A Methodology For Evaluating Transit Service Quality Based On Subjective and Objective Measures2011

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Transport Policy 18 (2011) 172–181

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Transport Policy
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A methodology for evaluating transit service quality based on subjective

and objective measures from the passenger’s point of view
Laura Eboli n, Gabriella Mazzulla
Department of Land Use Planning, University of Calabria, Via P. Bucci cubo 46/B, 87036 Rende (CS), Italy

a r t i c l e in f o a b s t r a c t

Available online 21 August 2010 In this paper a methodology for measuring transit service quality is proposed. The methodology is based
Keywords: on the use of both passenger perceptions and transit agency performance measures involving the main
Transit service quality aspects characterizing a transit service. The combination of these two types of service quality
Passenger perspective measurement fulfils the need to provide a reliable as possible measurement tool of the transit
Subjective indicators performance. Considering passenger perceptions is fundamental because the customer’s point of view is
Objective indicators very relevant for evaluating the performance of a transit service. At the same time, the use of a more
objective measurement provided by the transit agency can be a useful solution for obtaining a more
comprehensive service quality measurement. The proposed procedure is applied to a real case study of
a suburban bus line; a series of subjective and objective indicators are calculated on the basis of users’
perception about the service and measurements provided by the transit agency.
& 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the invested resources, while effectiveness can be defined as the

correspondence of the service to the goal achievement. In
The measurement of transit performance has been, and will addition, efficiency is the relationship of inputs to the produced
continue to be, an important concern for allocating resources service (e.g., vehicle kilometres), while effectiveness is the
among competing transit agencies. Performance measurement is relationship of inputs to the consumed service (e.g., passenger
fundamental for assessing management performance of the kilometres) (Hensher, 2007). What is important and vital in the
transit service in relation to community expectations, for performance and delivery of a transit service depends signifi-
assessing management problems regarding costs of the service, cantly upon perspective (Transportation Research Board, 2003a).
and as a monitoring tool for improving the service (Transportation As an example, traditional cost efficiency indicators (e.g., operat-
Research Board, 1994). In addition, the measure of performance ing expense per vehicle revenue kilometre and/or hour) and cost-
allows the behaviour of organizations to be compared over time effectiveness indicators (e.g., operating expense per passenger
or/and across space (De Borger et al., 2002). A transit performance kilometre and/or passenger trip) can be considered as perfor-
measure is defined as a quantitative or qualitative factor used to mance measures from the transit agency perspective, while they
evaluate a particular aspect of a transit service (Transportation are not linked to customer-oriented and community issues, which
Research Board, 2003b). Each performance measure has its own are fundamental perspectives (Transportation Research Board,
series of indicators. Indeed, scientific research is ever more 2003a). Passengers evaluate services in many ways that may not
oriented towards the establishment of appropriate transit be systematically associated with the amount of use of the
performance measures and indicators. Fielding (1987) explores service, because the measures of efficiency and effectiveness, as
the concept of performance indicators to monitor performance, aggregate indicators of total output, implicitly assume homo-
asserting that ‘‘these indicators may not capture every activity of geneity of service quality (Hensher, 2007), which is the overall
an agency, but they do indicate progress in key areas’’. In fact, measured or perceived transit performance from the passenger’s
specific measures defining transit performance include efficiency, point of view (Transportation Research Board, 2003b). It should be
effectiveness, impact, productivity, and service quality. There is an added that many researchers consider the customer’s point of
extensive literature (Fielding et al., 1985) on measuring the view the most relevant for evaluating transit performance; as an
efficiency and effectiveness of transit services. Efficiency can be example, Berry et al. (1990) pointed out that ‘‘customers are the
considered as the production of the realized service compared to sole judge of service quality’’.
Service quality can be evaluated by considering customer
perceptions and expectations, or by a range of simple disaggre-
Corresponding author. Tel./fax: + 39 984496784. gate performance measures which can be used for measuring the
E-mail address: [email protected] (L. Eboli). ability of the transit agency to offer services that meet customer

0967-070X/$ - see front matter & 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. Eboli, G. Mazzulla / Transport Policy 18 (2011) 172–181 173

expectations (Transportation Research Board, 1999). These per- explore perceptions of public transport users. 24 in-depth inter-
formance measures are quantitative measures expressed as a views were addressed to regular and occasional users of public
numerical value, which provides no information by itself about transport and car users. This qualitative study highlighted some
how ‘‘good’’ or ‘‘bad’’ a specific result is, and for this reason it must key factors influencing mode choice. In fact, the key findings
be compared with a fixed standard or past performance. Instead indicate that in order to increase public transport usage, the
passengers’ perceptions are qualitative measures of transit service service should be designed in a way that accommodates the levels
quality. These measures generally derive from the well-known of service required by customers and by doing so attract potential
Customer Satisfaction Surveys (CSS), which help transit operators users.
to identify which service quality factors are considered the most Subsequently, Tyrinopoulos and Antoniou (2008) propose a
important by their customers. Indeed, CSS can also be used to help methodology based on the application of two different statistical
prioritize future quality of service improvement initiatives, methods, factor analysis and ordered logit modelling, for analys-
measure the degree of success of past initiatives, and track ing the variability of the users’ behaviour and their level of
changes in service quality over time (Transportation Research satisfaction from the use of diverse transit systems. This
Board, 2003b). Through the CSS, passengers express their methodology is applied to five different transit systems in Greece;
judgments about some attributes describing the service according survey respondents were asked to rate 23 selected attributes
to a pre-defined scale of evaluation. Actually these judgements according to importance and satisfaction criteria. The data
can be considered a subjective measure of service quality, while collected from the first set of questions were used as input for
the performance measures provided by transit operators can be the factor analysis, while the second set of data was used as input
considered an objective measure of service quality. for the ordered logit models. The objective of the factor analysis is
Both these different kinds of transit performance measures to try to discern and recognize the underlying unobserved factors
support transit agencies for monitoring, evaluating, and imple- that the respondents perceive.
menting improvements in service. For this purpose transit Also, Iseki and Taylor (2008) examined transit users’ percep-
agencies might be interested in collecting a wide array of tions of the quality of service and infrastructure at bus stops and
information, but the cost of collecting and analysing a large train stations around metropolitan Los Angeles. In this study, an
amount of transit performance and service quality data presents a importance–satisfaction analysis was effected to examine which
constraint to transit agencies. As a result, data collection and stop and station attributes matter most in transit users’
analysis activities should be concentrated on those aspects of experience. To this purpose, satisfaction and importance rates
transit service that are crucial and that more accurately reflect the were expressed by a four-point Likert scale and verbal scale,
needs of customers and potential customers. The objective is to respectively. Ordered logistic regression models were proposed
match the most important perceptions to specific aspects of for measuring the influence of 16 stop/station attributes on users’
transit service and to identify one or more corresponding service overall satisfaction with their wait/walk/transfer experience.
performance indicators (Transportation Research Board, 1999). Other studies adopted more advanced statistical techniques,
Ultimately, both passenger perceptions and objective mea- like path analysis, latent variable and structural equation models.
sures provided by transit agencies are fundamental for evaluating Some examples are reported in Joewono and Kubota (2007),
the performance of a transit service, even if they provide service Stuart et al. (2000), Eboli and Mazzulla (2007), and Nurul-Habib
quality measures from different points of view. Therefore, the et al. (2009).
combination of these two types of service quality measure could Specifically, Joewono and Kubota (2007) examine the condi-
provide a useful and reliable measurement tool of transit tion of private paratransit in Indonesia from the user’s point of
performance. The aim of this research is to propose a methodol- view in order to balance the judgment from other stakeholders.
ogy which provides a way for evaluating transit service quality by This research employs the path analysis and binomial regression
considering both subjective and objective measures of service method to reveal and explore the data. Path analysis was
performance. employed to reveal the relationship among variables and to
examine the predictive power of several variables on overall
satisfaction with paratransit. Analysis using the binomial logistic
2. Literature review regression is able to distinguish the loyal users by exploring their
In the literature, there is an amount of studies regarding user In Stuart et al. (2000), and in Eboli and Mazzulla (2007)
perceptions about the different transit service aspects or perfor- structural equation models are formulated in order to explore the
mance measurement by indicators; whereas few studies deal with impact of the relationship between global customer satisfaction
the topic of transit service quality by considering both subjective and transit service quality aspects. In this approach, users
and objective measures of transit performance. expressed a judgement in terms of rate according to a numerical
In the following, some examples of the most recent studies scale from 1 to 10 about some service aspects and the overall
regarding the subjective measures are briefly described. service. Through this type of model the strength of the relation-
Some studies propose qualitative or quantitative analyses ships can be quantified and compared with one another in terms
based on simple statistical techniques. of both direct and indirect effects.
As an example, Friman (2004) examined whether quality Nurul-Habib et al. (2009) developed a multinomial logit (MNL)
improvements have effects on satisfaction with public transport model combined with latent variable models for capturing
services and frequency of perceived negative critical incidents. unobserved latent variables in defining perceptions and attitudes.
Respondents evaluated Swedish transit services by checking a The paper presents a critical investigation of reasons for using
nine-point scale from ‘very dissatisfied’ to ‘very satisfied’. The transit expressed as a function of peoples’ perception and attitude
most important finding of the study is that the satisfaction people towards transit service quality and attributes. Essentially, the
experience when using public transport services is influenced by authors focus only on transit users in order to find influential
quality improvements only to a limited extent. Moreover, Beira~ o factors. The respondents are required to scale their satisfaction
and Sarsfield-Cabral (2007) propose a qualitative study of public along a scale from 1 to 5. In addition to other questions, the
transport users and car drivers in order to obtain a deeper respondents were asked to identify the main reason of using
understanding of travellers’ attitudes towards transport and to transit rather than any other modes of transportation. As a matter
174 L. Eboli, G. Mazzulla / Transport Policy 18 (2011) 172–181

of fact the latent variable model can be used to connect the the estimation of 22 indicators, grouped under six criteria
relationship between the reason for choosing transit rather than (itinerary accuracy, system safety, cleanness, passenger comfort,
other modes of transportation and variables defining the percep- servicing, and passenger information). The valuation of the
tion or attitude towards transit service. indicators is achieved through the analysis of quantitative, as
Other research is based on the analysis of service quality by well as qualitative parameters obtained either from statistical
means of the user perceptions expressed in terms of choice. sources maintained by the railway operator, or data gathered
Choice data were collected from experiments based on stated from a questionnaire survey addressed to passengers, in which
preferences (SP) techniques, in which the interviewed users make the service quality aspects are judged according to a scale from
a choice among some alternative services characterized by some 1 to 10. In the work both objective indicators and subjective
service quality attributes varying on more levels. Therefore, by judgments of the passengers are analysed; in order to estimate an
logit model estimation, the importance of each service attribute overall performance index, the objective and subjective indicators
on overall service quality can be evaluated. In Prioni and Hensher are scaled according to the same scale and combined through a
(2000) and in Eboli and Mazzulla (2008a, 2010) choice data were multicriteria analysis.
used to calibrate MNL models. SP data were used for calibrating As far as the authors’ know, there are no studies in which
mixed logit models proposed in Hensher (2001) and in Eboli and subjective and objective measures of transit performance are
Mazzulla (2008b) in order to explore observed and unobserved jointly analysed and combined in a single output measure. Linking
heterogeneity among users. Furthermore, a nested logit model transit riders’ perspectives to objective disaggregate measures of
was proposed in Hensher et al. (2003) for comparing the service transit performance is very important in order to allow the agency
quality levels within and between some bus operators. both to evaluate its service and to define realistic and measurable
In addition to the methods of service quality measure based on goals for service improvements (Transportation Research Board,
passenger perceptions, in the literature there are also some 1999). Clearly, the consideration of passengers’ perceptions alone
examples of research studies about the objective performance can lead to many biases especially when users’ judgements are
measures. too heterogeneous; in addition, subjective measures are based on
The Transportation Research Board, through the Transit transit users’ opinions, while non-users’ perceptions are not
Cooperative Research Program, developed interesting researches considered. On the other hand, a specific objective indicator could
about service quality measures, summarized in some reports in be not appropriate for evaluating a transit service aspect, or could
which the different transit service aspects are widely and fully describe not exhaustively a transit service aspect characterized by
described (Transportation Research Board, 1999, 2003a, 2003b). various factors.
In these reports five categories of service quality measures are
defined: availability in terms of passengers’ ease of access and use
of transit service, service monitoring, travel time, safety and 3. Methodology
security in terms of real and perceived chances of being involved
in an accident or being the victim of a crime while using transit, 3.1. Logical basis
and maintenance and construction. For each service quality aspect
some examples of objective measures are suggested. The proposed methodology is based on the calculation of an
A study of Bertini and El-Geneidy (2003) describe how an indicator for each service aspect which combines both subjective
archived database of Bus Dispatch System data can be used to and objective indicators, by taking into account passenger
generate performance measures that should be prepared by perceptions and performance measures. The methodology aims
transit agencies in order to measure their own performance to develop an indicator which assumes an intermediate value
and help them to increase their service standards and effective- between the subjective and objective measures of service quality,
ness to the population. Here the authors recommend a series of calculated by considering the bias of the two different measures.
measures related to transit accessibility, mobility and economic The final indicator can be obtained by solving a problem of
development. optimization which minimizes the distance of the desired
Actually, few studies have analysed both traveller satisfaction indicator from the subjective and objective ones. Indeed, the
and transit performance measures; examples are reported in proposed methodology yields a meaningful service quality
Tyrinopoulos and Aifadopoulou (2008) and Nathanail (2008). measure because it is based on two basic concepts: (1) both
Tyrinopoulos and Aifadopoulou (2008) propose a methodology subjective and objective measures are equally important for
for the quality control of passenger services in the public evaluating service quality, and (2) the most reliable measure gives
transport business. Essentially the work provides an overview of the most contribution to the final indicator.
the methodology developed by the Hellenic Institute of Transport Subjective indicators can be calculated on the basis of transit
to assess the levels of quality and performance of public transport user expectations and perceptions. Expectations are generally
services. Here 39 indicators are analysed, classified in the expressed by the customers through the indication of a level of
following seven categories: safety–comfort–cleanliness; informa- importance; perceptions, instead, are expressed by a judgement
tion–communication with the passengers; accessibility; terminals of satisfaction. Customer satisfaction can be evaluated by
and stop points performance; lines performance; general ele- collecting customer perceptions alone, or through the comparison
ments of the public transport system; compound indicators based between expectations and perceptions (Parasuraman et al., 1985).
on the results of the indicators of the previous categories. Among In this case, users express their judgments about the services
the compound indicators, a customer satisfaction measure is according to a pre-defined scale of measure, which can be
considered in order to take into account customer perceptions. In qualitative (e.g. Likert and verbal scale) or quantitative (e.g.
fact, the authors suggest using factor analysis and multinomial numerical scale).
logistic regression for investigating the influence of the opera- Objective measures can be derived from different sources of
tional performance indicators of the transportation system on data. A number of performance measures can be calculated from
customer satisfaction. information an agency would normally have on hand for other
Nathanail (2008) presents a framework developed for assisting purposes (schedule data, system maps, service design standards,
railway operators into monitoring and controlling the quality of accident and incident records, financial data, fleet data, complaint
services provided to their passengers. This framework is based on records, and so on). Moreover, alternative data can be national
L. Eboli, G. Mazzulla / Transport Policy 18 (2011) 172–181 175

transit database, information provided by other transit agencies, interviewed users according to the specific scale of evaluation.
data collected by automated vehicle locators (AVL), manual data We consider the S k value as the estimated value of the k
collection provided by operators, trained checkers or field super- subjective indicator. The distance between the estimated value
visors. A particular form of manual data collection can be for the k indicator and the actual value of the indicator (Sk) is
represented by the Passenger Environment Surveys (PES), which represented by the average error about the perception of the
generally assess qualitative elements which are difficult to indicator (ePER
k ):
measure by any other way. In fact, PES use a ‘‘secret shopper’’
S k ¼ Sk þ ePER
k ð2Þ
technique, according to which mystery riders travel through the
transit system and rate a variety of trip attributes in order to The ePER
k error is mostly due to the heterogeneity among the
provide a quantitative evaluation of factors that passengers would judgements expressed by the users. Indeed, this heterogeneity
think of qualitatively (Transportation Research Board, 2003a). In may depend on the qualitative nature of some aspects, the
this way the objective indicators are generally compared with different attitudes of the users towards the use of transit services
standards, which can be represented by annual averages, base- and their aspects, the user social background.
lines, trend analyses, self-identified values, and typical industry Let O k denotes the estimated value of the objective perfor-
standards (Transportation Research Board, 2003a). Alternatively, mance indicator of the k generic service attribute calculated on
the performance indicators can be expressed in a format that the basis of transit agency information and converted to the same
provides built-in interpretation. An example of such formats is scale of evaluation adopted for the satisfaction rates. Also in this
represented by levels of service (LoS) developed for evaluating case, the distance between the estimated value for the k indicator
transit service quality analogously to those developed by the and the actual value of the indicator (Ok ) is represented by the
Highway Capacity Manual (Transportation Research Board, average error (eOBSk ) representing the error observed in the
2003b). Another format is represented by ratios, which are measure of the O k indicator
developed by dividing one individual measure by another; they
O k ¼ Ok þ eOBS
k ð3Þ
facilitate comparisons between routes, areas, or agencies. Finally,
index measures are adopted when service quality aspects involve The value of eOBS
k represents the difference between the actual
a number of different factors; these indexes combine results from value of the indicator and a value calculated from elements
several other performance measures in an equation to produce a intrinsically containing errors of measuring because measured by
single output measure (Transportation Research Board, 2003a). instruments and equipment (e.g. the length of a line path), or
In the development of the proposed methodology the calculated as mean of elements which can have different values
subjective indicators were calculated by the average of the varying with the survey period; these elements represent random
satisfaction rates expressed by a sample of users about variables for which an average value is considered (e.g. operating
some transit service aspects according to a scale from 0 to 10. speed, number of road accidents per year).
On the other hand, the objective indicators were calculated on the Actually, the more the judgments expressed by the users are
basis of pre-defined parameters (P). The majority of the indicators homogenous, the more the estimated value of S k is reliable. The
were calculated by comparing the value of the parameter with a O k values are generally more reliable than the S k values because
standard of quality (S). In order to obtain these indicators the the O k indicators are calculated on the basis of almost accurate
criterion proposed by Nathanail (2008) was adopted, according to measurements effected in different periods but not very variable
which grade zero is given to the indicator (I) in case that the among the periods (e.g. number of cleaning services per week,
parameter is higher than or equal to the double of the standard; service frequency). However, the objective indicators represent
ten, when it is less than the standard; the intermediate grades service quality measures which do not take into account user
(between 0 and 10), proportionally, for the intermediate cases. In perceptions. Therefore, a univocal estimation of the indicator of
this last case I is calculated according to the following formula: the generic service attribute named Xk can be conveniently
  obtained by combining the subjective indicator with the objective
I¼  10 ð1Þ one, and by assuming that the Xk indicator tends at the same time
to the value of Sk and Ok . Therefore:
A part of the indicators were calculated as the ratio of the value
Sk ¼ Ok ¼ Xk ð4Þ
assumed by the parameter to the maximum value that the
parameter can assume; this ratio, which naturally has a value By considering m service attributes adopted for describing
between 0 and 1, is easily changed into a 0–10 score. service quality of a transit system, we have the following
Finally, for the most qualitative service attributes the indica- expressions of the indicators in terms of vectors:
tors were calculated as the average of the scores assigned by S ¼ S þ ePER ð5Þ
operators or mystery riders to the parameters defining the
indicators, in order to provide a quantitative evaluation; specifi- O ¼ O þ eOBS ð6Þ
cally, they expressed the scores according to a scale from 0 to 10.
The parameters used for calculating the indicators are random S¼O¼X ð7Þ
variables, since their values vary over time and/or space. So, for
each parameter the average value and the variance from the mean in which all the vectors have a ½m  1 dimension.
are calculated on the basis of the sample surveys. The variance of The X vector can be obtained by solving a problem of
the indicator is calculated starting from the variance of the optimization with a constraint, by maximizing a Z½X objective
parameter, by using the well-known variance properties. function which is sum of the Z1 ðS,XÞ and Z2 ðO,XÞ functions; these
functions can be considered as measures of the distances between
the X vector and the S and O vectors, respectively
3.2. Mathematical formulation
X ¼ argmin½ZðXÞ ¼ argmin½Z1 ðS,XÞ þ Z2 ðO,XÞ ð8Þ
The mathematical formulation of the proposed procedure is
described in the following. Through the above expression the X vector, which is at a
Let S k denotes the average rate of satisfaction (user perception) minimum distance from the subjective and objective estimated
about a k generic service attribute expressed by a sample of indicators, can be obtained.
176 L. Eboli, G. Mazzulla / Transport Policy 18 (2011) 172–181

The functional structure of Z1 ðS,XÞ and Z2 ðO,XÞ varies with the sited in the North of Cosenza. The bus service is the sole public
nature of the information which can be experimental measures transport service available in this very low density suburban area.
deriving from surveys or not experimental measures deriving A sample survey was addressed to the habitual passengers of a
from models, and which depend on the probability distribution bus line in order to have a service quality measure based on the
associated with the information. If the information is collected user perceptions. In addition, some information given by the
from experimental surveys we can adopt the statistical theory, transit agency offering the analysed bus services or derived from
and specifically the generalized least square (GLS) method which data gathering were collected. The bus line covers a distance of
provides the estimation of a parameter vector starting from a about 19 km, and the route has 23 bus stops. Daily service time
system of linear stochastic equations. This system can be obtained is about 14 hours, from 6.00 a.m. till 8.00 p.m.; service frequency
starting from the expressions of the indicators in terms of vectors is about 1 run/h in the period from 6.00 a.m. till 2.00 p.m., and in
by considering the hypothesis for which S and O are correct the afternoon only two runs are delivered. Also, the ticket cost
estimators of the S and O vectors; in this case ePER and eOBS are varies with the distance, from a minimum fare of 50 Euro cents to
random vectors with mean equal to 0 a maximum of 1.50 Euros. There are about 800 passengers
travelling daily on the bus line in a catchment area of about 8500
EðePER Þ ¼ 0 ð9Þ
inhabitants. Therefore, these numbers imply that the modal split
is inclined towards the private car.
EðeOBS Þ ¼ 0 ð10Þ
The survey was realized in the spring of 2008, when an
Let P and M denote the [m  m] matrices of the variances and operator effected face-to-face interviews on board, during the
co-variances of the above mentioned vectors; the matrix elements service time. As a result 123 passengers were interviewed and
can be calculated by using the expressions of the variances and their characteristics are reported in Table 1. Out of 123
co-variances for the sample estimations. The GLS estimator of the respondents, there are 75 females. Most of the sample is
X vector can be obtained as younger than 20 years old and 28% of the respondents are
employed and 54% are students. About 68% of the sample belongs
XGLS ¼ argmin½ðSXÞT P1 ðSXÞ þ ðOXÞT M1 ðOXÞ ð11Þ
XAI to a middle class of family income and about 24% to a lower class;
the remaining 8% of the sample belongs to an upper class of family
By assuming that P and M are diagonal (co-variances among
income. The classes of income refer to the net monthly income of
the errors equal to 0) the optimization problem has the simplified
the family unit, expressed in Euros. The number of members in a
" # family unit is 3.8 on average. Each family has 1.8 cars on average.
ðSk Xk Þ2 X
ðOk Xk Þ2 Basically users evaluated 26 service attributes regarding the
X ¼ argmin½ ZðXÞ ¼ argmin þ
XZ0 XZ0 varðePER Þ k ¼ 1 varðeOBS Þ following service aspects: route and service characteristics,
k¼1 k k
reliability, comfort and cleanliness, fare, information, safety and
security, personnel and customer services, and environmental
This expression means that the estimation of the X vector is protection. Users expressed a rate of satisfaction on each
the XGLS vector, which minimizes the sum of the standard attribute, according to a scale of evaluation from 0 to 10; in
deviations of S and O vectors from S and O sample estimation. addition, a rate of satisfaction on overall service was requested.
The standard deviations are weighted in inverse proportion to the Moreover, the analysis of the user satisfaction was made on the
variances of the errors; this fact entails that the deviation of the basis of the perceptions of the 123 interviewed passengers; the
sample estimation from a component of the X vector will weigh data collected in terms of rates of satisfaction were used for
the more the variability of the sample values from the mean calculating a subjective indicator for each service quality
values is. If the variance of an indicator is very low (close to 0) the attribute.
X value coincides with the O indicator, by ignoring S indicator, and Objective indicators were calculated for 22 service attributes,
vice versa. The simplified optimization problem can be solved by because for four attributes there were not elements for the
calculating the partial derivatives of the Z(X) objective function. calculation of an objective indicator. A detailed description of the
service attributes and the calculation of the objective indicators is
reported in the following.
4. Application

Table 1
4.1. Study case General characteristics of the respondents (n¼ 123).

The study area is the single built-up area made up of the towns Characteristics Statistics
of Cosenza and Rende, sited in the South of Italy. This urban area
1. Gender Male (39%), female (61%)
has grown over the years also thanks to the presence of the 2. Age o ¼20 (49%), 21–40 (31%), 41–65 (16%), 465
University of Calabria, which expanded in the North of Rende at year-olds (4%)
the beginning of the seventies. Cosenza and Rende is a centre of 3. Place of living Urban area (5%), small villages (95%)
attraction for all the towns of the whole province, because of the 4. Family members 1 (2%), 2 (11%), 3 or more members (87%)
5. Employment Employed (28%), unemployed (7%), housewife
administrative functions, job opportunities and supply of services. (4%), student (54%), pensioner (7%)
The urban area has about 110,000 inhabitants. In addition, a fair 6. Family income level o ¼1000 (24%), 1000–2000 (46%), 2000–3000
proportion of university students from other places of Calabria (17%), 3000–4000 (5%), 4000–5000 (2%), 45000
lives in Rende or Cosenza; the students attending the University Euros (6%)
7. Car driving licence Did not own car driving license (53%), own car
of Calabria are approximately 35,000. The total number of people
ownership driving license (47%)
employed in the urban area is about 46,000. About 41% of the 8. Family members with 0 (1%), 1 (13%), 2 (36%), 3 or more members (50%)
employed works in the public sector, about 41% in the business or car driving licence
the other private services, only 10% in the industry sector and 9% 9. Family car ownership 0 (4%), 1 (27%), 2 (44%), 3 or more members (25%)
in the agriculture one. 10. The way to reach stop Walking (84%), others (16%)
11. Ticket kind One-way ticket (33%), one-day travel card (29%),
The analysed transit service is a suburban bus service offering monthly travel card (37%), other (1%)
the connection between the urban area and some small villages
L. Eboli, G. Mazzulla / Transport Policy 18 (2011) 172–181 177

4.2. Service quality attributes 4.2.3. Comfort and cleanliness

Comfort and cleanliness are purely qualitative service aspects,
4.2.1. Route and service characteristics which can be related to the vehicles or to the stops. Comfort on
The attributes belonging to this category are represented by board can be a function of many aspects; in this study it was
characteristics of the route in terms of path, number of bus stops described by bus crowding, air conditioning, and cleanliness of
and distance between bus stops, location of the bus stops, and bus interior and exterior. In addition, comfort at bus stops was
characteristics of the service, like service frequency and daily considered as a function of the amenities provided at the stops.
service time. Anyway, all the indicators regarding these service The indicator regarding bus crowding was calculated on the
attributes were calculated by adopting the criterion of Nathanail basis of the number of passengers per run (pax) and the number of
(2008). offered seats per run (s). Differently from the other adopted
The indicator regarding line path was evaluated on the basis of criteria, for calculating this indicator the following formula has
the travel speed of the runs observed during the survey period. been introduced:
The values of travel speed were provided by the agency: an 8
operator registered the travel times of a sample of runs. For ½ 1ðpax=sÞ2   10 for pax rs ð13Þ
calculating the indicator a standard equal to 20.45 km/h was :
0 otherwise
assumed, which corresponds to a LoS ‘‘B’’ as reported in the TCRP
Report 26 (Transportation Research Board, 1997). The indicator has values close to 10 when the number of
The indicator of the attribute ‘‘number of bus stops and passengers is small, and to 0 when the number of passengers is
distance between bus stops’’ was calculated on the basis of the equal to or higher than the number of available seats. A manual
stop spacing, which is the average distance between transit stops. operator collected the data regarding passenger loading on a
The value of the indicator was calculated by considering a sample of runs.
standard of stop spacing of 1400 m, as suggested in the TCRP The indicator linked to air conditioning on bus was calculated
Report 100 (Transportation Research Board, 2003b). on the basis of the percentage of vehicles with functioning climate
The indicator of the bus stop location was calculated on the control systems. The indicator was calculated as the ratio of the
basis of the walking distance to transit. Walking times from home number of buses with the functioning air conditioning system to
to the access bus stop of a sample of users were registered. A the total number of buses used for the line. A trained checker
standard equal to 5 min was assumed; the standard corresponds verified the functioning of the air conditioning in different days of
to a distance of 400 m walked at an average speed of 5 km/h, as the same time period.
reported in TCRP Report 100 (Transportation Research Board, The indicator of the attribute ‘‘availability of shelter and
2003b). benches at bus stop’’ was evaluated on the basis of a score
Another aspect is service frequency, which measures how assigned to each stop of the line, from a minimum value of 0 to a
often transit service is provided; the indicator regarding service maximum value of 10. The minimum value was assigned to the
frequency was calculated as average value of the number of runs stops without any kind of furniture; the maximum value to the
scheduled for each hour of the day. A standard of 2 runs/h was stops with shelter and benches. Finally, the indicator was
adopted, which is suggested as the standard for small cities calculated as the average value of the scores assigned to all the
(Transportation Research Board, 2003b). line stops.
Finally, the daily service time indicates how long service is The indicators regarding cleanliness were calculated by
provided during a day. The indicator was calculated as average adopting the criterion of Nathanail (2008). The indicator regard-
value of the number of service hours per day in the different ing the attribute ‘‘cleanliness of bus interior, seats and windows’’
periods of the year (winter, summer, etc.). A standard of 17 and ‘‘cleanliness of bus exterior’’ were calculated on the basis of
service hours per day was adopted, which corresponds to a LoS the frequency of interior cleaning and exterior washing, respec-
‘‘B’’ as reported in the TCRP Report 100 (Transportation Research tively. Standards of 7 interior cleaning services and 3 exterior
Board, 2003b). washing services per week were assumed (Transportation
Research Board, 1995). The number of cleaning services was
calculated as average value for the same line in the period of data
4.2.2. Service reliability gathering.
Service reliability is a very important aspect for the transit
users. We considered reliability as the ability of the transit system
4.2.4. Fare
to adhere schedule, as well as the ability of the transit vehicles to
The indicator regarding ticket cost was calculated by adopting
depart or arrive on time.
the criterion of Nathanail (2008) on the basis of the average one-
Essentially, the ‘‘reliability of runs that come on schedule’’ was
way ticket cost. We considered a standard of 1.67 Euro, which
evaluated on the basis of the runs removed from the daily
corresponds to the average cost of the tickets for similar services
schedule. The indicator was calculated as the ratio of the number
adopted by the transit agencies operating in a region of Italy
of runs executed in a period of data gathering to the number of
characterized by high standards of transit service quality.
runs scheduled for the same period. The number of runs was
registered in different days of the same time period by a transit
operator. 4.2.5. Information
The ‘‘punctuality of runs that come on time’’ was evaluated by The service aspect regarding the level of information provided
considering the percentage of transit vehicles departing or to the users was evaluated by considering the availability of
arriving at a location on time. The indicator was calculated as information on board and at bus stops.
the ratio of the number of runs that come on time to the number The indicator of the attribute ‘‘availability of schedule/maps on
of total runs. The number of runs on time was surveyed by a bus, and announcements’’ was calculated as the ratio of the
transit operator in different days of the same time period. We number of vehicles with functioning information device on board
considered on-time the runs up to 1 min early and up to 5 min to the total number of vehicles sampled in a certain time period. A
late, as suggested by the TCRP Report 100 (Transportation trained checker verified the functioning of the information
Research Board, 2003a). devices on different days during the same time period.
178 L. Eboli, G. Mazzulla / Transport Policy 18 (2011) 172–181

In addition, the indicator of the attribute ‘‘availability of Personnel helpfulness was evaluated by means of a mystery
schedule/maps at bus stops’’ was evaluated on the basis of a score rider who verified the behaviour of the personnel and assigned a
assigned to each stop of the line, from a minimum value of 0 to a score to each personnel unit, according to a scale from 0 to 10.
maximum value of 10. The minimum value was assigned to the Among customer services we consider ease of purchasing the
stops without any kind of information device at the stop; ticket. The indicator of this attribute was defined by taking into
the maximum value to the stops with schedule and maps. The account the only opportunity of purchasing the tickets on bus by a
indicator was calculated as average value of the scores assigned to manual operator or automatic ticket machines. The indicator was
all the line stops. calculated as the ratio of the number of vehicles with functioning
automatic ticket machines to the total number of vehicles
4.2.6. Safety and security sampled in the period of data gathering. A trained checker
Safety refers to the possibility of being involved in a road verified the functioning of the automatic ticket machines in
accident, while security to the possibility of becoming the victim different days of the same time period.
of a crime. The service aspects linked to safety and security were
evaluated by considering safety on board, and security on board
4.2.8. Environmental protection
and at bus stops. The indicators of these service attributes were
The service aspect regarding environmental protection was
calculated by adopting the criterion of Nathanail (2008).
evaluated by considering the use of ecological vehicles. The
The indicator of the attribute ‘‘vehicle reliability, safety and
indicator was calculated as the ratio of the number of vehicles in
competence of drivers’’ was calculated on the basis of the number
keeping with the CE 2001/27/CEE regulation to the total number
of road accidents verified during the last year. We considered as a
of vehicles of the line. The indicator is invariant in the period of
standard the average number of road accidents verified during the
data gathering.
last three years.
The indicators of the attributes ‘‘security against crimes on
bus’’ and ‘‘security against crimes at bus stops’’ were calculated on 4.3. Comparison between indicators
the basis of the number of complaints registered during the last
year. The assumption of the standard was made according to the The values of all the indicators calculated are shown in Table 2.
same criteria adopted for safety. Specifically, the table reports, for each k service attribute, the
mean and standard deviation of the subjective indicator (Sk), the
4.2.7. Personnel and customer services mean and standard deviation of the parameter (Pk) used for
Personnel behaviour was described by personnel appearance calculating the objective indicator, the values of the objective
and helpfulness. Personnel appearance was evaluated by means of indicator (Ok), and the indicator calculated through the proposed
trained checkers who verified if personnel use the uniform. The methodology (Xk).
indicator was calculated as the ratio of the number of uniformed By observing the average values of the subjective indicators,
staff to the total staff number. The check on personnel was almost all the attributes are satisfactory showing a satisfaction
executed in different days of the same time period. score higher than 6.Specifically, there are three very satisfactory

Table 2
Calculation of the indicators.

Service aspect Attribute S (mean) S (st. dev.) P (mean) P (st. dev.) O (mean) X

Route characteristics 1. Path 8.06 1.83 23.73 1.31 10.00 9.69

2. Number of stops and distance between stops 8.19 1.71 1.57 0.08 8.79 8.35
3. Bus stop location 8.48 1.90 5.32 9.97 9.37 8.52

Service characteristics 4. Service frequency 7.06 2.00 0.63 0.26 0.00 5.41
5. Daily service time 7.08 2.02 14.25 0.06 6.76 6.77

Service reliability 6. Reliability of runs that come on schedule 8.77 1.58 0.97 0.00 9.71 9.70
7. Punctuality (runs that come on time) 8.48 1.83 0.61 0.00 6.06 6.25

Comfort 8. Bus crowding 8.93 1.51 0.74 0.00 7.35 7.49

9. Comfort of seats on bus 7.97 2.16 – – – –
10. Air conditioning on bus 7.36 2.95 0.90 0.33 9.00 8.88
11. Levels of noise and vibrations on bus 7.15 2.86 – – – –
12. Availability of shelter and benches at stop 5.41 2.90 3.69 9.62 3.69 4.89

Cleanliness 13. Cleanliness of bus interior, seats and windows 7.98 1.95 6.67 0.17 9.06 8.89
14. Cleanliness of bus exterior 7.53 2.02 2.67 0.17 7.80 7.67

Fare 15. Ticket cost 8.44 2.04 0.93 0.01 10.00 9.75

Information 16. Availability of schedule/maps on bus, and ann. 7.50 2.86 0.80 0.33 8.00 7.96
17. Availability of schedule/maps at stops 3.63 2.35 1.15 2.40 1.15 2.30
18. Availability of information by phone, mail. 7.79 2.20 – – – –

Safety and security 19. Safety and competence of drivers 8.66 1.92 5.00 0.13 10.00 9.84
20. Security against crimes on bus 9.28 1.24 2.00 0.17 10.00 9.66
21. Security against crimes at bus stops 7.41 2.27 1.00 0.13 10.00 9.40

Personnel 22. Personnel appearance 9.29 1.14 0.95 0.17 9.50 9.46
23. Personnel helpfulness 8.46 2.01 9.60 0.15 9.60 9.52

Customer services 24. Ease of purchasing the ticket 9.39 1.16 0.98 0.13 9.75 9.69
25. Administration of complaints 7.98 2.29 – – – –

Environmental protection 26. Use of ecological vehicles 6.85 2.73 0.80 0.00 8.00 8.00
L. Eboli, G. Mazzulla / Transport Policy 18 (2011) 172–181 179

attributes: ‘‘ease of purchasing the ticket’’, ‘‘personnel appear- because he knows the service and does not need information
ance’’, and ‘‘security against crimes on bus’’. If we consider only about it.
the subjective indicators as measures of service quality, only two By analysing the average values of the objective indicators, we
attribute can be considered as critical service aspects, because the can observe very high values for the most satisfactory attributes;
users assign them an average rate lower than the sufficiency. in the same way, we can observe very low values for the most
Specifically, the attribute ‘‘availability of shelter and benches at unsatisfactory attributes. Therefore these results prove that user
bus stop’’ is unsatisfactory, and the attribute ‘‘availability of judgements are unbiased enough. On the other hand, the
schedule/maps at bus stops, and announcements’’ is very objective measures of service quality are less variable than the
unsatisfactory. Regarding the variability of user satisfaction, we subjective ones, as we can observe from the values of the standard
can observe that the judgements on perceived quality are not very deviations of the parameters adopted for calculating the indica-
homogeneous; in fact, the standard deviations of the satisfaction tors. The most variable parameters are linked to the attributes for
rates of the service attributes vary from 1.14 to 2.95 (average which the value varies over space, and particularly for the
value of 2.05) from an average satisfaction rate of 7.81. attributes regarding amenities and information at bus stops, and
The attributes with the most homogeneous judgements are also stop location; these attributes are also the most unsatisfactory
the most satisfactory ones; on the contrary, the only two and with the lowest values of the objective indicators. On the
unsatisfactory attributes have very heterogeneous judgements. contrary, the attributes varying over time are less variable.
In fact, the attributes with the most heterogeneous judgements An immediate reading of the results of the procedure can be
are the service characteristics regarding comfort and information. made by graphically comparing the values of the objective and
Comfort aspects are heavily influenced by user tastes. As an subjective indicators with the values of the indicator calculated by
example, the high variability of the judgments about the attribute considering jointly objective and subjective measures (Fig. 1). By
‘‘air conditioning on bus’’ can be due to the strong subjectivity of analysing the difference between the value of the objective and
this service aspect; user opinions, in fact, are motivated from their subjective indicators of each service aspect, we can observe that
personal tastes about the temperature on board, rather than the for many service attributes (9 out of 22) the difference between
functioning of the air-conditioning system. Actually, the hetero- the values of the two types of indicators is not considerable (lower
geneity of user judgments about information aspects can be than 1); only service frequency presents a very high difference
influenced by user attitudes and experience of consulting and (about 7 points). For almost all the service attributes the value of
acquiring information, and by the attendance in using the transit the objective measure is higher than the value of the average
services; in fact, as an example, an habitual user could consider a satisfaction rate expressed by the users. Moreover, among them
service providing low levels of information as a good service the attribute with the highest difference is ‘‘security against

20 21
19 22

17 23

16 24

15 26

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
14 1

13 2

12 3

10 4

8 5
7 6

Fig. 1. The values of S (broken line and squares), O (dotted line and dots), and X (continuous line and triangles) indicators for 22 service quality attributes (the attributes are
numbered as in Table 2).
180 L. Eboli, G. Mazzulla / Transport Policy 18 (2011) 172–181

crimes at bus stops’’; although no incidents at bus stops were consisted just in proposing a methodology to account for both
registered, people do not feel sufficiently secure. In reality, only perceived and measured service quality, expressed by subjective
six attributes have a subjective indicator value higher than the and objective service performance indicators.
objective one. Specifically, service frequency is the attribute The formulation at the basis of the procedure entails that when
showing the highest difference between the subjective and the variance of the objective/subjective indicator is close or equal
objective indicator; this result can be considered rather unusual. to 0 the new indicator tends to or coincides just with the
In fact, service frequency is satisfactory for the passengers, objective/subjective indicator. Variance of the objective indicators
although the service offers only 1 run/h in the morning and two is usually lower than the variance of the subjective ones, as we
runs in the afternoon. Different reasons could help to explain why have also observed from the experimental results; this fact leads
customers are satisfied with the service although it operates very to move the value of the new indicator towards the value of the
infrequently. As an example, passengers could have low standards objective one. For this reason some carefulness should be taken in
of quality for this service aspect due to the their social, cultural, selecting the most appropriate objective indicators for measuring
and economic conditions. But, it should be considered also that a the quality of the service attributes. Furthermore, some service
route serving a low density suburban area is characterized by a attributes could depend on several factors; in these cases, it
low service frequency, differently from a route in a dense centre would be convenient to have recourse to more sophisticated
city; therefore, passengers get over the fact that service is indicators which can include as many factors describing the
infrequent. service attributes as possible.
The attribute regarding punctuality has also an objective value Last of all, transit agencies should create an adequate system
lower than the subjective one, which is one of the highest; this for measuring their performance; this system should match the
fact could be explained by considering that users easily accept information derived from the CSS with objective parameters of
more than 5 min behind schedule. Finally, for the attributes service delivery. As mentioned above, in the performance
regarding the information on bus and at bus stops the average evaluation there are some problems linked to the customer
traveller satisfaction rate is higher than the objective indicator satisfaction measure involving methodological difficulties linked
perhaps because the service is a suburban service characterized to the multidimensional nature of satisfaction, and to the
by a low frequency, and then the passengers know the services selection of the most appropriate objective measures. Even more
and do not need any information. difficult is the search for the link between perceived and
By analysing the values obtained for the new indicator of measured service quality.
service quality, which takes into account both subjective and The development of more sophisticated tools for measuring
objective measures, we can observe that the attributes resulting service quality produces some advantages for transit agencies,
the most critical are ‘‘availability of schedule/maps at stop’’, which can more easily deliver services characterized by higher
‘‘availability of shelter and benches at stop’’, and ‘‘service levels of quality. The proposed indicator represents a useful
frequency’’; ‘‘punctuality’’ is a borderline pass. While the example of a tool for evaluating the performance of a transit
attributes concerning amenities and information at bus stops system, and specifically each aspect characterizing the service.
were judged unsatisfactory by passengers, the attributes regard- Like many indicators and statistical methods based on passenger
ing service frequency and reliability were considered satisfactory perceptions traditionally used by transit agencies for analysing
according to the users’ opinions. Hence, by considering also the and monitoring the service, the proposed methodology allows the
objective measure the results of service quality obtained for these critical service aspects to be identified with the aim to better
attributes overturn, given that the performance of these service allocate the resources. Furthermore, the proposed indicator has
aspects are not objectively admissible. Although user judgments the advantage of providing a more comprehensive service quality
are fundamental for evaluating transit service quality, sometimes measure because it considers both the passengers’ perceptions of
they do not fully express the levels of quality of the service. Lastly, the used service and the performance of the actual service offered
we can observe that for the attribute ‘‘use of ecological vehicles’’ by the transit agency. As an example, if the users perceive a
the value of the final indicator coincides with the value of the service aspect as satisfactory but the service does not objectively
objective indicator, because of the invariance of the attribute in reach appropriate standards of quality, transit agency may not
the period of data gathering. invest further resources for improving that service aspect, and not
have the opportunity to attract new users thanks to the
improvement of the service quality. On the other hand, if
5. Conclusions the users perceive a service aspect as unsatisfactory but the
service already offers good standards of quality, the additional
Passengers’ point of view is fundamental for evaluating transit resources allocated for meeting customer requirements would be
service quality because they are the real consumers of the services wasted.
and for this reason they can be considered the most suitable Ultimately, adopting subjective indicators for measuring
judges of the services. Transit services are characterized by service quality allows considering only the customer require-
various aspects, since users have different perceptions of the ments; on the contrary, considering also objective measures may
service aspects and factors affecting each aspect. The hetero- be helpful in a way to meet not habitual users’ needs or attract
geneity of these perceptions is due to the qualitative nature of new users. Nevertheless, the suggested methodology could not be
some aspects characterizing the services, different attitudes of the the most suitable solution for providing a real understanding of
users towards the use of transit services, different ways in which the phenomena analysed. In addition, further developments are
the users understand the service aspects, user socioeconomic surely necessary for better defining objective indicators and
characteristics and tastes. having more appropriate measures of service quality.
Because of the heterogeneity of users’ judgments and also the
risk that users could have distorted opinions, subjective measures
could describe not fully the levels of quality of a transit service.
For these reasons, to consider also objective measures of service
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