Model of The Coronary Circulation Based On Pressure Dependence of Coronary Resistance and Compliance
Model of The Coronary Circulation Based On Pressure Dependence of Coronary Resistance and Compliance
Model of The Coronary Circulation Based On Pressure Dependence of Coronary Resistance and Compliance
Summary: The effect of pressure-dependent changes in vascular volume, resistance and capacitance
in the coronary micro-circulation, has been studied by a distributed mathematical model of the coronary
micro-vasculature in the left ventricular wall. The model does not include regulation of coronary blood
flow and is evaluated only for the fully dilated coronary vasculature. The left ventricular wall was
thought to consist of eight parallel layers, each of them with an arteriolar, capillary and venular
compartment. The resistance of each vessel was thought to depend on the inverse of squared volume,
according to Poiseuille's Law for tubes with constant length. Tissue pressure has been assumed to be
equal to left ventricular cavity pressure at the endocardium and to decrease linearly to atmospheric level
at the epicardium. The pressure-volume relation of the vessel compartments were assumed to be
sigmoidal. There is a rest volume at transmura[ pressure zero and AV/AP decreases with increasing
transmural pressure. Simulation of experimental protocols described by other authors yielded results
which were similar to the experimental outcomes, illustrated by: (1) a parallel shift to the flow axis of
the pressure-flow curves due to cardiac arrest (2) steady-state endo/epi ratio of flow as a function of
heart rate. It is concluded that interpretation of transients in coronary flow and/or pressure by models
containing fixed resistance and capacitance may seriously underestimate intramyocardial capacitative
effects and characteristic time constants for pressure-induced resistance changes.
Key words: coronary circulation model; _intramyocardial compliance; diastolic pressure-flow curves;
coronary resistance
The realisation that myocardial micro-vessels are compliant is b e c o m i n g m o r e common
(e.g. 2, 10, 24, 27, 29). Because of this compliance, the v o l u m e of the micro-vessels will vary
depending on the difference b e t w e e n luminal pressure and tissue pressure: transmural
pressure. As a result, microvascular resistance and compliance will also be d e p e n d e n t on
these pressures (4, 8, 12). The purpose of this study is to evaluate the consequences of
pressure-dependent distributed resistance and compliance for the coronary circulation
The first premise of this study is that the transmural p r e s s u r e - v o l u m e relation of the
vessels is sigmoid, as is generally true for a biological c o m p a r t m e n t (e.g. 29). This sigmoidal
*) Supported by grants from the Foundation for Medical Research Medigon (grant 13-22-63) and
Biophysics (grant 810-406-014).
Bminsma et al., Model of the coronary circulation 511
shape implies that (a) there is a finite vessel lumen at transmural pressure zero, (b) the
vessels collapse if the external pressure becomes sufficiently higher than internal pressure
(e.g. Fig. 1), and (c) the compartment is stiffer at higher vascular transmural pressures.
The present model differs essentially from earlier ones of coronary circulation. The
waterfall model of Downey and Kirk (15) assumes an open or closed behavior of the vessels.
The shape of the applied pressure-volume relation, then, is different: a step shape vs.
smooth sigmoidal. In both models, microvessels can collapse. The difference is that in the
waterfall model the vessel collapse occurs instantaneously and very locally, in theory at an
infinitely small spot. In the present study, we assume that such a local collapse will not occur
because of the structural connectedness of the micro-vessel with myocardial tissue (7).
Hence, the volume variations of vessels will be more homogeneously spread, A consequence
is that a larger vascular space will vary more or less homogeneously due to the myocardial
squeeze. As a result, time is required for these volume variations to occur. Dole et al. (12)
also suggested a model with pressure-dependent resistances. However, in that model, the
resistance-pressure relation was chosen to fit a specific set of experimental data. The model
study of Beyar et al. (6) is based on the assumption of a Starling resistor effect in the
arterioles and consequently the transmural pressure in the arteriolar compartment is
prescribed. In the present study, the pressure dependence of the resistance, as well as the
compliance effects, result from a pressure-volume relationship. The transmural pressure in
any of the compartments is prescribed (with the exception of a reference condition) but
rather follows as a result of the solutions to the model equations.
v, 9" ~ Cb=tg~
', C , = t g a
o P, ~o P, 2o
a Tranamural
pressure (mmHg)
i ,1 i o.. o-,.
,..7 ......... : . . . . . . , P, P,
P, Po
. 9 , , R =f(P~-Pim) ['~c~ R
aV ~ I C=glP9
=~V. l A p.
b R - l/V: C p,.
in which Pp, Pd and Pc are the hydrostatic pressures at the proximal end, at the distal end,
and within the c o m p a r t m e n t , respectively.
Because of the conservation of mass, the change of v o l u m e of a c o m p a r t m e n t is related to
both its inflow and outflow according to:
dt = (Oin - Qout) (5)
The first term dominates at high and the second term at low volume values.
Experimental data to estimate the value of the parameters in the equation are scarce. One
way to evaluate the shape of the pressure-volume relation is by the dependence of vessel
distensibility, (AV/APtr)/V , on transmural pressure.
The coefficients a, b and P0 influence the shape of the curve, whereas the constant c acts as
a scaling factor for the volume axis. Its determination will be discussed below. The constants
a, b and P0 for the different compartments were estimated such that the pressure distensibil-
ity curve agreed over a range of positive transmural pressure with a recent survey (29). For
the capillary compartment, this is shown in Fig. 2. The pressure-volume curve for the
arteriolar compartment was made somewhat stiffer than the capillary and venular compart-
ments at higher transmural pressure to match the diastolic pressure flow curve of Downey
and Kirk (15). The curves, used as a standard for this study, are shown in Fig. 3.
P0 = 5 mm Hg. For values of a, b and e see Table 1. The effect of the pressure-volume
relation on the results will be discussed below.
EG a~1
9 ~ ..... ~
| |
0 5O 100
Transmural pressure
Fig. 2. Distensibility as a function of transmura[ pressure ( - - ) related to pressure-volume relation for
capillary compartment (Fig. 3), (-.-.-) compromise curve of Spaan (29), ( 0 ) arteriolar data of
Wiederhielm (33) and (11) capillary data of Smaje (26).
514 Basic Research in Cardiology, Vol. 83, No. 5 (1988)
As we are aware of the lack of experimental data and the restrictions of our model, we
assumed that the pressure distribution from arteries to veins was the same for all layers in
the reference condition, i.e. intracavitary pressure = zero. This distribution was taken to be
50, 35, 15, 7.5 and 5 m m H g for the arterial, arteriolar, capillary, venular and venous
pressures, respectively.
In the reference situation, total coronary flow was assumed to be 4 ml/s/100g LV.
However, the flow distribution from endocardium to epicardium is not uniform in the
arrested heart. We assumed an endo/epi flow ratio of 1.56. The flow values in the
intermediate layers were determined by linear interpolation. The assumed endo/epi ratio is
within the range of experimentally found ratios in the non-beating heart: 1.6 (34), and
1.52 (14).
We assumed a total coronary blood volume of 9.4 ml/100g LV. Using the ratio for the
three compartmental volumes, as given by Spaan (29), one arrives at a distribution of
volume of 1.8, 4.0 and 3.6 ml/100g LV for the arteriolar, capillary and venular compart-
ments, respectively. The coronary volume is also not uniformly distributed from suben-
docardium to subepicardium. We assumed an endo/epi volume ratio of 1.14 (32) for all three
compartments in the reference condition.
The combination of pressure and flow distribution through each layer allows the calcula-
tion of all the resistances in the reference condition using Eqs. (3) and (4). Then, by using
the volumes in this condition, the parameter S~ in Eq. (1) can be calculated for each
compartment. In the reference condition, transmural pressure Ptr equals Pc since Pim equals
zero (Eq. 2). Knowing the distribution of volume and pressure, the parameter c in Eq. (6)
can be determined for each compartment.
9 50
9~ 4.0 alo
Endocardial V o l u m e
Fig. 3. Endocardial volume-transmural pressure relations over the relevant upper range of pressure.
The solid lines apply to the artcriolar, capillary and venular compartments as used in the standard
model. The working area lies between < [] > and < < [] > > (for perfusion pressure of 50 mm Hg and
100ram Hg, respectively); ( - - - ) is an alternative venular pressure-volume relation Ptr = 0.045 V~)
differing essentially from the standard relation in that volume approaches zero at transmural pressure
zero. This curve represents venular space that cannot withstand negative pressures.
At t -- 0, dVi/dt is known for i = 1-3 and hence estimates of Vi can be made for a little
time, At, later. Then, from the new values of Vi(At), a new transmural pressure and
resistance distribution in the layer can be calculated. From this and tissue pressure, new
values of dVi/dt at t = At can be predicted. The procedure can then be repeated. We used a
4th order Runga-Kutta method. Where P,~, Pv and/or Pim are periodic with a certain
frequency, the solution of the integration procedure will become periodic at the same
frequency after a certain time, regardless of the definition of the variables at t = 0. From the
calculated pressure and resistance distribution as a function of time, the flows into and out of
each compartment can be calculated.
In the present form of the model, the solutions of the layers are independent of each
other, since inlet pressure (Pp,1) and outlet pressure (P~.3) are equal for all layers. The total
coronary arterial flow was obtained simply by summation of the arterial flows into each
The solutions for the layers are different mainly because Pin, differs from layer to layer.
Theoretically, from cardiac mechanics, intramyocardial pressure can taken to be equal to
the negative of radial stress in the wall (3). Intramyocardial pressure was equal to left
ventricular pressure at the endocardium and was assumed to decrease linearly to zero at the
epicardium. This is in agreement with recent results (20). Moreover, it is consistent with the
observation that in the vasodilated heart, heart rate does not effect subepicardial flow but
only subendocardial flow (5).
P )err = 50mmHg p )err = 100mrnHg
~ ~ d
~ ~
. . . _ I
-2oi -2o~
""-. 8 "=
0 "" . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 0
$ t I0
Tlml (sl
i " i
~ . , = Q
i , d
> o, ~ : - - -- ~ o.
5 ~ IC 8 1 10
T~Q ~e) Time (e)
Fig. 4. Instantaneous subendocardial flow and vascular compartmental volumes as predicted by the
model. Perfusion pressures are 50 m m H g (left panels) or 100 mm Hg (fight panels). After two heart
beats, both a prolonged systole (broken lines marked with "s") and a prolonged diastole (broken lines
marked with "d") were simulated. (a) and (e) show the arlefial inflow signals; (b) and (f) the arteriolar
volumes; (c) and (g) capillary volumes and (d) and (h) venular volumes at the different per~usion
pressures, respectively. The arrows point to the beginning of a systole. Venous pressure was 5 mmHg.
Diastolic and systolic left ventficular pressure were 0 and 100 mm Hg, respectively.
Bruinsrna et al., Model o f the coronary circulation 517
Model evaluation
Firstly, the m o d e l is evaluated for the case that intramyocardial pressure varies periodi-
cally with a frequency of 100/min (Figs. 4 and 5). W e used a square wave form so that in the
simulated systolic and diastolic signals the transients are accentuated and d e t e r m i n e d by the
Perfusion pressure
-- o o
I- E -'tot
, . I5
20. 9 20,
~ -
e- oo
25, ", ,' a ", I00 25. 100'
9 E
a: E 0
- - i r ,
i~ b I
Time 0.5s
Fig. 5. Instantaneous total flow (a) and (d), subendocardial flow (b) and (e), and subendocardial
resistance variations (c) and (f). Left and right panels depict these variations at low and high perfusion
pressure, respectively9 In the four top panels the flow variation calculated from the model are
represented by the heavy lines, and the variations in flow due to resistance effects alone by the thin
lines. At a low level of perfusion pressure, the phasic behavior of flow is solely due to intramyocardial
pumping, whereas at higher values resistive effects are dominant at end-diastole. Bottom panels show
the resistance variations of the arteriolar (a), capillary (c), and venular (v) subendocardial compart-
ment. Scalings for the arteriolar and capillary resistance are given at the left-hand side. Venular scaling
is given at the right-hand side. The arrow denotes the beginning of a systole (redrawn from [30] with
518 Basic Research in Cardiology, Vol. 83, No. 5 (1988)
pressure-dependent capacitance and resistance effects. The simulated left ventricular square
wave had a minimal value ("diastolic") of 0 mm Hg and a maximal value ("systolic") of
100 mm Hg. The transients from a steady beating state to a permanent systole and diastole
(dashed lines) are presented as well, because these conditions are often considered as a
reference to evaluate perfusion of the beating heart. Moreover, these transients elucidate
the characteristics of the model. Next, it is assessed whether the model is able to predict the
shift in mean arterial pressure-flow relations in the arrested and beating heart. Then the
predictive value of the model for the microsphere distribution in the beating heart is
evaluated. For the last two cases, the left ventricular systolic pressure wave was approxi-
mated more realistically, using a fourth order polynome.
Transmural f l o w distribution
From Fig. 4, top panels, it is clear that the model predicts a decrease of endocardial flow
due to cardiac contraction. In this section we will analyze how well this prediction is in
agreement with published experimental data and how sensitive this prediction is for model
parameters. For this we selected experimental studies, done in the fully dilated coronary bed
and under steady conditions. Although many studies on the transmural myocardial flow
distribution have been published (e.g. [17]), very few met these conditions. The selected
papers are referred to in Fig. 6.
For the simulations, the systolic left ventricular pressure wave was approximated by a
fourth order polynome. Diastolic pressure was assumed to be zero. The results of the
simulations were very sensitive to diastolic time fraction of the heart cycle. Using the values
given by Bache and Cobb (5) the predictions are close to the experimental data (Fig. 6).
1.5 ~
O 1.0 ~4 I5
r [] 0 9 3 <'~
| 0.5
O []
o 1~o 2~o
Heart rate (mill I)
However, Bache and Cobb determined the diastolic time from the time from the aortic
dicrotic notch to aortic pressure rise. The time for which the ventricles are relaxed is
somewhat shorter. The diastolic time fraction was reduced by about 20 % to compensate for
this. In this case, the model predicted lower values, as shown in Fig. 6.
Using the shorter diastolic time fractions, the effect of the shape of the pressure volume
curve on the endo/epi distribution was studied. The results were not very sensitive to a shift
in the pressure-volume relations of both the capillary and venous compartment over the
pressure axis. In order to achieve an increase in endo/epi ratio at H R between 100 and 200
beats/min comparable to the effect of increase in diastolic-time fraction of 20%, the
pressure-volume relations had to be shifted 30 m m H g to the left. The effect of an
alternative shape of the venous pressure-volume relation (broken line in Fig. 3) was studied
as well. With this curve, blood volume approaches zero at zero vascular transmural pressure,
and then the predicted effect of heart rate on the endocardial flow is larger (see Fig. 6, open
squares). The relative importance of this effect is larger at higher heart rates and lower
perfusion pressure. At a perfusion pressure of 70 mm Hg the predicted endo/epi ratio of flow
is 0.6 with the standard model but 0.3 with the use of the alternative venous
pressure-volume relation.
The sensitivity of the model for the reference volume of the venular compartment was
studied. Endo/epi ratio at an arterial pressure of 100 mm Hg and H R of 100 beats/min varied
from 0.88 to 0.817 (9 %) if venular reference volume was altered from 2.4 to 4.5 ml (187 %).
In conclusion, calculated mean endocardial flow is almost uninfluenced by the assumed
distribution of volume, but it depends strongly on whether the vasculature can maintain
0 ..~ t .
0 100 200
Perfusion p r e s s u r e (mrnHg)
Fig. 7. Coronary blood flow as a function of perfusion pressure in the beating and in the arrested heart.
Left and right solid lines represent standard model predictions for the arrested and beating heart (heart
rate 150 beats/rain), respectively. (- - -) represents the linear extrapolation of the solid curves towards
the pressure-axis. This results in apparent zero flow pressure of 20 and 45 mm Hg, respectively. (Q) and
(11) represent one typical experiment of Downey and Kirk ([15], their Fig. 7) in the arrested and beating
heart, respectively. (O) represents a typical experiment of Klocke et al. ([23], Fig. 1) in the arrested
heart only. Points of scaling are (| resp. (9 (redrawn from [30] with permission),
Bruinsma et al., Model of the coronary circulation 521
volume at zero transmural pressure. The diastolic time fraction seems to be the major
determinant of the models in predicting endocardial flow.
Pressure-flow relations
In this section we analyze the shape of the pressure-flow relation in the arrested and
beating heart, as predicted by the model and depicted in Fig. 7. As a test of these
predictions, the experimental data from two other studies (15, 23) are provided. The model
parameters were according to their reference values. For the left ventricular pressure curve,
the same fourth order polynome was used as applied when predicting the flow distribution.
The flow data on the arrested and beating heart of the study of Downey and Kirk (15)
were scaled such that the diastolic flow at a pressure of 130 m m H g coincided with the
predicted curve. This was done at a pressure of 75 m m H g with the data of the study of
Klocke et al. (23). Heart rate was not given in the paper of Downey and Kirk, but a value of
150 can be deduced as a minimal value from Fig. 6 of their paper.
With a diastolic time ratio of 0.47, but without any further change in parameters, the
standard model predicted the pressure-flow relation of the beating heart according to the
heavy curve on the right. The agreement between experiment and theory is fair. The
average shift of the parallel curves for higher perfusion pressures amounted 31 mm Hg in the
experiments and is 26 mm Hg for the theoretical curves. Of course the magnitude of this shift
depends on the value of diastolic time fraction.
The deviation between model and experiment is largest at lower flow rates. Basically, the
model curve for the arrested heart approaches venous pressure asymptotically and the
experiments show an intercept. The differences will be discussed in the following.
The most important conclusion to be drawn, however, is not the quantitative agreement
between model and experiment. Figure 7 shows that the curvature of the pressure-flow line
in the beating heart can be explained on the basis of the pressure dependence of resistance of
the coronary circulation. The assumption of a gradual dropping out of systolic perfusion
from endo- to epicardium is not a prerequisite.
Sensitivity o f the model for model parameters
The reference condition was altered by changing total intramyocardial blood volume, as
well as the endo/epi ratio of blood volume. If, in the reference condition, the blood volume
of all compartments is increased by 100%, the steady state flow in the beating heart
(HR = 100) at perfusion pressure of 100 mm Hg is affected by less than 2 %. At a lower
value of perfusion pressure, 50 mm Hg, the decrease in coronary flow in the beating heart is
less than 4 %. When in the model, at constant total volume, the endo/epi ratio of the volume
is changed from 1.14 to 1.42, which is the experimental range (11, 25, 32, 33), the endo/epi
ratio of flow is only affected at perfusion pressures lower than 50 mm Hg. The effect of a
change of venular volume fraction was also minor, as discussed above.
The shape of the pressure-volume relation of the venous compartment is important to the
model results, particularly the volume at zero transmural pressure. If this rest volume exists,
the model predictions of transmural flow distribution are more realistic than when this rest
volume is disregarded. This rest volume is in agreement with the experimental findings of
Kajiya et al. (22). Because the venous compartment acts as a regulator to maintain
transmural capillary pressure (Fig. 4), the pressure distribution in the reference condition is
522 Basic Research in Cardiology, Vol. 83, No. 5 (1988)
Subendocardial perfusion
The subendocardium is most vulnerable to ischemia (e.g. (21)). It is the area in the heart
where flow is compromised first. As is clear from the microsphere studies referred to in
Fig. 6, the effect of cardiac contraction is an important factor in this phenomenon and was
described fairly well by our model. The effect of cardiac contraction on endocardial flow is
not due simply to the decrease in diastolic time. The impediment by extravascular compres-
sion of mean subendocardial flow is mainly due to its effects on the resistance of the vessels.
Resistance of the different compartments varies during the cardiac cycle. Hence, those
factors that lead to reduction of the resistance in diastole and systole enhance subendocar-
dial flow. Diastolic decrease of resistance accelerates progressively with time, since the
Bruinsma et al., Model of the coronary circulation 523
increasing microvascular volume increases the rate of filling the intramyocardial vessels (e.g.
Figs. 4 and 5). Fortunately, the systolic increase of resistance slows down when systole
progresses. The rate of resistance (volume) variations are determined by the instantaneous
resistance and compliance values of the respective compartments. Via the pressure-volume
relations the instantaneous speed of changes in resistance depends on vascular transmural
pressures. The role of perfusion pressure is clear from Fig. 5, panels c and f. At a perfusion
pressure of 50 mm Hg, venular and capillary resistance are higher during the heart cycle than
at 100 m m H g , but the relative variations of resistance are much larger at the higher
perfusion pressure. Obviously, lowering tissue pressure will have the same effect as
increasing perfusion pressure. Because of the accelerated decrease of resistance in diastole,
diastolic duration might be of more importance than hitherto assumed.
Very little is known about wall mechanics of the coronary micro-circulation. It is not
impossible that pathological changes in the wall may lead to an increased effect of cardiac
contraction on subendoeardial flow in some circumstances. As is clear from this paper, an
understanding of the time-varying phenomena is necessary to describe the impediment of
subendocardial flow by cardiac contraction.
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