Evolving IP MPLS Network in Order To Meet 5G Requirements

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18th International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA, 20-22 March 2019

Evolving IP/MPLS network in order to meet 5G

Irena Šeremet, Samir Čaušević
Communication Technology
Faculty for traffic and communication
Sarajevo, Bosna I Hercegovina
[email protected] , [email protected]

Abstract—5G will bring many new services and demands enabling a wider panel of services and applications at lower cost. Authors
advances in Internet of Things, Smart Cities, Artificial in [5] state three basic engineering requirements for 5G: a) Data
Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Self-driving cars etc. To enable all rate; b) Latency; c) Energy and Cost: As we move to 5G, costs
these use cases, several changes in RAN, network IP core and user and energy consumption will, ideally, decrease, but at least they
end devices will be applied. This paper is focused on IP packet data
should not increase on a per-link basis. 5G-PPP document [6]
networking in core and directions of development in order to meet
5G requirements. IP/MPLS network, as a core network in ISP provides an overview of the use cases and models that were
networks, will have to adapt and adopt new technologies. This developed for an early evaluation of different 5G radio access
paper presents a short overview of 5G networks and how new network concepts and can be classified into six families: Dense
technologies such as SDN, NFV, SD-WAN and Network Slicing urban, Broadband (50+ Mbps) everywhere, Connected vehicles,
will impact and change IP/MPLS network. Future smart offices, Low bandwidth IoT, Tactile
internet/automation. To enable all these use cases, several
Key words: 5G, IP/MPLS, SDN, NFV, SD-WAN, Network changes in radio access network - RAN and core will be applied.
Slicing In [3] it is defined new 5G architecture. Also, new types of
I. INTRODUCTION frequency bands like micro and millimeter waves are expected
to be used. These will make small cells even smaller and denser
Fifth generation of cellular mobile networks will introduce many than in current setups. [3] But how will IP/MPLS backbone
services, technologies and implementations. Cisco VNI Global network have to change in order to serve all these 5G changes
Mobile Data Forecast, 2016–2021 [1] predicts that by the 2021, and requirements? In this paper it will be explored how 5G will
global mobile data traffic will reach 49 exabytes per month, or a impact IP/MPLS network. In section II, we will present an
run rate of 587 exabytes annually. Ericsson [2] predicts total overview of IP/MPLS networks and in section III main features
mobile data traffic forecast to rise at a compound annual growth that IP/MPLS should support for 5G. In section IV we will
rate of 39 percent, reaching 107 exabytes (EB) per month by the present framework of the new IP/MPLS network with new
end of 2023. Also, [2] states that it is expected that 20 percent of technologies and services enabling 5G requirements. We will
mobile data traffic worldwide will be carried by 5G networks. conclude our paper in section V.
5G will enable crucial advances in Internet of Things, Artificial
Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Self-driving cars etc. By the [3], II. IP/MPLS NETWORK
aim of 5G system is responding to the widest spectrum of Multiprotocol Label Switching is a protocol-agnostic technique
services and applications in the history of mobile and wireless designed to direct data from source to destination based on labels
communications categorized in (i) enhanced mobile broadband rather than IP prefixes. In an MPLS network, data packets are
(eMBB), (ii) ultra-reliable and low-latency communications assigned labels. Packet-forwarding decisions are made on the
(URLLC) and (iii) massive machine-type communications contents of assigned label, without the need to open and examine
(mMTC). Also, 5G system aims to provide an efficient platform
the packet. Routers in an MPLS network exchange using label
enabling new business cases and models integrating vertical distribution protocol (LDP) and standardized procedures in
industries, such as automotive, manufacturing, energy, eHealth, order to build a complete picture of the network. When an
and entertainment. In [4] are presented key challenges for the 5G unlabeled packet enters IP/MPLS network, the ingress router
Infrastructure PPP such as providing 1000 times higher wireless inserts one or more labels in the packet’s newly created MPLS
area capacity and more varied service capabilities compared to
header. The packet is then passed on to the next hop router.
2010, saving up to 90% of energy per service provided, reducing
When a labeled packet is received by an MPLS router, the top
the average service creation time cycle from 90 hours to 90 label is examined. Based on the contents of the label a swap,
minutes, creating a secure, reliable and dependable Internet with push or pop operation is performed. [7] Transit routers typically
a “zero perceived” downtime for services provision, facilitating need only to examine the topmost label on the stack. At the
very dense deployments of wireless communication links to egress router, when the last label has been popped, only the
connect over 7 trillion wireless devices serving over 7 billion
payload remains.[7] One of the key features that MPLS support
people and ensuring for everyone and everywhere the access to

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are traffic engineering, Virtual Routing and Forwarding - VRFs A. Network Programmability
and L2/L3 VPNs. Traffic engineering enables ISPs to route Cisco [12] defined programmability-enabled network as a
network traffic to offer the best service to their users in terms of network driven by intelligent software that can deal with a single
throughput and delay. By making the service provider more node or a group of nodes using programming interfaces-APIs,
efficient, traffic engineering reduces the cost of the network. which serve as the interface to the device or controller in order
MPLS traffic engineering, using Resource Reservation Protocol to gather data or intelligently build configurations. The idea of
RSVP, automatically establishes and maintains Label-switched programing the networks has been created back in 1988 with
Paths -LSPs across the backbone. The path used by a given LSP SOFTNET [13], where network nodes have been reprogrammed
at any point in time is determined based on the LSP resource to provide new user services during normal operation. In 1990s
requirements and network resources, such as bandwidth. [8] OpenSignaling [14], Active Networking [15], GSMP [16] were
MPLS VPN is a family of methods for using multiprotocol label introduced. As explained in [17], core of these proposal was to
switching (MPLS) to create virtual private networks (VPNs) provide access to the network hardware via open, programmable
which can be (i) point-to-point (ii) Layer 2 (iii) Layer 3. [9] A network interface which would allow the deployment of new
VRF instance consists of one or more routing tables, a derived services through a distributed programming environment. In
forwarding table, the interfaces that use the forwarding table, 2006 NETCONF [18], protocol for installing, manipulating and
and the policies and routing protocols that determine what goes deleting the configuration of network devices was introduced.
into the forwarding table. Because each instance is configured Introducing NETCONF was the beginning of modern and more
for a particular VPN, each VPN has separate tables, rules, and intelligent network programming. In 2006, project Ethane [19]
policies that control its operation. [10] MPLS as a technique is set the foundation for what would become SDN. Also, in 2006
very flexible, adaptive and scales very quickly. With IP/MPLS, SANE [20] presented logical server that performed all routing
the paths between end-points are dynamic and extremely and access control decisions. More detailed historical overview
resilient to failures; IP/MPLS will find a path as long as one of network programmability was presented in [17] and [21].
exists, regardless of the number and locations of failures in the
network. [11] LSPs from source to destination are pre- B. Software Defined Network-SDN
determined so devices in LSP don’t have to make decision on Software Defined Networking (SDN) is an architecture which
every hop. This allows faster data transfer and less load for decouples control plane and data plane achieving flexible and
routers. MPLS allows ability to control and manage QoS on the intelligent networks. The SDN provides programmability of a
label level. In spite of the many advantages of MPLS, the control plane and automation of configurations through a
development of new technologies results in different needs and centralized controller and open APIs. Network operators can
requirements of end users. New technologies introduce more implement their own protocols, rules and policies with common
services which will call for significant changes in IP/MPLS programming languages achieving flexible control over network
networks to meet low latency, reliability and connectivity services such as routing, traffic engineering, QOS and security.
requirements. Networks of fifth generation will have many new [21] SDN architecture consists of 3 layers: (i) infrastructure
services with many different new requirements. IP/MPLS layer which represents physical routers and switches; (ii) control
network will have to go in the direction of virtualization, layer which is centralized controller responsible for managing
network programmability, cloud-native principles and granular devices in infrastructure layer and (iii) application layer with
slicing of network on a per-tenant and per-service level. Below applications interacting with lower layers. Applications
we will discuss the new directions of the development of the communicate with controller through northbound interfaces or
IP/MPLS network in order to meet the requirements of 5G APIs and controller communicates with infrastructure devices
networks. through southbound interfaces such as OpenFlow, Netflow,
Netconf, BGP-LS/PCEP etc. Authors in [22] mentioned many
III NEW DIRECTIONS OF THE IP/MPLS NETWORK SDN network designs [23], [19], [24], [25], on the security area
DEVELOPMENT IN ORDER TO MEET 5G [26], [27], [28], optimizations for the transmission medium [29]
REQUIREMENTS [30], traffic engineering [31], multicasting [32]. Moving from
As mentioned before, 5G will introduce new flexible platform IP/MPLS to SDN should be gradual and well thought out.
enabling new business cases, models and services such as Before migration, organizations should educate themselves,
autonomous vehicles, Internet of Things (IoT), Virtual Reality understand how SDN can help or damage their network,
etc. In this chapter a new direction for the development of the determine which functionalities are needed from an SDN
IP/MPLS network will be presented to meet the requirements of controller and consider impact on existing network. Also it is
5G. IP/MPLS will have to develop in the direction of needed to determine how big is the gap between current
virtualization, programmability, cloud networking, and network IP/MPLS network and new SDN solution. Authors in [33], [34],
slicing. Some key discussed technologies and are: Network [35] researched Hybrid SDN. Authors in [36] presented scheme
Programmability, Software Defined Network-SDN, Network called Zeppelin which builds upon MPLS using MPLS for
Function Virtualization-NFV, Software Defined Wide Area packet tagging and a centralized control plane with OpenFlow
Network-SD-WAN, Segment Routing-SR and Network Slicing- as the SDN control protocol for setting up flow state on the
NS. switches. IP/MPLS network is a good foundation network for
implementing SDN solutions.

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C. Software Defined Wide Area Network SD-WAN distributed control plane is combined with a centralized
SD-WAN is a concept of implementing SDN to WAN controller. Segment routing architecture can be directly applied
connections such as broadband internet, 4G, LTE, or MPLS. to the MPLS data plane with no change in MPLS forwarding
SD-WAN is managed by a centralized controller and uses SDN plane [50] [51]. When SR is used over MPLS architecture,
to automatically determine the best route between two sites. segment IDs are an MPLS label and traditional push, pop and
Also it has the ability to monitor links and if needed, swap actions are applied by the routers on the path. In [49]
dynamically route traffic to links with enough bandwidth for behaviors associated with SR over MPLS data plane are
each application’s demand. In [37] authors highlighted main explained. Authors in [52] reviewed mapping of the SR
challenges in designing SD-WAN system which concerns operations to MPLS label operation, which is presented in Table
placing controllers, failure resiliency and scale-out behavior in I.
decentralized controller architecture and updating data plane in Some experimental demonstrations of SDN segment routing are
large networks. In the security area, authors in [38] presented presented in [53] and [54]. Also, authors in [53] demonstrated
main threats in SD-WAN which related to NFV, management, IP/MPLS network and SR controller as a new extended version
orchestration, cryptography threats etc. Authors in [39] and [40] of a Path Computation Element - PCE solution.
presented B4, Google's private cross-planet WAN connecting
Google's data centers. There are many advantages of using SDN Table I SR OPERATIONS MAPPING TO MPLS LABEL
in wide area networks considering higher flexibility, security,
speed, network visibility and reducing costs.
D. Network Function Virtualization-NFV Segment Routing MPLS

The concept of NFV [41] allows creating logical segments of SR Header Label Stack
network functions stored on servers and virtual machines instead Active Segment Topmost Label
of physical purpose-built hardware. Network virtualization
PUSH Operation Label Push
treats all network's logical components and services as a single
pool of resources that can be accessed without regard for its NEXT Operation Label Pop
physical location providing flexible provisioning, deployment, CONTINUE Operation Label Swap
and centralized management of virtual network functions. [42]
There are three basic components of virtualized platforms with
NFV: (i) physical server (ii) hypervisor which provides the F. Network Slicing – NS
virtual environment (iii) guest virtual machine which emulates Network slicing allows multiple virtual networks with different
the physical network functionalities. Authors in [42] explain network demands to share a single physical infrastructure.
how through NFV, SDN is able to create a virtual service Network slicing will enable many new use cases in the future
environment dynamically for a specific type of service chain. such as AR/VR, smart cities, vehicle-to-everything V2X etc.
Virtualized network functions are basic element which compose 3GPP [55] has defined a network slice to be a logical network
the service chain. A lot of different network elements and that provides specific network capabilities and network
functions can be running in virtual environment: firewalls, load- characteristics. Network slicing enables the operator to create
balancers, routers, NAT, IDS/IPS, HLR, RNC, IPsec/SSL networks customized to provide optimized solutions for
virtual private network gateways etc. A lot of research has been different market scenarios which demands diverse requirements,
done in the field of virtualizing network functions [43], [44], e.g. in the areas of functionality, performance and isolation.
[45], [46]. NGMN [56] has defined network slicing instance as a set of
network functions, a resources to run these network functions,
E. Segment Routing – SR
forming a complete instantiated logical network to meet certain
Segment Routing is a new concept of routing where routing network characteristics required by the Service Instance. 5G
paths are divided into segments in order to enable better network network slicing can be implemented in different parts of the
utilization. IETF in [47] describes segment routing as a source network including slicing the 5G radio access network (RAN),
based routing where node steers a packet through a controlled packet core network, and end-user devices. There are many
set of instructions, called segments, by prepending the packet papers on 5G RAN network slicing [57] [58] [59] [60] [61] [62].
with an SR header. The headend node steers a flow into a In the core network, IP/MPLS network can be the bearer of
Segment Routing Policy which is detailed in [48]. Segments in network slices. In order to be bearer of slices, IP/MPLS network
SR can be topological or service instruction. For example, one needs to provide basic mechanisms of virtualization, isolation of
segment can instruct a node to forward traffic through a certain slices, security, QoS etc. Authors in [63] analyze requirements
outgoing port, or segment can be associated with a specific QoS of network slicing on IP/MPLS networks and identify the
or security policy. SR architecture [49] supports three types of potential gaps between the existing mechanisms and the network
control plane: (i) distributed, where segments are allocated and slicing requirements. As a way to provide virtualization in
signaled by routing protocols like OSPF or BGP; (ii) centralized, IP/MPLS networks, [64] suggests reusing existing VPN
where SR controller decides which nodes need to steer which technologies with some enhancements from the newly
packet on which source-routed policies; (iii) hybrid where developed technologies such as SDN, NFV to meet the network

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slicing requirements. Each network slice presents particular service of SD-WAN. This set-up of network link enable
service requirement with necessary QoS parameters such as virtualization, network programmability, end-to-end optimized
bandwidth, latency, jitter, packet loss etc. and certain level of traffic engineering, high bandwidth, low latency etc.
security. Between these slices there has to be different degree of
isolation. Isolation is required in control and data plane for each V CONCLUSION
slice. In current IP/MPLS networks, VPNs are competing for the The arrival of the fifth generation networks will bring a number
same resources so the isolation is only partial. In order to support of improvements in everyday life. 5G-era applications will
more demanding service requirements in 5G, IP/MPLS network require increasing speeds, lowering delays and better coverage
has to provide higher level of isolation using new, enhanced which will result in developing new smart technologies. In order
technologies such as SDN and NFV. to accommodate these requirements, operators will have to
introduce changes and improvements in different parts of
IV EVOLVED IP/MPLS FRAMEWORK network. Beside RAN part, IP packet data networking plays an
In this section will be presented framework of service important role in providing new 5G services. MPLS is good
provider IP/MPLS network which is extended with new required starting point for providing these improvements. MPLS is an
technologies in order to meet 5G service demands. Framework established protocol that provides end-to-end network
is presented in the Fig1. This framework contains IP/MPLS architecture, using layer 2 and layer 3 VPNs, traffic engineering,
routers connected with 10 or 100 Gigabit links, SDN controller QoS etc. However, it does not provide end-to-end traffic
and data center with certain virtual network elements. Most engineering, virtualization, service function chaining, nor
service provider IP/MPLS networks consist of devices from network slicing. In order to meet new demands which 5G brings,
different vendors, so only vendor agnostic solutions are IP/MPLS network needs to evolve and apply new technologies
acceptable. Current IP/MPLS devices do not support the enabling seamless connectivity for all distributed virtual
OpenFlow protocol, so as a southbound protocol between network functions in datacenters and ISP clouds. Implementing
devices and controller NETCONF is used. The controller is SDN controllers, NFV, SD-WAN and Segment Routing in
located on a virtual machine and manages the entire network. IP/MPLS network is a basis for providing new 5G services.
The controller, as well as other devices in the network, supports Evolved IP/MPLS will enable virtualized, programmable,
Segment Routing. Services provided by a service provider can intelligent and rapid network which will interconnect all mobile
be internal, services provided to resident users, and services and cloud elements dynamically.
provided to business users. Each of these services can be divided REFERENCES
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