Music Technology Department - Year Ii: Use The Stave Below To Answer Question 5-15

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1. What major and minor keys use this key signature?

A. C major/a minor B. B major/g# minor C. A major/f# minor D. F major/d minor

2. What major/minor keys use the following key signature?

A. Ab major/fm B. C major/am C. X major/ym D. None of the above

3. What is the function of the Transpose Key ?

[a] For changing key tone to another [b] changing key values [c] For Male Voice tone
[d] For Females Voice Tone

4. The crash Cymbal is part of which instrument

[a] Piano [b] Keyboard [c] Tambourine [d] Drum-Set

Use the stave below to answer question 5-15

5. How many measures are in the stave above

A. 10 B. 12 C. 20 D. 15 Because of the Beat

6. The key signature on the stave above is

A. G B. G# C. F-sharp D. C
7. “Moderato” as written on the stave is use to depict

A. Beat B. Tempo C. Voice D. Number of Verses

8. The does signifies in the stave above

A. Key Signature B. Time signature C. Piano Signature D. Reading

9. , as depicted on the stave signifies how many beat rest

A. 2 B. 3 C. 1 D. 1/2

10. Transcribe the second measure of the F-Clef in the Stave above to its equivalent TonicSolfa

A. m l l, B. d m s, C. m s l d’ D. m l’ l’

11. Transcribe the Third measure of the Trebl-Clef in the Stave above to its equivalent TonicSolfa

A. m l l, B. d m s, C. m s l d’ D. m l’ l’

12. Transcribe the Third measure of the Trebl-Clef in the Stave above to its equivalent TonicSolfa

A. m l l, B. d m s, C. m s l d’ D. m l’ l’

13. A curved line connectiong two notes on the third measure of the base clef is known as

A. Note Connector B. Bar C. Slur D. Tie

14. the symbol behind the sixth note on the F-Clefts’ seventh measure signifies

A. Sharp B. Flat C. Skip Note D. Natural

15. How many Quarter Rest are present in the stave above ?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

16. How many stave does a Grand staff has?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

17. The symbols on the staffs that indicates the names of the notes on the stave are called

A. Clef B. Barline C. ledgerline D. Sharps

18. E-G-B-D-F, or 'Every Good Boy Does Fine,' are the pitch names for what part of the Grand Staff?

A. The spaces of the treble clef B. The spaces on the bass clef C.The lines of the treble clef
D.The lines of the bass clef

19. A-C-E-G, ' are the pitch names for what part of the Grand Staff?

A. The spaces of the treble clef B. The spaces on the bass clef C.The lines of the treble clef
D.The lines of the bass clef
20. F-A-C-E, ' are the pitch names for what part of the Grand Staff?

A. The spaces of the treble clef B. The spaces on the bass clef C.The lines of the treble clef
D.The lines of the bass clef

21. G-B-D-F-A, ' are the pitch names for what part of the Grand Staff?

A. The spaces of the treble clef B. The spaces on the bass clef C.The lines of the treble clef
D.The lines of the bass clef

22. A ____________________ means to rest (or remain silent) for an entire measure.

A. Whole Note B. Whole Rest C. Half Note D. Half Rest

23. Four __________________________ equal the duration of one whole note.

A. Quarter Notes B. Half Notes C. Eighth Notes D. Whole Notes

24. A __________________ is equal to half of a whole rest and sits on the 3rd line.

A. Whole Rest B. Half Rest C. Quarter Rest D. Eighth Rest

25. , this is the same as

[a] [b] [c] [d]


1. What do dynamics tell you?

A. How loud or soft to play B. What to play C. Not to play D.To play faster

Use the Table below to answer Questions 2-8


2. The Musical Symbol in cell “A” Denotes

A. Pianississimo B. Piano C. Pianissimo D.Mezo Forte

3. The Musical Symbol in cell “B” Denotes

A. Pianississimo B. Piano C. Pianissimo D.Mezo Forte

4. The Musical Symbol in cell “C” Denotes

A. Pianississimo B. Piano C. Pianissimo D.Mezo Forte

5. The Musical Symbol in cell “D” Denotes

A. Pianississimo B. Piano C. Mezo Piano D.Mezo Forte

6. The Musical Symbol in cell “E” Denotes

A. Pianississimo B. Piano C. Pianissimo D.Mezo Forte

7. The Musical Symbol in cell “F” Denotes

A. Pianississimo B. Forte C. Pianissimo D.Mezo Forte

8. The Musical Symbol in cell “G” Denotes

A. .Mezo Forte B. Piano C. Pianissimo D. Fortissimo

8. The Musical Symbol in cell “H” Denotes

A. .Fortissossimo B. Piano C. Pianissimo D. Fortississimo

9. Which notes are on the 1st and 2nd lines of the treble clef?

A. F & D B. E & G C. G & D D. A & B

10. What does a quarter rest mean?

A. Be quiet for 1 beat B. Play for 3 beats C. Be quiet for 2 beats D.Play for 4 beats

11.A staff is made up of 5 spaces and 5 lines.

A. True B. False

12. What symbol tells you to play something over again?

A. Repeat Sign B.Crescendo C.Whole Note D.A Flat

13. A Dotted Half note gets two and a half beats.

A. True B. False

14. , What note is depicted in the diagram

A. A B. B C. C D. D

Use the Staff below to to answer Questions 15-20

15. The Symbol Marked asterisk (*) in the stave above stands for _____

A. Fermata B. Decrescendo C. Crescendo D. Whole rest

16. How many measures are in the stave above

A. 10 B. 8 C. 6 D. 15 Because of the Beat

17. The key signature on the stave above is

A. G B. F C. F-sharp D. B-Flat

18. Transcribe the second measure of the treble Clef in the Stave above to its equivalent TonicSolfa

A. s: f: m: r: m :r: d B. d: m : s: d: s: C. s: s: s: l: l: s: D. m l’ l’ s: fe: s
19. Transcribe the First measure of the Treble Clef in the Stave above to its equivalent TonicSolfa

A. s: f: m: r: m :r: d B. d: m : s: d: s: C. s: s: s: l: l: s: D. m l’ l’ s: fe: s

20. Which of the following musical terms tell us to hold a note longer than its normal duration

A. Whole note B. Crotchet C. fermata D. cresendo

21. What is the key signature for the key of F?

A. Bb,Eb, Ab B. Bb C. Bb, Eb D. Bb, Eb, Ab, Db

22. A ledger line is an extension of what?

A. The staff B. The treble clef C. The bass clef D. The grand staff

23. An interval that is eight notes apart is called what?

A. octave B. whole rest C. half note D.quarter rest

24. , what is the relative minor of this key

[a] G [b] E-flat [c] F [d] A-flat

25. , What sort of modulation is this

[a] Chromatic Modulation [b] Common-Tone Modulation [c] Phase

Modulation [d] Sequential modulation

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