Compare and Contrast The Standardized

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Compare and contrast the standardized, concentrated, and differentiated global

marketing strategies. Illustrate each strategy with an example from a global company.


Standardized Global Marketing Represents mass marketing on a global scale. It involves

creating the same marketing mix for a huge mass market of future buyers. In standardized
global marketing, intensive distribution makes the product available at almost any retail
outlet. It includes low manufacturing cost. Companies such as CC Beverage and LS have
adopted standardized global marketing and have achieved global success.

Differentiated global marketing is multi-segment marketing. By offering their own unique

marketing mix, they target different market segments. This strategy helps the company to
achieve wider market coverage. Company W offers the Bau Kune Human brand to high-end
consumers, while the W brand products are mid-to-low-end in the market.

Concentrated global marketing represents a focused global marketing niche (single segment)
strategy. It serves narrowly defined segments and aims for global depth. It is commonly
adopted by the hidden champions of global marketing. BMW's cars have special prices so
that only wealthy consumers can afford them. Likewise, Company L is responding to
consumers looking to purchase “natural” beauty aids and cosmetics.

What is a high-touch product? Explain the difference between high-tech product

positioning and high-touch product positioning. Can some products be positioned using
both strategies? Explain.


High-touch product sales are small, but it is a product that provides a larger margin from the
sales of each unit of the product. Buyers Do a lot of background checks, which increases the
risks associated with high-touch products. Here, a sales or business development team can
actively seek potential customers to sell their products. For example, a car is an example of a
high-touch product.

Positioning involves being owned by the consumer, influencing perceptions and building a
favorable position compared to other competitors' products. The positioning of high-tech
products focuses on features, specifications, and other technical details that can position these
products as superior products in the consumer's perception. However, in the case of high five
positioning, the focus is on the product, which must reflect the impact on the lifestyle. Here,
visualization is important to in still a positive perception in consumers.

There are several products such as high-end sports bikes that can be promoted through high-
tech and high-touch positioning strategies. By focusing on its speed, strength, and power
while reflecting the role of status symbols and luxury, it can attract both types of consumers.

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