Human Behaviour in Organizations

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FORE School of Management, New Delhi

Course Outline
Programme: PGDM -FMG-30, IMG-15, FM-04, BDA-02

Name of the Course: Human Behaviour in Organizations Credit: 3.0

Term-1 Academic Year: 2021-2022

Dr. Chitra Khari (Section-A, B & C); Phone: 011-41242478; [email protected]
Dr. Chandra Sekhar (Section- D& E); Phone: 011- 41242474; [email protected]
Prof Neeraj Kumar (Section-F & G); Phone: 011-41242479; [email protected]

The discipline of human behaviour in organizations (HBO) studies individual and group processes in organizational settings.
It applies knowledge thus gained about individuals and groups to make organizations work more effectively. HBO focuses
on impact that individuals and groups make on the organization and vice-versa. It also highlights the changing context of
organizations and its impact on individual and group behaviour.

 To understand the basic concepts and theories underlying individual and group behaviour
 To understand the impact of individual and group behaviour on organizational performance.
 To develop the ability to relate and apply these concepts to personal and organizational situations.

Text Book:
S.P. Robbins, T.A. Judge , N. Vohra, Organizational Behaviour, 18 th Edition, Pearson Education

Reference Book:
James C Quick, Debra L Nelson, Preetam Khandelwal, Organisational Behaviour – A South Asian Perspective, 2 nd
Edition, Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 2016

Discussions, Case Analysis, Assignments, Group activities, Role plays, Presentations.

Evaluation Components Weightage

Class Participation 10 %
Project/Assignments/Class Presentations 20 %
Quiz 10 %
Mid Term 20 %
End Term 40 %
Total 100
Session Plan

Session Session Theme Additional Reading/Cases Question to

No. explore/Learning
1 Introduction to HBO- Text book chapter-1  To sensitize students
Meaning & Significance, with the importance of
Contributing disciplines Reading -What Makes an Effective Executive, individual behaviour at
to the field of OB by Peter F. Drucker (HBR, June 2004) work.
 To understand the
HBR: How Google Sold its Engineers on Management scope of HBO
by David A. Garvin (December 2013)

2 The New Context of Text book, Chapter-2  Becoming aware of the

HBO- Managing changing workplace
Diversity, Impact of Reading : Using AI to promote diversity, MIT-Sloan context and its impact
Technology Management Review, 2018 on people’s behaviour

HBR Case: How hard should you push

diversity? by Martin N. Davidson (November, 2012)

3 Individual Behaviour at Text book, Chapter-2  Understanding the

work- Determinants of Page no-54-66 important factors
individual behaviour; influencing individual
Biographical behaviour at work.
characteristics and their

4 Personality- Personality Personality Assessment & Discussion  To assess few

Frameworks, dimensions of students’
Personality dimensions Text book chapter-5 personality and giving
impacting work generic feedback
behaviour, Measuring
personality, Person-Job
fit, MBTI, Big 5, Dark
Triad, Locus of Control,
5-6 Values and Attitudes – Discussion  Creating awareness
Formation of values about the impact of
and attitudes, Work Text book chapter- 3&5 values and attitude
ethics, Values across across cultures.
culture- Schwartz Scale Reading-Make Your Values Mean Something (HBR, July 2002)

Attitudes impacting Reading: Set up remote workers to thrive (HBR, Oct 2009)
behaviour; Cognitive
Dissonance Important
work attitudes- Job
satisfaction, OCB,

Perception and Chapter-6  How perception of

7-8 Decision making - individuals influence
Factors influencing Flipped Classroom: Discussion on movie ‘The Eye of the Beholder’ decision making?
perception, Errors in (link:  Which perpetual errors
perception, Perception managers usually
and individual decision- Reading-The hidden traps in decision making (HBR, 2006) encounter?
making (bounded
rationality), Attribution

Work Motivation– CASE: A Zero Wage Increase Again, Ivey Publishing  How different intrinsic
9-10 Theories of Motivation and extrinsic factors
and their applications, motivate people
AMO framework; Role Text book chapter-7&8 differently?
of Intrinsic Motivation,  How to design a reward
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Reading Kerr, S. (1975), On the folly of rewarding A while hoping for B, system to improve
needs, 2-factor theory, Academy of Management Journal behaviour of people?
Equity theory,
Expectancy theory, Job
Design and Job
characteristic Model

Emotional Intelligence Class exercise on EI  What role EI plays in

11 - EI competence professional and
framework, Improving Reading – What Makes a leader, personal life?
EI by Daniel Goleman, HBR, January 2004.  How to improve
different competencies
of EI?

12 Interpersonal Self-assessment & Discussion  Exploring ways to

Relationship- improve interpersonal
Transactional analysis, Reading: HBR- Before You Make That Big Decision by Daniel relationship.
Johari Window, FIRO-B Kahneman , Dan Lovallo and Olivier Sibony (June 2011)

13-14 Group Dynamics and Group-activity  Understanding factors

Team Work- Stages of influencing group
group development, CASE: C&S wholesale Grocers: Self- Managed Teams (HBR) dynamics.
Group decision making  How self-managed
process, Team Work, Text book chapter- 9&10 teams brings
Creating effective organisational
teams, Contemporary Reading: What Google learned from its quest to build the perfect effectiveness?
issues in managing team, Charles Duhigg, 2016, NYT  Which conditions are
teams (Virtual Teams) necessary for effective
self-managed teams?

15-16 Leadership: CASE: Ricardo Semler- A revolutionary model of leadership, INSEAD  What roles do leaders
Contingency theories of Publishing play?
leadership (Feidler,
Path-goal, Situational) Text book chapter-12  How to adapt leadership
Contemporary styles based on different
approaches to organizational
Leadership (LMX, situations?
transactional and
17 Conflict at Work– Text book chapter-14  Dealing with conflict
Sources of conflict and constructively
conflict management Reading- How self-managed teams can resolve Conflict, HBR, April

18 Contemporary
Challenges: Impact of Reading: Five Ways Leaders Can Support Remote Work (HBR, Jun 20)  Assessing the factors
remote working and that help in managing
virtual teams on employee behavior
organizational during remote working
behavior, Leadership Case: GBS India: Should Remote Working Continue after the
actions in the face of Lockdown? Ivey Publishing
crises and change

19-20 Presentations/ viva


For official use: -

As Benchmarked with course content in previous year, the contents of this course: (Please mark the right option below)
(a) Is totally new
(b) Has not changed at all
(c) Has undergone less than/equal to 20% change
(d) Has undergone more than 20% change

Faculty Signature: _______________

Area Chair Signature: _____________

Case Study Requisition Form
Programme: PGDM (FMG-30 /IMG-15 /FM-04/BDA-02)

S. No. Title, Author & Publication details Product No. Total registration No. of cases Visiting faculty copy (if Pages
required for required)
1 1. A Zero Wage Increase Again? 9B11C034 420 (expected) 420 NA 5
By Karen MacMillan
Ivey Publishing

2 C&S Wholesale Grocers: Self- Managed Teams 404025-PDF-ENG 420 (expected) 420 NA 12
By Thomas J. DeLong; David L. Ager; Tejal Mody, HBPS

3 Ricardo Semler: A Revolutionary Model of Leadership 5982 420 (expected) 420 NA 12

By William W. Maddux, Elin Williams, Roderick
Swaab, Tanure Betania, INSEAD Publishing

4 GBS India: Should Remote Working Continue after the 9B21C012 420 (expected) 420 NA 9
By Atri Sengupta, Manoj Kalra, Dinesh K Murugesan, Ivey

Faculty Guidelines for Case requisition:

A maximum of four (04) Cases can be recommended by a faculty for core/elective courses.

Course Faculty Area Chair

Manager (Academics-I)

Dean (Academics)

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