Volume 010

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In front of a heavily breathing girl dressed in light armor… lies a single person.

[…I… did it…?]

She says as if she still doesn’t feel victorious or for some other reason. Even though
the girl… Hikari had defeated the nemesis that she had been seeking, she still doesn’t
look cheerful at all.

[We’ve done it, Hikari! We’ve finally done it.]

[…It doesn’t look like she’d stand again. It’s your… no, our win.]

[I don’t care about all that, but I have important things to do at the treasury, so can I
go there?]

[Laguna, Fors… Hapti, could all of you please restrain yourselves?]

After hearing the words of her friends who she had overcome countless hardships
and difficulties together to reach this point, Hikari finally relaxed her shoulders.

However, the expression on her face remains unchanged.

[We still have to deal with the remnants but… this should do for now…]


[What is it? Hikari? You don’t look so happy.]

[…Was the Demon Lord… really evil?]

The words that came out of her mouth were asked by the girl called the Hero who
had fought her way up to this point… It was a question after defeating her last
enemy, the Demon Lord.

Hikari turned to Laguna, who was looking at her with a puzzled look on her face, and
as if she still hasn’t organized her thoughts, she unconfidently spoke.

[…Everyone saw it, right? The cities and villages before we got here… There certainly
were some cruel killings and looting in some parts of the country. However…]

[…The majority of the assaulted places… although couldn’t be described as tranquil,

but they weren’t oppressing Humans.]

It was unknown whether she was reminded by Hikari’s words or not, but looking as
if deep in thought, the Elven magician… Fors muttered.

[Yes. There’s also the prisoners we found in the castle… They were properly being
treated as a prisoner of war.]

[…Mnhh, indeed, I could certainly understand that she wasn’t a monster without
reasoning… She also fought fair and square earlier… But you see…]

[…It’s not just that. That Demon Lord’s eyes… They weren’t the eyes of someone
fighting for their own desires… She had such strong determination, as if she was
wielding her sword for someone else’s sake… That’s why I’m feeling bothered.]

Hearing Hikari’s words, her friends also had complicated expressions on their faces.

They could certainly understand what Hikari was trying to say, and it made sense
when they heard it. However, even if that’s so, it was difficult for them to say what to
do about it.



Immediately afterwards, “the three of their group, excluding the missing Hapti”
turned towards the fallen Demon Lord.

Before they knew it, they felt the presence of an overpowering being…
[…Vier, why… are you doing this…]

[…Ku… romu… -sama.]

The girl who suddenly appeared held up the fallen Demon Lord in her arms and as
tears shed from her eyes, she called her name.

The Demon Lord seemed to still be faintly conscious. When the girl called out to her,
she slightly opened her eyes and with a hoarse voice, she spoke.

[…if Vier dies… what do you think would happen… I don’t want that to happen… It
makes me feel sad.]

[…A- Aahhh… Kuromu-sama… I- I…]

[I’m sorry… If only I had properly talked to you… and because I had not, Vier had…]

[T- That’s not it… This happened because of me… It is I… A- Ahhhh… Kuromu-sama,
please don’t cry… It is… my fault…]

As Vier talks to Kuromueina with tears in her eyes, the moment they see her… No,
the moment when Kuromueina appeared, Hikari and the others were unable to take
a single step or even blink.

[…What… is that… that “monster”…]

As if she was squeezing out those words, Laguna’s voice trembled as she whispered.
Hikari and Fors also felt the same way.

They had defeated the Demon Lord… The Demon Lord also held the power to
deserve that name, and they had barely won a hard-fought with such a being.

However, as if to treat their efforts as a mere joke, the power they felt from the girl
who appeared in front of them just now… feels so overwhelming that the Demon
Lord looks like a baby in front of her.

Her appearance naturally made Hikari and the others feel despair. Before such a
being, they wouldn’t have any chance of winning… Their instincts kept screaming
such a thing to them.
However, Kuromueina didn’t look at Hikari and the others and only exchanged a few
words with Vier… and after Vier lost consciousness, she closed her heart-broken

Immediately after that, the ceiling of the castle disappeared as if it had never existed
in the first place, and the face of a really huge dragon appeared.

Not only that, but a woman whose body seems to be one with a tree, a girl floating in
faint light, a giant beast clad in flames and a being in a robe whose face can’t be
seen… Six overwhelmingly powerful beings appeared.

[A- Aahhh…]

It was unknown whose voice it was… but it was as if more despair was piled up on
top of the despair they’re already feeling…

In front of them, Kuromueina slowly wipes her tears and stands up.

[…Well met, Human Realm’s Hero. My name is Kuromueina… I’d like you to talk with
us for a few moments.]

The beautiful sounds of her voice… was definitely clad in the majesty of a king.

[…Do you really have to go?]


It has been several months since the existence of the Demon Realm was conveyed to
the Human Realm through the Hero and a truce between the Demon Realm and
Human Realm was signed… Vier, whose wounds were healed after receiving
treatment, is about to leave without seeing Kuromueina, who is busy talking with the
Human Realm’s representative.

As she sees Vier off, Ein’s expression doesn’t look good.

[…You know that Kuromu-sama doesn’t want this, right?]

[Even so, I don’t have… the face to look at Kuromu-sama anymore.]

[…Is that so.]

While she was being healed, Vier had heard the truth from Kuromueina… and she
finally realized her mistake.

And after realizing her mistake, she deeply, deeply regretted it… However, no matter
how much she regretted it, there was no way for her to turn back time.

All her mistakes and all her sins… She knew that she had to accept it and let it burn
within her heart, forever carrying the responsibility of her actions on her shoulders.

Bowing deeply to Ein, Vier left her family.

Whether it’s Kuromueina or her family members… All of them covered up for Vier.
They defended her… And her receiving her family’s kindness… was too painful and
agonizing for her right now.

“I will never return to my beloved family again.” Telling herself that this was one of
her punishments. Vier was about to embark on an aimless journey of redemption
when a shadow appeared in front of her.


[…I’ll just say this now. I will not forgive you for bringing chaos to the Demon
Realm… Even if you were “holding back from taking a human life”, you are still
responsible for the mismanagement of the idiots you brought with you.]


[I originally would have killed you. However, because Kuro-san bowed her head to
me and begged me, I will let you off the hook just this once.]

Shalltear was the only one of the Six Kings who insisted that Vier should be killed
until the end.

Of course, she also held affection for her family… However, she’s someone who would
discard such affection if deemed necessary. She’s basically someone who would take
the side of the majority rather than that of an individual, but she herself wasn’t
satisfied with the result of this matter.

However, she couldn’t ignore Kuromueina’s plea, as she tearfully begged her to
forgive Vier… And for just this one time, she decided to let her go.
[…However, there will be no next time. The next time you do something that will
bring chaos to the world, I will kill you.]

[…Yes. Thank you very much, Shalltear-sama.]

[You’re a strange girl. I’m telling you that I will kill you the next time this happens,
and you’re thanking me?]

[…I’m very glad to hear your strict words…]


The kindness of her family members was painful for Vier. She had a deep-seated
belief that she shouldn’t be forgiven… and that’s why she felt glad for Shalltear’s
strict warning.

After saying this and bowing her head to Shalltear, Vier was just about to leave the
place when Shalltear called out to her.

[…There’s no salvation at the end of the road you’re treading on.]

[…I know that. But it’s fine… That is… fine.]

Perhaps, if Vier had the frailty to run from her own sins, the outcome might have
been different.

However, Vier didn’t turn away from her sins. She accepted her sins as her own and
vowed to atone for them for the rest of her life.

[…But then, “if someone pushes you off that path”…If an exemplary being who
recognizes your sins appears, and yet, still wishes for your happiness appears… That
could possibly change your outcome.]

When Vier was out of sight, Shalltear muttered.

At least, at this point in time, as far as she knew, there was no one who could save
Vier. It’s impossible even for that Hero girl… This isn’t a fight that that girl can
confront Vier in anymore.

If there’s any chance of saving Vier… The only one who could confront Vier… is a
being who knows and accepts all of her sins, and yet still tries to respect and save

At the current moment though, such a person hasn’t appeared. But one day, there’s a
possibility that such a person appears… Praying just a little bit for her family that
had left, for such a miracle that she herself had also been waiting for… Shalltear
After she finished telling me everything, Dr. Vier exhaled and looked at me.

[…This is what I’ve been keeping from you. Do you despise me now?]

[No, well, to be honest, my mind hasn’t quite caught up yet but… as for despising

[I see… Thank you.]

I’m not going to criticize her for the fact that Dr. Vier was the Demon King.

However, because I received so much information, I couldn’t put my thoughts

together and could only give a vague reply.

Seeing me like this, Dr. Vier smiles and speaks.

[…That’s why I’m not going to the Six Kings Festival… I can’t go. Even though you
went out of your way to invite me, I’m sorry.]

[Ah, n- no…]

[However, I’m glad that Miyama-kun invited me. Well then, I’m sorry to call you so
late at night. You’re able to return using Teleportation Magic, so I’m sure you’ll be
fine. Have a safe trip home.]

After saying that, Dr. Vier let out a very sad smile and turned her back to me, before
starting to kneel down and pray before the moonlight.

She seemed to be saying that she had nothing more to say, I wasn’t able to say
anything… Bowing once to Dr. Vier, I left.

I could have directly gone back with Teleportation Magic, but I wanted some time to
clear my head, so I decided to walk down the dimly lit street for a bit.
Surrounded by the quiet, cool night air, my footsteps were the only sound that could
be heard.

[…Hey, Alice.]

[…What is it?]

[…Does Kuro know about Dr. Vier…]

[She knows. It doesn’t seem like they’ve personally met though…]

When I called out, Alice appeared next to me and answered my question as she
walked down the street at night, having a slow stride like mine.

[…Doesn’t Kuro… ummm…”walk around Symphonia Kingdom’s royal capital often”?]

[…Yes, Kuro-san enjoys eating while strolling, so she goes here and there… but she
visits this royal capital much more often than other places.]

[Then, as I thought…]

[Well, she’s definitely checking on how she’s going… That’s why she often brought
Hikari with her when she came to the capital.]

[I see…]

As I listened to Alice’s words, I continued thinking, even though my mind still hasn’t
caught up with everything.

Is this really something that I, a third party, can easily step into?

If Dr. Vier was as arrogant as the Demon Lord I had imagined, I might have been able
to condemn her.

However, Dr. Vier regretted her past actions and continues to suffer in atonement.

[…Hey, Alice. What do you think I should do?]

I found myself saying these words. I don’t think I can do anything about it, but I can’t
forget about it either… I also don’t think it’s okay for it to stay like this though.
[…I don’t know. It’s not my place to say anything about it.]

[…I see.]

[However… I will respect Kaito-san’s opinion.]

[…Thank you.]

Depending on how you look at it, her opinion might have sounded cold. However, the
words Alice said… were very gentle words… as she said it didn’t matter what path I
chose, and when I needed help, she would always be there to lend a hand.

After thanking Alice, I walked through the night streets for a while before I used
Teleportation Magic to return to my room.

Even after a night of sleep, I still felt fuzziness in my mind. I also didn’t think this is
something I could talk about with Lilia-san and the others.

I was so troubled that I didn’t go out that day, which was unusual for me, and stayed
in my room, lost in thought.

But no matter how long I thought for, I couldn’t come to a conclusion on what to do.
No, I don’t even know what I’m worried about anymore.

The easiest choice would have been if I could dismiss it as none of my business, but I
guess it’s in my nature to get in

volved in these troublesome matters.


[Eh? Yes, come in.]

I smiled a bit awkwardly back at Kuro, who had been in the room before I knew it.

Since it’s Kuro, I think she knew that I talked to Dr. Vier. That’s probably why she’s a
bit sad.

[…So you’ve met Vier.]

[Unnn. No, well, it’s more accurate to say that we already met before without really
getting to know each other…]

[…Hearing Vier’s story, what did Kaito-kun think?]

[…My honest opinion is that I don’t know.]

No, it might just be that I’m being slightly partial towards Dr. Vier’s side.

I didn’t see Dr. Vier with my own eyes when she was the Demon Lord. The only Dr.
Vier I know of is the current Dr. Vier.

She might be a bit klutzy, but she’s a kind person who always thinks of others… That
was the impression I had of Dr. Vier.

[Hey, Kuro? Can I ask you one thing?]


[…Do you want to meet Dr. Vier?]

[…Unnn. I want to see her. After all, she’s my “family”…I want to see and talk to her.]

With a lonely look on Kuro’s face… she called her “family”…

Dr. Vier said that she used to be Kuro’s family member, but Kuro told me that she was
her family without hesitation. No, I think Dr. Vier still thinks of Kuro like family too.

She even tried to start a war for Kuro’s sake… I think that deep down inside she also
wants to see Kuro.

[…However, I think Vier will feel hurt again if she sees me… that’s why I can’t meet

[…I see.]

I guess that’s probably the biggest factor? Dr. Vier felt guilty for making Kuro cry.
Kuro also feels guilty that Dr. Vier became the Demon Lord because she didn’t speak
her true feelings.
I think it’s because they both felt guilty about each other that they have
misunderstood each other even though they love each other very much.

Ahh, I see… I finally understand why I had been so worried about this matter.

I want to…”try do something about it”…I want to bring Dr. Vier and Kuro together

However, both Kuro and Dr. Vier said that they couldn’t see each other. That’s why I
was having a hard time figuring out what the right thing to do was.

Maybe it’s none of my business to get involved in a family matter as an outsider. I’m
sure it would be easier if I could dismiss it as none of my business.

However, as I thought, this won’t do. It seems like I’m the kind of person who can’t
give up on something once I’m involved in it.

Then, there’s no point worrying about it… I’ll go meet Dr. Vier again tomorrow.

To be honest, I don’t even have a plan, but I think I should start by talking with her

I don’t have an answer to what I should do. However, I understood what I wanted to

So, the day after I talked to Kuro, the 20th Day of the Light month… I came to the
front of Dr. Vier’s clinic with Teleportation Magic.

However, in that place… someone unexpected was waiting for me.

[…I knew you’d come.]


A few meters in front of where I teleported leisurely stands Neun-san, holding a

sword similar to a Japanese katana in her hand.

[…My apologies, Kaito-san… I can’t let you through here.]

[I don’t mean you any harm, but I won’t let you pass… Please leave.]

The prickly, strong emotions conveyed by my Sympathy Magic made it painfully clear
to me that Neun-san was serious about not letting me through.

Dear Mom, Dad——- After talking with Kuro, I understood what I wanted to do.
That’s why I thought of talking with Dr. Vier again… However, the one who stood in
front of me was the one who once defeated the Demon Lord——- The legendary
She won’t let me see Dr. Vier. She won’t let me go any further… As Neun-san said
these to me, she wasn’t in a battle stance, nor was she wearing her helmet… She had
her Japanese katana at her side, and placed three fingers of both her hands on the

[What are you…?]

[I’m begging you, Kaito-san. Please don’t get involved in this matter anymore.]

Bowing her head on a dogeza, Neun-san pleaded in a sad sounding voice for me to
stay out of it.

Of course, that wouldn’t convince me to just say, “Okay, I see.” but I couldn’t say a
word in front of her pleading figure as she rubbed her head on the ground.

[…Can I ask why?]

[…If you were to talk to Vier… She’d be deeply hurt.]

[…What do you mean?]

[You’re the one who saved Kuromu-sama… For that, I am truly grateful. But at that
same time…”You’re the one who has accomplished what Vier couldn’t”.]

When I was told that, I couldn’t think of any words to refute. It’s not that I was trying
to save Kuro because I wanted to save her. Even so, in the end, I was able to free her
from the curse she had been for a long time.

I think that what I did would be something splendid for people close to Kuro but… I
see, for Dr. Vier… My existence also shows her how powerless she is…

[…Vier has always been suffering… for hundreds of years already. With tears
streaming down her face, she apologized to the now-deceased victims and continued
to push herself to atone for her actions.]


[Vier should have been forgiven by now. And yet, she still won’t leave the path of
redemption. Vier won’t ever forgive herself forever. She will continue to suffer… So,
please don’t corner Vier any further. Please, just leave her alone.]


“I walked away from the street where the church was located”, not knowing what to

I can’t stop thinking about the exchange I had with Neun-san earlier.

…Perhaps, I was naive in my outlook.

I thought that if I could successfully persuade Dr. Vier to see Kuro… that would solve
the problem.

However, that would certainly hurt Dr. Vier a lot. There’s even a possibility that she
would fall into even deeper suffering than she is now.

I want to solve this matter as amicably as possible. However, Neun-san stood in front
of me. If I tried to contact Dr. Vier, it would be inevitable that I would clash with Dr.
Vier… and there’d be no way that this could be solved peacefully.

Isn’t this enough already? I’m just an outsider anyway, and wanting Dr. Vier and Kuro
to meet just because of my selfishness and for my own self-satisfaction, wasn’t it?

Whether it’s Kuro or Dr. Vier… Both of them said that they can’t meet each other, so
there’s no need to stick my head in it.

I know I should just give up… and yet. D*mn it… Why is it that I am still feeling so

I really don’t know what to do anymore…

[Yes! Here’s your “Hyperspice Cookies”, Thank you for your patronage~~]

As I was trudging with my head down, I heard such a voice and reflexively looked up.

Thereupon, I made eye contact with someone I recognized… and the other person’s
face twisted in utter displeasure.

She’s my acquaintance, and yet, she’s reacting to my presence so harshly… She’s

definitely the God of Disasters that I knew from my previous visit to the Hydra
Kingdom… It was Shea-san.



She just relentlessly clicked her tongue in front of me.

Shea-san then glared at me and with an irritated tone, she spoke.

[…What’s with that hopeless look on your face… It’s irritating to look at. If you have a
reason for that, say it… It’ll probably be just something stupid, but I’ll listen.]


Her voice sounded angry but… arehh? The words she just said, couldn’t it be
interpreted as her saying “You don’t look so good, is something the matter? You can
consult me about it, you know?”, or something like that?

H- Her kindness is still as incomprehensible as usual…

[E- Errr… Well then, would it be alright to consult you about something?]


[…Eh? Ah, no, I didn’t mean to impose on you…]

[What are you saying, just get your ass moving. There’s a bench in the plaza over
there… I don’t have much time. Make it quick.]

U- Unnn. Even though she complains about all sorts of things, it seems like she would
still listen to me.

Shea-san brought me to a bench in a nearby plaza, and I sat down side by side with
her… And then, I started talking about the situation.

I wasn’t sure how much Shea-san knew, so I started off by telling her something
about “a doctor named Dr. Vier” to make it sound ambiguous. Upon hearing this, she
replied “Ahh, you’re talking about the former Demon Lord huh.”, so I assumed that
Shea-san knew about what was going on and decided to tell her everything.

I told Shea-san about Dr. Vier, Kuro, Neun-san… and about how I don’t know what to

After I finished telling her everything… Shea-san looked extremely bored.

[…Are you an idiot? The First Hero is an extremely large idiot already, but you’re
even worse than her.]

[Ugghhh… N- No, it’s not that I was thinking of stupid things…]

[That’s not it. What I’m saying is that, what kind of hubris are you saying now? Even
though you’re just a mere human.]


Shea-san’s cold eyes glare at me and she gives me a stern warning.

[You’re the one who’s thinking of saving this person… Do you think you’re someone
who can save everyone? Don’t be conceited. You’re just a small being. You can’t do a
d*mn thing on your own.]

[…But that’s… I’m also trying to…]

[If you think you know what you’re doing, then why are you here “all alone”?]


[…You’re a very small being. However, you have the power to change the very
foundation of this world if you want to. Why don’t you use that power?]
[…T- That is…]

In other words, what Shea-san is trying to ask is “Why am I not using the power of
the Six Kings or the Supreme Gods that I’m close to?”…”Why am I not asking for help
from people around me?”…

To be honest, for this matter… The Six Kings are all parties that are involved, they are
all Dr. Vier’s family… That’s why I don’t want them to get involved in this.

I wonder why? Ahh, that’s right… I knew that no matter what I did, I would end up
hurting Dr. Vier, and I didn’t need Neun-san to tell me that, because I already
understood that myself.

As I was thinking about this… My collar was suddenly grabbed by Shea-san and she
glared at me.

[…Don’t act spoiled. You’ve been an outsider from the start, and on top of that, this
issue you’ve intruded on is quite sensitive… There’s no such thing as an amicable
solution for this.]


[Then, what should you do? What, do you want to stay all neat and tidy, and solve
everything peacefully? Stop being a hypocrite! Or perhaps, even if you’re smeared in
mud… Will you bare your own fangs just to persist like that? Go think for yourself!]


[Are you a pure and peaceful saint? Or perhaps, a selfish, unsightly beast?]

Saying that, Shea-san removes her hand from my collars and stands up from the

As I blankly gazed at the scene… Strangely enough, I felt like the fuzziness in my
mind cleared up.

That’s right. It is as Shea-san said… I’ve been an outsider right from the start, and all
of this started because of my own selfishness… I want Kuro and Dr. Vier to make up,
because I don’t want to see Kuro looking sad. This situation is just because of my
selfish desire.
Then, what should I do? This is something I selfishly wanted, and there are obstacles
in the way of achieving my selfishness… Then, the answer is obvious.

[…We’ve talked for long enough. The rest is your business.]


[Unnn? Is there anything more?]

Shea-san was about to leave, but I loudly called out to her.

When she turned around, I immediately stood up and bowed my head.

[Thank you very much!]

[…Fumu, that should mean that you’ve made up your mind huh?]

[…Yes. It seems like I’m a selfish, unsightly beast. I want to reunite Dr. Vier and
Kuro… No, “I’ll forcibly make them reunite”!]

[Then, will you ask the help of the Six Kings?]

[…No, I decided right from the start that I won’t be borrowing the power of the Six
Kings. As for the Supreme Gods, I don’t know to what extent they are related to Dr.
Vier, so I won’t ask for their help.]

[That’s, well, quite selfish of you… Then, how are you going to break through the
First Hero?]

Her tone sounds like she was testing me, but I could feel gentleness within those

It’s as if she already knows what I’m about to say…

[I can’t get past Neun-san and get to Dr. Vier all by myself… That’s why, I’m begging
you! Please lend me your strength!]

I looked up once and then bowed deeply once again, before telling Shea-san that I
needed her help.
I’ve just heard that Shea-san has no direct connection with Dr. Vier and she only
knows things about her, so she perfectly fits the type of person I can rely on.

When Shea-san heard my request, she was silent for a while… She then said,
sounding somewhat happy.

[…Hmph, you’ve become a better you than you were just a few while ago.]


When I heard Shea-san’s voice, I looked up. She had a slight smile on her lips as she
held her hand out to me.

[Fine then, “Kaito”. I am a benevolent Goddess… If you bow to me, asking me to lend
you my power, I will respond to your wish!]

And so, calling me by my name for the first time, she agreed to help me.

Dear Mom, Dad—— It seems like I’m not a pure and righteous saint, nor a worldly
person who knows when to give up. I’m going to be selfish and drag Dr. Vier out in
front of Kuro… Yes, the situation here is simple. If Neun-san stands in my way———
– I’ll just push my way through.
After Shea-san promises to help me, she quickly turned around.

[…Let’s hurry up. We probably only have a limited amount of time left.]

[Eh? W- What do you mean?]

[…You are taking the words of the First Hero at face value too much. Have you
wondered why the First Hero interfered at this time? Even if she were to stop you, I
doubt she would stay at that place all night and day just to stop you, right? Then,
what do you think her real purpose is?]

[…To buy time?]

Following after her as she walked, I asked in return.

[It’s just a guess but… I think the Demon Lord is going to disappear from the city.]

[…I see.]

[The reason she didn’t disappear right away was most probably because she’s
finding people to take over looking after her patients… Anyway, it’s a race against
time. If she disappears, you wouldn’t have any choice but to rely on the Phantasmal
King… Relying on the Six Kings would be some kind of defeat for you, right?]


[…Well, don’t get that worked up. At least, now that we know that First Hero is still
there guarding the front, the Demon Lord is definitely also still over there.]

Slipping through the back streets where there was no pedestrian traffic at all, Shea-
san continued speaking.
[Before we go any further, let me just say that the question I asked you earlier to test
you… the God Realm and Gods wouldn’t get involved in this matter in the first place.
That’s why, don’t expect any help from the Supreme Gods.]

[Eh? I- Is that so?]

[…It’s kind of an unspoken agreement. This issue you’re about to get involved with is
kind of a taboo in this world… Well, not many people know about it in the first place,
but both the Supreme Gods and the Six Kings have maintained their non-
interference in this matter.]

[…E- Errr… but, ummm, I asked Shea-san to help me in this matter… Will it be

It seems that the Demon Lord—– Dr. Vier’s situation is really a delicate matter.

When I asked Shea-san if it was okay for her to lend me a hand, she looked at me and

[I told you, didn’t I? It was just an “unspoken agreement”…It isn’t like Shallow Vernal
ordered me to keep my hand off this matter. Besides, I was considered an “oddball”
in the God Realm right from the start, so it doesn’t really matter if I add another
problem to my plate now.]


[Now then, let’s end the useless talking… Let’s go.]

With the words that tell me to brace myself, I walked out onto the wide road…
opposite the church/clinic.

As expected, there were no people in sight other than Neun-san who stood in front of
the clinic.

When Neun-san saw us, she immediately stood up with the Japanese katana in hand,
and spoke to us.

[…Why have you come back?]

[I’m sorry, Neun-san… As I thought, I just can’t give up on this.]

[Kuhhh… Why don’t you understand!? Please don’t make Vier suffer any longer!]


[I’m not saying that what you’re doing is wrong in any way! It’s not that I don’t see
the possibility either… No, I’m even thinking that if it’s you, it might be possible…
However, the possibility of such a thing happening is still unlikely… And if you fail,
Vier will be even more devastated than she already is…]


It’s true that there is no guarantee that what I’m trying to do will succeed. There is
no such thing as absolute certainty in this world, but Neun-san says that she can’t
accept such a risk.

But even if that’s so, that doesn’t mean I’m going to back down now either… but as I
was about to refute Neun-san, I heard an amused laugh.

[F- Fufufu… Hahahaha!]


[…Who are you?]

Unnn? Neun-san doesn’t know who Shea-san is? Come to think of it, she did say she
rarely appeared in public, so there’s a possibility that she knows that the God of
Disasters exist, but she has never met her in person.

As I was thinking about this, Shea-san laughed for a moment before turning towards
me with a smile.

[…Rejoice, Kaito. I’ll retract my previous statement… You might be an idiot, but that
woman over there is an irredeemable idiot.]

[What… are you suddenly saying…]

[I was wondering what kind of mindset you had for standing guard over there… but
if you want to play house, do it somewhere else.]

[…What do you mean?]

Hearing Shea-san’s provoking words, Neun-san asked back, her anger visibly

However, Shea-san didn’t seem to mind at all, and continued to speak with a smile on
her face.

[It’s as simple as that. I thought you were just an idiot who didn’t realize that you
were being an idiot… but in fact, you were just an idiot who realized that you’re
being an idiot and yet continued to choose to be drunk on the sweetness of

[…What in the world do you…]

[“What in the world do I even know” huh? It’s a common phrase for you idiots who
stopped thinking for yourselves… Good grief… Stop all your useless chirping, little

Shea-san, whose smile had already disappeared, coldly told this to a Neun-san
trembling in anger.

[Yeah, that’s right. In this situation, me and this guy here might both be outsiders…
However, you and all the other people related to this matter, what have you been
doing about it? For how long in this millenium have you known your mistakes? Did
you ever try to correct it? Have you even tried confronting it? If you haven’t done
anything… You should understand that what you did was the same as running away.]


[If you think that a friendship is where you should go together with your friend
when they’re being led astray… Then you should quit being in such a spoiled
relationship right now!]


[Such a half-baked blade filled with indecisiveness… Don’t think such a blade would
ever reach a God!]

With those words, Shea-san took out her huge scythe and held it up, and Neun-san
responded by preparing her stance with her Japanese katana in hand.
It looked like a fight was about to begin… but a little while later, Shea-san’s
expression distorted.



[I thought it was strange… but there’s a “large-scale ward” made by Spatial Magic in
place huh…]

A large scale ward? I heard her mutter and looked around, but I didn’t feel anything
different… No, wait? I wondered about this a bit earlier, but why wasn’t there any
sign of life around in the middle of the day?

Even though this place is off the main street, this isn’t some back alley. At this time of
the day, there should be a good amount of pedestrian traffic around but…

No, that’s not all… Before I knew it, “the church/clinic had disappeared”…It’s as if
that space over there has been cut off…

[…Not only the Hero, but for even an “Earl-level” to be here… what a miscalculation
this is.]


[Yeah, there’s only one person under the Underworld King’s control who can wield
Spatial Magic on this scale… Isn’t that so? “Great Sage of the Dead”.]

[Good gracious, this was also a miscalculation on our part too… We certainly didn’t
expect that Sanctuary’s Disaster would come out… How troublesome.]

When Shea-san called out to the empty space, the space distorted like a vortex, and a
lich clad in a gorgeous mantle draped over a fine suit… Sechs-san appeared.


[Sechs-sama!? W- Why are you here…]

Unnn? I thought this was an ambush, but Neun-san didn’t know that Sechs-san was
here either? No, since Shea-san said that he has set up a massive ward around here, I
don’t think he’s on our side.

[You don’t have to be so stand-offish, Neun-dono… You could have told us

something… Well, if it was just Miyama-dono, I wouldn’t have shown myself, but if it
was the God of Disasters… You would be slightly overwhelmed the way you are now.]

[…How unexpected. I didn’t expect that a high-ranking Demon like you would end up
taking their side…]

[I guess it just depends on which I view is more important… When I weigh the risks
and rewards, I guess it depends on which one you value more… As we get older, we
become more conversative, and unfortunately, “we” tend to take risks more seriously.
Thus, I will side with Neun-dono.]

[…And that’s why you set up this ward… Wait, we?]

In this skin-prickling atmosphere, Shea-san and Sechs-san exchanged words.

In the midst of their conversation, Sechs-san said that “they” were on Neun-san’s
side… Could it be that he isn’t alone?

As if to affirm my thoughts, Demons began to appear around Sechs-san one after


Among them were familiar faces… including Acht, Eva, and Raz-san.

[This ward is a bit special. It’s a kind of Spatial Isolation Ward, where it’s difficult to
get to the outside from the inside, but easy to get in from the outside… Well, you still
had to have a minimum level of ability to get in, so the public won’t be involved.]


[Ahh, don’t worry. This ward replicates and isolates space, so destroying the
buildings here won’t have any real impact on the outside world. The reason why I
erased Dr. Vier’s place of residence was, well, it’s just my light-hearted

[…You’ve gathered quite a lot of people with you huh. 5 Earl-levels… Viscount-levels,
Baron-levels… If you include the high-ranking Demons who aren’t peerage holders,
you’ve brought quite the absurd amount of allies.]
It is as Shea-san said, just from looking at it, he brought quite the amount of
reinforcements… just the high-ranking Demons seemed to exceed a hundred.

After the surprised me gaze around, Sechs-san indifferently spoke.

[We have always regretted it… A thousand years ago, I made Vier-dono worry about
this alone… Thus, this time, as her family, I will support Vier-dono.]

[But well, you’ve gathered quite a lot… Is this human that terrifying?]

[…Yes, he’s terrifying. Miyama-dono, I’m afraid of you…]


[I knew you would make a move in this matter. That’s why I even asked Ein-dono’s
help. If she had come, everything would have been easily taken care of but…]

Listening to Sechs-san’s words, I looked at the horde of Demons… and didn’t spotEin-
san anywhere.

[Ein-dono told me this: “If a fight were to occur, I would side with Kaito-sama
without hesitation. The biggest concession I can make as her family member… is to
pretend that I didn’t hear what you just said, but there won’t be a second
time.”…Good grief, what frightening ability you have.]

[…I see. So you went with quantity over quality then… It seems like you’re making
light of me. Did you really think that you can beat me with just this much?]

[No, “I don’t think so though”?]


In response to Shea-san’s provocative words, Sechs-san admitted that they couldn’t

win against her.

Even Shea-san turned puzzled when she heard his response, but Sechs-san didn’t
seem to mind as he continued speaking.

[You may not be widely known, but I heard that your abilities are comparable to the
Six Kings. It stands to reason that no matter how many of us we gather, we wouldn’t
be able to win… But even the powerful you have a “weakness”. And for that reason,
we’re making use of quantity.]


After saying that Shea-san’s ability is at the level of the Six Kings, Sechs-san told her
that she had a weakness.

I could understand from Shea-san’s annoyed clicking of her tongue that what he said
wasn’t wrong.

[…You are the kindest and most compassionate of all the Gods I know. She reaches
out to those who seek help, and gives advice to those who are troubled… And above
all, you pride yourself on your ability to neutralize opponents without killing or
seriously injuring them.]


[It’s difficult for us to beat you with force. However, with your strength so
dispersed… It would even take you a while to incapacitate them without killing them,

[Kuh… Quite the detestable personality you have there.]

[The plan is to make use of your kindness… I will accept all insults you say. I know
that I’m powerless against you, so I won’t care about appearances and I’ll make use
of anything to stop you.]

Even if Shea-san is strong, because she’s a kind person… It would be difficult for her
to neutralize this large of a number of people while making sure that she holds back.

In the first place, Sechs-san’s goal isn’t to beat Shea-san, but to buy time… The longer
the battle goes on, the worse it will be for us.

[Now, what will you do? Miyama-dono… Will you still fight even though there’ll only
be the two of you?]


What should I do? Should I use my “trump card”? No, if I use it here, it will be
difficult for me to talk to Dr. Vier.

The situation was bad, and as I was desperately thinking of a way out of this
deadlock… a quiet, yet powerful voice rang out.

[…It doesn’t seem like they’re the only two here though?]


[No, I just happened to be on an errand to the royal palace… but I just happened to
see Kaito-san on the way back. He looked serious, so I followed him… Well, he did
end up in quite an amazing situation.]

As a large sword disproportionate to her slender body appeared from the magic box
in her palm, a very reliable person appeared.

[…To be honest, I don’t understand the situation at all. But I don’t even need to think
about whose side I would take.]

[L- Lilia-san!?]

[…I’ll lend you a hand, Kaito-san. After all… I am your lover.]

Dear Mom, Dad—— Shea-san and I confronted Neun-san, but Sechs-san and Kuro’s
family showed up, and we were at a disadvantage. But luck doesn’t seem to have
given up on me——– as a reassuring reinforcement came to our aid.
Lilia-san, who came running to my side, stood diagonally in front of me and held up
her large sword with a smile.

[Hmmm. If I knew this was going to happen, I should have brought Luna or Sieg with

[…My, oh my, I didn’t expect that the “White Rose Valkyrie”, the one apparently
known as the strongest human to appear here… Good gracious, things are getting
more troublesome.]

[I- If it’s possible, could you not call me by that embarrassing nickname…]

Sechs-san clapped in admiration at Lilia-san’s appearance, but he still looked pretty

composed… No, well, I can’t really see his expression because he’s a skeleton, but he
seems to be somewhat relaxed.

[…Someone useful has arrived huh. It’s great that you’re here… White Rose Valkyrie.]

[…E- Errr, should I call you… God of Disasters?]


[It’s nice to meet you. I might turn out to be a hindrance, but I’m here to help.]

[If it was just any random mob, they might turn out to be a hindrance, but if it’s you
assisting me, then that’s a different story… Can you hold down the First Hero?]

It seems like Lilia-san is more famous than I realized, as even Shea-san seems to
think highly of her.

Then, Shea-san lined up next to Lilia-san… and asked if she could fight Neun-san.

[I’ll try my best… I never expected that I would be fighting the legendary Hero

[Don’t let your guard down… She may be a gutless creature, but she’s still a monster
who once defeated an Earl-level with a human body.]

[Yes, unfortunately… It seems like I won’t have the liberty of holding back. It’s been a
really long time… since I’ve had a serious fight!]

At that moment, a flash of lightning gushed out from Lilia-san’s body. It’s hard to
believe, but she was clad in magic power… not any form of attack magic, but pure
magic power.

Seeing Lilia-san’s state, Neun-san held up her Japanese katana without any
hesitation and spoke.

[…I’ve heard rumors about such an ability, but this is the first time I’ve seen it with
my own eyes. So this is the…”High Magic Power Density Constitution” huh.]

[A peculiar constitution with a magical power density tens of times greater than that
of normal people. This increase in magic power makes it visible even without the use
of magic… Neun-dono, you shouldn’t underestimate her even though she’s human.
She’s already… something like a “Special Individual of Humanity”.]

[…Well then, First Hero-sama… I may be young, but please allow me to have this

Saying this, Lilia-san, her body surging with lightning, held up her large sword. In
response to this, Neun-san slightly unsheathed her Japanese katana with her thumb.

At the same time, Shea-san also prepared her scythe and the Demons around Sechs-
san held their weapons in hand.

In the midst of this tense atmosphere that seemed to be on the verge of breaking out
into an explosive fight… a familiar voice suddenly rang out.

[Please waiiittt!!!]


The one who jumped out at that tense moment was Raz-san. She was exerting her
small body to shout as loud as possible.

Raz-san moved to the center of the place, in the middle of our group and Neun-san’s,
and moved her gaze towards me.



[…Big Sister Vier is in a lot of pain. She’s crying.]

As if she was appealing for something, Raz-san stared into my eyes as she spoke.

[Raz is not very smart. However, Raz knows that Big Sister Vier did something bad a
long time ago, and that she’s been crying about it for a long time… That’s why, that’s


…Is she trying to persuade me? No matter what she said though, I’m not going to
back down. It would not only be disrespectful to Shea-san and Lilia-san who are
willing to help me for this, but most of all, I just can’t accept it.

However, it’s really difficult for me to harshly reject the pure and straightforward

As I waited for Raz-san’s next words, she glanced down at the floor for a second…
before she spoke to me with renewed determination…

[…Are you trying to save Big Sister Vier, Kaitokun-san?]


[Just like how you saved Kuromu-sama… Big Sister Vier too… Are you going to give
her back her smile?]


It wasn’t persuasion, but a sincere question.

Asking me if I’m going to save her precious family, even without using lots of words…
I can understand the weight of her question.

[…I can’t say that I can definitely save her. That’s something clear to me as an
outsider in this matter. However, I know that no matter how long this situation
persists, nothing will change.]


[I won’t say something as conceited as I’ll save her… But I want to see her smile and
laugh from the bottom of her heart… For Dr. Vier’s sake, and for “her” sake…]


[So, I can’t promise anything. However… I’m going to do my best to achieve that.]

I returned my heartfelt thoughts to Raz-san… I want “all three of them” to smile…

When Raz-san heard my words, she closed her eyes and thought about something…
before a big smile appeared on her lips.

[…Alright. Then, Raz will support Kaitokun-san!]

[Eh? R- Raz-san?]

Support me… Telling me such a thing, Raz-san moves over to me, holding a small
bow in hand, and floats forward to protect me.

Just as I realized that this means that she’s on my side, two more people moved
towards us.

[Well, that’s what happened. We’re sorry, Lord Sechs.]

[Sis Raz, we’ll follow you.]

[Acht-kun! Eva-san!]

The blue-horned ogre… Acht. The silver-furred black wolf… Eva. Two of my
acquaintances… No, friends also told me that they would help us and stood by my
side with Raz-san.
[Acht… Eva…]

[Oi, oi, what’s with that face, Kaito? It’s not like it’s anything strange… I can’t choose
between my friends and family. So, I’m going with you, because choosing your side
can hopefully make both sides smile.]

[Well, we aren’t that well-read, so we try not to think too much about complicated
stuff like risks. I will just take the side that I want to take. Sorry, Lord Sechs.]

[No, no, it’s not like I didn’t expect that this would happen… Hohoho, Miyama-dono
really is quite frightening.]

Sechs-san smiles, seemingly still quite composed even with the recent developments,
but I wonder if it was just my imagination? As within that expression of his… I could
somehow see happiness.

Dear Mom, Dad—— As we confronted each other over Dr. Vier’s situation, just as it
was about to get explosive… Raz-san forcibly pushed through such an atmosphere
and spoke to me. Not only Raz-san… but even Acht and Eva—— It seems like my
friends have become my allies.
There wasn’t really anything that signaled the start of the battle, but it was Lilia and
Neun who made the first move.

High Magic Power Density Constitution… Lilia’s magic power, which was tens of
times denser than that of a normal person, allows her to make use of far more
powerful magic than normal, even with the same amount of magic power.

With physical strength that transcends human knowledge due to her all-out Body
Strengthening Magic, Lilia-san approaches Neun at top speed right from her first

As her magic power gushed out like lightning bolts, she swung down her great sword
from above, making full use of her momentum. Neun quickly reacts and evades it

When the greatsword that cut through the air hit the ground, there was a roaring
sound as loud as an artillery shell striking the ground, even making the ground

However, Neun was still a warrior with lots of combat experience. Not only did she
evade, but she instantly created multiple swords and spears around Lilia with her
magic power and sent them all towards her at once.


However, they were repelled by a swing of Lilia’s greatsword, and some of the
swords were broken into pieces before her power.

Lilia is undeniably a genius… And it isn’t just because of her unique constitution.

Her High Magic Power Density Constitution was just one part of Lilia’s strength… As
Lilia was born with all kinds of talents regarding combat.
An amount of magic power that far surpassed that of ordinary people, dynamic
eyesight that can see through a rain of 28 swords, reflexes that have almost no time
lag between her eye-body coordination, and the ability to instantly make a decision
depending on the situation… Her talents are unfathomable.

The current King Hydra, Laguna, who is called the strongest in the Human Realm,
had described Lilia as such back when she was a teenager:

“If she had lived in a different era, she might have been the one who ruled the Human

Just as Sechs told Neun, it would be foolish to think of Lilia as a mere human.

She’s a perfect mutation born from the human race… the species inferior to the
Demons and Gods, the species that was supposedly weaker than the elves and
mermaids. That was what the monster named Lilia Albert is.

Despite her great strength, she grew up with a gentle and kind heart, thanks to the
generous love of her family and supportive friends.

And now, the genius that could have ruled the Human Realm with her sword was
attacking Neun without mercy.

Maintaining her momentum as she shot down the swords and spears, Lilia rapidly
approached Neun and swung her greatsword.

Lilia’s strength is really quite simple if you put it into words… Yes, her movements
are fast and her strikes are heavy.

[Guuhhh, uuuuuu…]

Neun tried to catch the blow with her katana, but the weight of Lilia’s sword pushed
back her katana, so she decided that she couldn’t receive it and immediately parried
Lilia’s strike to the side.

Lilia wields greatsword, whereas she wields a katana, so Neun can handle tight turns
better than Lilia can. After she judged that that was the case, Neun took advantage of
the movement of her opponent’s greatsword and slid her katana to strike towards

[Gaahhh!? Aaahhhh!]

The armor near her chest area was shattered and Neun was blown away.

Yes, Lilia’s reflexes are also abnormal. The moment Neun started her counterattack,
Lilia had already taken one hand off her greatsword and struck Neun with her fist.

After being struck by her overwhelming power, Neun bounced against the ground
twice before landing and regaining her stance

Her shattered armor was immediately repaired by magic, and if one were just to
glance at her, she looked relatively unharmed as she prepared her sword again.

[…You’re far stronger than I imagined.]


Lilia isn’t a knight. No, due to her experience as a member of the Knight Order, she
did have that so-called spirit of chivalry.

However, she herself said that “she’s stronger if she casted it aside”…She isn’t a
knight, but a warrior, and if necessary, she will cast aside her sword and swing her
fist to hit her opponent. It is only in this way of fighting that her talent is fully

This time, her opponent wasn’t someone to be trifled with. Lilia was aware of this,
and from the start, she attacked Neun with all she had.

She wouldn’t even allow Neun the time to catch her breath as she immediately
followed up her attack with another.

However, Neun was well aware of Lilia’s strength from her previous attack, and
wasn’t about to let Lilia get close.

As Lilia’s speed was slowed down by the appearance of numerous swords and spears
in the air, Neun sheathed her sword once, lowered her waist, and took an iai stance.

A godspeed slash, instantly slicing through the air after a moment of pause… One
would normally hesitate to step into her deadly range, but Lilia stepped in and tried
to approach Neun without any hesitation.

Of course, there was no way Neun was going to let that go… With refined
movements, she unleashed her iai… but her eyes widened in astonishment.


Lilia blocked the incoming katana horizontal strike by hitting the blade with the “tip
of her greatsword’s hilt”, and without slowing down, Lilia came closer to her.

You could say that what she did was something that’s definitely godlike, however you
could also say that it was a risky move… but such risks don’t apply to Lilia.

Although there are differences between people, this was originally supposed to be a
technique that is acquired through the process of repeated practice and making her
body memorize such movements… Something which you do without thinking yet
still have your body move exactly as you had envisioned it…

Because of her incredible talent that led her to be dubbed a genius… This is
something that Lilia Albert can do.

Even if the movement she needed to do was as precise as passing a thread through
the hole of a needle, Lilia’s body wouldn’t deviate even slightly from how she
envisioned it.

Yes, Lilia Albert is… undoubtedly a genius loved by talent itself.



Neun defended against Lilia’s strike again, but was knocked back by the force of her
blow before she managed to regain her stance.

Not allowing her to escape, Lilia approached Neun and swung her greatsword again.

After they exchanged about 10 bouts… Lilia noticed something strange.

Lilia had more physical strength than her opponent. She has been overwhelming her
and was able to hit her a few times so far. It should be safe to say that the flow of
battle was fully in favour of Lilia’s side but… Neun still hasn’t fallen.

Even though she received Lilia’s onslaught, she still “didn’t even get down on one

The impact of the greatsword when she caught it with her katana should have been
transmitted through her body.

It’s true that Lilia was a genius. But still, she’s only 23… Her combat experience was
far inferior to Neun’s. Lilia was well aware of this.

But still, the fact that it seemed like she had received no reaction from her earlier
strikes… was just so unexpected for her.

Neun… No, Kujou Hikari is a being who was once called the Hero and the one who
defeated the Demon Lord.

She was never called a “Hero” because she was stronger than anyone else. Even
among those who traveled with her, Laguna was superior to her in terms of strength.

However… Not once did she ever “fall”…No matter how strong her opponent was, no
matter what predicament she was in, she continued to stand with unshakeable
strength, and in the end, she was able to win.

Yes, the greatest power that makes her the Hero is…”Battle Continuation ability”, the
ability that makes the word “indomitable” something insignificant…

How to apply force when defending against an attack, techniques to ward off
transmitted impacts from strikes, and insight into how to counterattack… Her
fighting skills were balanced and seamless.

At the very least, she can’t be brought down by just a “slight physical advantage”.



Weaving through Lilia’s attack, Neun approached and initiated her counterattack.
Seeing this Lilia immediately backsteps away.
But even with her reflexes, she couldn’t completely avoid it and her cheek was lightly
grazed. Checking the wound she received on her cheek, Lilia exclaimed in

[…As expected of the First Hero. A counterattack at the perfect moment.]

[No, Duchess Lilia is also really superb. In terms of pure combat ability, you’re
probably better than me… However, well… If that’s all you have, there’s no way you
can win, you know?]

[I feel honored to hear your advice. If it’s possible though, I’d like to hear those
words again…”after this battle ends”.]

[I guess so… Please excuse my rudeness. It certainly would have been rude to say
who was better during the battle. I’ll say that again after I defeated you.]

[Then, I’ll make sure to express my gratitude…”Thanks to your advice, I got stronger.”
or something like that… after I defeated you of course.]

Not needing any more words, the two of them clashed again.

On one hand is the Hero who once defeated a High-ranking Demon with a human
body. On the other hand is a human genius born with a mutated body.

With the clashing of steel, the battle continues to intensify…

In contrast to the battle between Lilia and Neun, whose multiple clashes of swords
let out loud roars, the others were still staring at each other.

The army that Sechs had prepared was filled with some of the most talented people,
including Earl-levels, of which there were only a few in the wide Demon Realm.

Shea gauged their abilities from the quality of magic power they possess and their
stances. Although she didn’t show it on her face, Shea understood that the situation
wasn’t so good.

As she had predicted… Lilia’s battle with Neun was closer than expected. Even if the
trio who joined their group after the initial confrontation, Razelia, Acht and Eval,
weren’t peerage-holders, they were still capable enough to deal with the situation
and should be considered threats.

All that was left for Shea to dispatch were 5 Earl-levels, 15 Viscount-levels, and 40
Baron-levels. Then, her blade would reach Sechs, the user of this ward they’re
enclosed in.

In terms of pure ability, there’s no way in a million years that Shea would be
defeated… But Shea understood that they were running out of time here…

Sechs was well aware that he couldn’t win against Shea, and his appearance showed
that he was stalling. This indicated that there was not much time left before Vier
would leave.

It had already been a day and a half since Kaito had heard Vier’s story, and she had
probably completed most of her preparations.

However, if they were to just recklessly charge, they would be doing exactly what
Sechs wants… However, if they were to focus on evasion and defense, keeping a
certain distance away from enemies and using run and hit tactics, they wouldn’t be
able to make it in time.
As Sechs said, Shea is proud of her fighting style of defeating her opponents without
killing them, and she has no intention of neglecting this policy. To turn away from
her policy would be equivalent to defeat.

That’s why Shea remained motionless as she searched for the shortest route to
eliminate all obstacles without betraying the policy that she was proud of… However,
it isn’t easy to find. The more time she spent on searching for it, the more
advantageous it would be for her opponents… but still, she continued to stare at
Sechs and the others, hoping that at least an opening would be created.

However, Shea wasn’t the only one feeling frustrated with the development of the
situation. Sechs and the peerage-holding, High-ranking Demons can’t afford to
carelessly move… No, “they couldn’t make their move”.

If they were to let down their guard for even a second, they would be crushed in just
an instant. If they were to avert their gaze for a few tenths of a second, their
consciousness will be reaped away. That’s how strong Shea is.

As long as their goal is to buy time, they don’t need to make a move on their own…
Even so, the act of continuing to confront an overwhelmingly powerful person is
relentlessly chipping away at their nerves.

For Sechs and the others, there were two conditions for defeat: One is that Sechs, the
one who built the ward around them, were to be defeated without having bought
enough time… And the second is that they “inflict even a single scratch on Kaito”…

Sechs himself was aware of this. It isn’t that the Six Kings tacitly agreed to not touch
this matter… It’s just that “the Six Kings respect Kaito’s will of not asking them for
their help” and that’s why they aren’t making their moves…

Yes, the moment that Kaito gets even a scratch would determine their defeat.

Whether it’s the “small ice crystals floating in the air”, which can’t be seen unless one
looks closely, or the “being hidden behind Kaito”…Those two would certainly make
their move if Kaito was wounded.

If that happens, the power balance will greatly turn. What’s frightening is that the
Phantasmal King, in particular, will show no mercy to them.

Confronting the No. 5 of the God Realm while being attentively watched by two of the
Six Kings… Sechs was carrying a terrible amount of pressure in his shoulders.

The situation is this tense for their side… For all it takes is a single trigger to tilt the
tide of this battle towards the other direction…

And such a trigger came from the other side of the battle, as a thunderous roar



As Lilia was countered several times and sent flying backwards, Kaito worriedly
called out to her.

Comparing Lilia’s overall strength with Neun’s… Neun had a slight edge, and it was
inevitable that the longer the battle went on, the more advantageous it was for Neun.

Lilia doesn’t seem to have received substantial damage, but even so, her heavy
breathing showed how considerably fatigued she was, while Neun’s breathing had
not become even slightly disheveled.

[…Frustrating it may be, it seems like the current me is no match for the First Hero.]

[…Are you admitting defeat?]

Hearing Lilia say she couldn’t beat Neun, Neun asked a little suspiciously.

Thereupon, Lilia… slightly shook her head.

[…No… It’s just that I didn’t want to use “this” if I could help it. “This” isn’t my power,
so it’s not something I’m comfortable using…]

[…What are you…]

[However, it seems like… If I don’t use it, I would lose.]

[!? T- This is bad! Neun-dono!]

As Lilia quietly mutters, Sechs seems to have quickly understood the meaning of her
words as he called out to Neun, panicked unlike ever before.

However, compared to Sechs trying to explain what was happening… Lilia activation
of “that” was far faster.

[…Oh, “blessings of time”. At this moment, give me “the miracle of the moment”!]

[What is…!?]


A moment later, there was a flash of light and Neun’s body was blown away.

Of course, it was Lilia who did it… but Neun couldn’t see it. No, she could just barely
see it… However, she couldn’t respond fast enough.

That’s because Lilia was swinging her sword at her with a speed twice as fast, no,a
speed faster than ever than before…

The True Blessing of a Supreme God… Those who receive it will be allowed to speak
in the name of the Supreme God… but that’s obviously not all there is to it.

Those who have received a Supreme God’s True Blessing will be given the “authority
to acquire some of the abilities of the Supreme God”.

Yes, Lilia had received Chronois’ blessing, and Chronois allowed her to learn the
“magic of accelerating her own time”.

Of course, being granted permission doesn’t necessarily mean that she can easily use
that magic. No matter how extremely competent you are, the thing you were being
taught is the magic holding the authority of the Supreme God… It would be
impossible for an ordinary human to learn it, even with the God’s permission.

However, Lilia was able to use the magic that she had learned from Chronois thanks
to her natural talent, albeit for only a short amount of time.

But even though Lilia has a great amount of magic power, she can only use the
Supreme God’s magic to “increase her speed up to three times for a few dozen
seconds” and that would use up most of her magic power.
In other words, even though this may be Lilia’s trump card, at the same time, it was a
double-edged sword.

However, the effect of this magic certainly is huge… Other than the Earl-levels, the
High-ranking Demons of Viscount and Baron-levels saw Lilia’s time magic and even
though it might only be for a moment, they still turned their focus away from Shea.

[…Did you just neglect me? That’s a minus for you.]

[Oh no!?]

She wouldn’t let this opportunity slip, and in that instant, she reaped the
consciousness of more than a dozen high-ranking Demons and directly burst forth
towards where Sechs was.

The time of standoff is over… There were still all the troublesome Earl-levels, but she
couldn’t just let this opportunity pass by.

Wielding her scythe like a raging black storm, the No. 5 of the God Realm had now
bared her fangs.

However… It couldn’t be said that Shea and the others completely gained the upper
hand yet. While cleaving away the Viscount and Baron-levels one after another, Shea
glanced at the battle between Lilia and Neun.

[…But still… That wasn’t enough to defeat that Hero huh…]

Lilia seemed to be overwhelming Neun with her time magic but… Shea’s eyes could
certainly see it.

The way Neun kept avoiding the attacks that would deal significant damage to her
body by a paper-thin margin in the midst of the flashing sword strikes…

[…If only we had “one more card”…No, there’s no point in thinking about what we
don’t have.]

After muttering this in a voice that no one could hear, Shea removed her gaze from
Lilia and Neun, and headed towards her opponent.
It should have only been a few dozen minutes since the battle began… but I wonder
how many exchanges had happened in such a short time?

My eyesight could barely make out most of the details… but I had a vague
understanding of the current situation.

…We’re one move short. That goes for us, and for Sechs-san’s side as well.

Lilia-san has had a tremendous battle with the First Hero Neun-san, and is on par
with her. She was someone who’s considered a legend, but it doesn’t seem like she
had dealt a decisive blow yet.

Shea-san took on many Baron-level, High-ranking Demons, and had already

incapacitated nearly half of them but… Regarding the 5 Earl-level Demons, whose
magic powers were clearly a cut above the rest, she still held an advantage over
them, but she hasn’t been able to reduce their numbers yet.

Raz-san, Acht and Eva seemed to have the upper hand against the non-peerage
holder Demons, but they were still being outnumbered by their opponents and had
to repeatedly attack and retreat.

Our side seems to have the upper hand when it comes to battle, but our attacks
haven’t reached Sechs-san, the one who placed this ward.

However, Sechs-san and the others would also collapse if they weren’t careful, they
also aren’t as composed as they were in the beginning.

We are one step short of being able to attack, and they’re one step short of being able
to hold us off… In a sense, it can be said that the situation had reached a standstill.

As I was pondering this, Shea and the others once again distanced themselves from
the person they were fighting and came back to me.
[…Tsk, having to fight a powerful escaping person is really troublesome.]

Shea-san clicked her tongue in frustration at the situation. She couldn’t reach Sechs-
san even after forcibly charging forward.

Just as I was about to call out to her, I heard ragged breathing from another direction.

[…Haahhh… Haahhh…]

[Lilia-san!? You’re sweating like crazy… Are you alright!?]

[…No matter how large your magic power reserves are, you’re still exercising a part
of the power of the God of Time and Space. You don’t have much magic power or
strength left, do you?]

[…Haahhh… Yes… She’s really… amazing…]

Using her greatsword to support her body, Lilia-san was struggling to hold herself
up. It was quite clear that she was exhausted.

On the other hand, Neun-san had noticeable damage… but she was still standing
firmly on both feet, making me once again realize how strong she is.

Anyway, I thought that I should help Lilia-san recover from her exhaustion, so I took
out a drink with a straw from my magic box.

[Lilia-san, please drink this!]

[…Ah, yes. Thank you very much… This is delicious. Wait, eh? This… just recovered
my magic power and strength… Is this actually some expensive potion…]

[Ah, errr… That’s “Fruit Juice of the World Tree”.]


Incidentally, it’s 100% fruit juice. Alice made it for me, so it should taste great but… I
haven’t really tasted it yet…

[W- W- W- What kind of outrageous thing are you making me drink!? Or rather,
rumor has it that if you process it badly, the healing effect would be weakened, so
why the heck would you make a drink out of the Fruit of the World Tree… Hah!?
Don’t tell me you asked for Phantasmal King-sama’s help just because you wanted to
feed this to Lynn?]

[…I- I dunno! A- Anyway, what should we do now!?]

[…After we go back to the mansion, how about we go talk about some things again,

She immediately found out who I wanted to give it to… I’m scared about what will
happen later.

A- Anyhow, Lilia-san’s strength is now back… but still, I don’t think she can get past

Lilia-san and Shea-san seemed to be thinking the same way, as they were staring at
Sechs-san and the others without moving.

It’s the lack of a decisive factor that makes it impossible for them to carelessly return
to battle.

I don’t know how much time we have left but… I don’t think the situation is good.

As I feel the frustration scorching the back of my neck, Neun-san looks at me and

[…Kaito-san, isn’t this enough?]

[…What do you mean?]

[I’m begging you. Please pull back already.]


It was persuasion… no, a plea.

As Neun-san was trying to tell me to pull back while she was looking like she’s about
to cry, I don’t deny or affirm.

I haven’t just been loitering around for the past dozens of minutes. Because I couldn’t
participate in the battle, I was thinking instead. I was thinking about Neun-san and
the others’ feelings and wishes… That’s because I’m sure that she is…

[I’m sure that what you claim is right. I’m also sure that Vier knows it too… So, please
leave her alone.]


[If so, I’m sure that “someday”…Vier and Kuromu-sama will make up with each

[…And when… is this someday?]


[T- That is…]

In a slow and calm voice, I asked Neun-san without raising my voice.

[Neun-san, this is just a guess but… in the beginning… you were trying to get Dr. Vier
and Kuro together, weren’t you?]


[But perhaps… I may not know much about the world but… I think you couldn’t
move easily because you felt guilty about how you were being admired while Dr. Vier
was being spoken ill of… and in the end, time just flew by. You gave up half-way.]

[…That’s… That’s not it… I just…]

It’s just a guess, but for Neun-san, Dr. Vier isn’t some evil lord of Demons… I think
she’s someone Neun-san respected as “an opponent who she fought against to
protect what was important to each of them”.

That’s why she felt guilty about Dr. Vier. It may not be Neun-san’s fault that she felt
such a thing, but with her personality, such a thing was possible.

In fact, Neun-san looked quite shaken when she heard what I said.

[…Isn’t that what you thought at first? That there’s no need to rush. You can just take
your time and convince Dr. Vier…]

[…That’s not it.]

[…After more time has passed, after the wounds in her heart have healed, when the
next opportunity comes… Thinking about such things, in the end, time has passed
without you being able to do anything.]

[…That… is… That is not…]

It’s not that I’m condemning Neun-san for that. In fact, I knew exactly how she felt.

Because despite our age difference, the emotions that she holds are the same as
what “I used to have”…

[I’ve been there myself. I’ll do my best someday, let’s do it ourselves next time, let’s
do our best tomorrow… While I was making excuses to myself like that, the walls I
had to overcome to take a step forward became bigger and bigger… and before I
knew it, I was stuck.]


[So, knowing full well that it’s not something I can say, I’m going to put myself on the
track and say it… It won’t come…]


[If you don’t move now… that “someday” will never come!!!]

[Uuuuu, a- aaahhh…]

[That’s why I’m not stopping. You can think of me as an outsider doing something
unnecessary. Despise me if you want… but Neun-san… Seriously… Do you really
think it’s okay for the situation to stay like this!?]


The words I strongly said… weren’t even a sermon, but more of an insistence of my
selfishness. However, Neun-san took a step back as if she was shocked. I could also
see that her eyes were greatly trembling.
When I tried to approach Neun-san, Sechs-san and the others stood as if to protect
her… Sechs-san was about to speak out in defense of Neun-san… but before he could,
I heard a voice that seemed to tear up the atmosphere.

[Well said!!!]


[As I thought, youths should at least have this much recklessness… That’s good, just
the way I like it!]

[This… voice… could it be!?]

Responding to the voice that suddenly resounded, Neun-san’s expression changed to

one of astonishment.

[Umu, push on, young man! Whether your choice is the right or wrong, it will all be
decided later! All obstacles in your decision should be smashed away!… Even so,
umu… You lack enough blades huh? In that case, I will lend you my strength!!!]

Immediately afterwards, a huge spear with a handle of more than two meters long
thunderously pierced the space between me and Sechs-san’s group.

And then, a person appeared following the spear.

Short marine blue bob cut hair, ears resembling fish fins, and white and blue clothing
that resembled a sailor’s uniform… Despite her small stature of less than 150 cm, she
pulled out the spear and imposingly carried it on her shoulder.

[Don’t worry, you can count on my strength. I’d like to get rid of my title as a King as
soon as possible but… I have no intention of abandoning the title of being the
“Strongest in the Human Realm”!]

[…Laguna… W- Why are you here!?]

[Don’t worry, it’s the duty of a friend to correct a comrade when she is on the wrong
path… Well, you should know about it yourself already… but don’t mind it if I become
a bit rough about doing that.]

In the battle that had been stuck in place for the lack of one more… Another one who
was stuck in the past… The “last piece to save Neun-san” abruptly… but in superb
timing, appeared.
Her Majesty Laguna, the Strongest in the Human Realm, appeared on the battlefield.
Even though she said that she was going to be “rough”, she spoke to Neun-san in a
voice that was extremely gentle.

[…Hey, Hikari. That’s also the case for me but… You’ve gotten older too, haven’t you?
Not in appearance, but in mind…]

[What do you mean?]

[No, I’m just saying that “it doesn’t feel like you” anymore.]

[Not like me? What do you mean by that…]

In a somewhat warm voice, just like a mother talking to her child, her Majesty
Laguna began to admonish Neun-san.

Her Majesty Laguna’s words had probably reached Neun-san’s ears because she had
traveled with her before and shared her hardships.

That’s why Neun-san was listening to Her Majesty Laguna’s seriously, though her
agitation didn’t seem to have disappeared yet.

I didn’t know if they intend to do so or not, but Sechs-san and the others didn’t
interrupt their conversation.

[…The words that the youth just said… I’ve heard the same words before. Have you
forgotten about it?]

[Eh?… Ahh.]

[Yes, after defeating the Demon Lord… Despite our efforts to stop her, saying “The
gulf between worlds is great, let’s just wait for time to solve it.”, there was only one
person who tried to change the world.]


[“The more time that passes, the harder it will be to change. If I don’t move now… I’m
sure that someday will never come. So, I will persist.”…I even admired her as she
walked away. Looking at her as she walked away, I thought I saw hope for the
future… Yes, I’m talking about you, Hikari.]

After saying all that, her Majesty Laguna tightly clasped her hands together and after
a brief moment of silence, she looked at Neun with strong eyes.

[…How long… are you going to beat around the bush? That’s not your style of doing
things… Get your mind straight!]


[No matter how many great people are born in the world, no matter how much the
times changed… For me, there will only be one “Hero”! That’s why, open your eyes,
Kujou Hikari!]


Hearing Her Majesty Laguna’s shout, imbued with her wish, Neun-san slowly closed
her eyes.

Neun-san closed her eyes in silence for a few seconds, before she slowly opened her
eyes and turned her face towards me instead of Laguna-san.

[…Please don’t be deceived! Kaito-san!]

[Eh? D- Deceived? By what?]

[Sechs-san’s wards are indeed powerful. However… There’s no way that it could stop
you who received “Shallow Vernal-sama’s blessing”!]


[The fact that Sechs-sama appeared in this place itself is just to mislead you… The
truth is that from the start, if you were to just breakthrough in a single direction and
reach the walls, you would be able to destroy this ward!]

…I see. Now that she said it, it certainly made sense.

If this ward could only be broken if Sechs-san is defeated, then it should be much
more advantageous for Sech-san to hide and just let the others handle everything.
However, Sechs-san appeared in front of Shea-san and I, despite the risk of being

It’s just as Neun-san said, him showing himself is just to mislead us and make us
think that we can’t break through without defeating him… What Sechs-san was really
vigilant about was me aiming straight out of the ward.

As proof of this, Sechs-san sounded unusually flustered at Neun-san’s statement.

I didn’t need to ask why she told me that. Right after her statement, Neun-san rushed
to our side and turned around.

Then, as she dispersed the jet-black armor that protected her body, she muttered in
a voice filled with strong determination.

[…Thank you, Kaito-san, Laguna… Thanks to you, I’m finally awake.]


As the black fog enveloping Neun-san’s body disappeared, she changed into a
hakama and kimono… making her truly look like a woman from the Taisho era.

She then grabbed her long, beautiful black hair, tucking it behind her neck, and
without any hesitation, she cut her hair with the Japanese katana in her hand.

[Fufufu, now that really looks nostalgic… Here.]

[Thank you.]

Seeing Neun-san cut her hair short, Her Majesty Laguna laughed and held out a long,
white cloth to her.

Receiving that cloth… Neun-san wrapped it around her forehead like a headband.
[…Kaito-san, I apologize for my past rudeness. And please, take me with you. I have
to confront Vier once again. I want to save her too!]

[Yes. Rather, I should be the one asking you to come with me instead.]

She wants to save Dr. Vier. That was definitely Neun-san’s underlying wish,
something that had been burning her heart for a very long time.

Thanks to Her Majesty Laguna, the doubts within Neun-san’s mind were cleared up
and she became my ally.

So, all that’s left is to confront Dr. Vier… or so I’d like to say…

[Umu. I see… Neun-dono took that side huh. No, I guess it can’t be helped.]

[…Sechs-sama, I’m sorry. However, are you still going to continue?]

[Yes, well… Let’s see, since things have already become like this… I might as well
struggle a bit more.]

Yes, it seems that Sechs-san still intended to continue to fight, as he quickly walked
in front of the 5 Earl-level High-ranking Demons.

He was standing in the rear a while ago, but apparently, he would now try to actively
stop us from breaking through in a single direction… From here on, it looked like
Sechs-san would be directly involved in the fight.

With the addition of Neun-san and Her Majesty Laguna, we have an overwhelming
advantage. However, he didn’t lose his spirit. Sechs-san’s fighting spirit hadn’t waned
at all.

[…Neun-san, here, Fruit Juice of the World Tree…]

[Ahh, it’s fine. Thank you.]

[Eh? But Neun-san, you’re riddled with injuries…]

I took out the same drink that I had given to Lilia-san to help Neun-san recover from
her exhaustion from fighting, but Neun-san shook her head and said it was
[…Yes, I certainly am tired. I certainly may have received various injuries… and my
whole body might be riddled with wounds. However… My mind is now filled with
energy! Yes, just like back then…]

[E- Errr… Wha!?]

As I was feeling puzzled by her statement filled with willpower, Neun-san’s body
overflowed with magic power that was several times more than before.

W- What is this!? Somehow, Neun-san… Rather than being weaker because of her
injuries, isn’t she stronger instead!?

[…Hikari has always been some kind of monster of persistence and in fact, she gets
stronger when she’s outnumbered instead. There’s no point in worrying about her.]

[That’s a mean way of explaining it… It’s just that I’m a person who’s “bad at giving

[What the heck is this monster “who is making her magic power spring up through
willpower” saying…]

A- Anyway, it seemed like Neun-san was alright.

Lilia-san and the others quickly stood beside us and glared at Sechs-san’s army.

Our goal was to break through in a single direction… This would be a clash without
any tricks. While I spontaneously imbued strength within my body… Sechs-san
suddenly started looking around.

[…How surprising… I never expected for her to appear right at this moment? Good
gracious… You really are frightening.]

Not hiding how shaken he is, Sechs-san looked at me in utter astonishment… Soon
after, I could understand why.

As my Sympathy Magic announced their approach, three silhouettes appeared in

front of me.

[I’m sorry I’m late! Master!]

[Anima! Eta! Theta!]

It’s not just the three of them, as two more silhouettes came to Lilia-san’s side…

[Please forgive me if I’m a little late, My Lady. Even if I arrived late, I still rushed here
as soon as I could…]

[Luna, Sieg… No, I have no complaints. Thank you for coming.]

Anima, Eta, Theta, Lunamaria-san, and Sieg-san… With the addition of these 5
reassuring reinforcements who had rushed from the mansion, our preparations for
battle were complete.

Shea-san then stepped forward in front of everyone and vigorously announced.

[…I’ll restrain all the Earl-levels! Everyone else, open the path and let Kaito-san reach
the ward’s wall! Let’s go!!!]

With those words as a signal, the final battle between us and Sechs-san’s group

[…The timing was just perfect. I guess the rest would be up to Kaito-san and Hikari-
san huh… Well, I guess there’s no need for me to move any further. I’ll just relax and
watch all that’s going to happen.]
To pave a path for Kaito. As their purpose became clear to them, they began to act

Neun ran with a strong gait that didn’t show even a hint of fatigue, and Laguna
quickly lined up with her to head towards the wall of Demons.

[…How nostalgic. When was the last time we worked together?]

[I dunno. If you feel like you’ve forgotten how to fight, I don’t mind if you lie down
over there, you know?]

[Shut it!]

After a brief exchange of words, Laguna rapidly accelerated and thrusted out the
large spear in her hand.

[Come, Hikari! Let’s go with that move… Trident!]

With a shout, Laguna thrusted her spear into the ground, three huge columns of
water rose up, swirling like spears as they headed towards the enemy.

The strike that was basically a tsunami on land swallowed a large number of Demons
and sucked them into a huge whirlpool, trapping them inside.

Before they could see it, Neun stopped once, made a large number of Japanese
katanas appear in the air, and took an iai stance.

Thereupon, the swords floating in the air moved in conjunction with Neun’s
movements, and slashes were released from all of the swords at the same time.

[Hundred-blade flash… Blossom!]

Hundred slashes were released, cutting through the whirlpool in an instant and
reaping the consciousness of a large number of Demons. But even then, she had no
intention of killing their opponents, so she made sure to hold back with each of her
magic slashes…

[Good grief, can’t you say what you plan beforehand… Please be considerate about
the one trying to match you.]

[Hahaha, this is just because of my trust in you!]

They succeeded in knocking down a good number of Demons, but there were still
some Demons capable of escaping the whirlpool. Laguna and Neun turned towards
them and immediately took up their weapons to fight back.

Aside from Neun and Laguna, the people who had rushed to the scene had also
started fighting.


[…Please give me special compensation for this. For disposable items, these are quite
expen… sive!]

Lilia shouted when she saw the formation of Demons approaching, and Lunamaria,
sensing her intention, took out several cards from her pocket and threw them at the

When Lunamaria-san snapped her fingers, the thrown cards turned into a magical
thread shaped like a spider’s web, entangling the approaching Demons.


[Yes. Make sure you hold back properly, okay? Lili.]

After confirming that the Demons had stopped moving, Lilia evoked a huge magic
circle at her feet and activated her magic.

The magic that Lilia unleashed created a raging tornado that swallowed the Demons
that were stopped in their tracks. Sieglinde then thrusted her flaming sword into the
ground, transforming it into a tornado of flames.

[…Shouldn’t I be the one saying that? You can’t kill them, okay? Sieg.]
[It’s alright. I properly made sure that the flames I used were weak.]

[Properly, you said… I was almost caught up in your combination attack, you know?
My apron got a little burned, you know!? You’re going to compensate me for this,

As best friends and comrades-in-arms, Lilia, Sieg and Lunamaria were accustomed to
working together, and as they joined forces, the three of them were steadily whittling
down the number of Demons.


With a shout, Anima cut through the air, brandishing her powerful arm like a heavy
tank that eliminates all of her master’s enemies.

If her opponents were defending, she would tear down their defense. With her
strong defensive abilities, she could just continue to attack without caring about the
enemy’s attacks.

It was truly like a wild beast had unleashed. Her heavy and sharp blows weren’t easy
to receive, even for High-ranking Demons, and she managed to gradually open up the

Of course, the enemy was no fool. They decided that it wasn’t a good idea to fight
head-on with Anima’s power, and tried to exploit her weak mobility.

However, Eta and Theta wouldn’t overlook that.

Theta blocked the incoming attacks with her large shield, and Eta took the
opportunity to cleave the enemies away with her spear.

Normally, the two often quarreled due to their differing personalities, but when it
came to battle, the twins made a beautiful combination.

Because of their mutual trust in each other’s abilities, Eta focused only on attacking
with all her might, while Theta would wholeheartedly defend against all incoming

The two fighters, who completely divided their duties between offense and defense,
displayed a power that exceeded their individual abilities, making them defeat even
the Baron-level High-ranking Demons, who were supposed to be superior to them.

The three of them have three different ways of fighting, but they all had one goal… to
pave the way for their esteemed master.

The scene of a flashy battle occurred as they charged head-on. For those who
witnessed this, they might be tempted to look away from the “one who isn’t fighting”.

As if to weave through the gaps between the battles, little by little, Kaito steadily
advanced towards the ward’s wall.

Although Kaito wasn’t very athletic, the fact that he had been running with Hina on a
regular basis had helped, and he had been able to run a considerable distance.

But of course, it was impossible for him to deceive the eyes of all the Demons, and
there were occasionally Demons who noticed and tried to stop him… but they were
obstructed by arrows flying from the rear.

[I won’t let you get in Kaitokun-san’s way!]

Razelia, an expert marksman, was keeping those who were approaching Kaito in

[Whoa there, we’re also here…]

[—and it would be troubling if you forgot about us!]

With Acht and Eval following him, Kaito was making more and more progress
towards the ward’s wall.

It wasn’t long ago that the battling parties were somewhat evenly matched, but now,
the tempo of the battle was being completely controlled by Kaito’s side.

So, it was inevitable that they were able to steadily advance.

[Just a few more meters…]

[O- Oh no! Somebody stop Miyama-dono…]

[Do you have the time to look away?]


Kaito would soon reach the ward’s wall. Sechs noticed this and rushed to give
instructions, but Shea didn’t let him and struck Sechs with her scythe.

At the same time, she also restrained the other 5 Earl-level, High-ranking Demons
and pressured them to prevent them from reaching Kaito.

And just like that, no one was able to stop Kaito. When Kaito finally reached the
ward’s wall, he turned around and held out his hand.


[Yes! Laguna, I’ll leave the rest to you!]

[Leave it to me!]

When Neun called out to Laguna, she told Laguna that she would leave the situation
to her and immediately ran to Kaito and firmly grasped his held out hand.

Holding Neun’s hand, Kaito reached his other hand out towards the ward’s wall.

When Kaito touched the ward, it didn’t block “Kaito and the beings in contact with
him”, and after feeling like they passed through a thin veil of water, Kaito and Neun
escaped the ward.

When they passed through the ward, they found themselves right next to the church
door. Kaito and Neun stopped once and looked at each other. After giving each other
a nod, they put their hands on the church door.

Along with a scraping sound, the large wooden door opened.

The woman Kaito and Neun were looking for… Vier was standing in front of the altar.

Illuminated by the multi-colored light from the stained glass, Vier slowly turned
around to face the two visitors.

The figure standing at the altar with her back to the light was filled with solemnity,
and the thin smile on her face could even be described as melancholic.
[…Welcome, you two. Fufufu, this reminds me of my time as the Demon Lord.]



[Thank you for coming. I’m really glad you came… but I’m sorry. I’m sure I won’t be
able to respond to your feelings.]

Vier looked at them with a sad smile on her face. She knew all about what Kaito and
Neun had come here for but…

Even though they know that… She was going to reject their proposal.

[That’s why… Could you please leave?]

Even as she stared at Neun-san and I, there wasn’t a trace of impatience in Dr. Vier’s

From the way she looked at us, I could sense that she was determined and that “her
answer wouldn’t change”.

Such a Dr. Vier alternated looked between at me and Neun-san when she spoke with
a gentle smile on her face.

[…That’s quite the nostalgic look you have, Hikari. Unnn, as I thought, Hikari looks
better with short hair.]

[Thank you. I also agree that this hairstyle feels nostalgic… Facing you like this
reminds of the time we first met.]

[Unnn. I guess so… What are you going to do now though? Should we fight just like in
the past?]

[No, sorry, but I’m not here to defeat you as the “Hero”. I’m here to persuade you as
your “friend”.]

It seemed like they were having a calm conversation. However, both Neun and Dr.
Vier never averted their gazes from each other as they continued to speak with
serious expressions on their faces.

It may have had a different form and meaning from when the Hero and the Demon
Lord once faced each other… I had a feeling that the battle between them had already

I continued to watch that scene without interrupting them. This wasn’t something
that I could interfere with.

They were conversing with each other now as both of them were people involved in
the matters of the past, and if I, an outsider, joined in, I’d only disrupt the
conversation… If Neun could convince Dr. Vier herself, that would certainly be the
best outcome.

However, if it doesn’t happen… If Neun-san couldn’t convince her because they’re

both related to that matter and because she knows her suffering… I’m going to have
to join the conversation.

That’s why I continued to stare at the two of them so as not to overlook anything in
their personal conversation.

[…I’m glad to hear that. I also think of Hikari as a very important friend of mine… But
what exactly are you trying to convince me of?]

[I’ll get straight to the point. Please go meet Kuromu-sama.]

[In that case, I’ll also give you a concise answer. I can’t do that.]

[However, you yourself want to meet Kuromu-sama. Isn’t that right?]

[You’re not wrong… I’m not going to hide it. I want to meet Kuromu-sama. I want to
talk to her again… but that’s something I can’t do.]

It’s not that “she doesn’t want to meet her”, it’s that “she can’t meet her”…Naturally,
Neun-san knew that Dr. Vier would answer like this and continued speaking to her
without being shaken at all.

[…Vier, how long are you going to keep suffering like this? That’s enough already… I
painfully understand how long you’ve already been suffering in this millennium…
and how long you’ve tried to atone for it for.]


[You’ve saved the lives of many people, and when dangerous monsters arose, you
would find the time to exterminate them in secret. You’ve even been donating most
of the money you earned as a doctor. You were actively involved in the development
of new treatments for diseases that had been thought of as incurable, and generously
spread them through the doctors you knew. You don’t accept being praised, and keep
on blaming yourself… How long are you going to keep on doing this to yourself?]
[…There wouldn’t be any end to what I’m doing. My atonement is just for my self-
satisfaction… It would never end.]

[…You’ve done enough… You should be forgiven by now. For what are you even doing
this for? Even when you were called the Demon Lord, you didn’t harm those without
the power to fight, nor did you ever kill anyone, not even those who fought you.]


I’m sure that’s what Neun-san had been thinking all along.

Dr. Vier didn’t kill anyone. However, that isn’t the case for the Demons that she had
under her command.

As Alice said, Dr. Vier must have been responsible for not being able to control the
situation. However, as Neun-san claimed… She certainly wasn’t a cold-blooded
Demon Lord.

But even if that’s so, for Dr. Vier… She’s definitely the most horrible being in the

[…So, why do you think you haven’t been forgiven yet? Why can’t you just happily

[…That’s obvious. Even if others have forgiven me…”I just can’t forgive myself”…so I
mustn’t be forgiven. This me who has foolishly sinned and hurt the person so dear to
me…”I don’t deserve to be happy”.]

Dr. Vier replied to Neun-san with words filled with sadness but… I wonder why? I’m
somehow getting slightly angry.

[Why are you saying that… You also have the right to fulfill your desires! You want to
meet Kuromu-sama… Then, shouldn’t you just meet her!!!?]

[I said I can’t meet her! I can’t look at Kuromu-sama’s face anymore… I’m not
qualified to do so!]

[You wouldn’t know bef———- [ Stop messing around ! ] ———–Ehh? K- Kaito-


Before I noticed it, I reflexively shouted at her.

I had no intention of joining the conversation. I thought it would be best for the
related parties to talk to each other, so I stayed on the sidelines… But when Kuro’s
name was mentioned, I couldn’t suppress the feeling of “anger” in my heart.

I glared at Dr. Vier, who turned to me in surprise.

[…What the heck is this… Why are you saying such incomprehensible things like
“those who have sinned in the past shouldn’t be happy”!?]

[Eh? W- What are you…]

[I’m not going to say anything about you atoning for your past sins, Dr. Vier. You can
make all the amendments you want until you’re satisfied. I’m not related to any of
that, and I’m not interested in interfering in that… However! “The you today” doesn’t
need any qualification to be happy!]

[M- Miyama-kun… Like I said, I am…]

[…You’re just freaking “afraid to meet Kuro”…]


I was feeling so agitated that I lost my respectful tone, and Dr. Vier, for the first time
today, clearly looked shaken.

[What if Kuro still doesn’t forgive you after you met her again… That’s what you’re so
afraid of. You’re just running away with the excuse that you can’t face Kuro!]

[…T- That’s not it, I was…]

[…If you really care about Kuro and think that you’ve caused trouble for her… Then
why don’t you just apologize in person?]


From what I’ve heard so far, Dr. Vier left Kuro’s home without meeting Kuro.
She’s saying that she can’t allow herself to be forgiven by Kuro… but I think the real
reason is something else.

What Kuro sadly muttered is that… she wants to see Dr. Vier, but Dr. Vier might not
want to see her… and I’m sure Dr. Vier feels the same way.

[Kuro might be loathing you. That was what you were thinking, and you ended up
not being able to see her until the end, didn’t you?]

[That… is…]

[You said that… you love Kuro like a child does to her mother… Aren’t you using it as
an excuse just so you can escape?]


Apparently, my thoughts weren’t far off the mark.Dr. Vier looked extremely shaken as
she backed away.

I guess I hit the mark… She wants to meet Kuro. On one hand, she wanted to
apologize to Kuro and ask for her forgiveness, but on the other hand, she’s afraid to
take the step forward, afraid of what would happen if she was rejected.

If she wasn’t at least somewhat aware of it, she wouldn’t have been so upset.

[…As I thought, that is the case, right? It’s not that you can’t see Kuro… You’re just
afraid to meet her. But at the same time, you wanted to meet Kuro and ask her
forgiveness, right?]

[…T- That’s not it… You’re wrong… I’m not…]

Dr. Vier shook her head in denial, but her voice was very weak.

I’m glad… It’s not that Dr. Vier doesn’t want to be happy or doesn’t want to be saved.

She was just like I used to be, wanting to be saved, wishing for a helping hand, but
rejecting that hand all the while.

[…Dr. Vier. Please meet Kuro.]

[No… No! I will not… meet Kuromu-sama!]


[No! I don’t want to meet her… Because, if Kuromu-sama rejects me… I won’t know
what to do anymore…]

Dr. Vier’s composure, which had been firm just a moment ago, completely collapsed,
and she just shook her head like a spoiled child when Neun-san and I called out to

I guess it’s just a matter of willpower at this point. She wants to meet her, but she
also doesn’t want to meet her…

[…Unfortunately, Dr. Vier, I’ve already made up my mind. I won’t choose the means
anymore. I don’t care about what you’re saying anymore. I won’t mind if you hate me.
It’s fine for me even if you despise me… Even if I have to “use force”, I’m going to take
you in front of Kuro.]

[I- I’m not going! I am…]

Dr. Vier screamed that she didn’t want to see Kuro, but it no longer matters to me.

Kuro said that “she wants to see Dr. Vier”…Then, I’ll grant Kuro’s wish. No, that may
have just been another excuse, I, myself, want to make them meet.

[H- However, what are you going to do, Kaito-san? With her like that, we won’t be
able to easily make her move. And even if you say by force… Vier is actually quite
strong, you know? If she seriously resists…]

[Neun-san, it is just as I said… I won’t choose the means anymore… I will use my
“trump card”.]

[…What in the world is that trump card… that “feather”…]

Quietly answering Neun-san’s words, I took out a pure white feather from my pocket.

[…I want Dr. Vier and Kuro to be reunited. To fulfill Kuro’s wish… No, I also couldn’t
assent to the current situation myself. Yes, this is just my selfishness… So, to make it
Muttering to myself, I tossed the feather in my hand.

Staring at the feather fluttering down as it was pulled by gravity, I spoke the

[Please lend me your strength, “Eden-san”!]

Instantly, silvery-white wind blew inside the church, and ten pairs of wings appeared
in the shape of a giant sphere.

Then, one by one, the wings unfurled, and the God from another world descended,
radiating overwhelming magic power.

[…Details, Acknowledged.]
Inside the ward in front of the church. After Sechs confirmed that Kaito had passed
through his ward, he stopped fighting and clapped his hands several times.

[Good gracious, I guess we lost. Everyone, I thank you for going along with my
selfishness. Those of you who can use Recovery Magic, please heal those who were


Lilia and the others looked a little confused when Sechs quickly admitted defeat and
ordered the gathered Demons to stop battling as soon as Kaito passed through, but
only Shea pulled back her scythe without looking surprised.

[…It’s hard acting as the “villain”, isn’t it, Great Sage of the Dead?]

[Hohoho, good gracious, it’s the duty of the elders to push the back of the youth… Did
I go too far?]

[I dunno. Well, you acted really bad though.]

[Oya oya, that’s harsh of you.]

When Sechs said that with a leisurely smile on his face, Shea told him such with a
faint smile on her face.

It was as if Sechs’ actions earlier had all been an act…

[Regardless of whether it’s for good or bad, becoming someone’s family makes them
close to you… Because of this, things can sometimes be difficult. I will also have to
thank Miyama-dono later.]

[It’s still too soon to tell, isn’t it?]

[No, I’m sure that Miyama-dono will be able to pull it off… Neun-dono seems to have
actually come to her senses… I guess there is some merit for my pitiful act. Good
gracious, I also have to thank you, God of Disasters, for your “cooperation”.]

[…I don’t know what you’re talking about.]

[Surely, you jest… If you had fought seriously, you could have neutralized us in an
instant, couldn’t you?]


When Sechs bowed his head to her, Shea clicked her tongue with a sincerely troubled
look on her face. However, she didn’t deny his words. It seems she was really holding
back in the fight.

[I’m just grateful for your compassion.]

[…Don’t get me wrong. I certainly am a compassionate Goddess. I respond to those

who seek help… but I’m not so good-natured as to go out of my way to save a big
idiot who doesn’t even ask for help. The only reason I helped… was because that
human asked me to “help him”…To begin with, the reason I saved “those three” was
all because of that softhearted person.]

[I see.]

[…Well, in the end… It’s kind of irritating that even that is “just as that fellow had

[Ahh, I knew that was the case…]

After telling him that she had no intention of getting involved in this matter in the
first place if Kaito hadn’t asked for help, Shea spoke about how someone pulled some
strings for this situation to occur.

Sechs seemed to know that too, and nodded without looking particularly surprised.

[…To begin with, the situation we’re in is just too convenient. The information that
my favorite brand would release a new product today reaching the God Realm, and
the location of its launch being conveniently near here… Then, the depressed Kaito,
after being faced with the antagonism of his friend for the first time, just happened
to walk by.]

[That’s right. I’m sure it’s easy for that person to get the information to me. In
addition, the perfectly-timed reinforcements… One of them is even the King of
another country.]

[…That’s just a misunderstanding.]

[ [ Mhmm? ] ]

As Shea and Sechs talk about the existence that had pulled the strings in the
shadows, the topic of conversation appeared beside them.

A special hood making her face not visible and a multitude of chains dangling on her
robe adorned her body…

[…Phantasmal King, No Face… As I thought, it’s you.]

[If it isn’t Phantasmal King-sama… And, what were we misunderstanding?]

[No, no. First of all, you see, the major premise for that not being the case is that…
Hikari-san and Vier-san are both “insignificant people” for me. Ahh, please don’t
misunderstand. I certainly have some affection for them… But well, it’s only to the
extent that even if they ask my help, I might only make things slightly advantageous
for them.]

As the sound of the chains on her robe echoed, No Face nonchalantly spoke.

[…There is only one person I would unconditionally side with, not caring about
advantages and disadvantages, and that is Kaito-san. That’s why I didn’t prepare this
stage to save four people… However, isn’t it obvious that…”I would prepare the stage
that would have the best outcome for Kaito-san”? Everything is for Kaito-san’s

[…Well, I suppose so. If that wasn’t the case, you would have done something about
this a long time ago…]

[Yes, that’s right. If I wanted to do something about those three’s relationship, I could
have done it before. I just didn’t feel like it though. Well, I owe Kuro-san a debt of
gratitude too, so I’m glad that it turned out this way.]
[…Putting aside the Great Sage of the Dead, you’re also quite hasty in your thinking,
aren’t you, Phantasmal King? We’re still not sure what the outcome will be yet,

When No Face told her that she is only moving for Kaito’s sake, Shea quietly spoke
her thoughts.

However, No Face easily denied Shea’s words.

[No, it’s already decided… At the very least, it’s already confirmed that Vier will meet
with Kuro.]

[…Hohhh, why is that? Excuse my discourtesy, but would you please tell me what
you’re basing this on?]

[Yes, the reason is actually simple… If Kaito-san just uses his “trump card”, he’s
already won.]

[Trump card, is it? Does he have such a thing?]

[Yes. You could say that I might’ve even saved Sechs-san’s life~~ After all, if Sechs-
san had pushed Kaito-san too hard and made him use his trump card… I don’t think
that even you would be able to ensure everyone’s safety, you know?]

[For his trump card to be that powe——– Wha!?]

[This is…]

Shea and Sechs looked skeptical as No Face talked about how powerful the trump
card Kaito possessed was but… those thoughts immediately disappeared.

They felt a tremendous torrent of magic power gushing even through the ward.

[This is impossible! What is this magic power…]

[C- Could this be… Miyama-dono’s trump card… Guhh!? Ju- Just a fragment of this
magic power feels like it would be able to crush me…]

[U- Unbelievable… The grade of this magic power is comparable to Shallow Vernal-
sama… Other than Underworld King… H- How can such a monster exist!?]
[Oya? I see Shea-san doesn’t know about her huh… That should mean that the
Supreme Gods also don’t know about her. Well, anyway… You should understand
now, right? As long as this being is on Kaito-san’s side, there’s no way that Vier-san
can win.]

With the appearance of Eden-san, Dr. Vier moved immediately.

Realizing in an instant that she was no match for Eden-san, she escaped as fast as she



[Gahh… Aahh… can’t move…]

As Eden-san muttered a few words, Dr. Vier’s body unnaturally stopped with her
posture looking like she’s trying to run.

Yes, Dr. Vier decided that she couldn’t win against Eden-san and that she was no
match for her, so she tried to run away… but she was mistaken to think she could.

Once Eden-san showed up, there was no way for Dr. Vier to even fight anymore.

[…Eden-san. Can you “forcibly teleport Dr. Vier, Neun-san and I to where Kuro is”?]


The main reason why I considered Eden-san as my trump card… is because I

remembered how she forcibly teleported Alice when they fought before.

So, I asked Eden-san if she could teleport Dr. Vier, regardless of her intentions,
without hurting her, and Eden-san said that it’s easy.

[…Dr. Vier. I’m sorry for being forceful like this. I’ll listen to your complaints as much
as you want later. Eden-san, please!]


With my words as a key, a flash of light shot out from Eden-san’s wings and the
scenery around us instantly changed.

What should have been a church turned into a small hill where the gentle breeze
could be felt… And there stood the person we were looking for.

A sword was stuck in front of a huge stone monument and Kuro was standing in
front of it, looking at the stone monument. Now then… Where am I?

[…Could this place be…]


[This is where the Demon Lord’s castle used to be, and where the Treaty of
Friendship was signed. For me, and for Vier… This is the place where the battle
began and ended… The place that is now called the “Hero’s Hill”. H- However, why is
Kuromu-sama here…]

I see, this is… the place that Lilia-san told me about. This is where Neun-san’s
message and her beloved katana were placed huh.

This place may certainly be appropriate for our current situation, but why would
Kuro be here at this time?

As these questions came to mind, Kuro spoke without looking back towards us.

[…Kaito-kun, Neun, and Sechs… I know that everyone is moving around. That’s why
I’ve decided to wait here. I believe in Kaito-kun after all… I thought it would be best
to wait here and not do anything else.]

After calmly telling me this, Kuro looked towards us.

I don’t know if Eden-san’s magical restraints are still in place, but Dr. Vier wasn’t
moving. No, she may be unable to move… but I knew that she looked very pale and
was slightly shaking.

[…It’s been a while, Vier.]

[…Kuro… mu… -sama…]

I’ve done all I could for this moment to happen. I still don’t know what the outcome
of their meeting will be… But even if that’s so, Kuro and Dr. Vier, at this moment… for
the first time in a thousand years, they met again.
Slowly, Kuro stepped towards Dr. Vier.

Dr. Vier looked pale, and her shoulders jerked every time Kuro took a step closer.

[…Ku… romu-sama… I- I’m…]


Just as Kuro arrived in front of Dr. Vier, Kuro’s hand immediately swung out with a
speed that made the air shake.

…A slap? Did she just slap her? A slap holding Kuro’s power? Errr… Dr. Vier, are you
alive yet? Has your head blown off your body?

Receiving a slap of unbelievable power… A strike that would surely separate my head
from my body if I were the one who received it, a red mark remained on Dr. Vier’s
cheek. Or rather, that’s all the damage she received!?

It sounded as if a missile had been shot, but the damage Dr. Vier received was just
her cheek reddening… Her body is too sturdy.

While I was surprised because of a different reason, Kuro stared straight at the
surprised Dr. Vier and spoke.

[…Do you know why I’m mad?]

[…T- That is… because I brought a great amount of trouble… to Kuromu-sama…]

[You’re wrong!]


Dr. Vier, frightened by Kuro who was clearly angry, replied with a pale expression on
her face, but Kuro immediately refuted her.

[…The situation in the past was my fault because I didn’t explain my circumstances
to Vier properly… I end up regretting it. However, that’s not what I’m angry about!]

[Eh, u- ummm…]

[Why… Why!? Why did you leave without discussing anything with me and didn’t
come back for over a thousand years!!!?]


[Just arbitrarily leaving… Carrying all responsibility on your own… Do you have any
idea how worried I was about you? That kind of thing… did you really think… that it
would be something that I would be happy about?]

[T- That is…]

As tears dripped down from Kuro’s eyes, I could tell that she was really worried
about Dr. Vier.

That’s also why Dr. Vier was very shaken and couldn’t find any words to respond

Wiping her tears away with her sleeves, Kuro then looked straight into Dr. Vier’s
eyes, and told her slowly with a sad voice.

[…I’ve sent you many, many letters, haven’t I? However, you never responded… Hey,
Vier? Did you hate me already? Did you hate me so much that you didn’t even want
to talk to me anymore?]

[T- That’s not it! There’s no way that I would hate Kuromu-sama!!!]

I see. Although Kuro didn’t see Dr. Vier in person, she did send her a number of
letters and tried to repair their relationship…

But Dr. Vier never responded to them. It’s just my guess but… I think she was too
scared to even read them, thinking that “What if they were letters where she was
telling her that she’s breaking off connections with her”.
[…Then, why wouldn’t you meet me before?]

[That’s… because… I didn’t think… I was qualified to meet Kuromu-sama…]

[You don’t need any qualification to meet family!!!]

[…Kuromu… -sama… Eh?]

When Dr. Vier spoke about not being qualified again, Kuro shouted at her.

And then, Kuro pulled Dr. Vier’s hand and held her in front of her chest.

[…It’s really… a relief… to see you’re healthy.]

[A- Aahhh… Kuromu-sama… I- I- I’m…]

[Vier… We finally met.]

[Aahhh… Uwaahh… Aaaahhhh!]

Patting Dr. Vier’s head, Kuro softly spoke to her. Receiving her soothing, Dr. Vier
trembled and large drops of tears began to flow from her eyes.

With her trembling hands, she gripped onto Kuro’s clothes… and as if she’s
squeezing them out of her mouth, Dr. Vier spoke.

[…Is it alright? I… This foolish me… Is it really… alright for me… to still be called
Kuromu-sama’s family…]

[Of course. Regardless of what Vier thinks, Vier will always be my “precious family”.
That will never change, no matter what happens.]

[Uwaahhh… Aaahhhh! Kuromu-sama! Kuromu-sama!!!]

[…Unnn. You’ve been suffering a lot, haven’t you? You’ve been persevering on your
own, haven’t you?]

[Uwaaaahhhhh! I- I’m… so… sowwy! I was so scared… that I was running away from
meeting you… I’m sorry…]
I’m sure that Kuro’s gentle acceptance and welcome is what Dr. Vier has been
wishing for within her mind.

As if she was letting out all her pent up emotions, tears streamed down her face as
Dr. Vier clung to Kuro, just like a spoiled child clinging to her mother.

[I’m sorry, Vier… If I’d had more courage, I could have gone to see you sooner… I was
also afraid that Vier might have hated me, so I wasn’t able to gather the courage to
see you. I’m really sorry that we only met today.]

[That’z not it! It’z all… Aaaahhh… my fauld… I was feeling too afraid… Aaahhh… to
meet you! Even though I weally wanted to meet Kuromu-sama! I’m sorry, I’m sorry…
I should have just been honest with my feelings… I’m sorry… Kuromu-sama!

[Unnn, it’s alright…”Welcome home”, Vier.]

[A- A- Aaaahhhh!]

As if a dam had been broken… Feelings that were pent up for over a thousand years
began overflowing from Dr. Vier’s mouth, and Kuro continued to gently catch them.

These two whose feelings for each other led them to drift apart… At this moment,
they were finally reunited.

As I felt like tears were about to drip down my own eyes. As I was watching such a
scene, I felt a light tap on my shoulder.


[…You’re right. Eden-san.]


When Neun-san called my name, I nodded, immediately realizing that she was
hinting that we should leave them alone for now.

After all, it’s been over a thousand years since they’ve met, and I’m sure they have
lots of things they want to talk about.
With that in mind, I called out to the other person here… Eden-san.

However, Eden-san just tilted her head in wonder, as if she didn’t understand the
reason why I called out to her.

It seems like all Gods who created worlds had turned off their ability to read the

Wryly smiling at her pure reaction, I managed to gesture that we were leaving the
place. Eden-san seemed to have understood as she nodded her head, leaving
together with Neun-san and I.

[…Kuromu-sama, I… I…]

[Unnn… It’s alright, I’m here with you.]

The words I heard just as we were leaving… Even though Dr. Vier was trembling in
tears as she said them… They were certainly filled with joy.
Together with Neun-san and Eden-san, I walked away from Hero’s Hill and left Kuro
and Dr. Vier alone.

The weather was fine, and the occasional breeze felt good against my body, which
had been flushed from all the running.

[Even so, it was a relief, wasn’t it?]

[Yes, I agree. This should take some of the burden off Vier’s shoulders. By the way…


[Ummm, you… see… She has been “menacingly glaring at me” since a while ago, can I
ask who this person with an outrageous amount of magic power is? My body is
instinctively shaking and I can’t walk properly…]

It’s easy for me to forget because of my Sympathy Magic, but having powerful magic
power could feel oppressive to others, although it may not be as intimidating as Isis-
san’s magic power of death.

Although it would be impossible to put pressure on others with only the magic
power clad in their bodies, unless they’re as strong as the Six Kings… Well, Eden-san
does have more power than some of them, so the pressure Neun-san was feeling
must have been quite considerable.

There are those who suppress their magic so as not to intimidate others, like Kuro,
and there are those who have no intention of suppressing it, like Shiro. It seems like
Eden-san is of the latter type… Neun-san’s body was slightly shaking from earlier
just because of her presence.

[Errr, this is Eden-san… So to speak, she’s errr… the God of our previous world.]
[…I- Is that so… A- And so, why is she glaring at me? E- Eden-sama?]

When Neun-san timidly asked her that, Eden-san stared at Neun-san with a serious
look on her face… before she muttered to herself.


[Ehh? E- Errr, Kaito-san?]

[I’m sorry. I have no idea what she’s thinking either.]

After muttering a few words, she looked away from Neun-san, as if she had lost
interest, and then looked towards me… Her mouth distorted into the shape of a
crescent moon, creating a really fiendish smile. Seriously though, she looks scary
when she smiles…

W- Well, let’s just leave it at that… I should thank her for her help…

[A- Anyway… Eden-san, thank you for helping me today.]

[Gratitude, Unnecessary, Cooperate, Natural.]

[…If it’s possible, please speak normally.]

[There’s no need to thank me, for it’s natural for Mother to help you…”my beloved

As soon as I heard those words, I immediately turned around and started running.

I didn’t have a clear reason for why I ran away, but my instincts must have reacted
the moment I saw the murky heart in Eden-san’s eyes.

[Well, you’re quite lively, aren’t you, my child? However, that won’t do. You can’t just
suddenly run, you may trip and fall, you know?]

[…Ah, yes.]

I thought I had started running, but for some reason, I was currently being hugged!?
This is bad, I can’t run away!?
As I was caught, red alerts began sounding in my head… but surprisingly, Eden-san
immediately let go of my body and smiled.


Eden-san wasn’t saying a word. She was just staring at me with a smile. Something
feels strange though. She supposedly should have had a very beautiful smile on her
lips, but I couldn’t stop the chills that were running down my spine… My limbs
should have been free, but I couldn’t help but wonder if that was really the case…

A- Anyway, this silence is hard on my mental health… I think I should say


[…Ummm, even if you’re saying that you don’t mind, Eden-san, since you helped me,
I’d like to thank you in some way… Ahh, t- that’s right! Eden-san, if it’s alright with
you, would you like to participate in the Six Kings? Ummm, I can invite you with my

After I said it, I immediately regretted it. I wondered why I was trying to strangle
myself… However, it was already too late, as Eden-san’s smile grew deeper.

[My, my, my child is inviting mother huh. Ahh, I’m really glad. Of course, mother will
be happy to accept… Ahh, don’t worry. It seems like my child already has his own
plans, so I will be sightseeing on my own. I need to make sure that this world is a
good environment for my child. Yes, of course, I don’t doubt my child’s eyes.
However, mother is worried. I’m just worried that there might be some trash out
there that’s going to harm my child. Yes, that’s right. I don’t want anyone to harm my
child, and I won’t allow for such a thing to happen. My child’s body and mind are
sacred. Yes, there’s no way that I would allow anyone to defile it, yes, that’s right…
Speaking of which, there were those “fools who dared to give my child trouble”
earlier, weren’t there? As far as I’m concerned, they should be erased but… I will not
do such a thing that would make my kind child sad. However, I should “educate”
them. Yes, that’s right. Let’s educate them…]

[Eden-san! Stop! Stoooooopppp!]

As I thought, she really is super scary! Neun-san already looked like a newborn fawn,
so please stop with that killing intent-filled magic power of yours!?

[E- Eden-san, I- I’m glad about the thought but… I- It’s alright! Please don’t do that!

[…I see. If that’s what my child wants, I won’t do it.]

[T- Thank you.]

[Well then, my beloved child, I’ll take my leave now. If you need me again, you can
call me anytime. Mother will always be on your side.]

[…Y- Yes.]

Seeing that Eden-san somehow understood me, I patted my chest in relief.

However, it really is a bit surprising… I didn’t think that she would easily say she
would leave. I thought asking her to go home would be the hardest thing to persuade
her for, but I never expected that she would say it herself… Wait. Ahh, that’s right. I
guess it was because “Kuro is nearby” huh…

After smiling at me again, Eden-san was enveloped in light before she disappeared.

Unnn, this trump card… The “feather that can summon Eden-san at any time”. Sadly,
it’s also a double-edged sword that can chip away at my mind… Let’s hold back on
using this again.

Even so, unnn… With the way things went, I ended up inviting Eden-san to the Six
Kings Festival… W- Would it be alright? I’d like to wish… that everything will be

Dear Mom, Dad—— Ummm, it was painfully obvious that Eden-san was thinking of
my well-being… but it’s as if her Affection Meter is out of control, and it’s really scary.
Unnn, how should I say this——— I may have been a bit hasty.


I guess you could say that it’s a good thing that she listens to him when he asks her to
stop huh?

~~ Extra: Today’s Mama Eden ~~

[…Doubt. (I can say that the soul is that of my child, but the body doesn’t belong to
one of my own. I’m not sure if she counts as my child or not. Of course, compared to
my beloved, supreme child, she’s just like any other trash, but if she’s my child, I can’t
just ignore her. If she’s not my child, she’s quite distracting, so I should send her
flying about 10,000 km away. No, I guess it’s a mistake for me to waver in the first
place. Since my beloved child is here, I should talk with him instead. Ahh, how stupid
of me. I’ve lost precious 347 seconds of my time that I could have spent watching my
child. What a blunder it is. I’ll bear it in mind from now on. Ahh, as I thought my
child’s gallant face is too wonderful.)]

~~ When she hugged Kaito ~~

[(Ahh, how loveable my child is. How robust his body is. Holding him in my embrace
like this, my child’s warmth and his scent is filling me up. Ahh, this is supreme joy.
Ahh, my child is so charming. Impossibly charming. I want to love him right now, all
over his body, down to his every cell… However, there’s that annoying half-body of
that God… Guhhh, I guess I’ll just have to be patient here… D*mn you, God’s half-
body. How dare you interrupt my moment with my child…)]
After Eden-san left, Neun-san and I stopped after walking a considerable distance
away from Kuro and Dr. Vier.

[Ahh, speaking of which… We were brought here with Eden-san’s power, but we
forgot to tell Lilia-san and the others that the battle was over…]

[Ahhh, you don’t have to worry about that.]

It was Alice, not Neun-san, who answered the question that suddenly popped out of
my mind.

[I have left Alice-chan Clone #44: Phantasmal King Version over there, so she’ll tell
the people over there what happened.]

[I- I see, thank you.]

[Yes, yes. Well then, if you still have any other orders, just call me~~]

After she said that she told Lilia and the others about how the situation was alright
now, Alice disappeared again.

Alice is someone who immediately understands the situation and instantly works on
it, and that’s why I could really rely on her.

As Alice disappeared, Neun-san began to restlessly look around.

After that, Neun-san fluidly knelt down and placed three fingers of both of her hands
on the ground… and bowed down in a dogeza.

[…Kaito-san, I apologize for all the trouble I brought you!]

[Ehh? Ah, errr…]

[I’m sorry for the inconvenience I caused by being blind of my own weakness. I will
definitely apologize for this!]

[N- No!? I’m fine with the apology, so please raise your head!]

[H- However…]

Apparently, Neun-san was very concerned about having antagonized me before, as

she kept lowering her head, letting it almost graze the ground.

I didn’t really mind about what happened, so I tried asking Neun-san to raise her
head, but she wasn’t raising it at all.

How should I say this, being bowed down to in a dogeza like this feels kinda
awkward… I’m not even asking her to apologize…

[A- Anyway, I don’t mind it, okay!?]


After a few more words, Neun-san reluctantly raised her head, but she still looked
like she was concerned about it.

H- Hmmm. The air feels heavy… I- Is there any good topic that we could divert the
conversation to? Something that could change the current mood…

[…S- Speaking of which!]


[If this is the Hero’s Hill, the “Friendship City” should be nearby, right!? S- Since
we’re nearby… How about we kill some time and look around…]


It was just a distraction I suggested in desperation but… Neun-san’s reaction was

very different from what I expected.

The moment Neun-san heard my words, her face looked full of despair, as if the
world had ended. As she began to sweat profusely, she muttered.
[…K- Kaito-san… Y- You were that angry…]


[I- I’m really sorry! I- I will do anything! Anything but that…]

[Eh? Ehhh!?]

For some reason, Neun-san bowed her head again, more vigorously than before. Eh?
Why? Did I say something strange?

As I was being puzzled by her actions, Alice’s voice came out of nowhere.

[…As expected of Kaito-san, trying to take Hikari-san to “the place she least wants to
visit in the world”. It certainly is a punishment that does immense damage to her
sense of shame.]

[U- Unnn? W- What do you mean?]

[Eh? Well, after all, in the Friendship City Hikari, there were many statues of Hikari-
san erected…]


Ahhhhhhhh!? Oh sh*t! I- I see… The Friendship City is, in essence, a place where they
honor the First Hero…

So to speak, it’s something like a head temple for a cult that worships the First Hero,
and it’s a place that Neun-san would never want to go near.

And then, even though I was completely unaware of all this, I still invited Neun-san
who was feeling responsible for what happened earlier to the city.

In other words, for Neun-san, what I said earlier was…”As punishment, I’m going to
make you feel the greatest shame of all. You have no right to refuse.”…or something
like that.

[T- That’s not it! Neun-san, I never meant such a thing when I said that… P- Please
raise your head! It’s alright!]
[H- However, Kaito-san is mad at me…]

[I’m not mad at you! I’m telling the truth, okay!?]

[In that case, I should really offer my apology…]

[Do my words not make any sense in your mind!?]

[A- As I thought, you’re angry…]

[No, no, like I said, I’m not angry!]

[Then, my apology…]

[What the heck is with this infinite loop!?]

…This won’t do. Once she starts thinking in a negative direction, she’s stubborn as
hell. I certainly was at fault because I said something carelessly, but it seemed like in
Neun-san’s mind… Me refusing her apology = Me being angry.

I felt like this would go on and on until I received some kind of apology… Should I
just get her to do something?

[…E- Errr, then…]

For now, I thought of something safe for her to do as an apology. Approaching Neun-
san, who was still bowing her head, I whispered to her.

What I was making her do wouldn’t be too much of a burden to Neun-san, and I was
also going to be grateful to her for it… I guess it would be a good request for
something I thought impromptu huh?

However, Neun-san’s response to it… was also different from what I expected.

[…Fueehhh? T- T- T- That is, perhaps… A- Aahhh… I- I’ve heard of it before… I- It was

a secret code, right…?]

[Errr… Neun-san?]

For some reason, Neun-san raised her bright red face, stared at me with a worried
look on her face. Eh? What’s with her reaction?

Thereupon, Neun-san puts her hand on her chin. Looking down on the ground, she
began mumbling something.

[…P- Premarital intercourse… H- However, I did say I’d do anything… Aahhh, but
doing such a thing before our marriage is… No, but I can’t just retract my previous
statement… H- However, that’s embarrassing… But then…]

[…Neun-san? Neun-san!]


[A- Are you alright?]

[I- I- I’m awwieright!?]

…Eh? What did she say?

[…E- Errr, you could just say it if you don’t want to, you know? If you don’t like it, I
could just think of another thing to ask…]

[N- No! I- I don’t mind! I know I’m not knowledgeable about this, but I’ll do
everything in my power to “make amends with my body”! I don’t mind doing “that”
as my apology!]

…Something’s wrong. As I thought, something was definitely wrong.

Why the heck did it look like she was ready to face her death?

Just now… I said “I’m going to go visit you, so please prepare something tasty for me”
to her…

H- Hmmm. With the way Neun-san was looking right now, was she planning to cook
me a fancy meal? It’s not like she needs to prepare that much…

[Ah, well, you don’t have to get that worked up about it, you know?]

[N- No! This is an important matter, so I’ll make sure I’m prepared!]
[I- Is that so…]

[Ah, s- should I prepare a bath as well?]

[Eh? You don’t really have to go that far… but if Neun-san doesn’t mind.]

What a surprise. Not only a meal, she’s asking me if she should prepare a bath as
well. She doesn’t have to be that considerate though… I wonder if the bath at Neun-
san’s home is something like a cypress bath? If that’s the case, I’d like to take a bath
in it.

[…U- Ummm… Kaito-san… Which do you like better, a kimono or a yukata?]

[…E- Errr, I guess I like yukata better?]

To be honest, I don’t even know the difference between a kimono and a yukata…
Rather than that, why was she asking such a thing?

Dear Mom, Dad———- As an apology for this matter, I asked Neun-san to treat me to
a home-cooked meal. However, I wonder if it was just my imagination? Somehow, I
feel like Neun-san’s reaction———– feels strangely jittery.


Serious-senpai: [D*mn it… D*mn you, “? ? ?”…Locking me up in my room again…

Fufu, but I’ve finally escaped! Now, the long-awaited seriousness has finally
arrived!!!… Eh? It ended already? Eh? W- Why… I- It really ended already? A-
It seemed like Kuro and Dr. Vier were still talking with each other, so Neun-san and I
passed the time chatting.

After a while, I started to feel hungry.

[I’m kinda hungry.]

[Me too. I was moving around a lot today… Embarrassing as it may be, I’m also

Now that the matter with Dr. Vier had been settled, the tension disappeared and my
stomach growled in hunger.

I’d really like to have something to eat, but I couldn’t just go to the Friendship City in
the presence of Neun-san. Although I say that, I also didn’t feel like going home yet.

[Hmmm. I wonder if there’s something I could eat here?]

I figured that there should at least be some white rice and pickled daikon radish in
my magic box. As I made the magic box appear in my palm, Alice appeared right at
that moment.



Alice silently took out a piece of wood from nowhere, and after her hand seemed to
glow for a moment, a rather magnificent stall had been suddenly erected.

On top of the stall, there was a sign that read “Alice-chan’s Tasty Food Stall”.
[Incidentally, the price of our products’ special value “includes the travel expenses”!]


…This f*cking b*stard. Just a few days passed and she had become quite good at
doing business huh… She even set up two chairs at the counter.

No matter how I look at it, it looks like she would try to rip us off. Unfortunately
though, it’s working very well for us.

Neun-san and I looked at each other, before only letting out a sigh of resignation. We
then sat down at the counter seats.

[Welcome~~ Here’s the menu.]


[Errr… Phantasmal King-sama? What in the world is this?]

[It is just as written there, you know?]

With a big smile on her face, Alice handed us the menu with just the words
“Anything: Market Value”. Does that mean she’ll cook whatever we want, but the
price depends on what item we order?

I knew that Alice is amazing… but can she really make any kind of item?

Perhaps sensing my doubts, Alice fearlessly smiled and spoke.

[Oya? Are you doubting me? Well then, how about we make a deal?… If I can’t make
what you ask, or if it doesn’t taste good, “that meal is free”. However, if it’s good…
How about “one gold coin” per meal?]

[One gold coin… Are you trying to overcharge me again?]

[It’s not that I’m doubting Phantasmal King-sama… but I’m picky about Japanese
food, you know?]

If she couldn’t make the dish that Neun-san and I ordered, it would be free, and if she
could make it well, it would be one gold coin… That’s 1 million yen. Alice seemed like
she was quite confident though.

However, I don’t think the odds are against us. If it’s a dish that doesn’t exist in this
world, even if it’s Alice we’re talking about, there’s no way that she will be able to
make it.

[…Okay. I’ll take that bet.]

[As expected of Kaito-san, always easy to talk with~~ Well then, please place your

[W- Well then, I’ll have “sushi”.]

When I told her that I’d take her bet, Alice smiled deeply and prompted me to order.

Following her words, Neun-san ordered sushi… Isn’t that quite a good order? Rice
meals aren’t common in this world after all.

I’ve seen sashimi being served in the Hydra Kingdom before, but I don’t remember
ever seeing sushi. It also takes quite the skill to make a tasty sushi.

Just as I thought that Neun-san was getting a free meal…

[If it’s nigiri sushi you’re looking for, we have regular, top-tier and special. Which one
would you like?]

[Mhmm… W- Well then, I’ll take the special one…]

[Yes, yes.]

However, contrary to my expectations, Alice simply asked which type of nigiri sushi
she wanted. T- This woman… She knows about sushi. S- Should I say that it’s to be
expected from the Phantasmal King…

No, not yet. It’s still unclear how it tastes. I’ve heard that Neun-san is very picky
about Japanese food, so she won’t just easily accept just anything…

Immediately after I thought this, a beautiful set of nigiri sushi was placed in front of
Looking at the nigiri sushi… Neun-san silently took out a gold coin from her pocket
and placed it on the counter.

[…It’s my loss.]

[Thank you for your patronage~~]

[Eh? N- Neun-san!? You still haven’t tasted it though, right!?]

[…I don’t need to eat this to know how it tastes. It will definitely be delicious…]

She was instantly defeated!? The Japanese Food-Fanatic Neun-san is calling this
sushi absolutely delicious just by looking at it… Alice, what a frightening person you

[Now then, what will you be having, Kaito-san~~?]

[Ughh… Kuhh, I- I will have…]

Sushi doesn’t work huh… What should I get then? Food that doesn’t exist in this
world… Think of it, me. I’ve been in this world for six months. I’ve also read the
guidebook that Kuro gave me, and I know that “that” isn’t there.


Yes, when I think of noodle dishes in this world, the only thing I thought of was the
dishes made from pasta… To be honest, I haven’t seen any noodle dishes other than
that, and I’ve already confirmed that there are no ramen shops here.

(T/N: Pasta here refers to those that were used in spaghetti, napolitan and carbonara.)

I remembered wanting to eat ramen and tried looking it up in Kuro’s guidebook, but
I felt depressed because I couldn’t find it… With this, I should have a good chance in
winning the bet…

[What flavor do you want? Salt? Miso? Soy sauce? Tonkotsu? Paitan? I can also make
tantanmen, you know?]

(T/N: Tonkotsu ramen is ramen with broth from boiling pork bones. Paitan ramen is
ramen with thick, cloudy soup. Tantanmen is the Japanese version of sichuan noodles,

[…Wha… Kuhh… I’ll have a tonkotsu-shoyu…]

(T/N: I don’t know how to translate that into english, but it’s basically a combination of
tonkotsu and soy-sauce flavor. I think. Never tasted it.)

[How firm do you want the noodles?]

[…Firm enough.]

[Yes, yes.]

…This won’t do. She also knows what ramen is… N- No, I still don’t know how it
tastes like yet! There’s still a chance that it might not taste good… even though it
might be a really small chance.

A little while later, a bowl of ramen that had a delicious aroma was placed in front of

[Here you go~~ I’ve also added pork chashu as a service.]

[T- Thanks… Thank you for the meal.]

It’s a great consideration for a young man with a hearty appetite… This is bad. I can’t
see a future where I can win this bet. I mean, she even prepared a renge spoon and
disposable chopsticks…

Picking up the renge spoon, I timidly took a sip of the soup… and ate a mouthful of
the noodles… before I took out a gold coin and placed it on the counter.

[…It’s my loss.]

[Thank you for your patronage~~]

Vexing as it may be, but that ramen was super tasty, you know!? She looks so
annoying with that smug smile on her face, but it tastes so good that I can’t even

It’s been a long time since I’ve had ramen, but I knew that the thick broth would go
well with the noodles and the thick slice of the pork chashu was also juicy. There was
nothing for me to complain about.

This was a complete defeat… An utter defeat that makes me glad even though I lost.

[…Ummm, Alice.]

[What is it?]

[…Perhaps, could you make a gyudon or a hamburger steak?]

(T/N: gyudon/beef bowl)

[If you order now, for an additional “one copper coin” for the magic box, you can
order it for take out, you know?]

[…How expensive. I’ll buy it.]

[Thank you for your patronage~~]

An additional 10,000 yen per dish… It was very expensive, but I wanted to eat it

I’d certainly like to order several dishes, especially gyudon and hamburger steak,
because I’d sometimes have an irresistible urge to eat them.

[Ahh, by the way, we also have Japanese sweets like dorayaki and such!]

[I’ll buy it!]

And Neun-san just took a bite out of her sales pitch!

Unnn, this is hopeless already… The situation is completely swayed to Alice’s favor.
However, I can’t win… I will also still buy them.

Dear Mom, Dad—— How should I say this, I was reminded yet again how high Alice’s
specs are… I tremble in fear before her ability. It seems like Alice was just acting in
her miscellaneous goods store, but in reality———– She actually has quite the
business acumen, doesn’t she?

Q: Did Kaito really have to pay an exorbitant price just to buy Alice-chan’s special

A: If Kaito had said “Please make it” to Alice without being caught up by Alice’s pace,
she probably would have made it for him for free.
While Kaito and Neun were enjoying Alice’s cooking, the people who had gathered in
front of the church in Symphonia Kingdom were beginning to disperse.

When Alice’s clone told them that Vier’s situation had been resolved, the people
present looked relieved.

[Umu, he has successfully accomplished it huh… Hmmm, that man… I really like him.
Hey, young Lilia… Could I take him back to Hydra Kingdom?]

[You can’t.]

[A- An immediate reply huh… Hmmm, what a shame. Well, fine. It’s not really my
thing to force people… By the way, young Lilia? It seems like you’ve become stronger
than before huh?]

[Is that so? If it’s Her Majesty Laguna telling me that, it makes me feel that it really is
the case.]

As soon as the situation settled, Laguna spoke to Lilia, someone who she was
familiar with, and Lilia replied to her with a wry smile.

The two women had crossed blades in the past, and because of the presence of
Laguna, who was even stronger than her, the genius Lilia continued with her training
without becoming complacent at all.

[You don’t need to be modest. Good gracious, young people grow up so fast… With
the speed of young Lilia’s progress, it looks like you’ll take the title of the Strongest in
the Human Realm soon.]

[It’s Her Majesty Laguna instead that shouldn’t be so modest… The way I am now is
still no match for you. If luck were on my side, I would be very happy to get a draw.]

[Hohoho… In that case, would you like to have a fight with me now?]
[I don’t really mind but… Do you not have any work you need to do, Your Majesty

[Ughh… T- That is…]

Seeing how much Lilia has grown since the last time they fought, Laguna’s blood as a
warrior rose and she proposed for a match, but Lilia calmly asked her such a thing

[…Did you sneak out again? Wouldn’t your subordinates be frantically searching for
you right now?]

[M- Mnghh… I’d like to abdicate my throne as soon as possible but… Guhh… Hahh…
Guess I’ll go home. If I get home late, they’ll start nagging about things again.]

Just as Lilia expected, Laguna had slipped out of the royal castle without telling
anyone. Even though she usually does this… No, it’s exactly because she usually does
this, that she knew that her subordinates would scold her for this again.

As her shoulders slumped down, Laguna let out a sigh before she carried her large
spear again, waving her hand as she left.

After seeing her off, Lilia spoke to Lunamaria and Sieglinde, who were standing

[…Shall we go home too?]

[Yes… However, errr, My Lady? What in the world was that fight all about anyway? I
understand that Dr. Vier was involved in this matter but… I don’t really know the

[I actually don’t know the details either… Well, let’s just ask Kaito-san when he
comes back.]

[Unnn, I wonder why though. This situation, this lineup, the people who gathered
here… and Kaito-san’s involvement in this matter… Could this be another situation
that would make Lili faint?]

[…Please don’t spout ominous things, Sieg. Well, it should be alright. I’ve already met
the Six Kings and the Supreme Gods. I’ve also briefly greeted the God of Disasters
this time, and it seems like Kaito-san got acquainted with Her Majesty Laguna
through this matter… There are no other outrageous people that Kaito-san would get
to meet anymore.]

When Sieglinde mentioned her worries, with a forced smile on her lips, Lilia said this
as if she was trying to convince herself.

[…Kaito-san is involved in this matter, so there’s a chance that the Demon Lord had
actually survived the war and is currently targeting Dr. Vier, you know?]

[Fufufu, if the Demon Lord really survived the war, that would turn this into a really
important matter… But then, there wouldn’t be any reason for Sechs-sama and the
others to get involved, so perhaps, this may have something to do with Underworld

[Ahh~~ That seems to be the most likely scenario.]

Lilia laughed off Lunamaria’s comment, which was actually the closest to the real
situation. Calling out to Anima and the others, they returned to the mansion.

What she didn’t realize though, was that Sieglinde’s ominous premonition would
later become reality…

After Lilia, her group and the other Demons left, Sechs and Shea, who remained until
the end, exchanged a few words.

[…Even so, Miyama-dono really is quite amazing. Starting with you, to have so many

[It’s not like I’m his ally. I mean, I “hate” him.]

[Oya? Is that so? You seem to have been very enthusiastic in helping him though.]

[…That’s ridiculous. I only helped that human because he bowed down his head and
begged me for my help.]

[Doesn’t that mean that you like Miyama-dono?]

Shea claims to hate Kaito, but Sechs asked her if it’s because she likes him that she
lent him a hand.
Thereupon, Shea let out a loud sigh. Turning her back from Sechs, she spoke to him
while walking away.

[…Great Sage of the Dead. Let me tell you one thing.]

[What is it?]

[Emotions aren’t just something being simply positive or negative, you know? The
opposite of like isn’t hate… In this world, there are complicated feelings of “liking
someone, but hating them, and hating someone, even as you like them”.]

[…Fumu… Well then, what do you think about Miyama-dono?]

In response to Sechs’ question, Shea stopped in her tracks… And without looking
back, a faint smile formed on her lips as she mumbled.

[…Well, you could say that he barely passes. If something like this happens again… I
would probably lend him a hand again.]

[Hohh… My, oh my… In short, you say all sorts of things, but you like him huh?]

[…How the heck did you get that idea from what I just said?]

[No, it’s just that no matter how I heard it, it sounded like you were evaluating
Miyama-dono… Ahh, I see!]


Shea’s tone was clearly sounding irritated, but clapping his hands as if he had
suddenly thought of something, Sechs aloofly spoke.

[…It’s that thing, isn’t it? This is that rumored “tsundere”, right?]

[…Huh? You’re wrong. What the heck are you talking about…]

[It’s that trope… Where you’re saying you hate this person, but you actually…]

[There’s no way that is the case! I hate him…]

[But you also like him, right?]


Shea, her calm demeanor that she had a moment ago had completely changed… No,
more like, the mask she wears as the pinnacle of the High-ranking God had been
removed, as she flusteredly denied Sechs’ words.

Sechs, however, continued to speak with an amused smile on his face.

[Well~~ Miyama-dono is quite the lucky man~~ Even the God of Disasters likes

[S- S- S- Shut up! Didn’t I tell you you’re wrong!? Die! Go rot somewhere, you sh*tty

[O- Oya!? W- Wait!?]

With her face becoming redder and redder, before Shea knew it, she had taken out
her scythe and turned towards Sechs.

All for the sake of sanctioning a certain Lich for his lack of decency…


Serious-senpai: [What the heck is this… This feeling of being betrayed by myself…]
After eating an expensive, but delicious meal at Alice’s stall, Neun and I chatted for a
while. This was when Alice suddenly spoke.

[…Oya? It seems that the conversation over there has ended. Then, I will go clean up

Saying that, Alice took out a hammer and after making sure we were out of our seats,
she tapped the stall a few times, breaking her stall into multiple pieces of wood.

I don’t really know why she had to disassemble her stall with a hammer, but this is
Alice we’re talking about here, so let’s not worry about it too much.

Confirming that Alice had disappeared with the wood, I expanded the reach of my
Sympathy Magic… and surprisingly, I could feel magic power coming towards our

This magic power… I wonder if it’s just Dr. Vier? It doesn’t seem like Kuro is with

Just when I was thinking that, a hummingbird from Kuro appeared in front of me…
Unfurling the message, “I’ll come say my thanks again later. Thank you.” was written
on it.

I finished reading, almost as soon as the words vanished… I saw Dr. Vier running
towards us.

[Hikari! Miyama-kun!]

[Dr. Vier, are you finished talki… Eh? W- Wait, Dr. Vie…]


When Dr. Vier spotted us, her speed increased a frightening amount and she moved
in front of me in an instant… and held my head as if she was hugging me… Eh?

[Miyama-kun, Miyama-kun!]

[D- Dr. Vier!? W- What are you suddenly… It hurts…]

Pushing my face against her chest, she held me within her embrace… What I meant
is that my face was inevitably pressed against Dr. Vier’s ample bosoms…

The texture of her silky robe and the feeling of her soft breasts wrap around my face.
Also, was this from the herbs she was raising? A gentle and pleasant, nature-like
scent tickled my nostrils.

I hurriedly tried to resist the sudden situation, but with my strength, let alone
getting out of this situation, I wasn’t even able to move properly.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Neun-san hadn’t been able to keep up with
the situation and was frozen with her mouth agape.

And Dr. Vier, seemingly oblivious to my reaction, not only hugged me but also
brought her cheek closer and rubbed it against my head.

[Thank you, Miyama-kun. It’s thanks to Miyama-kun that I… Ahh, geez! How could I
say this… I don’t know. I don’t know how I could ever express my gratitude.]

[F- For the time being, let’s stop the conversation for a moment and…]

Still tightly holding me in her embrace, Dr. Vier expressed her gratitude in a very
emotional way.

The pressure on my face suffocated me and the vivid feeling of her womanly softness
was making me feel faint, as if I was suffering from a fever.

[What should I do? You’ve done something for me that I’ll never be able to repay you
for… Even if it includes the sins that I’ll have to atone for the rest of my life, I owe you
more than I can ever repay… I’m glad, I feel really glad…]

[T- That makes me feel glad too… But we should… end the talk soon… It hurts…]
[Ehh? Aahhh!? I- I’m sorry!? Are you alright, Miyama-kun?]

[…Y- Yes. Somehow…]

It seemed like my voice finally reached her, as Dr. Vier hurriedly released my head.

When I looked up while catching my breath, I saw Dr. Vier look at me with tears in
her red, swollen eyes, but she still looked sincerely happy.

[…Hah!? V- Vier!? What are you suddenly doing!?]

[I’m really grateful to you too, Hikari!]

[Ehh? A- Ahh, yes. You’re welcome?]

Thereupon, it seemed like Neun-san finally snapped out of her confusion and began
protesting against Dr. Vier’s hug, but she was quickly overwhelmed by Dr. Vier,
whose tension was at its highest.

Anyways, Dr. Vier seemed to be at the peak of her happiness right now. It seemed
like her talk with Kuro had gone well.

Thanking Neun-san several times, Dr. Vier then turned to me again and bowed

[Miyama-kun, thank you again. I’m sorry for all the trouble I caused you.]

[No… It seems like the talk with Kuro went well huh?]

[…I’m going to continue working as a doctor, so I can’t live in Kuromu-sama’s home…

Kuromu-sama said I could come visit anytime… and she’d also come visit me at my

[…That’s really good to hear.]

[…Unnn. It’s all thanks to you, Miyama-kun…]

Wiping the tears away from her eyes, Dr. Vier then looked straight into my eyes and
The smile on her face, looking as if she had just been released from a long period of
suffering was so beautiful, it even made her seem like she was shining…

[Miyama-kun, “I’ve come to love you as someone of the opposite sex”…]


…U- Unnn? Arehh? Did I just mishear what she said? I think I just heard something

Before I could fully understand the meaning of what Dr. Vier had said, Neun-san
flusteredly spoke to Dr. Vier.

[Vier!? W- What are you suddenly saying!?]

[Eh? Did I say something strange?]

[N- No, I mean… A- About how you’ve fallen in l- l- l- love with Kaito-san…]

[Unnn. I don’t think it’s anything strange though, after all he’s done for me. After
getting to to finally do the thingI had never had the courage to do… He made my
dream of making up with Kuromu-sama come true. If such a man like that looked at
me while doing all sorts of things for my sake… I would obviously fall in love.]

[F- Fall in love… That is…]

I- It was a very straightforward confession. I couldn’t keep up with the sudden

development, but I knew that my face was blushing really red.

Neun-san was also dumbfounded, but Dr. Vier didn’t seem to mind at all and
continued speaking.

[Ahh, it’s alright Miyama-kun. It’s not like I wanted you to respond to my feelings or
anything like that.]

[E- Errr…]

[It’s just as Miyama-kun told me… Of course, I will continue to atone for my sins, but
at the same time, I also want to be happy.]
[H- Huhh…]

[I really came to love you, who made me realize this feeling… However, I still don’t
think I’m fine enough of a woman to get your response… That’s why, I will do my
best from now on!]

[W- Work hard, you say… What do you mean?]

[Of course, I will work hard to make Miyama-kun love me! Fufufu, be prepared for it.
It might be unbelievable since I’m the one saying this, but I’m very single-minded
and persistent.]

Both Neun-san and I were simply overwhelmed by Dr. Vier, who conveyed her
feelings without any shame at all.

I- I guess I could say that it’s to be expected from someone who started a war just for
the sake of the one she loves… How should I say this… She’s a very passionate

[Ahh, but I want to ask you something first… Miyama-kun, is there anything about
my appearance or personality that you dislike? If there’s anything you dislike about
me, could you tell me so I can fix it?]

[Eh? N- No, I think Dr. Vier is, ummm… a very beautiful and wonderful woman.]

[Is that so? Fufufu, thank you. That makes me feel so happy.]

After softly giggling as she said this, Dr. Vier took a step closer to me and spoke again.

[…Then, I’ll work hard to make you love me… Once again, I will be in your care,

[Y- Yes…]



That action was instantaneous. Dr. Vier approached me, and with a quick, fluid
motion, she brought her face to my cheek and lightly kissed it.
In an instant, I felt like blood rushed up over my head and I was speechless from

[W- What are you doing, Vier!?]

[Ehh? What, you ask… Showing my affection?]

[K- K- K- Kissing before your m- m- m- marriage…]

[It’s not like I kissed him on his lips though? I’ll only do that after Miyama–kun loves

[That’s not that point though!? T- T- T- That’s disgraceful!]


In contrast to Neun-san’s red-faced exclamation, Dr. Vier just tilted her head in
genuine wonderment.

Dear Mom, Dad—— A lot of things have happened, but it seems that the matter
between Dr. Vier and Kuro has been settled. Well, putting that aside, Dr. Vier… errr,
how should I say this… I don’t know if I should say that she’s more straightforward in
her expression of affection than I imagined—— but she’s a passionate woman.


“Vier arc complete!” isn’t really happening yet… because there’s still some flirting
with Kuro left.

Serious-senpai: [Isn’t it fine to end the arc already!?]

After the matter with Dr. Vier was settled, I brought Dr. Vier along with me back to
Lilia-san’s mansion.

Of course, the reason Dr. Vier was with me was to explain the situation to Lilia-san
and the others… Saying that she personally wanted to give them a proper
explanation because they got involved in this matter, so she came back with me using
my Teleportation Magic Tool.

Incidentally, Neun-san said that she would accompany us… But it seemed like Neun-
san was quite exhausted from her fight with Lilia-san, as Dr. Vier gave her the
doctor’s stop order.

In particular, the bones where Lilia-san had struck her seemed to have been broken.
The fracture itself was healed by Dr. Vier’s Recovery Magic, but she still told her to
get some rest for the day because she was very tired.

Neun-san was still trying to accompany us though, saying some kind of

incomprehensible super-theory of “It doesn’t really matter whether I broke a bone
or two, I can handle myself well with my fighting spirit”, but Dr. Vier had to almost
force her to leave.

Or rather, Neun-san, even though she broke her breast bone… ribs, she still ate all
that food with me… It’s once again making me realize that she’s also one heck of a

Well, according to Neun-san, if it’s really just a few broken bones, they would
completely heal after a night of rest. I’m not sure whether this is because she has the
body of a Demon or because of the fact that Neun-san was a monster, but at any rate,
I’m relieved to know that nothing serious happened.

And now, we’ve reached the office where Lilia-san, Lunamaria-san and Sieg-san are
waiting. Knocking on the office’s door, Dr. Vier and I went inside.
Well, Dr. Vier’s klutziness slightly showed again… It was a sliding door, but she kept
on trying to push it open, so it took us a little while to get in after we knocked…

[Welcome back, Kaito-san. Also, welcome, Dr. Vier.]

[I’m back.]

[It’s been a while, Lilia-chan and Sieg-chan. As for Lu-chan, we just met the other day,
didn’t we?]

[Arehh? Dr. Vier, you were acquainted with them?]

[Ahh, unnn. I’ve met them a few times through Lu-chan.]

It is true that Dr. Vier was Noir-san’s doctor, so it isn’t surprising that she knew Lilia-
san and Sieg-san through Lunamaria-san.

[…All three of you, I’m really sorry for the trouble I caused you this time.]

[N- No… Please don’t worry about it. It’s just that, ummm, embarrassing it may be to
say this, but we didn’t really understand what was going on so… It would be great if
you could explain to us the situation.]

[Unnn. Of course, I will properly explain it to you… Errr, where should I start…]

As they were acquaintances from the start, the explanation of the situation began
rather smoothly. Dr. Vier began to explain the situation, saying one word after
another, as if she was recalling them.

…After Dr. Vier finished explaining, the office was dead silent.

The fact that the Demon Lord was actually alive and that it was Dr. Vier would
certainly be shocking. In the room where this truth was told, the first person to move
was Lunamaria-san.

Lunamaria-san’s eyes were wide open, looking stunned, and she collapsed on the
floor, she muttered.

[…N- No way…”Big Sister” Vier… was the Demon Lord?]

[Unnn. I’m sorry I hid it from you for so long, Lu-chan.]

[Ahh, n- no!? Ahh… U- Ummm, t- that’s not it!]

Lunamaria-san certainly looked surprised, but for some reason, her face turned pale
as she shouted.

[I- I just talked about the general image of the Demon Lord spoken in legends… I- It’s
not like I’m making fun of you, Big Sister Vier!!!]

…Ahh, I see. Speaking of which, I remembered Lunamaria-san dissing the Demon

Lord very badly.

The Demon Lord turning out to actually be an acquaintance of hers and someone she
adores to the point of calling her Big Sister, she panicked and hurriedly explained

[No. Don’t worry about it. In fact, just as Lu-chan said, I’ve been a terrible fool.]

[T- That’s not it! Big Sister Vier isn’t that kind of person! I- If I had known about this,
I wouldn’t have said such a thing!]

[Ehh? Ah, u- unnn. Thanks? Errr, are you not mad at me for hiding it from you?]

[I’m not! There’s no way I can hate Big Sister Vier… Rather, for always unknowingly
saying horrible things to you… I- I’m sorry.]

Apparently, Lunamaria-san really adores Dr. Vier, and is more shocked by the fact
that she had unknowingly insulted Dr. Vier than when she found out her true
identity as that Demon Lord.

Seeing Lunamaria-san apologizing in an unimaginably meek manner, Dr. Vier

flusteredly appeased her.

Watching that scene, Sieg also calmly spoke to sort out her surprise.

[…For Dr. Vier to be the Demon Lord… That is quite the surprise. However, just like
Luna, I also don’t feel any anger. Rather, I can’t thank you enough for explaining the
difficult situation to us.]

[That’s right! Regardless of your past, Big Sister Vier is still Big Sister Vier!]


Lunamaria-san and Sieg-san, both of whom know the current Dr. Vier, say that they
wouldn’t despise her even if they knew her past.

Hearing this, Dr. Vier smiled happily and patted Lunamaria-san’s head.


However, in the midst of such an atmosphere, Lilia-san didn’t say a word and only
stared at Dr. Vier.

[…Lilia-chan, I’m sorry for surprising you… and for causing you trouble.]


[M- My Lady! Please don’t condemn Big Sister Vier. She’s suffered a lot too!]


[…My Lady?]

Lilia-san still didn’t say anything. She just stared straight at Dr. Vier, “not moving an
inch”…Arehh? Doesn’t it seem like something’s off with her?

When such a question popped in my mind, Lunamaria-san tilted her head in wonder
as well and approached Lilia-san.

Then, after Lunamaria-san waved her hand a few times in front of Lilia-san’s face…
Lilia-san still didn’t move.

[…It seems like…”she fainted”.]

[…Lili… So you’re now able to faint even with your eyes open huh, how dexterous of
She fainted with her eyes open!? A- A new pattern huh… No, it’s not like I’m looking
for such variations in the way she faints but…

It seems like Dr. Vier’s story had exceeded Lilia-san’s tolerance level, and she had
fainted in the middle of the conversation.

[T- This is bad! I need to use Resuscitation Magic immediately…]

[Eh? Ahh, Big Sister Vier!?]

Dr. Vier, not used to such a situation with Lilia-san, approached the fainted Lilia-san
with a worried expression on her face, and held out her hand with a small magic
circle floating on it.

Thereupon, light overflowed from Dr. Vier’s hand and Lilia-san’s petrified eyes

[A- Arehh? What was I…]

[Lilia-chan!? Are you okay? You suddenly fainted… Could it be that you’ve gathered
quite the fatigue in your body? Do you feel any pain?]

[N- No, I’m alright… Hahaha, I’m sorry. It’s just that… I had this weird dream that Dr.
Vier was actually the Demon Lord…]

[U- Unnn. I am the Demon Lord though?]


[W- Well, as I said, I’m a Demon who used to be called the Demon Lord…]

[A- Ahaha, i- is that so. I- It wasn’t a dream huh… Y- Yes, you were the Demon Lord
huh. I know what the Demon Lord is… Dr. Vier is… the Demon Lord, the Demon Lord
is Dr. Vier… Thus, the Demon Lord is the Demon Lord… Kyuuu~~]

[Lilia-chan!? Pull yourself together!]

Right after she got up, she immediately fainted for the second time… Lilia-san,
ummm… I’m sorry.
As Lilia-san fainted with her eyes rolling upwards, Dr. Vier flusteredly supported her
body. Unnn, this is that, right…? I feel like she’s going to wake up and pass out a few
more times.

[…I guess I’ll go make some tea.]

[…I’m going to bring food to Bell-chan and Lynn-chan.]

Dear Mom, Dad———– Dr. Vier explained the situation to Lilia-san and the others. I
don’t know if I should say that it was to be expected or not, but Lilia-san fainted
again. Unn, how should I say this—— I’m really sorry for everything.
In Lilia-san’s office, Dr. Vier explained the situation.

As a result… We’re currently in a situation that can best be described as a scene of


[Please let me go, Dr. Vier! I’m already— I’m already at my limits.]

[That won’t do, Lilia-chan! As a doctor, I can’t overlook the fact that you’re taking so
much “stomach medicine”! You need to follow the proper dosage…]

[I can’t do without drinking all of it!!!]

[It’s not alcohol! No matter how much you drink, it wouldn’t have any sort of calming
effect on your mind!]

After learning the fact that Dr. Vier was the Demon Lord and fainting several times,
Lilia-san took out “several kinds of stomach medicine” and was about to drink it
when Dr. Vier gave her the Doctor’s stop order.

And now, the situation where Lilia-san trying to take the stomach medicine and Dr.
Vier trying to prevent her from doing so occurred.

As for me, I couldn’t even intrude in this situation and just watched what was going
on while drinking the tea that Lunamaria-san had made for me.

Unnn, it’s not like I’m afraid to talk to Lilia-san or anything…

[…Ahh, this tea is a little different than usual. It’s still delicious though.]

[Why in the world are you in laid-back rest mode!? Kaito-san!!!]


…Ah, sh*t. I was just escaping from reality, but I didn’t realize that I said that out
loud, and in response, Lilia-san’s target shifted to me.

With tears in her eyes, Lilia-san approached me and fluidly grabbed my collar.


[What in the world does this mean!!!? I know! I know that this time isn’t your fault,
Kaito-san! But I still have my limits, you know!!!?]

[L- Lilia-san… It hurts… You’re strangling me…]

[Seriously, what in the world is wrong with you!? You’ve only been in this world for
less than half a year, so how in the world are you attracting all these crazy people
one after another!? Didn’t I tell you I’ve already reached my limit!!!?]


[What exactly are you aiming at!? How many of the mysteries of this world are you
going to gather in front of my doorstep!? Are you still hiding someone in there!?
You’re definitely hiding someone, aren’t you!?]

As my collar was being grabbed, I allowed myself to be violently rocked back and
forth… I’m definitely feeling sorry for her… but Lilia-san, c- could you calm down for
a bit… It seriously hurts… I’m going to fall.

Receiving the onslaught of Lilia-san’s tearful screams as she looked completely fed
up with my deeds, I moved my gaze towards Lunamaria-san, asking for her help.

[…The cookies are delicious. Please give me some more!]

[Understood, Phantasmal King-sama.]

Oi, you idiot… Why the heck are you naturally relaxing over there, munching on
some cookies? Could you help me out here… I’m going to end up fainting here, you

[L- Lilia-chan… Calm down, it’s not like Miyama-kun meant any harm…]
[No mooooooreeeeee! Kaito-san is scarrrrrryyyy!!! Kaito-san is bullying

Dr. Vier tried stopping Lilia-san, but her voice didn’t reach Lilia-san, who’s about to
blow her fuse.

Sobbing like a child, Lilia-san rocked me back and forth even more vigorously.

[Lilia-chan, listen to me! Miyama-kun’s face is already turning blue so… Let go of
your hold… Errr…”Gravity Fall”!]


With Dr. Vier’s words, Lilia-san was knocked down to the floor and my body was
released half-forcibly.

In front of the me, who had finally been released and was trying to inhale as much
oxygen as I could, Lilia-san was slammed face-first into the ground, and with her
eyes rolled back again, she fainted.

[…I’m really sorry.]

[N- No, I’m sorry for always bringing you trouble.]

After recovering with Dr. Vier’s Recovery Magic, Lilia-san seemed to have calmed
down and apologized to me with a deep bow.

No, well, how should I say this… There was no way I could complain with the deeds I
accumulated in the past, so I was the one who desperately needed to apologize.

Lilia-san and I continued to say “I’m the one who should say sorry instead” for a
while. After we had both calmed down to some extent, we resumed our

[…I’m sorry for digressing, Dr. Vier. I understood what you said.]

[U- Unnn… Rather than that, are you alright, Lilia-chan? I’m not talking about just
now, but with the usual situation…]

[…Do you have any good stomach medicine?]

[H- Hmmm… I guess it’s stress huh? You became a duchess at a young age after all. I
know it’s a lot to take in, but you shouldn’t rely on medicine too much.]

[…No, I certainly feel some stress, but that isn’t the cause…]


When Lilia-san muttered with her eyes looking in the far distance… Dr. Vier tilted
her head, looking as if she didn’t understand what was going on.

Yes, I’m sorry… Most of it was my fault.

[Even so, not only the First Hero, but for the Demon Lord to still be alive… My
common sense has been shattered in the last six months.]

[A- Ahaha… I’m sorry for startling you.]

[No, it isn’t Dr. Vier’s fault. I know very well what kind of person you are, and I don’t
intend to say anything about something that happened a thousand years ago.]

[…Thank you.]

Lilia-san, who had finally calmed down, announces with a gentle smile that she
accepts Dr. Vier’s past, to which Dr. Vier happily thanked her.

[…Well, putting that aside… I have something else I want to ask Kaito-san.]


[My intuition is telling me that Kaito-san is still hiding something… To be more

specific, the fact that I felt an inordinate amount of magic power I felt earlier. What
was that?]


[Ahh, I’ve been wondering about that too. Miyama-kun, who is that person? Even
though she holds such incredible power, I’ve never even seen her before…]

Both of their eyes turned to me.

Ahh, I see… Even after I had finished explaining about Dr. Vier, there was still
something I needed to explain.

Yes, it’s about Eden-san… I only briefly told Lilia-san about her, but to Dr. Vier, she
must have been a truly unknown monster.

However, I wonder how I should explain to them about that absurdly dense Eden-

Realizing that the conversation wasn’t over yet, I opened my mouth to explain to
them about her.

Dear Mom, Dad—— Even though she was about to blow her fuse when she heard
about Dr. Vier’s matter, Lilia-san had understood Dr. Vier’s situation. After that, I now
had to explain to her about Eden-san… but I really don’t know how to explain it. I
mean, she’s certainly the God of my world but—— It’s hard for me to say that she’s
sickeningly frightening.


~~ Duchess-sama’s Magnificent Path of Stomach-aches ~~

> The Hero Summoning causes an accident for the first time in a thousand years
when she’s in charge.

> Kaito gets lost on the first day and gets acquainted with a mysterious Demon.

> Kaito is invited to a dinner party by the world’s largest trading company.

> Kaito gets tea leaves from a God.

> Happens to run into a Supreme Being, who almost never visits the Human Realm,
and receives her interest.

> Finding out that the Demon who Kaito met was actually the Underworld King.

> The Underworld King comes to visit her mansion.

> Kaito meets the Death King and comes back as her friend.

> The Death King comes to visit her mansion.

> Kaito gets acquainted with the World King at the Sacred Tree Festival.

> Kaito gets acquainted with the God of Fate.

> Kaito gets acquainted with the Emperor of Archlesia Empire.

> Kaito comes back with a lot of money and a Behemoth.

> The War King comes to visit her mansion because of Kaito.

> Kaito gets acquainted with the Dragon King.

> Kaito’s friend is actually the Phantasmal King.

> Kaito’s acquaintance is actually the First Hero.

> Kaito tries to give her the patent for the calculator.

> Kaito becomes Underworld King’s lover.

> Kaito becomes Death King’s lover.

> Kaito gets acquainted with the God of Life in the God Realm.

> Kaito’s pet has super evolved after being fed with Fruits of the World Tree.

> Kaito receives a Black-rank invitation.

> Kaito gets acquainted with the God of Disasters.

> Kaito gets acquainted with a God of Another World.

> Kaito becomes Phantasmal King’s lover.

> Learns that an acquaintance is actually the Demon Lord, due to the involvement of
Kaito. ← N E W
Most of it was because of Kaito.
After I finished explaining the situation to Lilia-san and Dr. Vier about Eden-san to
some extent, there was a considerably heavy silence.

A little while later, Lilia-san spoke in a grave tone.

[…In short… This Eden-sama is the God of Kaito-san’s world that you had told me
about before… and that God likes Kaito-san… That’s why she helped you for this

[Y- Yes, well, something like that.]

I don’t think Eden-san’s affection is on the level of liking me… Well, let’s just let this
matter remain unclear.

Well, you know… As expected, I couldn’t just say “The God of my world is a Yandere”
or anything like that, right… Right?

[…I thought that since I had met most of the powerful beings in this world… that
would be the end of it… And now, you even went and asked the assistance of a God
from another world… No more… You aren’t even trying to restrain yourself at all.]

Lillia exhaustedly muttered.

[…My apologies.]

I deeply bowed to Lilia once again. Thereupon, Dr. Vier, who had been silently
listening to me up to that point, spoke to me, looking somewhat convinced.

[Miyama-kun, in other words, is it correct to say that… she is someone like the God of
Creation-sama of our world?]

[Y- Yes, probably.]

[I see… No wonder I was feeling so helpless before her. I thought that I was a pretty
strong person but… the tops of worlds really are different.]

Dr. Vier was surprised by Eden-san’s identity, but she nodded her head, looking like
she understood why she had been overpowered.

[…Dr. Vier.]


[…Do you have any… good stomach medicine?]

[Unnn. I think we should get you to try to stop relying on medication first. What
you’re feeling is something psychological, so a change in pace would probably be
good. I think it would be good for you to take a walk under the morning sun.]

[…What am I supposed to do?]

[Hmmm. Lilia-chan is a very serious person, so you probably already have a lot on
your plate. I can’t say much because I’m the one who caused the problem this time
but… I think it’s best if you don’t stress out about things too much.]

Somehow, doesn’t it seem like they’ve started some sort of counseling!? No, I’m
really sorry, Lilia-san…

[It’ll be easier if you voice your complaints and worries to others. How about you
talk about it to someone like Lu-chan?]

Unnn. Dr. Vier certainly made a sound argument but… I think that her choice of
person is a complete mistake.

However, I can’t really say “I’m here to listen to all of your complaints.” to her. After
all, I’m the cause of her worries…

[Ahh, that’s right! Why don‘t you go on a “date with Miyama-kun” for a change of

[Ehh!? A d- d- d- date…?]

[Unnn. You two are lovers, right?]

[T- That certainly is t- t- t- true but…]

Hearing Dr. Vier’s unexpected suggestion, Lilia-san’s earlier depression disappeared

and with her face turned bright red, her gaze swam about as she spoke.

[H- However… a date… a date is… If I were to regard Kaito-san’s circumstances… and
go on a date with him… the date would turn into a date… and if we were to go on a
date… W- Wouldn’t it be difficult?]

[I’m sorry, I have no idea what you’re talking about! Could you calm down for a bit…]

[Y- Yes…]

[Do you not want to go on a date with Miyama-kun, Lilia-chan?]

[T- That’s not it! That isn’t the case! Rather, I’ve been wan… I- It’s nothing!]

I felt like the conversation was going in a weird direction, but a date with Lilia-san
would always be welcome.

We hadn’t had a chance to go out alone together since that trip we had before, so I
think it would be nice to wander around the city.

[…If it’s okay with Lilia-san, why don’t we go shopping together tomorrow?]

[K- K- K- Kaito-san!? I- I- I- Is that a d- date?]

[Yes. The Six Kings Festival is near too, so I think it would be a good idea to get some
new clothes.]

[Auu… auuu…]

[Lilia-san? If it’s not convenient for you, we can always do it another day, you know?]

[N- No! I- It’s awright!]

…She bit her tongue. She just strongly bit down on her tongue. Each of her reactions
were just too cute.

As I happily looked at Lilia-san, who accepted my date invitation with a bright red
face, Dr. Vier clapped her hands.

[Ahh, that’s right! I’ve got something good for you.]

[Something good?]

[Unnn. This was something given to me too… It’s a ticket for a play. Errr, it should be
here somewhere… Found it! Here you go.]

[Eh? Errr, can I really have it?]

[Of course. I’m really glad for the thought they had when they gave it to me, but it
isn’t really convenient for me to go there myself… I think it’s going to expire in about
10 days, so you should go check it out soon.]

[…Thank you.]

[You’re welcome… Well, I only have one ticket, so you’ll have to buy another for the
other person… I heard they’re playing something pretty popular.]

A play huh… I knew that there were things in this world, but I have never been to
one, even in my world.

Gratefully accepting Dr. Vier’s kindness, I confirmed if Lilia-san would like to go

there, to which she nodded her head several times with a cute blush.

Thereupon, Dr. Vier announced that she was going back to her clinic. After thanking
and apologizing to us once again, she left.

I also left the office after having a short discussion with Lilia-san about our plans for
tomorrow’s date.

After dinner and a bath, I went back to my room and was writing in my diary,
thinking about the day. This was when Kuro appeared, just as usual.

[Kaito-kun! I’m here~~]


[Hey, Kaito-kun. This might be sudden… but how about we go on a “date”?]

[Ehh? Date? Right now?]

Kuro appeared in my room, and with her usual bright smile, she requested
something out of the ordinary.

It was currently 9:00 pm… Early enough to go to bed, but it’s late enough to wander
around outside.

[Unnn… I’d like to go to a place with Kaito-kun. Is it no good?]

[Not really, it’s alright with me… Hold on, I’ll get my jacket.]


When I agreed to her date invitation, Kuro nodded with a sincerely happy smile on
her face.

Dear Mom, Dad———– It had only been a few hours ago that I promised to go on a
date with Lilia-san, and Kuro has now asked me on a date. I’ve been trying to write
all the things that happened today in my diary but… It looks like I’ll have more things
to write———– I’ll continue writing after I get home.


Q: Serious-senpai: [You said that the date would be at the Six Kings Festival! That’s a
false start! A foul!]

A: It’s because there’s not enough sweetness.

Kuro’s Teleportation Magic brought me to the Hero’s Hill, the place where we
teleported to earlier today.

Standing in front of the huge stone monument that was once said to be left behind by
Neun-san, Kuro turned to me and spoke with a gentle smile on her lips.

[Kaito-kun… Thank you so much.]

[Ahh… Well, I’m glad that Kuro and Dr. Vier were able to reconcile with each other.]

I immediately understood that the words of gratitude she said to me were referring
to Dr. Vier’s matter.

[Unnn. If you hadn’t made your move, Kaito-kun… I don’t think Vier and I would ever
have a chance of reconciling… Perhaps, we’d never have made up if you hadn’t made
your move.]


[I’m really glad… I could feel happiness from the bottom of my heart. As I thought,
Kaito-kun really is amazing. I’m so happy that I’ve met you and became your lover…
Once again, thank you.]

…How strange. Because of this matter, I’ve been through a lot and am extremely

But seeing Kuro’s smile, I felt like all that tiredness I felt was worth it.

In the end, the reason why I had moved around that much… I understood that there
was no difficult logic to it, for all I wanted was to see Kuro’s smile.

Kuro smiled like that for a few moments before she reached out a hand towards the
night sky.

[Wait for a bit, okay?]

As she said this, powerful magic power that seemed to shake the air was released
from Kuro’s body.

[…Twilight of the Stars, Memory of the World, Afterglow of the Distant Day…”Planet

[Eh? Wha!?]

As Kuro calmly spoke those words, in that moment, the scenery in my eyes
drastically changed.

The night sky, which was supposed to be slightly cloudy, suddenly turned into a
starry sky… C- Could this be what Kuro was doing earlier? She… changed the

[…This is the “Starry Skies of a Thousand Years Ago”.]

[A- A thousand years ago?]

[Unnn. I’ll just slightly mess with the world for a little while.]

She’s just nonchalantly saying that, but that sounds like a really big deal… In other
words, what she’s saying is that she had rewound the time of the sky back to a
thousand years ago…

In front of the astonished me, Kuro continued to speak while staring at the huge
stone monument.

[A thousand years ago, under this starry sky… I had presented Neun… No, Hikari-
chan with a choice.]

[A choice? To Neun-san?]

[Unnn. I had her pick a choice between “going back to her previous world” or
“staying in this world”.]
As I recall, Lilia-san told me that the stone monument and the Japanese katana here
were endowed with a very powerful State Preservation Magic.

And the words she said just now… It’s just a guess, but I think it was Kuro who casted
that magic… However, why was she telling me this story after making the same
starry sky that was present thousand years ago?

As soon as this question came into my mind, Kuro looked away from the stone
monument and gazed at me.

[…The truth is that, if I had wanted to, I could have “sent Kaito-kun back to your
previous world” without having to wait a year.]

[…U- Unnn.]

That isn’t anything surprising. Kuro is Shiro-san… The God of Creation’s half-body, so
her power is comparable to that of the almost omnipotent Shiro-san.

It wouldn’t be strange if they were able to send me back to my world. However, the
questions in my mind just increased… Why is she talking about this now?

[…Kaito-kun. I told you that I wouldn’t ask you about this until after the Festival of
Heroes, didn’t I? I said I would respect your choice…]

[U- Unnn.]

[…However, can I be… a little selfish?]


I haven’t told Kuro what I’m going to do after the Festival of Heroes ends.

No, I tried to tell her. But Kuro didn’t want to hear it, saying that I could tell her about
it after the festival was over.

It doesn’t matter what choice I make. After she told me that she would respect my
choice… The topic was never brought up again.

But now, after mentioning the question that she would ask after the Festival of
Heroes ended, Kuro stepped forward, moving closer to me.
Then, hugging me with her small body, she spoke.

[…Kaito-kun. Please don’t go back to your previous world… From now and forever… I
want to stay in this world that I love, together with my beloved Kaito-kun. That’s
why, in this world… I want you to stay by my side.]


She’s a kind girl. She doesn’t want to make me feel like she’s narrowing down my
options, so I didn’t dare mention my choice until now.

But now, Kuro had made it clear to me that she doesn’t want me to go back to my
world… To be honest, I couldn’t help but feel happy.

Gently hugging Kuro’s body back, I spoke as gently as I could to reassure her.

[…Kuro, I’ve actually made a request to Shiro-san.]

[…You did?]

[Unnn… I asked her to allow me one chance to “say goodbye” to the people who took
care of me in my world.]

The request I made to Shiro-san… It was a request to let me say goodbye to my uncle
and aunt who had taken care of me, whether it’s by letter or through other means.

In response, Shiro-san agreed to let me “return to my original world for some time,
before returning back to this world”…Well, that’s apparently something she would
grant if I pass some kind of final ordeal…

[K- Kaito-kun… Does that mean…]

[Unnn. I’m not going anywhere… I’m also going to live in this world… standing
beside Kuro.]


Kuro… Errr, ummm…”I love you”.]

[ ! ? Kaito-kun!?]
I was feeling embarrassed, but I somehow managed to express my feelings… To
which, Kuro hugged me tightly.

[I love you too! Kaito-kun, I love you… I’m happy, I’m so happy.]

[Ahahaha… It somehow feels embarrassing though.]

Kuro tightly clung on my body… Not wanting to let her loving warmth escape, I
tightened my embrace.

Still hugging my body, Kuro looked up and smiled, looking really happy from the
bottom of her heart.

[…Hey, Kaito-kun.]


[…I want to kiss.]

[Unnn, me too…]

Under the light of the stars shining upon our bodies, Kuro’s face and mine came
closer together… until the distance between us finally became zero.

Dear Mom, Dad———– Under the star-filled sky, I told Kuro of my choice, just as
Neun-san had done in this place in the past. It’s not that I don’t have any lingering
regrets in my previous world. However, I’ve already made up my mind. Even after the
Festival of Heroes ends———– I’m going to live in this world.


If this was in the Nocturne section, this would have been the part where Kaito
pushes her down!
When I came back to my room and checked the clock, it displayed 11:00 pm… It was
already quite late.

Feeling the sensation that lingered on my lips, I took off my jacket and put it on the
hanger, intending to change my clothes but… the scenery around me changed to a
certain”hanging garden”.


What was supposed to be my room at night was instantly transformed into a garden
floating above the blue skies… U- Unnn. This place looks familiar, but what the heck
is this all about?

This is definitely the topmost layer of the God Realm, the Sanctuary… I knew that this
was where Shiro-san lives, but I have no clue as to why I was suddenly called here.

Just as the stunned me was standing in that place, I heard a voice that is as
inflectionless as usual.

[Night doesn’t exist in the God Realm. I can turn it into night if I wanted though…]

[…I- I see. By the way, Shiro-san? Why was I suddenly teleported here…]

When I turned around, there obviously stood Shiro-san, and with a blank expression
on her face.

I tried asking her why she had suddenly and forcefully summoned me, but she took
her eyes off me and made a table and chairs appear.

[I’ll go make some tea.]

[I’ll go make some tea.]

[W- Why are you suddenly… Or rather, I’m just about to sleep now…]

[I’ll go make some tea.]

[L- Like I said…]

[I’ll go make some tea.]


Pushed back by the infinite loop, my shoulders slumped and I just sat down in my

Thereupon, a cup of tea and some cookies appeared in front of me… However, there
was something that bothered me more.

[…Ummm, Shiro-san? It might just be my imagination but… Are you in a “bad


I couldn’t read Shiro-san’s emotions with my Sympathy Magic. So, I could only guess
what she’s feeling based on the slightest change in her expression and from my
experience with her… and somehow, I felt like she was in a bad mood.

It’s just my guess, but I think that’s also the reason why she suddenly wanted to have
tea… Shiro-san was certainly an airhead who abruptly decided things, but she would
at least explain the reasons if I asked her.

But this time, she just pushed her thought of “making tea” without any explanation,
so I thought the reason might be her mood.

[Yes. I’m currently in a very bad mood.]

[…I- I see.]

Shiro-san readily admitted that she was in a bad mood. No, she’s still as
inflectionless and expressionless as usual, so I can hardly tell the difference between
when she was in a bad mood from how she normally acts…
E- Even so, she really is in a bad mood huh… W- Why? C- Could it be that I did
something wrong without realizing it?

[No, you didn’t.]

[I- Is that so… That’s good to hear.]

I thought that maybe I had done something to upset Shiro-san, but when she told me
that I had not, I felt relieved.

But that feeling of relief however… was shattered by the words Shiro-san said after
taking a sip of her tea.

[…Even I could do it.]

[…Eh? W- What do you mean?]

[…Even I could have “teleported Kaito-san and the Demon Lord to where Kuro is”…]

Arehh? I’m starting to get really nervous about this… T- That’s weird. Why is it that I
feel like my back is starting to sweat profusely?

Feeling an unspeakable amount of pressure, I quietly waited for her next words.

[I don’t care one bit, not even a single fraction, or even a single decimal about this
matter… However, Kaito-san “would rely on the Earth God, but you wouldn’t rely on


S- She’s pouting!? Shiro-san was definitely pouting! Also, the way you said it, it
totally sounded like you care about it, you know!?

[No, I don’t care about it… Kaito-san, when you were attacked by the Black Bear at
the Sacred Tree Festival, when you were attacked by the War King’s subordinates,
when you were kidnapped, even that time with Kuro, the search for the culprit
involved in that Duchess’ past, that time you were taken to another country by the
God of Fate, that time you were attacked by the Earth God, or even this time… You
wouldn’t rely on me.]

Y- You’ve been caring about that for this long!? I felt like a lot of her frustrations that
had been building up for quite some time had been revealed with this matter.

N- No, it’s not that I don’t want to rely on Shiro-san… It’s just that I’m refraining from
asking because Shiro-san is too powerful, making me think that carelessly asking for
help from her would just cause trouble instead…

[But both Kuro and Earth God are just as powerful as I am.]

[Ughh… T- That is…]

[Kaito-san won’t rely on me.]

[N- No, as I mentioned before, for this matter…]

[Kaito-san won’t rely on me.]

[E- Errr…]

[Kaito-san won’t rely on me.]


[Kaito-san won’t rely on me.]

[There’s actually something I wanted to ask Shiro-san!]

[It can’t be helped. I’m in a very good mood today, so you can ask me anything.]

S- Scarrrrrryyyy!… This is no good, I felt like she would forever go on like that until I
would ask her something.

In fact, when I reflexively said I had a request for her, I feel like I saw the corners of
her lips lift a bit more than usual.

For the time being though, today’s assignment is a request I need to ask of her…
Think! Is there something I can ask? Anything? A request that I can ask Shiro-san… T-
That’s right!
[…Actually, I’ve really been under Shea-san’s care for this matter… So, I’d like to
prepare something as thanks for her, but I don’t really know Shea-san very well… I- I
was hoping you could help me with this~~]

[I understand. The God of Disasters loves spicy food.]

[Ahh, I guess that really was the case… Then, I’ll go buy extremely spicy food la…]

[However, she complained that the spicy food nowadays were “too sweet”.]


I’ve had a feeling about this back in the Hydra Kingdom, but it seems like Shea-san
really does love spicy food.

…For her to think that those spicy candies that could make me breathe fire as
something as “sweets”…Isn’t it that her taste buds are broken?

[This is troubling. If she likes spicy food that much, she might also be picky about the
taste… Hmmm.]

[Leave it to me.]



[What’s this?]

If I were to be asked, I’d say I like sweet food more than spicy food, so wondering
what spicy food to give her would just make me tilt my head in wonder… That was
when Shiro-san made some kind of fruit appear.

It’s about the size of an orange, and it’s a beautiful deep ruby red.

[I’ve “created” a fruit that is a thousand times spicier than any other spicy seasoning
in existence. Once its seed is planted, she can make it grow in “three days”.]

She just created a new foodstuff!?

[I’m in a good mood today, so this is just something special.]

[T- Thank you…]

Shiro-san… Didn’t you just say you were in a bad mood a few minutes ago? D- Did
you really want me to rely on you that much?


…From now on, I’ll just regularly consult her about something. If her dissatisfaction
builds up again, she might suddenly distort the laws of the world…

[…B- By the way, what would happen if I ate this?]

[You would probably faint in agony, and then “unable to taste anything for a whole


Are you sure that what you made is actually a foodstuff, not some sort of weapon? I-
Is it really safe for me to give Shea-san a gift like this? W- Well, Shea-san said that
she’s a spicy tooth at heart… so she might be unexpectedly fine eating like this huh?

I’ll just make sure to explain to her about how spicy it is before giving this to her.

[Well then, let’s resume drinking tea.]

[Ah, yes.]

At any rate, Shiro-san’s mood seemed to have improved now that she had granted
my wish. With the corners of her mouth slightly turned upwards, she suggested, to
which I nodded and drank my tea.

After that, we spent an hour chatting and drinking tea… And by the time I returned
to my room, the date had already changed.

Dear Mom, Dad——- Today’s events were brought to a closed by Shiro-san. Unnn,
how should I say this… I’ve learned well. If I just let Shiro-san’s dissatisfaction get
worse—— I’m afraid of what happens later…


God of Creation-sama wants to be relied on.

21st Day of the Light month. The Six Kings Festival was drawing near, and today, I’m
going shopping with Lilia-san.

Thinking about it, I’ve gone out with Lilia-san many times before, but this is the first
time we’ve gone out alone on a date.

Also, when we stayed at the summer resort before, it felt more like we were set up…

[…I- I’m sorry to keep you waiting.]

[Ah, no… Your clothes look great on you.]

[Y- Yes, thank you.]

Instead of the easy-to-move-in clothing Lilia-san usually wore, she was currently
wearing a long skirt that barely showed her feet.

However, it wasn’t a fluffy dress, but a loose-fitting design, making it look more like
stylish casual wear than a dress. Its cream color also matched Lilia-san’s blonde hair
and it looked great on her.

[Well then, shall we go?]

[Y- Yes!]

[…Would you like to hold hands?]

[H- H- Hold hands!? N- No, t- t- t- that’s a bit too difficult for me… If you could wait a
bit longer…]

…Lilia-san was too nervous.

She was so flustered that she was red up to her ears. It might be rude of me to say
this, but this looks a bit amusing.

Well, to be honest, I was also a bit nervous… But people normally calm down when
they see other people who are more nervous than they are, so the more nervous
Lilia-san was, the more I feel comfortable enough to smile at her.

[Lilia-san, could you relax for a bit… Let’s just take this easy and have fun.]

[Uuuu… Y- Yes. I’m so embarrassed…]

[No, it’s fine if we get used to it at our own pace. Now then, shall we go?]


After making a follow up with a wry smile on my face, I went out shopping with Lilia-

Even so, she’s this flustered just by going out shopping huh… I feel like it’s going to
be a long time before we could hold hands on our date…

No, I think we’ve held hands before at a summer resort… Would it be wrong if I made
her conscious of that time? Well, I’ll just let her gradually get used to it.

Even though I said we’re going to go shopping for clothes, it doesn’t really mean that
we’re going around to too many stores. Lilia-san was a Duchess, so the clothes she
would wear for the Six Kings Festival naturally had to be of a certain quality.

This naturally narrows down the number of stores that sell clothes suitable for the
Head of a Duchess’ family.

The first store we visited today was the same one I went to buy my clothes when I
first came to this world… According to Lilia-san, this was where she often bought her

[Welcome… If it isn’t Duchess Albert-sama. Welcome to our establishment.]

[I’d like to have some formal wear… No, something a bit more casual.]

[Understood. Please wait for a moment.]

The clothes we were buying today are the clothes we were going to wear during the
Six Kings Festival.

We would certainly be attending a party on the last day of the festival, but it would
be uncomfortable to spend the other six days in formal wear. On the other hand, if
we were to wear clothes that were too casual, it wouldn’t be good when we met
other nobles.

So, we came here to buy clothes that were somewhere between casual and formal

When Lilia-san expressed her request, the clerk politely thanked her and moved to
the back of the store and returned with several pieces of clothing.

[This one is the latest design we have and it also has a luxurious feel. Its white color
is very beautiful, so it’s easy to match it with accessories…]

[Hmmm. However, it looks like it would be difficult to “swing a sword around” in


That’s your criteria for choosing!? No, no, why are you assuming you’ll be swinging a
sword at the Six Kings Festival, Lilia-san?

[For ease of movement, how about this one? It’s very light and stretches well, so I can
confidently recommend this if you want nimbleness in your gait.]

[…However, I don’t really like pink…]

[I see. Then, how about trying on…]

Unnn. This is troubling… I couldn’t keep up with what they were talking about at all.

I didn’t know much about women’s clothing, and even less about what a noble would

As I looked at the scene, wondering what to do, Lilia-san turned to me with a smile.

[This will take a little while, so if Kaito-san doesn’t mind, why don’t you take a look at
the clothes? They have men’s clothing here, too.]
[I guess so… I guess I’ll do that.]

Nodding at Lilia-san’s suggestion, I moved my gaze to choose my own clothes, but at

that moment, the sales clerk asked Lilia-san.

[Duchess Alber-sama, if you don’t mind me asking… May I ask who this gentleman

[A- Ahh, errr… He’s… m- my lover.]

[Oh my! Please excuse my rudeness… It seems like I’m not very knowledgeable or
thoughtful enough. But, I see. Looking closely, he certainly has the face of a high-class
person, so he must be a very famous person.]

…High-class? Who is?

[My apologies. I don’t often have the opportunity to see “noble-sama’s” face, so
please forgive me for not recognizing you.]


…Noble? A- Ahhh, I see… She thought that since I’m the lover of Lilia-san, a Duchess,
I would naturally be a noble… I was tempted to ask her what exactly noble-like did
she see in me, but telling her that I’m not a noble would only prolong this topic, so I
just said a few words to her and started to choose my outfit.

A different clerk came and explained the clothes to me but… To be honest, I haven’t
found any clothes that I like.

In a way, that might be something that’s obvious… The clothes I was wearing now
were made by Alice. To be honest, Alice’s taste and skills are top-notch, and since the
clothing I bought from her were tailored to my tastes, it would be hard for me to find
something better than that.

In fact, ever since I started buying clothes at Alice’s miscellaneous goods store, I can’t
remember buying clothes at any other store.

As I was thinking about this… out of nowhere, a familiar masked girl… Alice
appeared in front of me.
Alice has a big smile on her face and a small, 30x30cm wooden board in her hand.
And written on it was “Alice-chan’s special handmade clothes ~~ Six Kings Festival
Specifications ~~ Set of 3, one white gold coin”.

In Japanese yen, that’s 10 million yen… This f*cking b*stard… She wanted to earn
more even after getting a lot of money from me yesterday at her food stall. She had
completely set her eyes at me.

Instead of opening her store and waiting for the customers to come to her, she went
with the method of offering what I need at the right time at high prices… Frustrating
it may be, but it was very effective.

A white gold coin… However, knowing her, I’m sure that the goods she made are
worth more than their cost… Taking that into consideration, doesn’t that mean that
they should be cheap?

After some thought, I silently handed Alice a white gold coin.

Thereupon, Alice brightly smiled and disappeared as if nothing happened… With

this, I’ll have three outfits delivered by the day of the Six Kings Festival. I knew Alice
had good taste, so I could count on her.

I feel like I’ve really lost though…

[…Ummm, as I thought, I’m fine with the clothes I have.]

[Yes, I have heard from Phantasmal King-sama. I’ve prepared some tea here, so
please make yourself comfortable.]

…She’s also one of Alice’s subordinates huh… From the flow of things… Could it be
that it was all according to Alice’s calculations?

Dear Mom, Dad—— My shopping date with Lilia-san finally started, but I guess it’s
already standard for men to be left behind when women choose their clothes. Well,
that’s fine and all, seriously, this b*stard Alice——— She really came up with a good
way to make money huh.

Targeting Kaito who has a lot of money and is insanely sweet to her friends
(lovers)… That’s quite an astonishingly effective tactic.
After Alice suddenly ended my clothing selection, I waited for Lilia-san as I drank a
cup of tea, as recommended by the clerk.

This store mainly caters to the nobles, and it seemed like it was common for them to
take a long time to choose their clothes, so there were several tables and chairs set
up in an open space. It kind of reminded me of those shops that deal with cars…
Well, I’ve never bought a car before, so this was just completely something I

As I sat down on the soft chair, a little while later, a different clerk brought me a cup
of tea.

[Here you go, Miyama-sama.]

[Ahh, than…]

I accepted the tea offered to me and was surprised to see the face of the clerk. It
wasn’t the fact that she called me by my name… She’s undoubtedly Alice’s
subordinate, so it wouldn’t be surprising for her to know my name.

What surprised me was the clerk herself.

She had deep dark blue hair, her bangs are very long and flowed down her face,
hiding her left eye. Meanwhile, her visible right eye had unusually dark circles
beneath it.

I considered her face to be very well defined, but with her gray eyes and the deep
dark circles beneath them, combined with her pale skin… She looked very unhealthy.

However, it wasn’t her appearance that surprised me. No, her appearance only
slightly surprised me, what surprised me more…

[…Ummm, aren’t you…”Fake Phantasmal King”-san?]

[…How surprising. Even though I’m far from reaching Shalltear-sama’s skill, I was
still quite confident in my disguise…]

[Ahh, then, the face you have now is also…]

[No, this is my “real” face.]

[Ah… I see.]

Yes, this clerk was the fake Phantasmal King who had appeared before me twice in
place of Alice… I didn’t expect that I would meet her again here.

I mean, is it really okay for this person to be here? She’s obviously Alice’s close
retainer… Wouldn’t that make her one of the upper echelons…

As if sensing my doubts, Fake Phantasmal King-san spoke with a thin, elegant smile
on her face.

[I’ve decided that the people assigned to this store are a bit lowly and aren’t suitable
to serve tea to Miyama-sama, so I’ve come to serve you myself.]

[I- Is that so… T- Thank you for taking the trouble of serving me tea, errr…]

[My name is “Pandora”, Shalltear-sama’s confidant. Pleased to make your


[Y- Yes. I’m Miyama Kaito… E- Err, Pandora-san? Ummm, a- are you feeling unwell?]

[Ahh, you mean how I look huh…]

Being Alice’s confidant, I guess it’s safe to assume that she was the one with the most
authority among Alice’s subordinates.

H- Hmmm… That’s something I understand, but she really looked insanely

unhealthy, and I couldn’t help but notice the deep shadows beneath her eyes.

[I’m a Hell Nightmare. I was born with this skin color and dark circles below my
eyes, so please don’t worry about it.]

[I- Is that the case… I’m sorry.]

[No, it is my honor to have received your concern.]

[E- Errr…]

I see, she wasn’t like that because of her health condition, but because that was how
she originally looked like…

E- Even so, Pandora-san… aren’t you being too humble?

[We, the Phantasmal King Corps, are in absolute obedience to you, Shalltear-sama’s
master. Of course, if Miyama-sama orders us to, we will carry out any mission you
give us, even at the cost of our life. If you need us for anything, please don’t hesitate
to give us the order.]

[…Y- Yes. T- Thank you for your hard work.]

After clearly stating such with a voice filled with her firm intentions, Pandora faintly
smiled… Somehow, there’s something about her that makes her look a little creepy.

It’s different from the scariness Eden-san gives off, it’s as if Pandora-san was
someone straight out a horror movie.

Or rather, the entire Phantasmal King Corps are in absolute obedience to me, she
said… Does that mean, I can do that? If I say “Assemble!” just like Alice did before, a
bunch of people in black would show up? The heck is that, that’s scary.

As I was thinking about this, Alice, who had somehow appeared in the seat across
from me, sipped her tea and spoke.

[Well, I’m here beside you, Kaito-san, so you wouldn’t need to call for them… Just in
case though, Pandora-san over there is “a High-ranking Demon that’s closest to being
a Duke-level”, so she can be quite useful.]

[I- Is that so… No, errr…]

[By the way, “assasination” is my specialty.]

[There’s no way I’m going to order something like that, okay!?]

Even if you say that you’re good at assassination with such confidence, I have no
plans to assassinate anyone, and I never will. If you’re going to appeal your strong
points, please show me your other specialties instead.

[…I can also destroy a target’s spirit by showing them “eternal nightmares”.]

[…Please make it a little less disturbing.]

[…”They’re average in size, but I have beautiful breasts”.]

[Is that information really necessary in this situation!?]

[If Miyama-sama desires, you can rely on me to take care of your “nightly needs”.]

Stop right there, Pandora-san? Can you please stop saying that to a virgin? Even if I’m
not going to ask such a request, I’d be strangely conscious of it…

After all, Pandora-san was a beautiful woman, and once you get used to seeing her
pale skin and the dark circles around her eyes, you could say that she was a
mysteriously bewitching beauty.

No, no, what the heck am I thinking about? I’m reacting to her words too much…



[It seems like you need some re-education… Please come here for a bit.]

[Huh? No, but I still haven’t…]

[Come—– here——!]

[Y- Yes! A- As you will…]

While I was feeling flustered by Pandora-san’s statement, Alice spoke in a rather

unhappy tone.

[A- Alice?]

[I’m sorry, Kaito-san… It seems like this girl’s loyalty to you has gone a bit “crazy”.]

[…Pandora-san, who is Kaito-san to you?]

[Hahh! Kaito-san is Shalltear-sama’s master, he whom I should “dedicate my body

and heart, and love for eternity”!]


It kinda feels like she said something outrageous. Eh? What the heck is this person, is
she someone like Eden-san?

[…No, I ordered you to obey Kaito-san… I guess she’s applying all her loyalty she has
to me directly to Kaito-san. That’s why, I’m going to go re-educate her a bit.]

[U- Unnn.]

Letting out an unusually tired sigh, Alice dragged Pandora-san away.

…Well, errr… Why do all the powerful people in this world have such strong

[…Good luck with her re-education, Alice clone #12… I’ll leave Kaito-san’s chastity in
your protection.]

[And you just ruined everything again… Also, don’t just leave my chastity to other’s
hands without asking me.]

Dear Mom, Dad———- While waiting for Lilia-san at the clothing store, I met a new
acquaintance. Pandora-san, the Fake Phantasmal King. Her appearance was
distinctive, but her personality was also quite something—— I’m suddenly really


The creepy beauty, Pandora-san… Ein was one, and Vier was also the same case. It
seems like the Six Kings’s confidants have quite strange loyalty.
Fortunately or unfortunately, a good amount of time had passed since the trouble (?)
with Pandora-san, so I decided to check on Lilia-san.

A few beautiful dress-like clothes were hung on the wall in front of Lilia-san. She
crossed her arms as she looked at them.


[Ahh, Kaito-san. I’m sorry it took me so long.]

[No, it seems like you’re feeling troubled?]

[Yes, I’ve narrowed down my options, but there are still a bit too many of them… I
was just trying to decide which one to buy.]

When I was told that, I took a look at the clothes that were laid out.

There are about ten outfits… which was certainly a few too many. The Six Kings
Festival lasts for seven days, so if the purpose was to find clothes to wear at the Six
Kings Festival, then the maximum number of clothes she was going to buy would be

Of course, she could also just buy all of them and wear the remaining three during
her private life but… with Lilia-san’s character, she probably wouldn’t want to waste
money like that.

I think that’s why she’s having a hard time deciding which ones to buy, because she’s
thinking of buying only what she needs.

Keeping this in mind, I looked at the clothes one by one again. All of them would look
good on Lilia, and it’s hard to decide which ones to buy.

Lilia-san looked troubled about this, and I’d like to give her some advice… but I’m not
really an expert in women’s clothing, so I’m not sure if I can give her any good advice.

So, I decided to simply tell her what I thought.

[…Hmmm. In my personal opinion, I like these kinds of clothes.]

I thought that the white base color with gold threads interwoven in a not too flashy
way would look good on Lilia. It would do well to contrast her blond hair and blue

I think a chic black dress is also good, but I think white suits Lilia-san.

[I think Lilia-san would look good in any of them, but I think this dress fits the image
of the innocent Lilia-san perfectly.]

[I- I see, t- thank you… P- Please wait for a little longer. I’ll decide soon.]

[You don’t really have to rush.]

Lilia-san’s face reddened a little at my words. After she replied, she started picking
up each piece of clothing, as if she was starting to make her choice.

As for the dress I said looks good on her, she picked it up first, gave it a quick glance
and then moved it to a separate place from the rest of the clothes… How cute.

As I watched Lilia-san earnestly choose clothes with a smile, I heard the door of the
store open and I reflexively moved my gaze in that direction.

[…Excuse me, I’m fine with those not as expensive as a noble’s, so can you help me
find some slightly expensive clothes… Oya?]



To our surprise, it was Sieg-san who came into the store, and both Lilia-san and I
were astonished at the unexpected encounter with her.

It was the same for Sieg-san. Looking a bit surprised, she called out and approached
[…Kaito-san, Lilia… I didn’t expect to see you here.]


[Sieg, it’s your day-off today, isn’t it? Are you going to buy some clothes?]

[Yes, it wouldn’t be necessary if I were to participate as Lili’s escort, but I’ve been
invited directly… As expected, I couldn’t just dress like usual.]

[I see…]

[Is Kaito-san and Lili also shopping for clothes?]

After exchanging a few words, I answered Sieg-san’s question with a nod.

Thereupon, for some reason, Sieg-san gently smiled and alternately looked at Lilia-
san and I.

[…I see you’re on a date.]

[Wha!? T- T- T- That is…]

Lilia-san… There’s a chance that she may be trying to deceive her, but she’s really
easy to understand.

[Fufufu, how enviable… Ahh, that’s right. If it’s fine with you, “can I also join your

[Eh? E- Errr, that is…]

[Of course, I don’t mind.]


While I was at a loss for what to say to Sieg-san, who nonchalantly asked me to go on
a date with her with a calm smile… For some reason, Lilia-san readily agreed.

As I raised my voice in surprise, both Lilia-san and Sieg-san tilted their heads in
wonder at me.
[Kaito-san, is something the matter?]

[Eh? N- No, ummm… Is that alright?]

[What do you mean?]

[N- No, I mean, going on a date with the two of you at the same time…]

[Unnn? Isn’t that “pretty normal”?]


Unlike the confused me, Lilia-san looked like she really didn’t know why I was asking
her that.

At that moment, as if she understood what I was talking about, Sieg-san clapped her

[Ahh, that’s right… Speaking of which, monogamy was the norm in Kaito-san’s world,
wasn’t it?]

[Y- Yes… Could it be that this isn’t uncommon in this world?]

[Yes. Polygamy is the norm in this world… It isn’t particularly unusual for one man
and several women to date. Well, of course, I think it’s more common for just two
people to go on a date.]

[I- I see…]

When she put it that way, it certainly did make sense.

[…If Kaito-san feels bothered about it, it’s fine to decline, you know?]

[Ah, no, it’s just that I’m a little surprised by the cultural differences… I also enjoy
being with Sieg-san, and you would never be a nuisance.]

[Fufufu, hearing that makes me happy. Well then, if Kaito-san doesn’t mind, I would
certainly like to go with you.]

I was surprised, but as long as Lilia-san and Sieg-san didn’t mind, I’d be happy to
have a fun date with my two lovers.

When I agreed to Sieg-san’s request, not only Sieg-san, but also Lilia-san smiled
happily. For the shy Lilia-san, having the familiar Sieg-san might be comforting for

[Ahh, but before that, Sieg-san’s clothes. The size may be a little different, something
like this would be great…]

[No, Lili… Please don’t bring me such an expensive item. I don’t have as much money
as you do. I can barely afford to buy the lowest grade of clothing in this store… Also,
if possible, not a “skirt”…]

[…Speaking of which, you don’t really like skirts, do you?]

[Rather than me not liking skirts, what I don’t like are “clothes that make it hard to
move around in a forest”…]

Like I said, aren’t your standards quite strange!? Lilia-san and Sieg-san, what exactly
do you think you’re doing at the Six Kings Festival!? There’s no way you would need
to go around in a forest there… You wouldn’t, right…?

As I watched the two women get excited about choosing clothes, I quietly called out
behind me.


[Yes, yes.]

[When it’s Lillywood-san’s turn to host the festival, would she turn the venue into a

[…She did say that the theme of her event would be “interacting with nature”.]

[I see, thanks.]

[No, no, I’ll be excusing myself then~~]

…Could it be that I’m actually the wrong one here? After all, it’s a festival hosted by
those dense Six Kings. Is it the right answer to prepare ourselves for a battle? I’m
starting to lose my mind…

[…Ahh, can I ask you something again?]

[Hey, hey.]

[From Alice’s point of view, what do you think about going on a date with another

[Hmmm, I’m fine if it’s with Kuro-san or Fate-san… but I feel that it would be “too
troublesome” if it was with the others, so I would have to pass.]

[I see, thanks. I’ll keep that in mind.]

Dear Mom, Dad———– We met Sieg-san by chance at the clothing store. To my

surprise, Sieg-san decided to also join our date. I see, in this world———- This kind
of date is possible huh…


Serious-senpai: [What!? Isn’t it the common rule that if you meet another heroine on
a date, it should end up in a scene of carnage!?]
With the addition of Sieg, whom we met by chance at the clothing store, we decided
to move on to a date with one man and two women, which felt unusual for me.

Nonetheless, we decided on our clothes first… Lilia-san bought about 5 outfits,

including the one I recommended.

As for Sieg-san…

[Mhmm… T- This is expensive…]

[Sieg-san? You looked like you’re feeling troubled?]

[Hmmm. It’s a festival hosted by the Six Kings and I didn’t want to appear
discourteous, so I came here to buy something… But as I thought, since they were
made for nobles, all of them are very expensive… It’s hard to make up my mind…]

The clothes Sieg-san was looking at were pants-type that looked easy to move in. At
first glance, it looks like something for men, but its colors and patterns were cute.

The price of one pair was 5000R… 500,000 yen, while the other one was 7000R…
700,000 yen. Both of them seemed to be inexpensive, even compared to the top-
bottom sets of this store.

I thought it was cheap for a moment, since my senses had become numb after buying
3 outfits for 10 million yen from Alice, but when I thought about it again, 500,000
yen for one outfit was quite expensive.

(T/N: around 4800 USD. oof)

Putting aside if it were for the Duchess Lilia-san, it did seem to be a price that was
difficult for Sieg-san to afford.
Incidentally, all the clothes that Lilia-san bought were paid for in gold coins… They
cost several millions. The fact that they weren’t expensive stuff like formal dresses
reminded me once again of how magnificent nobles were supposed to be.

…Well, my clothes, which I buy from Alice, are also considerably expensive…

[Sieglinde-sama, may I recommend these clothes with the newest designs?]

[…These designs look quite lovely, don’t they. The price is… 15,000R!? I- I’ll pass.]

How should I say this… Unnn. I don’t know if it’s because I’m surrounded by people
too rich that they don’t even know money exists, but seeing Sieg-san’s appearance,
looking like a commoner, feels really refreshing.

Even so, the clothes the clerk just brought in… It’s a pale green pattern that would
look good on Sieg-san…

[Ummm, excuse me. Can you please adjust that one to fit Sieg-san’s size?]

[…Eh? K- Kaito-san!? W- What are you…]

[We’re on a date anyway, so I’ll buy it for you as a present.]

[In that case, may I recommend some accessories that would go well with this

[That looks beautiful… I’ll take that too.]

[Kaito-san!? Y- You can’t do that! T- They’re too expensive…]

When I told her that I was going to buy it as a present for Sieg-san, she called out to
me in a panic.

[Fortunately, I had lots of money, and I didn’t have anything I planned to spend it
on… I also think that this would look on you, Sieg-san. Besides, I’m your lover, so let
me at least give you some clothes as a present.]

[N- No, but… If you include the accessories, that’s over 30,000R, you know!? T- That’s
[Ahh, Lilia-san too, please let me give you that dress I picked as a present.]

[…Thank you. I’ll take your word for it then.]

[You’re ignoring me!? Lili too, how can you easily agree!?]

Unlike the flustered Sieg-san, Lilia-san smiled at my suggestion and just thanked me.
This may be because of the difference in financial sense between the two of them.

[…Kaito-san’s personal wealth can’t be compared to that of an ordinary noble, you

know? Kaito-san, how much money do you currently have?]

[E- Errr, I haven’t really counted them but… It should be about “1500 white gold

[O- One thousand five hun…]

Even after making money from the monster race before, lots of things happened and
the money I have just kept increasing.

For example, when I was making the music box, I received a large amount of jewelry
from Isis-san, that I still have a lot of leftovers… The quantity she gave me was a bit
excessive. I was also worried about the capacity of my magic box since Magnawell-
san’s scales took up most of the space, so I decided to sell some of them.

As a result, I had a lot of money in my pocket. Even after giving out special bonuses
to Anima and the others, I still had a lot of money… I’m going to have to seriously
think about how to use it.

[…Don’t come out of nowhere and smile like that, idiot.]

As I was thinking about this, Alice appeared out of nowhere with a smile on her face.
Even though I say that she was smiling, her eyes were totally looking at me with
“eyes of a predator looking at a delicious prey”.

Shooing away the idiot, I turned to Sieg-san, whose mouth was flapping open and
close like a fish.

[And that’s why, please let me give you a present.]

[…U- Uuuu… T- Thank you. I’ll make sure to repay this someday.]

[Don’t worry about it. I’ve always been really indebted to Sieg-san after all.]

When Lilia-san asked me how much money I had, Sieg-san seemed to have given up
and after apologetically thanking me, she accepted my request.

But really, I’m only buying it because I want to see Sieg-san in it, so it’s perfectly
fine… I thought it’s a very good purchase.

After thanking me several times, I watched her and Lilia-san head off to get their
sizes measured, and a thought occurred to me. Speaking of which, what about Anima
and the others? I heard that Eta and Theta would somehow prepare their clothes
but… as for Anima… Unnn. I think she would definitely not prepare at all.

I mean, Anima had already received an invitation from Alice, but she still dared to
ask to participate as “my companion”…She’s definitely planning to attend in her
usual military uniform.

However, there’s hardly any time left before the Six Kings Festival, so if I ask for
something to be made for her now… I don’t think they would make it in time.



And there Alice appears again. With a smile on her face, she was holding several
design drawings in her hands.

[…I’ll have this and this… Also, this one.]

[Thank you for your patronage~~]

The price is fairly expensive, but I could expect its quality, and the speed that these
clothes are made would be overwhelming.

Somehow, she really has become a very useful mobile store… Though, it does feels
like she has been exclusively targeting me lately…

Dear Mom, Dad——- Pushing past the reserved Sieg-san, we finally finished
shopping for clothes. I guess we’ll be having lunch next. Let’s go search for a good
restaurant from Kuro’s guidebook. Anyhow, I think it’s about time———– about
time I think about how I should use my money.


Next Chapter Notice: Sweet

Serious-senpai: […………]
After buying our clothes, we went to a place in the city to have lunch. We went to a
place that Kuro’s guidebook said was “recommended for ladies”.

[…Mnhh, I feel like I’ve only been receiving things from Kaito-san.]

[Don’t worry about it. I bought it because I like it.]

[Thank you… Ei.]

[Huh? Wha!?]

I reiterated to Sieg-san, who was still a little concerned about me buying her things,
that I didn’t mind. Then Sieg-san smiled happily and with a very cute shout, she
hugged my left arm.

[S- Sieg?! W- What in the world are you…]

[Lili, listen here, okay? We are Kaito-san’s lovers. It’s natural for us to walk arm in
arm like this.]

[…N- No, I think that’s a bit of an exaggeration…]

[I see, t- that’s right… L- L- L- Like this…]

[Lilia-san too!?]

Believing Sieg-san’s slightly exaggerated words, as if she had made up her mind,
Lilia-san hugged my right arm with her face blushing red.

A fearsome pincer attack, where both of my arms are held in embrace… In an instant,
my body temperature rose and my face became hot.

The soft sensations I feel from both sides. Lilia-san was embarrassed, but she was
pressing her body a little closer, capturing my arms between her frighteningly soft
twin hills, putting me in a very dangerous situation.

I’m not sure if Sieg-san was more composed than Lilia-san, but as she leaned her
body while hugging me, she held my hand with our fingers interlocked.

T- This is dangerous… I don’t know how I suddenly found myself in this situation, but
this feels really dangerous.

Lilia-san, Sieg-san… Both of them were amazingly soft, warm and smelled good.

Sieg-san’s tall and slender body was tightly wrapped around my body, not letting
there be any space between us, and as her face rubbed against my shoulder, my face
was extremely close to hers.

Lilia-san wasn’t as tall as Sieg-san, but her breasts could already be considered as
imposingly lethal weapons, holding my arm hostage and changing their shape upon

The way she hid her face in my arm, as if she was embarrassed, looked adorable, but
it also felt like it was whittling away my reason.

The situation was one where both my arms were held by beautiful women, each with
their own strong point, this truly is holding a flower in each hand… I must
completely look like a riajuu right now.

(T/N: riajuus are normies.)

However, I didn’t have the composure to enjoy this situation. I was wrapped up in the
scent and warmth that drifted from both of my sides, and all I could think about was
how to keep my dizzy head calm.

With my reasoning suddenly receiving great damage, we made our way to the
restaurant, while I felt conscious about the stares of the people on the street.

When we reached the target restaurant, Sieg-san and Lilia-san finally released my
arms. That was a close call… in all sorts of ways. This lover-like situation was
surprisingly, very damaging to my reasoning.

The restaurant we arrived at was a little off the main street and not that spacious,
but it was clean and stylish with nice tables and chairs.

What bothered me though was that there weren’t many customers even though it
was lunchtime.

Sitting down at a table, I looked at the menu that the waitress brought over… I see, as
it was recommended for women, there were many dishes with eggs and vegetables,
and a wide variety of salads.

I may be biased with my thoughts, but their lunch menu certainly felt like it was
targeted towards ladies… Unnn, I think it certainly fits Sieg-san’s image.

It’s just that Lilia-san… how should I say this… She feels more like a meat eater…

[Kaito-san? Were you thinking about something strange just now?]

[N- Not at all!]

…That was a close call. I was almost about to get lectured.

I was panicking for a bit, but I managed to place my order and we waited while
chatting with each other… As there were no other customers, the food was
immediately served.

I ordered the recommended set, which consists of an omelette on top of bread, salad,
and soup. It felt like one of those simple, but tasty meals.

Well, for a guy like me, this lunch felt a bit lacking… Well, if it’s not enough, we could
always just order more, so let’s just try them out.

Leisurely putting my hands together, I thought of starting with the salad, so I brought
my fork towards it… and immediately withdrew it.

…They added the vegetable I hate the most in there.

A bright green object, dazzlingly exemplifying its existence… It was cut into thin
strips and added to the salad, giving me an inexplicable sense of dread.

…There’s bell pepper in it… I’ll say it again because it’s important. There’s bell
pepper in it.
There’s nothing I can do. Unfortunately, I’ll have to give up on this salad. Bell peppers
really are impossible for me. Bell peppers are seriously scary. I wish all the bell
peppers in the world would disappear…

Just as I was about to give up on the salad, a hand reached out from the side and
grabbed the plate containing the salad.

[…I’m sorry, Kaito-san. I actually “really wanted to eat this salad”, but I ordered the
wrong one… I’m sorry to be so selfish, but I’d appreciate it if we could swap.]

[Eh? Yes…]

[Thank you.]

Then, with a smile, Sieg-san replaced my salad with her own. Sieg-san particularly
ordered her salad, instead of just ordering the recommended set… and what was put
in front of me was a very ordinary caesar salad.

After we exchanged plates, I turned to Sieg-san and she gave me a quick wink. Then
she started eating her salad as if nothing had happened.

Lilia-san also didn’t mention the bell peppers in particular, and proceeded to eat
while smiling and making idle chit-chat.

They aren’t making fun of my childish taste buds, but rather gently caring for me… It
makes me once again realize how kind the two of them are.

…Unnn, I’m falling in love with them all over again. Both Sieg-san and Lilia-san were
really wonderful women, and I felt incredibly proud to think that I’m their lover.

Strangely, the salad I ate that day… tasted more delicious than usual.

Dear Mom, Dad—— Caring and being cared for… Receiving goodwill and giving it
back… I realized once again how good having a lover is. Was it right to call it
warmth? As I felt at ease being with them—— We had a very enjoyable meal.

Sieg-san is the kind sister next door.
The 22nd Day of the Light month. The 24th, the day of the Six Kings Festival, was
approaching, and we were planning to arrive there before the festival itself occurs, so
today was like the last minute preparations day.

I asked Alice for help while I was on my shopping date with Lilia-san and Sieg-san, so
I should be able to get my clothes in time without any problems.

As for what to bring with me, I usually keep most of my things in my magic box, so
it’s not a problem.

So now, I’m checking the “badges” I received this morning.

It was black with a special magic technique written on the back, it’s like an ID card
for my companions to wear at the Six Kings Festival.

It apparently has a special magic technique built into it that makes it impossible to
forge or duplicate. Well, unless you’re Shiro-san.

I’d be handing these over to my companions when we leave tomorrow, but right now,
I was just checking to make sure that I hadn’t missed anyone in my application.

[Well, if that situation happens, I’ll just make it quick and easy, so you don’t have to
worry about missing anyone.]

[Unnn, thanks… Speaking of which, are the clothes going to be ready in time?]

[It’s already been made though?]


When I asked Alice, who suddenly appeared out of nowhere and spoke to me as
usual, she told me that the clothes I had asked for were already finished. I didn’t
know if I should say that it’s to be expected or not, but she works really fast.
In that case, should I give them to Anima and the others first, along with the badges?

As I was thinking about this, Alice suddenly took out what seemed to be a notepad
and spoke.

[By the way, Kaito-san. You’re going there tomorrow, aren’t you?]

[Yeah, that’s the plan.]

The Six Kings Festival is held for seven days, and all accommodations are provided
free of charge. However, I heard that the lodgings you could stay at are determined
by the rank of your invitation… Well, I heard that even the worst accommodation is
about the same as a super luxurious hotel…

Of course, it’s also okay to attend only on certain days, and in that case, you can get
free transportation.

However, I’d be staying on the top floor of the central tower… I heard that Kuro and
Isis were very excited about this decision… and it was making me very anxious.

[…Well then, I’m going to have someone guide around you at that time… Kaito-san
should also know some of our subordinates, do you have someone you’d like to guide

[Ahh~~ I see… Hmmm.]

Our subordinates… From the way Alice spoke, I guess that includes Kuro’s family. I
certainly am acquainted with some of them. I knew Fafnir-san and Pandora-san. I’d
only talked to them a few times, but I also knew Lillywood-san’s subordinates.

Even so… Hmmm. A guide… I guess that would be until we reached our inn? Fafnir-
san was too big. As for Pandora-san… I didn’t really know her that well, and I haven’t
talked to others that much either. Above all, many of them were people that Lilia-san
and the others would meet for the first time.

In that case, that leaves Kuro’s family… hey, wait a moment? That’s right! There’s also
that person!

[…How about Caraway-san?]


Caraway-san, the cat-eared Demon who brought the invitations and explained the
Six Kings Festival to us… She’s already acquainted with Lilia-san and the others, and
her explanation of the Six Kings Festival was detailed and easy to understand, so I
think she should be able to easily explain things to us.

It seemed like she was the perfect person for the job, but for some reason, Alice had
a complicated look on her face.

[…Errr, did I say something wrong?]

[No, it’s just that Caraway-san… She isn’t “a subordinate of any of the Six Kings”, you

[Ehh!? Is that so?]

[Yes, she isn’t a subordinate of any of the Six Kings. She also wasn’t invited to the Six
Kings Festival, so she isn’t qualified to participate in the first place.]

It’s not like I was thinking all Demons would be a subordinate of one of the Six Kings
but… since Caraway-san was the one who brought me the invitation, I thought for
sure that she was someone’s subordinate…

[She is, well, as Kaito-san knows… the one who casted Recognition Inhibition Magic
on Kaito-san.]

[U- Unnn.]

[She seemed to be very remorseful about the incident, and she asked for a chance to
somehow make amends… That’s why I entrusted her with doing some small chores.
However, that was only behind the scenes, and she isn’t allowed to participate in the
Six Kings Festival. Well, she might be tasked with cleaning or other odd jobs…]

[…Is… that so.]

[The reason I had her deliver the invitations to Kaito-san and the others was because
she volunteered. She wanted to directly apologize to you.]

It was just a guess but… Could it be that Caraway-san’s situation wasn’t good because
she casted Recognition Inhibition Magic on me?

It could be said that she reaped what she sowed, but as the person concerned, I
didn’t mind about that matter at all anymore because I received her sincere apology
and there was no real harm done…

As I was in a complicated mood, Alice looked at me for a while… before she smiled.

[…Then, I’ll send Caraway-san to guide you around, okay?]

[…Is that alright?]

[Rather than asking me that, shouldn’t I be asking you, Kaito-san, if that’s alright?
Even though she regrets it, she was someone who tried to kidnap you once, you

[And you’re someone who actually kidnapped me once.]


Alice’s wry smile looks so gentle that I could see it even through her mask… It was
like she already knew what I was going to say.

[She’s already apologized to me, and I don’t mind about that matter at all… I mean, it
was because of that incident that I met Kuro. I’m rather grateful that she did that

[…I see, roger that. Well then, I’ll go make the arrangements.]

[Unnn, I’ll be counting on you on that… Ahh, also… If it’s possible…]

[Yes, yes. You’re asking me to “invite her to the Six Kings Festival as Kaito-san’s
companion”, right? I’ll make her a badge and I’ll have it given to her later.]

[…Thank you, Alice.]

[No, no, something like this is easy-peasy… Well then!]

Alice seemed to know everything I was thinking and gave me the answer I wanted
before disappearing.
Unnn, well, seriously… Alice had been helping me a lot. I guess I’ll take her out for a
nice meal again soon.

Dear Mom, Dad—— Preparations for going to the Six Kings Festival are steadily in
progress, and I’m getting more and more excited by each minute passing. It’s a
festival held by all the Six Kings, and it’s going to be quite large, so I’m really looking
forward to it. Anyway, the Six Kings Festival———- will be held soon.


Finally, the Six Kings Festival (which is actually a date competition in disguise) is
about to begin.

Serious-senpai: […………]
Peerage-holding, high-ranking Demon. It’s the term that refers to a very small
percentage of beings in the Demon Realm, but unlike peerage-holding nobles of the
Human Realm, they didn’t particularly need to have territories or belong to a specific

In fact, the term “peerage-holding, high-ranking Demon” was created by the

“Phantasmal King, No Face” and it had spread out around the Demon Realm.

In the Demon Realm back then, there were only two broad categories of Demons:
Ordinary Demons and High-ranking Demons who possessed a certain level of power.

Thinking that such a system was inconvenient in managing the information of the
Demon Realm, No Face created the “peerages” for those who had superior power
among the high-ranking Demons, and quickly spread it throughout the Demon
Realm with her overwhelming intelligence department.

Only No Face and a few of her confidants knew of the criteria for judging high-
ranking Demons. They were appointed by the Phantasmal King Corps.

However, for No Face, this naming was just for administrative purposes and to make
it easier for them to classify, so there is no appointment ceremony or any sort of

For those who have been judged by No Face and some of her confidants to “have
power above the set standard”, the Phantasmal King’s subordinates would suddenly
appear before them and simply orally tell them that they have been judged to have
this given peerage.

However, their peerage rank had become a proof of great power in the kraterocratic
Demon Realm, and had become a kind of status.
(T/N: kraterocratic/might-makes-right government)

It is even said that becoming a high-ranking Demon will change your world. Even if
you don’t try to gather them, Demons wanting to be your subordinate will gather
around you, and wealth and fame will start coming your way.

Therefore, every Demon dreams to receive the title of being a peerage-holding, high-
ranking Demon one day. However, those people that can obtain that title within the
vast number of races that the Demon Realm had… Only a handful of them really

The Viscount-level, high-ranking Demon, Caraway, was also one of the chosen few.

She was born in a race that wasn’t naturally very powerful, but she was born with a
talent that was unparalleled in the history of her species.

As she grew older, her skills rapidly improved, and eventually, she became the first of
her kind to receive a peerage. At that moment, her race extolled her as a “hero”, and
gave her unreserved praise.

(T/N: Hero here is “eiyuu”, just like how Laguna is called hero/eiyuu.)

For Caraway, being called the hero of her race was a source of pride, and it became a
guiding principle that inspired her to live up to that title.

But at the same time, being a peerage-holder brought her pleasures as sweet as
honey. Many demons wanted to become her subordinates and wealth gathered in
her hands.

As she rose from the baron to viscount, the sweet nectar she received increased even
more, and she relished in the peak of happiness.

She was indeed a genius… but her natural talents… could only get her that far.

There is a barrier between Viscount and Count that only an even smaller number of
“monsters” among geniuses could cross, and Caraway could not cross that barrier.

Perhaps, she should have just given up there. If only she knew her place and had
been satisfied with where she was… She would never have lost sight of her initial
However, once she tasted the supreme nectar, her heart yearned for more. She began
to think about how much happiness awaited her once she reached Count-level.

She wasn’t thinking about standing at the top of the Demon Realm. She knew that
even if she spent her whole life training her abilities to get stronger, she would never
be able to reach even the tip of any of the Six Kings’ strength. She just wanted to be
as close to it as possible… ascend to the highest place that she could.

What was most ironic was that she was only ‘slightly out of reach’ from Count-rank…
which, on the other hand, also meant that if she could get the factor to move one step
forward, she might have been able to reach the Count-rank.

That’s why, she reached out her hand… to him who isn’t from this world, the person
who would help her make great strides… filled with selfish desires, she reached out
her hand… and she failed.

However, she was “glad that she failed”…Because she had failed, she was still able to
keep her life.

If she had succeeded in kidnapping Kaito, she would have been immediately
beheaded by No Face for causing chaos in the world.

Her vision was so narrowed at that time that she couldn’t even notice such things.

…Building things up is difficult, but losing it could only take an instant.

Caraway lost everything in that one incident. She was warned by the Six Kings and
her reputation within the Six Kings was severely diminished.

In a way, it feels as if her sentence was just suspended for later… and the loyalty of
her subordinates wasn’t high enough for them to want to follow her.

She didn’t blame them for that. If the situation was reversed, she would have done
the same. That’s how absolute of an existence the Six Kings were.

All of her subordinates left her, and even her own race began to look at her
negatively. From the hero of her race… She became the disgrace of her race… The
speed at which everything rolled down was so fast that she couldn’t help but laugh.

At that moment… When she was finally free of her burning desires, she wept
profusely, regretting her actions.

Where was the hero of her own people, the one who had worked so hard as to not
shame that title? When did she become such an unsightly fool…

However, regret would not erase the mistakes of the past. She had fallen so far that
there was no hope of a second chance, and Caraway herself accepted it.

Since the Six Kings had pardoned her, albeit with a warning, no one was criticizing
her on the surface, but the sneers and scornful looks never disappeared.

It was agonizing… painful… Unlike the Demon Lord Vier, she didn’t have the strength
to carry all her sins and to still keep walking through life.

Over and over again, she shed tears of regret for her past and for what she had lost.

It was so painful that she wanted to run away, but she couldn’t forgive herself for not
doing anything to make amends.

At least not until she said a few words of apology… even if the victim, Kaito, doesn’t
forgive her.

She heard the rumor about the Six Kings Festival, and was allowed to help with it on
the condition that she wouldn’t be allowed to participate in the main festival. After
pleading with them, she was also given the opportunity to apologize to Kaito, and
with the invitation in hand, she came to visit where he lived.

The Six King’s Festival was drawing near, and Caraway was cleaning up the grounds
where the event would take place. Not being a subordinate of the Six Kings, she was
not given any important work to do, only random chores, but she continued to do
them without a single complaint.

She was a celebrity in the Demon Realm, but what she had was mostly infamy, and
she couldn’t help but notice the strange gazes that fell on her.

Some of them used to be her subordinates, but now that they’re following another
Demon, the way they looked at her was very cold…

As she continues to work in this suffocating atmosphere, a shadow suddenly appears

in front of her eyes.
[…Stop for a moment. Phantasmal King-sama has a message for you.]

[P- Pandora-sama!? A- A message from Phantasmal King-sama… Y- Yes… W- What is


The one who appeared before her is Phantasmal King, Pandora, who was known as
the strongest among the Counts. When Caraway heard her words, her back
straightened as she fearfully looked at her.

A messenger from the Six Kings came to visit her… It didn’t seem like she’s going to
talk about something simple. Could it be that she has done something wrong again?
The other Demons seemed to think so as well, and they looked at Caraway with
gazes mixed with contempt.

But the words that came out of Pandora’s mouth were something that no one in that
area expected.

[You… are to guide Miyama-sama, who will come visit tomorrow. You can stop
cleaning now, but make sure that you thoroughly ascertain the path you will be going
to tomorrow.]

[…Huh? Eh?]

What she said was something really unfitting. It was a known fact to many Demons
that Kaito was someone important to the Six Kings.

As for guiding him… Putting aside if it was left to one of the Six Kings subordinate,
it’s hard to believe that this task is entrusted to Caraway, someone treated as a

[P- Please wait! W- Why is this… being entrusted to me…]

[You were nominated by Miyama-sama himself. You don’t have the right to refuse, so
just respectfully accept it.]

[…Eh? M- Miyama-sama… appointed… me… Why?]

It’s true that Kaito told her that he forgave Caraway when she apologized at Lilia’s
mansion before. However, this was only because Kaito was kind, and that didn’t
mean that all grudges disappeared.
For Caraway, being personally appointed by Kaito was like a bolt out from the blue.

However, the shocking development continued.

[Ahh, you’re also to receive this…]

[Wha!? T- This is… the badge of companionship? W- Why…]

[Miyama-sama appointed you as his companion. Make sure you thank him.]


Caraway couldn’t understand Kaito’s actions at all. Why is it that he has no

resentment towards her…

[…I will now convey Miyama-sama’s message.]

[…Y- Yes!]

[“I’m sorry for suddenly asking you to guide us. Also, I’m sorry for making you my
companion without asking you first and only telling you after you had already
become one. I know it may be brazen of me, but as a “friend”, I would be happy if
Caraway-san could enjoy the Six Kings Festival as well. If it’s not too much trouble,
please accept it.”…End of message.]

[…Ahh… aaaa…]

[Well then, I will tell you the time they will arrive later. Make sure you’re not late.]

[Y- Yes…]

After Pandora told her just what she needed to know before leaving her alone,
Caraway’s shoulders shook. With tears shedding from her eyes, she carefully
wrapped the badge within her hands.

[…Calling this foolish me… as your friend… Ahhh… Why did I… do that to such a
noble person… It couldn’t be helped if even I get embarrassed of myself… Thank you
very much… Miyama-sama… Thank you…]
With large drops of tears in her eyes, Caraway expressed her gratitude to Kaito who
isn’t here.

At that moment, she hadn’t realized it yet. That Kaito’s message that day was the
salvation that would change her current situation…

Yes, as long as Kaito called Caraway his “friend”, she would be recognized as such.

If anyone were to speak ill of her… of “Kaito’s friend… That would be an act
equivalent to suicide. Kaito’s single word became the shield that protected her from
the unpleasant gazes.

However, it goes without saying… Kaito himself hadn’t thought about it, and he just
asked Pandora to give her that message in a very normal way.

After she realized the influence of Kaito’s words, Caraway misunderstood that Kaito
did this to protect her. She was so moved that she shed tears to the point that she
couldn’t cry anymore, secretly pledging her loyalty to Kaito in her heart… that would
be a story for another time.


? ? ? : [I never expected that Author-san would just give a whole chapter that had just
popped out for a moment! I- Isn’t this a bit too preferential? Are nekomimis really
that great? Even Alice-chan is a nekomimi when she wears that stuffed costume, you
know? Shouldn’t this be an intermission chapter about the Transcendental Beauty
Alice-chan, who has established herself as a capable secretary?]
The 23rd Day of the Light month. The Six Kings Festival was coming up tomorrow,
and we were supposed to travel there today.

There was a direct gate to the event site, and we could teleport there from the gates
of each realm. As for the transportation to the gates of each realm, we can be picked
up and dropped off, free of charge, by the Flying Dragon Services arranged by

The gate wasn’t really too far from Lilia-san’s mansion, it was only a short distance
away by carriage… but Lilia-san strongly wished to ride a flying dragon.

Of the participants we knew, Eden-san would arrive there on the day of the event,
while Sieg-san’s parents… Rei-san and Fia-san are coming from Rigforeshia, and we
would meet on-site.

Other than the members who live in Lilia-san’s mansion, Noir-san, Lunamaria-san’s
mother, is also going with us.

To our surprise, Fafnir-san was the one who came to pick us up. He was huge dragon
with a tremendous physique, but it seems that after your strength reaches Fafnir-
san’s level, you could change the size of your body to some extent, so he came in a
size that fit the garden of the mansion.

[It’s been a while, Miyama-dono.]

[Hello, Fafnir-san. We will be in your care today.]

[Leave it to me…]

After greeting Fafnir-san, whom I hadn’t seen in a long time, we departed

immediately. Well, it wasn’t that far, so it only took a few minutes.

Unnn, I really think we don’t need to ride a flying dragon here.

[…W- What a moving experience this is. I never thought I’d be carried by Fafnir-
sama, a Count-level Dragon and a super-ancient true dragon…]

…Well, Lilia-san looked happy, so I guess it’s fine.

I had heard that the Six Kings Festival would be held on an island in the Demon
Realm, but the place I arrived at was nothing short of breathtaking.

They made a city comparable to the royal capital all for the sake of conducting the
grand Six Kings Festival… I could see Magnawell-san’s large body from a distance,
and to think that the city expanded until that area… I can already guess how
extremely large the size of this city was.

When I reached the huge, gorgeously decorated gate, Caraway-san was waiting for
us, with a soft smile on her face.

[We have been expecting you, Miyama-sama… Once again, I’m Caraway, the one who
will be guiding you around today.]

[Hello, Caraway-san. I apologize for the sudden request.]

[No, it’s my honor to be of help to Miyama-sama… Is everyone in Miyama-sama’s

group already gathered?]

Hmmm. She’s saying it’s my group like it’s obvious, but shouldn’t it be more
appropriate to call us Duchess Albert’s group? No, well, it’s certainly true that I have
the highest rank of invitation but… it’s making me itch for some reason.

Also, this is unrelated but… When she asked if this was all of us, Caraway-san’s long
tail turned into a ” ? ” shape. I wonder if she’s unconsciously doing that? If so, that
was kind of cute.

[No, two more people are scheduled to join us… Can we wait for a while?]

[Understood. Well then, I will start guiding everyone once they’ve joined us.]

Saying this, Caraway-san smiled at me. It may have just been my imagination, but her
expression somehow felt softer than when we had met before.

Dear Mom, Dad———– The Six Kings Festival will finally start tomorrow. It looks
like they’re putting a lot of effort into it, making it into a huge festival, so I’m really
looking forward to it. Anyhow———- We finally arrived at the venue.

Watching Kaito and Caraway calmly conversing with each other, Lunamaria
muttered to herself.

[…How in the world did he make a woman who he has only met once… to have the
“face of a woman completely in love” the next time he met her?]

[…It’s Kaito-san after all.]

[…It’s Kaito-senpai after all.]

[How should I say this… For me to be convinced with just those few words, Miyama-
sama really is scary.]

Aoi and Hina responded to Lunamaria’s murmur with dumbfounded expressions on

their faces.

Yes, the girls had noticed. The feverish gaze Caraway had towards Kaito… Rather,
they clearly noticed that “her tail turned into the shape of a heart” when she was
talking with Kaito…

[…Fumu, to see through Master’s loftiness, that High-ranking Demon… It seems like
she should have quite the bright future.]

[Yes, this is also because of Master’s greatness.]

[As expected of Master… desu.]

In contrast to Lunamaria and the others, Kaito’s follower trio, Anima, Eta and Theta,
nodded with somewhat proud expressions on their faces.

After casting another dumbfounded glance at the trio, Lunamaria turned to her

[…Listen, Mom. Don’t get too close to Miyama-sama. As you can see, he will cage you
up and have you entrapped in his clutches in an instant…]

[Unnn? Miyama-san is a wonderful gentleman after all~~]

[Mom… Are you even listening to me?]

[Yes, you’re talking about how wonderful Miyama-san, who is loved by so many
women is, right?]

[N- No… T- There is no doubt that Miyama-sama is a charming man but…]

In a world where polygamy was the norm, being favored by many women directly
showed one’s value as a man.

The idea that men who had many lovers were wonderful was a very common one,
and Lunamaria couldn’t deny that point.

However, it seemed like she was having complicated feelings because her own
mother was very fond of Kaito, and her complicated emotions were showing on her

[That’s right, isn’t it? He’s a kind man but… Being an only wife, it was “slightly
pathetic”, wasn’t it?]

[Why are you lightheartedly disparaging Dad!? No, it’s not like I’m supporting Dad,
and I agree that it’s slightly pathetic but… Can’t you be a little more concerned about

[Unnn? I’m still in love with him though~~]

[T- Then…]

[But when I’m with a wonderful gentleman like Miyama-san, the “woman” in me

[Why the heck do you have the “face of a womaaaaaaaan”!?]

With a parasol in hand, Noir’s eyes were as feverish as Caraway’s as she ecstatically
gazed at Kaito with her cheeks blushed red.

[Lu-chan, Lu-chan.]

[…What is it?]
[Which do you think Miyama-san prefers…”licking” or “sucking”?]

[And what exactly are you planning by asking that? Are you just feeling adventurous?
Are you going on a trip and starting a night adventure!? I won’t allow it! There’s no
way I’ll allow it, okay!!!?]

[…Unnn? Ahh, I see. I’m sorry, Lu-chan. Mom didn’t think it through.]

[…Y- You’ve finally understood me…]

When she saw Noir adorably clapping her hands with a smile, Lunamaria felt a sense
of relief… which was immediately shattered into pieces.

[“Lu-chan also wants to come with me”, right? Yes, Mom understands you. I’m sure
that it will be Lu-chan’s first time, so Mom will teach you well.]

[You didn’t! Understand me! At all!? L- Lili!!! Help me!!!]

[…N- Night adv… S- Should I also do that? H- However, such a thing is still…]

[Why the heck do all of you have that kind of faaaaaaceeeee!?]

When she turned around to ask for help, Lilia was poking her index finger together
with a bright red face, and Lunamaria, realizing that she had no allies, screamed with
tears in her eyes.

But if there’s one thing Lunamaria was wrong about, it’s that… Noir wasn’t talking
about sexual intercourse, she is talking about drinking blood… She wanted to drink
Kaito’s blood again, preferably during this Six King Festival.

She was thinking about which would be more pleasing for Kaito, licking the blood off
his finger or sucking on his bleeding finger.

But then again, Lunamaria’s apprehensions were not out of line.

For Noir, drinking Kaito’s blood was her supreme pleasure, and her Affection to Kaito
increased every time she drank his blood.

Honestly speaking, her Affection Meter was already on a level that she would accept
such an act with him if Kaito asked for it.
It seems like Lunamaria’s hardships still continue.


Lunamaria: [Just when I was thinking that the nekomimi that we met before
reappeared with the face of a woman, my own mother also has a face like that… This
Meeting Caraway-san again, I finished introducing her to Anima and the others, who
she had never met before. I didn’t know why, but Anima had an unusually good
impression of Caraway-san for some reason.

Do they feel some kind of connection between them, being that both of them are
beast-type Demons?

At about the same time this question popped into my mind, a voice suddenly called

[…Sorry for waiting, everyone!]

Vigorous familiar voices… Turning towards the voice, Sieg-san held her head in her

At the end of our gazes, two shadows came running.

A familiar-looking man and woman came running towards us, dashing towards us in
a zigzag pattern while crisscrossing with each other. As they intercrossed in front of
us, they did a cartwheel in the air before landing. They then did a backflip, stood
back-to-back, and ended it with a pose.

[Long time no see, everyone!]

[We have arrived~~]

Of course, it was Sieg-san’s parents who showed up with an aura that blew away
everyone’s mind… Ria-san and Fia-san.

[We totally nailed it, Rei.]

[Yeah, all the practice we did for this day paid off. It was a perfect entrance! Everyone
seemed so moved that they were speechless.]
You’re mistaken. We were so dumbfounded that we’re speechless.

Also, Rei-san and Fia-san, it’s fine and all for you to be proud of your achievement
but… If you don’t step on the brakes soon, Sieg-san would start focusing on you, you

But of course, the two wouldn’t settle down easily, and Sieg-san’s usual scolding was
about to begin… but for some reason, I heard “a voice different from earlier”.

[…Fufufu, ahaha, haa–HAHAHA! You call that a perfect entrance? Naive! You’re as
naive as a new-born baby!]

[W- Who are you!?]

…As far as I knew, she was the world’s greatest idiot.

[It can’t be helped. For the sake of the young chicks who don’t yet know the vastness
of the sky, Let me show you what true entrance looks like!]

With her headache-inducing monologue, an idiot and the clone of said idiot came
running from the distance… in a cat and dog stuffed costume…

Then, the idiot dog and the idiot cat jumped in the middle of the group, crossing with
each other while doing horizontal spins.

Their movements certainly look amazing, but if it’s her, even if she made an entrance
like that…

[T- That’s impossible! C- Could that possibly be…”The Divine Exchange”!?]

[T- This is unbelievable… Isn’t that a lost technique!?]

However, there were two people who were actually hooked by her movements.

In front of their gazes, the idiot dog and idiot cat landed and immediately did a
twisting backward knee trip, and with a spin, they kicked each other’s legs in the air
to return to their original positions.

[How could this be!? You linked the Divine Exchange with a “Double Crescent
[I- It’s not possible for one’s body to withstand that! What is with these two, are you

I’ve been wondering about this for a while, but what is this? What’s with the very
cool names? Who the heck gave it those names?

After running and lining up in a row, the idiot dog stepped on the idiot cat’s shoulder
and leaped high into the air while spinning around. The idiot cat approached her,
leaping across the ground like a gymnast, and then struck a pose at the area where
the idiot dog landed with their backs facing each other.

[…A- Aaahhhh…”Shooting Star”…How could… this be…]

[Moreover, the other one did a “Ground Combination”…T- There’s no way humans
can do that!]

…You two aren’t humans either, Rei-san and Fia-san. You’re elves, remember?

For us, what the idiots did didn’t really matter, but for Rei-san and Fia-san, the idiot
duo’s entrance was really shocking, as they both fell to their knees and hung their
heads at the same time.

[…We lost.]

[…I never thought there would be performers like them in the world… Who in the
world are you!?]

…They’re the irredeemable idiots.

[Fufufu, I’m glad you asked. I’m the star that shines on the world… the Mysterious
Transcendental Beauty Alice-chan!]

[ [ W- What did you say!? ] ]

Rei-san, Fia-san, you’re getting too into the mood. Somehow, even though I’m just
watching them, I felt really tired.

[The Mysterious Transcendental Beauty Alice-chan… W- Who in the world are you!?]

[I- I don’t know who that is at all… That must be why she calls herself the Mysterious
Transcendental Beauty Alice-chan huh!]

No, that’s just because that’s her name, okay!? For crying out loud, she just said her
name was Alice!

[Fuuu, I can’t tell you who I am but…]

Even though you just said your name to them!? You aren’t hiding anything, you’re
being completely open!

[You guys have a lot of potential. All I wish is that you don’t become complacent. The
pinnacle of your career as performers is still a long way off. Please keep that in mind
and keep working hard.]

[The Mysterious Transcendental Beauty Alice-chan… T- Thank you very much!]

[Yes, we’ll try our best to catch up with the Mysterious Transcendental Beauty Alice-
chan one day!]

I couldn’t keep up with them anymore…

In front of me, who couldn’t keep up with them at all due to the difference in tension,
Rei-san and Fia-san were in tears, as if they were overcome with emotions… until
swords were thrust towards their necks.

[…U- Ummm, Sieg? T- This is…]

[Sieg-chan, calm down…]


Sieg-san’s eyes were filled with murderous intent. Well, they reaped what they

[…You two are being disrespectful to Phantasmal King-sama!]

[ [… Eh? Phantasmal King… -sama? ] ]

When Sieg-san told them that, they completely stiffened… before a few moments
later, they slowly turned to Alice.
[…Errr… you’re… Phantasmal King-sama?]

[Yes, the true identity of the Mysterious Transcendental Beauty Alice-chan… Tadahh!
The Phantasmal King!]

With exaggerated movements, she took off her stuffed costume and appeared in the
form of the Phantasmal King, clad in a black hood with dangling chains.

When Rei-san and Fia-san saw this, the color completely disappeared from their
faces… and they smoothly knelt down in a dogeza.

[M- M- M- My apologies! W- W- W- We didn’t know you were Phantasmal King-sama…]

[P- Please excuse us for our rudeness…]

Perhaps remembering their flippant conversation from earlier, they both shuddered
and said their apologies.

Hearing this, Alice nodded once in satisfaction and began to speak in a pompous

[Well, it’s no wonder you don’t recognize me. Not only am I the Phantasmal King, I’m
also a top-notch performer… Each of my movements are perfectly sophisticated
beauty brought into existence. Just for this moment, you can buy this “Performance
Textbook” that I wrote for the special price of———- Fugyaaahhh!?]

[…Stop fooling around and behave yourself.]

[K- Kaito-san!? N- No, I was just instructing them as fellow performe——–

Migyaaahhh!? Y- You’ww teaw off my chweeks… You’ww teaw them off! You’ww
teawing them off!]

[…Come here for a sec.]

[Niyaahhh!? Don’t dwag me whiyle youw hand is on my chweek… I- I’m

sowwwwwwy! I got cawwied awaaaayyy!]

Beating up the idiot who started coercing the two frightened people to buy her stuff,
I forcibly dragged her away.
Just because I’ve been spoiling her a bit lately, she’d become like this… It’s been a
while since I scolded her. Let’s do that.

[…Hey, Sieg-chan? Is that person really Phantasmal King-sama?]


[…Ummm, Miyama-kun is making her sit in a seiza and scolding her…]

[…She’s the Phantasmal King.]

Dear Mom, Dad———- I rendezvoused with Rei-san and Fia-san. It would have
ended with just a few words of greeting, but a certain idiot made it take a staggering
amount of time. Unnn… It’s been a while since I straightened her out———- so I’ll
scold her.


Alice-chan is idiotically cute.

When the scolding of the idiot was over, it seemed that Sieg-san’s scolding also
ended at the same time, and the battered Rei-san and Fia-san stood up.

[Even so, it’s amazing, isn’t it? It’s a festival hosted by the Six Kings, so I knew that it
would be large-scale… but for it to be this large…]

Rei-san was quick to recover and switch gears as usual, he was muttering to himself
as he stared at the large city that would become the venue.

I could totally agree with that statement. In fact, the place was much bigger than I
imagined, and the tower in the center is so big that it felt like it was going to pierce
the sky.

I’m not really sure if I’ll be staying there but, it’s a bit… no, it makes me feel dwarfed,
but I don’t think I really have the right to refuse.

[Even so, as expected of the Six Kings… How much money did they spend on all of

[I can’t even imagine.]

Lilia-san muttered, and Lunamaria-san agreed with a mystified look on her face. An
inordinate amount of materials must have been used just for that one central tower.
Where in the world did they gather such a large amount of materials in such a short

Well, it’s really going to be a festival on a scale I’ve never experienced before, that’s
for sure.

[However, with the place this big… It seems like it would be difficult to go around the
[Yeah, indeed… It seems to be as big as the royal capital of Symphonia… I don’t know
if we can visit all of the places in seven days.]

I replied to Fia-san’s very agreeable mutterings. The city where this event will be
held is too big. If all the stalls were lined up in this city, we would probably only be
able to visit half of them.

Just as I was thinking that I needed to plan out where I would be going… Caraway-
san said something unbelievable.

[…No, Miyama-sama. Not just seven days. If you want to go around and see
everything, you shouldn’t think about going around for seven days. You should think
about how you could see everything just for one day.]

[…What? No, I mean, the Six Kings Festival lasts for…]

[I’ve only heard about it but… It seems that the Six Kings Festival “switches all the
events except for the Central Tower and the accommodations every day”.]


Caraway-san’s words left not only me, but everyone here in awe.

In other words, they’re going to change all the stalls every single day? No, no, no
matter how I thought about it, that’s kinda…

[It’s hard to believe, but I heard that “even the buildings would also change”.]

[…I- Is that even possible!?]

[I don’t know. But if it’s the Six Kings… I can’t say it’s impossible.]

Lilia-san asked in astonishment, and Caraway-san replied with a hesitant expression

on her face, as if she herself was also half-doubting her words.

But it certainly was as Caraway-san said. Even if it was impossible to our common
sense, the Six Kings might be able to do it.

However, this would make the problem that Fia-san mentioned earlier more serious.
When a festival on such a scale that you can’t even visit half of it over the course of
seven days is switched every day… One would really only be able to enjoy a little bit
of the festival.

In that case, it would be great if we can walk around with some idea of what we
would like to see… With how big this place was, I wouldn’t even know where
anything is…


Just as I had that thought in mind, Alice sneakily walked in front of us with several
pieces of wood… Why the heck do I feel like I’ve seen this pattern before?

Just as I expected, Alice took out a hammer and after hitting the pieces of wood three
times… a stall was created.

Looking at the sign, written on it was “This is the Perfect Alice-chan’s Special Guide
to the Six Kings Festival ~~ Complete Edition ~~”.

…Not bad. Accurately identifying demand and presenting it when everyone wanted
it… and leaving me no choice but to buy it.

But what I’m worried about is the price… How much was she going to overcharge me

Looking at her with trepidation, I saw that she had prepared a wooden tag with a
price written on it this time. And the price written on the wooden tag was…

Kaito-san: 100R per book

Random Riffraff: 100,000R per book

I was paying 10,000 yen per book, while others would have to pay 10 million yen…
That was quite a frightening disparity.

No, 10,000 yen per book could still be considered as expensive, but the pricing for
the other was just too much of a rip-off.

[…A- Alice? No matter how I think about it, that’s kinda…]

[No, Miyama-sama. That’s a reasonable price.]


[Miyama-sama and Phantasmal King-sama are “the best couple in the world”, so the
special pricing is understandable. But other than for that, just the fact that this was a
book written by Phantasmal King-sama made it more than worth it. For a complete
guide for the Six Kings Festival… One white gold coin would be considered rather
cheap instead. This is “how great of an existence the Phantasmal King-sama” is.]


[That’s why Phantasmal King-sama’s price tag set for her partner as the “best
couple”, Miyama-sama, is a special price.]

What is this? I somehow feel like Lunamaria-san was trying to flatter Alice. She’s also
emphasizing that we’re the best couple in the world.

A few moments later, I immediately understood Lunamaria-san’s intentions.

After listening to what Lunamaria-san said, Alice took the wooden tag on which she
had written the price, wrote something on it, and put it back in its original position.

The sentence that was added was…

“Lunamaria-san: 1000R”

…She just boldly gave her a 99% discount, selling an item worth 10 million yen down
for 100,000 yen. It seemed that she was very happy with Lunamaria-san’s

Unnn, as expected of Lunamaria-san… She’s strong. However, I just thought of

something… but if I can do that…

[Hey, Alice… Can I buy several copies?]

[Only for Kaito-san!]

[…Then, I can just “buy copies for everyone” huh…]

[Thank you for the purchase~~]

When I muttered this, Alice gave me a big smile, as if she knew the meaning of my

[…You’ve been aiming for this from the start?]

[…I wonder?]

…This f*cking b*stard. She has been trying to get me to buy them all from the start!
She wrote about prices for other people, but I was her only target from the start!?

It seems like her business skills grow really quickly while she’s aiming at me huh… I
really can’t let my guard down around her.

Dear Mom, Dad———- Alice, who never misses a business opportunity and just as
she expected, I was forced to buy her stuff again. I somehow felt like I lost but…
seeing Alice happily receiving my money, I don’t feel like complaining———- Does
the words “weak are those who fell in love” mean this?


Even though he’s saying all sorts of things, Kaito still spoils Alice… Well, Alice is
much more devoted to him though…
The Guide for the Six Kings Festival that I received from Alice was so thick that I
wanted to ask if what she had given me was actually a dictionary.

Fortunately, all of us had magic boxes, so we stored them there.

Since it would be annoying to make any more of a ruckus in front of the gate, we
decided to enter.

[They would be checking everyone’s invitation over there. If you’re someone’s

companion, please pass through after the invitation holder passes themselves.]

After listening to Caraway-san’s explanation, we headed to the place where there

were people who seemed to be the gatekeepers. It seemed like there were a good
number of people checking the invitations, so I didn’t feel like we would wait too

Soon, my turn came around, I took out the invitation from the magic box and showed
it to the gatekeeper.

[Yes… Eh? Black-rank!? T- This “dull chap” is!?]


No, it was undeniably true but…

Just as the gatekeeper said those words out of reflex, I heard the sound of
shimmering nails behind me. No matter how I thought about it, that could only be

Just as I was about to turn around to stop Anima, the gatekeeper was blown away
with a thunderous roar, and I saw Pandora-san in the same position where the
gatekeeper had been standing a moment ago.

[…That trash is now removed from the invitation confirmation assignment. Let him
clean the outer wall.]

[Y- Yes!]

After Pandora-san informed another gatekeeper nearby in a cold voice, she started

[…This is why I was against deploying War King-sama’s subordinates. With a job that
requires face to face confrontation… I knew we should’ve assigned one of our people
to Miyama-sama instead. For a beast with no manners, how dare he show disrespect
to Miyama-sama… Should I have him chopped to a hundred pieces? No, let’s
pulverize him. No, should I go with poison instead?… Let’s have him drink so much
poison that he would wish for his own death… Let’s also pull off all his fingers. Shall
we also have a public execution so that Miyama-sama’s anger will subside a little?]



Pandora-san muttered such in a whisper, as if she was cursing someone. No, from the
atmosphere around her, it feels as if she really was throwing a curse at him.

[…Now, now, you’re creeping Kaito-san out… House.]

(T/N: House here is written in katakana. So, it’s like how you tell dogs to sit.)

[Eh? Ah, wait…]

As I was too stunned to speak to her, Pandora-san was taken away by her guardian,

She was a different kind of scary from Eden-san… Eden-san would wipe someone
out in one shot without any mercy, but Pandora-san would slowly torment them…
She’s someone who should never be offended.

[…I’m sorry for the rudeness, Miyama-sama.]

[Eh? Ah, no… Unnn?]

As I watched Pandora-san being taken away, before I knew it, an unfamiliar person
appeared near me.

A woman who wore her long, crimson hair, as red as blazing flames, in a large braid
at the back of her head… A hairstyle that looks like a scorpion’s tail, and her black
upturned eyes looks sharp.

A slit-eyed beauty with a sharp vibe, coupled with a height as tall as Chronois-san’s,
bowed deeply to me and said she was sorry.

[I apologize on behalf of Megiddo-sama for the misbehavior of his subordinate.]

[N- No, I don’t really mind… Umm, that’s why, please… don’t do anything too brutal
to him.]

[Thank you for your generosity.]

[Y- Yes… Errr.]

This woman seemed to be Megiddo-san’s subordinate, but I didn’t recognize her. She,
at least, wasn’t one of the members of the party we had back in Lilia-san’s garden.

As I was wondering who she is… I heard Eta and Theta’s shocked exclaims from
behind me.

[…A- “Agni-sama”…]

[Mhmm? You two are… Ahh, you’re the twins who were under Bacchus’ command,
that are now serving Miyama-sama, right?]

[Y- Yes!]

[T- That’s right… desu!]

When the woman called Agni spoke to them, Eta and Theta straightened their backs,
clearly looking nervous.

[Fumu, it seems that your magic power has become more refined than before. That’s
good… Keep up the good work.]

[ [ Hahh! ] ]

…Unnn, I can’t follow what they’re talking about at all.

As I was thinking this, Agni-san, perhaps noticing my state, slightly bowed her head
again before speaking.

[Excuse my discourtesy. I haven’t introduced myself yet, have I? My name is Agni.

Megiddo-sama has bestowed upon me the second name “Hell Fire” and the position
of the “Head” of the Five Generals, and I am the one who organizes Megiddo-sama’s
subordinates. It would be my honor if you could keep my name in a corner of your

[Errr, I’m Miyama Kaito. P- Pleased to make your acquaintance.]

With one knee on the ground, just like a knight’s salute, Agni-san promptly
introduced herself.

She’s the Head of the Five Generals… Does that mean she’s the most important
person under Megiddo-san’s command? I- I’ve met someone great again…

I- Is Lilia-san not here? She already got in first? Unnn, I guess I would have to explain
this later… I’m sure of it now. My life would probably be in danger.

[I would like to apologize for the rudeness you’ve experienced today again. My
apologies, but I still have a lot of work to do. We can talk about the details of other
things later.]

[Y- Yes.]

[Well then, if you’ll excuse me. I believe… you two were Eta and Theta?]

[ [ Hahh! ] ]

[Risk your lives to continue to be Miyama-sama’s shield and sword. Even if it’s only
for some time, you’re still considered as Megiddo-sama’s subordinates. If you were to
behave poorly, that would also dishonor Megiddo-sama’s name… Never forget that.]
[ [ Hahh! ] ]

After intimidatingly telling Eta and Theta that with her sharp eyes glaring at them,
Agni bowed to me once more before disappearing.

Unnn, how should I say this… It kind of feels like she’s a military captain… She was
polite to me because I’m Megiddo-san’s acquaintance but… Looking at Eta and
Theta’s reactions, I guess she’s usually quite strict and scary.

However, unnn… I’ve just entered the place, and I already got caught up in a strange
uproar again… Could it be… am I cursed or something?

[…I see, so trouble like that happened huh… You also met Agni-sama, the head of the
War King-sama’s Five Generals…]


[…No more. I just took my eyes off you for a moment, you know? And yet, for this to

[My Lady, please get ahold of yourself…]

After Agni-san left, I had my invitation checked again and went inside the gate. When
I explained the incident at the gate to Lilia-san and the others who had joined us, she
crouched down with her head in her hands. No, I’m really sorry.

[Miyama-sama is black rank… That means he is the most important guest, right? If
he faced any disrespect, it’s only natural that someone in her position would come
out to apologize.]

[…As for me, I’m fine with just a normal apology though.]

Hearing Caraway-san’s words, my shoulders slumped with my sigh.

We got a lot of attention like that right from the start… If it’s possible, I’d like some
peace and quiet until we reach our accommodations…

Hopefully, there won’t be any more disturbances… I’m praying this to you, Oh God.

(Should I do something?)
No, it’s okay. I’m not praying to you. If you make a move, it will cause even more
trouble than there already was, so please don’t do anything strange.


Alright, now that’s one troublesome being sealed… Did I really… seal it though? It
would be great if that seals the trouble… it’s most probably impossible though.

Well, I’m sure nothing will happen during the walk from here to the

[Oiii~~ Kaito-kuuuun~~!]


Can’t you at least give me a little bit more peace and quiet!? Why the heck did it look
like the Underworld King was running towards me with a really cute smile, waving
her hand at me!?

Or rather, the surroundings were crazily buzzing, you know!? What happened to
your Recognition Inhibition Magic!? Don’t tell me… Since it’s a festival hosted by the
Six Kings… You aren’t going to use it?

Dear Mom, Dad——- We finally entered the venue of the Six Kings Festival, but it
seems that I am loved by trouble. I encountered Agni, the head of the War King’s Five
Generals. And then, Kuro comes running towards me with a big smile on her face—
— It seems like a problem appeared just after another ended.


<The Deliberation of the Scary Guardians>

Death King: [Death Penalty]

Phantasmal King: [Death Penalty]

Phantasmal King’s chief subordinate: [Death Penalty]

God of Fate: [Death Penalty]

Underworld King: [Forehead Flick (Strong)]

God of Creation: [Forehead Flick (Medium-spicy)]

Earth God: [Atomic Disintegration (Physical)]

MC-kun: [I request for some amnesty.]

Death King: [90% Death]

Phantasmal King: [Mental Destruction]

Phantasmal King’s chief subordinate: [Torture]

God of Fate: [Death Penalty]

Underworld King: [Forehead Flick (Weak)]

God of Creation: [Forehead Flick (Medium, without the wasabi)]

Earth God: [Atomic Disintegration (Physical), Revival Later]

As we entered the city, the venue of the Six Kings Festival, Kuro came running to
our… no, my direction with the smile of an angel.

With her approach, I could feel two kinds of piercing gazes from the people around
me. Those gazes who ask “Who the heck is that guy?” and those who realized “Ahh,
so it’s that rumored guy…”. This is bad. There were a lot of people here, right near the
gate, so there were a lot of eyes on us.

…I feel like some kind of rare panda in a zoo.

Feeling like escaping from reality, I wave back at Kuro who runs up to me, while the
nearby Lunamaria-san crouches down.

[…How precious.]

…Can someone please take this useless maid to the hospital? She’s holding her nose
while crying, you know…

Kuro didn’t care about Lunamaria-san’s reaction though, as after slowing down a bit
when she got close, she hugged me.

[Ehehe, I couldn’t hold back anymore, so I came to see you. Welcome, Kaito-kun!]

[U- Unnn.]

…Cute. She’s just too spectacularly cute.

She’s so cute that it erases the massive amount of stares I received into oblivion. Ah,
no, that’s a lie. I’m still really worried about the stares. Or rather, I can’t endure this
embarrassment I’m feeling anymore.
[…W- Well then, it seems like Kaito-san still has to talk with Underworld King-sama,
so we’ll go ahead…]

[Lilia-san!? You’re abandoning me? Aren’t you just trying to escape from all this
attention by sacrificing me!?]

[…I- It must just be your imagination, you know?]

As her gaze was swimming away from me, Lilia-san tried to flee.

The others, perhaps thinking that their lives were in danger if Kuro, who looked
really excited, thought that they were a hindrance, quickly began to move away while
I was complaining to Lilia-san.

But then, Kuro unexpectedly let go of me and spoke to Lilia-san.

[Ahh, Lilia-san. Hold on, there’s something I need to tell you.]

[Eh? S- Something you need to tell me?]

[Unnn. Well, I could have asked Sha… No Face to tell you this, but since I’m meeting
Kaito-kun here, I’ll just tell you myself.]

When Kuro called her to a halt, Lilia timidly asked her back, to which Kuro smiled
and pulled out a card about the size of a letter out of nowhere.

[Lilia-chan and the others all have different ranks of invitations, right?]

[Eh, ah, yes.]

[I’m sure you’ve heard that normally, the accommodation changes were different
with each rank… We, the Six Kings, have discussed it, and it was unanimously
decided that we would give you all “special treatment because you know Kaito-kun”.]

[…I- I- It’s an h- h- h- honor.]

[Unnn. So, I’ve made an accommodation for Lilia-san and the others at the place
written on the card, so everyone can stay there.]

When Lilia-san heard Kuro’s words, her confusion could be clearly seen on her face.

I guess that’s to be expected. The Six Kings just went out of their way to build a new
accommodation facility for everyone…

[Ahh, incidentally, I’ve “arranged about 300 of my personal servants”, but if they’re
not enough, just let me know, okay?]


[I’ve assigned a skilled chef and prepared the “finest” ingredients, so just enjoy your
time, okay?]


This is bad, Lilia-san’s mind was on the verge of short-circuiting. I don’t think she
expected to be given such VIP treatment by the Six Kings.

Stiffening in place, Lilia-san’s mouth opened and closed like a fish out of the water.

I mean, everyone’s staying over there? What about me…?

[…K- Kuro. Can I also stay over the…]



It was a strong and unhesitating NO.

My shoulders slumped in disappointment, but words of support came from

somewhere unexpected.

[U- Underworld King-sama, with all due respect… Wouldn’t Miyama-kun be

comfortable being together with the others?]

[…E- Even if it’s just for one day or so…]

[…Rei-san, Fia-san…]
Although they were feeling dwarfed trying to talk to Kuro, they still advised Kuro
that it would be better if I stayed where everyone else was for the day.

W- What kind people they are. It seems like I had misunderstood Rei-san and Fia-san
until now.

[Hmmm. I’m okay with it, but would everyone really be okay with it?]

[E- Errr, what do you mean by asking if we were okay with it?]

Kuro said she was fine with it, but she had a complicated expression on her face for
some reason.

When Rei-san questioned this, Kuro looked over at Lilia-san and the others before

[…The place Kaito-kun is staying…”Isis” would also stay over there, you know?]

[Come on, everyone! The Six Kings have prepared a place for us to stay. Let’s head
over there as soon as possible!]

[Yes, let’s do that!]

…What a brilliant attitude turnover that is. They’re that afraid of Isis-san huh… wait,
thinking about it now, I realized that many of the members here were the ones who
watched “Isis-san exterminate Black Bears”…

Lilia-san and the others also nodded like bobbleheads… U- Unnn. As expected, if
they’re this afraid… I guess I don’t have any choice but to give up on staying where
Lilia-san and the others are staying.

After everyone finished greeting Kuro, they headed for their accommodations, while
I was heading to the Central Tower with Kuro, who had taken over guiding me from

Well, putting aside everyone else, I would be staying in that humongous Central
Tower, so I could probably get there without a guide.

[…B- By the way, Kuro? Lilia-san and the other’s accommodations sound amazing
but… Will there also be lots of servants at the place I’m staying at?]
I asked Kuro, who was happily holding my hand and walking with a big smile on her

Lilia-san and the other’s accommodation was large enough to house 300 servants…
That sounds tremendous enough already, I was afraid that the place I would be
staying at would be even more outrageous than that.

As expected, staying alone in a place where there are lots of unfamiliar servants was
mentally taxing for a small commoner like me.

[No. Kaito-kun, the place you’re staying is looked after by just one person.]

[Eh? Really? That’s a relief but… that’s kinda surprising.]

[It’s just that we wouldn’t need anyone else. “Ein” is exclusively looking after you
after all.]

[Ahhh, unnn. I guess it makes sense now.]

I see, Ein-san would be there huh… With her there, she would certainly not need any
other servants. After all, we’re talking about Ein-san here. Just Ein-san’s presence
over there already guarantees the best treatment in the world…

[Hey, Kaito-kun.]


[After I show you where you’re staying… Do you want to go out with me for a bit?]

[That’s fine with me, but where are we going?]

[That’s for when we get there!]

Saying that, Kuro smiled like a child who had successfully pulled off a prank, making
her look irresistibly cute.

Kuro had been busy preparing for the Six Kings Festival lately, so to be honest, I was
really looking forward to leisurely hanging out with Kuro.

But, well, if it’s possible, I’d prefer a place where I don’t attract too much attention…
Dear Mom, Dad—— Parting ways with Lilia-san and the others, Kuro began guiding
me to the Central Tower. I still don’t know the details of what kind of place I’ll be
staying at, but… Well, thinking about having a certain supermaid exclusively looking
after me—— I’m pretty sure I’ll be receiving a really outrageous VIP treatment.
The Central Tower, just as its name implied, stood in the center of the city. The area
around it was a huge plaza wide enough that it could house an entire village.

Even though there was still a day before the actual event started, there were already
lots of people here. The population of the Demon Realm, where most were
immortals, seemed to have a tremendous number, and even though you could only
attend this event by invitation, it seemed that a significant number of people had still

Kuro led me into this really huge tower.

[Speaking of which, is this tower going to be used for anything other than the last
day’s party?]

[Yes, this is where my family and the others’ subordinates were staying. However, the
“top 30 floors” are for Kaito-kun’s accommodation.]

[…The size of this place is strange.]

It’s almost as if the whole building was my inn… Seriously, what kind of place is this?

As my mind was filled with both anticipation and anxiety, I walked into the tower.
The first floor was a large lobby with huge magic circles set up here and there.

[…What are those magic circles?]

[You use them to teleport to each floor. There are so many floors in the Central Tower
that it would be difficult to move around with just stairs.]

[I see… Then, let’s go there…]

[No, no. Kaito-kun will be using the “central magic circle”. That magic circle that was
built for Kaito-kun’s exclusive use!]

Whoa there, I’m being subjected to shame play even in this place too? Having to
move to the middle of this wide lobby just so that I could use a magic circle that was
exclusively for me… The treatment I received was seriously so much of a VIP
treatment that I couldn’t calm down at all.

Feeling the stares pouring down on me again, I walked to the central magic circle
with Kuro… and we finally reached the accommodation space prepared for me.

[…What is this place? What’s going on?]

[Ehehe, what do you think? Isn’t it amazing?]

[W- Well, rather than about this place being amazing and all that… I’m pretty sure
I’m inside a room, but why can I see the “blue sky”!?]

[We can also go fishing here!]

When I arrived, I was greeted by a vast grassland and a lake… No, no, this place is all
sorts of strange.

And in front of my gaze, there was that enormous…

[Why the heck is there a “castle” here!?]

(T/N: お城. Imagine Japanese castles.)

[It’s styled just like the castles in Kaito-kun’s world!]

No, no, there’s no one living in castles in my world anymore!!! W- Well, there might
be some few but…

Anyway, it’s not just a castle. The area around the castle was filled with Teleportation
magic circles just like the one I had seen in the lobby, and I can imagine that those
magic circles are connected to many other places.

[…By the way, what are those Teleportation magic circles?]

[Let’s see. There’s the “swimming pool”, “arena”, “shopping district”…They’re
connected to a lot of places! Moreover, the magic circle in the back of the building
can teleport you to various areas of the venue! Also, there’s a magic circle in your
room that teleports you to a hot spring!]

[…That’s too many. I mean, there’s even a hot spring.]

[Unnn. I think you call it a natural hot spring back in your world.]

[And where the heck is its water supposed to come from!?]

Everything was completely beyond my common sense. Feeling like my head was
starting to ache, I walked along the edge of the lake to the front of the castle.

Reaching the front of the castle, the huge gate opened as if it had sensed my arrival,
and Ein-san appeared from inside.

[Kaito-sama, welcome. As you may have heard, I will be taking care of you from
today until the end of the Six Kings Festival.]

[Ah, yes. I- I will be in your care.]

[Well then, this way please…]

After a polite bow, I followed Ein-san’s invitation to enter the castle, and when we
entered the castle… The hallway looked like a palace.

[The interior is western styled!?]

[Ah, it’s alright. There are tatamis and such inside the rooms.]

[…Unnn. I don’t even know what’s alright anymore…]

Even so, this place was amazing. Every single decoration I could see in the hallway
looked absurdly expensive… I was really treated like a state guest, which made me
strangely nervous.

Then, Ein-san showed me around and for some reason, we ended up seeing the
bedroom first.
The bedroom was a tatami room… but it had a bed placed in the middle. Yep. There’s
a bed on the tatami. Let’s not say anything anymore.

Also, the bed was too big. It’s so huge that even Megiddo-san could lie down on it,
and it’s on the level where I don’t know what to do with that much space anymore.

Also, for some reason, there are “four” pillows placed side by side…

[…Hey, Kuro.]


[Why are there four pillows?]

[Eh? I mean, one’s for Kaito-kun, one for “me”, one for “Isis” and one for “Shalltear”!]


Eh? Why is she acting like it’s so obvious? She just nonchalantly said that us four are
going to sleep together… Eh? Seriously? Was that really the case?

[…I- I don’t think it’s possible but… Are you also going to stay here, Kuro?]

[That’s right though? We’re going to sleep together, so let’s “take a bath together”


She’s trying to kill me. She’s totally trying to wipe out my reasoning.

Being in a situation like this for 7 days, what the heck am I supposed to do? No, this
isn’t a joking matter here.

As I was stunned by the words I heard, Ein-san came close to me and quietly
whispered into my ear.

[…If Kaito-sama so desires, I can also take care of the nightly duties. At that moment,
please feel free to instruct me however you like.]

Why the heck are you participating in the battle!? Stop it please! Don’t whisper in my
ear with that erotic voice of yours! That’s super effective on virgins like me, you

I- I wondered why, but I somehow felt faintly anxious about the future… Will I be
able to get through the Six Kings Festival in one piece?

Dear Mom, Dad—— The accommodation facility that I was shown was out of the
ordinary in every way. What was even more shocking was that I would be staying
with Kuro and the others during the Six King Festival. Perhaps—— This may be the
beginning of the hardest battle I’ve ever had.


Today is the first anniversary of this work. Thank you for everyone’s support. It is
thanks to everyone that we have come this far.

I’m holding a popularity contest for the first anniversary in the activity report, feel
free to participate if you like.

Also, there’s a reason why I put an end to the chapter here… It’s because the next
chapter is in “Kuro’s POV”. No, it’s not that the author is trying to make sure that the
main heroine gets the votes, you know? I do favor her, though…
——–From now on, let’s start from this moment onwards! Let’s do something

Looking back in the past, that may have been the greatest start of everything.

——–… where you——- are the protagonist of this story!

Yes, it did indeed begin at that moment…

When I finished showing Kaito-kun around the accommodation facility, before I

knew it, it was already nighttime. This place really is big, isn’t it?

To be honest, I didn’t think I was going to put too much effort into this place, but
when I thought about how I was doing this for Kaito-kun, I couldn’t help but overdo

Normally, we would have gone straight to dinner, but before that, there was a place I
wanted to go with Kaito-kun. I’d already told him about going to this place before
dinner beforehand, so Kaito-kun and I went to that place together.

The sun had completely set and the sky was filled with the light of the stars. The
place we went to was the rooftop of the Central Tower… The highest place on this

[…No, like I said, why is there a tatami here?]

[Ahaha, after all, you really should have tatamis when going for “otsukimi”, right!?]

(T/N: otsukimi/moon-viewing)

[…But the teacakes are probably baby castellas, right?]

[Of course!]
I couldn’t help but smile at those nostalgic words.

Moving over to the tatami and sitting down, I looked at Kaito-kun and lightly tapped
my lap.

[But before we eat our sweets… Kaito-kun, here.]

[…Huhh… What’s with you all of a sudden…]

He wryly smiled as if he was somewhat dumbfounded, but Kaito-kun still followed

my wish, laying down his head on my lap.

Lap pillow… I really liked doing that to Kaito-kun. The feeling of warmth in my lap
and the feeling of his skin touching mine makes me realize that I’m with him.

While gently stroking Kaito-kun’s head, I quietly shifted my gaze to the sky.

[…Hey, Kaito-kun.]


[Do you remember? On the night when you first came to this world… We gazed at the
moon and stars together like this.]

[…Yeah, I remember it well.]

A pleasant night breeze gently caressed my cheeks, enveloping me in a peaceful


Without saying another word, I stroked Kaito-kun’s head and he closed his eyes, as if
he felt pleased with my pats.

[…Kaito-kun, you can just go ahead and get some sleep, you know?]

[…Unnn. Is this where Kuro wanted to go?]

[Unnn. You see, I’ve grown to love doing this… looking at the stars together with

[…I see.]
Well, I’m sure that I’m a little to blame for it, but he has been through a lot today and
is probably tired.

Hearing my words, Kaito-kun softly spoke, his voice soundly slightly sleepy.

All it was was just idle chatter. Even so, I felt inexplicably happy about this. Of course,
that’s because I’m with Kaito-kun.

The first night I saw the stars with you, I never dreamed that our relationship would
be like this.

At that time, Kaito-kun was but a baby bird who didn’t know anything yet, and you
looked as if you were afraid of where you’d end up if you reached out your hand.

That’s why… I decided to raise you. Just as I have done countless times in the past…

I wondered how beautiful your wings would be one day when you acquired them
and flew away from the nest… I was really looking forward to seeing you unfurl your
wings up close.

However, you easily surpassed my imagination. Your unfurled wings were so much
bigger than I had ever imagined, and so dazzlingly beautiful.

I’ve been busy raising baby birds that I had “given up on flying myself”, but you still
“willingly took me to the skies”…

Hey, Kaito-kun? Do you remember?

I told you that time, didn’t I? That from now on, it will be the start of “your story”…

But, I think of it this way now. That it was actually the start of “our story”. Ahaha, I
guess I might be being a bit too conceited? However, you’ve given me so much that I
truly do feel that way.

The second night I saw the stars with you… the day we ate barbecue together, you
had changed. You’d become much cooler and stronger than ever.

No, I think you were always stronger than anyone else. However, you’d just forgotten
how strong you were. I wonder if I was able to help you remember that? If I did…
That would make me glad.
The third night I saw the stars with you… it was at the Sacred Tree Festival, right?

Looking back, I think that’s when you started to become a bigger and bigger part of
my life.

It didn’t take much time for me to fall in love with you.

And then… You challenged me.

Even though I was such a monster… You still desperately reached out your hand to
me, giving me your love. I still can’t find the words to describe how happy I was at
that time.

When my relationship with you changed from friends to lovers… I felt like the world
became more beautiful than ever.

Even the starry sky that I had seen countless times felt like completely different
scenery with Kaito-kun by my side.

It was then that I finally noticed. You’re not the only one who was growing up, and
thanks to you, my heart is stronger than ever.

That’s exactly why, with the way I am now, even if it’s Shiro… No. If it’s for Kaito-kun,
I can beat anyone. For your sake, I will be stronger and brighter than anyone. That’s
what I think.

Kaito-kun… You really are amazing.

It’s only been half a year since I met you, a blink of an eye compared to what I’ve
experienced in my life. However, that short time had left the strongest impression on
me out of anything I’ve experienced.

When I close my eyes and think of your face, I can clearly remember the
conversation we had…

And you saved not only me, but Vier as well. The thing that I couldn’t do, the one that
I lost… As if it was something normal, you picked it up and held it out to me.

It’s really difficult to convey my feelings for you. My love for you is so great that I
don’t know how to put them into words.
Sometimes, I think about it… How I wish that I could convey the feelings I have
within my heart as they are.

I’m having so much fun every day now. Every time I see your smile, every time we
talk with each other, I fall more and more in love with you. I love you so much that I
think there is no limit to how much I can love you.

I wonder what you call this kind of feeling? Ahh, I’m sure… it’s something like this.

[…Kaito-kun, I love you.]

I whispered softly to Kaito-kun, who had begun to breathe peacefully in his sleep.

This love is different from the one I had for my precious family members. This feeling
I hold isn’t just making me feel the need to watch over and protect you… It makes me
wish to walk together with you, supporting each other’s backs.

Loving someone you love is such a happy thing, isn’t it? Fufufu, I thought I’d lived a
long time, but it seems like I still have lots of things to learn~~

Hey, Kaito-kun? I wonder if you remember about that time? I clearly remember it,
you know? The first time I saw the night sky with you… and the things we talked

Thinking about that time, I feel like my future with you will be happier than ever

No. This isn’t just a premonition, but something that I’m certain about… Because I
can always smile from the bottom of my heart when Kaito-kun is with me.

Look, if you turn your gaze up in the sky, you could see that the starry sky stretches
out forever. It’s a wide world we live in.

[…From here on out too, let’s see a lot of things. Let’s smile a lot. With you who I love,
more than anyone, more than anything…]

[…Mnnhhh… Kuro…]

[Unnn. I’ll be right here by your side, Kaito-kun. I have been… and will always be.]
Lightly kissing the cheek of the sleeping Kaito-kun, I turned my gaze to the starry sky

Unnn, tonight’s starry sky… is the most beautiful ever.


? ? ? : [Wait just a second there… Just when there’s a Popularity Poll around… You’re
having this chapter, talking about the past and what you’d do in the future… What
the heck is with this special treatment!? Moreover, why the heck is this chapter not
treated as an “intermission”!? This is favoritism! Fa- vo- ri- tism! You’re just
completely flirting with each other from start to finish!!! Isn’t there an Alice-chan
Version here!? Only Kuro-san has one!? Is it because she’s the main heroine!? How
dirty of you, Main Heroine! As expected of such a dirty *ping~~ pong~~*… Oya?
Who would come at this hour… Ah…]
How did it come to this?

[I knew that one of these days, I would have to settle things with you once and for

[Ehh~~ Why don’t you just keep on running away? That is if you don’t want to be
defeated… Don’t you think?]

[Fufufu, that’s really funny. I’ve always known you would be a great clown, Shalltear.]

[Ahaha, I think you shouldn’t be saying anything too cool, you know? You’re really
funny, you know? Ein-san.]



Both of them were smiling, but in front of me, sparks were flying in between Ein-san
and Alice. Both of them look as if Hannyas were floating behind their backs, and cold
sweat runs down my back.

I didn’t know if Kuro couldn’t carelessly interject between them or not, but she
flusteredly looked between them.

[…Kaito… Tea… Here.]

[T- Thank you.]

However, amongst this atmosphere, only Isis-san was acting normal. With a cute
smile on her face, she only offered me a cup of tea.

It all started just a few moments ago… around an hour or so, after we came back to
the accommodation facility together after I slept on Kuro’s lap.
After that, Isis-san came and we all decided to have dinner together…

[Well then, Kuromu-sama. I will start preparing dinner.]

[Unnn. I’ll leave it to you~~]

Yes, just as Ein-san was about to head for the kitchen to make dinner, Alice, who had
appeared before I knew it, muttered.

[…In that case, should I make it myself? I’m very familiar with Kaito-san’s taste after

[…Shalltear? Can I take that as a challenge to me?]

[Ehh? No, I didn’t mean to pick a fight with Ein-san. If it’s Ein-san cooking for us, I’m
sure that you will prepare a very sumptuous and delicious meal, and thinking about
it now makes me look forward to it… Well, it’s not just about being very sumptuous


Around that time, for some reason, things started to get unsettling. I think it was
probably at that moment that the first sparks flew.

[…That’s a really amusing joke you have. Are you saying that you’re better than a
maid like me?]

[No, no, that’s not what I was saying~~ Well, what I’m saying is that I’m better at you
in terms of cooking food that Kaito-san will like…]

[…E- Ein? S- Shalltear?]

Kuro seemed to have also sensed the situation, and tried to make a follow-up but…
she was too late.

[H- Hey, Kuro? Do these two not get along with each other?]

[That’s not the case! Rather, this is even the first time they’ve ever had a fight, you
know!? Shalltear normally wouldn’t be so stubborn about things either…]
It seemed that Ein-san and Alice weren’t particularly on bad terms with each other.
According to Kuro, Alice was more likely to back down when the atmosphere became
like this but… It seemed that Alice was getting stubborn because I was involved in
this matter.

…What should I do?

And now, there were two cooking tables in front of me, set up like those cooking
shows on TV, with Ein-san and Alice facing each other. It feels like a true cooking

[…Are you okay with those ingredients, Shalltear?]

[…It’s not all about how sumptuous the ingredients are. I know all about Kaito-san’s
tastes! I even remember the moment when “he cried after he accidentally ate bell

[Oi! Why the heck do you know that!?]

Seriously, where the heck is my privacy!? Why is my black history being spread
around all the time!?

This is weird. This is supposed to be a confrontation between Ein-san and Alice, but
why the heck am I receiving damage here? Oi, Kuro! You’re their guardian! Don’t just
sit next to me with a resigned look on your face, eating baby castellas!


Isis-san too, why are you acting like a referee there!? No more, I can’t follow what’s
happening anymore!

With Isis-san’s call, both of them immediately started moving.

In the blink of an eye, Ein-san was chopping a large amount of food and preparing it
in a complicated manner. Meanwhile, Alice cooked with a number of knives,
brilliantly making use of all of them at the same time.

To be honest, the both of them were so fast that I couldn’t see them, but they’re
probably evenly matched… I guess?
[…You’re doing great, Shalltear. As expected of the one I recognize as my equal.]

[Ein-san too, you’re as great as ever… As expected of a maid.]

…Well, I’ve got a lot of things I want to say but… Don’t nonchalantly use the word
“maid” as if you’re talking about a superhuman. It’s just Ein-san that’s monstrously
powerful here.

I didn’t really know what’s going on, but it seems like they recognized each other and
a heated battle was going on.

As I look at them, a white container and a spoon were placed in front of me.

[…Here… Kaito.]

[Eh? Isis-san? What’s this?]

[…Gratin… I made it… for Kaito.]

[T- Thank you… Arehh?]

I feel like something’s strange. Why did Isis-san, who was acting like a referee just
now, present me a gratin as if it was natural?

I mean, this gratin… When in the world did she make it?

[…Because Kaito was coming… I made it.]

[Ahh, I see… So that’s why Isis-san met up with us later.]


The reason why Isis-san wasn’t here when I arrived at this accommodation facility
was that she was making gratin for me huh.

Unnn, this makes me… kind of happy. Not eating this isn’t an option.

[…Here… Ahhhn.]

[…With this, I’m fini——- Isis!?]

[I’m also done——- What’s happening!?]

At the same time as Isis-san offered to feed me with a smile, Ein-san and Alice also
finished cooking… and their eyes widened in astonishment when they saw Isis-san.

[W- Wait, Isis-san? W- What is that…]


[No, that’s not what I was talking about. Ummm, what about the match between me
and Shalltear…]

[…There’s one… for everyone, okay?]

[ [… I- I see…] ]

Apparently, Isis-san didn’t quite understand why Ein-san and Alice are fighting
against each other. They certainly didn’t say anything directly, and they were just
indirectly throwing taunts at each other…

Thus, I didn’t know if the malicious thoughts in their minds were cleared away by
Isis-san’s pure smile or not, but both of their shoulders slumped down.

Seeing the situation, Kuro took out a blue flag out of nowhere and declared.

[…This is, unnn… Isis’ victory!]


[The Dinner Showdown for Kaito-kun.]

[…Unnn?… I don’t really know… what’s happening but… I won.]

After saying that while tilting her head, Isis-san turned to Ein-san and Alice and gave
them a lovely smile.

[…Shalltear and Ein too… Let’s eat?… If everyone eats together… It becomes… even
more delicious.]

[…Roger that. By the way, Ein-san, that looks delicious, doesn’t it? Please let me have
a taste.]

[…I don’t mind. In return, let me have a taste of that too.]

After accepting the request of the pure-hearted Isis-san, Alice and Ein-san wryly
smiled before preparing a chair. Then, Ein-san glanced at Kuro, and after she
received her nod, she sat down.

Of course, Kuro put away her baby castellas and began to eat the gratin that Isis-san
had made with a smile.

Dear Mom, Dad——- The cooking showdown between Ein-san and Alice started
before I knew it, but in the end, the match didn’t come to a conclusion. However,
seeing the two of them enjoying themselves somehow, it seems like it’s just as Kuro
said———– It’s Isis-san’s victory.


War King: [… Eh?]

World King: [… Arehh?]

Dragon King: [… What about us?]

War King & World King: [There’s no way you’d fit in there.]

Dragon King: [… Inconceivable.]

After a pleasant and peaceful dinner, we had a chat over a cup of tea made by Ein-
san. I didn’t know if she thought it was a good time or not, but Kuro suddenly made a

[I think it’s a good time, so let’s take a bath “together”!]

The moment I heard those words, I ran away. I think my movements at that moment
were the quickest and swiftest movements I’ve ever done.

With minimal movements, I stood up from my chair and ran as fast as I could
without looking back at Kuro and the others.

And then, a few seconds later… I found myself in the changing room. This wouldn’t
do, I was surrounded by people whose existence were filled with cheats. For Kuro
and the others, my all-out sprint was just as slow as a snail. They took me to the
changing room faster than I could even perceive them.

[…Kaito… You wanted to take a bath that badly?]

No. That’s not it, Isis-san… I wasn’t dashing towards the bathroom, I was trying to
dash away from it. The reason that I was in this place was all because of that monster

The wooden changing room, with its pure Japanese style, really had the feel of an
onsen resort, but I didn’t have the time to relax and enjoy this.

[…H- Hey, Kuro? I’ll ask just in case, but this place is divided by gender, right…]

[Eh? We’re going together! Let’s rub each other’s back!]

[…I’ll also… wash… Kaito’s back.]

As expected, it was a mixed bath… Somebody help me! No, this is seriously
dangerous! I mean, having to bath together with Kuro, Isis-san, Ein-san and Alice…
Four beautiful women, it would difficult for me to stay even conscious.

Was there something I could do? Anything? A way to get out of this… H- However, if I
said that I didn’t want to bath with them, Isis-san and Kuro would be sad… Ugghhh…
What should I do…

[Please wait a moment! A maiden’s soft fair skin isn’t something to be exposed so

Mhmm? It feels like I’m getting some support from a strange source… Ah, no,
thinking about it, Alice has always been really shy. She would be someone vital if I
want to get out of this situation.

Alright. That’s three against two. We’re still outnumbered, but we’ve got enough
members to oppose…

[I mean, I’m still traumatized by that “incident before”! After taking a bath with
Kaito-san, my… My… my “body has already turned into something that gives me no
other choice but to marry Kaito-san”!!!]

[Stop with those misleading words!]

Alice’s trauma was about that accident in the bathroom before… but the way she said
it! Doesn’t that sound like she’s talking about something else!?

[…How surprising. I never thought that Shalltear would just push Kuromu-sama to
the side and have such a thing with Kaito-sama…]

[Wait a second there, Ein-san? I’m telling you, it’s a misunderstanding… You’re

[Just remembering it now makes me feel like dying of embarrassment. Even “my
most precious place” was “plentifully seen”…]

[Hey, you shut up!!!]

Just when I thought you were my ally, you turned out to be my worst enemy!? I know
that you’re feeling embarrassed and flustered, but please don’t say anything else.
[That’s why, I strongly recommend everyone to wear a “bathing suit”!]


[Why, you ask, Isis-san… As I said before, if you don’t wear one, you’d be naked then.]

[…If it’s other than Kaito, I don’t want to be seen but… if it’s Kaito… if Kaito wants
to… It’s fine… with me.]

[You’re more aggressive than I thought!]

It’s not just Alice that was surprised, as I was also stunned by Isis-san’s careless

Hearing her words though, I was also reminded about the snow-white skin I saw
when I took a bath in the onsen together with Isis-san… and I reflexively gulped
down. T- This won’t do, keep your calm… Keep calm and stay composed!

Isis-san definitely doesn’t know anything that’s beyond that. She’s simply saying that
“She’ll do anything I want” just to express her pure love… That’s also why it’s really
difficult for me.

[…Me too… W- Well, ummm, it feels embarrassing but… if Kaito-kun wants to see

[Kuro-san too!?]

The words Kuro said while slightly looking down were incredibly destructive due to
the gap compared to how she normally acted, further chipping away my mind even
before we entered the bath.

I take back my previous words. Alice, you don’t have to shut up, but please do your
best to somehow stop this… This strange flow of conversation…

[T- That won’t do! Kaito-san is still a man…”a sheep disguised as a wolf in sheep’s

[…So, in short… a sheep?]

However, Alice also seemed to be quite flustered and started to say something
incomprehensible, before she received a sharp tsukkomi from Ein-san.

The situation had turned into quite a mess, but then, Kuro approached Alice and
whispered to her.


[…Ehh? A- Ahh, there’s that way huh… I see…]

[E- Errr, what are you two talking about…]

[It’s a good opportunity, Kaito-san. Let’s have some naked socializing with

[Seriously, what the heck did you two talk about!?]

This is impossible! I never thought that Alice would change her mind so easily…
What in the world did Kuro tell her? I definitely didn’t think it was just something I
could just brush off…

Eh? Was the decision already made? Is it already decided… that I’m going to take a
bath with everyone?

With the betrayal of my only ally, Alice and the disappearance of my only way out, I
unconsciously took a step back…

[Isis-san!? Please don’t start taking off your clothes! Could you at least do that in a
separate changing room!!!?]

[…Eh?… Unnn… Okay.]

T- That was close. I was about to be caught completely by surprise… Unnn. I didn’t
see anything. Not even a glimpse of the thin blue clothing on her chest or anything
like that.

It’s alright, it’s alright… Calm down and empty your mind.

A- As I was thinking about that… Ein-san bowed to Kuro before she spoke.

[…Well then, I’ll be waiting here, so if you have a command…]

[What are you saying, Ein? You’re also coming with us, you know?]

[…N- No, as a maid, I can’t take a bath together with my master, Kuromu-sama…]

Arehh? Is it just my imagination? It feels unusual for Ein-san to sound evasive or

rather, she somehow looks flustered.

[E- Ein-san? If you don’t want to join, you don’t have to force yourself, you know!?]

[…N- No, it’s not that I don’t want to bath with Kaito-sama… The problem is ummm,
with me…]


“If you don’t like it, just say so and I’ll try to persuade Kuro” or so I told her, but Ein-
san still evasively replied.

In the end, Ein-san was forced by Kuro and together with Isis-san and Alice, they
moved to the changing room next door.

Dear Mom, Dad——- As I thought, I seem to be cursed by the bath, as I’m suddenly
faced with an impossibly difficult ordeal. Also, Ein-san’s unusual condition kind of
bothers me… ———- I have a feeling that another upheaval is coming.


Now then, it’s finally mixed bathing time! Are you ready for this? I’m ready!

Serious-senpai: [Well, I’m not ready for this though!!!]

It seemed like I didn’t have any means of escape from the mixed bathing anymore.
No, I guess I never had any way from the beginning huh. To begin with, it was against
four of the most powerful people in the world, including the one who stands at the
peak, Kuro, and fighting against them is the little old me, who was only as strong as a
slime… It’s physically impossible for me to escape, and since I’m outnumbered,
there’s no chance I could win democratically.

Well, that’s enough of that. I’ve gathered my resolve… I mean, mentally speaking, I’ve
already been through a lot.

I admit, the lineup I’m facing right now is the strongest I’ve ever seen. I’ve also been
itching for a battle… Perhaps, the shivers and chills running down my spine were just
me trembling with excitement.

However, it’s Alice I’m worried about. As far as I knew, even if she usually acts like
that, she’s a really shy person. She also told me that she was traumatized by what
happened before.

That should have been the case, but Alice was convinced by Kuro’s few words… What
on earth did Kuro say to her?

Tightly wrapping the towel around my waist, I took three deep breaths before
opening the door.

Considering how amazing the accommodation facility is, I expected the onsen to be
amazing. However, I was surprised to find that it wasn’t just a pool, but a pond with
various plants and a spectacular view… I mean, I could even see a mountain in the
distance, you know? Is this place really indoors?

Overwhelmed by the huge hot spring, I walked along the stone floor and approached
the waters… Beyond the steam of the onsen, I could see “three” shadows, and they
became clearer as I drew closer.
[Ahh, Kaito-kun. This way, over here!]

[Y- Yeah…]

Kuro, who was soaking her body in the hot water waved at me when she spotted
me… and it’s safe for the eyes.


[Sorry, I’m late.]

Isis-san, looking as if she was feeling shy, was slightly waving her hand with a smile
while sitting on the edge of the onsen with a large towel wrapped around her body.
There’s also no dangerous parts visible here… What a relief. She’s properly wrapped
her towel too.

[Geez, we’ve been waiting here a long time~~]


The one who said that was a “tall, blonde beauty with a glamorous figure”…I see, so
that’s what happened.

She went with a strategy of alleviating the embarrassment she was feeling by
transforming into a different person… In addition, her body shape and height were
clearly different from the original Alice. So, to put it another way, it’s as if she’s
wearing a magical stuffed costume huh? I was surprised that she agreed so easily, so
this is why…

[Fufufu, you’re so charmed by the sexy Alice-chan in the hot spring that you’re
speechless huh…]

…I’ll admit that her current form looked 100% sexier. But Alice… or rather, are you
even Alice!? You even borrowed your face from someone else!?

N- No, well, if Alice was fine with that… It’s not like she’s bothering anyone, so isn’t it
fine? The smug smile on her face was annoying though.

[You can look at them closer, you know? Ho-ree~~ Ho-ree~~]

Alice seemed to be mentally composed and approached while trying to tease me. Just
as she’s about to nudge me with her elbow…

[N- No! Shalltear! That magic “is considered as being used to deceive” Kaito-kun, so
it’s “considered hostile”…]


When Kuro shouted in a panic, Alice’s elbow touched my body… Immediately after,
Alice’s magic broke along with the sound of shattering glass.

At that moment, what do you think happened? Alice was transformed into a being
with a body shape larger than her own, and a towel was wrapped around that body.
When her magic shattered and her body shape returned to her original form, her
towel would naturally fall off…

[…Ahh, no…]

Beautiful skin without a single blemish, and sensationally beautiful peach-colored

protrusions… Perhaps it was the unexpected situation that prevented me from
thinking, or perhaps it was just my male instinct, but I couldn’t help but reflexively
stare at them.

After a short silence of less than a second, as if the air had frozen, Alice’s whole body
turned as red as boiled octopus.



Thereupon, she went into the onsen at a speed I couldn’t even perceive. It seemed
like she dove in the murky waters, as I could see bubbles coming out a short distance

…It was a disastrous incident in all sorts of ways. It was a surprise for Alice, but it
was also a complete surprise for me… The sight of Alice’s nude body, which had
burned itself into my mind, made my little brother stand up from his seat, whether I
wanted to or not.

I think it was a fine play that I covered the lower half of my body as quickly as I

Well, look here. I’m also a healthy young man… Seeing a girl you like naked, it would
be stranger for you not to have any reaction… Unnn, I don’t think I’ll be entering the
bath for a while.

Above all, I don’t think I can look Alice directly in the face. For the time being, let’s
wash away this heat I’m feeling with some cold water down my head.

[…I- I’ll be… washing my body for a while—— Unnn?]

As I moved my gaze to get away from the scene, I saw something strange.

It was such a shocking sight for me that I stopped in my tracks.

[…H- Hey, Kuro?]


[If my eyes aren’t seeing things… That person sitting in the corner with the “negative
aura” while hugging her knees… That’s “Ein-san”, right?]

[U- Unnn… I also forgot about her. I’m reflecting.]

What I saw was Ein-san, looking like a bagworm with too many towels wrapped
around her, hugging her knees as she faced the wall.

How should I say this… There’s such a negative aura around Ein-san that it almost
gave the illusion that the area around her was dimly lit… W- What in the world is
happening with her?

Looking at Ein-san who looked like a background character, far removed from her
usual cool image, I walked up to her and called out.

[U- Ummm… Ein-san? Are you alright? A- Are you not feeling well…]

[…–ase… —-at me…]

[…Please don’t look at me… Please don’t look at my wretched appearance, “this me
who isn’t wearing my maid uniform”…]


That’s what you’re troubled about!? Eh? What? So, that’s what this is about? The
reason why Ein-san was very reluctant to go in the bath with me… was because she
didn’t want to be seen without her maid uniform?

[E- Errr…]

[…not a maid… I’m not a maid… I want to disappear… so that no one can see me… I
want to disappear.]

A fragile, feminine voice… What a negative aura she has… Eh? Is this what Ein-san
looks like when she takes off her maid uniform? W- Well, I certainly haven’t seen her
wear anything other than a maid uniform but…

Her heavy mood feels dreadful. I- I can’t stand this… It seems like she doesn’t like
others seeing her not in a maid uniform.

W- What should I do? To be honest, I regret calling out to her. W- Well, I can’t just
ignore her now and go back though…

[…Ein-san, please listen to me.]


[Ein-san, you take pride in being a maid. You put in your heart and soul for this
task… Isn’t that right?]

[Yes… Being a maid is the very value of my existence… without it… I will…]

[Is that the extent of your devotion as a maid, Ein-san?]


How should I say this… As if I had been exposed to a strange atmosphere, I felt a
strange heat in my tone as I continued to speak.
[Does wearing a maid uniform make you a maid? It doesn’t, right!? Ein-san’s passion
as a maid isn’t so weak that it would disappear just because of a change in
appearance! It’s never what you wear that determines whether you are a maid or
not! No matter how you dress, if you have the pride of a maid inside your heart…
Then, you’re a maid!]


To be honest, “I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore”! However, Ein-san looked
like she was shocked by what I said. That’s enough! Let’s just keep the momentum

[Please stand up, Ein-san! If you’re not wearing a maid uniform, then all you have to
do is bring out the maid within your heart!]

[Ahh… Aahhh… I- I am… a maid!]

[Yes, you are! You believe you’re a maid, therefore you’re a maid! Don’t just give up
on being a maid! Please believe in the maid within you!]

…Maid, maid, I’ve been saying it so much, I don’t even know what a maid is anymore.

While giving a consolation speech so pathetic that even I was confused by my own
words, I still ended it with groove and vigor.

In the end, the towel that had been wrapped around her, making her look like a
bagworm, was reduced to a single piece, and Ein-san returned to her usual stern

[…You have my gratitude, Kaito-sama. It seems like I forgot the most important thing.
“It’s not because I’m a maid that I’m Ein, it’s because I’m Ein that there are maids”!]

[Eh? T- T- T- That’s right! It’s as you say!]

[In short, “I am the maid, and the maid is me”…I’m sorry to have shown you my
unsightly self. I’m alright now.]

[…I- Is that so…]

It seemed that Ein is now completely lively, and I am very happy for her as well.
But I just want to say one thing… What the heck are those incomprehensible things
that she was talking about!?

Dear Mom, Dad——– Two events occurred right after the mixed bathing started.
Alice, who self-destructed yet again, and Ein-san, who fell to the dark side. Well, it
really is a difficult road ahead of us. I’m worried about the future… but before
worrying about it, I just want to ask one thing———– In the end, what the heck is a


< Ein’s Affection has increased by 100,000. >

< Ein has acknowledged Kaito and gained a title: “Maid Advisor” >

< The title “Maid Advisor” has been “forcibly” equipped on Kaito. This title can not be
removed. >

< Kaito has gained the skill: Summon: Ein >

< Kaito is confused. >

< Alice is diving. >

Now then, Ein-san had now finally revived and the troublesome things were safely
resolved… Ahh, no, Alice is still diving under the onsen right…

Putting her aside, this ends the mixed bathing chapter… or so I wish was the case. It
would be great if I could skip through time… Seriously, where’s the skip button?
Right at this moment, I never thought there would be a time where I would seriously
wish for the power to control time.

Well, even if I could manipulate time, it felt like the people around me would just
cancel it out…

[T- Then, I’m going to wash my body…]

At any rate, I still don’t dare to soak my body in the hot water yet. I need to calm
down my chaotic mind. If it were possible, I’d like to do some zen meditation here
and focus my mind.

I need more time at this moment. Alice’s appearance from the very beginning of this
mixed bathing was too intense for me… To be honest, I don’t feel like I can even look
at her face properly now, and my heart beats faster just thinking about it.

However, I had completely lost my composure. I wonder what would happen if I

made such a statement now… I would have known this would happen if I just
thought about this for a bit but…

[Ahh, then, I’ll wash your back for you!]

[…I also… want to wash… Kaito’s back.]

Kuro and Isis-san reacted immediately. At that moment, the events at Isis-san’s castle
came back to my mind… T- This is bad! If they make a pursuit attack when I’m
already in this state, there’s no way I’ll be able to endure it!

Is there something I can do? Anything? A way for me to convince Kuro and Isis-san to
let me wash my body on my own… D*mn it, I can’t think of anything.

[Kuromu-sama, please wait a moment.]

[Unnn? What’s wrong?]

Just when I realized that I was about to leap into a cliff and was thinking of a way out,
Ein-san stopped Kuro.

[I know it’s rude of me to ask this, but please grant me this request. Would you
please turn this role over to me?]

[…To Ein?]

[Yes. I just regained my pride as a maid thanks to Kaito-sama. It would be a shame

for a maid not to repay the favor she has received… Please grant me this request.]

[H- Hmmm… If Ein says that much, I’m fine with it. What about you, Isis?]

[…Unnn… I’m also… fine giving it… to Ein.]

[You have my gratitude. Kaito-sama too, are you fine with it?]

…Hmmm. This may have been a great help.

If the diligent Ein-san said that she’d wash my back, she’d probably do just that. I still
feel some nervousness, but I think I can endure this.

At least I won’t have to face the fear of not knowing what Kuro and Isis-san will do to

[…W- Well then, I will be in your care.]


[…Ah, that’s right! Isis, lookie here! I brought a duckie!]


Agreeing to let Ein-san wash my back, I sat down on a small wooden chair.

As I sat down, I saw Kuro pull out a rubber duck out of nowhere and started playing
with Isis-san, which made me feel relaxed.

As I looked forward, I couldn’t see Ein-san, but she seemed to be preparing quickly
as I heard faint sounds from behind me.

Ein-san could probably finish washing my back before I even noticed it, but I
somehow got the feeling that she wasn’t going to use her usual super speed.

[Well then, I will start washing your back.]

[Ah, yes. Thank you.]

Just as I responded to Ein-san’s voice from behind me, out of the corner of my eye, I
saw a neatly folded towel.

I wonder what that is? I’m guessing that she’s using that to wash my back… but then,
it kinda looks a little far away…

No, this can’t be… There’s no way that is the case, right? She definitely just put it
away for a moment, right? There’s no way that…”the towel that Ein-san was wearing”
would be left over there… right?

I mean, she doesn’t have to do that! She’s just going to wash my back, so she doesn’t
need to be completely naked, you know!? W- Well~~ Kaito, you really are no good.
Virgins like you really are too imaginative… Haha… hahaha…

[E- Ein-san. Ummm, what’s that towel over there?]

I decided to just ask her directly. It’s alright, there’s no problem. I’m sure that Ein-san
will answer “Ahh, I’ll be using that later” or something like that.

No, I didn’t really need to ask, but when I saw it, I couldn’t help myself. I was just a
little curious…

[…It’s the towel I was wearing.]

[Wha!? E- Ein-san!?]

However, Ein-san’s actions were the opposite of my expectations, betraying them at

mach speed.

All of a sudden, I heard a quiet, yet seductive voice whisper to my ear.

The heck is this!? What the heck is happening!? Why the heck is Ein-san, who
seemed to be in her birthday suit, whispering to me from a distance where her lips
were almost touching my ear!?

[…Kaito-sama, thank you very much for earlier.]

[Ah, n- no… ummm…]

[I’m really happy to hear that you’re thinking well of me.]

Her voice was so erotic that I couldn’t imagine it from her usual cool impression.
Whenever she whispered in my ear, I felt an inexplicable feeling within me that was
making me tremble.

[This is the least I can do… Please allow me to “serve you” with all my heart.]

Why does that sound like it means something weird!? When a nude maid says
something like serving, it would completely make me think in a different direction,
you know!? N- No, there’s no way that she means it that way, right?

I thought I drew the safest card in the pile, but I never thought it would turn out to
be a joker, the worst card of all…


Something soft touched my back just now! Was that a sponge? That’s a sponge,
right!? I felt the sponge that was as warm as the human body, but why the heck do I
feel like the warmth reaches wider than a sponge should!?

I- I’m also feeling something a little hard and elastic in some areas but… Ahh, those
parts are that, right!? The feeling on my back, isn’t this Ein-san!? What the heck are
you doing there!?
[This kind of way where you make use of your body like this to clean a gentleman’s
body exists, right? I heard about this from Shalltear.]

[W- W- W- Wha…]

That f*cking idiot!? What the heck are you spreading around!? This kind of washing
someone certainly exists, but this isn’t something normal and is only done in shady
establishments, you know!?

Ahh, I can’t move, Ein-san! This is bad, I’m telling you! This is seriously bad!

The inexplicable warmth and softness I felt on my back, everytime they moved up
and down, it also felt like they were aiming to rub away my sense of reason.

[Regrettably, my breasts aren’t very large but… I will just make it up with my skills.]

[A- Ahh… W- Wait, that is…]

It’s sometimes strong, sometimes gentle and sometimes slow and steady, giving me a
heavenly feeling of pleasantness. It feels like my head is suffering in hell though…

W- When is this going to end? M- My head is boiling already… S- Someone, help me…

[…There’s such a way to wash someone huh.]

[…As expected… of Ein… Next time… I’ll try… that too.]

I don’t have any allies!? Using this as a reference, what are you even thinking? Don’t
do that, okay? Don’t ever copy her, okay!?

Dear Mom, Dad—— At first, I thought it was the best option for me to have Ein-san
wash my back. But now, I know firsthand that she was the most dangerous choice.
No, please hurry up and end this. If it continues like this——— My reasoning will
completely disappear.


Serious-senpai: [Gwfaaahhh!? (Vomits blood)]

~~ Kaito’s choices ~~

Have Kuro wash his back => She would wash his back normally

Have Isis wash his back => It would be an embarrassing, yet happy event

Pull Alice out of the onsens and have her wash his back => Self-destruction for the
3rd time

Have Ein wash his back => Kaito will receive “service” from the maid

Have everyone wash his back => Nocturne only

An onsen is a place where you can soak your body in hot water with a variety of
effects while enjoying a wide open view. It is the very heart of the Japanese people.

However, even though I came to take a bath in an onsen, why is it that I am so tired?
Heck, I haven’t even taken a bath yet…

I was caught in the strongest ambush by Ein-san, who was washing my body with
her body as a sponge. Feeling her body behind my back, I could only assume that this
was an attempt to destroy my reasoning, but one thing is for sure. Her attack had left
me severely exhausted.

However… I repeat, however! I got over it. It was definitely one of the strongest trials
I’ve ever faced, but I fought through it.

If I say this out loud, I may suddenly be slapped by Buddhist people, but I think I
have achieved enlightenment just now. In the latter half of this event, I felt like I
could see myself from the eyes of another.

Well, even though it’s already over, I’m still feeling anguish over the feeling of Ein-san
on my body…

Anyways, I finished washing my body and was finally able to soak in the hot water.
The thick, murky water was a little hot and soaked into my tired body.


I really like onsens. I’ve never had the chance to go to a hot spring as a college
student living alone, but it seems like I really like onsens.

Thanks to the extraordinary ordeal I just went through, I now felt like I was quite
mentally composed. Or perhaps, my mind was just so worn out that I didn’t have the
time to mind the small details anymore…
[…Here’s Kaito-kun’s!]


[Rubber ducky!]

[…T- Thanks.]

What Kuro gave me was a child’s toy that floated in water. Ahh, speaking of which,
weren’t Kuro and Isis-san playing with them while waiting for me?

Looking at their sides again, I saw that Kuro had a yellow duck and Ms. Isis had a
white duck floating in front of them.

[…My ducky… is the strongest.]

[Mnhh! My ducky won’t lose!]

I don’t think you’re supposed to compare strengths with rubber ducks… Well, this is
kind of relaxing, so I guess it’s fine.

As I watched Kuro and Isis-san having fun, I looked at the toy Kuro had just given me.

Mine was brown and a little slimmer than Kuro’s duck… Hey, doesn’t this look more
of a “goose” instead?

[Kaito-sama, would you like some alcohol?]

[Eh? Ahh, thank you. Thank you for the drink.]

As I was leisurely watching Kuro and Isis-san, Ein-san came up to me with a tray
floating on the water. On top of the tray, there was a sake bottle and a sake cup… Ahh,
that would be great. As expected of Ein-san, she knows her stuff.

After thanking her, I picked up the sake cup and Ein-san fluidly poured the sake in it.

Making sure that it doesn’t spill, I took a sip and found it to be dry and strong, yet
refreshing, and it seemed to gradually seep from my mouth to my throat and then,
down to my stomach.
[…It’s delicious. This is Japanese sake, right?]

[Yes. It was made at Neun-san’s request, and since Kaito-sama came from the same
world as her, I thought it would suit Kaito-sama’s palate, so I prepared it.]

I see, Neun-san prefers Japanese sake as well huh… That certainly seems like her.

[I have prepared for Kuromu-sama, Isis and Shalltear too.]

[Thanks, Ein~~]

[…Thank you.]

As Ein-san took out new trays from nowhere, Kuro-san and Isis-san moved over to

What was placed on the trays for Kuro and Isis were wine glasses and an ordinary

[Is the wine for Kuro?]

[Unnn. I don’t really like the spicy alcohol. I prefer drinks like wine.]

[What about Isis-san?]

[…I don’t really… like alcohol… that’s why… I’m having juice.]

Fumu fumu, I guess we each have our preferences huh. What about me though? I
liked all kinds of alcohol, but I guess I didn’t like those with a strong smell.

Rather, putting our preferences aside…

[…Alice, how long are you going to be diving?]


The one I’m bothered about is Alice, who was still diving underwater… She seemed
to be still reeling away because of that incident earlier, and she wasn’t even
responding to my call.
[…I’m sorry I wasn’t careful enough. I’ll buy you dinner again sometime to make up
for it.]


[Alright. That’s fine, so just come out already.]

When I said that I would buy her a meal, only a hand with three fingers came out of
the hot water. I recognized this as her asking me to treat her to three meals, to which
I said I was fine with.

Thereupon, from inside the onsen waters, Alice, “with only her head from above her
nose showing”, slowly approached me.

Alice moved closer to us and showed her face with the bottom of her chin completely
submerged in hot water. Her face clearly looked red, and her blue eyes weren’t quite
as tense as before… Looking at her like that, I unconsciously thought she was kinda

[…Uuuu, I’ve been sullied. Kaito-san, please take responsibility for this.]

[…There are lots of things I would like to tsukkomi, but before that…”The duck’s on
your head”, you know?]


By some coincidence, the yellow duck that Kuro was floating around just now was
now perched on Alice’s head.

When I pointed it out to her, she silently removed the duck from her head and
submerged her face up to her nose into the hot water again. It seems like she was

Seeing Alice’s reaction, which was, in a way, refreshing among the current members,
I couldn’t help but chuckle…

[Up we go~]

While my body was stretched out in the onsen, Kuro climbed on top of my legs as if it
was natural.

What are you doing, Kuro!? No, you certainly have been sitting on my lap a lot lately
but… Between sitting on the lap of someone while wearing clothes while sitting on
the lap while nude, do you realize how different the destructiveness of these two
are… Ahh, h- how soft… wait, stop all that!

[Ehehe, sitting together with Kaito-kun~~]

[K- Kuro, g- get off…]

[…Not fair… me too…]


In any case, I tried to move my free hand to get Kuro off my lap, but before I could do
so, that hand was grabbed by Isis-san.

As she hugged my arm, Isis-san’s soft, smooth body snuggled with it.

T- This is bad! Just when I was starting to compose myself a little bit, this happened
again… And with Ein-san standing on the other side, there was no space for me to
move at all.

As I felt like my head was about to start releasing steam, I tried to struggle, slightly
moving my body… but it seems like that caused even more trouble for myself.


[Eh? Ahh, I- I’m sorry!]

[K- K- Kaito-san!? W- Where do you think you’re touching… H- How much do you
want to shame me!]

[N- No, it wasn’t on purpose…]

When I tried moving my foot, it accidentally touched something soft and squishy, and
right after that, Alice flinched and moved her body away.
The position of my feet, Alice’s reaction and words… That means, what my foot
touched just now was… N- No, stop right there! Don’t think about it!

Nothing! Fill your mind with nothingness…

[Unnn? Ahh, could it be that Shalltear wants to come here too?]

[Ehh? Kuro-san? W- What are you…]

[It’s alright. Kaito-kun’s legs are long, so there’s plenty of room… Hoi~~]

[Myaaahhh!? K- Kuro-san!? Please let go of me. N- No…]

With Kuro’s words, I felt more softness on my legs. This is bad, this is bad…

[…Mhmm, Shalltear… Doesn’t it look like your breasts are bigger than mine…]

[Hyaaaahhh!? W- Where do you think you’re touching, Kuro-san!? Y- You can’t,

nuaahhh… wai…]

They started fooling around above my legs. My mind is slowly being whittled away…
Somebody… Help me…

Dear Mom, Dad——— How should I say this… At that moment, I really think that my
reasoning might have reached its limit. No, rather, whether my reasoning reaches its
limits or my head boils up so much that I lose consciousness… Either way———–
I’m completely cornered.



Victory Condition: Without being noticed by the others in the onsen, make Kaito

Defeat Condition: Show even the slightest of your presence. Make a sound of at least
0.1 db. Breathe. Move your body by at least 1mm. Blink.
Success Reward: The isejuu will explode.

Defeat Penalty: His guardians will deal with you.

Relaxing my flushed body on the couch in the changing room and letting out a deep
sigh, I wondered if this tiredness I was feeling was because of the onsen or because
of some other reason.

The air that passed through the gaps in my yukata slowly cooled my hot body,
making me feel somewhat comfortable.

But well, seriously… It was a long and arduous battle. I don’t know how many times I
thought about just giving up… Even so, I did it. I surpassed it.

It wasn’t really just Alice, I think I was also traumatized by the bath. I don’t really
know why I’m fated to have events happen while I’m in the bath… I even kinda
missed those times when I first came to this world, thinking that there was no such
thing as lucky pervert.

As I was absentmindedly thinking about this, a bottle of milk was held out in front of

[Kaito-san, would you like some cold milk?]

[…Thanks. Where’s Kuro and the others?]

[Ahh, I heard they wanted to play with some “fireworks”, so they headed out first to
get them ready. I’m in charge of picking up Kaito-san.]

[…I see… Ahh, this is great.]

[You really need to drink a bottle of cold milk after a bath after all.]

Apparently, Kuro and Isis-san were so excited about the fact that we were all staying
together that they even went to prepare for fireworks.
Alice, who had come to pick me up, was wearing a yukata and her usual mask, giving
her a somewhat unbalanced appearance.

She said she was here to pick me up, but she took out another bottle of milk from
nowhere and sat down right next to me.

[…Pfuhaa~~ Well, it looks like young Kaito-san is tired, so let’s take a breather first
before we go.]

[You’re right. I’m certainly in the mood for a breather right now.]

It may have been because I had just finished taking a bath, but I felt a sense of
calmness and serenity flowing through me.

Without saying anything else, Alice drank her milk and after a few while, she

[…Kaito-san. There’s one thing I really don’t understand, so do you mind if I ask

[Unnn? For you to have something you don’t understand, that’s quite unusual of you,

[Of course, there are also things I don’t know. Like the depths of a person’s heart…
Unless the person themself wanted to show it to me, I wouldn’t be able to see into it.]

[If it’s you, I think you would be able to peek into it though…]


[…So, what are you asking?]

[Ah~~ Well~~ It’s not really that big of a deal…]

After saying that, Alice turned her gaze towards me and calmly spoke.

[…Kaito-san, why are you even trying to “endure” it?]

[Ehh? Endure what?]

[No, well, I’m talking about your behaviour. Kuro-san and I did say that we wanted
you to wait for a while, and since Isis-san is such a pure person, I can understand
why you’re reluctant to step into such a relationship with her. As for Ein-san, she
isn’t even your lover.]


[…As for Duchess Lilia, I can understand your actions because of her character… but
what about Sieg-san?]

I understood what Alice was asking. She’s wondering why I haven’t had any sexual
relations with anyone yet.

[No, well, I’m sure Kaito-san also has to prepare your heart for such deeds. Ahh, it’s
not like I’m trying to say that you should just do it or something like that but… I was
simply wondering why.]

[…Why huh…]

[Well, I know it’s too late to say it now, but I don’t really intend to hide it, so I’ll just
say it now… I also know that Kaito-san sometimes secretly deals with your needs
alone. Ahh, of course, in that situation, I would move out of sight.]

[…That certainly is too late to say… Ah, where did my privacy go…]

This was a topic that would normally have made me blush and hide from
embarrassment but… Alice’s seriousness right now wouldn’t let me do so.

Alice wasn’t trying to make fun of me at all, she was just genuinely interested in this

[…Well, anyway. I know that the way I say this may sound bad, but don’t you think
Sieg-san fits just right with your conditions? Her personality is such that she would
accept Kaito-san if you asked, and she’s also already 38… She isn’t some twisted
thousand year old virgin like me.]


[You live under the same roof, and have a lot of topics to talk about, like taking care
of your pets. Unlike Kuro-san and Isis-san, the elves also have a decent sex drive that
stems from the preservation of species.]


Well, if she puts it that way, I guess you could really say that Sieg-san was the perfect
match for me. In fact, Sieg-san was a kind, older woman, and in that sense, she was
just too good of a lover for me.

Even so, the reason why I still haven’t held out my hand to her huh…

[…Ah, no, if it’s hard to answer, it’s not like you have to do so…]

[Alice, you also understand it, right? That I would return to this world after going
back to my world once.]

[Yes, you told me about it before, Kaito-san.]

[…Unnn. My purpose for returning is simple. I just wanted to say goodbye to the
people who took care of me in my original world. That’s all there is to it… However,
that’s something very important to me. Only when I’ve done that can I say with
pride, that “I’m going to live in this world”.]

[…Dealing with unfinished business first huh…?]


…Sorry, Alice. I just lied to you.

No, maybe “lie” isn’t the right word for this… My uncle and aunt who took me in and
raised me are the ones I owe the most.

Before going into such… Before I get into a deeper relationship with Kuro and the
others, I really want to give myself some closure.

However, there’s something I intentionally didn’t tell her. It’s the thing that I’m most
anxious about right now…

I haven’t told anyone about it yet. The words that Shiro-san told me when I visited
the God Realm before. Shiro-san compared herself to the “Last Boss” in one of the
stories I read. Such a Shiro-san told me that she was giving me the final ordeal…
telling me that I should beat it myself.

There was one part of Shiro-san’s words that made me feel uncomfortable.

Shiro-san said that if I didn’t make it through her ordeal, my choices would be the
same as the rest of the otherworlders… Asking me whether I would stay in this
world, or go back to my previous world.

If it were regarding that, my words certainly weren’t a lie… However, “were those
really my only options”?

From her statement telling me to beat her in her final ordeal, I think it’s safe to say
that it would be a match between Shiro-san and I.

What I’m asking her to do for me is to let me go back to my world and then, come
back to this world… This was something unprecedented.

However, by fighting a match against her…”What will I lose” if I lost against her?

Perhaps, I may have just been thinking too much. No, it seems more likely that Shiro-
san had simply imposed that ordeal and wasn’t going to ask for any compensation
from me.

However, I couldn’t help but feel bothered about this. When she told me “Show me
your true worth.”, I couldn’t help but notice the challenging look on Shiro-san’s face…
And when she told me “If you wish for more than that, you would need to prepare for
what is to come”…

If my worth didn’t meet Shiro-san’s standards, what would she do with me then?

I don’t know, and I’m pretty sure Shiro-san wouldn’t answer if I asked.

Well, there’s always the possibility that I’m really just overthinking this…

[Now then, Kuro and the others are waiting for us, so how about we started moving?]

[…You’re right.]

Right now, I’m not telling anyone about my thoughts regarding this. It’s just a hunch,
but this trial that Shiro-san is going to put me through… I think it’s “something I
need to get over on my own”…

(P/R: I conquered the final boss (god) of the world with my amazing womanizing
powers and the final boss fight was her asking me for my first. I just came up with a
new isekai title.)

Just as I was about to get up from the couch and start walking alongside Alice, she
pulled on my sleeve.


[Kaito-san, you know, I asked you to wait for when I found courage, right…]


[You know, I’m a twisted virgin… so it might take a little while. But perhaps… I’ll be
able to “find the courage by the time Kaito-san comes back to this world”.]


[…That’s why, errr… When Kaito-san properly says goodbye to your original world
and comes back here… At that time, please take me to that place. To a “romantic
cottage with a seaside view”…It’s a promise, okay?]

[…Yeah, it’s a promise.]

Dear Mom, Dad——— I’ve often heard from people that I was a terrible liar. That’s
why, I’m sure… Alice is aware that I lied to her. She knows I’m hiding something, she
knows it isn’t something simple… Even as she was aware of this, she still told me that
she would wait for me. How should I say this… Unnn——– I’m falling in love with her
all over again.


~~ Apologies ~~

This is a serious chapter in between sweet chapters, which accentuates the

greatness of the arc. I was even planning to have Serious-senpai do some
performance here.

However, it seems like Serious-senpai accepted the urgent mission yesterday and
after shouting “I’ll crush all the lovey-dovey flags!”…She was blown away by a very
long-distance spell that “crossed from the main story over to the afterword”, and is
currently in the hospital.

For this reason, we had to quickly forgo the appearance of Serious-senpai this time.
We apologize for that.

Although she was diagnosed at the hospital as having “total recovery after three
chapters”, she has the vitality of a cockroach, so please be rest assured.
On the shore of the lake, I enjoyed the colorful fireworks with Kuro and the others,
who were also dressed in yukatas.

I don’t know who prepared them, but they had handheld fireworks just like the ones
in my original world, sparklers, rockets, and pinwheels… They even had cheap-
looking skyrockets here.

[I’ll start lighting them~~]

Kuro lit a skyrocket that was placed a short distance away, and a little later, a small
but beautiful firework went off.

…Can you believe this? We’re “indoors”, you know? Seriously, how outrageously
spacious is this place…

[Isis-san, you’re fine with sparklers?]

[…Unnn… I like… this.]

Isis-san, squatting down, holding a sparkler in hand with a smile, looked very
picturesque, and I somehow felt an air of elegance around her.

[K- Kuro-san!? Isn’t that the one that flies——– Uhyaaahhh!?]

[Ah, sorry! Are you alright?]

[Now you’ve done it, Kuro-san… Eat this! Firework attack!]

[Back you go~~]

[Ah, wait! Throwing it back is unfai———- Higyaaaahhhh!?]

[I- I’m sorry…]

Kuro is the organizer of the event and the one enjoying it the most, but it seems like
she only has half-baked knowledge about fireworks themselves.

While Kuro holds a rocket in one hand and lights it, Alice would then avoid it as the
rocket flew towards her… Unlike Isis-san who was peacefully enjoying her sparkler,
they were quite lively.

As I ate what looked like a watermelon that Ein-san had prepared for me, watching
the noisy, but fun scene makes a smile naturally appear on my lips.

Before I knew it, the fun fireworks had ended, and we moved to our overly spacious

However, it was still a little early to go to bed, so just as I was wondering what to do
in the meantime, Kuro, Isis-san and Alice began to silently stare at each other.

[…Are the two of you ready?]

[…Yeah, anytime you are.]

[…Bring… it on… It will be… my win.]

As the three stared at each other, I felt like sparks flew between them and I could feel
the tension in the air.

Eh? The heck was happening? Why the heck did the situation suddenly look
explosive? Even though everyone was having fun with fireworks just now… T- This is
bad! If I don’t stop them…

[We fight with “Old Maid”! The final loser “won’t be able to sleep next to Kaito-
kun”…Got that!?]

[…Unnn… Let’s fight.]

[Yeah, I’ll be having that victory… wait, arehh? What are you doing, laying down over
there, Kaito-san? It’s still too early for bed, you know?]

(T/N: Old maid afaik is just drawing cards from the people next to you until you don’t
have any pairs left in hand. The one left holding the old maid/joker loses.)
…I’m not lying down here, I slipped down here. What the heck are all of you doing!?
Old Maid? You’re just playing that, but why the heck do you all have this atmosphere
around you all as if you’re “about to have a duel”!?

Or rather, is it already decided that I’m going to sleep in the middle of the bed with
two people on both of my sides?

[Well then, Ein! Deal the cards!]


Even though I was feeling dumbfounded, the three of them looked pretty serious.
Holding the cards that Ein-san dealt to them in their hands, they all had serious
expressions on their faces.

Rather, wait a moment? Why did Ein-san “deal cards to me too”? Eh? I’m going to
play too?

As I held the cards in my hand, Alice looked at me and let out a bold smile.

[…Fufufu, Kaito-san. Let me tell you something good. No matter how lucky Kaito-san
is, in this game… Luck isn’t the only thing that determines your victory! No, it’s
exactly because you’re the way you are… that you wouldn’t be able to win.]

[W- What do you mean…]

[Well then, let’s start!]

[Oiii… Kuro…]

I was about to ask her what she meant when she said that I won’t be able to win Old
Maid because of the way I am, but Kuro announced the start before I could ask.

Incidentally, the order of drawing the cards was Kuro, Alice, Isis-san, then me… Well,
since I’m going to participate anyway, let’s take this game seriously.

With that in mind, the Old Maid game began, but I soon understood the meaning of
what Alice had said.

Isis-san, who had just drawn a card from Alice’s hand, clearly had a depressed
expression on her face… Arehh, I’m sure that she just drew the joker. Isis-san, you’re
too easy to read.

It was then my turn, and as I reached for one of Isis-san’s cards… Isis-san’s face
brightened up.

Looking at her face, I moved my hand to the card beside it, and her expression
changed to one that looked like she’s about to start crying.

…Isis-san, you’re too easy to read. Or rather, you’re really bad at playing Old Maid.
I’ve already figured out where the joker is, you know?

However, errr, this is… I see… This certainly is impossible. I can’t win against her. I
mean, if I draw anything other than the Old Maid, Isis-san would look like she’s
about to cry…

I- I’m not so callous that I would seize victory in exchange for Isis-san’s tears.

Feeling defeated, especially before the gaze of the smirking Alice, I drew a card that
brightened up Isis-san’s expression.

…wait, arehh? This isn’t the joker? Why? Even though Isis-san looked so easy to

Rather than being the Old Maid, the card I drew paired up with a card in my hand,
which brought my hand down to two cards… Kuro would draw a card from my hand
next, so victory was practically within my reach already.

While I tilted my head, Alice looked surprised, as if she had expected that I had
pulled the Old Maid from Isis-san’s hand.

Could it be that I drew the wrong card? Alright, I’ll get it next time…

When it was my turn again, I checked Isis-san’s face carefully this time. Drawing the
card that made her smile brightly… Thereupon, I’m already out of cards. That means,
I’m out of the game… Why?

When I looked at Isis-san, tilting my head as to why this happened, she put her cards
on the table and gave a small clap.
[…Kaito is first… amazing.]


I see, Isis-san “wanted me to be the first”, so “when I tried to draw the joker out of
her hand”, she actually had a sad expression on her face… Eh? Is she really a Demon?
Are you sure she’s not actually an angel in disguise? No, I’m sure she’s an angel. She
looks really adorable…

[…S- So that’s what happened huh… I- I didn’t see that one coming.]

It seems like she also didn’t expect that Isis-san was going to let me win, and a wry
smile appeared on Alice’s lips.

After that, the game resumed, and Isis-san made a mad dash to the top. Thereupon,
Isis-san, who I thought was weak at Old Maid, could apparently control her
expression as easily as any other player, and she began arranging her pairs one after
another until there were only two cards left in her hand.

Isis-san had the joker and an ace in her hand. It was her turn to draw now, so if she
could draw an ace, she would be out of the game.

[Ahh, Isis-san. I don’t think you should draw that one. I think the card on the right
feels better, doesn’t it?]

[…Unnn… Okay.]

[Wait right there! Kaito-san, can you please stop telling Isis-san which card to draw!?
The cards Isis-san have been drawing since a while ago have been pairs, you know!?
Your luck is already a cheat, you know!?]

…I’m sorry, Alice. I want to protect my angel’s smile.

Dear Mom, Dad——- I’ve often heard that the Six Kings were close friends, and I
actually think that’s true. Everyone seemed to be having a good time, and I felt like I
was having fun watching them. Well, all things aside——- I think Isis-san is actually
an angel.

~~ L I V E ~~

? ? ? : [Ehh~~ This is ? ? ?-chan, live in front of the hospital where Serious-senpai is

hospitalized. Serious-senpai is currently recuperating and has two more chapters
(including this one) until she is released from the hospital. Serious-senpai was hit by
unexpected misfortune, but her progress after hospitalization was good. According
to the person herself, “It’s not sweet, it’s not sweet… Hospital food tastes so good.” or
so she said with a smile on her face. After that, due to the “author’s” consideration,
only Serious-senpai’s hospital food was changed to “extremely sweet”, making
Serious-senpai “cry” from joy. Well~~ Serious-senpai really is loved, isn’t she? I hope
you get well soon… Once again, this is ? ? ?-chan, in front of the hospital, signing out.]
Without my intention, the Old Maid game to select the person who would sleep next
to me had started.

I was the first one out of the game, Isis-san was out second, and now, it had become a
one-on-one battle between Kuro and Alice… and like that, “one hour” passed.

No, no! Why is it that the first and second place were outed so quickly, but the game
still went on for an hour!? Is it that the both of you are just drawing the Old Maid!?

[…Kuro-san, why don’t you stop “manipulating causality”? Let’s have a fair and
square fight.]

[…How about you stop “magically switching the pattern” of the cards the moment I
draw it, Shalltear? This game won’t end, you know?]



What the heck are you two doing!? It’s just a game of Old Maid, how serious can you
possibly be!?

Staring at each other with serious expressions on their faces, they then stiffened
while holding their cards in their hands.

A few moments later… The occasional sound of bursting air began to echo.

[It seemed like both of them were drawing cards at a tremendous speed. In the last
few seconds, they’d already drawn a “thousand” times.]

[…Seriously, what the heck are you two doing…]

According to Ein-san’s input regarding the situation, Kuro and Alice were currently
drawing cards at a speed I can’t perceive. This doesn’t even look like Old Maid

[…Ein-san, is this game even going to end?]

[It’s hard to say. If Kuromu-sama gets serious, it would be possible for her to draw
cards at a speed that Shalltear wouldn’t be able to react to but… If that happens, the
impact will “wipe out this room”.]


[If Kuromu-sama moves at a speed that won’t affect the surroundings, Shalltear
would be able to react to that. If we were to wait for when one of them makes a
mistake… This game should end after “10 days”.]

[The Six Kings Festival would be over by then though!?]

For a game of Old Maid between two monsters to be this tremendous… Well, as far as
I’m concerned, I’ve already given up on opposing their decision of sleeping with me,
so I just want to get this game over with.

However, Kuro and Alice seem serious, and neither of them seemed to have any
intention of letting up.

[…It can’t be helped… There can only be two people… who can sleep next to Kaito…
that’s why… this game is very important.]

[No, you’re just exaggerating…]

I exhaled a sigh as I responded to Isis-san, who told me that with a solemn look on
her face.

Thereupon, Ein-san put her hand on her chin as if she was thinking about something
and a little while later, she spoke.

[Rather than fighting for that spot… Wouldn’t it be better if one of you “sleeps above
Kaito-sama’s body”?]

[ [ There’s that! ] ]

The moment Ein-san muttered something really outrageous, Kuro and Alice turned
towards us and shouted at the same time.

No, no, you don’t “There’s that!” here! No matter how you think about it, that’s not a
good suggestion!

Two people on both of my sides, while one sleeps on top of me… No, that won’t do. It
would be quite the problem for my reasoning…

[No, as expected, that’s kinda…]

[That’s a great idea, isn’t it, Kuro-san!? If we do that, it would certainly be alright for
the three of us!]

[Unnn! Unnn! As expected of Ein!]

[N- No, like I said…]

[…Everyone’s together… I’m glad.]

[I- Isis-san…]

Ahh, this won’t do. From my experience, I already knew what’s going to happen. I
would be pushed around again and swept along with their decisions.

Looking at Kuro and Alice, who were nowhere near as serious as they had been just
now, I let out my greatest sigh of the day.

The time for sleep has arrived… It seems that Ein-san isn’t going to sleep and is
waiting for commands outside the door. Kuro and the others also normally don’t
sleep, but they sleep with me when I’m around.

Incidentally, the Old Maid game between Kuro and Alice was settled as a draw.
Anyhow, both of them had no reason to really fight each other anymore, so they
ended it that way.

[Hmmm. It would be better if Shalltear or I were on top, so that we can adjust our
weight without weighing down on Kaito-kun too much, right?]
[I guess so. However, it feels embarrassing for me to be on top… so can Kuro-san be
on top?]


Don’t you have any thicker clothes? A yukata, you see… Its fabric is thin and it has
some gaps one can peek through, and while it may be easier to sleep in, it’s the worst
possible clothing for this situation.

I mean, if we’re all going to sleep together like that, doesn’t the size of the bed make
no sense at all? No, I would feel like I’d already lost if I tsukkomi’d that… This is no
good. I can’t calm my thoughts at all.

[…Four of us together… How fun.]

[You’re right. We haven’t had many opportunities like this since we left Kuro-san’s
place and lived on our own… Well then, let’s go to bed!]

Form is emptiness, emptiness is form… Nothingness. I am now becoming

nothingness. To be honest, I’m not really sure what those words meant, but I feel like
I’m on my way to enlightenment.


[I- I’m alright. Let’s go to bed.]

Empty my mind… Empty it of everything…

With Isis-san’s urging, I laid down on the bed on my back.

To my right, Isis-san came and held my arm, making me feel the soft touch of her
body from across the thin cloth. Evil thoughts, dissipate! Evil thoughts, dissipate!

On my left side, Alice lay down and embraced my arm just like Isis-san did. Alice’s
petite body was tightly pressed against my arm, making me completely feel her
smooth skin.

Stop that, remove all such thoughts in mind! I’m totally alright, it’s not like I’m
feeling strangely aroused or anything like that. I’m enduring it, I’m enduring it, I’m
enduring it…
Finally, Kuro climbed on top of my body. Just as she said she would adjust her weight,
Kuro’s body was surprisingly light, and I hardly felt her weight.

However, even though I couldn’t feel her weight, I could still feel the touch of Kuro’s
body. Kuro’s face was so close to mine that I could smell her fragrant scent tickling
my nostrils, and if I turned my gaze even slightly towards her body, through the gap
in her yukata, I could see her brea… aaaaaahhhhhh!? This really won’t do! This is
bad, the blood in my body is really going to boil…

The feelings were slightly different from each of the three directions. However,
there’s a beautiful girl when I look forward, and there are also beautiful girls when I
look to the side… Even though I’ve already left the bath, I feel like I would faint from

The most dangerous of all of them was Kuro… She had been happily smiling since a
while ago, but her thighs had been accidentally grazing my dangerous zone, which is
a very dangerous situation for me.

[Ehehe, you’re quite big, aren’t you, Kaito-kun?]

Could you stop that!? It sounds different in my ears, so could you stop that!? Also,
could you not whisper in my ear… just feeling your breath grazing my ears makes me
feel something dangerous, you know!?



Y- You’re even adding a pincer attack with that… Are you all really trying to kill off
my reasoning!?

I- I need to somehow calm my mind… Wait, Kuro!? “Could you not put your hand into
the gap of my yukata”!? W- Why the heck did this happen…

Dear Mom, Dad—— Due to Ein-san’s dreadful comment, the three of them had
ended up sleeping attached to me. As I felt the warm and enchanting bodies of these
beautiful girls all over my body——– They’re also melting my reasoning at a
frightening speed.

< One more chapter (including this one) until Serious-senpai leaves the hospital >

In the activity report, Ein’s character design has been released. I also have some
special information for you this time.

Also, the popularity poll will be closed tomorrow… Now then, as for that very special
extra chapter… I wonder what I should right… Should I go with Noctu… Hmmm.
Squinting my eyes, I tried to block the morning glare of the sun shining through the
curtains. I was about to wonder why there were mornings and nights in this tower,
but I was surrounded with cheat-like beings, so they should be able to handle
something like this.

It was heaven… No, should I say it was hell instead? I don’t know… However, what I
do know for sure is that I’ve welcomed the first day of the Six Kings Festival without
sleeping a wink…

Well, to be honest, I thought that after the three of us went to bed, I would be able to
get some freedom after they turned over while sleeping but… that was quite naive of

Kuro cutely slept on top of my body without turning over at all, while Isis-san didn’t
turn over as well. Alice would turn over from time to time, but she was adamantly
not letting go of my hand.

As a result, I was forced to fight a long and painful battle against my own reasoning,
and in the end, I couldn’t sleep a wink.

However… I repeat, however! Morning had finally come… and I could finally be free
from this heavenly hell.

As I was thinking about this, Kuro was the first one to wake up.


[G- Good morning, Ku——- Hahh!?]

As Kuro slightly opened her eyes along with a cute moan, I negligently “forgot about
the past” and reflexively called out to her.
Thereupon, Kuro turned her half-opened, groggy eyes towards me and smiled.

[Ahh~~ It’s Kaito-kun~~]

There, I recalled that when Kuro wakes up… This is bad! I- I need to esca—– I can’t!?

Memories of the past came flooding back to my mind and I tried to escape as quickly
as I could, but my arms were captured by Isis-san and Alice, and there’s no way for
me to escape.

Then, in front of the panicking me, Kuro’s hand reached straight towards my face and
firmly fixated themselves on both of my cheeks.

[Kaito-kun~~ Shyuukk~~ Chyuuu~~]


With a coquettish voice, without any hesitation, she pressed her lips against mine.
Before I could even taste her soft, sweet lips, Kuro’s tongue, covered in saliva,
mercilessly pried open my lips and invaded my mouth.

[Chyuuu… Nhaa… nnhnn… chyuppaa, chyuuu…]


Her tongue, which moves in all directions as if she was coating my whole mouth with
her saliva, soon found my tongue and entwined around it, making the sound of water

This kiss, which was so intense that it almost knocked me unconscious, continued
for several minutes… Just as I was about to pass out, Kuro’s mouth separated from

Kuro stared at me with a dazed expression on her face, but after a while, light
reappeared in her eyes.

[…Hmm? Arehh? Kaito-kun, good morning~~]

[…G- Good… morning…]

I can’t do this anymore, I’m losing consciousness… The kiss just now was even more
amazing than before.

Waking up heavily fatigued from an all-nighter because of the half-awake Kuro, I

secretly ate one of the Fruits of the World Tree before breakfast.

It took away my fatigue, but it didn’t help me with my sleepiness or my mental

fatigue. The Six Kings Festival has just started, and I was already feeling anxious.

Even though it was still quite early, we had to have an early breakfast since the
organizers of this festival, Kuro and the others, seemed to have some preparations
they need to make.

The breakfast Ein-san prepared for us… was quite a surprise. It was a pure Japanese
style breakfast, consisting of Miso soup, rice and pickled daikon radish, dashimaki
egg rolls, and grilled fish… This was perfection.

[…Wait, I’m fine with the Japanese style breakfast, but what about Kuro and the

Rice isn’t really popular in this world, and many of the people I knew, like Lilia-san
and the others, would say “Eating rice for breakfast is kinda…” when I asked. So, I
asked Kuro and the others if they were fine with it.

[Unnn? This is just our “usual” breakfast, you know?]

[Eh? Really?]

[Unnn, we have Neun living back home after all~~ So, breakfast has always been

[Ahh, I see…]

Kuro seemed to be used to eating Japanese food, probably due to the influence of
Neun-san, who is a big fan of Japanese food. She even looked quite familiar with the
chopsticks when she ate with them.

[…I don’t… usually eat… so I don’t really care either way.]

It seemed that Isis-san rarely ate, so she doesn’t seem to be particular about bread or


[I’m not asking you.]

[Eh? Wait!?]

I wasn’t really worried about Alice from the beginning. After all, she eats just about
anything and everything, and she also ate a lot of rice back at the yakiniku

As soon as I thought that I had already dealt with Alice, she grinned at me for some

[Fufufu, the one who should be acting like that right now is me, you know… After all,
soon enough, Kaito-san will praise me, saying “As expected of Alice!”.]

[What kind of idiocy are you on about now…]

[Well, for the time being, how about you look at this…]

[Wha!? What the… C- Could that be…]

[Yes! This is “Alice-chan’s Special Seaweed Tsukudani”!]

(T/N: Tsukudani is a small piece of seafood, meat or seaweed that has been simmered
in soy sauce and mirin, used as a flavorful accompaniment to plain rice.)

T- This is impossible… She’s bringing out my personal top 1 rice accompaniment,

Seaweed Tsukudani!? A- Alice… W- What an amazing person you are.

Astonished at the tsukudani that was offered to me, I held out my chopsticks and
tried it… the perilla-flavor of the seaweed was refreshing and spread in my mouth,
and its taste was further enhanced when eaten along with rice.

[…U- Ugghhh… A- As expected of Alice…]

[Fufufu, I knew it!]

Frustrating as it may be, this was a complete defeat for me. Moreover, this is really

Although I was feeling vexed because I had said what Alice had declared, I was more
than impressed by this tsukudani.

[Even so, this tsukudani is really good. Hey, Ali… ce?]

With excitement budding in my heart, I looked back at Alice… only to see her holding
a sheet of paper to her chest with a big smile on her face.

On the paper, it said “Alice-chan’s Special Seaweed Tsukudani: Assortment of 5

kinds… 1 Gold Coin. Seaweed Set… 5 Silver Coins.”

Ah, sh*t… this is just a “trap”!? By daring to offer the first bite for free, she would
make people realize how delicious her food is and induce them to loosen their purse
strings. What an efficient strategy it was.

[…Give me 4 of each.]

[Thank you for the purchase~~]

It was a complete defeat, but I wanted Aoi-chan and Hina-chan to taste it too, so I
decided to buy it upright.

Good gracious, she’s really getting better and better at business… She’s only focusing
on me though…

[Hey, Shalltear. Let me buy one of those too.]

[Ehh? Yes, I don’t mind.]


As I was paying Alice and putting the set away in the magic box, Kuro stopped eating
and asked Alice to sell one to her.

[…Hey, Kuro. I’m going to ask just in case, but what are you going to use it for?]

[Eh? Of course, for my new baby castella…]

Now then, what should I do? Seaweed-filled baby castella… I wonder what it would
taste like? I don’t know. I can’t even start to imagine how it would taste.

However, I don’t think it would go well with the sweet dough, so I do hope she would
stop with that plan of hers.

[Ahh, it’s alright! I’ll make sure that Kaito-kun “gets to taste it first”!]

[…I- I see…]

I’m just imagining things, aren’t I? What she just said was purely out of courtesy,
right? It kinda sounded like she was asking me to be her lab rat… It’s just my
imagination, right!?

Dear Mom, Dad——- As I was feeling extremely tired before the Six Kings Festival
even started, we had a delicious breakfast. Even so, I really enjoyed the seaweed
tsukudani made by Alice but… Kuro, how should I say this———– You can’t just turn
anything to baby castellas, you know?


~~~ Discharged ~~~

Serious-senpai: [Fuhahahaha! Readers, I have retu——– Gafhuaaahh!? *sees

sweetness* (coughs blood)]
After seeing off Kuro and the others as they got ready for the opening ceremony of
the festival and killing some of my time, I decided to head out as well.

The ceremony itself would be held in the plaza where the central tower was located.
I could easily attend the ceremony by just going outside.

I was actually planning to meet up with Lilia-san and the others, but even though you
could only attend this festival if you had an invitation, I heard that quite a few people
had gathered. So, Lilia-san sent me a hummingbird saying that it would be difficult
for me to meet up with them before the ceremony and that we should decide on a
place we could meet up afterwards. So, I decided to watch the opening ceremony

After teleporting through a magic circle, I found myself outside the Central Tower…
standing before an amazing sight.

On the plaza stood a huge number of participants… Some of them were several
meters tall, while others were as small as fairies. The crowd before my eyes was
comprised of far more people than in that temple we had visited to receive our

But when I thought about it, this festival was being held in this entire city, so it would
make sense that it would look like this when all the participants were gathered in
one place.

However, when I looked closely, there were not many people near the central tower. I
mean, could it be that this place I was in is off-limits for them?

…Let’s quickly move away from here.

Realizing that I was standing in a place where people were clearly avoiding, I tried to
head for the crowd a few distance away, but at that moment, I heard a familiar voice.

[Eh? Lilia-san?]

When I turned around, I saw Lilia-san approaching me while waving her hand.

[Arehh? I thought it was gonna be hard for us to meet up…]

[No, that’s the thing. Apparently, the rank of the invitation determines where you can
attend the opening ceremony.]

[Is that so?]

[Yes. It seems that the area around this Central Tower is only for those with Gold-
rank or higher invitations, while their companions and those with lesser invitations
aren’t allowed to enter before that flag is raised.]

From what Lilia-san told me, this huge plaza was acting as a ward itself, and that the
invitations restricted where we could enter.

I see, that’s why there were so few people near the Central Tower…

[So, I’ve left Luna and Sieg in charge over there, and I’ve come to meet up with Kaito-

[Thank you. To be honest, I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to find anyone I

I was really grateful that I was able to meet up with Lilia-san, her presence makes me
feel calmer. Just as I was about to express my thoughts to her, I heard someone’s

[…Mhmm? That youth over there…]


When I looked in the direction of the voice, there was a mermaid with marine blue
hair… The same person who had helped me with Dr. Vier’s matter, Her Majesty
[Ohh! As I thought, it’s young Lilia and Kaito!]

[If it isn’t Her Majesty Laguna.]

[Ohh, young Lilia. We haven’t met since that time, right? Well~~ I’ve thought of it
back then, but you’ve gotten a lot stronger, haven’t you? If I get negligent, young Lilia
might just take the title of the strongest of the Human Realm away.]

[No, no, I’m still inexperienced. I’m still no match against Her Majesty Laguna.]

When Her Majesty Laguna saw us, she approached us with a happy smile on her face
and exchanged a few words with Lilia-san.

…I mean, arehh? Did I ever tell her my name? No, well, even though it wasn’t my
intention, I apparently became famous for all sorts of things, so I guess it shouldn’t
be surprising that she knew me?

W- Well, anyway, now that we’ve met… I guess I should give her my thanks for her
help back then.

[Errr, Her Majesty Laguna. It’s nice to meet you, my name is Miyama Kaito. Thank
you very much for your help the other day.]

[Unnn? What, don’t worry about it! “We’re quite close”, so helping you with that
much is nothing… Rather than that, I’d like it if you could stop talking to me like I’m a
stranger. Just call me Laguna.]


Arehh? Somehow, doesn’t it feel like Her Majesty Laguna… No, Laguna-san’s reaction
is strange? This should be the second time we’ve met, but she’s acting all familiar…
or rather, it’s as if we’ve already met before.

Lilia-san’s eyes narrowed in response to Laguna-san’s words, but I hurriedly shook

my head. No, seriously, I wasn’t hiding it from you, Lilia-san! I don’t know what she’s
talking about either!!!

When I conveyed this to Lilia-san with gestures, it seemed like she understood,
making her tilt her head.
[…Errr, Her Majesty Laguna? Can I ask if you’re acquainted with Kaito-san?]

[Ohh! That’s right, we even fought together against a formidable enemy… he’s my
comrade-in-arms, if you will! Well~~ I’ve always thought he was a good man, but
now, I like him even more! Hey, Kaito. “As I had asked you before”, how about you
become my husband?]

[…Huh? Eh? N- No, wait a moment! Your Ma… Laguna-san… Didn’t we first meet at
that time with Dr. Vier?]

[…What? O- Ohh, come to think of it, that’s right!]

I really didn’t understand what Laguna-san was saying, so when I hurriedly asked
her that, she puzzledly looked at me… and a few moments later, she clapped her
hands as if she noticed something.

[That was the case, right? My bad, my bad. I certainly didn’t have this appearance
back then… I’m the old man who fished with you back in the Hydra Kingdom!]


[Well~~ I forgot that I had a different appearance at that time!]

[Eeeehhhhh!? Y- You’re the grandpa from that time!?]


The grandpa I chatted with almost every morning while fishing during my stay in the
Hydra Kingdom. He seemed kind of important, so I thought he was a senator… So, he
was just Laguna-san who had changed her form…

Ahh, I see… When she said that we fought against a formidable enemy together, she
was talking about that fish.

[…Kaito-san. Where should I direct these feelings now? I understand that Kaito-san
wasn’t lying to me but… in the end, you met her… With this, you’ve met all the top of
the three realms… Kaito-san… you’re scary.]

[N- No, how should I say this… I’m really sorry.]

Dear Mom, Dad—— Unnn. As it turns out, Lilia-san’s fears were completely correct.
Well, it isn’t a situation where she could get angry at me. Well, even so———– I’m
As a king, Laguna-san seemed to be planning to attend the ceremony as well, so she
left after a short chat.

After that, as I was waiting for the ceremony to be held with Lilia-san, the people
who had been crowded together a short distance away suddenly split apart.

The crowd that split in two looked like a giant road. Right after that, a loud shout
rang out.

[S- She has come! God of Creation-sama!]

As soon as that person shouted, as if in unison, all the people gathering in this place
kneeled down and lowered their heads.

Matching our surroundings, Lilia-san and I also got down on our knees, bowing our
heads and got into a prayer’s position. However, I slightly moved my eyes to see what
was going on.

When I saw Chronois-san’s appearance in the temple before, I thought it was like a
white wave of humans… but this is on a different level.

Shiro-san’s invitation rank was definitely black. Hence, she must have brought
almost all the Gods with her. This was definitely quite a tremendous sight.

Gracefully walking in the lead was Shiro-san, the God of Creation. The three Supreme
Gods lined up behind her, and further behind them, dressed in white vestments, the
Gods followed in perfect order.

They were truly like the pinnacle of this world, and those standing before them felt
overwhelmed with their presence. Even I, who was used to interacting with Shiro-
san to some extent, was overwhelmed by their presence, so the tension must have
been even greater for the others.

The fact that next to me, Lillia-san was slightly trembling was proof that they were
feeling a lot of pressure.

Shiro-san continued on her way at a steady pace, and on the way, all the Gods except
the Supreme Gods stopped. It seems that even the Gods must observe the entry

After a certain amount of time, Shiro-san stopped, and the people who had been
bowing their heads began to stand up, to which Lilia-san and I followed suit.

[…She’s amazing. God of Creation-sama, I mean. Her presence is just so… divine…]

[I never thought I’d see her outside of the Festival of Heroes… Praise God for gracing
us with her presence…]

Almost as soon as I heard that voice, Shiro-san glanced at me and slightly waved her

Could you stop that!? I’m talking about that reaction as if you’ve found someone you
know! No, I’m certainly someone she knows, but she’s just drawing too much

The moment Shiro-san waved our way, all the surrounding eyes immediately turned
to us. No, seriously, give me a break… Lilia-san was already ghastly pale, you know?
She’s going to faint soon, you know?

The buzzing around us gradually became noisier and cold sweat began to run down
my back, but luck still hasn’t given us up yet.

Before our questions could be put into words, a loud sound rang out from the Central

When I looked over there, I saw a part of the Central Tower sticking out like a stage,
and on top of it came out Kuro and the others… the Six Kings.

Though I say that, Magnawell-san couldn’t get on the stage, so he was just sticking
out his head near the Central Tower…
[The opening ceremony is going to start soon.]

[…Oi, what are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be over there?]

I ask Alice, who appeared next to me as if it were a matter of course, and after
breathing out a light sigh, she told me why.

[Well, even though I’m reluctant about this…”The one beside you today is a clone”.
Main body Alice-chan is on the stage over there.]

[Ahh, I see.]

[Yes, I’m one of the organizers, so as expected, I can’t just have my clone participate…
Well, don’t worry! The performance of this newly created “Perfect Clone Alice-chan”,
which I created by canceling out “1800 of my clones” scattered around the world, so
this clone’s performance is almost equal with the main body! I’ll do my best to
protect Kaito-san!]

[…I- I have lots of things I want to tsukkomi about. 1800!? You have that many

No, I certainly knew that she had quite a number of clones, like the one in the Hyra
Kingdom and the one tending the store but… 1800!?

[Yes, well, most of the Alice-chan clones are disguised. The reason is that the clones
are responsible for transmitting the information gathered by my subordinates to the
main body, so they were deployed here and there.]

[I- I see… Even so, that’s quite a lot, 1800 clones…]

[Ah, no, if it were clones without autonomous thinking or information control

abilities, the main body could operate at least “100,000”…]


Unnn, this wouldn’t do. I just can’t measure this guy by my common sense. No matter
how stupid she usually is, Alice is still the Six Kings… one of those beings who were
beyond human understanding. Even so, 100,000 clones… She’s already a one-woman
[Well, the reason why I made this body this time was also to conduct “an
experiment”, but that’s a story for another time… It seems like it’s starting after all.]


When I heard Alice’s words and returned my gaze to the stage, Kuro stepped forward
and spoke.

[…Everyone, for participating in the Six Kings Festival that we organized today, thank
you very much.]

Is she using Loudspeaker Magic? Kuro’s voice was loud and echoed throughout the

[The opening ceremony has now commenced, or so I’d like to say, but before that, on
behalf of the Six Kings, I’d like to say a few words of thanks.]

In contrast to her usual cute image, Kuro now has a sense of dignity befitting a King.
Thus, her voice seemed strong and imposing.

[This year’s Six Kings Festival wasn’t prepared by us Six Kings alone, but with the
help of many others. It’s thanks to everyone lending their strength… there’s our
Demon Realm, of course, the God Realm… and Human Realm’s Symphonia Kingdom,
Archlesia Empire and Hydra Kingdom. It’s thanks to everyone’s help that this
momentous day came to be. Thank you very much.]

I see, Shiro-san and the Kings of the Human Realm were also helping out at the Six
Kings Festival…

As I was thinking about this, Alice quietly whispered to me.

[…Shallow Vernal-sama was our sponsor right from the start. In addition to that, we
asked for the cooperation of the Human Realm as well. Well, it’s the so-called
external measures.]


[To be honest, we have enough subordinates under our command and all the
supplies we want as long as Shallow Vernal-sama cooperates with us. However, if we
kept going like that, the Human Realm would be left out. That’s why we asked for
their cooperation. The three realms are equal after all.]

[…I see.]

Just as I nodded my head in response to Alice’s explanation, Kuro broke off her
speech. Slowly looking around the crowd for a moment, she opened her mouth again.

[Well then, before we announce the opening of the festival, we’d like to show
everyone a little performance.]

[…A performance?]

[Well, just relax and enjoy the sight.]

Dear Mom, Dad—— After Shiro-san arrived, the opening ceremony seemed to be
finally ready. As I watched Kuro speak powerfully on behalf of the Six Kings, I could
somehow feel it now———– That the Six Kings Festival is about to begin…
They’re having a performance. When Kuro announced this, the first person to move
was Magnawell-san.

Pulling back his neck that has been leaning over towards the plaza, he slowly turned
it towards the sky.


Magnawell-san let out a tremendous roar that seemed to split the air, but there was
no shockwave reached our location. Kuro and the others must have put up a barrier.

Even with the barrier though, I could still a tingling sensation as Magnawell-san’s
roar seemed to shake not only the air, but the earth as well.

Then, some distance away from the city where the venue is located… The earth rose
up, forming a huge mountain range that surrounded the city.

Looking at the mountain range of rocks as huge as Magnawell-san, reaching

thousands of meters high, even when I look at them from a distance… The people
gathered here were astonished by the power of Magnawell-san, who created this
with just one shout.

However, as if it was obvious, it didn’t end there. Next, jet-black magic power
gathered around Kuro, and like a conductor of an orchestra, Kuro raised her hands…
and the donut-shaped mountain range that had surrounded the city immediately
floated up into the sky.

[…A- Amazing… Without any chants or magic circles, for her to lift up such a large

I heard Lilia-san’s voice as she dumbfoundedly muttered, but I didn’t have the time
to look in her direction.
After confirming that the mountain range had risen quite high, Megiddo-san thrust
out his right arm, which was clad in crimson flames, towards the sky.

Thereupon, a tornado of flames that seemed to burn the heavens was released from
his fist, shattering the floating mountain range with a huge explosion.

Just as I was admiring the tremendous amount of firepower Magnawell-san had,

before I knew it, in the center of the explosion… Isis-san appeared, pushing away the
smoke from the explosion.

Then, as Isis-san’s body spun around as if she was a fairy dancing in the air, not only
the shattered pieces of the mountain range… but she also “froze the flames” blazing
brightly, and a huge number of ice lumps appeared in the sky.

Looking at the ice lumps slowly fall down to the ground, the thought of the ground
turning into a hellscape because of this rain of huge ice lumps popped into my
mind… but that didn’t happen.

As if to enclose the city, “three trees” appeared, and their branches extended out at a
startling speed, catching the falling ice lumps as if these trees had a will of their own.

I’m sure that the one who did was Lillywood-san… Those three huge trees which
didn’t look any inferior compared to the World Tree, seemed to show how powerful
Lillywood-san was.

Then, as a finishing touch, Alice, clad in her black robe, leaped high into the air.

And then, Alice’s body blurred out as if it was going through static… before a
tremendous number of clones appeared, filling my field of vision.

If the main body controls them, I heard that she could create 100,000 clones but…
actually seeing them was quite an amazing sight to behold.

Alice’s clones ran like meteors through the branches of the trees in all directions
before they returned back to Kuro and the others’ side as one.

…Just a few seconds had passed. That’s all it took… for the entire scenery to suddenly

The three trees surrounding the city were gorgeously and beautifully decorated with
“multicolored ice” and the three trees were connected by “flames trapped in ice”,
forming like a ring around it.

And carved on these three trees were the words “Human”, “Demon”, and “God”, the
name of the respective Realms.

I see, the three trees are the three realms… I guess that means that the ice ring that
encloses fire, giving off a shimmering light, is showing that the three realms are
connected huh…

It may have been simpler if they just said it. However, these decorations that
surrounded the city… To be able to create such a thing so easily, the Six Kings really
were amazing.

As admiration and astonishment could be heard from everywhere, Kuro spoke again.

[…This year marks exactly a thousand years since the Treaty of Friendship was
signed between the three realms. The three realms have carved out their history by
standing close together and helping each other. We are proud that this Treaty has
stood for a millenium, and we are proud that we were able to hold the first Six Kings
Festival on this day. And in the future, I hope that another millenium… No. I hope
that the days where we walk hand-in-hand with our dear neighbors will continue
forever… Leaving you with these words, I hereby declare that the Six Kings Festival
to have begun!]

At that moment, the plaza was engulfed in a round of applause.

[Amazing, amazing!]

[…They even changed the terrain itself in an instant… As expected of the Six Kings!]

[Ahh, for such amazing Six Kings to call us dear neighbors. We should act in a
manner in which we wouldn’t be ashamed to call ourselves as such.]

[Yes! We may not be able to compete with them in terms of power, but the Humans
have their own strong points, just like the Demons and Gods do. Let’s do our best to
help each other!]

[Ohh, of course!]
Here and there, words of praise for Kuro and the others, and words of pride for the
Treaty of Friendship rang out. And then, as if it were a matter of course, we heard
voices telling us not only to help others, but also to help each other out.

Ahh, this world really is… a good world. Everyone is trying to look forward to a
better future, doing what they can do without feeling spite against others.

This should have been a really difficult thing to do but… the beautiful scene of
Humans, Demons, and Gods smiling and cheering together everywhere is a sight that
will show the many races living in this world that even though we may look
different… we would always be close neighbors.

Dear Mom, Dad——— I thought to myself once again, that I was glad to have come to
this world. I could feel the warmth of the atmosphere around us, uniting our hearts. I
could also feel that little by little, I’m also becoming part of everyone… Somehow,
just like the others—— I’m also feeling really proud.


Serious-senpai: [Swe… it isn’t sweet? Arehh? Arerehh? Isn’t this quite a good
chapter… N- No, I won’t be fooled! This is a trap! This is definitely a trap!!!]
The crowd cheered at the announcement of the festival’s opening, and after waiting
for the cheers to subside, Kuro spoke again.

[…The Six Kings Festival lasts for seven days. For the first six days, each of the Six
Kings has planned their own festivals for everyone to enjoy. The order is… War King,
World King, Death King, Dragon King, Phantasmal King and then mine. In other
words, a festival planned by the War King Megiddo will be held today.]

Here, Kuro announced the order of the festivals… However, I already knew the order
of the festivals in advance, as it was written on the invitation.

It didn’t really matter much for people like me who would attend all seven days, but
for people like Dr. Vier, who had difficulty attending all seven days, they would have
to look into the schedule and choose the days they would attend.

[…Incidentally, this order was drawn by lottery.]

[I see.]

…The Six Kings really were close friends.

As I nodded in assent upon Alice’s additional information, Kuro stepped back on the
stage and Megiddo-san came forward.

[Alright. Let me take over the explaining here.]

Since today’s festival was planned by Megiddo-san, it was quite natural that
Megiddo-san would be the one giving the explanation. However, hmmm… The
festival that Megiddo-san planned, no matter how I thought about it, I can only see it
as something battle-related, so I’m quite anxious about it…

[The theme of my festival, well, as everyone had guessed, is “battle”!]

I knew it. Rather, if that wasn’t the theme of his festival, I would be more surprised

[Well, though I say battle, that doesn’t mean you need to put yourself on guard. This
day was basically a festival. It’s a day where everyone should have fun!]

Hmmm. Well, despite his appearance, Megiddo-san was a pretty considerate person,
so I don’t think the festival he prepared would be that violent.

[It’s a bit of a hassle to explain all the details, so I’ll keep it simple. I’ve prepared a
variety of attractions throughout the city. Each attraction has one of my subordinates
in it. If you clear the conditions they give you, you can get a stamp… As for the stamp
card, it will be given to you at the first attraction you visit.]

Hmmm. I’ve never been there, so it’s just a guess but… could it be that it’s like a
stamp rally at amusement parks? It would still depend on what the attractions they
have here, but I think this festival would be pretty fun.

[Ahh, don’t worry. The attractions aren’t all about physical combat. There are also
quizzes and sports. They’re designed so that even kids can enjoy the festival. The
stamps you collect can be exchanged for prizes at the exchange point in this plaza.
You can certainly exchange one stamp for something, but obviously, the more stamps
you collect, the better the prize. Do you understand? Not like I would explain
everything again though.]

What should I do? This sounds like something I can enjoy normally… Collecting
stamps from sports and quizzes, then getting prizes accordingly. Unnn, if I just ignore
the physical combat… then even I can enjoy this festival.

[Ahh, the fact that my subordinates are in charge of the attractions… That obviously
means that it includes the “War King’s Five Generals”. The attractions of my Five
Generals are “combat only”, but of course, there will be handicaps depending on the
strength of the participants. If you win against any of the Generals, you will receive
an extra-large stamp. Collect all five of these stamps… Well, that is to say, if you win
against all of my five Generals, come to the central tower! For you will receive the
right to “battle against me”!]


There were wild cheers from everywhere, but well, it didn’t really matter to me. I
mean, I’m not exactly the type that could fight against others. According to Megiddo-
san himself, I’m only as strong as a slime.

That’s why, this has nothing to do with me at all…

[Ohh, I almost forgot! Oi, “Kaito”! You especially, have to defeat them all and come
fight me, okay!? Today will be my revenge match!]

Oooiiiiii!? Why the heck are you pointing me out by name, you stupid gorilla!!! I’m
getting a lot of attention now, you know!? No, even more than that… What kind of
unreasonable thing are you saying!? Are you telling this slime-like me to defeat all
your confidants!?

[Go to Bacchus’ place first! I’ve already talked to him about it. You understand, Kaito?
You definitely have to come!]


[Whoa there, I got off track. Well, that’s about it. Other than the attractions, there will
obviously be stalls. Have fun to your heart’s content!!!]

Hearing Megiddo-san’s words, the people around me were filled with loud cheers
once again but… I wasn’t even thinking about it anymore. With my mind still
shocked, I just stood there in a daze.

After Megiddo-san’s explanation, each of the Six Kings explained their plans in turn,
and the Opening Ceremony was over.

Then, Lilia-san and I met up with the others but…

[…As expected of Miyama-sama. To be directly called out by War King-sama, how


[…In that case, I will gladly swap roles with you, so you can have it, Lunamaria-san.]

[Hahaha, surely you jest.]

She was really lively today, this useless maid… You really think that my misery is
[Kaito-senpai, good luck! Aoi-senpai and I are going to play in the normal sports

[I pray for your safety, Kaito-san.]

[…I see that both of your faces have been thicker huh.]

My own compatriots immediately cut themselves away from troublesome matters…

The growth of my two kouhais brings tears to Older brother’s eyes.

[Errr, according to Phantasmal King-sama’s guidebook… The place where Bacchus-

sama should be… is up north of this plaza.]

[Well then, why don’t we all go over there for the moment?]

Sieg-san informed us while looking at Alice’s guidebook, to which Lilia-san

suggested that we all head there.

I was almost relieved that we could all go there together, but things didn’t work out
that way.

When Fia-san and Rei-san peered into the guidebook from behind Sieg-san, they
looked as if they had noticed something.

[Wait a moment, Sieg-chan. There’s a warning written here…]

[Let me see…”Only those who have collected at least 10 stamps can challenge War
King’s Five Generals. However, those with a black rank invitation can unconditionally
challenge them.” or so it said.]


They placed a restriction!? Moreover, they’ve thoroughly exempted me from that


[…Hmmm. Well then, how about we just go around and collect some stamps?]

[…My Lady. This is just a suggestion, but why don’t “Miyama-sama check out
Bacchus-sama’s place first”?]

[Since War King-sama went to the trouble of designating Bacchus-sama first, I think
he must have some explanation or message to give him. It would be rude to keep him
waiting too long, so I think it would be better to have Miyama-sama go ahead and
just listen to what he has to say. He can also just check out first and challenge him

[I see… What do you think, Kaito-san?]

Lunamaria-san’s words certainly made sense. Since Megiddo-san specifically

mentioned to go to Bacchus-san’s place first, there must’ve been something there.

I think it would be best to go there first and wait for Lilia and the others to come
after collecting the necessary amount of stamps.

[…Yes, I’ll do that. Well then, I’ll be going first.]

[Master? I don’t have to participate in the attractions, so if you don’t mind, would you
like me to accompany you?]

[It’s alright. Since we’re at a festival, you should also have some fun, Anima.]

[…I understand. If Master says so.]

When I agreed to go alone, Anima worriedly asked if she could accompany me. I was
really happy to know that she was concerned for me, but I told her that I wanted her
to have a good time, and that it was okay if I went alone since it wasn’t like I would
suddenly be eaten alive.

Leaving the others, I headed to Bacchus-san’s attraction where he was waiting for

[Ohh, there you are, Miyama Kaito! Long time no see!]

[Long time no see, Bacchus-san. Are you fully healed already?]

[Umu, I’m fully recovered.]

Looking at the guidebook, I arrived at my destination, which looked like a large

arena of sorts. There were no seats for spectators though, so it seemed to be a place
only for fighting only.

Bacchus-san was waiting for me in front of the arena and greeted me with a hearty
smile, but after exchanging greetings, he puzzledly looked at me.

[Unnn? Even so… Did you come here alone?]

[Yes, everyone else has gone to collect the stamps needed for the challenge.]

[Nhnn, I should have known… I was going to explain it to you when you all got here
but… I see…]

[Yes. So, I thought I’d at least ask you about it first…]

[Ahh, alright. I’ll give you a brief explanation.]

When Bacchus-san heard what I said, he nodded his head once and took out a large
crystal ball.

[We are going to have a battle in this place, but of course, there is a handicap
depending on the challenger’s ability. This crystal is a tool that determines that…
How about you try it out? Touch it.]


When Bacchus-san urged me to touch the crystal ball, some kind of glowing numbers
appeared in the air.

[This is a “magical tool that measures the strength of the person” that touches it
based on their magic power… Though I say that, it can’t exactly show one’s talent, so
it just gives us a rough idea.]


[Miyama Kaito’s strength is… fumu… 3 huh. Stronger than a slime, but weaker than a

I’m really weak! N- No, but this time, I was told that I’m stronger than a slime! That’s
progress, I’m telling you!… Even if it’s a lie, I would have liked it if it showed that I
was stronger than that.

[In this case, the handicap that I’d give you is that “I won’t attack, I won’t use either
of my hands, one of my legs, magic power, and my movements are limited”. In that
state, if you can touch me even slightly, you win.]

[…T- That’s a tremendous handicap.]

[Well, even in that state, I won’t lose so easily.]

Unnn, how should I say this… I’m just glad that he won’t attack. But seriously, I’m just
really glad that he won’t attack. In all sorts of meaning.

[Incidentally, the time limit is 20 minutes, and you can only try once… That means if
you lose, you’ll never reach Megiddo-sama.]

[…Hmmm. Why is Megiddo-san even doing this…]

[Hmmm, it seems to me like Megiddo-sama has something “he really wants to teach

[Something… he wants to teach me?]

[Umu, I don’t know about it but… I hope you can live up to Megiddo-sama’s

[…I- I will do my best.]

[Hahaha, that doesn’t mean I will be holding back though.]

I still didn’t know what Megiddo-san’s true intentions were when he told me that I
should definitely challenge him, but just as Bacchus-san told me, I want to live up to
Megiddo-san’s expectations if I can.

Well, if I’m not able to meet his expectations… at that time, I will just apologize.

[Oh, I forgot to mention that you can also have a “proxy” participate in the challenge.]

[Eh? Is that so?]

[Umu. However, the people who can act as your proxy are limited to “the companions
you invited”. In that case, we will measure their strength again with this magic tool
and will battle with the corresponding handicap.]

[…I see. I understand.]

[Hahaha. Well, it doesn’t matter who your proxy is, I won’t let you win so easily. I’m
one of War King-sama’s Five Generals. I can’t just let you see me in the same
unsightly state as back then.]

Proxy huh… Even if it’s limited to my companions, I could have Anima as my proxy,
so I think the odds of winning are pretty good…

[I guess that’s all for explanation… Miyama Kaito, are you going to give it a go now?]

[Ah, no, ummm, I’d like to have someone as my proxy, so I’ll wait for the others…]

[Details, Acknowledged.]


Just as I said that I will wait for the others before challenging him… Someone’s
silhouette appeared before me.

Pure white wings on her back, beautiful blond hair… and this overwhelming

[E- Eden… -san?]

[Houu, you’re Miyama Kaito’s proxy huh? You have a lot of magic power, that should
mean you’re very powerful! Here, touch this magic tool…]



Eden-san, who appeared as if it was normal, nodded and touched the crystal that
was held out to her… and it shattered to pieces.

[…Houu, for your magic power to be immeasurable, fufufu, this gets my blood
boiling… You should be a worthy opponent!]

No, no, Bacchus-san!? You can’t fight her! Seriously, you can’t fight her!!!

[B- Bacchus-san! You can’t fight her! Run away!!!]

Seeing Bacchus-san looking really motivated with a great axe in hand, I recovered
from my confusion and reflexively shouted.

Run away! Seriously, run away! After all, Eden-san completely intends to kill you!!!

[Fufufu, what are you talking about, Miyama Kaito? I am Ironblooded Bacchus, One
of War King’s Five Generals! No matter how strong the opponent is, Such a shameful
act of turning my back against opponents and running away isn’t something I will


No, no, this isn’t the time to act cool! Bacchus-san, run away immediatelyyyyyy!!!

Dear Mom, Dad—— Due to Megiddo-san’s grand absurdity, I had to challenge the
War King’s Five Generals. Then, when I was told that I could have a proxy, the one
who unexpectedly showed up was Eden-san… No matter how much I need to, I’ll
keep saying this——– Bacchus-san, please run away!


Q: Bacchus-san, why are you getting one punched immediately?

A: My opponents are always people filled with cheats.

~~~ Today’s Mama Eden ~~~

[…Disrespect. (For just a mere talking piece of meat like you to refuse my beloved
child’s suggestion… That warrants a death sentence. My child’s words are the divine
oracle. It should be absolutely adhered to, and it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say
that his words are the law of the world. And for a trash like you to disregard it… Ahh,
how deplorable. The world has yet to understand even one one hundred millionth of
my child’s magnificence. Ahh, how sorrowful this is… I guess I have no choice but to
make my move. As his mother, I have to educate these trashes about my child’s

Bacchus, run away! Run away as far as you can!

The sight of Bacchus-san holding his great axe without any hint of hesitation made
me think of a warrior who had fought in many battles. However, this isn’t the time to
care about that.

[Listen here, Eden-san. Be gentle, okay? Gentle. Be as gentle as you would pluck a


…Does she really understand what I’m saying? I’m really worried about that.

However, Bacchus-san was so motivated that he wouldn’t listen to me even if I

stopped him… I just hope that Eden-san will take it easy on him…

In front of me, half in resignation, I offered my prayer for his sake, Bacchus-san took
a strong step forward. The impact cracked the ground, and Bacchus-san’s magic
power raged like a storm.

[Shall we begin, powerful being whose name I don’t know of! One of War King’s Five
Generals, Ironblood Bacchus! Ready for———]

With his vigorous speech, Bacchus-san powerfully kicked off the ground, and his
figure immediately disappeared… and before I knew it, “his upper body was stuck
like a dart in the wall behind him”…

[Ba… Bacchus-saaaaaaannnn!?]

Before I could even perceive it, he was already defeated!? Even though I already told
him… that Eden-san isn’t someone he should fight. She seriously isn’t someone he
should fight…

Moreover, this is already her holding herself back… She’s seriously the incarnation of
a cheat.
I didn’t know if he’s already unconscious or not, but as Bacchus-san was stuck
against the wall, a helplessly awkward silence fell around the arena.

…It was an unpleasant incident.

After that, I asked Eden-san to heal Bacchus-san’s wound. Well, it seems that Eden-
san took it easy on him, so the damage he received wasn’t that serious…

After he regained his consciousness, I received a stamp from Bacchus-san and went
outside the arena to wait for Lilia-san and the others.

[…E- Eden-san. Thank you, and I’m sorry. Eden-san is too strong, so I won’t be asking
you to be my proxy for the next battles… Also, please speak normally.]

[…I see, my child wants to do his best on his own. Seeing my child’s growth makes
Mother very happy. However, I’m worried. It would be a disaster if my child’s body is
harmed by the trash of this world. Yes, my child’s body is the treasure of the world…
Mother can’t help but be worried. However, yes, it’s also a mother’s duty to watch
over her child’s growth. I’m very worried, but for the sake of my child, I’ll be patient.
Ahh, but still, if things continue as they are now… That’s right. Let’s increase my
child’s physical abilities by a “thousandfold”. Let’s also increase your magic power, so
that you can wipe out the trash of this world. Yes, that’s a good idea! My child is the
supreme being, and no worthless trash should ever surpass my child in any aspect.
Yes, that’s right! Frustrating it may be, I’m forbidden from cleaning up the trash of
this world because of a promise I made to the God of this world. However, if it’s
making my child stronger, there should be no problem. Yes, let’s do that. With my
help, my child will rise to greater heights… Ahh, how wonderful. That’s right, I
should also…]

[Stop! Eden-san, stoooooooopppp!!!]

She really is scary! Why the heck are you casually speaking about turning me to a

[I- I’m fine the way I am now! Modifying my body like that is…]

[Ahh, you’re right. My beloved child is already supreme at this point, aren’t you? My
apologies. Mother is being foolish. Yes, it is as you say! My child is a sacred being that
can’t be tainted by anyone. Even if I’m your mother, it is unforgivable of me to change
my child’s body without permission. Thinking about it, there was no way I could
have improved my child, when he was already the “ultimate miracle”…I just can’t do
that. Yes, that’s right! My beloved child is most superb and wonderful in his natural
state. Ahh, but don’t worry. Even if my child doesn’t possess the strength to fight,
Mother will always be here to protect you. Ye, that’s right, Mother will protect my
child better than anyone else…]

[I’m begging you here! Can you just step on the brakes for a second!?]

I hurriedly called out to Eden-san, whose eyes started to take the shape of murky
hearts. I really felt like something terrifying would happen if I didn’t stop her while
she was like this.

[A- Anyway, I’m already fine now so… Eden-san, you can go back to your

[I understand. I’ll do that. Where are you headed next, my child?]

[Errr, my next stop is… the nearby arena.]

I’ve already learned my lesson. If I said here that I would wait for Lilia-san and the
others before moving on, she would definitely say something like “Making my child
wait, how disrespectful.” or something like that.

So, let’s just tell her where I’m going next and let her go sightseeing as soon as

I said that, thinking that it was a great Eden-san countermeasure but… it seems like
that was quite naive of me.

[I see. Well then, “Mother will send you off”.]


[Now, I bid you well. Do your best over there. Mother is looking forward to your

[Eh? Wait!? Wha——-]

As Eden-san gave me her most beautiful smile, my body was enveloped in light and
the scenery instantly changed.
…I see, so that’s what she’s going to do… She teleported me huh… What should I do?
I won’t be able to meet up with Lilia-san and the others like this.

As I was unceremoniously teleported to a position quite far from where I was before,
I thought for a moment.

I don’t think it’s a good idea to move without a thought. I’ll just explain the situation
here with a hummingbird and meet up with Lilia-san and the others over there.

After gathering my thoughts, I quickly sent a hummingbird to Lilia-san.

Now then, all I have to do is wait… I’ll never know what will happen when I enter the
arena, so let’s just wait in this place.

[Ohh, you’ve arrived huh! I’ve been waiting for you!!!]


Why the heck are all things going against my expectations today? Why is there a 3-
meter tall gorilla with a horn approaching me…

No, what I’m saying isn’t a metaphor, the being approaching me is seriously a gorilla.
It has black hair, big arms, and even the way it walks is just like a gorilla. The only
difference it had with a regular gorilla was the one big horn on its head.

N- No, wait, calm down… It would be rude to think of someone as a gorilla just
because they look exactly like one. It’s just that they resemble a gorilla…

[I’m one of War King’s Five Generals. The Gallant “Kong”! I’m glad you’re here,
youngster from another world!!!]

Even your name screams gorilla!?

[…Ah, errr, I’m Miyama Kaito. Nice to meet you.]

[Ohh! The fact that you’re here means that you’ve already defeated Bacchus. Even
though you have a seedy body that’s as thin as a branch, you’re really great, aren’t

[Ah, no, the one who defeated Bacchus is…]

[The next one you’re challenging is me huh! Alright, let’s get started! Just so you
know, I’m not as naive as Bacchus!!!]

[N- No, I’m still waiting for someone…]

[Now, follow me! This way!!!]

This gorilla wasn’t listening to me at all! I can’t even establish a proper conversation
with him, you know!?

The gorilla… or rather, Kong-san carried me on his shoulders. and I was forcibly
taken to the arena.

As we entered the arena, Kong-san sat me down, beat his chest with both of his
hands and spoke… That’s definitely drumming… There’s no mistaking it, this guy’s a

[Alright! Let’s get started! Don’t worry, I know you’re weak, so I’ll give you a
handicap! If you want to send a proxy, that’s fine too!!! Come on, get yourself


No, that’s why I’ve been waiting for the proxy who might be able to represent me…
You’re the one who forced me into this situation, you know…

H- However, what should I do? I can’t just call Eden-san now. She may be really kind
to me, but she’s really unforgiving to the inhabitants of this world. I mean, she’s even
calling them trash. She may have taken it easy against Bacchus-san, but I don’t know
if she’ll do it again.

So, I would like to ask for another proxy but… w- what should I do? S- Someone, can
anyone help me out here!?

[…Rude and uncivilized. This is why I hate War King’s subordinates. Did you really
think that a gorilla with no intelligence or dignity could talk rudely to Miyama-

[…P- Pandora-san?]
[Miyama-sama, please leave it to me. As Miyama-sama’s “proxy”, I will make sure that
this rude person will be dealt with.]

[Eh? N- No, but Pandora-san is…]

[Don’t worry. Thanks to Shalltear-sama’s consideration, I also have the badge that
shows I’m “Miyama-sama’s companion”.]

…Ooooiii, Alice? Why the heck are you increasing my companions without my
knowledge? Also, it’s just a hunch, but I think Pandora-san is a very dangerous
person, you know?

[Ahh, don’t worry. I will not simply make those who have been rude to Miyama-sama
faint. I will “make them regret being born”, and then, educate them so that they will
never speak rudely to Miyama-sama again.]


[I’ll make sure he’ll scream so hard that he won’t have the strength to scream

…Just after Eden-san, why did such a dangerous person appear… Even though I’m
not Lilia-san, I think my stomach is starting to hurt.

Dear Mom, Dad——- Just when I thought I’d managed to persuade the dangerous
Eden-san, someone else came to help me, but she’s on a different vector of
dangerousness compared to Eden-san… Seriously, what the heck is going on today?
Could it be that today——- It’s that so-called unlucky day?


~~ Doki! Reinforcements Filled with Yanderes ~~

Mama Eden: The type that would annihilate someone in an instant

Pandora: The type that tortures someone

…It was another unpleasant incident.

[Pandora-san! Stop it already! This isn’t something I can show on TV anymore!]

[…I raised that girl.]

[Don’t look so smug over there! For goodness’ sake, make Pandora-san stop!]

[…Yeeeees. Pandora, leave it at that. Don’t make Kaito-san see gore.]

[Hahh! By your will.]

After hearing Alice’s words, Pandora-san finally stopped moving, and in front of her
was the slumped Kong-san, bound by a large number of chains that had appeared
from the void.

Pandora-san’s scary. Seriously scary… I mean, she was so lively while torturing Kong-
san… She might even be scarier than Eden-san.

Anyway, Alice’s command stopped Pandora-san, and soon, Kong-san recovered with
Alice’s magic.

I was worried about his mental health after being tortured like that, but he seemed
to be fine as he cheerfully said “I won’t lose next time”.

After receiving the second stamp from Kong-san, I felt like my stomach is aching as I
walked out of the arena.

[…P- Pandora-san. Thank you for your help.]

[No, it’s no problem. My apologies, but I have to return back to work. If you need me
to act as your proxy again, please call me anytime.]
…No thanks. Seriously. No thanks. My stomach can’t bear it anymore.

After parting with Pandora-san, I headed to a stall a short distance from the arena.

I knew that it was a bad idea to move around while waiting for Lilia-san and the
others, but right now, I needed something to soothe me.

After all, for the second time in a row, a very dangerous person came to help me…
I’m starting to get worried that another dangerous person would appear next time

Please, can someone decent… come next time…



Hearing a familiar voice, I turned around to see Anima running toward me from a
short distance away.

Wearing a black jacket with a starry sky pattern on it and pants of the same color,
clothing that I prepared for her for the Six Kings Festival, Anima ran up to me with a
gentle smile.

[I’m sorry I’m late. I’m glad that I could meet u——– Fueehh!?]


[M- Ma- Master!? W- W- W- What are you…]

I wasn’t particularly conscious of it, but when I saw Anima’s face, I reflexively hugged

I could clearly see the blush on Anima’s face, but she didn’t resist and fit snuggly in
my arms. She looked very cute and soothed my depressed heart.

A battle maniac who wouldn’t listen to me even when I told him to run away, and the
God of Earth who was trying to make him vanish from the world. A gorilla who I
couldn’t converse with, and the Phantasmal King’s subordinate who fights so cruelly
that it would even make the devil turn pale…
And then, there comes Anima, refreshing my weary heart…

[…Errr, Anima. Ummm, sorry. I got a little carried away…]

[N- No! Master is tired after all, so it can’t be helped. Y- You don’t have to mind about

I don’t know if she lost herself because I hugged her or not, but I apologized to
Anima, who was as red as a boiled octopus, while looking at me with her mouth
opening and closing.

When Anima heard my words, she immediately shook her head, but her face was still

[…E- Errr… Speaking of which, aren’t Lilia-san and the others with you?]

[…No, I came here by myself.]

[Is that so?]

[Yes. Lilia-dono and the others are still in the process of collecting ten stamps.]

Fumu, it seems like Lilia-san and the others haven’t finished gathering enough
stamps yet.

[I thought that we should head over as soon as I saw Master’s hummingbird but…
Lilia-dono and the others looked like they wanted to take on the War King’s Five
Generals, so I suggested that I head out on my own first.]

[Fumu… wait, arehh? Is Anima fine with that though?]

[Yes. I’m not interested in fighting against them. I thought I would need ten stamps to
help Master, but after seeing Master’s hummingbird, I decided that I didn’t need the
stamps if I act as Master’s proxy, so I came here.]

What the… So, there are also angels who walk on land huh… I’m really glad that
Anima is thinking well of me.

[I see, thanks.]
[N- No, as Master retainer, this is something natural! Ahh, Eta and Theta were about
to head this way too but… They’re Bacchus-sama’s former subordinates. I thought
they might have something to talk about with him, so I ordered them to stay behind
at my own discretion…]

[Unnn. I’m fine with that too.]

How should I say this… Well, it’s kind of charming that she seems to be completely
comfortable with her position as my retainer.

As I reached out my hand and stroking Anima’s fluffy hair, she narrowed her eyes in

Stroking Anima’s head for a little while, when I took back my hand, she nodded once
before speaking again.

[…So, what do we do now? It will take some time before Lilia-dono and the others
arrive. Shall we challenge the second arena first?]

[Ah, no, I’ve actually already cleared that.]

[R- Really!? T- To have defeated two Count-level Demons in such a short time… As
expected of Master!]

[N- No, it’s not like I was the one who fought them…]

I couldn’t stand Anima’s respectful gaze towards me, so I recounted the events up to
this point.

Thereupon, I went back to the topic of what I would do now.

[…Hmmm. I don’t really want to rush Lilia-san and the others, so now that Anima is
here anyway, why don’t we head to the next arena first?]

[Yes! It’s alright! As Master’s proxy, I will definitely seize victory!]

[U- Unnn. I’ll be counting on you. Well, since we’re here anyway, why don’t we look at
some of the stalls along the way.]

Soothed once again by how adorable Anima’s salute was, I checked the guidebook for
the location of the next arena and moved on.

I also sent a hummingbird to Lilia-san and the others that I was going to the next
arena with Anima, so there should be no problem there either.

Or rather, quite frankly, I just want to see the stalls. Since it’s a festival, let’s just take
it easy on the way to the next arena, since I’ve only been seeing violent scenes today.

[…Speaking of which, Anima. When you said that Lilia-san and the others were still
collecting stamps, I guess they were going to fight against someone huh?]

[No, there were different kinds of things they could do… but it seems like most of
them were sports. I don’t know much about them, but there’s that ball game called
“squash”, then there’s that “bowling” game.]

[…The heck is that, that sounds fun…]

That’s weird, isn’t it? What I experienced just now was certainly a refreshing change
of pace, but you know, I would have preferred playing those games, you know!?

N- No, there’s no need to panic just yet. The Six Kings Festival has only begun… We
could also just go around now.



[From here to the next arena… Let’s go on a date.]

[Hahh!… Hwoehh?]

[Alright, let’s go!]

[M- M- M- Master! W- What are you saying? G- Going on a date… Awawa, w- wait a

It’s quite the distance to the next arena, so let’s play at the booths and facilities
where we can get stamps in the meantime.

It would be a shame to just walk straight to the arena with such a cute Anima by my

Probably because of the backlash from what I had felt until now, but I was feeling a
bit excited as I walked towards the stalls, pulling the flustered Anima’s hand.

Dear Mom, Dad—— In the midst of this series of violent development, a refreshing
being appeared… namely Anima. Thanks to her, I felt much better and decided to go
on a date with her. Unnn, I’ve already given up about the fact that I would have to
challenge the War King’s Five General, but it’s a festival after all—— If you don’t
enjoy it, it will be your loss.


I’ve told you before. The Six Kings Festival consists of seven consecutive dates… and
thus, the date for the first day is Anima.

When she first appeared, she was supposed to be something of a yandere (?). But
before I knew it, she had turned into a loyal dog (bear).
Tension heavily dominates the place. Wiping away the sweat on my shoulder with
my arm, I turned my gaze back to the being I’m facing.

It was a close battle, and one could say that I was being pushed into a corner.
However, I’m not the only one cornered in this fight… One more strike… If my one
single strike connects, it will be my win.

However, I don’t have much time left. If I miss here, it will be my loss… It’s indeed a
paper-thin battle.

[…Master… Do your best.]

Wishing for my victory behind me, Anima cheered me on. As if she could feel the
same tension I’m feeling now, I could feel her voice tremble.

However, the words I received did indeed bring courage to my heart, and
surrendering my body to the heat of the moment, I prepared my stance.

Feeling as if time is accelerating, I felt as if the scenery around me seemed unusually

clear, and with a step forward, I unleashed my final strike.

[Eat thhiiiiiisssss!]

As if responding to my thoughts, the white trajectory that was released from my

hand sharply burst forth and successfully caught its target.

…Well, even with all the bullsh*t I said, I’m actually just playing target practice…

[Congratulations! You have scored five points and will receive a stamp.]

[You did it, Master! Amazing!]

As the attendant told me I’ve met the requirements with a smile, she places a stamp
on my stamp card. As I was returned to her side with a smile, Anima looked so happy
as if it were her who had won.

This was one of the attractions that Anima and I stopped by on our way to the third
arena. You throw a ball at a target with nine boards, and if you score five or more
points, you get a stamp.

Well, to put it bluntly, it’s just like those target practice games using a baseball back
in my world.

Incidentally, Anima has also tried it out, but she wasn’t able to clear it. Anima can
throw a very powerful fastball, but her control isn’t so good.

The speed of my ball throws may not be that great, but my control is pretty good, so I
somehow managed to clear it.

Well, after such a violent start to the day, playing something normal like this feels

It seems like Megiddo-san’s words that he had prepared a variety of attractions were
true, as I have seen quizzes and card games before we joined this booth.

It would have been great if the battle against the War King’s Five Generals were
something like this… I seriously don’t know what Megiddo-san is planning.

With these thoughts in mind, I left the booth and walked down the street with

As we leisurely made our way to the next arena, moving our gaze around the
considerable number of stalls, Anima suddenly turned her attention to one stall.

[…Unnn? Salt-grilled fish huh… Should we have some?]

[Ah, n- no!? I’m alright! I- It just happened to be in my line of sight…]

[I see. But seeing it now, I’m tempted to try it out, so let’s eat together.]

[Uuuuu… Yes.]

Anima eats meat too, but she prefers fish… She may think that she’s hiding it, but it’s
easy to tell because her eyes sparkle when she looks at fish dishes.

Well, with Anima’s personality, she’s probably thinking that she can’t stop me just
because of her own desire… It’s better to invite her a little forcefully like this.

I bought two pieces of salt-grilled fish and gave one to Anima. As usual, Anima
insisted on paying for the fish herself, but I used my position as her master to make
her shut up.

When I tasted the salt-grilled fish, I found the texture of the crispy skin and the soft
white meat. And this right amount of saltiness… Unnn, this is tasty.

[How is it, Anima?]

[I- It’s delicious!]

[I see, want some more?]

[N- No! I’m already fu———-]

[Excuse me, can I have another one?]


Anima finished one quickly and told me how delicious it was with a cute expression
on her face, but it was obvious that she hadn’t eaten enough yet, So, I ignored
Anima’s objection, bought more, and handed it to her.

[…T- Thank you.]

She tends to be reserved, so a hint of forcefulness like this is just right. I think I’m
getting to know Anima better now.

As a side-note, the long coat-like outfit that Anima is wearing now… it actually has a
similar design to my clothes.

However, my clothes are embroidered with golden threads in many places, while
Anima’s clothes are not. Also, the design of Anima’s clothes looked a little more
I guess this must be playfulness on Alice’s part, as she deliberately made Anima’s
clothes more modest than mine, as if she’s using our position of master and retainer
as the motif.

Receiving her clothes, Anima was greatly praising it. She seems to be proud to be my
retainer, and she’s really happy to be dressed in a way that makes her instantly
recognizable as my retainer.

Well, that “pride” can be a bit of a problem for me too…

As expected, I’m not that much of an idiot. I’m aware that Anima has feelings for me
that go beyond that of a servant to her master… To be honest though, I’m happy she
feels that way about me.

It’s just that, unnn… Anima, on the other hand, is completely oblivious about her own
feelings. Rather, she thinks that her feelings are simply affection for her Master
whom she respects.

Should I say that she’s too loyal to realize that she holds feelings beyond loyalty? This
is very difficult. Even now, when I’ve gone out of my way to declare that we’re on a
date, she’s too serious and tries to keep her position of being my retainer at every

[…Hmmm. Should I be a bit more forceful?]

[Did you say something?]

[Unnn? Well, errr… I’m actually just admiring how cute Anima is.]


[Now then, I guess it’s about time we head to the arena.]

[Eh? M- Master!? P- Please wait a moment…]

No, well, I guess I don’t have to be in that much of a hurry… I was bewildered when
she first came, but I think Anima has already become… someone I can’t imagine
without by my side.

Unless she gets tired of being by my side, we’re going to be together hereafter…
Moreover, Anima is a former black bear. Her age as a human is much younger than
mine. Or rather, she isn’t even a year old.

I guess we should take our time and make progress one step at a time huh? With that
thought in mind, I smiled at the confused Anima as we walked side by side, down the
road to the arena.

Dear Mom, Dad——— To be honest, after I’ve lost you two… I thought that I would
never be able to feel the warmth of a family again. However, unnn… I really don’t
understand this whole master-retainer thing, nor do I know if this feeling is really
the same as my love for my family. However, unnn. I wonder why though? Thinking
about Anima as my family, how should I say this——– It strangely fits just right.


~~~ We’re celebrating 400 chapters ~~~

Anima’s feelings of affection to Kaito are so strong that she is unaware of her love for

—– A rough way to describe Kaito’s feelings —–

Person he trusts the most : Kuro

Benefactor : Kuro, Lilia

Lover : Kuro, Isis, Sieg, Lilia, Alice

Best Friend : Alice

Feels Like a Sister : Aoi, Hina

Family? : Anima, Eta, Theta, Bell, Lynn

Neighborhood Grandpa : Magnawell

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