Webcivicsclass 6

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The key takeaways are that Islam represents principles of law, order and government, and that concepts like self, law, and sovereignty are discussed.

The text states that the principles of Islam can be expressed as I.S.L.A.M, standing for I Self, Law, Am Master, representing philosophical degrees of social science.

The text says that good character involves studying one's self and involves aspects like culture, fairness and justice towards others.


w/Taj Tarik Bey of the

Islam is Law, Order, and Governmental Principles. The Metaphysical

Philosophy of the functional dispensation of Islam (the life science) would
be expressed by the conscious human interchange associations embodied
within Jurisprudence. This is heavily rooted in Ancient Moabite / Moorish
Culture and Government. Thus, we see among Neophytes and the Erudite of
Jurisprudence, the glyphic presentment of Islam as, I.S.L.A.M.

This acronym stands for: I, Self, Law, Am, Master. Another glyphic ex-
pression of this Philosophical Degree of Social Science would be: M.A. This
stands for Master Astrologer or Moorish Adept, which implies the same. An
Adept relates to a Moorish American natural person who has achieved a
higher degree of practical expertise in the Philosophies and Culture of Moor-
ish Science. This Degree is conjoined with the fundamental social and politi-
cal skills related to a comprehensive historical knowledge of man, and of the
Social Duties one has, or seeks to acquire, toward interior and exterior Jus-
tice. This Philosophy is primordial to maintaining a Civilized Society.

Classes every Wednesday

Doors Open 6 p.m. until 10 p.m.
National “Black” Theatre
125th and 5th Harlem, New York
The Self
Self is a substantive which serves as a reflexive or as an emphatic personal pronoun. It re-
lates to one’s personal welfare and interests as an object of concern, and emphatically indicates
that the reference is to the natural person mentioned, and not to some other.

Character is that quality of variables that relate to the peculiar nature, distinctive mark or es-
sence of one’s mental or moral constitution. Character is measures to the positive or to the
negative, according to the words, works and deeds of the being, as to whether such aspects are
good or bad, harmonious or inharmonious, etc. Culture, in accord with a recognition to fairness
and justice towards others is an aspect of good character. Thus, a study of one’s ‘Self’ has ever
been a part of Civic Duty instructions in Civilized societies.

Law is a rule, an order, a pattern, a plan, or a system to which a phenomena or actions
co-exist or follow each other. In a phrase, “Cause and Effect”. Law relates in the sci-
ences of observation, or principles which are deduced from specific and particular facts.
These facts being mathematical or scientific conclusions (cause and effect) and are put to
words or statements, which express those acquired facts, effects or potentials for occur-
rences if and when certain conditions are present. When we make references to Law in
the physical sciences, they are called, Natural Law or ‘Nature’s Laws’ and (in general)
are the notations or rules that are related to that which is Divine. As an example, Astrol-
ogy deals with the Divine Workings of Nature— and are expressed as, ‘The Laws of Na-
ture’. Thus, the Philosophy of Astrology deals with the Laws of Nature, which govern
the Cosmos / Universe, and affects Man and the environment.

...About Sovereignty
Sovereignty is that essential public Authority expressed by an independent civil soci-
ety, and that said Authority has no superior. The Sovereign is the unification of all the
powers , and belongs solely to the people; resting in the Body Politic of the Nation.
Those who occupy Seats of Authority in that Nation, can only hold that seat (lawfully)
by delegation; and shall reflect the Constitution Law of the people. Relate this to the fol-
lowing excerpts from The Holy Koran Circle 7, then refer to the Constitution for the
United States of America - the Great Republic.
Chapter XXIX
Magistrate And Subject
1. O thou, the favorite of Heaven, whom the sons of men, thy equals, have agreed to
raise to sovereign power and set as a ruler over themselves; consider the ends and
importance of their trust, far more than the dignity and height of thy station.
2. Thou art clothed in purple, and seated on a throne: the crown of majesty investeth
thy temples, the sceptre of power is placed in thy hand; but not for thyself were
these ensigns given; not meant for thine own, but the good of thy kingdom.
3. The glory of a king is the welfare of his people; his power and dominion rest on the
hearts of his subjects.
4. The mind of a great prince is exalted with the grandeur of his situation; he evolveth
high things, and searcheth for business worthy of his power.
5. He calleth together the wise men of his kingdom; he consulteth among them with
freedom, and heareth the opinions of them all.
6. He looketh among his people with discernment; he discovereth the abilities of men,
and employeth them according to their merits.
7. His magistrates are just, his ministers are wise, and the favorite of his bosom de-
ceiveth him not.
8. He smileth on the arts, and they flourish; the sciences improve beneath the culture of
his hand.
9. With the learned and ingenious he delighteth himself; he kindleth in their breasts
emulation; and the glory of his kingdom is exalted by their labors.
10. The spirit of the merchant who extendeth his commerce, the skill of the farmer who
enricheth his lands, the ingenuity of the artists, the improvements of the scholar; all
these he honoreth with his favor, or rewardeth with his bounty.
11. He planteth new colonies, he buildeth strong ships, he openeth rivers for conven-
ience, he formeth harbors for safety, his people abound in riches, and the strength of
his kingdom increaseth.
12. He frameth his statutes with equity and wisdom; his subjects enjoy the fruits of their
labor in security; and their happiness consists in the observance of the law.
13. He foundeth his judgments on the principle of mercy; but in the punishment of of-
fenders, he is strict and impartial.
14. His ears are open to the complaints of his subjects; he restraineth the hands of their
oppressors, and he delivereth them from their tyranny.
15. His people, therefore, look up to him as a father, with reverence and love; they con-
sider him as the guardian of all they enjoy.
16. Their affection unto him begetteth in his breast a love of the public; the security of
their happiness is the object of his care.
17. No murmurs against him arise in their hearts; the machinations of his enemies en-
danger not the state.
18. His subjects are faithful, and firm in his cause; they stand in his defense, as wall of
brass; the army of a tyrant flieth before them, as chaff before the wind.
19. Security and peace bless the dwelling of his people; and glory and strength encircle
his throne forever.

Chapter XXX
Holy Instructions From The Prophet
The Social
Social Duties

1. When thou considereth thy wants, when thou beholdeth thy imperfections, ac-
knowledge his goodness, O son of humanity, who honored thee with humanity, en-
dowed thee with speech, and placed thee in society to receive and confer reciprocal
helps and mutual obligations, protection from injuries, thy enjoyments of the com-
forts and the pleasures of life: all these thou oweth to the assistance of others, and
couldst not enjoy but in the bands of society.
2. It is thy duty, therefore, to be a friend to mankind, as it is thy interest that man
should be friendly to thee.
3. As the rose breatheth sweetness from its own nature, so the heart of a benevolent
man produceth good works.
4. He enjoyeth the ease and tranquility of his own breast, and rejoiceth in the happi-
ness and prosperity of his neighbor.
5. He openeth not his ear unto slander; the faults and the failings of men give a pain to
his heart.
6. His desire is to do good, and he researcheth out the occasions thereof; in removing
the oppression of another, he relieveth himself.
7. From the largeness of his mind, he comprehendeth in his wishes the happiness of all
men; and from the generosity of his heart, he endeavoreth to promote it.

Law, Order and Governmental Principles =

I Self Law Am Master

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