Learning Task 01: Patricia Mae T. Cabalonga BSMT-2 CODE n47

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Patricia Mae T.

CODE n47

Learning Task 01
Are you ready to do this project?

Students are asked to choose one community project based on the given example previously
discussed. Their writing must be in paragraph form with the following format:

Service project: Provide children with programs that teach them vital life skills such as good
handwashing and nutrition like feeding program. Participate in physical therapy and rehabilitation
programs as a volunteer. Plan a community event where people can get free health checks. Assemble
portable first-aid kits for distribution in our community. We can donate our time or abilities to
Nongovernmental organizations that raise awareness about communicable diseases. Also organize
seminars on themes such as depression, health, mental and emotional well-being, and so on.

Advocacy: Education is crucial in molding successful people. It enables us to become productive

members of a civilized society by providing us with all of the required skills. We learn how to deal with
difficulties and conquer them. Education teaches people basic societal standards, laws, regulations,
and values. Furthermore, high-quality education helps us live a successful life by improving our
intellect, skills, and knowledge, as well as bringing beneficial improvements to our lives. So on this
project “Providing health education and assistance to those in need and underprivileged members of
the community” help us to expand our vision and creates awareness. A sustainable lifestyle is one in
which people from all aspects of life collaborate to avoid disease and make healthy living alternatives
available. Assisting to promote healthy living at the community level provides the greatest health
advantages to the greatest number of individuals. It also aids in the reduction of health disparities
caused by variations in income, education, race and ethnicity, geography, and other health-related
factors. It allows them to learn about the world beyond our immediate surroundings. And providing
them with proper information is also a requirement for any country's success and modernization. This
project's content is in step with current society's needs and reflects its aims, beliefs, and priorities. So,
in order to fulfill this commitment, we must undergo four modifications. First and foremost, there's the
performance. It's all about putting the results first. Education systems that are successful must invest in
what works. Second, there is innovation. We need to come up with new and innovative ideas. Rather
than simply replicating, educating individuals must innovate. The third point is inclusion. Every member
of the community must be reached. We won't be able to close the global learning disparity unless
leaders take initiatives to include and support those who are most at danger of dropping out. Poor
people, those who are discriminated against, girls, and people who have several disadvantages. Finally,
there are also funds. We must raise additional funds and guarantee that they are spent correctly by
aiding them in conducting drug misuse, crime prevention, and medical assistance seminars for our
fellow residents. The benefits of education are undeniable, and we don't have time to waste. Millions
of people all across the world can no longer wait. So I'm encouraging everyone to join us in building the
Learning Revolution.
Name of Service Project: “Providing health education and assistance to those in need and
underprivileged members of the community”

And answer these questions to make sure that your project is meaningful, doable, and effective:

 Are you willing to commit time and skills to this project?

Yes, I am ready to devote my time and expertise to this project.

 Will the project have a positive, and visible, outcome for your community?

Yes, education in a specific profession helps people think, feel, and act in ways that help them succeed
and boost not only their personal happiness but also the happiness of their communities. Furthermore,
education shapes a person's personality, thoughts, and interactions with others, as well as preparing
them for life's challenges. In order to preserve community health, education is equally important.
Health education may also help a community's economy by lowering medical costs and lost
productivity as a result of avoidable illnesses. So people gain a unique significance in their own
community and wherever they dwell as a result of it. So the objective of education has always been the
same for everyone: to provide people with the tools they need to develop into members of society in
an ordered and sequential manner.

 Will you be able to measure and track the impact or results of your project?

Yes, by examining the variables to be measured in such communities like engagement/participation,

learning, and influence on the community served, we will be able to quantify and monitor the impact
or results of this project.

Participation/ Engagement:

 Number of participants
 Hours people participated
 Types of participation (roles)

 Civic responsibility and local/global citizenship

 Commitment to service and to lifelong learning
 Career awareness/skills - awareness of options, clarity of choice, technical skills, teamwork
 Personal outcomes – self‐esteem, empowerment, respect for others
 Social outcomes – pro‐social behaviors, collaborative, reduced risky behavior

Influence on the community served

 Number of community members served

 Effectiveness of project in meeting community goals
 External quantitative data related to project goals for community focus (e.g., healthy lifestyle,
decreased common disease, etc.)
 Feedback on effects of project participation on community participants

 Can you convince friends to join you? Can you promote the project as something that would
attract them?

Yes, I can persuade my friends to participate in this project because it can be done even if we are just

Yes, we can promote this project by participating them in a community service activity that they will
enjoy or is related to their passion that may be a gratifying and enjoyable experience. It can be a
fantastic way to broaden their personal horizons and get away from the monotony of daily life.
Students who spend the most of their time in classrooms, for example, can participate in a community
service project that involves outdoor activities. Also selecting a community service project in your field
can help you earn relevant skills and job experience while also allowing you to meet new people and
expand your professional network. Furthermore, because community service sometimes entails
working in groups or with others, you might gain valuable soft skills that can be applied in the
workplace. Interpersonal communication, teamwork, critical thinking, problem-solving, and leadership
are examples of these skills. As a result, you can discover your intrinsic talents and potential through
community service, which you might consider while deciding what degree to pursue in college or which
occupation to pursue in the future.

 Is there enough time to plan and complete the project?

Yes, there is sufficient time to organize and complete the project because the goal of this activity is to
educate people and provide them with sufficient help to meet the needs of the community.

 Will, you need funds to do this project – and do you have a plan for how you will raise them?
Do you know where, and how, you will be able to collect needed project supplies and

Yes, funds are essential for the success of this project, including supplies for children and supplies for
health organizations. During the planning process, I intend to solicit feedback from a wide spectrum of
residents. Determine our community's present and long-term objectives. Take the time to consider all
of the potential needs and choices for the community fundraisers; get advice from city authorities,
local companies, and government agencies. And, when done successfully, community fundraisers can
promote awareness, foster long-term relationships among community members, and establish a
reputable presence in the community, all of which will inspire future community involvement.

On your fundraiser page, we will tell a compelling story about why we are raising money and how our
project will benefit the community. Once our fundraiser is up and running, we will share it on
Facebook, Twitter, and via email to get the word out quickly. It's crucial to remember that spreading
your campaign in phases is the most effective strategy to raise donations. Conducting offline
fundraising events can greatly increase the amount of money raised for your cause. Planning and
organization, as well as passionate volunteers, are required for a successful event. Inviting local
participants to engage in your community fundraising by matching individual donations is a great way
to get more people involved like our local authorities. And encouraging students to help fundraise for a
community project engages them socially and draws in their families and outside networks, increasing
the amount of funds raised.

To make it more creative, it is best to ask the students to attach photos/ pictures of their chosen
community project.

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