Notification of A Proposal To Issue An Airworthiness Directive
Notification of A Proposal To Issue An Airworthiness Directive
Notification of A Proposal To Issue An Airworthiness Directive
: 21-127
In accordance with the EASA Continuing Airworthiness Procedures, the Executive Director is proposing the issuance of an EASA Airworthiness Directive
(AD), applicable to the aeronautical product(s) identified below.
All interested persons may send their comments, referencing the PAD Number above, to the e-mail address specified in the ‘Remarks’ section, prior to
the consultation date indicated.
ATR-GIE Avions de Transport Régional, formerly EADS ATR - Alenia, Aérospatiale Matra ATR -
ALENIA, Aérospatiale - Alenia, Aérospatiale – Aeritalia
ATR 42-200, ATR 42-300, ATR 42-320, ATR 42-400, ATR 42-500, ATR 72-101, ATR 72-102,
ATR 72-201, ATR 72-202, ATR 72-211, ATR 72-212 and ATR 72-212A aeroplanes, all manufacturer
serial numbers.
For the purpose of this AD, the following definitions apply:
The SB: SAFRAN (AVOX Systems, Inc.) Service Bulletin (SB) 10015804-35-03.
The AOM: ATR Airworthiness Operator Message (AOM) 2019/04, which refers for accomplishment
instructions to the SB.
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An agency of the European Union
EASA PAD No.: 21-127
Affected part:
Batch 1: Oxygen cylinders, having Part Number (P/N) 89794077, and having a serial number (s/n) as
listed in Appendix 1 of the SB, except those that have passed an inspection (marked with blue dot)
in accordance with the instructions of the AOM or the SB.
Batch 2: Oxygen cylinders, having P/N 89794077 or P/N 891311-14, and having a s/n as listed in
Appendix 2 of the SB, except those that have passed an inspection (marked with blue dot) in
accordance with the instructions of the AOM or the SB.
Groups: Group 1 aeroplanes are those that have an affected part installed.
Group 2 aeroplanes are those that do not have an affected part installed.
Several occurrences were reported of a cylinder and hand valve with oxygen leakage from the valve
assembly vent hole. The technical investigation identified that an internal part (guide) was not
assembled onto the system. It was determined that an initial batch of oxygen cylinders produced in
2018 is potentially affected by this manufacturing discrepancy.
This condition, if not detected and corrected, could lead to reducing the available oxygen capacity
of the aeroplane, possibly resulting in injury to aeroplane occupants following a depressurization
event. In addition, there is a possibility of ignition/fire in-flight in case of an open hand valve
assembly failure, depending on installation zone, or ignition/fire during system ground testing
following (re)installation on an aeroplane, possibly resulting in injury to aeroplane occupants or
maintenance staff, respectively.
To address this potential unsafe condition, ATR issued the AOM to provide inspection instructions,
and EASA issued AD 2019-0111 to require a one-time inspection of each affected part (batch 1) and,
depending on findings, replacement with a serviceable part. That AD also prohibited (re)installation
of an affected part (batch 1) on any aeroplane.
Since that AD was issued, additional parts (batch 2) have been identified by SAFRAN (AVOX Systems,
Inc.) as affected by the same potential unsafe condition. The AOM and the SB have been revised
For the reason described above, this AD retains the requirements of EASA AD 2019-0111, which is
superseded, and expands the list of affected parts.
(1) For Group 1 aeroplanes: Within the compliance time specified in Table 1 of this AD, inspect the
hand valve of each affected part in accordance with the instructions of the AOM.
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An agency of the European Union
EASA PAD No.: 21-127
Corrective Action(s):
(2) If, during the inspection as required by paragraph (1) of this AD, an affected part does not meet
the acceptance criteria as defined in the AOM and the SB, before next flight, remove that
affected part from service in accordance with the instructions of the applicable AOM or the SB,
and replace it with a serviceable part.
Part(s) Installation:
(3) For Group 1 and Group 2 aeroplanes: From the effective date of this AD, do not install an
affected part on any aeroplane.
Ref. Publications:
ATR AOM 2019/04 original issue dated 16 April 2019, or issue 1 dated 19 April 2019, or issue 2
dated 27 May 2019, or issue 4 dated 27 July 2021.
SAFRAN (AVOX Systems, Inc.) SB 10015804-35-03 original issue dated 11 April 2019, or Revision 1
dated 21 May 2019, or Revision 2 dated 15 October 2019, or Revision 3 dated 18 June 2021.
The use of later approved revisions of the above-mentioned documents is acceptable for
compliance with the requirements of this AD.
1. This Proposed AD will be closed for consultation 17 September 2021.
2. Enquiries regarding this PAD should be referred to the EASA Safety Information Section,
Certification Directorate. E-mail: [email protected].
3. Information about any failures, malfunctions, defects or other occurrences, which may be
similar to the unsafe condition addressed by this PAD, and which may occur, or have occurred
on a product, part or appliance not affected by this PAD, can be reported to the EU aviation
safety reporting system. This may include reporting on the same or similar components, other
than those covered by the design to which this PAD applies, if the same unsafe condition can
exist or may develop on an aircraft with those components installed. Such components may be
installed under an FAA Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA), Supplemental Type Certificate
(STC) or other modification.
4. For any question concerning the technical content of the requirements in this PAD, please
contact: ATR - GIE Avions de Transport Régional, Continued Airworthiness Service,
Telephone: +33 (0)5 62 21 62 21, Fax: +33 (0) 5 62 21 67 18;
E-mail: [email protected]
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An agency of the European Union