Single-Track Train Timetabling With Guaranteed Optimality: Branch-And-Bound Algorithms With Enhanced Lower Bounds

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Transportation Research Part B 41 (2007) 320–341

Single-track train timetabling with guaranteed

optimality: Branch-and-bound algorithms
with enhanced lower bounds
a,* b
Xuesong Zhou , Ming Zhong
Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695, USA
Department of Decision and Information Technologies, Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland,
College Park, MD 20742, USA

Received 2 June 2005; received in revised form 9 April 2006; accepted 5 May 2006


A single-track train timetabling problem is studied in order to minimize the total train travel time, subject to a set of
operational and safety requirements. This research proposes a generalized resource-constrained project scheduling formu-
lation which considers segment and station headway capacities as limited resources, and presents a branch-and-bound
solution procedure to obtain feasible schedules with guaranteed optimality. The search algorithm chronologically adds
precedence relation constraints between conflicting trains to eliminate conflicts, and the resulting sub-problems are solved
by the longest path algorithm to determine the earliest start times for each train in different segments. This study adapts
three approaches to effectively reduce the solution space. First, a Lagrangian relaxation based lower bound rule is used to
dualize segment and station entering headway capacity constraints. Second, an exact lower bound rule is used to estimate
the least train delay for resolving the remaining crossing conflicts in a partial schedule. Third, a tight upper bound is con-
structed by a beam search heuristic method. Comprehensive numerical experiments are conducted to illustrate the compu-
tational performance of the proposed lower bound rules and heuristic upper bound construction methods.
 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Train timetabling; Lagrangian relaxation; Branch and bound; Heuristics; Railway

1. Introduction

A train timetable defines the planed arrival and departure times of trains to/from yards, terminals and sid-
ings, and train scheduling plays a vital role in managing and operating complex railroad systems. From a mar-
keting point of view, the level-of-service of train timetables is an important factor that affects travelers’ and
freight carriers’ decisions in choosing desirable transportation modes. From a railroad operations point of

Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 240 481 0693; fax: +1 240 450 2602.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (X. Zhou), [email protected] (M. Zhong).

0191-2615/$ - see front matter  2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
X. Zhou, M. Zhong / Transportation Research Part B 41 (2007) 320–341 321

view, train timetables serve as essential data input to locomotive and crew scheduling processes, and their tem-
poral and spatial structures directly impact the utilization of scarce resources such as engines, cars, and crews.
In order to offer dependable services while maintaining profitability in highly competitive transportation mar-
kets, the railroad industry has shown great interest in incorporating innovative train scheduling techniques for
both planning and real-time operational applications. For instance, a computer-aided train scheduling system
can facilitate planning by systematically determining rail network capacity, identifying chokepoints, as well as
evaluating alternate facility maintenance and improvement scenarios. The use of optimization techniques, on
the other hand, can help train dispatchers in the rapid construction of cost-efficient schedules in response to
random events and demand variability.
A wide range of studies have been devoted to the train scheduling problem in the last three decades, par-
ticularly regarding the development of mathematical formulations and solution algorithms. Szpigel (1973) first
modeled the train scheduling problem as a mixed integer program and applied Greenberg’s (1968) branch-
and-bound solution framework (for a general job shop machine scheduling problem) to find timetables that
minimize the total transit time, subject to overtaking and crossing headway constraints. Jovanovic and Harker
(1991) presented a nonlinear integer programming model that minimizes the deviation between planned sched-
ules and actual schedules, and used a branch-and-bound procedure to generate feasible meet-pass train plans.
Carey (1994a,b) and Carey and Lockwood (1995) developed an iterative decomposition approach for solving
the train timetabling and pathing problem in a rail network with one-way and two-way tracks; moreover, sev-
eral node branching, variable fixing and bounding strategies were presented to reduce the search space. Hig-
gins et al. (1996) developed a nonlinear integer programming model for minimizing the total train delay and
fuel cost with variable train velocities, and they also presented a branch-and-bound solution algorithm with a
lower bound estimator that utilizes a look-ahead rule to calculate the least delay for the remaining conflicts in
a partial schedule. As remarked by the authors, the lower bound rule might overestimate the actual remaining
delay for some trains theoretically, but only in exceptional cases. Their original efforts in this direction high-
light the need for further investigations on strict lower bound rules in an inexplicit enumeration search frame-
work. It should be also noted that several stochastic analytical models (e.g., Petersen and Taylor, 1982; Chen
and Harker, 1990; Higgins and Kozan, 1998) have been developed to estimate the average delay of a train
schedule, but these models are not suitable for serving as strict lower bound rules in the deterministic case.
Brannlund et al. (1998) proposed an integer programming model to find a profit-maximizing timetable and
designed a Lagrangian relaxation method to dualize track capacity constraints. The resulting subproblems
were solved by the shortest path algorithm in conjunction with several improved dual updating schemes.
Based on a graph-theoretic formulation for the periodic-timetabling problem in a rail line, Caprara et al.
(2002) presented a Lagrangian relaxation solution method, in which a dynamic constraint generation (often
referred to as relax-and-cut) scheme was used to handle a large number of dualized constraints. In general,
without being embedded into the branch-and-bound search scheme, the Lagrangian relaxation approach
can hardly guarantee the discovery of optimal solutions, due to the existence of duality gaps and the limitation
of primal heuristic search algorithms. Kroon and Peeters (2003) developed a periodic event scheduling model
to consider variable trip times for the cyclic railway timetabling problem. Zhou and Zhong (2005) proposed a
multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling formulation to consider acceleration and deceleration
time losses in double-track train timetabling applications, and designed several dominance rules to find Pareto
optimum schedules in an intercity passenger corridor.
The train scheduling problem is known to be NP-hard (Cai et al., 1998; Caprara et al., 2002), and optimal
solutions are typically unattainable in large-scale and complex instances. To meet the computational require-
ments in real-world applications, a heuristic approach becomes a necessity for generating feasible and sub-
optimal solutions. Specifically, a number of simple priority rules have been widely used because of their
low computational complexity and easy implementation. Given a pair of conflicting trains, a simple priority
rule determines which train to schedule next by utilizing underlying objective functions, for instance, the total
delay for the minimal travel time criterion (Petersen et al., 1986; Kraay and Harker, 1995), the schedule devi-
ation and tightness for the minimal deviation criterion (Chen and Harker, 1990), train priorities (Petersen
et al., 1986), and the number of passengers transported (Adenso-Diaz et al., 1999). Along these lines, Zhou
et al. (1998) and Dorfman and Medanic (2004) incorporated priority rules into a discrete event simulation
framework to solve large-scale real-world train scheduling problems. To further improve solution quality,
322 X. Zhou, M. Zhong / Transportation Research Part B 41 (2007) 320–341

several recent studies extended simple priority rules to more sophisticated search procedures, such as back-
tracking search (Adenso-Diaz et al., 1999), look-ahead search (Sahin, 1999), and metaheuristic algorithms
(Higgins et al., 1996; Higgins and Kozan, 1998). Assad (1980), Cordeau et al. (1998), and Newman et al.
(2002) provided excellent surveys for the train scheduling problem and discussed its inherent connection with
other optimization problems in the field of railroad routing and scheduling.
Although a wide range of sophisticated mathematical formulations and solution algorithms have been pro-
posed to solve the train scheduling problem, the majority of existing methods either require a huge amount of
computation time and memory space to find optimal schedules, or produce heuristic results with no guarantee
of solution accuracy. In fact, it is essential to recognize the significance of optimal solutions for both planning
and operational applications, since an optimal train schedule not only provides a benchmark for systemati-
cally evaluating various heuristic algorithms but also generates an exact upper bound on the travel time
and operational cost savings attainable with alternative system design scenarios, for instance, by increasing
train operating speed and adding new intermediate sidings. To quantify such gains, there is a great need to
enhance the solution algorithms so that optimal solutions can be found to more large-scale real-world train
scheduling problems. On the other hand, a heuristic solution could be 1%, 5%, or 20% away from the opti-
mum, so simply accepting the current best solution without evaluating its solution quality could lead to an
unsatisfactory level-of-service and significant inefficiency in the allocation of limited railroad resources and
capacities. In medium-range planning applications, for instance, a passenger train timetable typically is put
into effect for a year or several months, so its solution quality could have a dramatic influence on overall
The goal of this research is to enhance the computational efficiency of solution algorithms by taking advan-
tage of problem-specific characteristics in the single-track train scheduling problem. The train timetabling
problem is formulated as a generalized resource-constrained project scheduling problem. Based on a schedule
generation scheme proposed by De Reyck and Herroelen (1998) for the resource-constrained project schedul-
ing problem with generalized precedence relations, this study presents a branch-and-bound procedure to sys-
tematically decompose the original complex problem; the resulting subproblems are solved by the efficient
longest path algorithm. By extending the Lagrangian relaxation approach proposed by Brannlund et al.
(1998) and Caprara et al. (2002), this research dualizes both segment track capacity and station entering head-
way capacity constraints to provide a lower bound estimator. Along the direction proposed by Higgins et al.
(1996), a strict lower bound rule is derived to estimate the least train delay for the remaining crossing conflicts.
Several node selection rules are also incorporated into the branch-and-bound procedure to solve large-scale
instances under computational time or space constraints. In addition, a beam search heuristic algorithm is
applied to construct a tight upper bound. A detailed assessment of the application of the beam search method
in the field of machine scheduling can be found in a study by Sabuncuoglu and Bayiz (1999).
The organization of this paper is as follows. In Sections 2 and 3, a branch-and-bound solution procedure
based on a job shop scheduling formulation is presented for the single-track train timetabling problem. Sec-
tion 3 details branching rules and node selection rules, and Section 4 sequentially introduces two lower bound
rules to reduce the search space. After examining several constructive heuristic methods for providing tight
upper bounds in Section 5, we evaluate the performance of new exact search algorithms and priority rule-
based methods.

2. Mathematical formulations

This study considers a rail system with a single two-way line between stations as illustrated in Fig. 1. The
rail line is used by trains running in both directions, and those trains meet and pass at stations. More specif-

train a
train b

Fig. 1. Two trains meet at a station on a single-track rail line.

X. Zhou, M. Zhong / Transportation Research Part B 41 (2007) 320–341 323

ically, the stations along the single-track line include ‘‘intermediate’’ stations (i.e., sidings) and terminals with
multiple platforms, and trains can originate and terminate at the stations.
In this study, we formulate the train timetabling problem in planning applications using a job shop struc-
ture. Specifically, the optimization problem is concerned with a rail line with a set of single-track segments and
a set of trains. Each train is assumed to have a pre-specified departure time and a pre-specified traveling route.
Moreover, the free running times at segments are assumed to be constant. The traveling process of an inbound
or outbound train along the rail line can be viewed as a procedure for completing a series of tasks (i.e., activ-
ities), each task specifying the arrival and departure times of a train on a segment. The subsequent integer pro-
gramming optimization problem aims to minimize the total travel time, corresponding to a job shop
scheduling formulation of minimizing the total completion time under different release times. The notation
of parameters and variables are shown in Tables 1 and 2, respectively.
Objective function
min Z ¼ ei;rði;mÞ ; ð1Þ

subject to
Departure time constraints:
si;rði;1Þ P ri ; 8i 2 I: ð2Þ
Free running time constraints:
ei;rði;kÞ ¼ pi;rði;kÞ þ si;rði;kÞ ; 8i 2 I; k ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; m: ð3Þ

Table 1
Subscripts and parameters used in mathematical formulations
Symbol Definition
i = train index
j = segment index
k = segment sequence number in a train route
u = station index
I = set of trains, jIj = n
J = set of segments, jJj = m
U = set of stations, jUj = m + 1
t = time index, t = 1, . . . , T, T is the planning time horizon under consideration
o(i) = direction indicator for train i, o(i) = 0 for an inbound train and o(i) = 1 for an outbound train
r(i, k) = segment index of the kth traveling segment in a route for train i, r(i, k) = k for outbound trains,
r(i, k) = m+1  k for inbound trains
b(i, k) = downstream station number of the kth traveling segment in a given route for train i, b(i, k) = k for
outbound trains, b(i, k) = m  k for inbound trains
ri = planned departure time for train i at its first station
pi,j = free running time for train i at segment j
di,j = minimum required station dwell time before train i entering segment j
di;j = maximum allowed station dwell time before train i entering segment j
hj = minimum headway between arrival and departure times of two consecutive trains at segment j
gu = minimum headway between arrival times of two consecutive trains at station u
M = sufficiently large constant

Table 2
Decision variables used in mathematical formulations
Symbol Definition
si,j = entering time for train i at segment j, i.e., start time for job i on machine j
ei,j = leaving time for train i at segment j, i.e., end time for job i on machine j
y i;i0 ;j = 1 if train i is scheduled before train i 0 on segment j, 0 otherwise
di,j,t = 1 if train i occupies segment j at time t, 0 otherwise
ei,u,t = 1 if train i occupies station u at time t, 0 otherwise
324 X. Zhou, M. Zhong / Transportation Research Part B 41 (2007) 320–341

Minimum dwell time constraints:

si;rði;kÞ P ei;rði;k1Þ þ d i;rði;kÞ ; 8i 2 I; k ¼ 2; . . . ; m: ð4Þ
Headway constraints at track segments:
si;j P ei0 ;j þ hj or si0 ;j P ei;j þ hj ; 8i; i0 2 I; i 6¼ i0 ; j 2 J : ð5Þ
Headway constraints on arrival times at stations:
ei;rði;kÞ P ei0 ;rði0 ;k0 Þ þ gu or ei0 ;rði0 ;k0 Þ P ei;rði;kÞ þ gu ; 8i; i0 2 I; i 6¼ i0 ; bði; kÞ ¼ bði0 ; k 0 Þ ¼ u: ð6Þ
Maximum dwell time constraints:
si;rði;kÞ 6 ei;rði;k1Þ þ di;rði;kÞ 8i 2 I; k ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; m: ð7Þ
Fig. 2 illustrates a train schedule that covers five stations and four segments. Outbound train 1 meets inbound
train 2 at station 3, while train 1 stops at station 1. Constraint (2) ensures that the actual departure time of a
train at its starting station is not earlier than its planned departure time. Constraint (3) links the entering and
leaving times of a train at a segment. In many real-world rail systems, a train timetable needs to take into ac-
count the acceleration and deceleration time losses at stations/sidings. A multi-mode resource-constrained
project scheduling approach (Zhou and Zhong, 2005) can be applied to address this issue by considering dif-
ferent running times as multiple modes in which a train travels a segment. For simplicity, the rest of the paper
does not explicitly consider acceleration and deceleration time losses. Constraint (4) specifies that the actual
dwell time should be no less than the planned stop time, since positive dwell times are typically required for
trains to load and unload passengers or freight at stations. Constraint (5) imposes the minimum headway
requirement between two consecutive trains running in the same direction or in opposite directions at the same
segment. Constraint (6) states that the minimum headway spacing must be satisfied for two consecutive trains
to arrive at the same station. In a single-track train scheduling problem, the minimum time headway con-
straints at stations are mainly imposed for trains running in opposite directions. Typically, gu P hj. For in-
stance, gu = 3 min and hj = 2 min in the case study of this paper. Constraint (7) gives an upper bound on
the possible dwell time at a station, that is, the maximum allowable additional delay for a train to yield to
the other trains. Another purpose of the maximum dwell time constraint (7) is to significantly reduce the size
of the search tree, as indicated by many previous studies (e.g., Carey and Lockwood, 1995). The user, on the
other hand, needs to ensure that the maximum dwell times are long enough to generate a feasible train sche-
dule. Note that, constraint (6) only restricts variable ei,j, which is the arrival time of train i at the correspond-
ing upstream station of segment j. That is to day, our model does not impose a restriction between the
departure times of two trains at the same station, nor between the arrival time of one train and the departure
time of another train at the same station. Please see the Appendix that explains the possible station headways
in more general settings.

Time axis

station 4
r2 segment 4
station 3
e 1,3 segment 3
station 2
d1,2 h2 segment 2
station 1
r1 segment 1
r3 d2,1

station 0

Fig. 2. Illustration of a single-track train schedule.

X. Zhou, M. Zhong / Transportation Research Part B 41 (2007) 320–341 325

The ‘‘either-or’’ relation in the segment headway constraint (5) can be expressed as the following two pre-
cedence constraints by introducing a binary variable, y i;i0 ;j :

si;j P ei0 ;j þ hj  M  y i;i0 ;j ; ð8Þ

si0 ;j P ei;j þ hj  M  ð1  y i;i0 ;j Þ: ð9Þ

One can also formulate the station arrival headway constraint (6) in an analogous way.
From a perspective of resource-constrained project scheduling, the train scheduling problem essentially
considers two types of limited resources related to segments and stations. We need to ensure that the total
number of trains being active at a particular time t on each resource (i.e., segment j or station u) is no less
than 1.
The headway constraints on segments can be modeled as the following segment track capacity constraints
in the resource-constrained project schedule framework:
di;j;t 6 1; 8j 2 J ; t ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; T : ð10Þ

One of the distinguishing features in the train scheduling problem is that the time period for a train to be active
at a segment not only covers the time interval during which a train physically occupies the segment track, but
also includes the required safety headway. That is, di,j,t = 1 for si,j 6 t < ei,j + hj, and 0 otherwise.
Similarly, we can convert the station arrival headway constraints to the following station entering capacity
ei;u;t 6 1; 8u 2 U ; t ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; T ; ð11Þ

where ei,u,t = 1 for ei,r(i,k) 6 t < ei,r(i,k) + gu where b(i, k) = u and 0 otherwise.
Essentially, constraints (8) and (9) are used in a standard integer programming formulation to model the
‘‘either-or’’ conditions in constraints (5) and (6) and we further reformulate them as constraints (10) and (11)
to construct the Lagrangian lower bound discussed later. It should be also remarked that, in the train sched-
uling literature, the station capacity is typically related to the number of routes, tracks or platforms in a rail
station, but this paper uses the term ‘‘capacity’’ to represent and characterize the limited station arrival head-
way resources in constraint (6) from the resource-constrained scheduling perspective. That is to say, a station
under consideration could have multiple tracks and platforms, but we allow at most one train, at any given
time, to enter that station in order to meet the safety requirement.

3. Branch-and-bound solution procedure

3.1. Overview of solution algorithm

To handle the above integer programming model with an exponential number of headway constraints,
we present a branch-and-bound search procedure to find optimal schedules through implicit enumeration.
In this study, the schedule generation scheme for solving the generalized resource-constrained project
scheduling problem is extended and adapted to systematically generate subproblems and chronologically
eliminate train conflicts by adding precedence relations. The proposed search procedure assumes that
the tasks in an optimum schedule are processed as early as possible according to the prespecified prece-
dence relations, and it can be shown that there exists such a schedule that minimizes the objective function
among all feasible schedules (Bartusch et al., 1988). Furthermore, the newly generated subproblems are
solved by the longest path algorithm to determine the earliest start times for each train at each segment.
In order to effectively reduce the search space, two lower bound rules are embedded into the branch-and-
bound search procedure, namely a Lagrangian relaxation (LR)-based lower bound and a crossing conflict
(CC)-based lower bound. Based on the notation shown in Table 3, we further detail the branch-and-bound
326 X. Zhou, M. Zhong / Transportation Research Part B 41 (2007) 320–341

Table 3
Notations used in the branch-and-bound solution procedure
Symbol Definition
v,w = node index
t(i, j) = task index, i.e., activity of train i at segment j
ANL = active node list
UB = upper bound of optimal solutions
LB(v) = lower bound of a solution at node v
X(v) = set of trains involved in the earliest conflict at node v
P(v) = set of precedence constraints at node v
h = threshold of quality gap

Algorithm 1. Branch-and-bound procedure

Step 1: (Initialization)
Let ANL be empty. Apply a heuristic algorithm to generate a good feasible solution and an initial value of
Create a new node v = 1, and let P(1) contain the departure time constraints, the free running time con-
straints and the minimum dwell time constraints. Insert this node into the active node list ANL.
Step 2: (Stopping criterion)
If all of the active nodes in ANL have been visited, or the computational resource bounds in terms of exe-
cution time or the number of active nodes in the memory are exceeded, then terminate and output the best
solution with an optimality certificate UBLB UB
, where LB = minv2ANL LB(v).
Step 3: (Node Selection)
Select an active node v from ANL based on a node selection rule (e.g., depth first search and breadth first
Step 4: (Branching)
Step 4.1: (Conflict set construction)
P the earliest P conflict time point t in the current partial schedule such that
idi,j,t > 1 or i ei,u,t > 1 (a lexicographic criterion is used to break the ties).
Add all the tasks involved in the conflict into X(v).
Step 4.2: (Precedence constraint generation)
For each task t(i, j) in the set X(v), insert a new node w into ANL, copy P(v) to P(w), and add the precedence
constraints between task t(i, j) and the other tasks t(i 0 , j 0 ) into P(w), that is,
tði; jÞ  tði0 ; j0 Þ for 8i0 6¼ i; tði0 ; j0 Þ 2 XðvÞ:
Step 4.3: (Schedule generation)
Calculate the earliest start times of tasks that satisfy constraints in the set P(w) by using the longest path
Step 5: (Upper bound updating)
If X(v) is empty, then all the tasks have been finished and the corresponding schedule is feasible, so node v
should be removed from the active node set. If the objective function value Z(v) of the feasible schedule at
node v is smaller than UB, then update UB = Z(v).
Step 6: (Fathoming by lower bounds)
For each newly generated node w, compute the lower bound LB(w). If LB(w) P UB(1  h), this node will
be fathomed. Go back to step 2.

3.2. Branching rules and solving subproblems

Before detailing the branching rules used in this paper, we first want to highlight the need to model the train
scheduling problem in a generalized resource-constrained project framework. Consider two consecutive tasks
t(i, j), t(i, j + 1) for an outbound train i in Fig. 3. In a resource-constrained project scheduling model, the dura-
tion of task t(i, j) is determined by the starting time and finishing time of the resource requirement of the task,
X. Zhou, M. Zhong / Transportation Research Part B 41 (2007) 320–341 327

ei,j+1 +hj+1

segment j+1

s i,j ei,j+hj segment j

train i

Fig. 3. Illustration of generalized resource constraint scheduling formulation.

corresponding to [si,j, ei,j + hj) in a train schedule, as shown in the shaded area. Similarly, the duration of task
t(i, j + 1) is [si,j+1, ei,j+1 + hj+1). The basic resource-constrained project scheduling model assumes that there
are zero time lags for finish-to-start precedence relations between predecessor tasks and successor tasks. To
be exact, the resource requirement start time of the successor task must be greater than or equal to the resource
requirement finishing time of the predecessor task. In the context of train scheduling, however, si,j+1 < ei,j + hj,
indicating that there is a minimum time lag of hj time units between two consecutive tasks in a train route. In
other words, the resource requirements of two tasks overlap with each other by hj time units. As a result, the
train scheduling problem should be modeled as a generalized resource-constrained project problem with min-
imum time lags, as opposed to a basic resource-constrained project problem.
The train timetable in each node of the search tree is represented by a precedence constraints graph, which
is commonly used in the field of machine scheduling. Fig. 4 shows a precedence constraints graph correspond-
ing to the train schedule in Fig. 2. In a precedence graph, there are n · m vertices corresponding to n · m tasks
t(i, j) associated with n trains, and these tasks are sequentially connected by arcs along the route of a train. In
addition, a dummy activity t(0,0) is represented by a source vertex, which has n arcs emanating to the first task
of those n trains. In the branching process, the number of branches of a node is equal to the number of tasks in
X(v). A branch out of node v corresponds to a task t(i,j) 2 X(v) which is the next one to be scheduled. Accord-
ingly, a set of directed arcs are added into the precedence constraints graph to represent precedence relations
t(i,j)  t(i 0 ,j 0 ), where task t(i 0 ,j 0 ) 2 X(v). If no conflict can be found in a schedule, then we obtain a leaf node at
the bottom of the search tree.
The subproblem at node v is reformulated as an optimization problem that calculates the earliest start time
for each task.
min Z ¼ si;rði;mÞ : ð12Þ

Subject to
Precedence constraints:
si0 ;j0 P si;j þ C i;j;i0 ;j0 8 precedence relationtði; jÞ  tði0 ; j0 Þ 2 P ðvÞ: ð13Þ
0 0
where s0,0 = 0 and C i;j;i0 ;j0 is the arc cost between vertices corresponding to task t(i, j) and task t(i ,j ).

1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4

source 0,0 2,4 2,3 2,2 2,1

3,1 3,2 3,3 3,4

Fig. 4. Precedence constraints graph corresponding to the train schedule in Fig. 2.

328 X. Zhou, M. Zhong / Transportation Research Part B 41 (2007) 320–341

To obtain the above modified formulation, we replaced each ei,r(i,k) in the original integer programming
formulation by si,r(i,k) + pi,r(i,k). As free running times are constant, the original objective function in Eq.
(1) reduces to the function shown in Eq. (12). Clearly, the departure time constraint can be expressed in terms
of start-to-start precedence constraints:
si;rði;1Þ P s0;0 þ ri : ð14Þ
After rearranging terms, the free running time constraint and the dwell time constraint can be combined into:
si;rði;kÞ P si;rði;k1Þ þ pi;rði;k1Þ þ d i;rði;kÞ : ð15Þ
If the minimum headway constraint on segment j specifies a precedence relation: t(i,j)  t(i 0 , j), it is equivalent
si0 ;j P si;j þ pi;j þ hj : ð16Þ
The minimum headway constraint between train i and train j on station u can be converted in the same man-
ner, that is,
si0 ;rði0 ;kÞ P si;rði;kÞ þ pi;rði;kÞ  pi0 ;rði0 ;k0 Þ þ gu ; ð17Þ

where b(i, k) = b(i 0 , k 0 ) = u. It should be noted that, the maximum dwell time constraints are not included in
the above precedence graph formulation, but they will be used to check the feasibility of a start time scenario
when a schedule is generated.
It is easy to show that the dual problem of the above program is equivalent to the longest path problem
(Ahuja et al., 1993), in which the earliest possible start time corresponds to the cost of the longest path from
the dummy source vertex to the vertex representing task t(i, j). The label correcting algorithm can be applied
here to find the longest path, while its FIFO implementation solves the problem in Oðm   nÞ time where m
n are the numbers of arcs and vertices in the precedence constraints graph. For each newly generated node w in

the search tree, usually only one or two new precedence constraints are added into the precedence graph of
predecessor node v, and the longest path problem at node w only slightly differs from the one at node v.
Instead of calculating the longest path at node w from the scratch, this research applies a re-optimization tech-
nique to solve the resulting arc addition problem.

3.3. Node selection rules

Let us define an active node as a node that has been generated but not yet eliminated or branched from. The
node selection rule at step 3 essentially determines how to choose a node to branch from a set of existing active
nodes. Typical node selection rules include (1) depth first search (i.e., select an active node that was generated
last), (2) breadth first search (i.e., select an active node that was generated first) and (3) least lower bound
search (i.e., select a node with the least lower bound). The depth-first search can utilize the computer memory
efficiently, as it only keeps active nodes along the path from the root to the leaf node in the search tree, cor-
responding to an implementation of a first-in-last-out stack structure. The breadth first search is suitable for
applying dominance rules between two partial schedules. By selecting an active node with the least lower
bound for partitioning, the least lower bound rule aims to minimize the total amount of computation time
for finding solutions with quality guarantee. The rational behind this scheme is that any node selection scheme
must select a node with the least lower bound in order to increase the global lower bound. Essentially, branch-
ing from a node with the least lower bound can gradually decrease the optimality gap (i.e., the difference
between the upper bound and lower bound) of the problem.
To find a solution with the best possible optimality guarantee within limited time, we can also apply a step-
wise refinement search procedure proposed by Lawler and Wood (1966) as follows: Given a computation time
constraint TC, this adaptive scheme first tries to use TC/2 units of time to find an optimal solution. If an exact
solution is intractable, then another TC/4 units of time are assigned at the second iteration to search for an
approximate solution with approximation degree h = 5%. If it still fails at iteration j, then TC/(2j) units of
time are scheduled to find an approximate solution of h = 5% · j. This iterative procedure repeats until the
time limit is reached.
X. Zhou, M. Zhong / Transportation Research Part B 41 (2007) 320–341 329

4. Bounding rules

For each train to be scheduled, we need to minimize the total travel time, which is the sum of the free run-
ning time and additional delay. As the free running time is assumed to be constant, a lower bound estimator
just needs to calculate the total additional delay in an incomplete schedule. In this section, we present two dif-
ferent lower bound rules for estimating the minimum additional delay in a partial schedule, and we are par-
ticularly interested in trade-offs between the quality of the lower bound and the associated computational
costs. This type of trade-offs is extremely important in the context of branch-and-bound search, where the
lower bound rule needs to be evaluated for a huge number of nodes in the search tree.

4.1. Lagrangian relaxation lower bound

The following discussion is concerned with three aspects: (1) how to find a valid Lagrangian relaxation to
provide strong lower bounds; (2) how to find a set of multipliers to obtain a bound value that is as large as
possible; and (3) how to construct efficient algorithms for solving the decomposed problem. The constraints in
the train scheduling formulation can be classified into two groups. The first group directly relates to individual
trains, such as the departure time constraint, the free running time constraints and the dwell time constraints.
The second group, which includes the segment and station capacity constraints, connects different trains, mak-
ing the timetabling problem difficult to solve. To provide a lower bound on the optimal cost of the original
problem, we apply the Lagrangian relaxation technique to relax the complicating segment track and station
entering capacity constraints, and accordingly decompose a large-scale train scheduling problem into a series
of train-based subproblems that are easier to solve.
By introducing a set of nonnegative Lagrangian multipliers pj,t and pu,t, we incorporate the coupling capac-
ity constraints (10) and (11) in the following objective function as a penalty term:
" !# " !#
LBðvÞ ¼ ei;rði;mÞ þ pj;t di;j;t  1 þ qu;t ei;u;t  1 ; ð18Þ
i j;t i u;t i

where the multipliers p and q can be interpreted as the cost charged for utilizing a segment or a station re-
source at time t, respectively. Essentially, the major task of the Lagrangian function is to balance the total
train delay and the cost for utilizing limited facility resources by choosing appropriate resource prices. To
maximize the bound value, we need to solve the following Lagrangian dual problem:
max L ¼  pj;t  qu;t þ min Li ; ð19Þ
p;qP0 fs;eg
j;t u;t i

þhj 1 ei;rði;kÞ þgbði;kÞ 1
X ei;jX X X
Li ¼ ei;rði;mÞ þ pj;t þ qbði;kÞ;t
j t¼si;j k t¼ei;rði;kÞ

ei;rði;kÞ þhrði;kÞ 1 ei;rði;kÞ þgbði;kÞ 1

¼ pi;rði;kÞ þ ðsi;rði;kÞ  ei;rði;k1Þ Þ þ prði;kÞ;t þ qbði;kÞ;t
k k k t¼si;rði;kÞ k t¼ei;rði;kÞ
2 3
ei;rði;kÞ þhrði;kÞ 1 ei;rði;kÞ þgbði;kÞ 1
¼ 4pi;rði;kÞ þ ðsi;rði;kÞ  ei;rði;k1Þ Þ þ prði;kÞ;t þ qbði;kÞ;t 5: ð20Þ
k t¼si;rði;kÞ t¼ei;rði;kÞ

Note that, ei,r(i,0) is defined as ri in the above formulation. Clearly, the original interdependent system is sep-
arated into a set of subproblems, and the inner minimization problem is concerned with the sum of Li over all
trains. In a decomposed subproblem Li, the completion time is expressed as the sum of free running times and
dwell times over all segments, and the free running time constraints have been embedded into the objective
functions with respect to pj,t and qu,t. For a train i that enters segment r(i, k) at si,r(i,k) and leaves the segment
at ei,r(i,k), Fig. 5 illustrates how this train utilizes the segment capacity and the station entering capacity at its
upstream station, while the continuous time axis is discretized into a series of scheduling time intervals.
330 X. Zhou, M. Zhong / Transportation Research Part B 41 (2007) 320–341

Discrete time axis (1,2, ... ,T)

utilization of station entering capacity

ei ,σ (i , k ) ei ,σ (i , k ) + gi , β (i , k ) − 1

hi ,σ (i , k )

train i gi , β (i , k )
train i+1 segment σ(i,k)
si ,σ (i , k ) ei ,σ (i , k ) + hi ,σ (i , k ) − 1

utilization of segment capacity

Fig. 5. Illustration of resource utilization by train i at segment r(i, k).

For each train, we need to compute the optimal cost associated with its possible departure times at the ori-
gin station and its possible waiting times at the intermediate sidings. The train-based subproblem can be refor-
mulated as a dynamic programming problem with stages corresponding to stations and states corresponding
to discretized time points at each station. Given a set of time-dependent resource prices, the dynamic program-
ming algorithm seeks to find the best resource utilization scheme for each train subject to the free running
time, departure time and minimum dwell time constraints, which in turn restrict possible state transitions.
The dynamic programming formulation can be further represented in a time-space network, which contains
two types of arcs: (1) state transition arcs between stations with a cost of the sum of (a) the segment free run-
ning time, (b) the minimum dwell time at its upstream station as well as (c) prices for utilizing the segment
track capacity and the station entering capacity, and (2) station waiting arcs between adjacent time points with
a cost of waiting time at a station. Note that, a waiting arc corresponds to the additional delay besides the
minimum dwell time at a station. Fig. 6 illustrates a dwell time pattern with no dwell time being required
at station 3 and a minimum dwell time of 1 min at station 4. By considering the minimum dwell time as part
of the time resource consumed by a state transition arc, we can ensure that the departure time at the corre-

Discrete time axis (1,2, ... ,T)

station 4

(2, segment 3
... ...

station 3

segment 2
... ...

station 2

station waiting arcs

state transition arcs
(p: segment free running time,
d: minimum required dwell time at down stream station)

Fig. 6. Illustration of a time-space network used in dynamic programming algorithm.

X. Zhou, M. Zhong / Transportation Research Part B 41 (2007) 320–341 331

sponding downstream station satisfies the minimum dwell time constraint. If several trains share the same
dwell time pattern, we only need to construct the same time-space network for these trains, since each dwell
time pattern corresponds to a set of parallel state transition arcs at each segment and accordingly the same
state transition network. Thus, we only need to solve the dynamic programming problem for the same dwell
time pattern once. For outbound trains, dynamic programming computation is carried out from the last stage
(i.e., station m) backward to the first stage (i.e., the current initial station for train i in a partial schedule). At
each stage, we perform a pair-wise comparison backward at each time point between its outgoing state tran-
sition arc and its outgoing station waiting arc. In other words, the cost label associated with time t at each
station is updated by the minimum of (1) state transition cost + the cost label of the downstream node of
the state transition arc and (2) station waiting cost + the cost label of time t + 1 at the same station. The pre-
decessor of each node can be one of two upstream nodes, indicating that either the train should leave at time t
now (corresponding to the state transition arc) or wait till time t + 1 (corresponding to the station waiting
arc). It should be noted that, the latter case does not imply that the train has to leave the station at t + 1, since
the predecessor of the node associated with t + 1 might be the node associated with t + 2, meaning that the
train will wait for at least 2 min after time t. The reader is referred to a paper by Luh et al. (1999) for a more
detailed description on solving the general job shop scheduling problem using Lagrangian relaxation and
dynamic programming techniques. It is easy to verify that the dynamic programming algorithm for a single
train has a complexity of O(T · m). At the end of the dynamic programming algorithm, each node in the
time-space network has been scanned and associated with a predecessor. In other words, there is an optimal
path from each departure time at the initial station to the last station, and then we can backtrack the path in
the time-space network based on the departure time of a train from its initial station. A similar procedure can
be applied to inbound trains.
Since the dual cost function (19) is not differentiable everywhere, we solve the dual problem by updating
{pj,t, qu,t} using the subgradient method, which is intended to iteratively adjust the resource prices by setting
 qþ1  q
p p
¼ þ aq d q ; ð21Þ
q q
where superscript q is the iteration index used in the dual updating procedure, and pq, pq, aq, dq denote the
segment and station multiplier values, step size and search direction at iteration q, respectively. To overcome
‘‘zip-zag’’ courses in the optimum search process, the search direction is constructed recursively as
d 1 ¼ D1 ;
d q ¼ 1þk
Dq þ 1þk
d q1 8q > 1;
" #T
X ðqÞ X ðqÞ
where Dq ¼ di;j;t  1; ei;u;t  1 : ð23Þ
i i

Our testing experiences indicate that the parameter k = 0.7 is an appropriate value to combine the previous
multiplier values with the current subgradient information. The step size parameter is updated as
ðL  Lq Þ
aq ¼ lq ; ð24Þ
kDq k
where L is the optimal solution and Lq is the value of L at iteration q. In our implementation, a feasible solu-
tion generated from a priority rule-based heuristic method is used to replace the optimal solution L. Note that,
0 < lq < 2 is required to ensure theoretical convergence. Clearly, a small step size lq could lead to a slow con-
vergence rate, but a large step size could result in serious oscillations. In our experiment, lq is set to 1/(q + 1),
and we stop decreasing lq after a certain number of iterations.
It is well known that the applicability and effectiveness of the Lagrangian method rely on having a relatively
small number of constraints to dualize. Since there are a total of (2m  1) · T station and segment resources,
the dimension of the capacity constraints in a train scheduling problem is extremely large, leading to a very
large kDqk but a negligible step size in Eq. (24). Recognizing that most of the resource constraints are non-
binding in an optimal train scheduling solution, a relax-and-cut logic described in Caprara et al. (2002) is
332 X. Zhou, M. Zhong / Transportation Research Part B 41 (2007) 320–341

adapted here to dynamically relax resource capacity constraints by only dualizing a subset of constraints at
every iteration. Specifically, if a resource has not been used within recent several iterations, the algorithm auto-
matically resets the price for the unused resource back to zero. With this dynamic constraint generation
scheme, the set of Lagrangian multipliers varies along the iterative process. In the branch-and-bound process,
the previously optimized values of the multipliers at a predecessor node are used as the initial values for mul-
tipliers associated with the corresponding successor nodes.

4.2. Crossing conflict-based lower bounds

Although Lagrangian relaxation offers a natural way to construct a lower bound estimate for constrained
resources, it still requires considerable computational effort, as illustrated previously. In this study, we propose
a simple lower bound rule for the single-track train timetabling problem by recognizing the unique minimum
headway requirements. Essentially, this lower bound rule estimates the minimum additional train delay for
resolving the remaining crossing conflicts in a partial schedule, and it ignores the existing overtaking conflicts
and new conflicts that could be generated in the future.
To calculate this lower bound, we first estimate the minimum additional delay for resolving a single cross-
ing conflict, and then count the total additional delay for all the existing crossing conflicts in a partial schedule.
As shown in plots (a) and (b) of Fig. 7, a conflict is said to be a crossing conflict when two trains run in oppo-
site directions or an overtaking conflict when two trains run in the same direction. Mathematically, we can
define a crossing conflict as a conflict if
ei;j P si0 ;j ; ei0 ;j P si;j ; and oðiÞ 6¼ oði0 Þ; ð25Þ
and an overtaking conflict as a conflict if
ei;j P ei0 ;j ; si0 ;j P si;j ; and oðiÞ ¼ oði0 Þ: ð26Þ
Fig. 8 shows a conflict between two trains i and i at segment j. If train i is scheduled first, then the resulting
delay for train i 0 is ei;j þ hj  si0 ;j , otherwise, scheduling train i 0 first delays train i with ei0 ;j þ hj  si;j time units.
Hence, the following proposition is in order.
Proposition 1. The minimal additional delay for resolving a crossing conflict at segment j is
minðhj þ ei;j  si0 ;j ; hj þ ei0 ;j  si;j Þ ¼ hj þ minðei;j  si0 ;j ; ei0 ;j  si;j Þ P hj : ð27Þ
In fact, resolving a crossing conflict at an intermediate station should maintain minimum headways at the
corresponding upstream and downstream segments, so the resulting delay is the sum of additional delays at
two adjacent segments. For example, Fig. 9 shows two trains i and i 0 involved in a crossing conflict at station

si',j ei,j e i',j ei,j

segment j
si,j e i',j s i,j si',j
i i' i i'
(a) Crossing conflict (b) Overtaking conflict

Fig. 7. Illustration of a crossing conflict and overtaking conflict.

s i',j ei,j hj
i' i

delay hj
si,j ei',j
i i' i i' delay
(a) Crossing conflict (b) Train i first (c) Train i' first

Fig. 8. Illustration of additional delay for resolving a conflict at a segment.

X. Zhou, M. Zhong / Transportation Research Part B 41 (2007) 320–341 333

i' i' i'

station u2
... ...
h j+1 gu ... ...
segment j+1
station u
gu segment j ... ...
hj ... ...
i i i station u0
(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 9. Illustration of resolving a crossing conflict at an intermediate station.

u, while train i travels from station u0 to station u2 and train i 0 travels from u2 to u0. Segments j and j + 1 are
two segments adjacent to stations u. Formally, we have the following proposition.

Proposition 2. Consider trains i and i 0 running from u0 to u2 and from u2 to u0, respectively, and they have no
required dwell times between stations u0 and u2. If they have to meet at an intermediate station, the minimal
additional delay for resolving a crossing conflict at any intermediate station between stations u0 and u2 is g + h,
where g = minu gu, and h = minj hj.

Proof. Suppose we resolve a crossing conflict between trains i and i 0 at station u. If train i 0 passes through sta-
tion u first, then train i is delayed by at least gu + hj+1 time units, but if train i passes through station u first, then
train i 0 is delayed gu + hj time units. Since the exact intermediate station for trains to meet is generally unknown,
at least g + h time units of delays are required to resolve a crossing conflict at any intermediate station. h
Consider Fig. 9(b) and (c), we have two parts of the additional delay at station u: part I is the headway
between the arrival times of the two trains at station u, and part II is the headway between the departure times
of the two trains. Since the departure time of the second train is only constrained by the minimum headway,
the h time units in the lower bound rule are, in fact, an accurate estimate for the delay associated with part II.
In contrast, the arrival times of these two trains at station u are determined by their previous path trajectories
separately, so the first train might arrive at station u much earlier than the second train. In this case, the min-
imum headway of g time units might significantly underestimate the actual delay in part I. On the other hand,
the actual delay in part I at station u generally should not be greater than the free running time of downstream
segment j + 1, otherwise it could be advantageous to change the train meeting station.
If no headway constraint is imposed on consecutive train arrival times at stations, it is easy to verify that the
minimal additional delay for resolving a crossing conflict at an intermediate siding is 2h by replacing g with h. To
determine if two trains have to meet at one of the intermediate stations, we can estimate the possible meeting
region based on feasible dwell time windows specified for two trains. The related proposition is given as follows.
Proposition 3. Consider trains i and i 0 starting at stations u0 and u2, respectively. Train i travels from station u0
to station u2 and train i 0 travels from u2 to u0. Suppose that at least one intermediate station exists between the
stations, and that they have no required dwell times between stations u0 and u2. If ei0 ;j1 P si;j1 þ di;j1 and
ei;j2 P si0 ;j2 þ di0 ;j2 , then the minimal additional delay for resolving the crossing conflict between trains i and i 0 is
g + h.

Proof. If ei0 ;j1 P si;j1 þ di;j1 and ei;j2 P si0 ;j2 þ di0 ;j2 , then ei0 ;j1 P si;j1 and ei;j2 P si0 ;j2 , which indicates that a
crossing conflict between trains i and i 0 needs to be resolved between stations u0 and u2. As illustrated in
Fig. 10, we must have ei0 ;j1 6 si;j1 þ di;j1  hj1 for train i to meet train i 0 at station u0. Similarly, we must have
ei;j2 6 si0 ;j2 þ di0 ;j2  hj2 for train i 0 to meet train i at station u2. If ei0 ;j1 P si;j1 þ di;j1 and ei;j2 P si0 ;j2 þ di0 ;j2 , none
of the above two conditions can be met, so the crossing conflict between trains i and i 0 has to be resolved at an
intermediate station between stations u0 and u2. According to Proposition 2, at least g + h units of additional
delay are required to resolve the crossing conflict. h
It should be remarked that the chance of the strong lower bound of g + h being used can become small if a
large maximum dwell time is specified. Summarizing, the conflict based lower bound at node v is
LBðvÞ ¼ ei;rði;mÞ þ Hði; i0 Þ: ð28Þ
i i;i0
334 X. Zhou, M. Zhong / Transportation Research Part B 41 (2007) 320–341

s i',j2 ei,j2
station u2
train i' train i segment j2

... ... ... ...

d i , j1
h j1 segment j1
station u0
si,j1 ei',j1

Fig. 10. Feasible region for resolving a crossing conflict at an intermediate station.

Hði; i0 Þ is determined by the following expressions:

if ei0 ;j1 P si;j1 þ di;j1 and ei;j2 P si0 ;j2 þ di0 ;j2 ,
Hði; i0 Þ ¼ g þ h,
elseif si;j1 6 ei0 ;j1 and si0 ;j2 6 ei;j2 ,
Hði; i0 Þ ¼ h,
where o(i) 5 o(i 0 ),i 5 i 0 , trains i and i 0 have no stops between segments j1 and j2.
In the above formulation, the earliest start and end times for trains are dynamically calculated by the lon-
gest path algorithm at node v of the branch-and-bound search tree. To calculate the above lower bound, we
need to scan each pair of inbound and outbound trains in the train timetable. If one train requires positive
dwell times in its remaining journey then the proposed lower bound is not applicable to this train. Overall,
the additional computation time required by these elementary scanning and comparison operations is much
lower than the counterpart required by the Lagrangian relaxation technique.

5. Upper bound generation

To find an optimal solution, the branch-and-bound method needs to investigate a huge number of nodes. In
contrast, a heuristic method examines only a small number of nodes to construct feasible and satisfactory solu-
tions. In general, a priority rule approach evaluates partial schedules associated with active nodes, and then
chooses a subset of branches to search further. Specifically, simple priority rules employ a local evaluation
function to select one node at each level of the search tree. For instance, for all the trains involved in a conflict,
a minimum-delay rule selects a node that has the least total delay. Although simple priority rules can quickly
construct a feasible solution, it is always desirable to use the following improved priority rules to reduce the
optimality gap by exploring a larger solution space.

(1) Global priority rule

A global rule attempts to evaluate partial schedules at branches from a broader perspective. A typical
implementation is to complete alternative partial schedules for each branch by applying a simple local
rule successively until feasible solutions are found, and then using the corresponding objective function
value as the priority weight of a branch.
(2) Look-ahead method
Compared to the global priority rule, a look-ahead method considers a shorter evaluation horizon and
thus examines fewer nodes. For example, the evaluation horizon can just cover the path trajectories for
those trains involved in the current conflict.
(3) Beam search
A beam search algorithm branches nodes level by level, keeps only c promising nodes at each level, and
prunes off the other nodes permanently. Parameter c is typically referred to as beam width, while either a
local rule or global rule can be incorporated to determine promising nodes. As a beam search only inves-
tigates limited nodes at each level, it can be viewed as an adaptation of the breadth first search method.
X. Zhou, M. Zhong / Transportation Research Part B 41 (2007) 320–341 335

6. Numerical experiments

We want to investigate three important features through a series of numerical experiments: (1) the quality
and computational costs of the proposed lower bound rules, (2) the effectiveness of the branch-and-bound
search procedure with embedded lower bounds, and (3) the solution quality of the priority rule-based heuristic
algorithms. The following case study considers a 138-km single-track rail line that consists of 18 stations from
Laizhou to Shaowu in Fujian province, China. Segment free running times and departure times at starting
stations follow an actual train diagram used in 1995, and the average travel time for a passenger train along
this rail line is about 170 min. In a 24-h period, the actual train diagram schedules 30 passenger trains and 32
freight trains along this high density rail corridor. Because passenger trains are assumed to hold higher priority
than freight trains in our study, we can first schedule a passenger train timetable, and then construct a freight
train timetable later. Thus, this study focuses on how to schedule passenger trains to minimize the total travel
time. It is desirable to apply and test the proposed algorithm using different real instances, as the computa-
tional time of train timetabling algorithms can be affected by station layouts, segment capacities, and the num-
ber of possible conflicts. In the following numerical experiments, we focus on the impact of different departure
time intervals and numbers of trains to be scheduled, since these two factors mainly determine the structure of
a train timetable and the resulting number of possible conflicts. However, the real-world timetable used in this
study only offers one instance of departure time pattern with a fixed number of trains. To allow a comprehen-
sive and systematic assessment, we construct random instances to evaluate the performance of the proposed
algorithm. The scheduling algorithms are implemented in Visual C++ 6.0 on the Windows XP operating sys-
tem, and all the experiments are conducted on a PC with a Pentium IV 3.0 GHz processor and 4.0 GB RAM.

6.1. Quality and computational time of lower bound rules

The algorithm parameters for the Lagrangian relaxation-based bound and dynamic programming algo-
rithm are first fine-tuned through five randomly generated train schedules, and then we apply the best settings
for the remaining experiments. The quality of a lower bound is measured by a percentage gap between a lower
bound estimate and the corresponding optimal value for the additional train delay in a partial schedule. It
should be noticed that, if the gap is expressed in terms of the total travel time, a large constant (i.e., a total
free running time) is inserted into both the nominator and the denominator of the relative gap ratio, allowing
the results to be much closer to 100%. Using the original train departure times, we first examine the perfor-
mance of the two lower bound rules as a function of the number of trains. As shown in Figs. 11 and 12, the
LR-based rule iteratively improves lower bound estimates, but the additional gap reduction becomes insignif-
icant after 60 iterations. On the other hand, the LR-based rule performs well when handling a small number of
trains, but still produces a 50% gap, on average, for large instances. In these complicated cases, many time-
tables share the same or almost the same dual cost, so the solution degeneracy issue frequently arises, leading

Lower Bound Quality

40% 4 trains
8 trains
12 trains
16 trains
10% 20 trains
1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Fig. 11. Estimation quality of the Lagrangian relaxation-based lower bound rule.
336 X. Zhou, M. Zhong / Transportation Research Part B 41 (2007) 320–341


Lower Bound Quality

50% 4 trains
40% 8 trains
30% 12 trains
20% 16 trains
20 trains
60 50 40 30 20
Maximum Dwell Time(min)

Fig. 12. Estimation quality of the crossing conflict-based lower bound rule.

Lower Bound Quality

30% Lagragian Relaxation Based (100 Iterations)

20% Lagragian Relaxation Based (30 Iterations)

10% Crossing Conflict Based

90 105 120 135 150 175 18 0
Avg Departure Time Intervals (min)

Fig. 13. Estimation quality of lower bound rules for 20 trains as a function of the average departure time interval.

to considerable oscillations and inefficiency in the search process. In contrast, the simple crossing conflict-
based lower bound rule gives quite consistent estimates with an average gap of 50–60%, shown in Fig. 12.
As expected, when the maximum dwell time for passenger trains is shortened, the strong lower bound formula
(i.e., g + h in Eq. (28)) is more likely to be applied, leading to slightly better results. The average departure
time interval is another important factor that complicates the search process. Because the actual timetable
used in this study only represents one departure time pattern, we generate random instances with different
departure time intervals in the following sensitivity analysis. Each data point in Fig. 13 represents the average
gap of 10 schedules with 12 trains, in which the departure time intervals follow the third order Erlang distri-
bution (calibrated from the actual timetable). When the departure time interval is large, for example, more
than 2 h, the LR-based lower bound rule outperforms the CC-based rule, even with just 30 iterations. On
the other hand, the CC-based lower rule always produces gaps within a range of 50–60%, since this ad hoc
rule only considers the existing crossing conflicts in a partial schedule.

6.2. Branch-and-bound algorithm with lower bound rules

Solving large-scale scheduling instances requires an effective and efficient lower bound rule that can be
embedded into the branch-and-bound search procedure. Our numerical experiments show that, for a schedule
with 20 trains, a single iteration of the LR-based lower bound rule takes an average of 0.141 ms, while the CC-
based lower bound rule uses only 0.03 ms to provide an estimate within a 50% optimality gap. As shown in
Fig. 11, generating a LR-based lower bound estimate with similar quality typically requires at least 40 itera-
X. Zhou, M. Zhong / Transportation Research Part B 41 (2007) 320–341 337

tions, that is, 5.64 ms. Because of the efficient longest path algorithm, generating a schedule at each node (i.e.,
Step 4.3 in Algorithm 1) only takes about 0.01–0.05 ms. Thus, taking a significant amount of time for con-
structing a sharp LR-based lower bound at each node might not lead to overall computational savings. As
a result, the following experiments only incorporate the simple CC-based rule to solve large size instances.
To help the reader understand the complexity of the problem solved, we present a sample train diagram with
26 passenger trains in Fig. 14. Note that, after generating an initial train timetable, the planner can further
refine the departure times and stop schedules of passenger trains in order to improve the level-of-service
for travelers and provide better time slots for freight trains.
The following experiments are based on 10 randomly generated scenarios with average departure time
intervals of 90 min. The maximum train delay time is set to 30 min, the search process fathoms a node if
the corresponding total stop time for any train is longer than 60 min, and the beam search algorithm is used
to generate initial feasible solutions. Without integrating any lower bounds, the branch-and-bound search
algorithm can only find optimal solutions for instances with at most 13 trains within a 5 min limit. With
the stepwise refinement search procedure by Lawler and Wood (1966) and a 10 min computational time limit,
we can solve all 14-train instances within a 5% optimality gap, and all 16-train and 18-train instances within a
10% gap. When the schedule size further increases, the experiments show that the average optimality gaps for
train schedules with 20, 22, 24 trains only reduce to 17%, 21% and 30.5%, respectively. In comparison, by
embedding the CC-based lower bound, we can optimize a 30-train instance within 4 min, indicating that
the integration of an efficient lower bound into the branch-and-bound search procedure results in an optimal
solution for a realistic large-scale schedule. Table 4 further lists the computational costs in terms of the

Fig. 14. Sample train diagram with 26 passenger trains.

Table 4
Computational performance of the search algorithm with the crossing conflict based lower bound
No. of trains 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
No. of 7414 44,258 72,523 80,586 192,115 365,376 1514,743 2732,981 4388,249
computed nodes
Computation 0.125 1.063 2.594 3.390 7.563 12.984 52.734 109.932 221.459
time (s)
338 X. Zhou, M. Zhong / Transportation Research Part B 41 (2007) 320–341

Table 5
Relative optimality gaps for priority rules
Number of trains 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Mean
Simple priority rule (%) 4.87 6.40 5.47 7.58 6.58 5.08 7.61 6.16
Global priority rule (%) 0.47 4.46 3.44 4.17 3.11 3.91 4.91 3.50
Look-ahead method (%) 0.43 5.18 3.38 4.12 4.35 4.65 5.65 3.90
Beam search (c = 8) (%) 1.85 1.26 1.65 1.61 3.52 2.69 2.69 2.10

Table 6
Number of computed nodes for priority rules
Number of trains 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Mean
Simple priority rule (%) 22.5 28.8 34.8 41.0 47.1 55.4 55.6 40.7
Global priority rule (%) 238.2 389.2 547.8 990.1 1502.3 1768.4 2422.7 1122.6
Look-ahead method (%) 220.7 358.3 461.2 628.0 756.4 1030.2 1275.8 675.8
Beam search (c = 8) (%) 221.0 234.3 238.7 284.9 331.2 383.8 412.7 300.9

number of computed nodes and computing time (in seconds) for the branch-and-bound algorithms with the
embedded CC-based lower bound rule. Obviously, the inclusion of the lower bound rule dramatically
decreases computational costs. It should be remarked that, to handle the cyclic scheduling issue in a 24 h time-
table, this study computes the schedule starting from 12 AM, and it assumes that a train crossing the 12 AM
time line always yields to any trains that have been scheduled previously after 12 AM.

6.3. Effectiveness of priority rule-based heuristic methods

With available optimal solutions, we want to further evaluate the solution quality of heuristic algorithms in
terms of total train delays. The quality measure is expressed as the percentage difference between a heuristic
solution and the corresponding exact optimal solution. Our results indicate that the minimal-delay rule pro-
duces slightly better results than the first-come-first-serve rule, and that their solutions are within 7% of opti-
mality on average. Table 5 shows the performance of improved priority rules as a function of the number of
trains. To avoid the complicated cyclic scheduling issue, we do not consider more than 24 trains here. All the
improved algorithms embed the minimal delay rule as the local evaluation criterion. In the beam search imple-
mentation, only the local evaluation rule is used to select promising nodes, and the beam width, c, is set to 8
based on calibration results using a separate data set. Compared to the simple priority rule, all the improved
methods considerably reduce the relative optimality gap from 6% to less than 5%. The beam search algorithm
gives the best results with an average gap of 2.10%, while the global priority rule and look-ahead rule are
within a range of 3–4%. Since all improved priority rules obtain better solutions by examining more nodes
in the search tree, it is important to evaluate trade-offs between solution quality and computational effort.
As shown in Table 6, the global priority rule needs to examine a relatively large number of nodes. As a sim-
plification of the global priority rule, the look-ahead method can decrease the number of computed nodes by
40% but only leads to a small increase in the relative optimality gap by 12%. Overall, the experimental results
suggest that the beam search algorithm offers superior performance with the least computational effort.

7. Conclusions

This study aims to solve the single-track train timetabling problem efficiently, such that the total train travel
time is minimized. The train timetabling problem is formulated as a generalized resource-constrained project
scheduling problem with segment and station headway capacities as limited resources. A branching scheme is
proposed to eliminate train conflicts chronologically by adding precedence relations between trains. Further-
more, the resulting subproblem is reformulated as a longest path problem, which can be solved efficiently by a
label correcting algorithm.
X. Zhou, M. Zhong / Transportation Research Part B 41 (2007) 320–341 339

By relaxing the coupling track capacity constraints, a Lagrangian relaxation-based lower bound rule is
designed to decompose the original complex problem into subproblems for individual trains that can be rap-
idly solved by a dynamic programming algorithm. An alternative lower bound rule is also developed to esti-
mate the minimum additional train delay required for resolving all the existing crossing conflicts in a partial
schedule. As indicated by our results, the Lagrangian relaxation-based lower bound rules can generate tight
lower bound estimates for relatively simple instances, but require considerable computational effort when solv-
ing large-scale cases. With a simple computation scheme, the proposed ad hoc crossing conflict-based lower
bound rule is able to provide a reasonably good estimate for the train delay and it can considerably improve
the branch-and-bound search efficiency. Moreover, improved priority rules significantly reduce the optimality
gap by exploring a larger search space, and a beam search algorithm offers superior performance with limited
computation costs. In general, the above innovative and integrated branching and bounding schemes are
offered as a contribution to the growing body of work on computationally efficient and practically useful algo-
rithms for rail scheduling applications.
Our on-going research focuses on three major directions. First, this current study assumes constant free
running times, so a natural extension is to allow variable running times for more realistic applications. Because
introducing any new problem dimensions typically increases the computational complexity quite steeply, it is
undoubtedly vital to develop efficient and effective approximation and heuristic schemes along this line of
research. As indicated in the case study, further successful applications call for exact algorithms that can opti-
mize 24-h cyclic timetables. It would also be interesting to develop efficient Lagrangian relaxation techniques
for train scheduling applications with different criteria, especially in a profit-maximizing framework.


The study has benefited from the encouragement of Dr. Hani S. Mahmassani and comments from Dr. Peng
Du. The authors would also like to thank Dr. Malachy Carey and two anonymous referees for their construc-
tive suggestions. The authors are responsible for all the results and opinions expressed in this paper.


As shown in Fig. A1, diagrams I, II, III and IV illustrate possible headway constraints between the arrival
and departure times of two trains (say trains a and b) at a station, while these two trains are running at dif-
ferent segments:

(I) between the arrival times of trains a and b running in opposite directions;
(II) between the departure times of trains a and b running in opposite directions;

train a train a
headway headway

train b train b

(I) (II)

train a train a

train b train b
(III) (IV)

Fig. A1. Possible headway constraints between the arrival and departure times of two trains at a station.
340 X. Zhou, M. Zhong / Transportation Research Part B 41 (2007) 320–341

minimum segment
headway h 2
station 2
train a
train b segment 2

station 1

segment 1

station 0
minimum station headway g1 minimum segment
between arrival times of two trains headway h1

Fig. A2. Headway constraints for two trains arriving from opposite directions at station 1.

(III) between the departure time of train a and the arrival time of train b running in the same direction;
(IV) between the arrival time of train b and the departure time of train a running in the same direction.

If there is only one line going into and coming out of a station, then the above four types of minimum head-
way restrictions should be imposed between trains entering or leaving the station. For a train station that have
multiple platforms, if there are several lines running in and out of the station and these lines cross each other,
then the minimum headways might be also considered.
For a station with the track configuration shown in Fig. 1, due to safety concerns, the railroad system in
China still imposes the minimum headway constraint between the arrival times of two trains (i.e., type I head-
way) to avoid head-on collisions, especially under one of the following conditions: (1) one of trains is a pas-
senger train, (2) the station is adjacent to a steep (>0.4%) downhill grade, (3) the paths of two trains in the
station are not protected by track separation equipments. In addition, the minimum headway restrictions
between an arriving train and another departing train (i.e., type III and type IV headways) are also required
in China for train stations that use semi-automatic signals.
As an example, Fig. A2 further illustrates the headway constraints for two trains arriving from different
directions at station 1. A minimum headway of g1 minutes is imposed between the arrival times of trains a
and b at station 1. A minimum headway of h1 minutes is required between the arrival time of train b and
the departure time of train a at station 1. The headway between the arrival time of train a and the departure
time of train b at station 1 should be no less than h2 minutes. In the rail system in China, g1 is typically greater
than h1 and h2.
As our case study focuses on passenger train timetabling for a series of stations shown in Fig. 1, the dis-
cussion in our paper only considers the type I headway requirement. It should be remarked that, the other
types of station headways can be also modeled in the proposed branch and bound algorithm. That is, based
on a generalized project scheduling solution framework, these headway requirements can be converted to
start-to-start, start-to-finish, or finish-to-start types of precedence constraints between two operations (with
the minimum time lag). The proposed Lagrangian lower bound rule needs to be enhanced to introduce more
resource classes that correspond to different types of headways. Since the proposed ad hoc lower bound
focuses on crossing conflicts (type I), it is not suitable for estimating the delay associated with the types II,
III and IV headway requirements.
For a general rail line without the above station headway requirements, the station arrival headway con-
straint in our model can be relaxed. Relaxing this constraint only leads to a slight change in our lower bound
estimator. Specifically, for a crossing conflict, our current lower bound is g + h, the new lower bound without
the arrival time headway constraint should be h + h = 2h.


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