Masantol High School LAC Plan 2019-2020: Department of Education Region III-Central Luzon Schools Division of Pampanga

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Department of Education

Region III-Central Luzon

Schools Division of Pampanga
(Former: Sta. Lucia High School)
Bebe Anac, Masantol, Pampanga 2019
Masantol High School LAC Plan 2019-2020

Phase Activities Persons Time Resources Success

Involved Frame Funds Source of Indicators
Planning 1. Organizational School April to Ph.P. 5,000.00 PTA/Canteen 1-School LAC Plan
staffing Management May 2019 8-Department LAC Plan
2. Data gathering from Team: School Matrix of Evaluation/Form
Self Evaluation Tools Head, HTs/TICs,
3. Collation of Data for MTs and their
group analyses corresponding
4. Focused Group Lac members:
5. Prioritization of
Targets based on
summary of data
6. Brainstorming for
Root-cause analyses
7. Crafting of the LAC Management
Plan: Department LAC Team, SGC,
Plan /School LAC Plan PTA/Canteen
8. Budgeting and Manager
Crafting of Internal
Audit Mechanism

Implementation 1. Briefing on the SMT, LAC June 2019 Ph.P. MOOE/PTA/Cantee 9-Monitoring Reports and
details of the LAC Teams, Teachers to March 100,000.00 n 9-Accomplishment Reports
Plans: School wide or concerned 2020 (8Dept+1School)
Department wide 9-Financial Reports
2. Executions of the (8Dept+1School)
corresponding LAC
3. Monitoring on the
implementation of
the LAC Plans
4. Plan Adjustment to
address scenario

Evaluation 1. Internal Audit School April 2020 Ph.P.1,000 PTA/Canteen 8-Evaluation

2. Interpolation on the Evaluation Report/Result/Recommendations
Data on Monitoring Team: School 1 Cluster/Division Evaluation
3. Evaluation of the Head and HTs Report/Result/Recommendations
reports and TICs
4. Focused Group
5. Crafting of Findings,

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