Answers: Answer For Question Number 1

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Alcantara, Nikah Pauline F.


Global and national statistics as to population

1. Give the global and national statistics as to population.
2. Give 10 leading causes of mortality and morbidity in the Philippines
3. What is the life expectancy of a Filipino (men and women) (Give at least
average) and also which is gender is more often to die?
4. Choose 1 among the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the
Philippines and explain why it took place in the leading causes.
5. How will you help to control the mortality and morbidity?
6. Define the following:
a. Community Health Nurse
b. Public Health Nurse
c. Community Health Nursing
d. Public Health Nursing
7. Standard of Public Health in the Philippines

Answer for question number 1.
Global World 7,812,573,072 (as of
September 2020 9:48)
National Philippines Population 109,581,078 ( as of
September 2020)
(Population as to DOH)
2000 2007 2010
Total population 76,504,077 88,546,087 92,335,113
Male 38,524,266 44,757,788 46,634,587
Female 37,979,811 43,788,299 45,700,526

Population density (persons/km2)

255 295 308
(Land area: 300,000 km2)

Average household size 5 4.8 4.6

Population distribution (%)

Urban 48.0 42.4 45.3
Rural 52.0 57.6 54.7

Age distribution (%)

0 - 4 years 12.6 11.9 11.1
0 - 14 years 37.0 35.5 33.3
15 - 64 years 59.2 60.4 62.4
18 years and over 56.6 57.9 60.3
60 years and over 6.0 6.2 6.8
65 years and over 3.8 4.1 4.3

Sex ratio (males/100 females) 101.4 102 102

Annual average population growth

2010-2015 2015-2020 2020-2025
rate (%)
1.73 1.59 1.41

Projected population 2020 2025 2030

Total 109,947,900 117,959,400 125,337,500
Male 55,460,900 59,494,400 63,202,900
Female 54,487,000 58,465,000 62,134,600

Projected life expectancy 2015-2020 2020-2025 2025-2030

Male 68.81 70.01 71.01
Female 74.34 75.54 76.54
Answer for question number 2.
Top 10 Leading Causes of Mortality in the Philippines (DOH 2013)
1. Diseases of the Heart - 22.3 % from total deaths
- 5.4 % higher than 2012 report ( 112, 581)
- more males die than females ( 129 males in
every 100 females)
2. Diseases of the vascular system - 68, 325 deaths
- 12.9% sshare from total deaths
3. Malignant Neoplasms - 53, 101 deaths
- 12.9% share from total deaths
4. Pneumonia - 53,101 deaths
- 10.0% share from total deaths
5. Accidents
6. Diabetes mellitus
7. Chronic lower respiratory disease
8. Tuberculosis (all forms)
9. Nephritis, nephronic syndrome and
10. Certain conditions Originating in the - total of 514,745 deathss
perinatal period - 81% (433,375) attributed in the list
Top 10 Leading Causes of Morbidity in the Philippines (DOH 2014)
1. Acute Respiratory Infection
2. ALTRI and Pneumonia
3. Hypertension
4. Urinary Tract Infection
5. Bronchitis
6. Influenza
7. Acute Watery Diarrhea
8. TB Respiratory
9. Dengue Fever
10. TB Other forms

Top 10 Leading Causes of Infant Mortality and Morbidity in the Philippines

(DOH 2013)
1. Pneumonia
- 3,146 deaths
- 14.3% share from total deaths
2. Bacterial sepsis of newborn
- 2,731 deaths
- 12.4% share from total deaths
3. Respiratory distress of newborn
- 2,347 deaths
- 10.7 share from total deaths
4. Disorders related to short gestation and low birth weight, not elsewhere classified
5. Congenital malformations of the heart
6. Neonatal aspiration syndromes
7. Diarrhea and gastroenteritis of presumed infectious origin
8. Other congenital malformations
9. Intrauterine hypoxia and birth asphyxia
10. Congenital pneumonia
- Total of 21,992 deaths registered and that is 4.1 percent of the total deaths (531,280)
reported. Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) of 12.5 deaths per thousand live births.

Leading Causes of Mortality and Morbidity Worldwide (2016)

1. Ischemic heart disease
- 15.2 million deaths combined with stroke
2. Stroke
3. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- 3.0 million deaths
4. Lower respiratory infections
- 3.0 million deaths
5. Alzheimer disease and other dementias
- death rate doubled from 2000
6. Trachea, bronchus, lung cancers
- 1.7 million deaths
7. Diabetes mellitus
- 1.6 million deaths
8. Road injury
9. Diarrheal disease
- decreased almost 1 million deaths from 2000
10. Tuberculosis
- 1.3 million deaths
- Total of 56.9 million deaths.
Answer for question number 3

Life Expectancy in the Philippines

Both Sexes 71.7 Years (life expectancy at birth, both
sexes combined)
Females 75.9 Years (life expectancy at birth,
Males 67.7 Years (life expectancy at birth,

Infant Mortality 17.5 (infant deaths per 1,000 live

Deaths under age 5 24.8 (per 1,000 live births)

Philippines life expectancy from 1950 to 2020. United Nations projections are also included
through the year 2100.
 The current life expectancy for Philippines in 2020 is 71.28 years, a 0.18% increase from
 The life expectancy for Philippines in 2019 was 71.16 years, a 0.18% increase from 2018.
 The life expectancy for Philippines in 2018 was 71.03 years, a 0.23% increase from 2017.
 The life expectancy for Philippines in 2017 was 70.87 years, a 0.23% increase from 2016.

Based on the article I’ve read males are more likely to have a shorter life or die rather than
females because there were several causes of death that were related to psychological traits or
mental health. Men work in the transportation industry than women. Also, Most of men are more
likely to show aggressiveness and risky things they do. In terms of health men are more likely to
drink large quantities of alcohol and smoking so that they are at risk of diseases. Especially, the
self-harm the rate of men dying from suicide was 1.75 higher than that of women. While women
have more suicidal thoughts and try to commit suicide more often than men, men are actually
killing themselves more often than women. Therefore, it’s important that we promote the proper
mental health care for both men and women.
Answer for question number 4
Mortality (Diseases of the Heart)
 Heart Disease are the number 1 cause of death globally, taking an estimated 17.9 million
lives each year.
 are a group of disorders of the heart and blood vessels and include coronary heart disease,
cerebrovascular disease, rheumatic heart disease and other conditions.
 Heart is the most essential organ in our body. It is the powerful one because we can live with
one kidney or none but they will do dialysis but we can’t live without our heart. Our heart is
our life so we must protect it and live with it.
Morbidity (Injuries)
 Injuries affect everyone, regardless of age, race, or economic status.
 Injuries are the leading cause of unintentional death in the world.
 The top three leading causes of preventable injury-related death are poisoning, motor
vehicle, and falls account for over 83% of all preventable deaths. No other preventable cause
of death including suffocation, drowning, fire and burns, and natural or environmental
disasters accounts for more than 5% of the total.

Answer for question number 5.

As a nursing student I will use the knowledge that I have gained in school and share it to
everyone by teaching them on how to have a heart-healthy lifestyle and to avoid/lessen certain
injuries. I will give them some tips or strategies in order for them to protect their heart such as
doing some exercises, eat healthy and nutritious food and avoid smoking because the chemicals
in cigars are harmful to the heart. Furthermore, I will motivate them to have a better and healthy
life so that they can live longer by protecting their heart. In Addition, I assume that by sharing
my knowledge that I acquired from our school they will realize the options that I suggest for
them to have a healthy and safer life. Therefore, I will ensure that I will help my fellow human
beings to prevent the decreasing life expectancy.

Answer for question number 6

a. Community Health Nurse
› A community health nurse or public health nurse identifies people in need and reaches out to
them. Whether they are helping young pregnant women, the elderly or victims of crime,
community health nurses spearhead efforts to aid vulnerable groups of people
› Community health nurses serve the public in their own environments to promote wellness and
improve healthcare. They are educators and advocates.
b. Public Health Nurse
› Public health nurses comprise the largest professional segment of the workplace in public
health and are involved in the prevention, education, advocacy, activism, assessment, and
evaluation of Public Health. They hold a vital role in the prevention of disease and help to
promote community health and safety
› Designates a nursing professional with educational preparation in public health and nursing
science with a primary focus on population-level outcomes.

c. Community Health Nursing

› The utilization of the nursing process in the different levels of clientele-individuals,
families, population groups and communities, concerned with the promotion of health,
prevention of diseases and disability and rehabilitation.

d. Public Health Nursing

› is the practice of promoting and protecting the health of populations using knowledge from
nursing, social, and public health sciences.

Answer for question number 7

Standard of Public Health Nursing in the Philippines
› must be professionally qualified and licensed to practice in the area of public health
› must possess personal qualities and “people skills” that would allow her practice to make a
difference in the lives of these people.
› Functions in accordance with the dominant values of public health nurses, within the
ethico-legal framework of the nursing profession, and in accordance with the needs of the
clients and available resources for health care.
› Functions of PHN are consistent with the Nursing Law 2002 and program policies
formulated by the DOH and local government health agencies. They are related to
management, supervision, provision of nursing care, collaboration and coordination, health
promotion and education training and research.

I. Assessment
›The public health nurse collects comprehensive data pertinent to the health status of the
II. Population Diagnosis and Priorities
›The health nurse analyses the assessment data to determine the population diagnoses and
III. Outcomes Identification
›The public health nurse identifies expected outcomes for a plan that is based on population
diagnoses and priorities.
IV. Planning
›The public health nurse develops a plan that reflects best practices by identifying strategies,
action plans and alternatives to attain expected outcomes.
V. Implementation
›The public health nurse implements the identified plan by partnering with others.
A. Coordination ›The public health nurse coordinates programs, services, and other activities to
implement the identified plan.
B. Health Education and Health Promotion › The public health nurse employs multiple
strategies to promote health, prevent disease, and ensure a safe environment for populations.
C. Consultation › The public health nurse provides consultation to various community groups
and officials to facilitate the implementation of programs and services.
D. Regulatory Activities › The public health nurse identifies, interprets, and implements public
health laws, regulations, and policies.
VI. Evaluation
› The public health nurse evaluates the health status of the population.


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