Oral Communication in Context

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Oral Communication in Context

Fourth Quarter
Week 6

Lesson: Principles of Speech Writing

MELC: Write own speech following the speech writing process. (EN11/12OC-IIcj-25)

Let’s Explore and Discover

As you begin to prepare for any speech, it’s important to pin down exactly
about what you plan to talk. You might have been given a specific topic, or you may
be simply invited to speak at an event where the topic is up to you. Knowing how to
carefully select your topic is an important first step in preparing for a successful

Start by thinking about your venue. Where will you be giving your speech?
To whom will you be speaking? Then, start to think about what you know about
the topic, and move towards those subjects or tangents about which
you don’t know. It’s helpful to speak about a topic with which you are already
familiar, but sometimes you may be called into situations where you have no prior
knowledge about a given subject.
It is important to create an outline before you deliver your speech, as it will
act as your guide to effectively sequence your information and ensure you touch on
all your main points. Outlining allows you to ensure your speech flows smoothly.
How should one write a speech? Here are some tips for you!
Guidelines in Speech Writing
1. Keep your words short and simple. Your speech is meant to be heard by your
audience, not read.
2. Avoid jargon, acronyms, or technical words because they can confuse your
3. Make your speech more personal. Use the personal pronoun “I,” but take care not
to overuse it.
When you need to emphasize collectiveness with your audience, use the personal
pronoun “we.”
4. Use active verbs and contractions because they add to the personal and
conversational tone of your speech.
5. Be sensitive of your audience. Be very careful with your language, jokes, and
nonverbal cues.
6. Use metaphors and other figures of speech to effectively convey your point.
7. Manage your time well; make sure that the speech falls under the time limit.

Let’s Do It!
Activity 1
Directions: It is time to make your first draft. Follow the steps in the writing
process to write your speech. An example is given below to guide you.

For example:
Audience Profile Community Members
Purpose To persuade the community members to reduce, reuse, and
recycle as means of eliminating garbage and protecting the
Topic Promoting the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling in
eliminating wastes and protecting the environment
Pattern Use Problem-solution
Introduction Share facts on the current situation of the environment. State the
message of the speech (specific topic).
Body Discuss how improper waste disposal becomes an
environmental problem. Explain how reducing, reusing, and
recycling would eliminate wastes and protect the environment.
Conclusion State the specific purpose of your speech again. Call for action.

Speech Writing Process Your Output

Audience Profile



Pattern Use

Be guided by this rubric scoring guide:

3 2 1
Audience You could make your You could make your Your purpose or
Profile purpose clearer or your purpose clearer or relevance of topic
topic or word choices your topic or word were unclear or
more relevant to your choices more relevant inappropriate for
specified audience. to your specified your specified
audience. audience.
Organization Writing includes a Uses correct writing Writing is confused
strong beginning, format. Incorporates a and loosely
middle, and end, with coherent closure. organized.
some transitions and Transitions are weak
good closure. and closure is
Word Choice Effective and engaging Purposeful use of Language is trite,
use of word choice. word choice. vague or flat.
Grammar Words used in the Sentence has subject Sentence has both a
sentence are correct all and verb agreement subject and verb
the time. with 1 error. with 2 or more

Rewrite it
Activity 2.
Directions. Write your own speech based on what you did in Activity 1.
Encode or write it legibly and submit it for checking. You may ask your
parents or friends to read and comment on your work for improvement.

Be guided by this rubric scoring guide:

Rating Rating Rating Rating
Excellent Satisfactory Fair Needs
4 3 2 1
The content is The content is There are some The content does
appropriate and of appropriate for the parts that are not not fit the chosen
interest to the audience. appropriate for the audience
audience. type of audience
The speech is The speech is well There is a smooth It is not organized.
logical and well- organized. flow but there is a
organized. little portion not
placed well.
The speech is It meets the It is a bit long or a It is too short or
interestingly long required duration. bit short. too long.
or short enough.
Words used are Words used are Some words must Words do not
not only correct correct and be changed. match the
but creative. proper. audience profile.
There are no There is no There are a few There are several
grammatical error grammatical error. grammatical grammar errors.
and misspelled errors.

True or False
Directions: Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false. Write your
answer on your answer sheet.

1. An outline is very important in writing a speech, it will act as

your guide to effectively sequence your information and ensure you touch on
all your main points.
2. Keep your words short and simple.
3. Use jargon, acronyms, or technical words for your audience to understand
easier and clearly your speech.
4. Use active verbs and contractions because they add to the personal and
conversational tone of your speech.
5. Manage your time well.

What I Learned
Remember these key points:
 Guidelines in Speech Writing

Let’s Sum It Up
Activity 3
Complete Me!
Directions. Complete the following phrases by writing the important learnings you
gained from this Activity Sheets.

Today, I learned that _____________________________________________________________


Now, I will base from what I have learned is/are __________________________________


Sipacio P. & Balgos A. Oral Communication in Context Textbook for Senior High
School. Quezon City: C.&E Publishing House Inc. 2016: 60-76

Prepared by:


Makapuyat National High School
Schools Division of Marinduque

Answer Key
Let’s Practice
Activity 1
Answers may vary
Activity 2
Answers may vary
1. T
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. T

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