Built-In Constants: Vbnullchar
Built-In Constants: Vbnullchar
Built-In Constants: Vbnullchar
vbNullString String having value 0 Not the same as a zero-length string (""); used for calling
external procedures.
Cannot be passed to any DLL's
vbVerticalTab Chr(11) Word VBA Manual - manual line break (Shift + Enter)
This constant can be used to test for a null character.
This can also be used for assigning a null character to a string variable.
The vbNullChar constant can be useful when passing string variables to external libraries that
require a null-terminated string.
This constant should be used instead of Chr(0).
This constant can be used for assigning a zero-length string.
This can also be used to test for empty strings.
For all practical purposes using a zero-length string ("") is equivalent to using vbNullString.
A zero length string means a string with no characters
vbNullString is a constant used for a null-pointer and is more efficient than a zero-length string
The following four lines are all equivalent.