How To Get Rid of Panic Attacks Without Medication

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7/16/2015 How To Get Rid of Panic Attacks Without Medication

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How To Get Rid of Panic Attacks Without Medication

In this post I will tell you how to get rid of panic attacks without medication. I have been suffering from this
disorder for several years and I got rid of it without doctors and medicines.

I have experienced no uncontrollable panic attacks during 3 years. The most important fact is that I am not afraid of
new attacks, because I’m ready to meet them and cope with them.

The article will reveal the way of achieving the state of no fear of panic attacks. I will also tell you by means of what
methods and exercises you can quickly stop the panic attacks.Since you’re reading the article, chances are you or a
member of your family, or your friend suffers from this disease, because of which an uncontrollable feeling of fear, fear
of losing self-control and fear of death occur.

Before continuing talking about the method of getting rid of panic attacks (the abbreviation “PA” can be further used),
I want you to understand something. Do not worry about this disease, it can be controlled and treated, it is not
something terrible and incurable. The fact that you suffer from panic attacks, does not make you crazy, “displaced”,
sick and “unique” (in the bad sense of the word).

Many people suffer from panic attacks (mainly young people), and the majority of them recover from PA. It is like a
headache: either you have these attacks or not. Nothing more, nothing less. You know it already; I’m saying this just
in case, because I leaked these words during the time when the first attacks began.

The first attacks

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When the first attack occurred, I was scared and could not understand what was happening to me. I remember the
abrupt appearance of uncontrolled, aimless animal fear in the middle of the night. At that moment it seemed that my 1/20
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heart was in my mouth. The panic paralyzed me completely. When the attack was gone, a bad feeling of anxiety still
remained. I reassured myself that this was an isolated case and more likely it will happen never again.

The second and the third attacks have dispelled the hope. I was scared, not only because of the fear of the attacks, but
also because of the fact that I could not understand their nature. At that time I did not suspect about the existence of
such phenomenon as “panic disorder”. I did not know what’s wrong with me and I was very worried. I felt that I was
gradually going mad and I was losing control over my mind.

If at that time someone had told me that was a very common disorder and no one falls into insanity, it would have
been easier for me to endure the first attack.But everything had ended well. I have been suffering from panic disorder
during 4 years. After this period, I finally forgot about them. I completely got rid of panic attacks without any
medicines. In this article I will tell you how I managed to do this.

For a start, I will share my opinion concerning the nature of panic attacks. I believe that if you want to get rid of them,
then, first of all, you shall know the enemy by sight, be aware of all of its cunnings and sneaky tricks. Therefore, I will
start with a general view of the problem and then I will pass to some practical advice on how to get rid of the PA and
how to stop panic attack quickly.

You need to know this. Not only to improve your erudition, but also to create the correct perception of panic attacks. I
hope you will feel better by knowing that these attacks are simply the consequence of the brain’s artless biochemistry,
the mechanism of which is similar to adrenaline rush and bringing the body into “combat readiness” in the face of
danger. It is much better to take attacks this way than considering them as symptoms of your subconscious work, as
consequences of childhood traumas and fears, which have settled somewhere deeply inside you.

Fear is an illusion
You have to understand that fear, which is born inside you during the attacks, is the result of certain substances’
emissions into your brain. All your accompanying fears concerning the fact that you will go mad, will faint or will even
die – are just the consequence of these mechanisms. I assure you that they are not the real danger. A strongly drunk
man may feel that he is able to show some wonders of martial arts, or that he can charm any woman. His arrogance is
only the consequence of his intoxication and does not reflect his actual personality traits. If, after having drunk a bottle
of whiskey, he thinks that he can knock out Mike Tyson, this does not mean that he can really do it.

The same can be applied to panic attacks. If, during the attack, you think you will lose control, will go mad, will die – it
does not mean that this will happen. The fear during the attacks is the same illusion as arrogance of a drunkard.
Nothing can happen to you. No one has died from panic attacks and no one has gone mad.

What happens during the panic attacks?

Following the sudden fear, the adrenaline rush occurred. It causes a certain reaction of the nervous system, the so-
called “fight-or-flight” response. This response prepares your body for vigorous activity. This leads to an increase in
heart rate (tachycardia), intensive breathing (hyperventilation), and sweating (which can cause chills and fever).
Hyperventilation leads to CO2 (carbon dioxide) level reduction in the lungs and then into the blood. This leads to jumps
in the blood acidity (pH), which may cause such symptoms as dizziness, numbness or tingling of extremities.

Simply put, a panic attack is nothing more than a manifestation of fear without its source. Imagine that someone
inadvertently increased the fire alarm system sensitivity in a room, and now it turned on itself in any random time.
Something similar happens to us during the attacks: our body starts to sound the alarm without apparent reason. Of
course, the panic attack of some people is triggered by some events in the outside world, for example, it starts in the
subway or on the plane. But the principle is the same: the body reacts to some things too strongly and sensitively and
“turns on” the panic mode.

That is the way the body is. The “fight-or-flight” response, which underlies the panic attacks, was set up by evolution
for us to be able to survive in case of danger. It is obvious that during the panic attacks this mechanism fails, and it
starts in those moments, when it is not dictated by any expediency, that’s all.

Psychology of panic attack

The next step of “knowing the enemy by sight” is to understand what psychological causes create a panic attack. A
panic attack is kind of – a “parasite”. The statement should not be understood literally. PA is not a living organism;
therefore, the word “parasite” is quoted. The comparison is given just to simplify the understanding. Like any parasite,
the panic attack exists at the expense of your energy, emotions, fears and it feeds on them.

The attacks are characterized not only by a sudden panic about some unknown matter, but also by the fact that during
these attacks other fears and anxieties, which further only increase the attack, blossom. For example, you start to think
that you will go mad, will lose control, or will die; you start spinning this ball of anxiety in own head, and thus new
fears are born: you think that you have a serious illness, that you will never be cured, that all this will remain forever,

The bundle of fears begins to ravel even more and you get worse; all symptoms of the panic attacks become stronger.
When everything finally passed, you do not feel relief, but live in some anxious anticipation of new panic attacks. The
fear of PA repetition provokes new panic attacks! Do you understand? It turns out that the panic mechanism in your
body triggers the initial momentum of your body physiological reactions’ chain (adrenaline rush, increase in heart rate,
etc.) and the rest “work” is done by yourself! How? You begin to fear, you provoke the emergence of new fears, you
work yourself up and you feel groundless concern related to your health and your life.

Thus, you form a fertile ground for the emergence of new panic attacks.

Panic attacks like parasites feed on your fears, without which they will either be weakened thus becoming easier to be
endured, or will disappear altogether. This is the key moment in understanding the nature of panic attacks and in
getting rid of them! This understanding has allowed me to get rid of them. And now I will consider different methods of 2/20
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dealing with the panic attacks and will assess the effectiveness of each of them, as a particular example and in general.

For a start, I will tell you about the panic attacks’ treatment, about how to get rid of the problem forever. And then I
will pass to “operational” methods, which will help you quickly stop the PA in case it occurs.

How do I feel about panic attacks’ “treatment” with the help of pills?
I guess that having quoted the word “treatment”, you already understand my attitude towards the use of
antidepressants or tranquilizers in getting rid of the PA. In case you ask me whether you should, first of all, take pills at
panic attacks?!

My answer will be: By no means! (Just the same as with depression, chronic nervousness, etc.) I believe that panic
attacks have a range of emergence causes. These causes include, for example, exposure to stress, concern, bad habits,
sedentary lifestyle, and emotional oversensitivity.

The PA causes consist of both psychological aspects of the personality and physiological state of the organism. The
likelihood of the PA emergence – is an inverse function from the general state of your health: mental and physical. Any
treatment involves getting rid of the disease causes; otherwise we can talk only about symptoms’ removal. Taking pills
represents a “temporary” and unreliable solution, while ignoring the complex of measures aimed at refining yourself!

Are pills able to solve your health problems? No, they will provide only some temporary relief. Previously, we found that
attacks feed on your fears and can exist only when you set these fears going. Are pills able to teach you to control your
fear and resist it? Undoubtedly, they will allay the fear, but is this the solution? You will not learn to control the fear!

Even if the medicated “treatment” gives some result, then, what will happen if attacks returns? What if emotional
trauma occurs again, what if sudden stress? Will you take pills again? What if it is ineffective for the second time? Will
you take pills once again? What if it does not help?

A great number of these “what if” makes you completely helpless in the face of new panic attacks, because relying on
pills as an easy and instant “solution” of the PA problem, you have become addicted to such solutions! Things depend
on you no longer, it is all about whether the new course of antidepressants will bring the desired effect or not, whether
you will have to endure the trauma again or not.

You become like a casino player, when only the luck determines the winning and losing. In cases when things depend
on you no longer, you start to be afraid of new attacks, since you leave their appearance up to chance. Of course, pills
represent a quick and the easiest way, but it is extremely inefficient. If you are a supporter only of such methods, you
can leave the website right now, because further I will reveal some proven methods of long-term results!

I will tell you about the methods that will allow you not only to get rid of panic attacks, but also will help you not to be
afraid of their re-occurrence. Of course, refining yourself is not as easy as going to the doctor and asking him to
prescribe you some pills that he will gladly prescribe. It’s not only about doctors. Unfortunately, people look for
exceptionally easy, fast and maybe unreliable solutions to their problems. That is why doctors prescribe them the
things they came for.

People should take pills only in case when all other means were of no help. Or use them in combination with other
natural methods of getting rid of the panic attacks (sports, therapy, exercises). One should by no means be limited
only to medications!

It will be even better to cope without pills, as I did. Do not forget: antidepressants and tranquilizers are very harmful.
Pills can also cause severe dependency of which it will be difficult to get rid. In my opinion this is the latest means in
the case.

Accompanying symptoms of panic attacks

The insidiousness of panic attacks is that they bring a lot of unpleasant feelings, which, as it might seem, cannot be
attributed to panic attacks. Therefore, people start being afraid of the fact that besides panic disorder they may have
many other diseases. I often receive such comments (on the Russian version of the website) like: “Nikolay, in addition
to panic attacks I feel like something is wrong with me, as though I look at the world through a haze.”

I also had these symptoms, which disappeared along with the panic disorder. Based on my own experience and based
on many readers’ reviews, I arrived to the conclusion that these symptoms are associated with panic disorder. I
decided to list them under this section, so that those who read this article have no need to invent themselves new
diseases and no need to worry about these symptoms. I had experienced a part of them, when I was suffering from the

Feeling of unreality. Feeling as through signals from the outside world reach late. As through you look at the world
through a haze. I had suffered from this. It has passed along with the PA.
Increase of blood pressure. I had suffered from this. It has passed along with the PA.

Feeling as though you faint. Surrounding sounds are upon that distorted. I had suffered from this. It has passed
along with the PA.
It is difficult to fix your gaze on a single object. It always “jumps”. I had suffered from this. It has passed
along with the PA.
Fear of dying. Fear of going mad. Feeling that I might lose control and hurt myself or loved ones. I had suffered
from this. It has passed along with the PA.

Increase of heart rate. I had suffered from this. It has passed along with the PA.
Sleep problems. A sharp high-frequency sound in ears, when dropping-off to sleep. A sharp awakening, which
brings the feeling as though you are falling. Literally “shakes out of sleep.” Frightening images in the head when
falling sleep. I had suffered from this. It has passed along with the PA.
Fear of swallowing food. A few readers, who left comments, had suffered or suffer from this. 3/20
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If you find out that these symptoms are characteristic to you too, do not worry. You are not sick, schizophrenic or
psycho. These effects are present in many people, who suffer from PA, as well as I was. If you have other symptoms
associated with panic disorder and I haven’t listed them, nevertheless, do not be afraid. Panic attacks manifest
themselves in different ways. Some people experience the fear of dying from a heart attack, the other lose their
appetite, others are afraid of getting into subway, the next ones are afraid of global catastrophes, and there are some
people that swallow with difficulty…

The PA aggravate your hidden fears and phobias and create new ones. Namely on you depend the way of these fears’
manifestation – fear of public transport or constant anxiety for your life. If as a result of the PA some unknown phobia
has occurred, no need to think that your case is unique and requires a unique approach. (Although, I highly
recommended you to see a doctor and make sure that you have no other diseases!) Your fellow-sufferers are not only
those who have the same fear, but also all those who suffer from the panic attacks! It does not matter what exactly
your phobia is, it is important that it results from the panic disorder and requires a therapeutic approach, which is
applied to panic attacks.

That is, all tips from the article are suitable for anyone, who suffers from the panic disorder, no matter how panic
attacks show themselves in his particular case!

I have added this section in December 18, 2013. I hope this information will help people worry less and will resolve
some issues.

Methods of getting rid of panic attacks forever

Do meditation
I must tell you at once that meditation is a technique for relaxation and self-control, not a mystical discipline. There is
no magic and sorcery. Namely meditation has helped me get rid of panic attacks (in conjunction with the rest, about
which I will tell you later). Meditation aims to fight against the cause of panic attacks: it reduces your sensitivity to
stress, teaches to relax and deal with your fears, not to give them way.

I am not the only one, who has experience in panic disorder treatment by means of meditation: in the Internet, you
can find a lot of comments on how meditation has helped many people get rid of panic attacks. When I read the
sources, I have not found any comment concerning the fact that meditation practice somehow aggravated the PA.
Basically, it helps get rid of them.

Recently, I received regular comments from the readers of my Russian version of the website. The comments reveal
the fact that meditation helps them cope with panic attacks. People write in their comments that many more traditional
methods were ineffective for them, and they have almost lost their hope of getting rid of panic disorder.Some of them
could not even leave the house, being afraid of attacks. Meditation has taught them to deal with panic, to calm their
mind and to control their emotions. They even do not believe in the received result; it was so unexpected.

Even if meditation doesn’t help you cure the PA, about which I frankly doubt, with the help of it you will no longer
identify yourself with your fears, you will be able to distract from the attack, to control it, to stop the flow of unpleasant
thoughts, and thus, to make the PA much more tolerant and smooth. I have heard that some therapists recommend
meditating. Science has long identified the positive effect, which meditation has on your health and mood.

The positive effect is achieved only at regular practice. My anxiety and panic attacks have passed in about six months
after systematic meditation twice a day. A year later I felt completely confident and not afraid of attacks’ repetition.
Changes will not come overnight, but, meditation ensures a long-term effect and it does not only solve the problem of
panic attacks, but also can give your personality much more: a sober mind, strong willpower, control of your feelings
and mind, and unruffled calm. This is a valuable practice, which would come pat later.

I stopped being afraid of new attacks, not only because due to meditation I have become calmer and relaxed, but also
because I know how to resist them in case of their emergence. Now I am sure that the PA will not be able to break me
and plunge into despair.Due to meditation, I have learned to deal with them.

I would consider the panic attack as some original feeling more (some adrenaline rush in the middle of the day for no
apparent reason: thrills, and just for free!), than as a threat. Meditation taught me this positive perception of the PA.
When you learn to perceive the attacks this way, then they will go away forever. After a while, when I started
meditating, I gradually began to realize what I shall do to feel good. This understanding was not a sudden revelation; it
has penetrated into me gradually, drop by drop, and even imperceptibly, at first.

Meditation not only gets rid of panic attacks, but also gives you a subtle scent of your body, organizes the balance
between your body and your mind, so that you begin to realize what your body needs in order to feel good and how to
resist the painful attacks. You will have strength and willpower to implement this understanding in practice, to direct
the conscious efforts to fight against the disease.

This is a great advantage of meditation over pills, the use of which does not imply any internal work, no conscious
resistance. That is why the meditation practice can guarantee you that the PA will not come back and if they arise
again, you will know what to do! You will be helpless no longer; you will be armed and very dangerous! And your
willpower and your mind will become your weapon. Following the link you will be able to read about how to meditate

Before you start meditating, I want to warn you about one thing. No need to consider meditation as a course of taking
antidepressants, which consists in the fact that you are taking the medicament for a certain time and passively wait for
some therapeutic effect, which either occurs or not. Many Russian readers of my blog have left a lot of comments like:
“I am meditating for a month, when my panic attacks will go away? What shall I do? I think that nothing comes of it!”

Their mistake is that they are waiting for some instant effect and hope that the attacks will pass by themselves, once
they start meditating. Undoubtedly, meditation has a strong antidepressant effect, if you do it regularly. It improves
your mood, strengthens your nervous system and makes your less sensitive to stress. But its effect comes not only
through this. Meditation is an effective tool to control your own mind. It gives you a valuable resource with the help of 4/20
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which you can manage your fears and emotions.

In order to get rid of panic attacks, you will need not only to wait every day until the attacks will finally go away due to
meditation. You should not be passive; you should be active and try to exercise your willpower and control over the
attacks! You will have to learn to deal with panic attacks, get rid of compulsive thoughts, not to pay attention to panic,
not to identify yourself with your fears. Meditation will teach you all these.

Start meditating, watch yourself during the meditation, and try to observe your thoughts and emotions in a normal
state, as you do it during the meditation. Panic attacks will pass, when you stop being afraid of them, when you learn
to let your numerous fears go during the attack … They will not magically pass by themselves. This is not the easiest
way. There are no quick, easy and at the same time effective ways to get rid of the panic disorder.

Remember what I have written at the beginning of the article, – the strength of panic attack depends on you, on your
reaction to this attack. And if you learn to tolerate and ignore the attacks, you will win the PA. This is your first priority,
use meditation as a tool for achieving this.

I cannot guarantee 100% that meditation will help all and sundry eliminate the panic attacks. Meditation is simply one
of the tools for fighting against the PA, though very effective one. Therefore, do not be hung up about it. Try other safe
ways of getting rid of the disease, along with meditation.

At the beginning of practice, your condition may get worse. This is normal, the same happened to me, and it should
pass. If after a few weeks, it will not pass: meditate less or stop practicing at all.

Go in for sports
I have already written that in my opinion, the main PA cause is, among other things, the poor physical condition of your
body. This condition occurs due to sedentary work, lack of physical activity, stress, malnutrition, disturbance of sleep
and wakefulness, etc.

If you are reading the article, most likely, you suffer from panic disorder, so ask yourself: Do you ignore physical
activity? How often do you get sick (for example, cold)? Do you smoke? Do you drink? Are you often troubled and
worried over trifles? Do you sleep badly? Are you strongly tired? Is your lifestyle sedentary?

I’m sure that probably most of the answers to these questions will be positive. Panic attacks are directly connected to
the general health of your body and your lifestyle. Those people, who do not pay enough attention to their health,
became members of PA risk group.

Simply put, the PA cause is related to the health of your body, nervous system, and not only to some psychological
problems, such as repressed memories and hidden complexes. Absolutely healthy people rarely suffer from PA. And if it
is really the case, then you will not be able to solve the panic attacks’ problem by taking pills. Do they make you
healthier? If you are too lazy to exercise, then start meditating.

But, of course, it is better to do both of them. Thus panic attacks will pass faster. Therefore, I will provide you with
some pieces of advice related to the fight against PA by means of the general improvement of your body.

Remember that sport is not a panacea, but prevention! It can help some people get rid of the PA, and cannot help
other ones. But if you’re not going to do the minimum physical activity, then everything will get only worse. No good
mental health is present in a diseased and weakened body.

It is better to choose the sport, the activities of which take place in the open air: running, skiing, doing chinups, riding
bicycle, etc. I am a big fan of running. Running is the best antidepressant. After a 40-minute run, my mood improves
and anxiety recedes. There is even a term that describes the mood lifting after running: “runner’s high”

Practise yoga
Some of my Russian readers have written that they are actively involved in sports for a long time, but the PA still do
not pass. If sport does not help, then do some yoga. During sports activities your body gets excited, but during yoga
your body and mind, on the contrary, relax, despite the fact that your muscles are working.

Yoga is not only some kind of gymnastics. First of all, it is a concentration, some work with breathing and relaxation.
Yoga will be a perfect tool of fighting against the disease for those people, who suffer from panic attacks or depression.

Get rid of bad habits

Alcohol can stop the attack (however, based on my own experience, I know that you need to consume a lot of alcohol
in order to achieve this purpose), but its use leads only to deterioration of your condition and increase the power of
panic disorder in the long term, because of its damaging effects on your body.

I remember that panic attacks got strongly aggravated on the next day after drinking alcohol. If you are suffering from
PA, this greatly increases the risk of harmful addictions’ formation and, as a consequence, your disease can get only

Because you can easily get used to the source, which helps you block out the attack and feel better, such as alcohol or
pills. The same can be applied to cigarettes and other drugs, which destroy the body and form favorable conditions for
new attacks’ emergence. Try to reduce your coffee consumption up to the minimum.

Learn how to stop smoking.

Take a contrast shower

This procedure tones and trains your body. Since the time I started taking a contrast shower, a few years ago, I have
never caught a cold! I am sure that it helps against PA as prevention. It also increases the mood, because of
endorphins’ production. 5/20
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Follow the sleep schedule

You should sleep on a regular basis, go to bed and wake up around the same time, get enough sleep, do not sleep too
much! In fact, the sleep schedule strongly determines your health and mood. You should not neglect it. Do not treat it
simply as prevention! Your sleep can have a big impact on the course of your illness.

Go to bed early (before 12-00 PM) and get up directly the alarm clock rings. Try to spend less sleepless nights from
Friday to Saturday after a whole week of work! This tires your nervous system very much, and fatigue initiates the PA.

Eat healthy food

The food largely determines our body condition. Try to eat less fast food, eat less fatty meat and foods containing a lot
of sugar.

Eat more vegetables, fish, chicken, fruits, berries, nuts, and seafood.

Put aside the thoughts about attacks

Try to dwell less on the attack; this is a good rule at any illness, not only at “psychological” one. Do not lose courage,
relax: anxious anticipation of new attacks will only aggravate the PA. If thoughts about attacks enter your mind, do not
allow their development. No need to think about them, just take your attention away, think about something else.

Every time find yourself once again bogged down in a swamp of negative thoughts and pull yourself out of there.

These thoughts may seem convincing and requiring immediate consideration, but it is just an illusion generated by your
current state. Make yourself a promise that you will not think about the PA emergence. You should not get hung up on
your health. No need to analyze your morale and think about how you feel. Put aside the thoughts like: “How do I feel
now? Does treatment help me or not, I cannot understand?”

Relax. The less you think about your state of health, the easier it will become.

Less feel sorry for yourself and do not identify yourself with your fear
No need to think about how bad you feel, what a heavy fate came your way, how you suffer, etc. The fight against the
PA requires some courage, and even some self-denial. While the pity for yourself leads to obsession with your illnesses
(not just PA), and only aggravates your suffering, into which fire you pour the oil of pity. Yes, you feel bad, but – are
you unable to cope with it? Remember, panic attack is just a certain physiological configuration of your body, one of
many at which you feel some discomfort, and nothing more. Endure it as a headache, which will surely pass.

Do not identify yourself with panic and fear that occur during the panic attack. This fear is not a part of your
personality. This fear is an illusion and deception. This is the way the panic disorder manifests itself.

Do not be on the bit of panic attacks

For example, if you planned to go to some meeting, but the attack caught you by surprise, then you should not cancel
the meeting just because of the attack. Go to the meeting and behave as if you have no panic attack! This is the
principle of feedback, which works very well and gives you a distinct advantage in controlling your disease.

Stop listening to PA orders, like: stay home, lie in bed and complain about how bad you feel, avoid communication and
avoid crowded places. Do the opposite: walking in crowded places, attend meetings, go on dates and have a walk!
Learn to face your fears! Imagine that you have no panic disorder and behave appropriately.

General tips:
walk more in the fresh air

spend less time in front of the monitor

move more

go for long walks

do useful work
read books

How to stop a panic attack quickly

Diaphragmatic breathing and other relaxation techniques

Meditation is not the only tool to fight against the panic attacks, although it is the most effective. I know that breathing
exercises help cope with the PA. I have written about them in the article “How to stop being nervous.” Breathing
stabilization during the attacks leads to their weakening.

Because, during these exercises, we breathe using the chest and our breathing rate accelerates. You have to do the
opposite: to breathe with your stomach, using deep rhythmic tidal breathing. During this exercise you should put aside
all your thoughts and focus only on your breath.

“Paper bag” method

It is a well-known method of dealing with the PA. Its essence lies in the fact that you press a paper bag against your
face and breathe in out. Thus, you limit the flow of oxygen into your lungs, which are now filled with carbon dioxide. 6/20
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But, despite the popularity of the method, it is criticized by a number of specialists. Not only because of the fact that,
doing the exercise in public, you look like a solvent abuser. Experts say that this method can only increase the attack,
because of the sharp reduction of the oxygen level in the blood, and it is not recommended to use a paper bag in order
to prevent the attack.

Personally I have not tried to breathe into a paper bag during the PA, but I still recommend you to trust the scientist
words and instead of using a paper bag, practice the diaphragmatic breathing, which is a very effective relaxation

Physical trainings “take” the PA energy

Apart from the fact that sport strengthens your health, improves your well-being and your mood, because during the
physical activities endorphins are emitted – it also consumes energy. Energy is required for the PA emergence. Panic
attack exists due to your body’s energy resources. I advise you to pay attention to the fact that when you get tired
because of physical training, the PA appears considerably less frequent, than in those moments when you have a lot of

This happens because the physical activity takes away the energy, which is required for the attacks’ occurrence. I am
sure that a 30-minute run in the fresh air can significantly weaken the attack – try: you will get so tired that you will
forget about the attack at all! It is better to spend the energy during some sports activities, instead of wasting it on
panic disorder.

Though I have not experienced the PA for a long time, I must say that sport helps me very much to relieve fatigue and
stress after work. After the training, your mood greatly increases and your mind becomes clear and rested. Sport is a
natural antidepressant and tonic!

Fight against the PA – Way of the Samurai

In my opinion, this is one of the most effective methods of rapid getting rid of PA. I have called this way as “Way of the
Samurai,” because it requires some endurance, strong-willed training, and even some courage, but it works perfectly.

Its essence lies in the fact that at the moment of panic attacks you should not try to get distracted or somehow stop
the attack, but, on the contrary, you should focus all your attention on it and try even to increase it in some way. You
should practically “want” that attack would fell over you with all the power, would become a challenge for your moral
stamina, as a kind of dangerous and extreme entertainment.

The difference between extreme entertainments and the attack consist in the fact that the PA is completely safe, you
should understand that nothing will happen to you, no matter how it may looks like. It is like jumping off a bridge with
an insurance rope. The insurance rope is reliable, your life is not in danger, but it is still scary. You have to decide and
take a step. If you managed to set yourself this way, to meet the attack face-to-face with almost fierce fighting
courage, then, in the first moments it will really become stronger, because you meet it half-way.

But then, the effect will be quite the opposite. No matter how funny it may sound, but a panic attack as if “takes
offense” at you and walks away! “Why you are not afraid of me any longer?”, “Why you do not run away from me?”,
“Why you are not afraid of going mad, where is your entire fear?” – these will ask the panic attack. (The same thing
happened in “Revolver” movie by Guy Ritchie, during the elevator scene, where the main character managed to beat
his fear. Watch this scene in the end of the article.)

As I said, PA is a parasite that feeds on your fears, phobias and paranoia. Stop feeding the PA! Using the method of the
Samurai, you will be able to pull yourself together, focus your willpower, and control the situation, instead of
capitulating cowardly in the face of some phantoms and illusions. After all, you are not in danger! You will not go mad;
your heart will not stop!

What are you afraid of? Try it! This method helped me, and I have heard from other people that they, independently of
me, came up with such a way of dealing with their disease and effectively directed it against the PA. But they have
their own names for the method… I do realize that my thoughts will meet a lot of objections. One might think that I
have not truly felt strong attack, during which it is impossible both to pull yourself together and to think and
understand something.

Believe me, I was going through this. It concerns my training. After a while, when you start meditating, you will be able
to control the PA in particular and all your emotions and feelings in general. They will stop hitting you, like high waves.
You will have the opportunity to look at them as if from the outside, as something alien to you and, consequently,
control them. Now it seems complicated and, perhaps, impossible, but believe me, it’s just a matter of practice.
Nothing is impossible. 7/20
7/16/2015 How To Get Rid of Panic Attacks Without Medication

What people are mostly “liked” by the panic attack?

In conclusion, I would like to warn you that the considered by me methods related to the ways of getting rid of panic
attacks, are not able to give you immediate effect and relief.

You will have to be patient and make some efforts. Do not despair, when, in spite of all your efforts, PA will continue to
exist – not all at the same time. This can be especially applied to meditation and sports.

You can feel the beneficial effects of both of them only over time and only with regular training. These are not the
easiest solutions, but the best and reliable ones! They will help you not only solve the PA problem. They are also able to
give you much more than you expect of them: a healthy body, good mood every day, lack of stress in your life,
mindfulness, a lot of strength and energy, harmony and balance.

Remember the philosopher’s words: “What does not kill us makes us stronger.” This is a correct statement in some
way, but it has some limitations. I would specify it by saying: “What does not kill us can make us stronger, but it can
make us weaker as well.” I want to say that prolonged panic attacks can greatly demoralize you, in case you strongly
dramatize and feel sorry for yourself.

But with the right attitude towards the PA, this not the most pleasant ailment can be your excellent school of managing
your feelings, i.e. making you stronger. The one, who passed through panic attacks meat grinder and coped with the
attacks independently, is able to handle his life’s challenges much better and reacts to paltry failures less, than those
who did not experience these attacks and were not able to face the “extreme” mental states.

Do not allow the PA to break you, let them make you stronger! Remember, the best psychotherapists and the most
modern medicines will fail to help you, until you want it by yourself! Just as seeds of different plants prefer different
soil, the panic attacks can grow within a certain mental order. Panic disorder likes laziness, lack of initiative, tendency
to complain and suffer, lack of courage, poor health, lack of willpower and ignorance…

There is also a mental order, which will be disastrous for panic attacks! This order includes spiritual strength, courage,
willpower, self-denial, a positive view of things, willingness to take responsibility, ability to endure stoically failures and
a sound mind.

There are no easy ways of getting rid of panic attacks. Your task is to cultivate your attitude to the attacks, which
corresponds to the disastrous mental order for the disease. Look your fears in the eye, learn to control your anxiety,
control your thoughts, and do not simply wait when the attack will pass thanks to some miracle.

Watch the Revolver movie scene! Remember! Your fear is NOT YOU!

Related posts:

How To Deal How to Stop Meditation and How to Find

With Depression Obsessive Depression – Happiness Within
Without Drugs Thoughts And How to Benefit Yourself And in
Fears – 8 From Practice Your Life – 14
Tags: depression


1. Atom Wilson Says:

January 19th, 2014 at 5:36 pm 8/20
7/16/2015 How To Get Rid of Panic Attacks Without Medication
Great article and techniques. I hope many people will benefit from this page.

2. admin Says:
January 19th, 2014 at 8:10 pm
Atom Wilson, Thank you!

3. Isaac Says:
February 19th, 2014 at 3:57 am
Is it okay if I can run on a treadmill for now becouse where I live there’s alot of snow and I can’t run outside

4. admin Says:
February 19th, 2014 at 11:59 am
Isaac, yes, It is totally okay.

And I recommend skiing for you. I am from Russia and here is also a lot of snow. I enjoy skiing!

5. Jamie Says:
February 20th, 2014 at 9:58 pm
Thanx for your article I can relate to every single thing you said I struggled a lot with this disorder until I was able to live with it
for long enough to understand it more , it has only been 4 months for me but I have already got rid of a lot of the symptoms as
soon as I read the part about the hazy vision and not being able to focus on one thing it made me feel better immediately
because despite the fact that I was sure it was panic disorder in the back of my mind I still thought there was a chance I was
going crazy or that I had some sort of brain damage , did you also have some short term memory loss and panic about that?
Thank you again for the article , I haven’t tried meditation but I will be sure to try it

6. admin Says:
February 21st, 2014 at 10:28 am
Jamie, Hello

No, I didn’t have short term memory loss. Maybe it can be related to panic disorder, maybe not. Of course, It is better to go to
doctor to be sure you have nothing except panic attacks. If it comes out to be so, relax, you were diagnosed and you have no
serious problems. Clarify this fact inside your mind and don’t go further with your thoughts (like “what if I have some unknown
mental disease, doctors can’t find” – stop it) The fact is, you have nothing except panic attacks (Judging on my experience of
communication with people with panic attacks almost all of them weren’t diagnosed with some mental diseases like
schizophrenia. They had only panic attacks, or depression.) Even if you have something except panic disorder, you could do
nothing with it by constantly thinking of it.

Meditate, go in for sport, do yoga, relax. Do everything to fight with this. And be ready to face everything that comes next.
Accept your feeling and fears. If fear comes – so be it. You are already in this boat, you are rowing towards the shore but you
could do nothing with waves covering you. The waves are your fears, rowing is meditation, sports etc. You could do nothing
except you can do. What happens, happens.

I hope this idea is clear)

7. Ariel Says:
February 21st, 2014 at 7:50 pm
Why does my anxiety worsen during the night time

8. admin Says:
February 22nd, 2014 at 6:26 pm

“Why” is not the right question.

The right question is what to do with this.

9. Ariel Says:
February 23rd, 2014 at 4:23 am
Alright so what do I do with this

10. admin Says:

February 23rd, 2014 at 9:14 am
Ariel, meditate, go in for sport, learn relaxation techniques, relax whole body before going to sleep…

11. Ginger Says:

February 24th, 2014 at 3:34 am
Can you please help me with the increase in heart rate becouse I don’t know what to do anymore I do the breathing method but
I feel so light headed becouse my heart rate is going to fast. Do you have any other tips to help me with my increase in heart

12. Kai Says:

February 25th, 2014 at 1:12 pm
The Way of the Samurai helps me a lot. Thank you. The best article for panic attack sufferer in the Internet I’ve ever seen.

13. admin Says:

February 28th, 2014 at 4:59 pm
Ginger, first of all you have to be sure that increased heart rate is related to panic disorder an you heart is ok. Visit doctor for 9/20
7/16/2015 How To Get Rid of Panic Attacks Without Medication
that purpose. Then if it is ok, try to ignore the fact your heart beats fast. Or you can get into a vicious circle: your heart rate
increases, you begin to worry and your heart rate increases again and you worry more and so on.
Think less about your heart. It beats fast, and so what? If it is a panic attack, you are not going to die of it. Your aim is not to
slow your heart down, but to forget about it. If you do, then yout heart will slow and you will not even notice it. And do stomack
breathing of course

14. Ginger Says:

March 3rd, 2014 at 12:43 am
Thank you so much!!!

15. Ginger Says:

March 3rd, 2014 at 2:26 am
And by the way how did you get your anxiety like what were you afraid of. For
Me I’m afraid of getting bad diseases and dying in a young age

16. admin Says:

March 4th, 2014 at 10:25 am
Ginger, If you want to get rid of fears, your aim is not only to stop being afraid of objects of your fear (death, disease, etc.), but
to stop being afraid of your fears themselves! Fear is just a sense, don’t identify yourself with it, face it and be aware of it.
Meditation will help you with this.

17. Ginger Says:

March 5th, 2014 at 2:05 am
Thank you so much! And one more question. How can I control these bad thoughts and feelings, it’s so hard to control them

18. admin Says:

March 7th, 2014 at 10:44 am

To control these thoughts and feelings you have to put away the desire to control them. It is paradoxical, but I’ll explain. If you
try to control them with your willpower, they will be returning back constantly. You have to accept them, let them be. Just don’t
react to these thoughts. Do not be drawn in them. React to them as you may react to broken flashing indicator inside your car.
Indicator tells you that something is broken, but you know the only thing which is broken is indicator and you car is ok.

These thoughts and feelings are illusions (like broken indicators). Do not pay attention to them. When they come (and they WILL
come) just gently direct your attention somewhere else. Do not “argue” with these thoughts, just ignore them. Don’t think about
how bad is that they return. They return it is ok. Be indifferent to them. Then you will deprive the emotional essence of these
thoughts and they will go away, and you will not notice how it happened!

Let go all your desires to control something. It is hard to explain, but meditation will also teach you to do this.

19. Jake Says:

March 31st, 2014 at 9:58 am
Excellent article! Fantastic points and a great reminder to someone who suffered in the past and had all the tools to deal with it
but regressed. I am learning Transcendental Meditation soon and getting back in shape. The bit about the Samurai technique is
so true, try as you may you simply cannot make a panic attack worse, its almost comical when you try because you have no clue
how to…lol. Thanks again, excellent!

20. admin Says:

March 31st, 2014 at 10:12 am
Jake, the thing is, if you focus your attention on panic attack and stop resisting your fear: thinking “c’mon, show me all you can”,
the attack can get stronger for short time, but you will see that there is nothing to fear inside panic attack. You will understand
that it is just a transient feeling, and you don’t have to fear your fear. Youк brain will remember this reaction and it will become
easier for him to fear less panic attack. The less you brain fears them the weaker the attacks become.

21. Sam X Says:

April 2nd, 2014 at 10:58 am
Thank you so much for this article. I literally had a panic attack before I found this article. I’ve had panic attacks many times
before and I didn’t understand what it was or why it was happening to me. I didn’t even understand WHAT was happening to me.
I was so scared, I went online to see if I can call a panic attack hotline. To which I didn’t find but I found this article. And it’s
helped me understand so much. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!! I can’t wait to overcome this panic disorder. All symptoms
and points in this article was 100% on point. I feel so refreshed and renewed.

22. admin Says:

April 2nd, 2014 at 11:45 am
Sam X, thank you. But of course you will not able to overcome panic disorder by simply reading this article – this is only your
first little step. You will have to perform hard work. Meditate.

23. fotini Says:

April 5th, 2014 at 1:31 am
My problem is palpitations… First I had panic attacks and then palpitations… It’s a vicious cycle… I did all the tests in cardiologists
and there is no pathological reason about them… They told me its anxiety… I cut down caffeine and I don’t want to take pills…
We’ll done for your article it’s very helpful… I try so hard and I do counseling behavioural therapy… I will have palpitations
forever? Even if I don’t have them I wait for them… I want to go for work in the tourist season and I can’t because I’m so afraid.
I’m from an island and now I’m in the city… I’m afraid to go for work there because I will work every day it’s tourist season and I
will get tired and my palps will be worst and I will not be able to deal with them… I will have them forever? I’m afraid even to go
for a drink….:-( 10/20
7/16/2015 How To Get Rid of Panic Attacks Without Medication

24. admin Says:

April 5th, 2014 at 3:01 pm
Hello, fotini:

“It’s a vicious cycle” Yes, it’s true!

“I try so hard”

Well, you do right, but, don’t really try so hard. Your mistake lies in a strong desire to get rid of the palpitations. You think: “oh
it’s so bad, when will it be over.” You make an emotional reaction towards your palpitations and that’s getting things worse.
Remember, vicious circle? So relax, do therapy, do yoga, do meditation, but don’t really do hard, don’t think all the time of
getting rid of it live your life.

“I will have palpitations forever?”

It is completely useless, or even harmful question. Nobody can give an answer to you on it. But as you keep asking: “when”,
“why” you only increase your anxiety. You will get rid of palpitation, go out of vicious circle only when you will begin to think: “If
I will have this thing forever, so be it, I don’t care” This is the only way out from vicious circle, a little more indifference towards
yourself, less fear and emotional reactions. Palpitations? So what? What is so scary about it? Nothing. Don’t try to control it, or to
get rid of the attack, just let it be. If it comes it comes. So be it. Accept it. Try the samurai method.

“I’m afraid to go for work there because I will work every day it’s tourist season and I will get tired and my palps will be worst
and I will not be able to deal with them… I will have them forever? I’m afraid even to go for a drink….:-(”

Mistake. You have to go for a walk, to go to a job. You have to do things you fear most. The only way to get rid of fear is to stop
being afraid of fear. Not just removing the object of fear (work, people etc.) You will have to face your fears. You are afraid? So
what? What is so big thing about it? Nothing! Fear is only a sense. It is not going to kill you. Just an illusion.

25. admin Says:

April 5th, 2014 at 3:02 pm

PS. MEDITATE! and learn to cope with your thoughts and fears through meditation.

26. admin Says:

April 5th, 2014 at 3:09 pm
Hey guys! You know why panic attacks and fears are so big problems nowadays. Why do many people can’t find a way to get rid
of it. Because they think: “If I fear something, I shall remove it from my life. If fear comes, than something bad is happening. I
shall trust my feelings and obey them.”


You mustn’t trust all your feelings especially fear during panic attack! Do what you want, but not that fear tells you. If all the
people with panic attacks will understand this easy principle, the thing will get much easier.

27. David Says:

April 9th, 2014 at 10:52 pm
“Hyperventilation leads to CO2 (carbon monoxide) level reduction in the lungs and then into the blood.”

Carbon Dioxide not Monoxide.

28. David Says:

April 9th, 2014 at 11:57 pm
Enjoyed the article overall. Its bookmarked on my computer so I can re read it. Breaking the fear cycle is my first priority. My
personal problem with panic disorder is caused from my fear of heart attack, stroke, etc. I can pull a shoulder muscle at work
and forget about it until later that evening and then start dwelling on that classic left arm pain of an impending heart attack. My
52 yr old body is starting to offer up a few new pains here and there, and each pain tends to stoke the fire of anxiety. My already
over stimulated anxiety from wage loss, and lack of health insurance tends to get amplified when the pains arrive. Understanding
my trigger is not enough for me to instantly solve this, but it does give me a path to healing. I am eating healthier and making
better lifestyle choices. I am also moving forward on health insurance and will be able to have my pain triggers diagnosed
The health-related triggers are most difficult panic attacks for me, since they tend to drag on for so long. The social or
claustrophobic triggers also happen, but those attacks are over fairly quick and can be managed.

29. admin Says:

April 10th, 2014 at 9:46 am
David, thank you. Dioxide – right. Yes, health insurance if a good thing, you should be diagnosed fully. But don’t over-think
about your health. And that includes not only the work with your health, but also a work on your thinking, on not being mentaly
attached to your health condition.

30. Husnain raza Says:

April 15th, 2014 at 12:49 pm
This is the best information i have had about panic attacks lately…
Honestly i am so relieved to read the portions that are directy linked to my condition…
My greatest fear of PA is death in a very young age…
I have a blurred vision most of the times , maybe because i quit smoking recently…
But the first panc attack i had was the most intense , i didnt know what waS happening to me , all that occured to me was i am
getting a heart attack…
My blood pressure rose to a maximum level and my heart started bursting out ofthe chest…
I just loved the way u expressed eerything about PA In ur article , it defines the conition ao perfectly , great job admin !!

31. Aurora Says:

April 15th, 2014 at 11:04 pm 11/20
7/16/2015 How To Get Rid of Panic Attacks Without Medication
Hi thank you for this article. Very good explanation on how to deal with this disorder. I have it since a few months. I did the
samourai method serveral times…I was even in a play on stage 15 times, each time being afraid of getting a PA on stage, i was
very afraid, but I continued, I stayed, I survived and after 10 times fear lost its grip over me. What I want to say to everyone
here is that you can do this! But it takes time, your brain is in a stressed state, and it remembers the PA. Each time you come in
a simular situation or thinking pattern your brain just wants to protect you want makes you scared. This is however not useful,
not helpful. Fortunately somewhere inside yourself you know this. So the only thing you have to deal with is the feeling itself, be
kind to it, the thoughts are fantasy, or just a method of your brain to find an explanation for the fear…which is not there,
because it is a reactive, dumb brain wave. it is therefor very important to be kind to yourself. It is just your brain trying to help
and protect you. And for me it was good to take a break from everything first, to relax, feel safe, and be kind to myself, and cure
myself step by step. So I would say, if you really don’t want to go and do all the scary stuff, then don’t, only do it when you are
ready to cure yourself. And be proud of yourself when you do this. Rewiring your brain takes time but it can be done!!

32. anahi Says:

April 16th, 2014 at 11:49 pm

33. cynthia Says:

June 18th, 2014 at 5:35 am
I simply want to add that I had a rebound with panic attacks after having none for 10 years!! Panic attacks or anxiety are not
diseases. Something doesn’t click right mentally and the nauseating feelings may last hours, days, and sadly sometimes longer. I
had my first set of panic attacks as a child when my brother passed away in a car accident. I went to the emergency room and
the nurse simply said I was congested and had trouble breathing. I believed that and moved on. 10 years later, when I entered
college, I had panic attacks for several nights. I googleg my symptoms, found out it was mental and moved on. Now, 10 years
later, after getting married and moving with my husband, my anxiety came back. I was given xanax, have used it a few days,
and stop because I know it’s mental, probably dealing with change in my life. I’ll get over it again and be anxiety free for at least
10 more years.

Point is, you’ll get over it; during these 10 years I didn’t even thing of anxiety or panic attacks. I was a perfectly normal and
supremely happy human being. It is possible to get over anxiety. Good luck : )

34. Jenny Says:

June 25th, 2014 at 4:38 am
Mine is a strange case. It seems that the more I meditate, the more panic attacks I am getting. I can be meditating very deeply
one minute and a short time later,. a panic attack.

Maybe I need to get rid of the excess energy I am generating by meditating.

35. Nikolay Perov Says:

June 25th, 2014 at 12:11 pm
Jenny, nice=)

Actually your case is usual, not strange. When I became meditating my panic become worse too (And many of my readers
experience is the same). And I should say that this is a good sign (yes it sound odd). It means that meditation works, and one of
the side of it’s work is the release of ‘energy’ (emotions, feelings whatever) hidden inside you, and negative emotions also.
Everything that was suppressed now comes on the surface. It’s not a very pleasant experience, but it’s very useful, it frees you
of negative energy.

Now your task is just to observe this energy during meditation, let it release, don’t do anything with it, just observe it from the
sideline and don’t identify yourself with it. This is the only way to deal with it. Don’t run away, just let it pass. Don’t get involved
in it, but stay close to it, don’t try to suppress, accept it. When you notice that your thoughts are directed to thinking like: “oh so
bad, I am feeling panic again” just gently redirect your attention back to breathing/mantra.

You are on your way to liberation=)

36. Nikolay Perov Says:

June 25th, 2014 at 12:14 pm
Ah, and I have to add that panic became worse only for some period of time. After it my condition started to get better.

37. Elle S Says:

June 25th, 2014 at 6:21 pm
I suffered from horrendous panic attacks for a number of years. They were continuous, I felt as though my body had lost the
rhythm of breathing. Instead of just breathing I had to think ‘breathe’. The attacks were day and night, at home, in crowds,
everywhere. I was almost suicidal as I had no peace anywhere. With hindsight,the PAs were largely caused by my being trapped
in an abusive marriage and not looking after myself properly- but even when I was on my own, I then felt helpless.
Well, the good news is that I did overcome the PAs, it took years of trying everything but medication. Ultimately I had to find my
strength and live for myself, and control the adrenalin in my body. Everyone will find their own path. If this gives anyone any
hope- I went back to university (even with two young children) , retrained and did what I wanted and what was right for me. 20
years later I am a successful professional and live a challenging, mostly happy life. If ever I get a twinge of a PA (and sometimes
I do) I realize that my body is telling me I need to do things differently and look after ME. So- once I had realized why I was
having the PAs, it was the first step towards getting rid of them. For me, the physical signs were just a symptom of the real
problem, I dont think you have them for no reason, it’s your body’s way of telling you something is wrong in your life.
I used a lot of visualisation, mantras, breathing, counselling but I found no magic bullet- just believe in yourself and your ability
to get the better life you deserve!

38. Nikolay Perov Says:

June 26th, 2014 at 10:53 am
Elles S

“it’s your body’s way of telling you something is wrong in your life.” 12/20
7/16/2015 How To Get Rid of Panic Attacks Without Medication
Yes, it’s right! So consider panic attacks or depression as a chance to change something within you. It’s not a curse, it’s telling
you something important.

Meditation is not a magic bullet, if you consider it so, you will not benefit from it greatly. It is just an instrument but a powerful

39. George Says:

July 7th, 2014 at 7:08 am
Elle- your comment is very inspiring. Thank you.

Nikolay, this article is great. I had my first PA while in law school. They went away with medication and I thought I was “cured.”
Then, 3 years later, they came back after I suffered a personal loss and was in a very stressful situation for prolonged time. I got
myself out of the situation, and have gotten somewhat better, but am still struggling with them. I want to do this right this time,
not cover up the symptoms only.

I have great days and then I have a PA that makes me feel like I’m back at square one. I know I need to accept that it’s okay to
have them and be okay with having them forever, but that thought is very disturbing to me. I hate feeling like I do after I’ve had
a bad panic attack and the thought of feeling like that forever really scares me. One of my fears is, like you said, the fear that it
will get so bad I will hurt myself. That thought also really scares me. I suppose if it is that scary it means I would never do it.
Also, as you said, these irrational thoughts are caused by chemicals (adrenaline) and are artificial. That helps a little. Any
additional hell to conquer the thought “I will always be like this” would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks so much.

40. Nikolay Perov Says:

July 9th, 2014 at 2:15 pm

The only way to conquer the thought: “I will always be like this” is to accept the possibility that you always be like this! I am not
tlaking of some humility! I myself got rid of panic attacks only when I became more indifferent towards my emotions, I thought:
“If I will always be like this, so be it, if I can’t do anything about it, what’s the point of suffering?” And it was a real progress of
fighting with PA’s.

You can’t handle with that thought because you react to it. Stop reacting, accept and it will go away. Keep meditating, meditation
will help you to break painful attachments (reactions) to your thoughts and emotions. This is what you need: learn how not to
react with fear.

41. George Says:

July 9th, 2014 at 8:00 pm
Thank you for your response. I absolutely need to stop reacting. It’s very easy to do when I feel fine, and of course, tougher to
do when I don’t feel good.

Do you believe that the thoughts we get when we feel panicky are all irrational? Is this because they are produced by adrenaline?

The other thing I struggle with is ” looking over my shoulder” or anticipating to feel bad again even when i feel good. Some times
I think, ok I feel good, but when is it going to come? How am I feeling now? Do I have any symptoms? Then sure enough, the
symptoms come later. How do I stop obsessing about this?

42. Balamba Says:

July 10th, 2014 at 8:49 am
Excellent article. Glad that I chanced upon this article while searching for managing panic attacks without medication. Though I
do have panic attacks in much milder form and I could still continue to carry on with my normal routine, it had me with very bad
feeling. The funny part was even though I knew my fears were unfounded, the it could not relax as I kept on reacting to negative
thoughts or fears. After reading your article, I realized that instead of dealing with my fears, I was reacting to the objects of the
fear and my feeling on the fear (palpitations, choking etc.), that made the things worse. Now that I have learnt to deal with my
fear, instead of my feelings and I can already see some improvement in managing the attacks as I am able to relax now.
Samurai method also helps and so is meditation. Thanks once again for your excellent article, I have already bookmarked it and
will refer to your other articles as well.

43. Nikolay Perov Says:

July 14th, 2014 at 11:14 am
George, these thoughts are not complacently irrational. First they are exaggerated. It is natural to worry about our health. But
during anxiety these thoughts can be paranoiac. For example you have some decease, in normal mood you think: “oh it’s ok it’s
not so serious” (and it’s true) but in panic mood you think^ “oh I am going die of it. Maybe it’s not usual cold but something
more serious”

Second these thoughts are unconstructive. They don’t lead to solving any problem. What you going achieve by constantly
thinking about your symptoms? More anxiety! It’s not the main question are thay rational or not. The main question is, are they
going to help you.

“The other thing I struggle with is ” looking over my shoulder” or anticipating to feel bad again even when i feel good.”

Oh yeah I understand it. I had this in the end of my PA period. It was really nightmare, worse than PA’S!

You can read my article on this:

And meditate of course.

44. Nikolay Perov Says:

July 14th, 2014 at 11:14 am
Balamba, thank you!

45. Meli Says: 13/20
7/16/2015 How To Get Rid of Panic Attacks Without Medication
July 15th, 2014 at 6:48 pm
First of all this article has been very helpful thankyou. I had my first PA around 2004. I got married in 2006 and was “cured”
from PA. Unfortunetly I tried a Marihuana brownie about a week ago and had a horrible experience, i had a massive PA and kind
of brought my body back to “remembering” these attacks. Since then i have been very anxious but all day, its like being nervous
all day, with no appetite, shaky and at time getting heart palpitations, but no “real” PA. My question is, am I experiencing anxiety
or some form of PA? I wish i can take that moment back and have not eaten that brownie, i was perfectly fine. I have 2 little girls
and need to get rid of this problem, in order to function properly. Its not about me anymore, i wish this nausiating, shaky, wierd
feeling would just leave again! Any advice is greatly taken..

46. Nikolay Perov Says:

July 18th, 2014 at 8:09 pm

You wasn’t “cured” if you were brought back to PA only by eating brownie with pot. It was just a temporary remission, and
brownie was just a trigger for PA to come back. Everything could be a trigger: stress, change of life, new experience etc. not only
pot. So if you react dramatically to PA coming back it means you weren’t cured. To get cured you should learn to manage your
PA’s, to calmly accept them, to get rid of anxious thoughts. And if you do that no sudden stress can trigger new attacks.

47. jack Says:

July 22nd, 2014 at 6:56 am
Hi, thanks so much for helping, I must tell you my story and is it normal for my age I’m 14 and struggling because my parents
are going to divorce, I was on my phone and I just got a feeling of dizziness my heart started to pound and I felt as if I was
going to die. Was this a panic attack or something else? I can barely go to sleep without the thought of dying please reply,

48. Nikolay Perov Says:

July 24th, 2014 at 7:29 pm
jack it’s probably a panic attack. Nothing serious. But better consult a doctor.

49. sandy Says:

July 25th, 2014 at 12:36 am
hi,i personally i am very grateful for this article i suffer from panic attacks for a month or two now and still struggling to
eradicate,i also experience this feeling of fear of going to die and i fear to go outside or to be left alone,i am in a committed
relationship and start to feel better but i fear having sex with my partner can worsen PA? please help and one more thing, with
PA is it common to feel like chili powder coming through the nose and choke in the throat that i cough sometimes like i am being

50. Nikolay Perov Says:

August 7th, 2014 at 4:01 pm
hi Sandy

Fears and PA are interconnected your fears cause PA, your PA cause fears that cause more PA. Like vicious cicle. You have to
work with your fears. Meditate. I don’t know about chili powder feeling. Better consult a doctor.

51. jannet Says:

August 11th, 2014 at 1:59 pm
Hi! That’s a great article! Can you please give us your website or if it’s possible your email, so we can get more information in
Russian language! Thank you a lot!

52. Nikolay Perov Says:

August 12th, 2014 at 4:13 pm
jannet, sure, my russian website is

53. Jeffrey Says:

September 1st, 2014 at 10:26 am
I meditated for two months already… but I don’t see these emotions on cushion. But when off cushion I have all these worries
and fear…. :’(

54. Nikolay Perov Says:

September 2nd, 2014 at 1:45 pm
Jeffrey, meditation is not for instantly removing fears or to avoiding them. It is for accepting them, observing them, stop
identifying with them, not paying much attention to them and avoiding negative reaction to them (just welcoming them calmly).
And removing PA through these things, not just directly. It will involve your work.

Meditation is not a magical pill, it’s an instrument, with the help of which you can learn to deal effectively with your panic and
fear, to discover new psychic patterns instead of old ones which increased your panic . Pills remove fears instantly, that is why
they ineffective: they don’t give a chance to work with them.

Pls read this article:

55. Ladyhawk Says:

September 5th, 2014 at 8:57 pm
I have had PA off and on for 20 years. They always return after a period of stress. I have used more or less the same techniques
to cope, you describe here but I must say I like your Samurai method the best and most powerful. It is the exact opposite of
what you feel like doing! I had a bad attack few nights ago in the middle of the nigh to the point I was considering driving to the 14/20
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emergency room. Then I decided to try and “surrender” and face my fears. Guess what? nothing happened to me! I even fell
asleep half an hour after the attack!! Did not have a single attack since then.
Very well written information. Your website gives hope to a lot of people, it is good to read this information from an ex-sufferer. I
wish psychiatrists would read this in an effort to really help people.
Thank you

56. Marian Says:

September 6th, 2014 at 7:16 pm
Very good article but i find some PA’s are worse than others. Mine is accompanied by nausea and often diahrrea , sweating,
feeling faint and the pounding rapid heart rate all at one time. Sometimes laying quiet and still in the bed helps. I practice this
everyday, as well as breathing exercises, i go for long walks and keep myself busy. But i find i’m just coping with PA’s in my life,
it is not getting rid of them. I tried medication from the doctor as well and it had a terrible adverse affect on me, with the most
horrible side affects ever. I fear bedtime, cos i have my panic attacks at night. I went 14 weeks without one, but now that it has
returned, i feel so sad. I felt on top of the world and now i’m back to square one. I really don’t want this to be happening for the
rest of my life. Sometimes i do feel brave and let the panic attack happen, and it could be gone in 30 seconds, but other night i
can’t help but be in total fear and totally traumatised. I really wish i knew what to do but i won’t give up

57. Rob Says:

September 7th, 2014 at 6:20 am
Prevet (Hi) Nikolay and All,

I just wanted to say that everything that Nikolay has wrote is 100% true. Basically, in order to get to the good you must go
through the bad.

I had my first PA back in November on the train. I remember at the time I was living a very sedative lifestyle, bad diet, hated my
job, and I was very bored with everything. I was uninspired and didn’t want to try anything new. This eventually led me to my
PA obsession after experiencing an attack. I was so confused and afraid and pissed. “How could something like this happen to
me”? I always had control of my mind. “only crazy people go through this” is what I kept saying to myself. Please understand
just like Nikolay has said that you are not going crazy. Believe it or not, this is all happening for the GOOD. When you get over
PA you will be appreciative of going through it. The reason why I say that is because as you are trying to beat PA your are
retraining your brain for the best. The first step to beating PA is acknowledging that you have had a PA and nothing else. From
there, everything you do is for the best – even when on the shitty days it doesn’t feel like it. I promise you this, you will have
good days and you will have shitty days. You will have times when you feel like you took one step forward then took 5 steps
back. It happens. But just keep in mind that it is a process. But so is everything else in life :)))

Just so you don’t think you’re going crazy, this explanation helped me a lot and this will also help you. PA stems from faulty
thinking. From unnecessary worry and irrational fears. Think of your nervous system as a glass. Overtime you fill the glass up
with fears, worries, stress, etc… once that glass is filled, it begins to overflow. The overflow is the PA. But remember once the
overflow ends, you begin again. But not with an empty glass this time…

One of the hardest parts for me was to stop thinking about thinking about PA and how it happened to me. and Why me?! I
decided to let myself keep thinking it as long as i wanted to and i knew that eventually i would get bored of it. Everyone gets
bored of things. The good and the bad.

Another thing that helped was talk therapy. If you can’t afford a physcotherapist (does not prescribe meds) please go talk to a
random stranger who looks like he/she is willing to help. Talk your heart out. Tell them everything. If they look at you like you’re
weird… so what?? they are just a stranger. Letting everything out of my head with words was very big for me.

To cut this long story short… i promise each and everyone of you that if you do not take medication and just accept the fact that
you have this issue now and it will eventually go away… it will truly go away! Remember, nothing in life is forever.

58. Nikolay Perov Says:

September 7th, 2014 at 7:25 am
Ladyhawk, thank you! Nice to read comments like yours! I hope I can help a lot of people too!=))

59. Nikolay Perov Says:

September 7th, 2014 at 7:26 am
Hi Marian. I think this article will help you:

60. Nikolay Perov Says:

September 7th, 2014 at 7:31 am
Rob, Privet=) Thank you for your comment! I am absolutely agree with everything you said (except maybe talking to a stranger,
because you can hang up on talking, complaining and it will mean surrendering to panic and feeling bad). But in some cases it
may help, why not?=)))

Have a good day!=))

61. Jeffrey Says:

September 7th, 2014 at 9:10 am
Nikolay, thanks for the reply.
“meditation is not for instantly removing fears or to avoiding them” – I agree with what you say 100%. At times the fear is quite
overwhelming in my daily life, I felt that I have not been feeling worthless… and that the light at the end of tunnel is so far….

62. Rob Says:

September 9th, 2014 at 9:53 pm
Nikolay – is there anyway to contact you privately? Skype or other applications? Thanks

63. Mahesh Sharma Says:

September 10th, 2014 at 9:29 am
hello admin, i really suffering from panic disorder since 3 years, i am using medicine too. i am having propranolol(hypernol) 15/20
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medicine regularly. i am so glad to see your article, which is so useful for suffering from panic attacks. but i want to ask to you
one question. i have not any improve in my attacks, although i always drink alchohal. so what is the best idea to improve quickly
from panic attacks? i can’t speak properly to others even my family too. in the situation of talking to others i lose my hope n
can’t speak good weight of words. only when i drunk, that time i got a lot of hope, otherwise i can’t speak. so please help me to
rid this problem. from today i also conduct this article.

64. Nikolay Perov Says:

September 16th, 2014 at 8:28 am
Rob, my email is in “contacts”, you can contact me there

65. Nikolay Perov Says:

September 16th, 2014 at 8:30 am
Hi Manesh

“what is the best idea to improve quickly from panic attacks?”

There are no quick fixes. Only regular work will do it’s best in a long run.

66. Ricardo Says:

September 23rd, 2014 at 7:26 am
Sir, amazing article, will definitely put into practise the meditation.
I’m 20 and my feelings are well unreality, dizziness and when I’m about to fall asleep I jolt and wake up every night. I’m very
scared of those feelings happening every day which is why I cant conquer them I guess, the scene was great btw…when the man
said fear me oh man that’s what I feel. Any suggestions? Sometimes I feel I’m different, or im gonna die or going crazy. I know I
can beat this, I just need some help…Ricardo

67. Nikolay Perov Says:

September 23rd, 2014 at 1:27 pm
Hi Riacrdo

My advice for you is patience. Do sports, meditation, yoga, but don’t wait for instant cure. Learn not to be scared of attacks, they
are not dangerous, it’s just a sense of fear, adrenaline release. What’s so scary about that feeling? Try to perceive it like free
roler-coaster! I know it is hard when you have PA’s but meditation will lead to that. Read my article:

68. xtina Says:

October 14th, 2014 at 11:02 pm
This page is amazing. I have learned a lot, including now knowing I am not alone with certain symptoms.
I would love to talk/chat with some of you sometime (Skype or email).

69. ann Says:

October 22nd, 2014 at 12:02 am
does anyone ever exsperiance those bad days where there chest hurts really bad like a heart attack and cant stop it and you feel
as if you really cant breath no matter what you do and all you think is am i going to die or will it go away and you have nothing
but fear cause it seems like it will last forever that is how i feel right now i want to make them go away but sometimes it just
feels like they wont and ill feel like this forever and im going to go crazy or die or never breath agian

70. Kevin Says:

November 21st, 2014 at 7:39 pm
Hi Guys !

I had my first PA when I had a blur vision and thought I gonna lose my eye sight. I was so terrified went to this Emergency. The
Doc told me that sometimes the brain does not process the visual right or it could be migraine.
I thought so terrified with my brain not processing that I had my PA. It was not just PA. It was A FULL BLOWN PANICK ATTACK. I
was running from one room to another and did not know what is happening to me. Did not sleep the whole night and the next
day I had Brain Fog, memory loss, fear and lost hope. After some time I started feeling depersonalization and derealization
Anyway I was so terrified that I did not go out alone, lost my job and what not. But slowly I took control of my life and pushed
myself everyday to go out. I did not have any attack after that day but every day you have to kill it. The mantra is take one day
at a time and accept and be involved in a lot of activities and be away from home.

71. Jon Says:

December 5th, 2014 at 8:01 am
Hey Nikolay I really love your article but I still can’t get the fear of siezures out of my head I have mediated for month and it
worked but unfortunately the fear came back stronger. Can you please help me out with this I feel hopeless. Thank you

72. Jon Says:

December 5th, 2014 at 8:02 am
*i have mediated for months

73. Ben Says:

December 8th, 2014 at 5:38 am
I’ve done meditation for a year and I have been in sports for the same amount of time and i still feel that I’m living in a dream
and everything isn’t real

74. Any Says:

December 29th, 2014 at 11:54 pm 16/20
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Hi, im struggling with anxiety and panick attacks after had a reaction with horrible palpitations and high bp after eatting ginger,
it happened twice, and after the 2nd tine i ended up in hosp by ambulance, ever sice im scared of food, everytime i eat i get a
lump in my throat, get dizzy, im scared to eat alone @ home, its terrible, i cant go into a grocerystore or in a restaurant, maybe i
got ginger sensitivity i dobt know, but every time i eatbit, it speeds up ny heart rate like crazy, i also have a 4 mo old baby, and i
used to drink ginger tea while i was pregnant and i was fine, im struggling so much with this, and wanna get rid of this fear!

75. Nikolay Perov Says:

December 30th, 2014 at 10:06 am
Jon, the purpose of meditation is not to supress fear, but to accept fear, stop identifying yourself with it, stop reacting to it. And
when you learn it, the fear will be gone.

76. Nikolay Perov Says:

December 30th, 2014 at 10:07 am
Ben you have to stop being anxious about seeing everything as a dream. One of theories tells that this feeling is connected with
anxiety. When anxiety will be gone, there will be no feeling of unreality.

77. vicky Says:

January 4th, 2015 at 11:46 pm
I have had my first pa about 30 years ago and they haven’t been to bad until recently. I have one nearly every day now It only
happens if i meet someone i know when im out or if someone unexpected knocks on the door. Its very embarrassing having a pa
infront of someone for no apparent reason.please help

78. Leonard Says:

February 4th, 2015 at 4:30 pm
I have sounds induced PA about 8 years ago. I manage to get rid of it by ignoring it and do meditations. Recently, I was very
sick and couldn’t do what I want to do for months. I got so depress. I later then got jealous of hearing noises outside where
people can enjoy playing and do whatever they want. And later on, my sounds induced PA is back.

But now I came across your websites. I had tried your Samurai method and it work pretty well. I did say if combine with
medication, you can totally eradicate it.

Think about it, if you cure it by ignoring and meditation. After about several years, you encounter some sort of great depression
and it came back, that is not consider as cure.

So, I did say that the best way is embrace it, love it and use it to your advantageous. It will later on be so afraid of to be used by
you. Then bored of you.

79. Leonard Says:

February 4th, 2015 at 4:33 pm
Thank you very much for your article

80. Ben Says:

February 5th, 2015 at 6:43 am
I still don’t understand what you mean by it. I had this fear for over 6 years because I’ve seen it happen to one of my family
members and now it’s still stuck with me till today

81. Nikolay Perov Says:

February 5th, 2015 at 8:30 am

“So, I did say that the best way is embrace it, love it and use it to your advantageous. It will later on be so afraid of to be used
by you. Then bored of you.”

Ye! This is totally true!

82. Leonard Says:

February 5th, 2015 at 10:30 am

Fear creates more fears. So you should do the opposite, love the fear and use it to your advantageous (It is there for a reason.).
Example: You fear of something wrong will happen to your family. So the fear give you adrenaline rush. You then try to think ”
Thank you fear for letting me know and now I need your power to do something for my family”. So you purposely love it, want
more and try to trigger more adrenaline rush. Then by this adrenaline rush, it makes you so alert that you can do whatever you
want, you will never feel bored. After a while, just forget about it and try not to remember it. You shouldn’t anticipate it coming.
If you are anticipating it coming then you are fear of it coming back again. Then fear will create more fears. So yet, forgot about
it and meditate.

Nikolay Perov
Thank you for your acknowledgement

83. Ben Says:

February 12th, 2015 at 8:16 am
I still don’t understand what you mean by it. I had this fear for over 6 years because I’ve seen it happen to one of my family
members and now it’s still stuck with me till today

84. Nikolay Perov Says:

February 16th, 2015 at 9:38 am
Thanx, Leonard! 17/20
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85. brandie Says:

February 18th, 2015 at 1:40 am
Im not sure really how to begin , I feel like im constantly having a pa. And nothing I do takes care of it, yes im sure. Theres
meds but I dont want to be dependent on a medication the rest of my life, I want to do this myself, please help me, I constantly
feel anxiety and I need help to stop these so I can take control of my life… because o f right now the pas are taking over my hole
life right now. ? Please help me ASAP. ? Thanks, brandie

86. John Says:

February 24th, 2015 at 1:40 am
I have had a few panic attacks in the past few months, about one per month but they have started to subside slowly, one
question, i do struggle day to day with not feeling 100 percent aware and mentally sharp whoch goes along with your symptom
of seeing the world in a “haze”. I believe thats whats happening to me, its similar to having a few drinks and not being able to
clearly view the world in front of you 100 percent, can you conform that feeling?

87. paige Says:

March 6th, 2015 at 6:40 pm
This article made me feel much more relieved. I’m 16 years old and I started getting panick attacks in grade 10 and it was really
bad during school and then as school was coming to an end it went away. During all of summer break I even forgot about panick
attacks. Then grade 11 came around and I started getting them agian and I don’t want it to be a continuous cycle. I’m currently
at home and I havent been to school in 2 weeks because I’m terrified to go to school and I tried going today but as soon as I
stepped in the school I had a panick attack and came home. I really want to get homeschooled because I don’t want this to
effect my education. I’m a good student and get good grades and have plans for the future and all I can think about is my
anxiety taking control of my life.

88. Nikolay Perov Says:

March 10th, 2015 at 10:28 am
Hi John

I have read that this feeling is strongly connected with anxiety. Cure anxiety = derealization will gone. But if you feel anxious
about that feeling it will get worse.

89. Brandi Says:

March 29th, 2015 at 5:02 am
This was a really great article:) I’m going to start practicing these techniques right away:) Thank you so much for sharing! It’s
nice to know I’m not alone and I can conquer this thing:)

90. mel Says:

May 9th, 2015 at 8:59 am
I thought I was alone, that I had the worst case of anxiety, and that I truly was going to die from it. ive been the Dr, Ive been to
the ER, I tried pills, I tired no pills, I tried swimming, yoga, and therapy. it has been 15 years of debilitating anxiety, and then I
found this posting. To hear the symptoms are the same for others, is a relief just in its self.
But what gives me hope in fighting this was reading your article, especially the section of comparing PA to parasites. I have
never been told or thought of PA in this way before, and I can already see how it can help. I stopped exercising in public years
ago with the worry of what if I get another attack in public….so that needs to go away and I need to get back out there again. I
think I will find the courage to do this! Thank you.

91. Juraj Says:

May 10th, 2015 at 12:58 am

in my opinion, you have basically 2 options:

1) you could use pills prescribed by your doctor, drink tea which will help you to relax and hence calm down your nervous
system, try to avoid food and drinks which turn your nervous system on, or similar stuff. All those things will help you, either
completely, or only partially. However, all of these options are only trying to ease the symptoms of the problem, only diminishing
the effects. No one of these options is really trying to get down to the cause of the problem, the root of the problem. Using pills,
etc. will help, but will hide the real cause of the problem from you.

2) find out what exactly is the cause of the problem and then remove the cause.

In our western society, in our health care systems, most of the doctors normally don’t really have enough time to find out the
real causes of illnesses. It’s much easier to subscribe pills to the patient, which will probably remove the symptoms/effects and
that’s it. And the drug corporations are happy about that.
It takes more time to figure out the real cause.

You probably know that our mind is like a huge iceberg floting in the water. We can see about 10% of the iceberg above the
water surface. That would be a conscious part of our mind, the one we have an easy access to. But a much bigger part, about
90% of the iceberg, is under the water surface, somewhat hidden.. That would be, what’s called, subconscious part of mind, or
shortly subconscious.
Subconscious is huge, and has many levels. Like instict to be one of the lowest levels, and memory, habits, etc. being
somewhere above that.
We are using our subconsious a lot every day without even realizing. For example when we walk every day. It’s something
normally completely done by subconscious. You can try to move muscles on your legs consciously or willingly, while realizing
every movement, but it will feel awkward, and you’ll be much slower. Walking is not something which we were born with (it’s not
an instinct) either, as we couldn’t walk after we were born, but it took a lot of conscious learning and memorizing and then, when
we mastered it, it was gradually moved to subconscious.
Subconsious is huge. It contains all the memories. It is where our dreams take place. And it surely contains also the real cause of
your problems, it surely knows about it. It might be some concrete memory, it might be some detrimental though which lasts, it
might be some conflict hidden in the inner mind. We are all different, and we all have some problems. And finding the root of the
problem requires some learning about yourself. What makes you tick.
Once you find the real cause of the problem, once you can see it, it’s much easier to deal with it and fix it.
Now, obviously the main question here would be: how can I find out what is in my subconscious. 18/20
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I would advise you to read a book written by Leslie LeCron – Self-Hypnotism: The Techniques and Its Use in Daily Living (Reward
classics). You can get it in the library or buy it used for a few bucks, for example here amazon. com/Self-Hypnotism-Techniques-

Leslie Lecron, a very good psychotherapist, wrote this book in the 1960′s, and it’s still supposed to be one of the best books
written on the subject: how to see what’s in my subconscious. Don’t let the name of the book, a word self-hypnotism, scare you
off. The chapters 1, 2 and 3 will tell you about how subsconscious works and offers some methods on how to see what’s in there.
I’m only halfway through the book yet and I have to admit, this is one of the most powerful books I’ve ever read.

But only reading a book is not enough. You have to be determined to take an action, to do something about it. It takes an effort,
but things will improve.
And the worst case scenario is that you’ll get more knowledge about yourself.

Have a beautiful day.


92. Steven Says:

May 14th, 2015 at 5:01 am
I have agoraphobia and have trouble getting out what can I do. Thanks

93. Brandon Says:

May 16th, 2015 at 12:20 pm
Thanks for the info. One problem. I have chest pains ( neck shoulder and back tension ) but the chest pains are the hardest to
deal with. It’s been 5-6 months coping with Panic Disorder and Anxiety. My fears are in control. But I only fear chest pain and a
heart problem. I have been in for an ECG. And the Doc said everything is fine. And it’s better than normal. I am visiting a
Cardiologist within this week. Thanks again.

94. Jessie Says:

May 25th, 2015 at 4:01 am
Please help, email me and give me more advice I will explain everything

95. Nikolay Perov Says:

May 25th, 2015 at 6:25 am
Hi Steven, first you need to meditate, second face your fear going to the street. I know it is the last what you want to hear, but
without facing your fear it is impossible to recover. It is wrong to wait the time when the fear will go away to go to the street.
You should go to the street despite of fear!

96. Nikolay Perov Says:

May 25th, 2015 at 9:01 am
Brandon, go check your health than relax. Human’s life is so short, what the point of being concerned of your health everytime if
it is 100% chance that it will finish for any of us. Even the most healthy people couldn’t avoid ilness and dying. It will happen any
way. So relax, and don’t waste your precious time on this Earth on worrying and worrying=)

97. Nikolay Perov Says:

May 25th, 2015 at 9:03 am
Ye, mel, you should do that what you fear. It is the only way=)

98. Lamya Says:

June 3rd, 2015 at 5:41 am
Hi Nikolay, thank you very much for all the help you are giving…
I had my first PA one week after I lost my father last August.
I never knew what PA or Anxiety is I didn’t even have a postpartum depression after giving birth to my 3 kids….
Since August 2014 I’m experiencing breath shortening every single day and PA every 2 month or so I had to put my business on
hold and basically all my life.
My question is how can I overcome the breath hunger and get back my normal life??
Any help will be greatly appreciate

99. Nikolay Perov Says:

June 12th, 2015 at 4:52 am
Lamya, breathing exercises, yoga, meditation, relaxation should help. It is quite possible that these are not breathing problems
themselves, but a result of anxiety. Cope with anxiety this will go away. But it doesn’t mean you shouldn,t check with doctor.

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