Fire Technology and Arson Investigation Module

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Lanao School of Science and Technology, Inc.

Abaga, Lala, Lanao del Norte

Criminology Department

Fire Technology and Arson Investigation

(4th year students)

Reference: Beralde, W (2013) Volume 2 Criminology Reviewer, Central book supply

Prepared by : Kyle Vincent Inocencio A. Padilla,RC

Mission of Criminology

The mission of Criminology is to provides student with an opportunity to relate

theoretical knowledge in Criminology to practical application in order to make them
better prepared for life & in their future integration to worth environment as will or to
public services.

Vision of Criminology

The school of Criminology in vision to produce graduates with honorable virtues, who
have passion for excellence, & are devoted to public services.
Course Description

This course is designed to introduce Basic fire and arson investigation practices. Emphasis on fire
behaviour principles related to fire cause and origin determination.

Course Objectives

Upon the successful completion of this course the student will:

1. Understand the fire and the chemistry of fire

2. Be familiar with determining the origin and cause of a fire.
3. Understand the methods of collection and analysis of fire scene.
4. Understand the behaviour, causes and classification of fire.
5. Understand the prevention of fire.
6. Be familiar of the fire fighting operation.
Module I




Fire is the manifestation of rapid chemical reaction occurring between fuel and an oxidizer- typically the
oxygen in the air. Such rapid chemical reaction releases energy in the form of heat and light.

Fire is heat and light resulting from the rapid combination of oxygen, or in some cases gaseous chlorine,
with other materials. The light is in the form of a flame, which is composed of glowing particles of the burning
material and certain gaseous products that are luminous at the temperature of the burning material.


All matters exist of one of the three states – solid, liquid and gas (vapor). The atoms or molecules of a
solid are packed closely together, and that of a liquid is packed loosely, the molecules of a vapor are not packed
together at all, they are free to move about. In order for a substance to oxidize, its molecules must be pretty well
surrounded by oxygen molecules. The molecules of solids or liquids are too tightly packed to be surrounded.
Thus, only vapors can burn.

However, when a solid or a liquid is heated, its molecules move about rapidly. If enough heat is applied,
some molecules break away from the surface to form a vapor just above the substance. This vapor can now
mixed with oxygen. If there is enough heat to raise the vapor to its ignition temperature (temperature needed to
burn), and if there is enough oxygen present, the vapor will oxidize rapidly – it will start to burn.

The start of burning is the start of a Chain Reaction (the burning process). Vapor from heated fuel rises,
mixes with air and burns. It produces enough heat to release more vapor and to draw in air to burn that vapor. As
more vapor burns, flame production increases. More heat is produced, more vapor released, more air drawn into
the flames and more vapor burns, the chain reaction keeps increasing – the size of the fire increases until fuel is


Obviously, three things are required for combustion or fire: FUEL (Combustible materials to vaporize
and burn), OXYGEN (Oxygen in air is the common oxidizing agent, to combine with fuel vapor, air contains
28% O, 78 N, 1% inert gas), and HEAT (to raise the temperature of the fuel vapor to its ignition temperature).
The combinations of these three elements form the so-called Fire Triangle
The Fire Triangle

Oxygen Heat


Figure 1

Figure 1 will show that if any side of the fire triangle is missing, a fire can not start or if any side of the
fire triangle is removed, the fire will go off.

With the presence of the elements of fire, combustion may take place. Before a fuel will burn, it must be
changed to its vapor state. In a fire situation, this change usually results from the initial application of heat. The
process is known as PYROLYSIS. Pyrolysis (also known as thermal decomposition) is defined as the “chemical
decomposition of matter through the action of heat”. In this case, the decomposition causes a change from a
solid state to vapor state. If the vapor mixes sufficiently with air and heated to high temperature, combustion

The combustion process is better represented by the fire tetrahedron.

The Fire Tetrahedron

Oxygen Heat

Fuel Chain Reaction

Figure 2
The fire tetrahedron is useful in illustrating and remembering the combustion process because it has
room for the chain reaction and because each face touches the other three faces.

The basic difference between the fire triangle and the fire tetrahedron is that: The tetrahedron illustrates
how flaming combustion is supported and sustained through the chain reaction. In this sense, the chain reaction
face keeps the other three faces from falling apart.

The fire tetrahedron also explains the flaming mode of combustion. The modes of combustion are either
Flaming mode or Surface mode (Glowing– represented by the fire triangle).

A condensed phased combustion is called glowing combustion

A gas-phased combustion is known as flame

If the process is confined with pressure it is called explosion

If combustion propagates at supersonic speed, it produced a detonation

Instructions : Read the module and explain each question. I do not accept copying sentences in the module.

Questions :

1. Explain the theory of fire triangle in your own words?

2. Explain the theory of fire tetrahedron in your own words?

3. Differentiate fire triangle and fire tetrahedron theory ?

4. Define “Fire” in your own understanding?

Module II

(Properties of Fire)
Module 2


A. The Physical properties

1. Specific Gravity – the ratio of the weight of a solid or liquid substance to the weight of an equal
volume of water.

2. Vapor density – the weight of a volume of pure gas composed to the volume of dry air at the
same temperature and pressure.

3. Vapor Pressure – the force exerted by the molecules on the surface of a liquid.

4. Temperature – the measure of the degree of thermal agitation of molecules.

5. Boiling Point – the constant temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid is equal to the
atmospheric pressure.

6. Ignition/Kindling temperature – the minimum temperature at which the substance must be

heated in order to initiate combustion.

7. Fire point – the lowest temperature of a liquid in an open container at which vapors are evolved
fast enough to support combustion.

8. Flash point – the temperature at which a flammable liquid forms a vapor-air mixture that ignites
(mixture with in the explosive range).

To burn a fuel (combustible material), its temperature must be raised until ignition point is
reached. Thus, before a fuel start to burn or before it can be ignited, it has to be exposed to a certain
degree of temperature. When the temperature of a certain substance is very high, it releases highly
combustible vapors known as FREE RADICALS (combustible vapors such as hydrogen gas, carbon
monoxide, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen).

During the process of pyrolysis, the following are involved:

 the fuel is heated until its temperature reaches its fire point,

 decomposition takes place – moisture in the fuel is converted to vapor,

 decomposition produces combustible vapors that rise to the surface of the fuel (free radicals)

free radicals undergo combustion.

B. The Chemical Properties

1. Endothermic Reactions – changes whereby energy (heat) is absorbed or is added

before the reaction takes place.

2. Exothermic Reactions – those that release or give off energy (heat) thus they produce
substances with less energy than the reactants.

3. Oxidation – a chemical change that is exothermic, a change in which combustible

material (fuel) and an oxidizing agent (air), react. Example of oxidation is combustion
which is the same as actual burning (rapid oxidation)

4. Flames – flames are incandescent (very bright/glowing with intense heat) gases. It is a
combustion product and a manifestation of fire when it is in its gas-phased combustion.
Types of Flames

a. Based on Color and Completeness of Combustibility of Fuel

1. Luminous Flame – is orange-red, deposit soot at the bottom of a vessel being

heated due to incomplete combustion and has a low temperature.

2. Non-Luminous Flame – is blue, there is complete combustion of fuel and has

relatively high temperature.

b. Based on Fuel and Air Mixture

1. Premixed Flame – is exemplified by a Bunsen-type laboratory burner where

hydrocarbon (any substance containing primarily carbon and hydrogen) is thoroughly mixed
with air before reaching the flame zone.

2. Diffusion Flame – is observed when gas (fuel) alone is forced through a nozzle
into the atmosphere which diffuses in the surrounding atmosphere in order to form a
flammable mixture. The candle flame is an example of diffusion flame governed purely by
molecular diffusion, and the flame of the oxyacetylene torch. (diffused – dispersed, widely

c. Based on Smoothness

1. Laminar Flame – when a particle follows a smooth path through a gaseous


2. Turbulent Flame – are those having unsteady, irregular flows. As physical size,
gas density or velocity is increased, all laminar gas flows tend to become turbulent


As mentioned in part one, fire has been described as having three components: fuel, heat, and
oxygen. This triad was illustrated by the fire triangle, which symbolized, in the most basic terms, a
chemical relationship. The additional component needed to explain flaming combustion is a chemical
chain reaction shown in the fire tetrahedron.


FUELS (Combustible Materials)– fuel is matter and matter exist in three physical states: solid,
liquid and gas. Solids melt to become liquids, and these may vaporize and become gases. The basic
rule is that at high enough temperature all fuels can be converted to gases. And each of the physical
states exhibits different physical and chemical properties that directly affect a fuel’s combustibility. For
example, gasoline as a liquid does not burn, it is the vapors rising from the liquid that burn. Likewise,
wood, the most common solid fuel, is not flammable, but gives of flammable vapors (free radicals).

FUEL is also a material that provides useful energy. Fuels are used to heat and cook food,
power engines, and produce electricity. Some fuels occur naturally and others are artificially created.
Such natural fuels are coals, petroleum, and natural gases obtained from underground deposits that
were formed million years ago from the remains of plants and animals. They are called fossil fuels,
which account for about 90% of the energy people use today.

Synthetic fuels can be made from fossil fuels, certain types of rock and sand, and biomass.

Most fuels release energy by burning with oxygen in the air. But some – especially chemical
fuels used in rockets – need special oxidizers in order to burn. Nuclear fuels do not burn but release
energy through the fission (splitting) of fusion (joining together) of atoms.
Classification of Combustible Materials

1. Class A Fuels – they are ordinary combustible materials that are usually made of organic
substances such as wood and wood-based products. It includes some synthetic or inorganic
materials like rubber, leather, and plastic products.

2. Class B Fuels – materials that are in the form of flammable liquids such as alcohol, acidic
solutions, oil, liquid petroleum products, etc.

3. Class C Fuels – they are normally fire resistant materials such as materials used on
electrical wiring and other electrical appliances.

4. Class D Fuels – they are combustible metallic substances such as magnesium, titanium,
zirconium, sodium and potassium.

General Categories of Fuel

1. Solid Combustible Materials – includes organic and inorganic, natural or synthetic, and
metallic solid materials.

2. Liquid Combustible Materials – includes all flammable liquid fuels and chemicals.

3. Gaseous Substances – includes those toxic/hazardous gases that are capable of ignition.

2 General Groups of Liquid Fuels

1. Flammable liquids – they are liquids having a flash point of 37.8 C (100F) and a vapor
pressure not exceeding 40 psia (2068.6 um) at 37.8 C.

2. Combustible Liquids – these liquids have flash point at or above 37.8 C (100F).

Instructions: Read the module and explain each question. I do not accept copying sentences in the

1. What is fuel ?

2. What is free radicals ?

Module III

(Latent Heat)
Module 3

Latent heat is the quantity of heat absorbed by a substance from a solid to a liquid and from a
liquid to gas. Conversely, heat is released during conversion of a gas to liquid or liquid to a solid.

Classification of Gases:

1. Based on Source

a. Natural Gas – the gas used to heat buildings, cook food, and provides energy for
industries. It consists chiefly of methane, a colorless and odorless gas. Natural gas is usually
mixed with compounds of foul-smelling elements like sulfur so gas leaks can be detected.
Butane and propane, which make up a small proportion of natural gas, become liquids when
placed under large amount of pressure. When pressure is released, they change back to gas.
Such fuels, often called Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) or liquefied Natural Gas (LNG),
are easily stored and shipped as liquid.

b. Manufactured Gas – this gas like synthetic liquid fuels is used chiefly where certain
fuels are abundant and others are scarce. Coal, petroleum, and biomass can all be converted
to gas through heating and various chemical procedures.

2. According to Physical Properties

a. Compressed Gas – gas in which at all normal temperature inside its container; exist
solely in the gaseous state under pressure. The pressure depends on the pressure to which
the container is originally charged and how much gas remains in the container. However,
temperature affects the volume and pressure of the gas.

b. Liquefied Gas – gas, which, at normal temperature inside its container, exist partly in
the liquid state and partly in gaseous state and under pressure as long as any liquid remains
in the container. The pressure basically depends on the temperature of the liquid although
the amount of liquid also affects the pressure under some condition. A liquefied gas exhibits
a more complicated behavior as the result of heating.

c. Cryogenic Gas – a liquefied gas which exists in its container at temperature far below
normal atmospheric temperature, usually slightly above its boiling point and
correspondingly low to moderate pressure. Examples of this gas are air, carbon monoxide,
ethylene, fluorine, helium, hydrogen, methane, nitrogen, and oxygen.

3. According to Usage

a. Fuel Gases – flammable gases usually used for burning with air to produce heat, utilize
as power, light, comfort, and process. Most commonly used gases are natural gas and the
LPG (butane and propane).

b. Industrial Gases - This group includes a large number of gases used for industrial
processes as those in welding and cutting (oxygen, acetylene); refrigeration (freon,
ammonia, sulfur dioxide); chemical processing (hydrogen, nitrogen, ammonia, chlorine);
water treatment (chlorine, fluorine).

c. Medical Gases – those used for treatment such as anesthesia (chloroform, nitrous oxide);
respiratory therapy (oxygen).

Burning of Gaseous Fuels

Gaseous fuels are already in the required Vapor State. Only the proper intermixed with oxygen
and sufficient heat is needed for ignition. Gases like flammable liquids, always produce a visible flame,
they do not smolder.

Chemical Fuels

Chemical fuels, which are produced in solid and liquid form, create great amounts of heat and
power. They are used chiefly in rocket engines. Chemical rocket propellants consist of both a fuel and
an oxidizer. A common rocket fuel is the chemical hydrazine. The oxidizer is a substance, such as
nitrogen tetroxide, that contains oxygen. When the propellant is ignited, the oxidizer provides the
oxygen the fuel needs to burn. Chemical fuels are also used in some racing cars.

Nuclear Fuels

Nuclear fuels provide energy through the fission or fusion of their atoms. Uranium is the most
commonly used nuclear fuel, though plutonium also provides nuclear energy. When the atoms of these
elements undergo fission, they release tremendous amounts of heat. Nuclear fuels are used mainly to
generate electricity. They also power some submarines and ships. Nuclear energy can also be produced
through the fusion of hydrogen atoms.

 Nuclear Fission – split of the nucleus of atoms

 Nuclear Fusion – combination of two light nuclei of atom


HEAT – It is the energy possessed by a material or substance due to molecular activity.

In physics, heat is the transfer of energy from one part of a substance to another or from one
body to another by virtue of a difference in temperature. Heat is energy in transit; it always flows from
substance at a higher temperature to the substance at a lower temperature, raising the temperature of the
latter and lowering that of the former substance, provided the volume of the bodies remains constant.
Heat does not flow from lower to a higher temperature unless another form of energy transfer work is
always present.

The study of energy is rooted in the subject of thermodynamics, a very logical science that
carefully defines energy, heat, temperature and other properties.

Heat is thermal energy in motion that travels from a hot to a cold region. Thermal energy is a
property of matter directly associated with the concept of temperature.

Heat and Temperature

Heat should not be confused with temperature, which is the measurement of the relative amount
of heat energy contained with in a given substance. Temperature is an intensity measurement, with
units in degrees on the Celsius (centigrade), Fahrenheit, or Kelvin scales. Heat is the measurement of
quantity and is given in British thermal units (Btu).

Temperature is the measurement of the degree of thermal agitation of molecules; the hotness or
coldness of something. Thermometer is the instrument used to measure temperature and commonly
expressed in C, F, and K.

Although it is very easy to compare the relative temperatures of two substances by the sense of
touch, it is impossible to evaluate the absolute magnitude of the temperature by subjective reactions.
Adding heat to a substance, however, not only raises its temperature, causing it to impart a more acute
sensation of warmth, but also produces alterations in several physical properties, which may be
measured with precision.

Specific Heat

The heat capacity or the measure of the amount of heat required raising the temperature of a unit mass
of a substance one-degree. If the heating process occurs while the substance is maintained at a constant
volume or is subjected to a constant pressure the measure is referred to as a specific heat at constant

Latent Heat

A number of physical changes are associated with the change of temperature of a substance.
Almost all substances expand in volume when heated and contract when cooled. The behavior of water
between 0 and 4C (32 and 39 F) constitutes an important exemption to this rule. The phase of
a substance refers to its occurrence as a solid, liquid, or gas, and phase changes in pure substances
occur at definite temperatures and pressures. The process of changing from solid to gas is referred to as
SUBLIMATION, from solid to liquid as MELTING and from liquid to vapor as VAPORIZATION.
If the pressure is constant, the process occurs at constant temperature. The amount of heat to produce a
change of phase is called LATENT HEAT, and hence, latent heats of sublimation, melting and
vaporization exist. If water is boiled in an open vessel at a pressure of 1 atm, the temperature does not
rise above 100C (212F), no matter how much heat is added. For example, the heat that is absorbed
without changing the temperature of the water is the latent heat, it is not lost but expended in changing
the water to steam and is then stored as energy in the steam, it is again released when the steam is
condensed to form water (CONDENSATION). Similarly, if the mixture of water and ice in a glass is
heated, its temperature will not change until all the ice is melted. The latent heat absorbed is used up in
overcoming the forces holding the particles of ice together and is stored as energy in the water.

Instructions: Read the module and explain each question. I do not accept copying sentences in the

1. Explain the term heat ?

2. Differentiate heat and temperature?

3. Explain the following:

Sublimation –

Melting –

Module IV

( Temperature Scales)

Temperature Scales

Five different temperature scales are in use today, they are:

1. Celsius – it has a freezing point of 0C and a boiling point of 100C. It is widely used
through out the world, particularly for scientific works.

2. Fahrenheit – it is used mostly in English-speaking countries for purposes other than

scientific works and based on the mercury thermometer. In this scale, the freezing point of
water is 32F and the boiling point is 212 F.

3. Kelvin or Absolute – it is the most commonly used thermodynamic temperature scale. Zero
is defined as absolute zero of temperature that is, - 273.15 c, or –459.67 F.

4. Rankine – is another temperature scale employing absolute zero as its lowest point in
which each degree of temperature is equivalent to one degree on the Fahrenheit scale. The
freezing point of water under this scale is 492 R and the boiling point is 672 R.

5. International Temperature Scale – In 1933, scientist of 31 nations adopted a new

international temperature scale with additional fixed temperature points, based on the
Kelvin scale and thermodynamic principles. The international scale is based on the property
of electrical resistively, with platinum wire as the standard for temperature between –190 
and 660C.

Heat Production

There are five ways to produce heat:

1. Chemical – chemically produced heat is the result of rapid oxidation.

2. Mechanical – mechanical heat is the product of friction. The rubbing of two sticks together
to generate enough heat is an example.

3. Electrical – electrical heat is the product of arcing, shorting or other electrical malfunction.
Poor wire connections, too much resistance, a loose ground, and too much current flowing
through an improperly sized wire are other sources of electrical heat.

4. Compressed gas – when a gas is compressed, its molecular activity is greatly increased
producing heat.

5. Nuclear – Nuclear energy is the product of the splitting or fusing of atomic particles
(Fission or fusion respectively). The tremendous heat energy in a nuclear power plant
produces steam to turn steam turbines.

Heat Transfer

The physical methods by which energy in the form of heat can be transferred between bodies
are conduction and radiation. A third method, which also involves the motion of matter, is called

Hence, there are three ways to transfer heat: Conduction, Convection, and Radiation.

1. Conduction – it is the transfer of heats by molecular activity with in a material or medium,

usually a solid. Direct contact is the underlying factor in conduction. Example, if you touch a
hot stove, the pain you feel is a first result of conducted heat passing from the stove directly to
your hand. In a structural fire, superheated pipes, steel girders, and other structural members
such as walls and floors may conduct enough heat to initiate fires in other areas of the structure.

2. Convection – it is the transfer of heat through a circulating medium, usually air or liquid. Heat
transfer by convection is chiefly responsible for the spread of fire in structures. The supper-
heated gases evolved from a fire are lighter than air, and consequently rise, they can and do
initiate additional damage. In large fires, the high fireball that accompanies the incident is
referred to as a firestorm and is an example of convected heat.

3. Radiation – radiated heat moves in wave and rays much like sunlight. Radiated heat travels the
speed, as does visible light: 186,000 miles per second. It is primarily responsible for the
exposure hazards that develop and exist during a fire. Heat waves travel in a direct or straight
line from their source until they strike an object. The heat that collects on the surface of the
object or building in the path of the heat waves is subsequently absorbed into its mass through

Conduction requires physical contact between bodies or portions of bodies exchanging heat, but
radiation does not require contact or the presence of any matter between the bodies. Convection occurs
when a liquid or gas is in contact with a solid body at a different temperature and is always
accompanied by the motion of the liquid or gas. The science dealing with the transfer of heat between
bodies is called heat transfer.

OXYGEN (Oxidizing Agent)

Oxygen as defined earlier is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, gaseous chemical element, the most
abundant of all elements: it occurs free in the atmosphere, forming one fifth of its volume, and in
combination in water, sandstone, limestone, etc.; it is very active, being able to combine with nearly all
other elements, and is essential to life processes and to combustion.

The common oxidizing agent is oxygen present in air. Air composes 21% oxygen, 78%
nitrogen, and 1 % inert gas (principally Argon).

Take Note: 21% normal oxygen is needed to produce fire in the presence of fuel and heat. 12%
oxygen is insufficient to produce fire, 14-15% oxygen can support flash point, and 16-21% oxygen can
support fire point.
Instructions: Read the module and explain each question. I do not accept copying sentences in the

1. Which temperature scale is being use in the Philippines?

2. Cite at least 3 ways to produce heat and explain each ?

3. Explain each way to transfer heart?

4. Why oxygen is important to produce fire ?

Module V




The behavior of fire maybe understood by considering the principle of thermal balance and
thermal imbalance. Thermal Balance refers to the rising movement or the pattern of fire, the normal
behavior when the pattern is undisturbed. Thermal imbalance, on the other hand is the abnormal
movement of fire due to the interference of foreign matter. Thermal imbalance often confuses the fire
investigator in determining the exact point where the fire originated.

Dangerous Behavior of Fire

Fire is so fatal when the following conditions occurred:

1. Backdraft – it is the sudden and rapid (violent) burning of heated gases in a confined area
that occurs in the form of explosion. This may occur because of improper ventilation. If a room is not
properly ventilated, highly flammable vapors maybe accumulated such that when a door or window is
suddenly opened, the room violently sucks the oxygen from the outside and simultaneously, a sudden
combustion occur, which may happen as an explosion (combustion explosion).

Characteristics of Backdraft

 fire gases are under pressure

 existence of black smoke that is becoming dense gray yellow

 confinement of excessive heat

 there is little flame or no visible flame

 smoke leave the building in puffs or by intervals

 windows are smoked stained

 muffled sounds are heard inside the building

 violent rushing of air inside when opened

2. Flashover – it is the sudden ignition of accumulated radical gases produced when there is
incomplete combustion of fuels. It is the sudden burning of free radicals, which is initiated by a spark
or flash produced when temperature rises until flash point is reached. When accumulated volume of
radical gases suddenly burns, there will be a very intense fire that is capable of causing flames to jump
at a certain distance in the form of fireball. Fireballs can travel to a hundred yards with in a few

3. Biteback - a fatal condition that takes place when the fire resists extinguishment operations
and become stronger and bigger instead.

4. Flash Fire – better known as dust explosion. This may happen when the metal post that is
completely covered with dust is going to be hit by lightning. The dust particles covering the metal burn
simultaneously thus creating a violent chemical reaction that produces a very bright flash followed by
an explosion.
The Three Stages of Fire

1. Incipient Phase (Initial Stage) – under this stage, the following characteristics are observed:

 normal room temperature

 the temperature at the base of the fire is 400-800 F

 ceiling temperature is about 200 F

 the pyrolysis products are mostly water vapor and carbon dioxide, small quantities of
carbon monoxide and sulfides maybe present.

2. Free Burning Phase – it has the following characteristics:

 accelerated pyrolysis process take place

 development of convection current: formation of thermal columns as heat rises

 temperature is 800-1000 F at the base of fire, 1200-1600 F at ceiling

 pyrolytic decomposition moves upward on the walls(crawling of the flame) leaving burnt
patterns (fire fingerprints)

 occurrence of flashover.

3. Smoldering Phase – this stage has the following characteristics:

 oxygen content drops to 13% or below causing the flame to vanish and heat to develop in

 products of incomplete combustion increase in volume, particularly carbon monoxide with

an ignition temperature of about 1125 F,

 ceiling temperature is 1000-1300 F,

 heat and pressure in the room builds up,

 building/room contains large quantities of superheated fuel under pressure but little oxygen,

 when sufficient supply of oxygen is introduced, backdraft occurs.

Instructions: Read the module and explain each question. I do not accept copying sentences in the

1. What is the importance of studying the dangerous behavior of fire?

2. Differentiate thermal balance and thermal imbalance?

3. Explain each stages of fire? (You may refer to better understanding)
Module VI



Based on Cause

1. Natural causes – such as

 Spontaneous heating – the automatic chemical reaction that results to spontaneous

combustion due to auto-ignition of organic materials, the gradual rising of heat in a confined
space until ignition temperature is reached.

 Lightning – a form of static electricity; a natural current with a great magnitude, producing
tremendous amperage and voltage. Lightning usually strikes objects that are better electrical
conductors than air. It can cause fire directly or indirectly. Indirectly when it strikes
telephone and other transmission lines, causing an induced line surge. It can also cause flash
fire or dust explosion. When lightning strikes steel or metal rod covered with dust, the dust
will suddenly burn thus resulting to an explosion.

A lightning may be in the form of:

Hot Bolt – longer in duration; capable only of igniting combustible materials

Cold Bolt – shorter in duration, capable of splintering a property or literally blowing apart an
entire structure, produces electrical current with tremendous amperage and very high temperature.

 Radiation of Sunlight – when sunlight hits a concave mirror, concentrating the light on a
combustible material thereby igniting it.

2. Accidental Causes – such as

 Electrical accidents in the form of:

Short Circuit – unusual or accidental connections between two points at different

potentials (charge) in an electrical circuit of relatively low resistance.

Arcing – the production of sustained luminous electrical discharge between separated

electrodes; an electric hazard that results when electrical current crosses the gap between 2
electrical conductors.

Sparking – production of incandescent particles when two different potentials (charged

conductors) come in contact; occurs during short circuits or welding operations.

Induced Current – induced line surge – increased electrical energy flow or power voltage;
induced current; sudden increase of electrical current resulting to the burning of insulating
materials, explosion of the fuse box, or burning of electrical appliances.

Over heating of electrical appliances – the increase or rising of amperage while electric
current is flowing in a transmission line resulting to the damage or destruction of insulating
materials, maybe gradual or rapid, internal or external.

 Purely accidental causes

 Negligence and other forms of human error

3. Intentional causes (Incendiary)

If in the burned property, there are preparations or traces of accelerant, plants and trailers, then
the cause of fire is intentional.

 Accelerant – highly flammable chemicals that are used to facilitate flame propagation.

 Plant – the preparation and or gathering of combustible materials needed to start a fire.

 Trailer – the preparation of flammable substances in order to spread the fire.

Based on Burning Fuel (the classes of fire)

1. Class A Fire – Ordinary fires; they are the types of fire resulting from the burning wood,
paper, textiles, rubber and other carbonaceous materials. In short, this is the type of fire
caused by ordinary combustible materials.

2. Class B Fire – Liquid fires; they are caused by flammable and or combustible liquids such
as kerosene, gasoline, benzene, oil products, alcohol and other hydrocarbon deviations.

3. Class C Fire – Electrical fires; they are fires that starts in live electrical wires, equipment,
motors, electrical appliances and telephone switchboards.

4. Class D Fire – Metallic fires; fires that result from the combustion of certain metals in
finely divided forms. These combustible metals include magnesium, potassium, powdered
calcium, zinc, sodium, and titanium.

5. Class K/E – Fires involve in the kitchen.

Instructions: Read the module and explain each question. I do not accept copying sentences in the module.

1. Give at least 1 based on cause of fire and explain?

2. Classes A-K explain what fuel is being burned?

Module VII




Fire fighting is an activity intended to save lives and property. It is one of the most important
emergency services in a community. Fire fighters battle fires that break out in homes, factories, office
buildings, shops, and other places. Fire fighters risk their lives to save people and protect property
from fires. The people who work as fire fighters also help others who are involved in many kinds of
emergencies besides fires. For example, fire fighters rescue people who may be trapped in cars or
vehicles after an accident. They aid victims of such disasters as typhoons, floods, landslides, and
earthquakes. Before the advent of modern fire fighting techniques, fires often destroyed whole
settlements. When a fire broke but, all the people in the community rushed to the scene to help.
Today, fire fighting organizations in most industrialized nations have well-trained men and women and
a variety of modern fire fighting equipment.

History of Fire Fighting

Most fire services around the world were formed after a major fire made people realize that
lives and property would have been saved if they had had a proper body of people trained to fight fires.
One of the first organized fire fighting forces was established in Rome, about 500 B.C. The first fire
fighters were Roman slaves who, under the command of the city's magistrates, were stationed on the
walls and the gates of Rome. These units were called Familia Publica. However, this system was not
very effective, probably because the slaves had no choice in whether they fought fires or not. In A.D.
6, after an enormous fire devastated Rome, the Emperor Augustus created the vigiles, a fire fighting
force of 7,000 men that was divided into seven regiments. Like many of today's fire services, the
vigiles had the power to inspect buildings to check for fire risks, and could punish property owners
whose negligence led to fires. The vigiles' fire fighting equipment included pumps, squirts, siphons,
buckets, and ladders. Wicker mats and wet blankets were used for rescue and salvage work. The
Romans developed advanced fire fighting equipment. But when the empire fell, much of this
technology was lost for centuries.

After the collapse of the Roman Empire, European cities and towns became disorganized and
nobody coordinated fire fighting. Some people even thought that prayer was the best way to control
fires. Slowly, however, some fire laws evolved. In many cities people were required to put out their
cooking and home fires at night. In some towns, thatched roofs were forbidden and night watchmen
were employed to raise the alarm if they discovered a fire.

Organized fire services in Europe were usually only formed after hugely destructive fires. The
Great Fire of London in 1666 led to the development of fire insurance industries in England. These
companies marked their insured properties with metal badges called fire marks and formed private fire
brigades to protect those properties. Each company's brigade attended only those premises bearing the
company's own fire mark. There was much competition, and occasionally rival fire brigades even
obstructed each other in their fire fighting efforts. It was not until the 1800's that London insurance
companies began to cooperate and a single London Fire Engine Establishment was formed. The new
service fought fires in any premises within the London area.
Serious blazes also caused death and destruction elsewhere in Europe, and rulers began to
realize that it was necessary to have organized forces to deal with fires. In France, groups of citizens
kept watch for outbreaks of fire, and regulations controlled rescue operations. In the 1600's, a number
of serious fires spread terror throughout Paris. The king of France bought 12 pumps, and a private fire
service was established. In 1750, the company of firemen was mostly taken over by the army, but fires
continued to ravage the city and fire fighting efforts were not always effective. In 1810, the Emperor
Napoleon attended a ball at the Austrian Embassy. A candle set the curtains ablaze, and the fire spread
quickly, causing a dreadful panic. After this fire, Napoleon ordered the creation of the Battalion de
Sapeurs Pompiers and the French Fire Brigade was born.

Better equipment for getting water to fires and for fighting fires was developed in the 1500's.
Tools included syringes, which squirted water, but most people relied on bucket brigades, relays of
men passing buckets of water. The problems with bucket brigades were that many men were needed, it
was very tiring work, and it was not very efficient--buildings often burned to the ground. In 1672, an
uncle and nephew in Amsterdam, both called Jan van der Heide, invented a flexible hose, which could
be joined together to form a long pipe. Later, the same men invented a pump to deliver water through
the hose, and fire fighting became much more efficient. In many places around the world, fire pumps
were first drawn to fires by horses or even by people. Warning bells enabled people to get out of the
way when the pumps were rushing to a fire. The German company Daimler invented the first petrol-
driven pump in 1885, but the pump still had to be taken to fires by horses. Petrol-powered fire engines
were introduced in the early 1900's, but many countries were slow to change from horse-drawn pumps.
Although today's fire services have a range of modern equipment, fire can be just as dangerous now as
it was thousands of years ago.

Instructions: Read the module and explain each question. I do not accept copying sentences in the module.

1. What is fire fighting?

2. Why is the importance of fire fighting as you read the history of fire fighting?
Module VIII

The Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP)


The Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP)

Republic Act # 6975, the DILG Act of 1990 (Chapter 4, Section 53-59) created the Bureau of
Fire Protection (BFP) to be responsible for the prevention and suppression of all destructive fires and to
enforce the laws on fire.

Fire Protection is the descriptive term referring to the various methods used by the bureau to
stop, extinguish and control destructive fire for eventual prevention of loss of life and property. It has
the following objectives:

1. To prevent destructive fire from starting

2. To extinguish (stop or put out) on going destructive fire

3. To confine a destructive fire at the place where it began

4. To prevent loss of life and property when fire starts

Fire Prevention and Suppression refers to the various safety measures utilized to stop harmful
or destructive fires from starting.

The laws related with the fire prevention and fire protection in the Philippine setting includes PD #

1185, Fire Code of the Philippine (26 August 1977), PD # 1096, Building Code of the Philippine

(19 February 1977)

The Bureau of Fire Protection is composed of well-trained fire fighters. In fighting fires, they
bring with them ladders and pumps. Additional specialist vehicles can provide turntable ladders,
hydraulic platforms, extra water, foam, and specialist appliances for hazardous incidents.

In some countries, such as the United States, fire-fighting units are divided into engine
companies and ladder companies. Engine companies operate trucks called engines, which carry a
pump and hoses for spraying water on a fire. Ladder companies use ladder trucks, which carry ladders
of various lengths. Ladder trucks also have a hydraulically extended ladder or elevating platform to
rescue people through windows or to spray water from a raised position.

Fire fighters in the Philippines handle many types of fires. Each type requires a different plan
of action to put it out. For example, the methods used to fight a building fire differ greatly from those
used to fight a forest or grassland fire.

Factor Affecting Fire Protection and Control

Fire protection and control is affected by the accumulation of fire hazards in a building or area.
Fire Hazard is any condition or act that increases or may cause increase in the probability that
fire will occur or which may obstruct, delay, hinder or interfere with fire fighting operations and the
safeguarding of life and property

Conditions of Fire Hazards

1. Existence of dangerous or unlawful amount of combustible or explosives in the building not
designed to store such materials.

2. Defective or improperly installed facilities/ equipment.

3. Lack of adequate exit facilities.

4. Obstruction at fire escapes or other designated opening for fire fighters.

5. Dangerous occumulation of rubbish waste and other highly combustible materials.

6. Accumulation of dust in ventilation system or of grease in the kitchen.

7. Building under repair

8. Very old building or building is primarily made of combustible materials

Fire Fighting Operations

Fire fighting operations refers to fire suppression activities. In general the following procedures
should be observed:
1. PRE-FIRE PLANNING - this activity involves developing and defining systematic course of
actions that maybe performed in order to realize the objectives of fire protection: involves the
process of establishing the SOP in case fire breaks out.

2. EVALUATION – SIZE – UP (on-the-spot planning or sizing-up the situation) - this is the

process knowing the emergency situation. It involves mental evaluation by the operation
officer-in-charge to determine the appropriate course of action that provides the highest
probability of success.

Evaluation of the situation:

a. Learn the facts of the situation – by answering the 5 Ws – 1H

b. Understand the probabilities of fatal behavior of fire

c. Know your own situation or capabilities – weaknesses and

strengths: available manpower and equipment

d. Determine the specific course of action – entry or rescue

3. EVACUATION – This the activity of transferring people, livestock, and property away from
the burning area to minimize damage or destruction that the fire might incur in case it
propagates to other adjacent buildings.

4. ENTRY – This is the process of accessing the burning structure. Entry maybe done in a forcible
manner. Purposes of conducting forcible entry:

a. To provide access for fire fighters with equipment for fire extinguishments

b. To provide rescue

c. To aid in ventilation

5. RESCUE – This is the operation of removing (extricating), thus saving, people and other
livestock from the burning building and other involved properties, conveying them to a secure
6. EXPOSURE – also called cover exposure, this is the activity of securing other buildings near
the burning structure in order to prevent the fire from the extending to another building.

7. CONFINEMENT – This is the activity of restricting the fire at the place (room) where it started
: the process of preventing fire from extending from another section or form one section to
another section of the involved building.

8. VENTILATION – This the operation purposely conducted to displace toxic gases. It includes
the process of displacing the heated atmosphere within the involved building with normal air
from outside atmosphere.

9. SALVAGE – The activity of protecting the properties from preventable damage other than the
fire. The steps are a) remove the material outside the burning area, and b) protecting or cover
the materials by using tarpaulins (cotton canvass treated with water proofing).

10. EXTINGUISHMENT – This is the process of putting out the main body of fire by using the 4
general methods of fire extinguishments.

11. OVERHAUL – This is the complete and detailed check of the structure and all materials therein
to eliminate conditions that may cause re-flash; involves complete extinguishments of sparks or
smouldering (glowing) substances (embers) to prevent possibilities of re-ignition or

12. FIRE SCENE INVESTIGATION - This is the final stage of fire suppression activities. It is an
inquiry conducted to know or determine the origin and cause of fire.

Instructions: Read the module and explain each question. I do not accept copying sentences in the module.


1. Differentiate fire prevention and fire suppression?

2. Explain the each procedure in fire fighting operations?

Module VIV

(Objects of Fire Fighting Operations and


Objects of Fire Fighting Operations and Activities

1. Fighting a Building Fire

 After an alarm is received, fire fighters hurry to the fire.

 The officer in command quickly sizes up the situation and directs the fire fighters into

 Their first and most important task is to rescue people who may be trapped in the

 Ladder operators search for anyone who may be trapped. In some buildings, they use
ladders to rescue people through windows. However, the ladders on most trucks extend
up to only about eight storeys.

 Fire fighters use stairs or elevators to get to people trapped on floors above the reach of
the ladders.

Meanwhile, fire fighters connect a hose from their pump to a nearby fire hydrant, or else to
water or foam stored on the fire tender. Their first concern is to keep the flames from spreading. The
fire fighters direct water on the fire until it is out. They also spray water on any nearby buildings that
are in danger of catching fire. Fire fighters sometimes ventilate the building to let out the smoke,
heat, and gases that build up during a fire. They open or break windows and sometimes cut holes in the
roof or walls. If the building were not ventilated, the heat and the pressure of the gases could cause an
Fire fighters also try to save any furniture or other property not damaged by the fire. They
spread canvas or plastic covers over such property to prevent water damage. This process is called
salvage. Finally, in a process called overhaul, fire fighters search the building for hidden sparks that
might cause another blaze.
After the fire is out, the fire fighters try to find out exactly where and how the fire started. The
officer in charge makes out a report that gives all the important facts about the fire. The report includes
information on injuries, the cause of the fire, and the estimated cost of repairing the damage. This is the
initial investigation stage.
2. Fighting a Forest Fire

Many grassland and forest fires occur in areas that are hard to reach and far from a source of
water. Local fire brigades have trucks that carry water and can travel over rough land. Observers in
helicopters or aeroplanes may fly over the fire and report on its size and behavior. Sometimes,
helicopters or aeroplanes are also used to carry fire fighters to the fire or to drop chemicals that slow
the spread of the fire.
Grassland and forest fires often spread rapidly and are difficult to put out. Fire fighters try to
keep the fire within the smallest area possible, and so they may first create a firebreak, or fire line. The
fire fighters clear a strip of land some distance in front of the racing flames. They cut down the grass
or trees and scrape away some of the soil with shovels. The fire fighters spray water or throw soil on
the flames until the fire is out.

In some cases, fire fighters allow a grassland or forest fire to burn. They may do so if the fire
has been caused by lightning or some other natural event. Such fires are a regular part of the life cycle
of grasslands and forests. However, fire fighters do try to limit or put out all forest and grassland fires
that threaten people or property.

3. Emergency Rescue Operations

Our fire fighting organizations have rescue companies to handle non-fire emergencies. For
example, rescue workers may be called to free people trapped under the wreckage of a fallen building
or in a car after an accident. They have specialized teams to rescue people who are stranded
underwater or in swift-flowing water, or on cliffs and in other high places.
4. Emergency Medical Operations

Many fire fighters provide medical care in non-fire emergencies before the patient is taken to
the hospital. These units make up an important part of their community's Emergency Medical Services
(EMS) system. They are the so called Paramedics.
Some fire fighting services provide only a basic, "first response" service. Ambulance workers
or other emergency workers then provide more advanced treatment and transport the patient to the
hospital. Paramedic units operate ambulances and use communication equipment to stay in touch
with a nearby hospital. Under the direction of a doctor, they may use advanced medical equipment and
administer drugs. They may also transport the patient to the hospital.
5. Fire Prevention and Fire Safety

To help prevent fires and reduce fire losses, local fire fighting services inspect public buildings.
They also teach people about fire safety. Many have a separate division that handles fire prevention
and fire safety programmes.
6. Public Building Inspections

In consonance with the provisions of the Building Code (PD 1185), the Fire Bureau conduct
inspection buildings as theatres, stores, schools, and hospitals. The code specifies certain requirements
like portable fire extinguishers, a certain number of exits, and other fire safety features in public
buildings. Large buildings maybe required to provide built-in sprinkler systems and special water lines
to which fire hoses can be attached and to have fire alarm systems.
What is a Sprinkle System?
A sprinkler system consists of a network of pipes installed throughout a building. The pipes
carry water to nozzles in the ceiling. The heat from a fire causes the nozzles directly above the fire to
open and spray water.
The Fire Bureau personnel inspect public buildings to enforce the local code. The officials
check the operating condition of the fire protection systems. They note the number and location of
exits and fire extinguishers. The inspection also covers housekeeping practices and many other matters
that affect fire safety. Fire inspectors may also review plans for a new building to make sure it meets
the safety code.
7. Public Education Program
Fire fighting services work with other local agencies to teach people how to prevent fires and
what to do during a fire. The fire fighting officials serve as instructors or advisers in fire safety courses
in schools.
They educate the public about deaths caused by fires that occur in private homes. Many home
fires are caused by leaving the kitchen when food is cooking, disposing of cigarettes improperly,
misusing portable heating equipment, and placing flammable or combustible items too close to heat
Fire fighting groups advise people to install smoke detectors in their homes.
What is a Smoke Detector?

Smoke detector is a device that sounds an alarm if a small amount of smoke enters their
sensors. Smoke detectors are attached to the ceiling or wall in several areas of the home. Fire
protection experts recommend at least one detector for each floor of a residence.

Fire fighters also recommend that people have portable fire extinguishers in their homes. A
person must be sure, however, to call the fire fighting service before trying to extinguish a fire. It is
also important to use the right kind of extinguisher for the type of fire involved.

Instructions: Read the module and explain each question. I do not accept copying sentences in the module.


1. As a fire fighter, what should be done after the fire alarm sounds?

2. Differentiate Sprinkle system and smoke detector

3. Why does that the fire fighter conducts public building inspections?
Module X

(The Fire Extinguishments Theory)

The Fire Extinguishments Theory

The Fire Extinguishments Theory maintains that “to extinguish a fire, interrupt or eliminate the
supply of any or all of the elements of fire.” Fire can be extinguished by reducing/ lowering the
temperature, eliminating the fuel supply, or by stopping the chemical chain reaction.
4 General Methods of Fire Extinguishment

1. Extinguishment by Temperature Reduction

 Cooling the temperature of the fire environment: usually done by using water.

 Lower down the temperature to cool the fuel to a point where it does not produce
sufficient vapors that burn.

2. Extinguishment by Fuel Removal

 Elimination of the fuel supply/ source which maybe done by:

a. stopping the flow of liquid fuel

b. preventing the production of flammable gas

c. removing the solid fuel at the fire path

d. allowing the fire to burn until the fuel is consumed

3. Extinguishment by Oxygen Dilution

a. reduction of oxygen concentration at the burning area

b. by introducing inert gases

c. by separating oxygen from the fuel

4. Extinguishment by Chemical Inhibition

 Some extinguishments agents, like dry chemical and halon, interrupt the production of
flame resulting to rapid extinguishment of the fire. This method is effective only on
burning gas and liquid fuels as they cannot burn in smoldering mode of combustion

What are the methods of extinguishing the 4 Classes of Fire?

1. CLASS A FIRES – by quenching and cooling: water is the best agent in cooling the burning
solid materials; water has a quenching effect that can reduce the temperature of a burning
material below its ignition temperature; (Fire extinguishers which have water, sand, acid, foam
and special solution containing alkali methyl dust, as found in the loaded stream extinguisher,
should be used for this type of fire.)

2. CLASS B FIRES – by smothering or blanketing (oxygen exclusion). This type of fire is put or
controlled by foam, loaded stream, carbon dioxide, dry chemical and vaporizing liquid.

3. CLASS C FIRES – controlled by a non-conducting extinguishing agent: the safest procedure is

to always de-energize the electrical circuit. Extinguishers that should be used to put out these
type of fires are Carbon Dioxide Extinguishers, Dry Chemical, Vaporizing liquids.

4. CLASS D FIRES – by using special extinguishing agents marked specifically for metals. GE
type, meth LX, Lith X, Meth L, Kyl, dry sand and dry talc can put out class D fires

5. CLASS E FIRES – only combination of the above methods.

Fire Extinguishers

A Fire Extinguisher is a mechanical device, usually made of metal, containing chemicals,

fluids, or gasses for stopping fires, the means for application of its contents for the purpose of putting
out fire (particularly small fire ) before it propagates, and is capable of being readily moved from place
to place.
It is also a portable device used to put out fires of limited size.

What are the types of Fire Extinguishers?

1. Water Fire Extinguisher – extinguisher filled with water use of fight Class A and Class B
fires except class C fires.

2. Liquefied Fire Extinguisher – those extinguishers that contain Carbon Monoxide Gas use to
fight class A, B, and C fires

3. Dry Chemical Extinguisher – those that contain chemical powder intended to fight all
classes of fires.

4. Foam Extinguisher– contains sodium bicarbonate and a foam-stabilizing agent in a larger

compartment and a solution of aluminum sulfate in an inner cylinder; reaction between the
two solutions forms a stabilized foam of carbon dioxide bubbles.

5. Soda-acid Fire Extinguisher – filled with sodium bicarbonate mixed with water; a small
bottle of sulfuric acid is suspended inside (near the top) in such a way that when the
extinguisher is turned up-side-down, the acid mixes with sodium bicarbonate; carbon
dioxide is formed by the reaction which results to the building of pressure inside the
extinguisher; this pressure forces the water solution out from the container through a hose.

6. Vaporizing Liquid Fire Extinguisher – contains non-conducting liquid, generalization

carbon tetrachloride or chlorobromethane; operation is by manual pumping or using a stored
pressure; the stream of liquid that is expelled is vaporized by the heat of the fire and forms a
smothering blanket. This type is usually used in fires involving flammable liquids or
electrical equipment.

7. Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher – effective against burning liquids and fires in live
electrical equipment; used mainly to put out Class C fires.

What are examples of extinguishing agents?

1. MULTI-PURPOSE DRY CHEMICALS like the Mono-Ammonium Phosphate ( NH H

PO )

2. HALON 1211 or Bromochlorodifluoromethane

3. AFFF – (Aqueous Film Forming Foam), is a synthetic foam-forming liquid designed for use
with fresh water.
4. CARBON DIOXIDE – a chemical that can deliver a quick smothering action to the flames,
reducing the oxygen and suffocating the fire. Carbon dioxide dissipates without leaving any
contamination or corrosive residue.

Instructions: Read the module and explain each question. I do not accept copying sentences in the module.


1. Explain the each methods of fire extinguishment?

2. Explain the each methods of extinguishing the 4 classes of fire?

Module XI

(Fire Extinguishers)

What are the markings required on Fire Extinguishers?

Under (Rule 37, Sec. 106 of PD 1185), all fire extinguishers manufactured or sold in the
Philippines must be labelled or marked to show at least the following:

1. Date of original filling

2. Chemical Contents

3. Type of extinguisher

4. Operating Instruction and Safe Procedure in usage

5. Name and address of the manufacturer

6. Name and address of the dealer.

What are the prohibited types of fire extinguishers?

Rule 37, Sec. 104 of IRR of PD 1185 provides that the following types of fires extinguishers are
prohibited for manufacture or sale:
1. All inverting types which make it necessary to invert the container before the extinguisher’s

2. Soda-acid extinguishers

3. Stored pressure or cartridge operated foam solution, unless and air-aspiring nozzle is provided

4. Vaporizing liquid extinguishers using carbon tetrachloride or chlorobromomethane in any

concentration of formulation

5. Vaporizing liquid extinguishers of less than one kilogram extinguishing agent

6. Glass bulb, “grenade” type, or “bomb” type of vaporizing liquid extinguishers which have to be
thrown to the fire or are mounted on specific location and which operate upon the melting of a
fusible link.

7. Thermatic special hazards single station extinguishers with extinguishing capability of less than
four and a half (4.5) cubic meters

8. Other types which maybe hereinafter prohibited.

What are the prohibited acts involving the operation of fire extinguishers?

From the same legal basis above, the following are declared prohibited acts concerning the use
of fire extinguishers:
1. Removal of inspection tags attached to fire extinguishers

2. Refilling a discharge extinguisher with a extinguishing agent other than what the unit was
designed to contain

3. Selling fire extinguishers not appropriate to the hazard

4. Selling fire extinguishers prohibited by Rule 37, Section 104

5. Selling defective or substandard extinguishers

6. Using/installing two or more thermatic special hazard vaporizing liquid units in rooms with
volume greater than the nominal capability of one unit.

7. Installing pressure gauges in fire extinguishers which do not indicate the actual pressure of the
interior of vessel such as, but not limited to use of uncalibrated gauges, not providing or
blocking the connection between the gauge and the interior, or fixing the indicator/needle to
indicate a certain pressure.

What are the General Operating Procedures in Fire Extinguishment?

The general operating procedures in using a fire extinguisher may be modified by the acronym
P - Pull the pin at the top of the extinguisher that keeps the handle from being pressed. Press the
plastic or thin wire inspection band.

A– Aim the nozzle or outlet towards the fire. Some hose assemblies are dipped to the
extinguisher body. Released it and then point at the base of the fire.

S – Squeeze the handle above carrying handle to discharge the extinguishing agent inside. The
handle can be released to stop the discharge at any time.

S – Sweep the nozzle sideways at the base of the flame to disperse the extinguishing agent.

After the fire is out, probe for remaining smouldering hot spots or possible re-flash of flammable
liquids. Make sure the fire is out before leaving the burned area.

Fire Fighting Equipment

The most important equipment for fire fighters includes:
1. Communication Systems

They are necessary to alert fire fighters to the outbreak of a fire. Most fire alarms are
telephoned to the fire department. Many countries have introduced a simple, 3-digit number as the
telephone number to call in emergencies. This number can be dialed from almost any telephone and
from most pay phones without a coin. Dialing this number is free. In the Philippines, the emergency
line is 166.

2. Fire Vehicles

Fire fighters have several types of fire vehicles. The main types are (1) engines, (2) ladder
appliances, and (3) rescue vehicles.
Engines, also called water tenders, have a large pump that takes water from a fire hydrant or
other source. The pump boosts the pressure of the water and forces it through hoses. Engines carry
several sizes of hoses and nozzles. Many also have a small-diameter hose called a booster line, which
is wound on a reel. The booster line is used chiefly to put out small outdoor fires.

Ladder appliances - There are two kinds of ladder appliances--turntable ladders and hydraulic

A turntable ladder appliance has a metal extension ladder mounted on a turntable. The ladder
can be raised as high as 30 meters, or about eight storeys.

A hydraulic platform truck has a cage-like platform that can hold several people. The platform
is attached to a lifting device that is mounted on a turntable. The lifting device consists of either a
hinged boom (long metal arm) or an extendable boom made of several sections that fit inside each
other. The boom on the largest vehicles can extend 46 meters. A built-in hose runs the length of the
boom and is used to direct water on a fire. In most cases, a pump in a nearby engine generates the
pressure needed to spray the water.

Fire Fighting Vehicles - are equipped with portable ladders of various types and sizes. They
also carry forcible entry tools, which fire fighters use to gain entry into a building and to ventilate it to
let out smoke. Common forcible entry tools include axes, power saws, and sledge hammers.

Rescue Vehicles are enclosed vehicles equipped with many of the same kinds of forcible entry
tools that ladder appliances carry. But rescue vehicles also carry additional equipment for unusual
rescues. They have such tools as oxyacetylene torches, for cutting through metal, and hydraulic jacks,
for lifting heavy objects. They may also carry other hydraulic tools. With a hydraulic rescue tool, fire
fighters can apply a large amount of pressure to two objects to squeeze them together or prise them
apart. The tool is often used to free people trapped in cars and other vehicles after an accident. Many
rescue vehicles also carry small hand tools, such as crowbars and saws, and ropes and harnesses for
rescuing people from water or high places. In addition, they carry medical supplies and equipment.

Special Fire Vehicles include airport crash tenders and hazardous materials units. Airport
crash tenders are engines that spray foam or dry chemicals on burning aircraft. Water is ineffective
against many aircraft fires, such as those that involve jet fuel or certain metals.

In addition to the above fire fighting equipment, fire fighters are also required to use protective
Protective Clothing - clothing for protection against flames, falling objects, and other hazards.
They wear coats and trousers made of fire-resistant material. Other clothing includes special boots,
gloves, and helmets. Fire fighters also use a breathing apparatus to avoid inhaling smoke and toxic

Fire Prevention and Public Safety

As mentioned earlier, Fire Prevention is a term for the many safety measures used to keep
harmful fires from starting. Fires not only cause extensive damage to valuable property, but also
responsible for large numbers of deaths.
Instructions: Read the module and explain each question. I do not accept copying sentences in the module.


1. Elaborate the General Operating Procedures in Fire Extinguishment?

2. What is a fire extinguisher?

3. What is the importance of the communication system in fire fighting?

4. Draw and label the parts of the fire extinguisher?

Module XII

(The Methods of Fire Prevention)


What are the methods of Fire Prevention?

Individuals, groups, and communities use three main methods to prevent fires:

1. Laws and Regulations - Many countries have codes and standards that require certain
types of fire retardant materials and electric wiring to be used in buildings.

2. Inspection of buildings and other property - Fire brigades and other public agencies
inspect public buildings for fire hazards and recommend corrective action. In some
communities, homeowners may agree to have their homes inspected for fire hazards.

3. Public education about fire safety and prevention - Education is a vital part of fire
prevention programmes because people cause to prevent--almost all fires. Fire brigades,
community groups, and schools teach children and adults about fire hazards and work to
reduce fires throughout the community.


In the Philippines, the Bureau of fire Protection is the main government agency responsible for
the prevention and suppression of all destructive fires on buildings, houses and other structures, forest,
land transportation vehicles and equipments, ships or vessels docked at piers or major seaports,
petroleum industry installation, plane crashes and other similar incidents, as well as the enforcement of
the Fire Code and other related laws. It has the major power to investigate all causes of fires and
necessary, file the proper complaints with the proper authority that has jurisdiction over the case (R.A.
no. 6975, sec. 54).

Why Fires should be investigated?

The very reason why fires should be investigated is to determine the cause of the fire in order to
prevent similar occurrences. The determination of the origin and cause of fire is arrived at only after a
thorough investigation. Since basic investigation is prelude to the discovery of the true cause of the
fire, an understanding of the chemistry of fire and its attendant behavior should be a concern for
successful investigation.
Who are qualified to investigate fires?

A fire investigator should have the following traits:

1. Possession of knowledge of investigational techniques.

2. He should have an insight of human behavior.

3. He should have a first hand knowledge of the chemistry of fire and its behavior

4. He should be resourceful.

Is Fire Investigation Complex and Unique?

Fire investigation is complex and unique because of the following reasons:
1. Fire destroys evidence

2. If it is Arson, it is planned, motivated and committed is discreet.

3. Rarely can there be an eyewitness in Arson.

What are the roles of the Firemen in Fire Investigation?

Firemen are usually at the crime scene ahead of the fire investigators. Hence, they are valuable
sources of information. They are the so-called “Eyes and Ears” of the police before, during and after
the fire has been placed under control. The information taken from them may be categorize as:
1. Information attainable or developed prior to the arrival at the scene

2. Information available to the firemen at the scene

3. Information available during overhaul and thereafter.

Legal Aspect of Fire Investigation

ARSON defined

Arson is the intentional or malicious destruction of property by fire.

It is the concern of fire investigation to prove malicious intent of the offender. Intent must be
proved, otherwise, no crime exist. The law presumes that a fire is accidental, hence criminal designs
must be shown. Fire cause by accident or criminal design must be shown. Fire cause by accident or
negligence does not constitute arson.

What is Destructive Arson?

Under Article 320 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, the penalty of Reclusion Perpetua to
Death shall be imposed upon any person who shall burn:

3. One (1) or more buildings or edifices, consequent to one single act of burning, or as
a result of simultaneous burnings, or committed on several or different occasions.

4. Any building of public or private ownership, devoted to the public in general or

where people usually gather or congregate for a definite purpose such as, but not limited to
official governmental function or business, private transaction, commerce, trade workshop,
meetings and conferences, or merely incidental to a definite purpose such as but not limited
to hotels, motels, transient dwellings, public conveyance or stops or terminals, regardless of
whether the offender had knowledge that there are persons in said building or edifice at the
time it is set on fire and regardless also of whether the building is actually inhabited or not.

5. Any train or locomotive, ship or vessel, airship or airplane devoted to transportation

or conveyance, or for public use, entertainment or leisure.

6. Any building, factory, warehouse installation and any appurtenances thereto, which
are devoted to the service to public utilities.

7. Any building the burning of which is for the purpose of concealing or destroying
evidence of another violation of law, or for the purpose of concealing bankruptcy or
defrauding creditors or to collect from insurance.
Irrespective of the application of the above enumerated qualifying circumstances, the penalty of
reclusion to death shall likewise be imposed when the arson is perpetrated or committed by two or
more persons or by group of persons, regardless of whether their purpose is merely to burn or destroy
the building or the building merely constitutes an overt act in the commission or another violation of

The penalty of Reclusion Perpetua to Death shall also be imposed upon any person who shall

1. any arsenal, shipyard, storehouse or military power or firework factory,

ordinance, storehouse, archives or general museum of the government.

2. in an inhabited place, any storehouse or factory of inflammable or explosives


If the consequence of the commission of any of the acts penalized under this Article, death results, the
mandatory penalty of death shall be imposed (sec. 10, RA 7659).

Instructions: Read the module and explain each question. I do not accept copying sentences in the module.


1. What is arson? Give some examples.

2. What is destructive arson? Give some examples.

3. What are the methods of fire prevention and explain each methods?

4. Can fire conceal evidence? Explain.

Module XIII

(The basis of criminal liability in arson)


What is the basis of criminal liability in arson?

1. Kind and character of the building burned

2. Location of the building

3. Extent or value of the damage

4. Whether inhabited or not.

What are other forms of arson?

Other forms of arson refer to those enumerated under Article 321 of the Revised Penal Code, as
amended like the following:

1. Setting fires to any building, farmhouse, warehouse, hut, shelter, or vessel in

port, knowing it to be occupied at the time by one or more person.

2. Building burned is a public building and value of damage exceeds six

thousands pesos (P6000.00).

3. Building burned is a public building and purpose is to destroy evidence kept

therein to be used in instituting prosecution for punishment of violators of law, irrespective
of the amount of damage.

4. Building burned is a public building and purpose is to destroy evidence kept

therein to be used in legislative, judicial or administrative proceeding, irrespective of the
damage, if the evidence is to be used against defendant of any crime punishable under
existing law.

Suggested Readings:

1. U.S vs. Evangelista, 39 Phil. 825

2. People vs. Tamba, 10 SCRA 296

3. People vs. Paterno, 47 O.G 4600

4. People vs. Villarosa, 54 O.G 3482

5. People vs. Macalma, 44 Phil. 170

Arson of Property of Small Value (Art. 323, RPC)

Burning of any uninhabited hut, storehouse, barn, shed, or any other property, under
circumstances clearly excluding all danger of the fire spreading, value of the property not exceed 25.00
Suggested Readings:

1. People vs. Alvarez, 52 Phil. 65

2. People vs. Herrera, (C.A) GR no. 5782-R, May 15, 1951

3. People vs. Camporedondo

Crimes Involving Destruction (Art 324, RPC)

The offender causes destruction by any of the following means:

1. explosion

2. discharge of electric current

3. inundation, sinking or stranding of a vessel

4. taking up the rails from a railway track

5. malicious changing of railway signals for the safety of moving trains

6. destroying telegraph wires and telegraph post or those any other communication system

7. by using any other agency or means of destruction as effective as the above

Burning one’s own property as a means to commit arson (Read Case of U.S vs. Budiao, 4 Phil.
502) (Article 325, RPC)
Article 326, RPC – Setting Fire to Property Exclusively Owned By the Offender
This act is punished if the purpose of the offender is to:
1. Defraud or cause damage to another or

2. damaged is actually caused upon another’s property even if such purpose is absent or

3. thing burned is a building in an inhabited place.

Presidential Decree No. 1613 – Amending the Law on Arson

Special Aggravating Circumstance in Arson

1. If committed with intent to gain:

2. If committed with the benefit of another:

3. If the offender is motivated by spite or hatred towards the owner or occupant of the property

4. If committed by a syndicate (3 or more persons).

Prima Facie Evidence of Arson

1. If the fire started simultaneously in more than one part of the building or establishment
2. If substantial amounts of flammable substance or materials are stored within the building
not necessary in the business of the offender or for house hold use.

3. If gasoline, kerosene, petroleum, or other flammable or combustible substances or materials

soaked therewith or containers thereof, or any mechanical, electrical, chemical, or electronic
contrivance designed to start a fire, a fire, or ashes or traces of any of the foregoing are
found in the ruins or premises of the burned building or property.

4. If the building or property is insured for substantially more than its actual value at the time
of the issuance of the policy.

5. If during the lifetime of the corresponding fire insurance policy more than two fires have
occurred in the same or other premises owned or under the control of the offender and / or

6. If shortly before the fire, a substantial portion of the effects insured and stored in a building
or property had been withdrawn from the premises except in the ordinary course of

7. If a demand for money or other valuable consideration was made before the fire in exchange
for the desistance of the offender or the safety of the person or property of the victim.

What Constitutes Arson?

1. Burning – to constitute burning, pyrolysis must takes place. In other words, there must be
burning or changing, i.e. the fibber of the wood must be destroyed, its identity changed.

2. Wilfulness – means intentional, and implies that the act was done purposely and

3. Malice – it denotes hatred or a desire for revenge.

4. Motive – is the moving cause that induces the commission of the crime.

5. Intent – is the purpose or design with which the act is done and involves the will.

Methods of Proof in Arson

Physical evidences in arson are often destroyed. To prove arson was committed, Corpus Delicti
must be shown and identify of the arsonist must be established. Corpus Delicti (body of the crime)
is the fact of that crime was committed. The following must show it:

1. Burning – that there was fire that may be shown by direct testimony of complaint, firemen
responding to the crime, other eyewitnesses. Burned parts of the building may also indicate

2. Criminal Design – must show that it was wilfully and intentionally done. The presence of
incendiary devices, flammables such as gasoline and kerosene may indicate that the fire is
not accidental.

3. Evidence of Intent – When valuables were removed from the building before the fire, ill-
feeling between the accused and the occupants of the building burned, absence of effort to
put off fire and such other indications.

What are basic lines of inquiry in Arson Investigation?

The arson investigator must have to inquire on the following a) point of origin of fire b) motives
of arsonist c) prime suspects d) the telltale signs of arson.

Instructions: Read the module and explain each question. I do not accept copying sentences in the module.


1. Explain each constitutes of arson?

2. Explain each methods of proof in arson?

3. What is a prima facie evidence? Research and explain, give some example.
Module XIV

(Point of origin of fire)


1. Point of origin of fire

Initially, the important point to be established is the point of origin of fire. In other words, at
what particular place in the building the fire started? This may be established by an examination of the
witness, by an inspection of the debris at the fire scene and by studying the fingerprint of fire. The
fingerprint of fire occurs during the free burning stage of the fire when pyrolytic decomposition moves
upward on the walls leaving a bunt pattern.
Witnesses must be questioned as to:
1. His identity

2. What attracted his attention

3. Time of observation

4. His position in relation to the fire at the time of observation

5. Exact location of the blaze

6. Size and intensity

7. Rapidity of spread

8. Color of flame and odor if he is in a position this

9. Any other person in the vicinity beside the witness

Note fire setting mechanism

1. matches

2. candles

3. electrical system

4. mechanical means

5. chemical methods

2. Motive of Arsonist

To understand the motives of arsonist, the arson investigator have to note the following that fires
are set by:
Persons with Motives

a. Those with desire to defraud the Insurer

b. Employees or such other person who have a grievance (Fire revenge)

c. Those with desire to conceal evidence of a crime

d. Those who set fire for purposes of intimidation

People without motives

b. Those who are mentally ill

c. Pathological fire-setters
d. Pyros and the Psychos

Motives of Arsonist

1. Economic Gain

ii. Insurance fraud – benefiting

iii. Desire to dispose merchandise – lost of market value being out of season, lack of
raw materials, over supply of merchandise can be a big reason for arson.

iv. Existing business transaction that the arsonist would like to avoid such as
impending liquidation, settlement of estate, need for cash, prospective business
failure, and increase rentals

v. Profit by the Perpetrator other than the Assured like insurance agents wishing
business with the assured, business competitors planning to drive others, person seeking
job as personnel protection, salvagers and contractors wishing to contact another

2. Concealment of Crime - When the purpose of hiding a crime or committing a crime, arson
was used as means.

3. Punitive Measure - Committing arson to inflict injury to another due to hatred, jealousy and

4. Intimidation or Economic Disabling - Arsonist as saboteurs, strikers and racketeers to

intimidate management or employer.

5. Pyromania

A pyromaniac having the uncontrollable impulse to burn anything without any

motivation. They do not run away from the fire scene since they love watching fire burning.

Types of Pyromania

a. Abnormal Youth – epileptics, imbeciles and morons

b. Hero Type – a person set a building on fire and pretends to discover it, turn on the
alarm or make some rescue works to appear as “hero”

c. Drug addicts and alcoholics

d. Sexual deviates and perverts.

3. Prime Suspects (and the Prima Facie Evidences)

The development of prime suspects - this involves identification results from the full
development of leads, clues and traces, the testimony particularly eyewitnesses and the development of
expert testimony, The following technique may serve the investigation:

1. Search of the fire scene for physical evidence:

a. Protection of the scene

b. Mechanics of search
c. Collection and preservation of evidences

d. Laboratory aids

2. Background study of policyholders, occupants of premises, owner of building or other

person having major interest in the fire.

3. Interviews and interrogations of persons who discovered the fire, and the one who turned
the first alarm, firemen, and eyewitnesses.

4. Surveillance

Instructions: Read the module and explain each question. I do not accept copying sentences in the

1. Explain each motive of arsonist and cite some examples.

2. Elaborate the term “Point of Origin”

Module XV

(The Tell Tale Signs of Arson)


1. The Tell Tale Signs of Arson

These signs maybe obvious that the first fireman at the scene will suspects arson or they maybe
so well concealed that moths of patient investigation to show that it is set off will be required.
1. Burned Building – the type of the building may indicate a set fire under certain
circumstance. A fire of considerable size at the time the first apparatus arrive at the scene is
suspicious if it is a modern concrete or semi-concrete building.

2. Separate fires – when two or more separate fire breaks out within a building. The fire is
certainly suspicious.

3. Color of Smoke – some fire burn with little or no smoke but they are exception. The
observation of the smoke must be made at the start of the fire since once the fire has
assumed a major proportion, the value of the smoke is lost, because the smoke will not
indicate the material used by the arsonist

a.) When white smoke appears before the water from the fire hose comes in contact
with the fire, it indicates humid material burning. Example – burning hay, vegetable
materials, phosphorus (with garlic odor).

b.) Biting smoke, irritating the nose and throat and causing lacrymation and coughing
indicates presence of chlorine.

c.) Black smoke indicates lack of air if accompanied by large flames it indicates
petroleum products and rubber.

d.) Reddish-brown smoke indicates nitrocellulose, S1, H2, S04, HN03, or HCI.

e.) Meaning of color of Smoke and Fire:

 Black smoke with deep red flame – petroleum products, tar, rubber, plastics, etc.
 Heavy brown with bright red flame – nitrogen products
 White smoke with bright flame – magnesium products
 Black smoke with red and blue green flame – asphalt
 Purple-violet flame – potassium products
 Greenish-yellow flame – Chloride or Manganese products
 Bright reddish yellow flame – Calcium products

8. Color of flame – The color of the flame is a good indication of the intensity of the fire, an
important factor in determining incendiarism.

9. Amount of Heat – A reddish glow indicates heat of 5000 degrees centigrade, a real bright
read about 100 degrees centigrade. Red flames indicate of petroleum. Blue flame indicates
use of alcohol as accelerant.

10. Smoke Marks – An experience investigation will determine the volume of smoke involved
at a fire and the character as residue deposited on walls or elsewhere. Smoke in marks have
often been of assistance in determining the possibility of a fire having more than one place
of origin.
11. Size of Fire – This is important when correlated with the type of alarm, the time received
and the time of arrival of the first fire apparatus. Fires make what might be termed a normal
progress. Such progress can be estimated after an examination of the material burned the
building and the normal ventilation offered of the fire. The time element and the degree of
headway by the flames become important factors to determine factors to determine possible

12. Direction of Travel – While it is admitted that no two fires burn in identical fashion, yet it
can be shown that fire makes normal progress through various types of building materials,
combustibility of contents, channel of ventilation and circumstances surrounding the
sending of alarm, an experienced investigator can determine whether a fire spread
abnormally fast.

13. Intensity – The degree of heat given off by a fire and the color of its flame oftentimes
indicate that some accelerant has been added to the material normally present in a building
and the investigator must look for further evidence pointing to use of such accelerant.
Difficulty in extinguishing the fire is often a lead to suspect presence of such fluid as
gasoline and kerosene.

14. Odor – The odor of gasoline, alcohol, kerosene and other inflammable liquids which are
often used as accelerant is characteristics and oftentimes arsonist are trapped because of this
telltale sign. Most of fire – setters are inclined to use substance which will make the blaze
certain and at the same time burn up any evidence of their crime.

15. Condition of Content – Persons tending to set their house on fire frequently remove objects
of value either materially or sentimentally. Store and other business establishments
oftentimes remove a major portion of their content or replace valuable merchandise without
of style articles.


One of the first things to look for is the origin of the fire. Usually, accidental fires have only one
origin; sometimes an arson fire will have several origins. That is, there will be two or more fires.
Normally, a fire burns outward laterally in all directions, the heat generated moves up, and fires seldom
burns down. Ventilation will also affects the burning pattern; but without unusual ventilation, fires burn
equally in all directions except down. It may be necessary to go to several spots and point back to the
most damaged areas; where the lines crosses probably will be the origin of the fire.

Explosions also feed in all directions; the heat effect is usually intense. The point of explosion
is usually easier to determine than the point of origin of other accelerants. Unless the investigator has
ad special training in this type investigation, it probably would be to his advantage to call in a

Alligator Pattern - The alligator pattern (checking of charred wood giving it the appearance of
alligator skin) caused by the fire often can be used to trace the fire to its origin. The pattern at the point
of origin is smaller and deeper than the rest of the areas. The pattern is also smaller and deeper at points
where flammable liquids were used.

Information from people - Many investigators have found that information from people help
them know what to look for the fire scene. The good investigator knows how to how to interview
people to get information that can help determine the origin of the fire, the cause of fire and even
incendiary origin of the fire. The owner, the family of the owner, person calling in the alarm,
neighbors, witnesses, or any person who might help in any way should be interviewed. If an
investigator ever needed to be a skilled interviewer, it is in arson investigation cases. Most people just
do not like to talk about arson fire. In general, they must be questioned as to the following.

a. His identity

b. His business in the arson of the fire.

c. What attracted his attention to it?

d. Time of observation and exact location of the blaze.

e. His position in relation to the fire at time of observation.

f. Size of intensity, rapidity of spread, and direct travel of flame.

g. Color of flame, and odor if he is in a position to observe these.

h. Other pertinent information

Instructions: Read the module and explain each question. I do not accept copying sentences in the module.


1. In General, what is tell tale signs of arson? Explain.

2. As a fire scene investigator, what can be find the point of origin? What indicates the point of

3. Aside from the telltale signs of arson and point of origin, where can we find valuable
information in the fire scene?
Module XVI

(Methods of establishing arson & Gathering,

Preserving, and Analyzing Evidences)


The usual methods involve examination of the fire scene. Although some of the most common
methods used are burn indicators, which are the effect on materials of heating or partial burning and
may be used to determine the point or points of origin of a fire. Fire accelerates the development of fire
and to increase the amount of devastation. If either multiple point of origin or traces of fire accelerants
are found arson is indicated.

Occasionally, detection of arson during a fire is done through a team of arson investigators in
the form of surveillance of the fire scene: suspicious behavior of spectators, an overzealous offer of
assistance by a spectator, or someone constantly driving over fire hoses are grounds for suspecting
arson. Behavior of owners, occupants, and other persons present as to their actions, excitements,
dresses, and other pertinent information are observed, which might be helpful later.

Observing people and vehicles as they approach and leave the scene. In a U.S. forest fire
scenerio, the detection of arson is aided by the practice of U.S. Forest Service firemen enroute to
configurations to take notice of the license numbers of vehicles departing from the scene, possible
incendiary fire. In at least one case, this procedure has led to the arrest of an arson suspect.

Gasoline was, by far, the most frequently found fire accelerant, possibly because it is readily
available. Its characteristic and familiar odor makes it easier to detect than most other flammable
liquids. To camouflaged the odor, incendiaries ordinarily used ammonia which has a pungent odor
easily recognized by firemen. Ammonia is also used to keep out firemen from the burning structure.
Other accelerants often used like kerosene, alcohol, firemen can easily distinguish rubber. Films have
pungent odors similar to camphor.

The size of fire, rapidity of spread and direction from the time of discovery to the arrival of the
firemen may indicate that certain flammable substance have been used to accelerate spread of fire.
Arsonist may also bore holes on walls and floors as a means for the fire to spread more rapidly.

Intensity of heat maybe an indication that flammable liquids or compounds could have been
used to spread the fire more rapidly. The firemen may experience sometimes that when a stream of
water are directed on such fire, instead of going out as might be ordinarily expected the fire will burn
with added intensity, and with a different color of flame such as red, blue, yellow or orange.

The color of the smoke, location, and size are all-valuables in determining the use of accelerant.
Although, some fires burns with little or no smoke, these are exceptions. The observation must be made
at the start of the fire, once the fire as assumed a major proportion; the value of the smoke is lost
because the smoke will not indicate the materials burning or used by the arsonist.

If white smoke appears before the water from the fire hose comes in contact with the fire, it
indicates humid materials burning, such as hay, vegetables, phosphorus (with garlic odor). Black
smoke indicates lack of air, but if accompanied by large flames it indicates petroleum and rubber.

If biting smoke is encountered causing irritation of the nose and throat, lacrimation, and
coughings, presence of chlorine is indicated. Reddish-brown smoke might indicate nitrocellulose.

Arson is often used to conceal another crime. Documents and records that found purposely
exposed during a fire should be given particular attention, including doors, windows, and ventilators
that are open and provide cross-drafts. Locked and obstructed entrances or passageways to impede the
speedy transit of firemen and equipments.


The arsonist expects the fire to destroy all of the evidence, and sometimes it does destroy most
of it. However, the investigator who digs hard enough many times comes up with evidence where
seemingly none exist. The cause of the fire should be investigated shortly after the fire is extinguished,
otherwise, very little can be done afterwards be-map-up and salvage operation. This is a crucial stage in
the detection and investigation of arson because cases rely on evidence that is recognized and preserved
at this point.

Finding and Preserving Evidence

As in all other investigations, only one person should pick up, mark and package all evidence,
and special care should be taken to maintain the chain of custody.

There are some special problems in arson investigation due to the types of accelerants that may
have been used. Accelerants used often are those of petroleum products such as gasoline, kerosene,
mineral spirits, or anything containing volatile flammable liquid. Hydrocarbons of these products may
be found under the debris of the fire, at or near the point of the origin. These fluids, when originally
spread, flow outward and downward, hence evidence of these may be found in cracks in the floor or in
dirt under the fire. Just because the fire damage is extensive or there is no odor present does not mean
these types of accelerants were not used.

The crime lab in most cases would be needed to prove which type of accelerant was used.
Wood flooring and rugs are the most common substrates, followed by furniture and upholstery. These
materials are where the crime lab separates accelerant residues. Sections of the floors, the debris or
some dirt under the fire must be stored in glass or metal containers and sealed, to be of value to the
crime lab. Fumed from the accelerants or hydrocarbons would escape from plastic or open containers.

The predominant type of container used to preserve physical evidence from arson. Scenes are
the unused metal paint can. These containers are vapor-tight and unbreakable. Plastic bags, while
convenient and inexpensive, are easily punctured, are chemically attacked by some types of evidence,
and allow the loss of some volatile evidence by diffusing through the bag.

Time Delay Devices

Delayed action is achieved in setting incendiary fires by the used of certain mechanical,
electrical or chemical devices. They usually involve matches, candles, electric heating elements,
batteries and clock mechanisms coupled with flammable liquids, or chemicals that will spontaneously
ignite after a short delay. If none of these devices are found, the evidence, which should be the various
containers for them. The arsonist uses this delayed type of devices to establish an alibi.

Condition of Doors, Windows, Furniture

In cases where a building has burned to the ground, the hardware of doors and window remain.
They will fall straight down, unless moved by the water stream of the firemen. This may tell whether a
door or windows was opened or closed.

Metal parts of furniture may tell whether or not furniture has been moved from the building
before the fire. Ashes ay give the crime lb something to work with. For example, if extensive furniture
has bee moved from the house prior to the fire and inexpensive furniture move in, the crime lab can tell
from the ashes. Evidence of fraud fires should be carefully examined. This is tremendous problem and
should remain uppermost in the mind of the investigator.
Burn Indicator
Burn indicators are the effects on materials of heating or partial burning, which are used to
indicate various aspects of fire such as flammable liquids, and points of origin. Interpretation of burn
indicators is a principal means of determining the cause of the fire. Although burn indicators are widely
used to establish the causes of fires, they have received little scientific testing. Some of the burn
indicators used are the following:
Alligatoring effect: checking of charred wood, giving it the appearance of the alligator skin.
Large, rolling blisters indicates rapid, intense heat, while small, flat alligatoring indicates long, low

Crazing of glass: formation of irregular cracks in glass due to rapid, intense heat, while small,
possible fire accelerant.

Depth of char: depth of burning wood – used to determine length of burn and thereby locate
the point of origin of the fire.

Line of demarcation: boundary between charred and uncharred material.On floors or rugs, a
puddle shaped line of demarcation is believed to indicate a liquid fire accelerant. In the cross section of
wood, a sharp, distinct line of demarcation indicates a rapid, intense fire.

Sagged furniture springs: because of the heat required for furniture springs to collapse from
their own weight (1150F) and because of the insulating effect of the upholstery, sagged springs are
believed to be possible only in either afire originating inside the cushions (as from a cigarette) rolling
between the cushions) or an extrnal fire intensified by a fire accelerant.

Spalling: breaking off of pieces of the surface of concrete, brick or cement due to intense heat.
Brown stains around the spall indicate the use of fire accelerant.

Freezing of leaves: drying of leaves in a forest fire into their position at the time of the fire.
Since the leaves turn during the day. “Some persons regard this evidence as unreliable because of
insufficient clinical and research conformation and the influence of the fire wind.”

One of the authority, P.L.Kirk, cautions that puddle-shaped lines of demarcation may be due
to many causes which have nothing to do with flammable liquids. He also points out that depths of char
is strongly affected by factors other than burning time (such as temperature and species of wood) and
that much greater care must be taken in its interpretations than is frequently the case.

Olfactory Detection
Gasoline is a complex mixture of chemical compounds, the proportion of which vary with the
source of the crude oil and the type of process used in its manufacture. The sensitivity of the human
nose to gasoline vapor appears to be on the order of one part per ten million. So that, the nose is not
Another problem, called olfactory fatigue, is the tendency of the nose to lose its sensitivity to an
odor after a prolonged or intense exposure to it. Further, the odor of fire accelerants may be masked by
other strong odor such as that of burnt debris or ammonia. In fact, in one case an arsonist attempted to
camouflage the presence of gasoline by mixing vanilla with it to mask the odor. Finally, it may be
inconvenient or impossible to search for accelerant odor with nose along with certain types of detector

Other Types of Accelerant

Explosive types of accelerant usually leave little or no residue, but there maybesome types of
containers or parts of containers available; metal parts such as pieces of pipe, wire, batteries, and parts
of alarm clock. Evidence of forced entry, evidence of arson to cover up other crimes and evidence of
footprints or tire tracks (outside) should be carefully gathered and reserved. Do not take for granted that
fingerprints will be destroyed by the fire. Soot from the fire maybe perfect preservatives of fingerprints.
The arsonist may use material on hand such as newspapers, overstuffed furniture, or anything
that burns easily. He may rearrange anything available to provide a quick burning situation. He may
use some type of petroleum accelerant on this material. If rearrange, fast-burning materials are use
without accelerants, a good photograph showing rearrangement may be sufficient. If some accelerant of
petroleum product is used, it will be necessary to place some of this material in glass or metal container
and sealed for the crime lab to examine

Instructions: Read the module and explain each question. I do not accept copying sentences in the module.


1. How can we collect evidence in fire scene?

2. How can we preserve evidence in fire scene?

3. What indicates if the fire produces the following:

White smoke-

Black smoke-

Yellow smoke-

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