
that they’re effectively solid. If he creates chains or
a wall of sound, it can stop people from moving; if
he creates a sound-tiger, it can hurt people with its
sound-claws. The only restriction on the power is
that the character cannot create sound-constructs
in areas where sound cannot propagate (such as
vacuums), or have them move through such areas.
100 ■ Sonic Powers Hero System 5th Edition
Category Sonic Powers Subject ID Howler Scale: 9 Mode
1) Strong Power: Increase to Teleportation 25”. 50
SOUNDWAVE TRAVEL Active Points; total cost 40 points.
(page 99)
Effect: Teleportation 20” 2) Weak Power: Decrease to Teleportation 15”. 30
“By that point, her Target/Area Affected: Self Active Points; total cost 24 points.
henchmen were Duration: Instant 3) Speed Of Sound: The character can remain in
defeated and we had Range: Self soundwave form for up to a second, allowing him
Howler herself sur-
END Cost: 4 to travel at the speed of sound (assumed to be 750
rounded. We thought
that was the end of it, Description: The character can transform himself miles per hour for these purposes, though it actu-
but then she let loose into pure sound and travel nigh-instantaneously ally varies based on the temperature, the medium
with some sort of infra- to a location within 20” before reverting to his traveled through, the elevation, and so forth).
sonic pulse that made all physical form. He cannot travel to or through Change to:
of us completely sick to areas where soundwaves cannot propagate, such Cost Power
our stomachs. I’ve never
as vacuums. 32 Soundwave Travel: Multipower, 40-point
felt so horrible in my
life, and almost before reserve; all Not Into/Through Areas Where
Game Information: Teleportation 20” (40 Active
I knew it I was on the Soundwaves Cannot Propagate (-¼)
Points); Not Into/Through Areas Where Sound-
ground retching... just 3u 1) Short-Range Travel: Teleportation 20”;
waves Cannot Propagate (-¼). Total cost: 32
like everyone else. Then Not Into/Through Areas Where Soundwaves
she flew away without Cannot Propagate (-¼)
so much as a backward 1u 2) Long-Range Travel: Teleportation 1”,
glance.” MegaScale (1” = 168”; +¼); Not Into/
Through Areas Where Soundwaves Cannot
—Superhuman Combat Propagate (-¼)
Analysis Report (SCAR) Total cost: 36 points.
filed by Agent Richard
Speedster Powers 101
Energy Blast 8d6, OIF (rubble
of opportunity)
GRAB-AND-DROP Target/Area Affected: One Hex
Effect: HA +8d6 Duration: Instant
Target/Area Affected: One character Range: No Range (see text)
Duration: Instant END Cost: 6
Range: Touch Description: This power uses the turbulence created
END Cost: 4 by the character’s ultra-fast movement to attack an
Description: A speedster uses this attack against a opponent. The character makes a Full Move past
character or object he’s Grabbed. He carries the target or through a pile of rubble or like material. As he
has he runs toward or past some large, durable object continues his move, the turbulence of his passage
(typically a wall). At the right moment he lets the “picks up” a large section of rubble and carries it
victim go so that the victim smashes into the wall, along in his wake. Then he moves past the target,
taking damage based not only on the character’s STR stopping or turning at just the right moment so that
but the character’s velocity. The HA dice simulate the the pile of rubble smashes into the target.
velocity damage; the GM may, if desired, require (or
Game Information: Energy Blast 8d6, Area
limit) the character to buying a number of HA dice
Of Effect (One Hex; +½) (60 Active Points);
equal to his Combat Movement velocity divided by 3
OIF (rubble of opportunity; -½), Extra Time
(similar to Move Through damage).
(character must spend a Full Phase to make
Game Information: HA +8d6 (40 Active Points); a Full Move that takes him past both the
Extra Time (character must spend a Full Phase rubble and the target; -½), No Range (-½).
and make at least a Half Move; -½), Hand- Total cost: 24 points.
To-Hand Attack (-½), Must Follow Grab (-½).
Total cost: 16 points. OPTIONS:
1) Improved Multi-Targeting: Increase to +16 versus
Sweep OCV Penalties. 48 Active Points; total cost
32 points.
102 ■ Fantasy Equipment Hero System 5th Edition
2) Lesser Multi-Targeting: Decrease to +4 versus Sweep SPEED TRAP
OCV Penalties. 12 Active Points; total cost 8 points. Effect: Telekinesis (40 STR), Only To
3) Ranged Multi-Targeting: The power applies to Stop Falling Items
ranged attacks instead of hand-to-hand attacks. Target/Area Affected: One character
Change to Rapid Fire Levels: +10 versus Rapid Fire Duration: Instant
Penalties with All Attacks. 30 Active Points; total Range: No Range
cost 20 points. END Cost: 6
Description: The character runs around in a tight
WHIRLWIND ARMS circle which creates a cushion of air beneath a fall-
Effect: Energy Blast 8d6, Double ing object.
Target/Area Affected: One character Game Information: Telekinesis (40 STR)
Duration: Instant (60 Active Points); No Range (-½), Only To
Range: 5” Catch Falling Items/Persons (-1). Total cost:
END Cost: 7 24 points.
Description: The character spins his arms (or one OPTIONS:
arm) so fast that it creates a blast of air powerful
enough to knock a nearby target head over heels. 1) Strong Trap: Increase To Telekinesis (50 STR). 75
Active Points; Total cost 30 points.
Game Information: Energy Blast 8d6, Double
Knockback (+¾) (70 Active Points); Limited 2) Weak Trap: Decrease To Telekinesis (30 STR). 45
Range (5”; -¼). Total cost: 56 points. Active Points; Total cost 18 points.
3) I Can Catch ’Em All: The character can create a
OPTIONS: much larger air cushion. Add Area Of Effect (6”
Radius; +1). 120 Active Points; total cost 48 points.
1) Strong Arms: Increase to Energy Blast 10d6. 87
Active Points; total cost 70 points.
2) Weak Arms: Decrease to Energy Blast 6d6. 52 MOVEMENT POWERS
Active Points; total cost 42 points.
3) Ongoing Whirlwind: The character can keep MOVING THROUGH DIMENSIONS
up the whirlwind effect as long as he needs to. Effect: Extra-Dimensional Movement
Decrease to Energy Blast 6d6 and add Continuous Target/Area Affected: Self
(+1). 82 Active Points; total cost 66 points. Duration: Constant
4) Cone Whirlwind: The whirlwind can affect Range: Self
everyone near the character. Add Area Of Effect (9” END Cost: 4
Cone; +1) and change Limited Range (-¼) to No Description: The character can move so fast that he
Range (-½). 110 Active Points; total cost 73 points. can attune the “dimensional frequency” of his body to
another dimension, thus crossing from this dimension
DEFENSIVE POWERS into that one. The GM may require the character to
have Navigation (Dimensional) or some other Skill or
source of knowledge to set the dimensional frequency
CAN’T HIT ME to travel to a specific dimension.
Effect: Desolidification, Only To Protect Game Information: Extra-Dimensional Move-
Against Damage, Character ment (any location in any dimension) (45
Must Move At Noncombat Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn; -1¼). Total
Velocities cost: 20 points.
Target/Area Affected: Self
Duration: Constant OPTIONS:
Range: Self
END Cost: 4 1) Group Moving I: Instead of crossing the dimen-
Description: The character moves so fast that, when sional barriers by himself, the character can also
he’s at his maximum rate of movement, it’s simply move at great speed around a group of his friends,
impossible to hit him with most attacks. But area- changing the dimensional frequency of the area
affecting attacks, even ones that don’t necessarily he’s running around so everything in it shifts into
hit him dead-on, can still hurt him. another dimension with him. Add x8 Increased
Weight. 60 Active Points; total cost 27 points.
Game Information: Desolidification (affected
2) Group Moving II: Like Group Moving I, but
by any area-affecting attack that hits the char-
the character can send other people into another
acter or that misses him by less than the radius
dimension without going himself. Change to
in inches of the area) (40 Active Points); Only
Extra-Dimensional Movement (any location in any
To Protect Against Damage (-½), Only Works
dimension), x8 Increased Weight, Usable As Attack
If Character Moves At Noncombat Velocities
(+1) (120 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn; -1¼).
(-½). Total cost: 20 points.
Total cost: 53 points.
Hero System Equipment Guide ■ Chapter One 103
1) Strong Dodge: Increase to +8 DCV. 40 Active
Points; total cost 20 points.
2) Weak Dodge: Decrease to +4 DCV. 20 Active
Points; total cost 10 points.
104 ■ Sonic Powers Hero System 5th Edition
Effect: Tunneling 4” through DEF 10 Effect: +30 STR, Only For Throwing
material, Only Straight Down Target/Area Affected: One character
Target/Area Affected: Self Duration: Instant
Duration: Constant Range: Touch
Range: Self END Cost: 3
END Cost: 4 Description: After he grabs a person or object, the
Description: The character spins himself at high character can whirl around at great speed and then let
velocity while pointing his feet downward. This go of the character, throwing him much farther and
turns him into a “human drill,” able to create a hole harder than he otherwise could thanks to momentum.
downward through earth and rock. He can only
Game Information: +30 STR (30 Active
drill straight down, though — and after digging the
Points); Extra Time (Full Phase; -½), Only
hole has to climb out it normally.
For Throwing (-½), Must Follow Grab (-½).
Game Information: Tunneling 4” through DEF Total cost: 12 points.
10 material (38 Active Points); Only Straight
Down (-½). Total cost: 25 points. OPTIONS:
Some superhumans have the ability to project LIFE FORCE DRAIN I
their spirits, souls, or general “life force” outside of Effect: RKA 2d6, Penetrating, No
their bodies to achieve various effects. Also known Knockback
as Life Force Powers, Bio-energy Powers, or the Target/Area Affected: One character
like, Spirit Projection Powers are often low-key and Duration: Instant
subtle... but not necessarily ineffective. Range: 225”
In many cases, Spirit Projection Powers are END Cost: 4
associated with “good,” “holy,” or “sacred” concepts
or powers, but they don’t have to be. A character’s Description: The character’s control over spirit or
ability to separate his spirit from his body could life energy allows him to drain that energy from
result from a mutation, from mystic powers, or the other living beings, killing them.
like; the use of the terms “spirit” and “soul” don’t Game Information: RKA 2d6, Penetrating (+½)
necessarily have religious connotations. (45 Active Points); Only Works On Living Beings
Because a character only has one spirit, and (-½), No Knockback (-¼). Total cost: 26 points
the spirit can only do one thing at a time, characters
often buy Spirit Projection powers in Multipowers, OPTIONS:
with Lockout or similar Limitations on the slots if
appropriate. 1) Strong Drain: Increase to RKA 3d6. 67 Active
Points; total cost 38 points.
Category Spirit Protection Powers Subject ID Unknown Scale: ?? Mode
—Superhuman Combat
Analysis Report (SCAR)
filed by Agent Liliana
108 ■ Spirit Protection Powers Hero System 5th Edition
Telepathy 8d6, Only Works On
One Person At A Time
Target/Area Affected: One character MANIFESTATION
Duration: Instant Effect: Sight and Hearing Group
Range: LOS Images, Set Effect (make spirit
END Cost: 4 visible and audible)
Description: The character can cause his spirit to Target/Area Affected: 1” Radius
“merge” with that of another person, thus allowing Duration: Constant
him to communicate with that person via “spirit Range: 30”
speech” (i.e., Telepathy). Visually, the character’s END Cost: 1
spirit (a ghostly form of himself) flies out of his Description: Most of the time, a spirit a charac-
body and into the target’s body. After telepathic ter projects cannot be seen or heard (even if the
contact is achieved, someone who looks closely character would want it to be). But some char-
may be able to see the character’s spirit “overlaid” acters have the power to make their spirits more
on the victim. physically “real” — the spirit becomes visible
Because the character only has one spirit (usually looking like a version of the character
to project into and merge with other peoples’ himself made out of energy or some ghostly
spirits, he can only use this power on one person essence) and can “speak” whatever the character
at a time. If he sends his spirit to use Telepathy says. However, it cannot hear, nor can the charac-
with someone else, it leaves the body of the first ter “see” through its eyes.
victim, and the Telepathy immediately ceases to
affect the first victim. Game Information: Sight and Hearing Group
Images, 1” radius (15 Active Points); Limited
Game Information: Telepathy 8d6 (40 Active Range (30”; -¼), Can Only Maintain One
Points); Only Works On One Person At A Time Image At A Time (-½), Set Effect (make spirit
(-½). Total cost: 27 points. visible and audible, as described in text; -1).
Total cost: 5 points.
1) Strong Communication: Increase to Telepathy
10d6. 50 Active Points; total cost 33 points. 1) Spirit Link: The character’s spirit is so strong, and
2) Weak Communication: Decrease to Telepathy his control of it so profound, that he can see what it
6d6. 30 Active Points; total cost 20 points. “sees” and hear what it “hears.” Add Clairsentience
(Sight and Hearing Groups) (30 Active Points); Lim-
3) Short-Range Communication: The character ited Range (30”; -¼), Linked (-¼). Total cost 20 points;
can only project his spirit a certain distance out total cost of power 25 points.
of his body and still have it retain the power to
communicate with another spirit. Add Limited SPIRIT FORM
Normal Range (40”; -½). 40 Active Points; total Effect: Desolidification
cost 20 points. Target/Area Affected: Self
4) Communication Touch: The character must Duration: Constant
be able to touch the target to merge spirits with Range: Self
him. Add No Range (-½). 40 Active Points; total END Cost: 4
cost 20 points. Description: The character can convert his fleshly
5) Restricted Spirit Communication: The character’s form to pure life force energy, allowing him to
spirit can only converse with the spirit of the target become intangible.
— it can’t acquire information from the target’s
memories, deep thoughts, or the like. Add Commu- Game Information: Desolidification (affected by
nication Only (-¼). Total cost: 23 points. spirit powers or magic). Total cost: 40 points.
1) Easy Spirit Form: The character can assume Spirit
Form without tiring himself out. Add Reduced
Endurance (0 END; +½). Total cost: 60 points.
110 ■ Spirit Protection Powers Hero System 5th Edition
Effect: Duplication (create 250-point Effect: Simplified Healing 6d6
Duplicate), Altered Duplicate, Target/Area Affected: One character
Feedback Duration: Instant
Target/Area Affected: Self Range: Touch
Duration: Persistent END Cost: 6
Range: Self Description: The character can cause his own
END Cost: 10 to create powerful life energy to pour forth into the body of
Description: The character’s powers of Spirit Pro- an injured person, restoring that person’s own life
jection are so strong that he can separate his spirit force to a stronger (perhaps even fully healed) state.
from his body, creating a full “second self ” that can
Game Information: Simplified Healing 6d6.
act independently of him. The Spirit Self is obvi-
Total cost: 60 points.
ously distinct from the character — it has a faded,
almost translucent appearance that makes it clear
it’s a spirit — but it functions as a flesh-and-blood OPTIONS:
second self. 1) Strong Succoring: Increase to Simplified Healing
In game terms, the Spirit Self is a Duplicate 7d6. Total cost: 70 points.
built on 250 points (this writeup assumes the origi-
nal character is built on 350 points). The Spirit Self 2) Weak Succoring: Decrease to Simplified Healing
typically has a range of Spirit Projection powers, 5d6. Total cost: 50 points.
often different ones from the character (includ- 3) Sacrificial Succoring: By giving of his own life
ing Desolidification), so it’s bought as an Altered force to heal another, the character suffers a tem-
Duplicate. If the character prefers, he can construct porary diminishment of that life force. Add Side
the Duplicate so that Altered Duplicate isn’t neces- Effects (character suffers a Drain BODY 1 point for
sary. Since the Spirit Self is just an extension of the every die of Healing used [i.e., -1 BODY per Heal-
character’s life force, he suffers any damage it takes, ing 2d6], always occurs; -½). 60 Active Points; total
and vice-versa. cost 40 points.
Game Information: Duplication (create 250-
point Duplicate), Altered Duplicate (51% or
greater difference in abilities; +1) (100 Active
Points); Feedback (STUN and BODY damage;
-1), Costs Endurance (to create Duplicate; -¼).
Total cost: 44 points.
1) Stronger Spirit Self: Increase to 300-point Dupli-
cate. 120 Active Points; total cost 53 points.
2) Weaker Spirit Self: Decrease to 200-point Dupli-
cate. 80 Active Points; total cost 35 points.
3) Enhanced Control: The character’s link with
his Spirit Self is so strong that the two can easily
recombine. Add Easy Recombination (Zero Phase
Action at full DCV) and Ranged Recombination
(+½). 150 Active Points; total cost 67 points.
Stretching Powers 111
Effect: +30 STR, Only For Throwing Effect: Swinging 10”
Target/Area Affected: One character Target/Area Affected: Self
Duration: Instant Duration: Constant
Range: Touch Range: Self
END Cost: 3 END Cost: 1
Description: After the character picks up an object, Description: The character uses his stretchable, mal-
he stretches his arm around some appropriate leable limbs as swinglines. He reaches out, grabs
object (such as a lamppost or telephone pole), pulls a branch, cornice, overhang, flagpole, or the like
his arm tight so it’s like the rubber strip in a sling- and swings swiftly to wherever he wants to go. The
shot, then uses his arm to throw or fling the object big difference between this type of Swinging and a
much further, and with much greater force, then he version involving a external swingline that it uses
ordinarily could. the character’s own body — if someone attacks the
“swingline,” the character takes the damage.
Game Information: +30 STR (30 Active Points);
OIF (requires appropriate “pivot point” of Game Information: Swinging 10”. Total cost:
opportunity; -½), Extra Time (Full Phase; -½), 10 points.
Only For Throwing (-½), Must Follow Grab
(-½). Total cost: 10 points. OPTIONS:
Effect: Missile Deflection
Target/Area Affected: One character
Duration: Constant
Range: 8”
END Cost: 2
Description: The character can reach out and grab
relatively slow-moving physical missiles to keep
them from hitting himself, or his friends.
The range for this power depends on the
character’s inches of Stretching. As built, it assumes
Stretching 8”.
Game Information: Missile Deflection (non-
gunpowder projectiles), Range (+1) (20 Active
Points); Costs Endurance (-½), Limited Range
(8”; -¼). Total cost: 11 points.
112 ■ Telekinetic Powers Hero System 5th Edition
OFFENSIVE POWERS Game Information:
Cost Power
50 Personal Combat Field (Protection): Force
Effect: Missile Reflection 23 Personal Combat Field (Punches): HA +8d6
Target/Area Affected: One character (40 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack
Duration: Constant (-½), Linked (can be used in any Phase when
Range: 225” Force Field is active; -¼)
END Cost: 9 Total cost: 73 points.
Description: The character exerts such powerful OPTIONS:
telekinetic control that he can alter the trajectory
of physical missiles in flight, causing them to strike 1) Strong Field: Increase to Force Field (35 PD/25
someone other than himself. He can do this both ED) and HA +10d6. 60 + 50 = 110 Active Points;
for physical Ranged attacks aimed at him, and total cost 60 + 29 = 89 points.
attacks aimed at other people. 2) Weak Field: Decrease to Force Field (25 PD/15
This power requires the GM’s permission ED) and HA +6d6. 40 + 30 = 70 Active Points; total
because it directly violates the rule that characters cost 40 + 17 = 57 points.
cannot use Missile Reflection at Range.
3) Less Tiring Field: Add Reduced Endurance (½
Game Information: Missile Deflection (all phys- END; +¼) to both powers. 62 + 50 = 112 Active
ical missiles) and Reflection (any target), Range Points; total cost 62 + 29 = 91 points.
(+1) (90 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-½).
4) Personal Telekinetic Field: The Field doesn’t
Total cost: 60 points.
just improve the character’s punch, it enhances
his Strength in general. Change HA +8d6 to +40
OPTIONS: STR. 50 + 40 = 90 Active Points; total cost 50 +
1) Accurate Manipulation: The character is highly 32 = 82 points.
accurate, not just with his ability to deflect attacks,
but his ability to target other people with them.
Character also buys +10 with Missile Deflection Effect: Variable Power Pool for Dispel/
and Reflection (30 Active Points); Costs Endurance Drain/Suppress
(-½). Total cost: 20 points. Target/Area Affected: One character
Duration: Instant
Effect: Force Field (30 PD/20 ED), HA END Cost: Varies
+8d6 Description: The character has such fine and broad
Target/Area Affected: Self/One character control of his telekinetic powers that he can reach
Duration: Constant/Instant “inside” a person’s body to shut off neural pathways,
Range: Self/Touch muscles, and the like, thus depriving the target
END Cost: 5/4 of full control over his abilities... and perhaps the
Description: The character can surround his body power to use them at all.
with a form-hugging “bubble” of telekinetic energy. This is a very powerful ability, one the GM
The field significantly increases the power of his should review and approve before it enters the
punches, and protects him from attacks. Visually, game. Some GMs may prefer that characters buy
it looks as if a field of glowing energy surrounds a Multipower of pre-defined Telekinetic Blocking
the character, making him look “bigger” and sort of effects instead.
puffed-up. While the power remains active, he may Game Information: Variable Power Pool (Tele-
have trouble fitting into small spaces, sitting on kinetic Blocking Pool), 40 base + 20 control
normal-sized chairs, and the like. cost; Only For Dispels, Drains, And Suppresses
(-1). 40 + 20 = 60 Active Points; total cost 40 +
10 = 50 points.
Telekinetic Powers 113
1) Larger Pool: Increase to 60 base + 30 control
cost. Active Points 60 + 30 = 90; total cost 60 + 15 = MISDIRECTED AIM
75 points.
Effect: +4 DCV, Usable As Attack
2) Smaller Pool: Decrease to 30 base + 15 control Target/Area Affected: One character
cost. Active Points 30 + 15 = 45; total cost 30 + 7 = Duration: Constant
37 points. Range: Self/200”
END Cost: 2/5
Effect: Summon one animal built on Description: The character uses his telekinetic
up to 300 Character Points, powers to “nudge” attackers so their attacks are
Slavishly Devoted more likely to miss. He can use this ability for
Target/Area Affected: N/A himself, or for another person (in the latter case it’s
Duration: Instant bought Usable As Attack so the character controls
Range: 30” how long it remains active, pays the END for it,
END Cost: 16 and can grant the ability to someone without their
needing to take any action).
Description: The character can create an animal out
of telekinetic force. This being functions just like Game Information:
the animal it resembles, but it’s obviously made of Cost Power
telekinetic force rather than flesh and blood, and it 33 Misdirected Aim: Multipower, 50-point
does whatever its creator wants. powers; all Costs Endurance (-½)
1u 1) Self-Protection: +4 DCV; Costs Endur-
Game Information: Summon one animal built ance (-½)
on up to 300 Character Points, Expanded Class 3u 2) Protection Of Another: +4 DCV, Usable
(any animal; +½), Limited Range (30”; +¼), As Attack (defense is declining the power;
Slavishly Devoted (+1) (165 Active Points); +1), Ranged (+½); Costs Endurance (-½)
Concentration (½ DCV; -¼), Extra Time (Full Total cost: 37 points.
Phase; -½), Costs Endurance (to maintain; -¼).
Total cost: 82 points. OPTIONS:
1) Strong Misdirection: Increase reserve to 75 points
and both slots to +6 DCV. Total cost: 57 points.
1) Strong Summoning: Increase to up to four ani- 2) Weak Misdirection: Decrease reserve to 25 points
mals. 192 Active Points; total cost 96 points. and both slots to +2 DCV. Total cost: 20 points.
2) Weak Summoning: Decrease to one animal built
on up to 200 Character Points. 110 Active Points;
total cost 55 points. MOVEMENT POWERS
Effect: Telekinesis (40 STR), Only To Effect: Clinging
Stick Things Together Target/Area Affected: Self
Target/Area Affected: One character Duration: Constant
Duration: Uncontrolled Range: Self
Range: 100” END Cost: 2
END Cost: 0
Description: The character uses his telekinesis to
Description: This power allows the character to “grab” a nearby wall, ceiling, or other surface and
stick two things to each other — a character to a hold himself against it.
wall, a door to its jamb, a weapon to its scabbard, or
the like. The effect lasts until someone manages to Game Information: Clinging (normal STR +30)
separate the two objects, or breaks one of them. (20 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-½). Total
cost: 13 points.
Game Information: Telekinesis (40 STR), Uncon-
trolled (lasts until something separates the stuck
things or breaks one of the stuck things; +½),
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (120 Active 1) Strong Grasp: Increase Clinging STR to normal
Points); Only To Stick Things Together (-1), Lim- STR +45. 25 Active Points; total cost 17 points.
ited Range (100”; -¼). Total cost: 53 points.
2) Not So Strong Grasp: Decrease Clinging STR to
normal STR +15. 15 Active Points; total cost 10 points.
3) Easy Grasp: Remove Costs Endurance (-½).
1) Strong Sticking: Increase to Telekinesis (50 Total cost: 20 points.
STR). 150 Active Points; total cost 67 points.
4) Unsure Grasp: Add Cannot Resist Knockback
2) Weak Sticking: Decrease to Telekinesis (30 STR). (-¼). Total cost: 11 points.
90 Active Points; total cost 40 points.
114 ■ Telekinetic Powers Hero System 5th Edition
5) Skilled Grasp: Add Requires A Telekinesis Tricks PSYCHOKINETIC LIMBS
Roll (-½). Total cost: 10 points. Effect: Extra Limbs
Target/Area Affected: Self
Duration: Constant
END Cost: 1
ACTION/REACTION TELEKINESIS Description: The character uses his psychokinetic
Effect: Stretching 20”, Does Not Cross power to manifest multiple “telekinetic limbs” with
Intervening Space plus +30 which to grab or manipulate objects. The limbs
STR, Only Works With Stretch- typically resemble arms or tentacles of glowing
ing golden light, but the character can change that if he
Target/Area Affected: Self prefers. Typically the character can create no more
Duration: Constant than his EGO/5 limbs, but the GM may allow more
Range: Self (perhaps +1 limb per point by which the character
END Cost: 12 + 3 makes an EGO Roll).
Description: Normal Telekinesis has no action/ Game Information: Extra Limbs (5 Active
reaction — a character can’t use it to, for example, Points); Costs Endurance (to activate; -¼).
grab onto a moving vehicle and be dragged along. Total cost: 4 points.
This form of Telekinesis is different, allowing for
standard action/reaction results. OPTIONS:
Game Information: Stretching 20”, Does Not 1) Long Limbs Of The Law: The character’s Psy-
Cross Intervening Space (+¼) (125 Active chokinetic Limbs can reach objects much further
Points), No Velocity Damage (-¼), Range Mod- away than his ordinary limbs. Add Stretching 5” (25
ifier Applies (-¼) (total cost: 83 points) plus Active Points); Limited Body Parts (Extra Limbs
+30 STR (30 Active Points); Only Works With only; -¼) (total cost: 20 points). Total cost: 24
Stretching (-1) (total cost: 15 points). Total points.
cost: 98 points.
2) Effortless Psychokinetic Limbs: Remove Costs
OPTIONS: Endurance. Total cost: 5 points.
1) Tiring Touch: The character must exert energy
to use this ability. Add Costs Endurance (-½). Total
cost: 6 points.
2) Targeting Touch: The character can literally feel
where his opponents are at range, and target them
with his powers, weapons, or the like. Add Dis-
criminatory and Targeting for Touch Sense Group.
40 Active Points; total cost 32 points.
3) Feeling Around The Corner: With just a little
effort, the character can extend his sense of touch
around corners and along winding routes. Change
to Clairsentience (Touch Group), Mobile Percep-
tion Point (25 Active Points); Perception Point
Must Start In Line Of Sight And Can Only Travel
Through Open Spaces (-1). Total cost: 12 points.
Teleportation Powers 115
1) Tougher Punches, Stronger Kicks: Increase to
FLOAT LIKE A TELEPORTER, Energy Blast 8d6 and Area Of Effect (8” Radius).
STING LIKE A BEE 100 Active Points; total cost 57 points.
Effect: Q Stretching 8” 2) Punier Punches, Weaker Kicks: Decrease to
Target/Area Affected: Self Energy Blast 5d6. Total cost: 62 Active Points; total
Duration: Instant cost 35 points.
Range: Self 3) I’ll Just Be Going Now...: Instead of having to
END Cost: 5 Teleport back to where he was standing when he
Description: The character has mastered the ability started the attack, the character can Teleport him-
to teleport to a target within 8”, strike, and teleport self somewhere else within 12” of the center of the
right back to where he was before the target has a Area, provided that location is within the range of
chance to respond. Alternately, the character could his Combat move with Teleportation of the point
teleport to some object within 8”, pick it up, and where he began the attack. Add Teleportation 12”,
teleport back to where he was standing. Trigger (ending of the Teleportation Boxing attack;
+¼) (30 Active Points); Linked (-½), Can Only
Game Information: Stretching 8”, Does Not Teleport To Points Within 12” Of Area’s Center And
Cross Intervening Space (+¼) (50 Active Within A Teleportation Combat Move Of Starting
Points); No Noncombat Stretching (-¼), No Position (-½) (total cost: 15 points). 75 + 30 = 105
Velocity Damage (-¼), Instant (-½). Total cost: Active Points; total cost 43 + 15 = 58 points.
25 points
4) Wide-Area Boxing: Increase to Area Of Effect (12”
Radius; +1½). 82 Active Points; total cost 47 points.
5) Close-In Boxing: Decrease to Area Of Effect (3”
1) Long Combat Teleport: Increase to 12” Stretching. Radius; +1). 67 Active Points; total cost 38 points.
75 Active Points; total cost 37 points.
2) Short Combat Teleport: Decrease to 4” Stretching. TRADING SPACES
25 Active Points; total cost 12 points. Effect: Teleportation 15”, Usable As
Attack plus Teleportation 15”,
3) Easy Combat Teleport: Add Reduced Endurance
both Only To Trade Places
(0 END; +½). 70 Active Points; total cost 35 points.
Target/Area Affected: Self and one other character
Range: 15”
Effect: Energy Blast 6d6 END Cost: 8
Target/Area Affected: 6” Radius
Duration: Instant Description: The character teleports a target to his
Range: See text own location, and himself to the target’s location.
END Cost: 7 While this “translocation” power has a wide vari-
ety of uses, in combat it’s most often used when
Description: The character teleports in and around something bad is about to happen to the character
a group of people, briefly appearing next to each — he “trades places” with the target right before the
one he’s fighting to punch, kick, or otherwise smash “something” occurs, thus escaping harm by putting
him, never staying in one place long enough for his enemy in harm’s way.
anyone to block his attack or strike back. When it’s With the GM’s permission, this power may
all done, the character teleports right back to where be used to switch the places of two targets at range
he was when he began the attack. using Rapid Fire.
Game Information: Energy Blast 6d6, Area Of Game Information: Teleportation 15”, Usable
Effect (6” Radius; +1¼), Selective (+¼) (75 As Attack (does not affect characters with tele-
Active Points); Extra Time (Full Phase; -½), portation or dimensional powers; +1), Ranged
Limited Range (center of Area must be within (+½) (75 Active Points); Only To Trade Places
the character’s Half Move using Teleportation (-1), Limited Range (15”; -¼) (total cost: 33
at Combat velocity; -¼). Total cost: 43 points. points) plus Teleportation 15” (30 Active
Points); Only To Trade Places (-1), Linked (-½)
(total cost: 12 points). 75 + 30 = 105 Active
Points; total cost 33 + 12 = 45 points.
116 ■ Teleportation Powers Hero System 5th Edition
Category Teleportation Powers Subject ID Cheshire Cat Scale: 12 Mode
OFFENSIVE POWERS 2) Ranged Defense: Add Ranged (+1). 30 Active
Points; total cost 20 points.
1) Strong Defense: Character also buys +5 with
Missile Deflection (total cost: 10 points). Total cost:
20 points.
Tine Powers 119
MISCELLANEOUS POWERS 1) Accurate Futurescanning: Increase to +4 Overall
Levels. 40 Active Points; total cost 16 points.
ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD 2) Vague Futurescanning: Decrease to +1 Overall
Effect: +15 with All Non-Combat Level. 10 Active Points; total cost 4 points.
Skills, Only To Counteract Pen- 3) Future Imperfect: As one thing improves,
alties For Rapid Performance another must worsen for chronal balance to be
Target/Area Affected: Self maintained. While the timeline the character
Duration: Constant chooses is of greatest benefit to him, it’s not quite
Range: Self so good for someone else. One of the character’s
END Cost: 0 friends in the vicinity (or, if there’s no friend, a
Description: The character slows down the passage random person other than someone opposing the
of time around himself so that he can focus on the character) suffers problems at the same time the
task at hand, performing it flawlessly even though, character’s chances for success improve. Add Side
to the rest of the world, it looks like he did several Effect (someone in the environment other than
minutes’ worth of work in the blink of an eye. the character or his enemies suffers -3 to one roll,
In game terms, this power consists of a large chosen by the GM, always occurs; -½). Total cost: 7
number of Skill Levels that the character can only points.
use to counteract the penalty for performing a task
more rapidly than normal (-3 per step up the Time
Chart). The GM decides the base time needed to
perform a task with a Skill, and whether the charac-
ter can apply these Levels.
Game Information: +15 with all Non-Combat
Skills (120 Active Points); Only To Counter-
act Penalties For Rapid Performance (-1).
Total cost: 60 points.
1) Lots And Lots Of Time: Increase to +21 with all
Non-Combat Skills. 168 Active Points; total cost 84
2) Not Quite As Much Time: Decrease to +9 with all
Non-Combat Skills. 72 Active Points; total cost 36
3) Tiring Timing: Using this power tends to tire the
character out pretty quickly. Add Costs Endurance
(-½). Total cost: 48 points.
120 ■ Vibration Powers Hero System 5th Edition
DEFENSE POWERS Game Information: Lack Of Weakness (-10) for
Normal and Resistant Defenses (20 Active Points);
Costs Endurance (-½). Total cost: 13 points.
Effect: Lack Of Weakness (-10) for OPTIONS:
Normal and Resistant Defenses
1) Greater Blurring: Increase to Lack Of Weakness
Target/Area Affected: Self
(-15). 30 Active Points; total cost 20 points.
Duration: Constant
Range: Self 2) Lesser Blurring: Decrease to Lack Of Weakness
END Cost: 2 (-5). 10 Active Points; total cost 7 points.
Description: The character’s vibrations cause his 3) Easy Blurring: Replace Costs Endurance (-½)
body to blur enough that opponents have a hard with Nonpersistent (-¼). Total cost: 16 points.
time getting a clear enough view of his defenses to 4) Unstoppable Blurring: Remove Costs Endurance
find weaknesses in them. (-½) and add Inherent (+¼). Total cost: 25 points.
5) Tiring Blurring: Add Increased Endurance Cost
(x2 END; -½). Total cost: 10 points.
Water Powers 121
Target/Area Affected: Self
CRASHING WAVE Duration: Constant
Effect: Energy Blast 7d6 Range: Self
Target/Area Affected: 14” Line END Cost: 4
Duration: Instant Description: The character can absorb an existing
Range: 50” body of water into his own form, adding to his
END Cost: 7 mass and height. He must exert END to maintain
Description: The character creates a huge wave of the extra mass.
water that washes over a long area, smashing into
Game Information: Growth (+45 STR, +9
everyone in it. Unlike most Area Of Effect (Line)
BODY, +9 STUN, -9” KB, 50,000 kg, -6 DCV,
powers, the Line in this case shouldn’t point away
+6 PER Rolls to perceive character, 16 m [about
from the character, it should strike perpendicular
52 feet] tall, 8 m wide) (45 Active Points);
to him.
Requires A Large Body of Water (-1). Total
Game Information: Energy Blast 7d6, Area Of cost: 22 points.
Effect (14” Line; +1) (70 Active Points); Limited
Range (50”; -¼). Total cost: 56 points. OPTIONS:
1) Strong Power: Increase to Teleportation 20”. 40
Active Points; total cost 27 points.
2) Weak Power: Decrease to Teleportation 5”. 10
Active Points; total cost 7 points.
Effect: Flight 10”
Target/Area Affected: Self
Duration: Constant
Range: Self
END Cost: 2
Description: The character’s control over water is so
great that he can create a wave or “trail” of water in
the air that can carry him.
Game Information: Flight 10”. Total cost: 20
1) Strong Waveriding: Increase to Flight 15”. Total
cost: 30 points.
2) Weak Waveriding: Decrease to Flight 8”. Total
cost: 16 points.
3) Fast Waveriding: Add x4 Noncombat. Total cost:
25 points.
Weather Powers 123
OFFENSIVE POWERS Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼) (67 Active
Points); Only Works On Weather Effects Simi-
lar To The Ambient Weather (-1), Self Only
AMBIENT WEATHER ENHANCEMENT (-½). Total cost: 27 points.
Effect: Succor Weather Powers 6d6
Target/Area Affected: Self OPTIONS:
Duration: Constant 1) Strong Enhancement: Increase to Succor
Range: Self Weather Powers 8d6. 90 Active Points; total cost
END Cost: 3 36 points.
Description: The character can enhance his weather 2) Weak Enhancement: Decrease to Succor Weather
manipulation powers when he creates an effect Powers 4d6. 45 Active Points; total cost 18 points.
that’s already present — he can increase his wind
powers if it’s already windy, his lightning powers 3) Tiring Enhancement: Remove Reduced Endur-
become stronger during a thunderstorm, and so ance. 60 Active Points; total cost 24 points.
forth. The GM may, in his discretion, limit the 4) Tireless Enhancement: Increase Reduced
number of Succor dice the character can apply Endurance to (0 END; +½). 75 Active Points;
based on the severity of the ambient weather (e.g., a total cost 30 points.
light breeze would only allow the character to add
5) Automatic Enhancement: As Tireless Enhance-
1d6 to his wind powers).
ment, but also add Persistent (+½). 90 Active
Game Information: Succor Weather Powers Points; total cost 36 points.
6d6, any four Weather Powers at a time (+1),
Category Water Powers Subject ID Riptide Scale: 5 Mode
124 ■ Wood And Plant Powers Hero System 5th Edition
1) Big Steps I: Increase to Teleportation 30”. 60
PHYTOTOXIC IMMUNITY Active Points; total cost 30 points.
Effect: Life Support (Immunity to phy- 2) Big Steps II: Add x8 Noncombat. 50 Active
totoxins) Points; total cost 25 points.
Target/Area Affected: Self 3) Big Steps III: The character can travel the World-
Duration: Persistent root Path for many miles, though he still needs a
Range: Self way to perceive his target location. Add MegaScale
END Cost: 0 (1” = 100 km, can scale down to 1” = 1 km; +1). 80
Description: The character is immune to all phyto- Active Points; total cost 40 points.
toxins — that is, all poisons derived from plants. 4) Short Steps: Decrease to Teleportation 10”. 20
Active Points; total cost 10 points.
Game Information: Life Support (Immunity:
phytotoxins). Total cost: 5 points.
Effect: Life Support (Diminished
THE WORLDROOT PATH Eating: character only has to
Effect: Teleportation 20”, Only eat once per week)
Through Plants Target/Area Affected: Up to eight people
Target/Area Affected: Self Duration: Constant
Duration: Instant Range: No Range
Range: Self END Cost: 1 to activate
END Cost: 4 Description: The character can cause a small feast
Description: This power, suitable for characters of vegetables and fruits to spring forth — enough
whose bodies are made of or formed from vegeta- to feed eight people for a week (assuming the food
tion, allows the character to travel instantly from is kept fresh), or a larger/smaller group for a pro-
one place to another — provided his target location portionately shorter/longer time.
has enough plants or plant matter to allow him
Game Information: Life Support (Diminished
to re-create his body at the target location. Visu-
Eating: character only has to eat once per week);
ally, the character’s existing plant body collapses
Usable Simultaneously (up to eight people at
or returns to its normal vegetative state, and he
once; +1) (2 Active Points); Costs Endurance
reforms using the plants at his target location.
(to activate; -¼). Total cost: 2 points.
To use this power safely, the character needs
a way to perceive whether the target location has
enough plants for him to use it safely. If he can’t PHOTOSYNTHESIS
see the target location, and lacks an appropriate Effect: Life Support (Self-Contained
Enhanced Sense (such as Detect Plant Life), he Breathing, Diminished Eating)
can try to Teleport anyway — but if the target Target/Area Affected: Self
location lacks sufficient plant material, he could Duration: Inherent
hurt himself (roll on the Teleportation Damage Range: Self
Table on page 367 of the HERO System 5th Edi- END Cost: 0
tion, Revised). This makes it fairly easy for him
Description: The character is a plant himself, and so
to Teleport to most outdoor locations, but much
survives by photosynthesis. He breathes through all
harder to Teleport inside buildings.
parts of his body, and requires relatively little food.
Game Information: Teleportation 20” (40 Active
Game Information: Life Support (Diminished
Points); Only Through Plants (-1). Total cost:
Eating: only has to eat once per week), Inher-
20 points.
ent (+¼) (total cost: 1 point) plus Life Support
(Self-Contained Breathing), Inherent (+¼) (12
Active Points); Only To Protect Against Chok-
ing/Suffocation/Strangulation Attacks (-1)
(total cost: 6 points). Total cost: 7 points.
Miscellaneous Powers 125
Effect: Various powers relating to the Effect: Energy Blast 8d6 or RKA
control of guns and bullets 2½d6, OIF (small objects of
Target/Area Affected: Varies opportunity)
Duration: Varies Target/Area Affected: One character
Range: Varies Duration: Instant
END Cost: Varies Range: RBS
Description: The character has the ability to con- END Cost: 4
trol guns and bullets without necessarily having to Description: A character with this power can imbue
touch them. Examples include being an incredibly small objects — pebbles, playing cards, figurines,
accurate shot, the ability to prevent a gun’s trigger and the like — with deadly energy. After he fills
from being pulled, the power to deflect bullets away them with energy, he throws them at the target.
from himself or others, the ability to load ammuni- At high power, an imbued object can kill; at lower
tion clips without touching either clip or bullet, and levels of power it’s potentially deadly, but far more
so forth. likely to simply stun the victim.
Game Information: Game Information:
Cost Power Cost Power
27 Incredibly Accurate Shot: +8 with Ranged 23 Imbue Power: Multipower, 40-point reserve;
Attacks (40 Active Points); Only For OCV all OIF (miscellaneous small objects of
With Firearms (-½) opportunity; -½), Range Based On STR (-¼)
24 Incredibly Accurate Shot: Targeting Skill 2u 1) Low Power: Energy Blast 8d6; OIF (-½),
Levels: +12 versus Hit Location modifiers Range Based On STR (-¼)
with Firearms 2u 2) High Power: RKA 2½d6; OIF (-½),
24 Incredibly Accurate Shot: Range Skill Levels: Range Based On STR (-¼)
+12 versus Range Modifier with Firearms Total cost: 27 points.
53 Ballistodeflection: Missile Deflection (all
physical missiles), Range (+1), +5 OCV (80
Active Points); Costs Endurance (-½) 1) Strong Imbuing: Increase reserve to 45 points,
20 Ballistoredirection: Reflection for Missile Slot One to Energy Blast 9d6, and Slot Two to RKA
Deflection (can reflect at any target; not 3d6. Total cost: 32 points.
usable at range, OCV Levels do not apply)
2) Weak Imbuing: Decrease reserve to 30 points,
(30 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-½)
Slot One to Energy Blast 6d6, and Slot Two to RKA
20 Ballistokinesis: Telekinesis (20 STR), Fine
2d6. Total cost: 21 points.
Manipulation (40 Active Points); Only Works
On Guns And Bullets (-1)
Total cost: 168 points
126 ■ Miscellaneous Powers Hero System 5th Edition
Effect: Various Effect: Summon eight 250-point
Target/Area Affected: Self beings (see text)
Duration: Persistent Target/Area Affected: Self
Range: Self Duration: Instant
END Cost: Varies Range: No Range
Description: The character’s body is partly or END Cost: 16
wholly a machine. He may be a sentient robot, a Description: The character has the ability to create,
person who’s replaced his flesh and bone with a conjure, or otherwise manifest up to eight beings
colony of nanomachines under his mental con- of a particular type, or defined as coming from a
trol, or the like. specific source. Examples include beings depicted
Obviously the special effect of “machine body” on the cards of the tarot deck, living chessmen,
could justify a vast array of powers, especially in a demons whose visages or personal symbols are
world where comic book science and gadgeteering engraved on a ring or amulet he wears, the Seven
exist. The powers listed here (of which the char- Deadly Sins, or the like. The manifestations serve
acter may buy as many as he wishes) are just the him devotedly.
basic ones — the standard sort of powers virtually
Game Information: Summon up to 8 beings built
anyone with a machine body would have. Many
on up to 250 Character Points each, Expanded
others are possible; see the optional powers for
Class (see text; +½), Slavishly Loyal (+1). Total
some examples.
cost: 162 points.
Game Information:
Cost Power OPTIONS:
20 Machine Muscles: +20 STR
1) Strong Manifestation I: Increase to 350 points
36 Machine Body: Armor (12 PD/12 ED)
each. Total cost: 212 points.
Cost Optional Powers 2) Strong Manifestation II: Increase to up to 16
7 Extensible Arms: Stretching 3” (15 Active beings. Total cost: 175 points.
Points); Always Direct (-¼), Limited Body 3) Weak Manifestation I: Decrease to 200 points
Parts (arms only; -¼), No Noncombat each. Total cost: 137 points.
Stretching (-¼), Range Modifier Applies (-¼)
8 Machine Body: Damage Resistance (8 PD/8 4) Weak Manifestation II: Decrease to up to 4
ED) beings. Total cost: 150 points.
60 Machine Body: Physical and Energy Damage 5) Less Loyal Manifestations: Change Slavishly
Reduction, Resistant, 50% Loyal (+1) to Devoted (+¾). Total cost: 146 points.
var Machine Sensory Units: Just about any 6) Even Less Loyal Manifestations: Change Slavishly
Enhanced Sense you want Loyal (+1) to Loyal (+½). Total cost: 130 points.
27 Merge With The Machine: Telepathy 8d6
(Machine class of minds) (40 Active Points); 7) Barely Loyal Manifestations: Change Slavishly
No Range (-½) Loyal (+1) to Friendly (+¼). Total cost: 114 points.
12 Self-Repair Mode: Healing 3d6 (Regen- 8) Not At All Loyal Manifestations: Remove Slavishly
eration; 3 BODY per 1 Minute), Can Heal Loyal (+1). Total cost: 97 points.
Limbs; Extra Time + Increased Time Incre-
9) Similar Manifestations: With this form of
ment (1 Minute; -1½), Self Only (-½)
the power, the Summoned beings have less diver-
sity. Change to Expanded Class (+¼). Total cost:
146 points.
10) Uniform Manifestations: With this form of
the power, all the Summoned beings are identi-
cal. Remove Expanded Class (+½). Total cost:
130 points.
11) Lengthy Manifestation I: Add Extra Time (Full
Phase; -½). 162 Active Points; total cost 108 points.
12) Lengthy Manifestation II: Add Extra Time (1
Turn; -1¼). 162 Active Points; total cost 72 points.
13) Attentive Manifestation: Add Concentration (0
DCV while Summoning; -½). 162 Active Points;
total cost 108 points.
Miscellaneous Powers 127
Category Miscellanous Powers Subject ID Unknown Scale: ?? Mode
Hero Games recently published a revised edi- PAGE 15 — MIST CONTROL
tion of the original UNTIL Superpowers Database Effect: Telekinesis (8 STR) and Dispel
that corrects typos and errata, updates the page Mists 12d6
references to refer to the HERO System 5th Edition, Target/Area Affected: One character
Revised rulebook, and makes any corrections nec- Duration: Constant/Instant
essary for the powers to conform to the rules in the Range: 220”/225”
5th Edition, Revised. So that customers with the first END Cost: Varies
printing of the USPD don’t have to buy the book all
over again to get the altered powers, this Appendix Description: The character’s control over the air
contains a copy of all powers that were changed in extends to mists, smokes, gases, and the like, allow-
any significant way (i.e., powers with minor typo- ing him to affect powers with those special effects
graphical or formatting errors aren’t included, just as well as related natural phenomena.
ones where point totals or other relevant informa- Game Information:
tion changes). Page references are to the original Cost Power
UNTIL Superpowers Database, not this book. 45 Mist Control: Multipower, 45-point reserve
4u 1) Mist Manipulation: Telekinesis (8 STR),
Affects Porous (only versus mists), Area Of
Effect: RKA ½d6, Penetrating, Damage Effect (2” Radius; +1)
Shield, Trigger 4u 2) Mist Dispersion: Dispel Mists 12d6, any
Target/Area Affected: Self Mist/Smoke/Gas Power one at a time (+¼)
Duration: Constant, Uncontrolled Total cost: 53 points
Range: Touch
Description: The character’s body can exude a thin 1) Greater Mist Control: Increase Multipower
film of acid, making it dangerous to touch him reserve to 74 points, the first slot to Telekinesis (18
— and causing him to damage objects he touches STR) Affects Porous, Area Of Effect (4” Radius),
or wears, unless they’re resistant to acid. and the second slot to Dispel Mists 12d6 any four
This power has two effects. The first is the powers at once; and add a third slot for Dispel
Damage Shield; that allows the character to 18d6, any one power. Total cost: 95 points.
cause damage when he touches or is touched
by another person. The second is a typical acid PAGE 22 — PROTECTIVE SKIN
attack; this reflects how the acid keeps damag- Effect: Damage Resistance (8 PD/8 ED)
ing someone after they break contact with the Target/Area Affected: Self
character’s acidid sheen. Duration: Persistent
Game Information: RKA ½d6, Continuous Range: Self
(+1), Damage Shield (+½), Penetrating (+½), END Cost: 0
Personal Immunity (+¼) (total cost: 32 points) Description: Fish and reptiles have scales, insects
plus RKA ½d6, Continuous (+1), Penetrat- chitinous exoskeletons, and mammals leathery
ing (+½), Uncontrolled (see text; +½), Trigger hides. Thus, many animal-themed characters have
(when Damage Shield activates, Trigger resets tougher skin as well.
automatically and immediately; +¾) (37 Active
Game Information: Damage Resistance (8 PD/8
Points); No Range (-½), Linked (victim must
ED). Total cost: 8 points.
first take damage from Damage Shield; -¼)
(total cost: 21 points). Total cost: 53 points.
1) Leathery Skin: Increase to Damage Resistance
(12 PD/12 ED). Total cost: 12 points.
2) Soft Skin: Reduce to Damage Resistance (4
PD/4 ED). Total cost: 4 points.
3) Chitinous Exoskeleton: Substitute Armor
(8 PD/8 ED); Visible (-¼). 24 Active Points; total
cost 19 points.
130 ■ Appendix Hero System 5th Edition
4) Concealing Scales: Add Lack Of Weakness (-5) municate with other animals of the same species;
for Resistant Defenses. Total cost: 5 points; total this power allows the animals to talk to different
cost of overall power 13 points. species as well. Add Usable Simultaneously (char-
5) Sharp Scales: The character’s scales are sharp, acter and one animal; +½), Persistent (to remove
rough, or covered with small spikes; they can hurt need to maintain LOS; +½), Extra Time (it may
people who brush up against him or strike him. take a while for the animals to find other animals to
Add HKA 1 point, Continuous (+1), Damage talk to and report back; -0). 50 Active Points; total
Shield (+½), Inherent (+¼), Persistent (+½), cost 25oints.
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (19 Active 3) All Together Now: The character can communi-
Points); Always On (-½), Activation Roll 14- (-½), cate with all the local animals at once. Add Area Of
No STR Bonus (-½). Total cost: 8 points; total cost Effect (4” Radius; +1¼). 56 Active Points; total cost
of overall power 16 points 22 points.
4) Private Conversation: A character with this
power only has to “think at” animals, and they can
Effect: Telepathy 5d6 (Animal class of “think back” at him. He doesn’t have to ask ques-
minds) tions aloud. Remove Incantations (-½) and Visible
Target/Area Affected: One animal (-¼). Total cost 14 points.
Duration: Instant
Range: No Range 5) How Now Brown Cow: The character cannot only
END Cost: 2 speak to animals — he can read their minds and
memories. Remove Communication Only (-¼).
Description: A character with this power can speak Total cost 11 points.
with animals, and they can speak to him. The char-
acter never has to go through a long game of cha- 6) Man’s Best Friend: A character with this option
rades with his faithful collie to find out that Tommy cannot speak to every animal, just those within his
has fallen into the well. The character must actu- favored category, such as birds, fish, household pets,
ally speak out loud to the animal, and the animal insects, or reptiles. Add Limited Class Of Minds
“speaks” in return. Only the character can under- (-½). Total cost 8 points.
stand what the animal says: 7) Lost In The Translation: Talking to animals
Character: “What’s that, Flippy? There’s a speedboat doesn’t come naturally to everyone; some char-
that capsized?” acters have to really pay attention to what they’re
doing. Alternately, the animals don’t speak to the
Flippy: “Honk! Honk!” (“Yes, and there are sharks character as another adult human would. The
nearby!”) animal might only speak in base concepts, like
When a character purchases this power, the “Green man bad,” or might speak like a child, like
GM must decide how well animals communicate. “That Martian is a mean ol’ alien,” or might have a
It’s most fun, and more in keeping with the genre, short attention span (“There was a Martian here,
to make them nearly as intelligent as humans (if and he — hey, a ball!”). Add Concentration (½
not equally or more so), and thus to allow them to DCV throughout; -½) and Extra Time (Full Phase;
communicate with the character with full under- -½). Total cost 7 points.
standing. Gamemasters desiring greater “realism”
may have animals’ conversation turn constantly to 8) Nice Doggie...: Not every animal will just
subjects that interest them (e.g., food and warmth). tell you any old thing just because you speak its
A character with this power cannot compel language. Sometimes, a character needs to coax
animals to talk to him, to give him information, information out of them. Add Requires An Animal
or to do as he asks. The GM decides how any Handler Roll (-½). Total cost 8 points.
given animal reacts to a character’s efforts to
speak to him.
Game Information: Telepathy 5d6 (Animal
class of minds) (25 Active Points); No Range
(-½), Communication Only (-¼), Incantations
(throughout; -½), Visible (-¼). Total cost 10
1) Motor Mouth: Instead of ascertaining only a
single piece of information in his Phase, a char-
acter with this option can get several answers at
once. Add Autofire (+1½). 62 Active Points, total
cost 25 points.
2) Do Your Friends Know Anything?: Besides talking
to the animals that are present, the character can
ask the animals to go and check with other animals.
The GM can assume that an animal can freely com-
Appendix 131
3) Easy Gravitic Point Defense: The character 2) Enhanced Radar-Sense II: Add Telescopic (+8
doesn’t tire himself out using this power. Remove versus Range Modifier). Total cost: 36 points.
Costs Endurance (-½). Total cost: 15 points. 3) True Radar: The character has a true radar sense,
4) Black Hole Point Defense: The character based on the emission of radio waves. Change to
can alter gravity to such an extent that he can Radar (Radio Group), Discriminatory, Increased Arc
even Deflect energy attacks. Increase to Missile Of Perception (360 Degrees). Total cost: 25 points.
Deflection (all Ranged attacks). 20 Active Points;
total cost 13 points.
Effect: Invisibility to Sight Group; Cha-
PAGE 103 — GRAVITIC SHIELD meleon (-½)
Effect: Force Field (22 PD/18 ED) Target/Area Affected: Self
Target/Area Affected: Self Duration: Constant
Duration: Constant Range: Self
Range: Self END Cost: 2
END Cost: 4 Description: The character can transform his body
Description: The character can manipulate gra- into completely transparent ice, allowing him
vitic energy to create a protective field around to become virtually undetectable... as long as he
himself. The field is slightly more effective stands still.
against physical attacks. Game Information: Invisibility to Sight Group
Game Information: Force Field (22 PD/18 ED). (20 Active Points); Chameleon (-½). Total cost:
Total cost: 40 points. 13 points.
1) Strong Gravitic Shield: Increase to Force Field 1) Easy Ice Form: The character can remain in ice
(27 PD/23 ED). Total cost: 50 points. form effortlessly. Add Reduced Endurance (0 END;
+½). 30 Active Points; total cost 20 points.
2) Weak Gravitic Shield: Decrease to Force Field (17
PD/13 ED). Total cost: 30 points. 2) Body Of Ice I: The character’s body is made of ice
permanently. In addition to this power, he should
consider taking a Physical Limitation to represent
the difficulties his condition imposes. Add Reduced
Endurance (0 END; +½), Persistent (+½), and Always
On (-½) (40 Active Points; total cost 20 points) plus
Armor (12 PD/12 ED) (total cost: 36 points). 40 + 36
= 76 Active Points; total cost 20 + 36 = 56 points.
3) Body Of Ice II: Like Body Of Ice I, but the char-
acter’s body has an even higher degree of resilience.
Replace the Armor with Physical and Energy Damage
Reduction, Resistant, 50% (total cost: 60 points). 40 +
60 = 100 Active Points; total cost 20 + 60 = 80 points.
136 ■ Appendix Hero System 5th Edition
Effect: Sight and Hearing Group ENHANCEMENT
Images, -5 to PER Rolls Effect: Aid 3d6, all Magnetism Powers
Target/Area Affected: 4” Radius simultaneously, Only In Cold
Duration: Constant Conditions
Range: No Range Target/Area Affected: Self
END Cost: 4 Duration: See text
Description: The character creates an illusion of Range: Self
five duplicates identical to himself. The image also END Cost: 0
makes it look as if all six “characters” are moving Description: Cold temperatures enhance magne-
around within the 4” radius of the power, and tism. Whenever the character is in cold conditions,
makes all five duplicates mimic whatever the char- his magnetic powers become stronger. “Cold con-
acter does. The illusion even mirrors wounds or ditions” are defined in two ways. First, any tem-
other effects received by the character or one image perature of 40o Fahrenheit (4o Celsius) or below
on all six of them. However, if an attack would “kill” constitutes “cold conditions.” At the GM’s option,
one of the images, it simply disappears, leaving the the gain may be proportionate to the temperature
remaining images behind and unchanged. — the character gains Aid 1d6 from 30-40o F, Aid
If an attacker has no way to figure out which 2d6 from 20-29o F, and Aid 3d6 at 19o F and below.
of the six is the real person (such as making a Second, any time the character is attacked with, or
Smell-based PER Roll to sniff him out), and no otherwise directly exposed to the effects of an Ice/
area-affecting attack big enough to cover the 4” Cold Power, he experiences “cold conditions”; how-
radius, the GM should roll 1d6 for each attack. On ever, the conditions only last as long as the power
a 1, the real character gets hit; otherwise, an image remains in effect (in the case of Instant Powers, the
takes the blow, leaving the character unharmed. Aid applies for the character’s next Full Phase).
In either case, the effect of this power occurs
Game Information: Sight and Hearing Group
automatically; the character doesn’t have to acti-
Images, -5 to PER Rolls, Increased Size (4”
vate it. The Trigger activates the power once per
radius; +½) (45 Active Points); Set Effect (-1),
Minute until the full 18 points’ worth of Aid effect
No Range (-½). Total cost: 18 points.
is achieved. Once the character leaves the cold con-
ditions, the effects of this power fade instantly (this
PAGE 137 — ELECTROMAGNETIC RADAR also occurs if something, such as direct contact
Effect: Radar with a Fire/Heat Power, warms the character up). If
Target/Area Affected: Self the character remains in cold conditions, the power
Duration: Persistent keeps Triggering itself every time the Aid effect
Range: Self fades below 18 points.
END Cost: 0 Game Information: Aid Magnetism Powers 3d6,
Description: The character can emit pulses of elec- all Magnetism Powers simultaneously (+2),
tromagnetic energy, then “read” the pulses as they Delayed Return Rate (points fade at the rate of
bounce off objects and return to him to perceive 5 per Hour; +1), Trigger (activation requires no
the world around him without having to use his action, resets automatically immediately after
eyes. The presence of large amounts of physical activation; +1) (150 Active Points); Only In
matter around him — such as when he’s in a sand- Cold Conditions (effect fades instantly when
storm, rainstorm, or blizzard — may create “static” character leaves cold conditions or is warmed
that hinders or blinds this radar. Also, it does not up; -1), Self Only (-½). Total cost: 60 points
work in an intense magnetic field or other condi-
tions which hinder Radio Group senses. OPTIONS:
Game Information: Radar (Radio Group), Dis- 1) More Efficient Enhancement: Increase to Aid
criminatory, Increased Arc Of Perception (360 4d6. 200 Active Points; total cost 80 points.
Degrees). Total cost: 25 points.
2) Less Efficient Enhancement: Decrease to Aid
2d6. 100 Active Points; total cost 40 points.
3) Cold Weather Enhancement Variant: As an
1) Enhanced Electromagnetic Radar I: Add +3 to alternative, a character can simply buy +20 Active
Radar-Sense PER Rolls. Total cost: 28 points. Points; worth of any given power with the Limita-
2) Enhanced Electromagnetic Radar II: Add Telescopic tion Only In Cold Conditions (-1).
(+8 versus Range Modifier). Total cost: 29 points.
Appendix 137
1) Enhanced Detect Minds: Increase to INT Roll +3. 1) Enhanced Finding: Increase to INT Roll +5. 15
Total cost: 30 points. Active Points; total cost 9 points.
2) Precise Detect Minds: The character’s ability to 2) Distant Finding: The character has an easier time
perceive other minds is so acute that he can discern finding objects at great distances than the average
exactly which mental and psionic powers the target finder. Add Telescopic (+8 versus Range Modifier).
has, including their Active Points or DCs within 14 Active Points; total cost 8 points.
about +/-10%. He can also determine the INT and 3) Itemhunter: The character can follow the “psy-
EGO of the mind within 1-2 points. Add Analyze. chic trail” left by a lost or stolen object. The trail
Total cost: 32 points. dissipates over time (impose a -1 to the PER Roll
3) Distant Detect Minds: The character can perceive for each step down the Time Chart since the target
minds that are far away with less difficulty than passed this way). Add Tracking. 15 Active Points;
normal. Add Telescopic (+10 versus Range Modi- total cost: 9 points.
fier). Total cost: 32 points.
4) Mindhunter: The character can follow the
“mental trail” left by a person’s mind. The trail dis- Effect: Shrinking (.032 m tall)
sipates over time (impose a -1 to the PER Roll for Target/Area Affected: Self
each step down the Time Chart since the target Duration: Constant
passed this way), and other minds “crossing the Range: Self
path” of the target mind can also confuse the char- END Cost: 6
acter’s perceptions (-1 to -5 penalty). Add Tracking. Description: The character can shrink to a height
Total cost: 32 points. of as little as .032 meters (about 1 inch). While at
that height, he’s much harder to perceive, or to hit
in combat, but he gets knocked around easily if an
attack does hit him.
Game Information: Shrinking (.032 m tall
[about 1 inch], .0004 kg mass, -12 to PER Rolls
to perceive character, +12 DCV, takes +18”
KB). Total cost: 60 points.
140 ■ Appendix Hero System 5th Edition
1) Picosize: Increase to (.008 m tall [about .25 Effect: Extra-Dimensional Movement
inch], .0000063 kg mass, -16 to PER Rolls to per- Target/Area Affected: Self
ceive character, +16 DCV, takes +24” KB). Total Duration: Constant
cost: 80 points. Range: Self
END Cost: 2
2) Miniature Size: Decrease to (.125 m tall [about
4 inches], .025 kg mass, -8 to PER Rolls to perceive Description: The character can shrink down to such
character, +8 DCV, takes +12” KB). Total cost: 40 tiny sizes that he enters the Microverse — the atomic
points. and sub-atomic level of reality, where a single mol-
ecule can be an island, or even a solar system! This
3) Easy Microsize: Changing size only stresses the effectively means the character is in another reality
character’s metabolism while he’s doing it; once he altogether, since normal-size persons cannot perceive
stops shrinking, he can remain at reduced height or interact with him in any way. However, he needs
without difficulty. Add Costs Endurance Only To special powers (such as the Transdimensional Energy
Activate (+¼). Total cost: 75 points. Blasts described above) to affect normal-sized real-
4) Tiring Microsize: Remaining at tiny sizes places ity, and also a special sense (Spatial Correspondence
a significant strain on the character’s body. Add Detection, below) to keep himself oriented with
Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -½). 60 Active regard to normal-sized space.
Points; total cost 40 points.
Game Information: Extra-Dimensional Move-
5) Small But Slow: While small, the character can’t ment (any location in a single dimension [the
run very fast. Add Side Effect (reduce Running by -1” Microverse], corresponding to the point char-
per 10 points of Shrinking, to a minimum of 1”, always acter is at in this dimension). Total cost: 22
occurs; -½). 60 Active Points; total cost 40 points. points.
6) Small But Weak: While small, the character can’t
exert his full Strength. Add Side Effect (reduce STR OPTIONS:
by 5 points per 10 points of Shrinking, to a mini-
1) Come See The Microverse: The character can
mum of -30, always occurs; -½). 60 Active Points;
shrink some of his comrades down and bring them
total cost 40 points.
into the Microverse with him. Add x8 Increased
7) Let’s Get Small: The character can make his Mass. Total cost: 37 points.
friends tiny, too. Add Usable Simultaneously (up to
four people at once; +¾). Total cost: 105 points. PAGE 187 — ENTER THE DREAMZONE
Effect: Extra-Dimensional Movement
PAGE 183 — GIGANTIC PHYSIQUE Target/Area Affected: Self
Effect: +20 CON, No Figured Charac- Duration: Constant
teristics, Linked to Growth Range: Self
Target/Area Affected: Self END Cost: 2
Duration: Constant
Description: The character can enter the Dreamzone,
Range: Self
the plane of existence where all dreams currently being
END Cost: 0
dreamed exist. While in the Dreamzone, the character
Description: As he grows, the character becomes can physically interact with dream-beings and dream-
even hardier and more resistant to being stunned objects. This may prove quite dangerous, since the local
than normal growing characters. He gains +5 dreamscape can shift quickly (sometimes in the blink
CON per 15 points of Growth (adjust the cost of an eye), and even at the best of times often proves
to suit if the character has less than 60 points’ difficult to understand and cope with.
worth of Growth). If the character wants to affect the physical world
while he’s in the Dreamzone, he needs powers with
Game Information: +20 CON (40 Active
the Transdimensional Advantage. He usually also
Points); Linked (to Growth, gains +5 CON per
needs some Skill or sense (such as Navigation (Astral),
15 points of Growth; -¼), No Figured Charac-
Navigation (Dreamzone), or the like) to orient himself
teristics (-½). Total cost: 23 points.
to physical reality, or else he may not emerge from the
Dreamzone where he expects to.
Game Information: Extra-Dimensional
1) Really Gigantic Physique: Increase to +40 CON Movement (any location in a single dimen-
(+10 CON per 15 points of Growth). 80 Active sion [the Dreamzone], corresponding to the
Points; total cost 46 points. point character is at in this dimension). Total
2) And Tougher, Too: Remove No Figured Charac- cost: 22 points.
teristics (-½). Total cost: 32 points.
1) Dream Vacation: The character can bring some
of his comrades into the Dreamzone with him. Add
x8 Increased Weight. Total cost: 37 points.
Appendix 141
3) Time Shift Touch: The character can, by touching 4) Blinding Spores: The spores also get into the
another character, send him through time against his victim’s eyes, stinging and blinding him. Add Sight
will. Add Usable As Attack (defense is Extra-Dimen- Group Flash 4d6 (20 Active Points); Linked (-½)
sional Movement, Teleportation, time-manipulation (total cost: 13 points). 40 + 20 = 60 Active Points;
powers, or Power Defense; +1). Total cost: 134 points. total cost 27 + 13 = 40 points.
5) Strong Spore Emission: The character’s spore-
cloud is so compact, and so powerfully projected at
Effect: Flight 15” the target, that it can work underwater or in windy
Target/Area Affected: Self conditions. Remove Not In High Winds, Rain, Or
Duration: Constant Water (-¼). Total cost: 32 points.
Range: Self
END Cost: 3 6) Spore Touch: The character cannot project his
spores any distance at all; he must “puff ” them right
Description: The character harnesses the wind to into the target’s face. Replace Limited Range (-¼)
pick himself up and fly. with No Range (-½). Total cost: 23 points.
Game Information: Flight 15”. Total cost: 30 7) Spore Cloud: The character can emit a cloud of
points. spores large enough to affect multiple targets. Add
Area Of Effect (4” Radius; +1). 60 Active Points;
OPTIONS: total cost 40 points.
1) Fast Windriding I: Increase to Flight 20”. Total 8) Limited Spores: The character can only generate
cost: 40 points. eight spore-clouds a day. Add 8 Charges (-½). Total
cost: 20 points.
2) Fast Windriding II: Increase to Flight 18”, x8 Non-
combat. Total cost: 46 points. PAGE 263 — TRANSFERENCE TOUCH
3) Slow Windriding: Decrease to Flight 10”. Total Effect: Multiform (into self with
cost: 20 points. extra powers) plus Transform
4) Group Windriding: The character can bring some of (person into person with no
his friends along when he flies. Add Usable Simultane- superpowers or exceptional
ously (up to 8 people at once; +1) (60 Active Points); abilities)
Recipients Must Remain Within 4” Of Character (-½). Target/Area Affected: Self/One character
60 Active Points; total cost 40 points. Duration: See text
Range: Touch
Effect: Energy Blast 4d6, NND Description: This power gives the character the
Target/Area Affected: One character ability to temporarily steal all the powers, abili-
Duration: Instant ties, skills, and memories of another character. The
Range: 4” character “transforms” into a “version” of himself
END Cost: 6 with all his abilities (including this one), plus all
Description: The character can emit or project a the abilities stolen from the target (including any
small cloud of spores that make the target cough, “negative” abilities, such as Disadvantages associ-
choke, and feel ill. The power only has a range of ated with the powers). The target “transforms” into
about 26 feet (4”), and won’t work at all in windy, a version of himself that’s an average member of
rainy, or underwater conditions. his species, with no superpowers or exceptional
abilities, though he retains all his memories. For
Game Information: Energy Blast 4d6, NND example, a human victim would have 8 in all Pri-
(defense is Life Support [Self-Contained Breath- mary Characteristics, no Skill Rolls above an 11-,
ing]; +1) (40 Active Points); Limited Range (4”; and so forth. The character can only steal the innate
-¼), Not In High Winds, Rain, Or Water (-¼). abilities and powers of the victim; he cannot steal
Total cost: 27 points. abilities derived from technology (Foci) or other
“external” powers.
OPTIONS: To use this power, the character must touch
the target, and the duration of their respective
1) Powerful Spores: Increase to Energy Blast 6d6. changes varies based on the duration of the contact
60 Active Points; total cost 40 points. between them. The change occurs as soon as the
2) Mild Spores: Decrease to Energy Blast 3d6. 30 character successfully attacks the target. Then, for
Active Points; total cost 20 points. every Phase (not Segment) the character maintains
3) Incapacitating Cough: The coughing and chok- skin-to-skin contact with the victim, the character
ing caused by the spores also make it impossible for retains the victim’s powers for 1 Turn (this duration
the victim to take any other actions. Add Entangle begins running as soon as skin-to-skin contact is
2d6, 2 DEF, Takes No Damage From Attacks (+½) broken). At the end of that time, the character auto-
(30 Active Points); Linked (-½), Cannot Form matically reverts back to what he was like before
Barriers (-¼) (total cost: 17 points). 40 + 30 = 70 he used the power, and the victim regains all of his
Active Points; total cost 27 + 17 = 44 points. stolen abilities and powers. At the GM’s option, a
lengthy contact (many minutes or hours) might
144 ■ Appendix Hero System 5th Edition
INDEX result in a permanent transference of abilities; that Game Information: Multiform (assume up to
should be handled as an in-game plot device or eight different forms which include all the char-
For an Index to The “radiation accident.” acter’s current abilities plus abilities and related
UNTIL Superpowers In game terms, this power consists of two Disadvantages absorbed from the victim, with
Databse II, please visit Linked abilities. The first is a Multiform — the no form or combination of forms totalling more
http://www.herogames. character transforms from his standard self into than 3,000 Character Points; Multiforms must
com his standard self with all the abilities and powers have a Physical Limitation specifying that they
of the victim. The Multiform has a cap of 3,000 revert back to the true form after having the
Character Points’ worth of abilities, meaning powers for 1 Turn per Phase of contact) (615
the character can potentially absorb the abilities Active Points); Linked (-¼) (total cost: 492
of a single incredibly powerful person, or more points) plus Major Transform 15d6 (person
than one lesser-powered person at once (to a into person with no exceptional abilities) (225
maximum of eight, the number of Multiforms Active Points); Skin Contact Required (-1),
the character has). If the target has more than Linked (-½), Limited Target (living beings; -¼),
3,000 points’ worth of abilities, or if his abilities All Or Nothing (-½) (total cost: 69 points). 615
would take the character over the 3,000 point + 225 = 840 Active Points; total cost 492 + 69
limit when added to the ones the character cur- = 561 points.
rently has, the power fails to work altogether. The
power also fails to work if the Transform of the OPTIONS:
victim fails to work.
Ordinarily characters should not use Multi- 1) Tiring Transference: Taking on another person’s
form in this “floating” way, without precisely defin- powers and abilities wearies the character even
ing the abilities of the alternate form(s). However, further. Add Costs Endurance (to activate; -½) to
allowing a “floating Multiform” is acceptable in this Multiform. 615 + 225 = 840 Active Points; total cost
instance because of the other restrictions on the 351 + 69 = 420 points.
ability. This power also uses an optional rule for 2) Ranged Transference: The character doesn’t have
Linking two powers to each other. to establish skin-to-skin contact with the victim to
Obviously, this ability is incredibly powerful, steal his abilities, he can do so at range! Remove No
and the GM should allow it into his game only after Range (-½) and Skin Contact Required (-1) from
carefully considering its potential effects on game Transform. 615 + 225 = 840 Active Points; total cost
balance. For a similar ability, see Mimicking, below. 492 + 100 = 592 points.
3) Stunning Transference: The loss of all his powers
and exceptional abilities stuns the victim. Apply
this damage to his defenses and STUN total before
he’s Transformed, then apply whatever damage he
took to his new form. Add Drain STUN 12d6 (120
Active Points); Linked (-½) (total cost: 80 points).
615 + 225 + 120 = 960 Active Points; total cost 492
+ 69 + 80 = 641 points.