Chapter 5 Selection

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Chapter 7


Lecture Overview
- Selection

- Selection Process

- Employment Test

- Interview

- Errors of Selection Process

- Evaluation of Selection Process

- Selection is defined as “the process of differentiating between
applicants in order to identify and hire those with a greater
likelihood of success in a job” (p. 170)


- “Selection is the process of picking individuals (out of the pool of

job applicants) with requisite qualification and competence to
fill jobs in the organization.”

Difference between recruitment & selection

- In recruitment potential job applicants are attracted and

encouraged to apply for vacant position whereas selection focuses
on identifying the candidate suitable for the job from pool of job
applicants and hire to fill in vacant position

- Recruitment and selection are two different processes but often

inviting job applications and selecting candidate is called hiring
or recruitment process.
Selection As a Source of Competitive Edge
- Organizational performance depends on individual

- Individual performance depends upon competent and willing


- Wrong or misfit candidate is de-motivated and unwilling or not

competent to work effectively

- Recruitment and selection is very expensive process and cost of

hiring wrong candidate is even more damaging to
False Negative (Error) True Positive (High Hit)

True Negative (Low hit) False Positive (Error)


Failure Predicted Success Predicted

Source: Aswathappa, 2008, p. 171
Advantages of Centralized Hiring

- Larger pool of applicant can be attracted to apply for job as

applicants have to submit/apply to HR department

- Operating managers focus on their functional duties

- Better hiring as specialists are handling hiring process

- Compliance with employment rules and regulations

Selection Process

Application screening

Selection Tests
Rejected Applicants

Reference and Background check

Selection Decision

Physical Examination

Job Offer

Employment Contract


Adopted from: Aswathappa, 2008, p. 173

Employment Test
- Employment Test: Used to test job applicant's ability, aptitude,

- Reliability: The test result should be consistent in scoring

For example: The intelligence test administered to
test the IQ level of potential job candidate and he scores
110 . If the test is conducted after some time the person
should score close to previous score.

- Validity: The instrument measures what it suppose to

For example: If the test is designed to predict the
success of candidate on job then he should perform his job
well if succeeded in the test. Valid test will differentiate
who will perform well and who is not able to perform work.
Employment Test
S.No. Employment Test Example
1 General Knowledge To judge general knowledge regarding geography, politics,
religion etc.
2 IQ Test Intelligent quotient test to estimate how quickly
candidate processes complex problems
3 Personality Test To judge type of personality like extrovert, introvert,
innovative etc. MBTI is most common and acceptable
personality test that uses 8 personality dimensions to
elicit 16 personality types
4 English Proficiency Test To judge English proficiency level
For example: What is the meaning of the word exultantly?
5 Technical/Mechanical Asking questions regarding mechanical and technical
Proficiency Test aspect of job to judge expertise in handling tools,
machines, and equipments
6 Cognitive Ability Test To judge intellectual and mental capabilities of
7 Reasoning Test To judge reasoning capabilities of candidates. Situation
is given with certain preconditions to find right answer
8 Quantitative Ability To judge quantitative skills like processing of numbers
For example: Divide 8 by 0.5 then multiple by 0.3

9 Physical Ability Test Physical ability of candidates is judged by giving

candidates physical tasks to complete in given time
frame. Example: Rope climbing, obstacles.
Employment Test

Big Five Personality Dimensions

Personality Dimensions Characteristics of person
Sociability Gregarious, energetic, assertive,
Agreeableness Trusting, cooperative,
considerate, tactful
Conscientiousness Dependable, responsible,
persistent, achievement
Emotional stability Stable, secure, confident, brave
Intellectual openness Imaginative, intellectual,

Adopted from: Mello, 2001, p. 346

Selection Process
- Interview is most common method applies to make selection

- Interview is formal way of communication with potential

employee to judge his/her suitability for the post

- Drawback:
- Absence of Reliability

- Validity issue

- Subjectivity

i) one to one ii) sequential iii) panel

Types of Interview
Type Questions Application
Structured Predetermined and fixed Valid results
number of questions asked
for all applicants
Semi structured Set predetermined set of In depth analysis of
question and questions personality and explore
arises during interview interest and preferences of
candidates and good
comparison can be made
among candidates
Unstructured Without any predetermined Useful to explore details
set of questions about candidate
Situational Questions are asked based Good to explore behavior
on given situation and reasoning of
candidate in given situation
Stress full A harsh, emotional, and Useful when candidate is
tough questions are asked being considered to hire for
with the intention to disturb tough and stressful job
or put candidate in stress

Source: Aswathappa, 2008, p. 178

Guidelines to Interviewers

Do's Dont's
Plan the interview Start the interview without
Build informal relationship Directly start asking difficult
Encourage candidate to talk as Jump to conclusion very early
Probe where necessary Allow the candidate to take over
Find out interest and preferences Talking too much
of candidate and their strength
and weaknesses and behaviors
Take control and direct the Start interview with prior
interview session perception
Errors In Interview

Hallo Error

Wrong Judgment and Selection

Interview Errors Similarity Error

Contrast Error

First Impression Error

Evaluation of Selection Process
i Analysis of the 1 Have the selection policies been well developed?
Program 2 Do the wages, fringe benefits, and perks are
appropriate to attract and retain competent
Source: Aswathappa, 2008, p. 185

ii How well selection policies and programs are well communicated to all
iii How well 1 Has Proper training been given to staff
implementation of dealing with selection process?
program is? 2 Are policy manual developed and used?
iv Feedback 1 What perception/image has been created?
2 Have hired and rejected candidates been
asked about the process?
3 How many person actually reject the offer
because of poor compensation work
v Analysis of the results 1 What is the performance of hired employees?
2 What is ratio between those who applied and
3 What is contribution of different tools that
were used in making selection decision and how
the prediction made in each tool relate with job
Lecture Overview
- Selection

- Selection Process

- Employment Test

- Interview

- Errors of Selection Process

- Evaluation of Selection Process

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