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Expert Systems With Applications 151 (2020) 113361

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Modeling methodology for early warning of chronic heart failure

based on real medical big dataR
Chunjie Zhou a,c,∗, Ali Li a,∗, Aihua Hou b, Zhiwang Zhang a, Zhenxing Zhang a, Pengfei Dai c,
Fusheng Wang d
Department of Information and Electrical Engineering, Ludong University, Shandong, China
Department of Oncology, Yantai City Hospital of Chinese Medicine, Shandong, China
Yantai Cloud Software Co., Ltd., Shandong, China
Department of Biomedical Informatics and Computer Science, Stony Brook University, New York, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Heart failure (HF) is among the most costly diseases to our society, and the prevalence keeps on increas-
Received 4 August 2019 ing these days. Early detection of HF plays a vital role in saving lives through adjusting lifestyles and
Revised 20 February 2020
drug interventions that can slow down disease progression or prevent HF. There are many cardiovascu-
Accepted 5 March 2020
lar risk factors associated with HF, and they often coexist. In this paper, we assess the predictive value
Available online 6 March 2020
of pathological factors for early HF detection through a social network based approach. We use elec-
Keywords: tronic health records (collected from the project HeartCarer) and compute the similarity of risk factors.
Heart failure The similarity values are used to construct an unweighted and a weighted medical social network. The
Early warning constructed medical social network is further divided into a HF high-risk group and HF low-risk group
Social network using a group division algorithm. Patients in the high-risk group will be suggested for early screening. To
Risk factors evaluate the prediction value of our method, we perform four experiments based on real world data. The
Medical big data
results demonstrate the high effectiveness of our method on heart failure risk assessment, with the best
accuracy close to 90%.
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction risk factors for heart failure can be controlled at an early stage,
heart failure can be delayed or prevented.
Heart failure (HF), a common condition causing severe morbid- However, due to the diversity of alternative interpretations of
ity and mortality, is increasing in prevalence in many areas of the symptoms, HF is a heterogeneous and complex disease that is dif-
world (Delanaye, Guerber, & Scheen, 2017; Hiragi, Tamura, & Goto, ficult to detect in routine cares (Bekhet et al., 2018; Li, Wang, &
2018; Ravizza, Huschto, & Adamov, 2019). More than 26 million Liu, 2019). The existing research works mainly consider the anal-
people worldwide are affected by HF, and this number is growing ysis of ECG, such as Auto-regressive (AR) spectral estimation and
rapidly every year (Bekhet, Yonghui, & Ningtao, 2018; Miao, Cai, Fourier transformation (Bohacik, Matiasko, & Benedikovic, 2015;
& Zhang, 2018). There are at least 10 million patients with heart Vikram, Esther, & Wiro, 2019). Unfortunately, when an ECG abnor-
failure in China, and it has become one of the countries with the mality is detected, the patient may already experience heart fail-
largest numbers of heart failure patients (Meystre, Kim, & Gobbel, ure. In fact, the long-term existence of certain risk factors increases
2017). The annual mortality rate of hospitalized patients with heart the likelihood of heart failure. If we can analyze and track these
failure is 35% to 45%, and the 5-year survival rate is comparable risk factors in advance, and predict those high-risk groups, we can
to malignant tumors (Maddalena, Salvini, & Bardoni, 2019; Ralph, effectively prevent heart failure by targeted drug intervention or
2018). Fortunately, heart failure is a chronic progressive disease. If lifestyle changes.
Interdisciplinary collaboration in disease prediction, etiology
analysis and diagnosis has become a major trend, with the im-
This research was partially supported by the grants from the National provement and enrichment of biological networks and clinical big
Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61202111, 61472141, 61273152, data (Fabian, Paul, & Peter, 2017; Kalid, Zaidan, & Zaidan, 2018;
61303017, 61877061); the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province Leonardo, Jose, & Ruben, 2018; Sengul & Ibrahim, 2018). With
China (No.ZR2011GQ001).

the development of wearable computing (Abdelaziz, Elhoseny, &
Corresponding author.
Salama, 2018) and deep learning (Chen, Ma, & Li, 2017), more re-
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (C. Zhou), allii20 0 [email protected] (A. Li).
0957-4174/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 C. Zhou, A. Li and A. Hou et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 151 (2020) 113361

search uses big data analysis to predict disease risks (Lin, Xia, & Li, 2. Preliminaries
2019). HF prediction using traditional disease risk models typically
involves machine learning algorithms, e.g., regression analysis and We first introduce the dataset and provide an overview of our
logistic regression. To improve the accuracy and reliability, exist- methods.
ing related research considers as many factors or features as pos-
sible (Khalifa & Meystre, 2015) and adds them to the regression 2.1. Data set
model, but this approach can lead to low efficiency and poor inter-
pretability. Khalifa et al. recommend the use of clinical records to The HeartCarer system collects various physiological signs and
assess cardiovascular risk factors (Khalifa & Meystre, 2015). How- risk factor information through wearable devices, inquiry or state-
ever, multimodel disease risk assessments are considered by only ment, and uploads it to the cloud through a mobile terminal or a
few works, and most existing works only consider unstructured telephone line. The architecture of the system is shown in Fig. 1,
data or structured data. Based on a convolutional neural network, that allows third-party systems to access to prediction services and
literature (Chen et al., 2017) proposed a multimodel disease risk provide monitoring data. Data collection is the first part, which is
prediction algorithm. Based on a recursive neural network, struc- mainly from our project-HeartCarer, also involves inspection hos-
tured data and unstructured data of cerebral infarction patients pital records or other methods. The collected data can be used
were considered in Hao, Usama, and Yang (2019). Big data tech- both in real-time and off-line to derive multiple inferences about
nologies can help risk prediction and early diagnosis of chronic the patients condition. Constructing the medical social network is
kidney disease (Fu, Zeng, & Liu, 2018). In order to process time se- the second part. Based on the collected data, the unweighted or
ries data with high dimensionality, Zhou et al. proposed a unified weighted medical social network is constructed by calculating the
solution that comprehensively considers time granularity, time in- similarity values among rfi s. The group division is the third part.
terval, and time chaos (Zhou, Wang, & Zhang, 2019). The medical social network is divided into different groups using
Cardiovascular risk factors are responsible for the highest per- the group division algorithm. Then through applying and calculat-
centage of cases of HF. For example, smoking and drinking may ing the necessary threshold value, two groups (high-risk group and
cause hypertension, which is a common cardinal causes of heart low-risk group) are discovered.
failure (Chang, Wang, & Jiang, 2011; Rani, Kannan, & Vasantha, There was a cohort of 1026 HF patients distributed in six medi-
2012). Hypertension should not be considered in isolation because cal institutions in China, and these patients received care between
other risk factors such as infection, diet, arrhythmia, personal dis- 2015 and 2018. From these patients, we selected 800 (78%) of them
ease history, mental stress, long-term smoking and alcohol abuse, with telemonitoring measurements for at least 30 days. The range
obesity, excessive physical exertion, family history of heart failure, of age is 63.8 ± 12 years and (70%) of them were male. For this
motion, environment have also been a considerable impact on the project, family members can use the devices as well. As a result,
progression of heart failure Kim (2015), Acharya, (2017), Khalifa, we also included 7500 family members for the study. The ages of
(2018). These risk factors can regulate the cellular and molecu- family members were between 10 and 90. In addition, we also in-
lar roles in pathological and physiological settings Acharya, (2017). cluded a total of 105,239 healthy people from the provinces the
By undertanding these risk factors, proper outpatient management branch offices of the sponsoring company were located in.
and targeted treatment can reduce the severity and frequency of In a summary, our study includes a total of 1026 heart fail-
exacerbations. ure patients who were identified with HF, 7500 family members
Social networks have helped to solve some questions related to closely related to the patients, and 105,239 healthy people. The
people’s personal heath and public health. In the research of social size of the data set is more than 100GB. Detailed presence of con-
networks, scientists discovered that some social networks in the tributing cardiovascular risk factors were collected for each per-
real world have community structure characteristics (Zhou, Cao, & son and recorded in the data collection forms designed exclusively
Dong, 2013). A community discovery algorithm can divide a so- for the study. In our research, we collected eleven candidate risk
cial network into different groups based on connection strength. factors, including infection (e.g., respiratory infection, lung infec-
The connections among internal nodes in a community are rel- tion), diet (e.g., poor control of water and sodium), arrhythmia(e.g.,
atively tight, but the connections between the various commu- atrial fibrillation, anemia, renal impairment), personal disease his-
nities are relatively sparse. The community structure reveals the tory (e.g., hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes, hyperlipi-
common interests, hobbies or backgrounds of the social groups demia, atherosclerosis), mental stress (eg. emotional, fury), long-
in the social network and serves as the inspiration for the pro- term smoking and alcohol abuse, obesity, excessive physical exer-
posed approach for heart failure risk assessment. In this paper, to tion, family history of heart failure, motion and environment (eg.
tackle the complexity and interpretability of HF, we propose a so- air pollution, forced secondhand smoking). Cardiovascular risk fac-
cial network-inspired method for predicting the risk of HF. In or- tors were defined as follows: Smoking: current smoking of ≥ 1
der to better carry out heart failure assessment, we consider risk pack/day; obesity: if the BMI > 30 kg/m2 , family history: his-
factors that can easily cause heart failure. An unweighted and a tory of heart failure or sudden cardiac death before the age of 55
weighted medical social network are constructed respectively ac- years in the father or any other first-degree male relative or be-
cording to the similarity values among risk factors based on the fore the age of 65 years in the mother or any other first degree
electronic health records. Based on this, a person’s health can be female relative; Hypertension: having a BP of > 140/90 mmHg
denoted as a probabilistic combination of risk factors. The model on two separate examinations or usage of antihypertensive agents;
will also provide HF assessment of patients at different time. The and diabetes mellitus: fasting glucose ≥ 126 mg/dl, postprandial
constructed medical social network is divided into a HF high-risk glucose ≥ 200 mg/dl and random blood sugar ≥ 200 mg/dl.
group and a HF low-risk group using a group division algorithm,
and those falling into the HF risk groups are suggested for early 2.2. Overview of methods
We evaluated our methods based on a real world dataset pro- Previous work shows that people with infected first-degree rel-
vided by the research project HeartCarer, a home-based remote atives are at high risk of heart failure (Khalifa & Meystre, 2015).
monitoring system based on a cloud platform designed to monitor Additionally, diet, arrhythmia, personal disease history, among oth-
HF patients for timely interventions. Our experiments demonstrate ers, are discovered to be related to heart failure (Kalid et al., 2018;
the best accuracy can reach close to 90%. Leonardo et al., 2018). So the risk of developing heart failure in the
C. Zhou, A. Li and A. Hou et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 151 (2020) 113361 3

Fig. 1. The architecture of heart failure risk prediction method.

future are linked to these physiological factors, and might be pre- a rough assessment of the relationship among people and give a
dicted from these factors. Here, each physiological factor related to simple classification based on risk factors. The weighted social net-
heart failure can be defined as a related risk factor (rf). RFN = (rf1 , work is used to calculate the degree of association among peo-
rf2 , rf3 , , rfN ) represents the set of all rfs, where N is the to- ple in refined details. The detailed description can be found in
tal number of rfs. As mentioned above, the number of candidate Section 3.2.
risk factors is eleven in this research. RFi includes i risk factors, The similarities among people’s rfs are described using the con-
1 ≤ i ≤ 11. For example, RF2 refers to any two risk factors from structed medical social network. People are divided into different
the above eleven ones. Ri is a set of i different combinations of groups, which are involved in the medical social network, e.g., the
˜j j group with heart failure. This will enable us to screen patients with
risk factors, which are randomly taken from rf. Ri is a set of Ri
high risk early. We use a matrix to represent the weighted medi-
(1 ≤ j ≤ (i + 1 )). Suppose there are totally three risk factors (infec-
˜j cal social network. The similarity values among people’s rfs are the
tion, diet, personal disease history), then R2 (1 ≤ j ≤ 3) can be weights. The goal of this paper is to reflect personal health using
shown in Eq. (1). The computation of similarity will be discussed a set of related rfs. RFk is a set of k risk factors which can express
in Section 3.2. RFi is the average of Ri (1 ≤ j ≤ (i + 1 )), as shown the health indexes of the corresponding people and associate them
in Eq. (2). with a probabilistic combination of risk factors. Because every risk
factor of a subject has a timestamp, we can further represent dif-
R˜2j = {R12 , R22 , R32 }
ferent heart failure assessments of the same people at different
R12 = {in f ect ion, diet } timestamps.
R22 = {in f ection, personal : disease : history}
R32 = {diet, personal : disease : history} (1)
3. The heart failure risk prediction model
RFi = (2) Before we discuss the implementation of the prediction model,
i+1 we first summarize in Table 1 symbols to be used in the explana-
The role of similarity in diseases has been studied in tion.
Li et al. (2019). Based on this, we can infer that the higher the
similarity among rfs that a person may have with HF patients, the
higher risk of the person to develop into the disease. A high-risk Table 1
Description of symbols.
group includes all people whose risk factors are similar to heart
failure patients’. Different groups are constructed according to the Symbol Description
similarity among rfs of people. The similarity can be computed ac- 1. F The number of heart failure patients
cording to two people’s rfs. For instance, the similarity value of two 2. H The number of healthy people
people is high if they have the same HF history. Thus, a network 3. M The total number of RFs
can be constructed based on people’s similarity values among rfs. 4. N The total number of rfs
5. P a set of all people { p1 , . . . , pH+F }
The constructed network in this paper is named as the medical so- 6. RF a set of all RFs {RF1 , . . . , RFM }
cial network, which can be used to make medical and health anal- 7. rf a set of all rfs {r f 1 , . . . , r f N }
ysis. 8. Wx,y the relationship of x and y using adjacency matrix
Definition: The medical social network can be regarded as a 9. GF The group involved the patients
10. GH The group involved the healthy people
graph based problem, in which nodes are people (labeled with
11. Sr fm (i, j ) The rfm similarity of persons i and j
names), and edges are the similarities between these people, i.e., 12. ZGP When the node n is in the GP, the variation of the
a graph G(O, ξ ) will be built with n nodes P= { p1 , . . . , pn } and s modular (Z) measures the quality of the group partition
edges ξ = {Sr f ( p1 , p2 ), . . . , Sr f ( pn−1 , pn )}. 13. ZGH When the node n is in the GH, the variation of the
In this paper, the constructed medical social network includes modular (Z) measures the value of the group partition
14. PR The risk probability of each group
an unweighted medical social network and a weighted medical 15. L The threshold of high-risk
social network. The unweighted social network is used to make
4 C. Zhou, A. Li and A. Hou et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 151 (2020) 113361

rfi has only one value in a certain situation. Divide the absolute
difference between the two numbers with their maximum value,
and then subtract this value from 1. For example, Eq. (4) expresses
the similarity between persons px and py in terms of rfi . The value
of Sr fi ( px , py ) can be 0, 1 or 0 < Sr fi ( px , py ) < 1.
abs pxr f − pyr f
Sr f i ( px , py ) = 1 −  i i
max pxr f , pyr f
i i

According to Eq. (4), Sr fi ( px , py ) is 0 or 1, if rfi has only two val-

ues (i.e., 0 and 1). However, it can be other values in actual cases.
Fig. 3 shows an obtained unweighted medical social network, in
which, people with the same value of rfi belong to the same group.
Two fully connected sub-graphs are involved in the network. For
example, based on personal disease history, a medical social net-
Fig. 2. The relationship expression. work can be constructed. For the data set in this paper, the history
of a disease of a person can be represented as 0 (no existence) or
1 (existence). Therefore, when two people both have the same per-
3.1. The construction of the medical social network sonal disease history, Sr fi ( px , py ) = 1. This means that there is an
edge connecting the two nodes in the unweighted network. If the
The data set includes a large group of individuals, and each personal disease history is different for the two people, Sr fi ( px , py )
of them has several RFs. Every RFm is associated with a set of = 0. This means that the two people are not connected by an edge
r fi = {r f1 , r f2 , . . . , r fm } ⊆ RFm . Each rfi is associated with a times- in the network.
tamp t(rfi ), which represents the timestamp to evaluate the risk In fact, each risk factor in RF has a specific weight for each
factor. The risk factor rfj ∈ RFm (j < m) can be used to label a par- person. Sr fi ( px , py ) ∈ [0, 1], and a weighted medical social network
ticular risk factor of the subject pj . P(rfj ) is used to represent the can be obtained, which corresponds to a matrix. The similarity val-
collection of everyone marked by the risk factor rfj , so we have ues are the weights. The weighted network and the correspond-
P ( r f j ) = { p1 , p2 , . . . , py } ⊆ P . ing matrix are shown schematically in Fig. 4. In this schematic,
In Fig. 2, we demonstrate the medical social network of G = (6, 15 ). Based on a particular risk factor rfi , Sr fi (1, 2 ) = 0.8,
three people (p1 , p2 , p3 ). These people are related with five RFs Sr fi (1, 3 ) = 0.2, Sr fi (1, 4 ) = 0.6, Sr fi (1, 5 ) = 0.1, and Sr fi (1, 6 ) =
(RF1 , . . . , RF5 ), and each RF involves several risk factors rfs. Here, 0.3. The network is undirected, so Sr fi (1, 2 ) = Sr fi (2, 1 ) = 0.8. Note
these five RFs totally involve eight rfs (r f1 , . . . , r f8 ). To simplify the that the numbers used in the example are pseudo numbers only
description, ‘people’, ‘RF’ and ‘rf’ are regarded as different types of for illustration purpose.
objects. Moreover, we use the adjacency matrixes (Wx,y ) to model
the relationships among different types of objects. For example,
3.3. Heart failure expression and detection
the relationship between the ‘people’ object and the ‘RF’ object can
be modeled as WP,R , where W P,R (i, j ) = 1 iff the jth RF is related
To provide a knowledge base of people and risk factors, the
with the ith people; otherwise, W P,R (i, j ) = 0. Similarly, the rela-
first objective is to build the heart failure database. Our expression
tionship between the ‘RF’ object and the ‘rf’ object can be modeled
approach involves three steps. Firstly, we analyze risk factors and
as WR,r , where W R,r (i, j ) = 1 iff the jth instance of risk factor rfj is
express RFs as a probabilistic combination of risk factors. As de-
involved in the ith RF; otherwise, W R,r (i, j ) = 0.
scribed above, we aim to discover RF-related risk factors based on
Given a particular RF and a corresponding set of risk factors rfs,
some experience values. Secondly, logical relationships between rfs
the problem we will address is to find a set of related rfs to reflect
and people are analyzed using a probabilistic topic model (Blei, Ng,
one’s personal health. RFk is a set of k risk factors which can ex-
& Jordan, 2003), in order to find a combination of risk factors to
press the health indexes of the corresponding people and associate
assess heart failure of people, such as infection, diet, arrhythmia,
them with a probabilistic combination of risk factors. Because ev-
personal disease history, and so on. Given a set of risk factors, we
ery risk factor of a certain person has a timestamp, we can further
should classify these rfs before assessing heart failure. Finally, from
represent different heart failure assessment of the same person at
the aspect of time, we can find the difference of heart failure as-
different time.
sessment at different time according to risk factors assessed at dif-
ferent timestamps.
3.2. The similarity computation method Based on the topic model, people’s heart failure assessment and
their difference in different time can be detected automatically
The value of the similarity between two people px and py without any user annotation or intervention. To illustrate how this
is expressed as Srf (px , py ), which is the average of Sr fi ( px , py ) can be achieved, we describe the process of expressing a heart fail-
(0 ≤ i ≤ N), as shown in Eq. (3). ure. Suppose that different RFs have different impact factors for the
N same people. RFs are modeled as a probability distribution p(RF|P)
i=1 Sr f i ( px , py )
Sr f ( px , py ) = (3) over people P. Similarly, the importance of each risk factor for each
RF is also modeled as a probability distribution p(rf|RF) over the RF.
Here, Sr fi ( px , py ) is the similarity between these two people Given these two distributions, we can compute the probability of
based on a particular risk factor rfi . The closeness degree between risk factors rf occurring in people P in Eq. (5).
two people is represented by the similarity value in terms of rfi .
In order to calculate the similarity of document data for recom- 

mendation systems, some existing methods have been proposed,

p( r f | P ) = p(r f |RF ) p(RF |P ) (5)
such as Euclidean distance and cosine similarity measure (Li et al.,
2019). These methods calculate the similarity based on vectors. This probability distribution p(rf|P) does not include any notion
Here, we use a simple method to calculate the similarity because of RFs any more. Having many people, we observe a data matrix
C. Zhou, A. Li and A. Hou et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 151 (2020) 113361 5

Fig. 3. Unweighted medical social network.

3.4. Group division

A group partitioning algorithm is used to process the medi-

cal social network constructed above. Based on the similarity, the
medical social network will be divided into a high-risk group and
a low-risk group using the group division algorithm. There are
healthy people and heart failure patients in the constructed med-
ical social network. Here, the people who have not established a
state of heart failure through clinical diagnosis are the healthy peo-
ple, while the confirmed cases are the patients. The methods of
network construction and division are the same for different RFs.
Fig. 4. Illustration of a weighted medical social network and matrix. Many RFs will be iterated in the algorithm. We need to initialize
the numbers of heart failure patients, healthy people and RFs at
the beginning of the algorithm. Each execution has different input
parameter initialization during the iteration process. The group di-
vision outputs of the (n − 1 )th execution are the inputs of the nth
execution. Only one RFm is used to describe the construction of
medical social network and the method of group division is ex-
plained in the pseudo-code description below.
From step 1 to 5, the rfm similarity between people is calcu-
lated. In step 6, we construct the network based on rfm . From
Fig. 5. Expression of heart failure decomposition. step 7 to 19, the constructed network is divided into two medium
groups. The division process will continue until all rfs have been
used. Then the algorithm generates many final groups.
The set H includes all healthy people. The set F includes all
of observed p(rf|P) as depicted on the left hand side of the equa- heart failure patients. GH stands for the low-risk group, and GF
tion in Fig. 5. According to the equation of the topic model, the stands for the heart failure high-risk group. We should first ini-
data matrix can be reconstructed by a matrix product of the risk tialize GF and GH. GF = { px | in order to make sure F is a rep-
factor relevances for each RF and a mixture of RFs p(RF|P) for each resentative sample, choose only one px from F based on medical
person. Estimating the topic model means a reverse operation. The knowledge}. Here, the medical knowledge is regarded as the gen-
data matrix on the left-hand side is decomposed into two matrixes eral method, including infection, diet, arrhythmia, and other patho-
on the right-hand side. Based on this, we can recover the charac- logical features of the patient. GH can be expressed as Eq. (7) after
teristic risk factors for each RF and the mixture of RFs for each confirming the GF nodes. The less similarity the more probability
person. that px and py are in different groups, eg. GF and GH.
Here, Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)-a particular instantiation

of topic models is used. β is the control parameter of probability GH = y|Sr fi ( px , py )is minimum, px ∈ GF , py ∈ H (7)
distribution between people and RFs, while γ is the control pa- Firstly, GF or GH is a group based on group initialization, and
rameter of RFs and risk factors. Fitting the model is equivalent to each other node stands for a group. We use a parameter to mea-
finding the parameter β for the dirichlet distribution and the pa- sure the quality of group division. If the edges are randomly dis-
rameter γ for the RF − r f distributions p(rf|RF, γ ) that maximizes tributed, the score of the inner edge of the given group minus the
the likelihood in Eq. (6). Here M is the number of RFs, N is the expected score is denoted as Z, which is shown in Eq. (8).
number of risk factors, and H + F is the number of all people.
Z= Ei j − ei (8)

M i=1

p( r f | β , γ ) = p( θ r | β ) p(r f j |RFi , β ) p(RFi |θr ) dθr In Eq. (8), the number of edges connecting groups i and j is
r=1 j=1 i=1 denoted as Eij . The number of edges connecting group i is denoted
(6) as ei .
6 C. Zhou, A. Li and A. Hou et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 151 (2020) 113361

Secondly, when a node pi moves to the group GF or GH, for all was performed to identify the contribution of major cardiovascular
nodes except px and py , the Z gain Z is expressed as Eq. (9). risk factors in the progression of HF in the study population.
  2  A large matrix is required to store information when construct-
in + 2Wi,in out + Wi ing a medical social network. Here we use a OrientDB in a clus-
Z = −
ter to store the large-scale matrix graph, HBase to store the vertex
2W 2W
  2  properties, and Hadoop MR for data analysis and calculation. The
in out
 W 2 scale of the constructed medical social network will grow larger
− − − (9) and larger, as the number of people increases. This will lead to
2W 2W 2W
high load of CPU and memory demands, which will slow the pro-
The Z value of a node has two different situations. One term is cessing speed. Therefore, we divide the data into several groups.
the node moving into group i (GF or GH). Another term is the node The cluster includes 8 servers which are running the CentOS 7.4
not being in group i, that is to say, it is a group by itself. In Eq. (9), OS, equipped with an 12-core(24-thread) Intel Xeon CPU running
the sum of the links’ weights in the group i is expressed as  in, at 2.80 GHz and 64 GB of memory.
the sum of the links’ weights incident to nodes in i is expressed
as  out, the sum of the links’ weights incident to node pi is ex- 4.2. Experimental results
pressed as Wi , the sum of the links’ weights from node pi to nodes
in i is expressed as Wi,in , and the sum of all links’ weights in the Four tests are included in our experiments. Test 1 shows the
network is expressed as W, with value expressed in Eq. (10). heart failure expression and detection; Test 2 discovers suitable RFo
to be used by our method. The newly discovered patients in the
1   high-risk group are identified in Test 3, by using different threshold
W = Ssa pi , p j (10)
2 values (L) to compute the high-risk group. Test 4 proposes a Mean
Average Precision-inspired evaluation method to measure the ef-
In Eq. (10), the total weight of all links that incident to node fectiveness of our method.
pi is expressed as  ij Ssa (pi , pj ). The weight of the edge between pi In the medical field, in order to evaluate a risk prediction
and pj is expressed as Ssa (pi , pj ). Here, the sum of the weights is method, researchers often use the terms of sensitivity, specificity,
half of  ij Ssa (pi , pj ), because the weight of each link is calculated FNR (False-negative rate, equals 1-sensitivity), FPR (False-positive
twice in the undirected graph. rate, equals 1-specificity), F-measure and ROC curve.
Z is represented as ZGF when the node moves to the GF It is necessary to maximize sensitivity while minimizing FNR,
group. Z is represented as ZGH when the node moves to the when the specificity and sensitivity are used in a medical diagno-
GH group. The node joins the GH group, if ZGF < ZGH ; other- sis. With the higher of the sensitivity, the probability that actual
wise, it joins the GF group. GF and GH are just intermediate groups heart failure patients can be diagnosed will be higher. In order to
in the entire model. Each node is involved either in GF or in GH. ensure most healthy people are diagnosed correctly, the specificity
RFo is a suitable set of risk factors, which will be introduced in needs to be as large as possible. However, specificity and sensitiv-
detail in Section 4.2.2. rfo is one of risk factors in RFo . PT stands for ity are conflicting. Increasing the specificity will reduce the sen-
the risk probability value, which is calculated by dividing the num- sitivity. Therefore, ensuring that all indicators are optimal is diffi-
ber of patients by the total number of people. Terminal groups are cult. It is well known that the cost associated with the FPR is much
defined as either the value of PT is 1, or the groups generated using smaller than the cost associated with the FNR. For this reason, it
rfo . In the beginning, both GF and GH are used as inputs, and an- is more important to maximize the sensitivity of the method than
other rf is used to continue grouping. Then, GH is a terminal group maximize its specificity. However, for the heart failure risk predic-
when the PT value of GH is equal to 1, and only GF is treated as tion method, the target of getting the HF high-risk group will not
input and joins in the next grouping. After each rf in RFo has been be achieved if the value of specificity is too large (e.g., close to
used, the group division will finish, and many terminal groups will 1). Otherwise, if the value of specificity is too small, most people
be constructed. will be at high risk, which will make the method meaningless. It
The high-risk probability threshold value L can be confirmed is suitable to obtain a medium specific value, and make the value
through the ROC curve. Then, a terminal group is a low-risk group of sensitivity as large as possible.
if its PT value is less than L; otherwise, it is a high-risk group. Con- Based on sensitivity and specificity, another medical evaluation
sequently, we can confirm the heart failure high-risk group. criterion-ROC curve can be used. The value of a method is assessed
by the area under the ROC curve (AUC). The assessment value of
4. Experiments the method will be better and better as the AUC increases. No
equilibrium data has no effect on this indicator. Here, due to the
In this section we first describe the method for establishing the lack of no equilibrium data, we use AUC, instead of the accuracy
experiment and then discuss the experimental results. index. In addition, 113,765 people are divided into 50 groups for
testing, each of which is about 2275 people, including both heart
4.1. Experimental setup failure patients and healthy people.

As introduced in Section 2.1, the method is tested using phys- 4.2.1. The experiments of heart failure expression and detection
iological data and risk factor information collected from a real re- The distribution of rfs and RFs are shown in Table 2, which only
search project-HeartCarer, which includes 1026 heart failure pa- includes risk factors with probability p(rfi |RFj ) ≥ 0.1, where i ∈ [1,
tients, 7500 heart failure closely related cases, and 105,239 healthy N], j ∈ [1, M]. The table shows that many rfs with different prob-
people. Detailed presence of contributing cardiovascular risk fac- abilities may belong to the same RF. Meanwhile, the same rf may
tors was collected for each person and recorded in the data col- belong to different RFs (e.g., rf1 ). Therefore, only risk factors with
lection forms designed exclusively for the study. All data were en- larger probabilities are selected for probabilistic combination.
tered prospectively in a computerized database. Analysis was done Fig. 6 shows the ratio relationships of different RFs associated
with the SPSS Statistical software. All categorical values were pre- with people pi . As can be seen from the figure, different RFs have
sented as mean ± standard deviation. A multivariate logistic re- different influencing factors for people’ heart failure expression
gression analysis and odds ratio (OR) (95% confidence interval [CI]) and detection.
C. Zhou, A. Li and A. Hou et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 151 (2020) 113361 7

Table 2
Distribution of RFs and rfs.

RF rf Probability

RF1 rf1 0.4402

RF1 rf2 0.1682
RF1 rf3 0.1153
RF2 rf1 0.2346
RF2 rf4 0.3427
RF2 rf5 0.1208

Fig. 8. Distribution of people’s heart failure in different time.

Fig. 6. Distribution of people and RFs.

Fig. 9. ROC curves of different RFs.

performances in the same period; and 5) the same people has dif-
ferent heart failure expression in different time.

4.2.2. The influences of different RF for heart failure risk prediction

In this test the influences of different RF for heart failure risk
prediction method will be determined, and then discover a suit-
able RFo . Some RFs will be selected, and then a suitable RFo will
be discovered using our method. As time changes, the discovery
of RF is always in progress. The sensitivity and 1-specificity will be
calculated using different threshold values, and then the ROC curve
Fig. 7. Distribution of people and risk factors. is draw separately.
The method presented in this research includes three steps.
Step 1: As mentioned in Section 2.2, RFi is the average of Ri
As shown in Fig. 5, for the expression of heart failure decompo- (1 ≤ j ≤ (i + 1 )). The sensitivity and 1-specificity will be calculated
sition, the decomposition matrixes p(rf|RF) and p(RF|P) on the right using different threshold values. With different RFi , all 50 test data
hand of the equation can be obtained now. The matrix p(rf|P) on groups are assessed using our heart failure risk prediction method.
the left hand of the equation will be analyzed in the next step. The Finally, many terminal groups will be generated through the pro-
distribution of people and risk factors is shown in Fig. 7. As shown cess of group division. We draw the ROC curve based on the calcu-
in Section 3.1, the number of candidate risk factors is eleven in our lated sensitivity and 1-specificity in these groups. The ROC curves
research. The probability of the same risk factor in different people are shown in Fig. 9. From the figure, we can see the ROC curves
shows significant differences. Different people also have different of RF1 , RF2 , RF3 and RF4 are much smaller. Compared to the above
probabilistic combinations of risk factors. For example, risk factor four ones, the assessment result of RF5 is significantly improved.
rf1 can better represent the heart failure of people p1 , while rf5 is In addition, the ROC curves of RF6 , RF7 , RF8 , RF9 , RF10 and RF11 are
more proper to p3 . closer to the ROC curve of RF5 . Further increased factors will not
Different distributions of people pi in different time are shown improve the assessment results. Because matrix calculations are
in Fig. 8. This figure shows that risk factor rf4 can best represent very time consuming, RF5 is chosen as the benchmark combina-
the heart failure in time1 (e.g., October). In time2 (e.g., April) and tion of risk factors.
time3 (e.g., December), the probability of rf2 , rf6 , rf9 and rf10 in- Step 2: From Eq. (2), we know RF5 is the average of R5
creases, while the probability of rf4 decreases. 1 2 3 4 5 6
(1 ≤ j ≤ 6). The ROC curves of R5 , R5 , R5 , R5 , R5 , and R5 are shown
These experiments show that: 1) many risk factors may belong in Fig. 10. Obviously, R25 has the largest ROC curve, so R25 is cho-
to the same RF, and the same risk factor may be included in dif- sen as the best combination. That is to say, compared with other
ferent RFs; 2) different RFs have different influencing factors on rfs, infection, diet, arrhythmia, personal disease history, and men-
people’ heart failure; 3) different people have different risk fac- tal stress have higher impacts on heart failure. Therefore, these five
tor combinations; 4) different people have different heart failure factors are chosen to form RF5 .
8 C. Zhou, A. Li and A. Hou et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 151 (2020) 113361

Table 3
The selection of RFi .

Symbol Concrete related risk factors

RF5 infection, diet, arrhythmia, personal disease history, mental stress

RF6 infection, diet, arrhythmia, personal disease history, mental stress,
long-term smoking and alcohol abuse
RF7 infection, diet, arrhythmia, personal disease history, mental stress,
long-term smoking and alcohol abuse, obesity
RF8 infection, diet, arrhythmia, personal disease history, mental stress,
long-term smoking and alcohol abuse, obesity, excessive physical exertion
RF9 infection, diet, arrhythmia, personal disease history, mental stress,
long-term smoking and alcohol abuse, obesity, excessive physical exertion,
family history of heart failure
RF10 infection, diet, arrhythmia, personal disease history, mental stress,
long-term smoking and alcohol abuse, obesity, excessive physical exertion,
family history of heart failure, motion
RF11 infection, diet, arrhythmia, personal disease history, mental stress,
long-term smoking and alcohol abuse, obesity, excessive physical exertion,
family history of heart failure, motion, environment

cantly better than RF5 , which indicates that the assessment result
can be improved by adding factors. However, the assessment re-
sults does not always improve when further factors are constantly
added, e.g., the log value of ROC curves with RF10 and RF11 are
closer to RF9 . From the log value of ROC curves, we can see that
RF9 is the best choice for heart failure risk prediction.
In the medical field, researches have agreed on some RFs. For
example, people have a higher risk of heart failure if he is a
first-degree relative with heart failure patients. Here, the logistic
method is used to obtain RFs based on the same data to prove the
credibility of the result. The specific process is as follows: 1) the
single-factor conditional logistic regression analysis is used to ana-
lyze all study variables with heart failure one by one. We analyze
all statistically significant factors when a=0.02; 2) based on the
single factor analysis, variables are further screened using multi-
factor conditional logistic regression analysis and using step wise
Fig. 10. ROC curves of different factors in RF5 . regressive method; 3) then we discover nine RFs: infection, diet, ar-
rhythmia, personal disease history, mental stress, long-term smok-
ing and alcohol abuse, obesity, excessive physical exertion, family
history of heart failure. Except miscarriages, the logistic result in-
cludes the factors of RF9 in two results, which explains the cred-
ibility of RF9 . However, a corresponding risk assessment will be
used to consider which is better of the two results.

4.2.3. The early-warning value of the heart failure risk prediction

In order to identify the high-risk group, 13,970 healthy people
are assessed using our heart failure risk prediction method in this
test. Each test group includes 40 0 0 people (260 heart failure pa-
tients and 3740 healthy people). Three test groups are involved
in the test, and the average of the three test groups is the final
result. Fig. 12 shows the ROC curves. The Youden index = sensi-
tivity +specificity-1 in the ROC curve. The larger the Youden in-
dex, the better the assessment result of the method. As shown
Fig. 11. The log value of ROC curves for a suitable RFo . in Fig. 12, the best assessment value can be achieved when 1-
specificity=0.25, sensitivity=0.775, and the Youden index is the
largest. Since a certain threshold value L determines the values of
Step 3: Based on the RF5 in step 2, in order to make the method sensitivity and 1-specificity, the Youden index is the largest when
with the best assessment value, other rfs are added to get different L is 0.068.
choices of RFi . As shown in Table 3, we add other rfs to RF5 one by We confirm 28 people to be heart failure patients in the follow-
one, in order to discover suitable RFo . In Fig. 11, we calculate the up data, although they are shown as healthy in the initial data.
log value of ROC curves, which can more clearly see the difference If the accuracy of the initial data assessment is not considered,
in results. the high-risk group can be calculated using a different high-risk
From the figure, we can see that the assessment result of our threshold value L. Then in the high-risk group, we can identify the
heart failure risk prediction method is the worst when it is used newly discovered patients, as shown in Fig. 13.
with RF5 . However, when RF9 is used, the assessment result is the Different high-risk groups will be calculated with different val-
best. It can be seen that the assessment result with RF9 is signifi- ues of L. The high-risk group includes more newly discovered pa-
C. Zhou, A. Li and A. Hou et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 151 (2020) 113361 9

Fig. 14. History length vs. next admission assessment rank.

Fig. 12. ROC curve of our method based on 13,970 data points.
the low-risk group will involve some of them. In other words, the
heart failure risk prediction method cannot provide early warning
for 100% patients who will have heart failure in the future, because
not all patients have significant risk factors. However, the method
can provide early warning for a high percentage of newly discov-
ered patients in the future, and reduce the screening range using
the low threshold L.
All experimental results demonstrate that the heart failure risk
prediction method is an effective approach to prevent and control
of heart failure.

4.2.4. The evaluation of the heart failure risk prediction method

We use the length of the partial history as input, and calcu-
late the average rank of the proposed method’s assessment. The
dependency between them is shown in Fig. 14. In particular, we
Fig. 13. Statistics of high-risk group and newly discovered patients.
notice that short histories are associated with poor performance
(i.e., higher ranks). In other words, the patient’s future disease may
tients when the value of L is smaller. For example, the high-risk be more uncertain when there is little information about a pa-
group involves 1250 people when L=0.068, and in the follow-up tient’s medical history. These results show that it is more meaning-
data, 9 people are identified to be newly discovered patients. The ful to use and represent the accumulating evidence. Allowing for
method can provide early warning for 32.1% of the newly discov- the learning of complex interactions between conditions and their
ered patients. From this we can see that the value of early warn- development strongly supports the effectiveness of our method.
ing is not very high when L=0.068, although the assessment re- By deleting a randomly chosen RF∗ of each people pj , another
sult is the best. From the perspective of early-warning, lower L approach is proposed to obtain a set of validation data. In order
value should be chosen to get larger high-risk group. The high-risk to evaluate the method, the predicted risk factors are compared
group involves 2562 people when L=0.02676, and in the follow- with the golden standard (e.g., RF∗ ). Our method predicts a list of
up data, 17 people are identified to be newly discovered patients. risk factors ranked according to Eq. (11). A new evaluation method,
The high-risk group involves 3312 people when L=0.01297, and in which is inspired by the idea of Mean Average Precision evalua-
the follow-up data, 22 people are identified to be newly discov- tion method in Information Retrieval domain (Sanderson, 2005), is
ered patients. That is to say, we can provide early warning for also proposed to measure the effectiveness of our method. Each
87.9% of the newly discovered patients and sent them for screen- risk factor is assigned a relevancy weight, and all the risk factors
ing. Meanwhile, the method can identify 28.16% of healthy people are ranked in the database as list RF = {r f1 , j , . . . r fk,
 }. Our method
without a need for screening, which avoids the cost of screening. is more likely to choose a risk factor with the higher relevancy
In the follow-up data, 25 people are identified to be newly discov- weight. In order to evaluate our method, the following measure-
ered patients when L=0.0075, and the method can provide early ment is proposed.
warning for 89.28% of the newly discovered patients. The high- Definition: The CorrectRate evaluates the accuracy of our
risk group involves 3875 people when L=0.005. In the follow-up method. It is the number of desired people divided by the total
data, 25 people are identified to be newly discovered patients, and number of the people. The desired people are those whose risk
the method can provide early warning for more patients. That is to factors matching one of the top M risk factors generated by our
say, we can provide early warning for 92.86% of the newly discov- method.
ered patients and sent them for screening. Meanwhile, the method
j=1 i=1 T OPj,i
can identify 12.68% of healthy people without a need for screening, CorrectRateM = (11)
(H + F ) ∗ R
which avoids the cost of screening. Based on the above results, all
healthy people and all 28 newly discovered patients in the follow- where
up data are involved in the high-risk group when L=0. If so, the 

1 : i f RF ∗ matches a risk f actor in r f1 , j , . . . r fM,

heart failure risk prediction method has no effect, because all peo- ∀T OPj,i = j

ple need heart screening. If L > 0, the high-risk group will not in- 0 : otherwise
clude all 28 newly discovered patients in the follow-up data, and (12)
10 C. Zhou, A. Li and A. Hou et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 151 (2020) 113361

Table 4
An example of CorrectRate.

Demanded factor RF∗ Ranked recommendation factors list M=1 M=3 M=5

p1 rf9 , rf7 , rf3 r f 9 > r f 7 > r f 11 > r f 3 > r f 6 > . . . T OP1,1 = 1 T OP1,3 = 2 T OP1,5 = 3
p2 rf5 , rf1 , rf3 r f 11 > r f 8 > r f 5 > r f 1 > r f 4 > . . . TOP2,1 = 0 TOP2,3 = 1 TOP2,5 = 2
p3 rf2 , rf6 , rf1 r f7 > r f9 > r f3 > r f5 > r f1 > . . . TOP3,1 = 0 TOP3,3 = 0 TOP3,5 = 1
All – – C orrectRat e1 = 0.11 C orrectRat e3 = 0.34 C orrectRat e5 = 0.67

Table 5
The performance of our method.

Training Data Percentage C orrect − Rat e1 C orrect − Rat e3 C orrect − Rat e5 C orrect − Rat e9 C orrect − Rat e11

60% 0.7180 0.7641 0.7953 0.8391 0.8394

50% 0.7069 0.7532 0.7832 0.8027 0.8046
40% 0.6943 0.7346 0.7803 0.7986 0.7992

The number of all people is denoted as H + F . The number of

top risk factors with comparison to the set of golden standard risk
factors RF∗ is denoted as M. R is the number of golden standard
risk factors of each person.
Formula (12) gives a rate of correctly predicating RF∗ in the
top M risk factors of the ranked list RF. When M >= 1, we re-
gard the assessment correct as long as RF∗ is within the top
M predicted laboratory risk factors. Since each person has more
than one desired risk factor, other measurements can be deducted
directly from CorrectRateM . We adopt M = 1, M = 3 and M = 5,
which means the proportion of people that the golden standard
risk factors rank in the top 1, the top 3 or the top 5, namely
CorrectRate1 , CorrectRate3 and CorrectRate5 respectively.
To show how the proposed measurement works, we give an ex-
ample in Table 4. Assume there are totally 3 people and 11 labo-
ratory risk factors. Using our method, each person has a ranked Fig. 15. The comparison of existing methods.
list, which are compared with his/her demanded risk factor. We
use an symbol  <  to indicate that the relevancy weight of the
left part is smaller than that of the right part. Table 4 shows that than 50%, the efficiency of SVM is larger than ANN; otherwise, it is
RF∗ has different ranks for different people. patient1 ranks in the smaller. That is because SVM is suitable for small sample learning.
1st, 2nd and 4th, patient2 ranks in the 3rd and 4th, patient3 ranks When it comes to the law of large numbers, the computational and
only in the 5th within top 5. TOPj,i is shown in the table for given storage performance requirements of SVM are too high. However,
M. The CorrectRate1 , CorrectRate3 and CorrectRate5 have a value of the efficiency of our method is always the best, which is about 90%
0.11, 0.34 and 0.67 accordingly. CorrectRate1 and CorrectRate3 are with the increase of training data percentage.
always smaller or equal to CorrectRate5 , because the people with Finally, the decision of the assessment process is illustrated in
RF∗ ranked in the top 5 will include the people with RF∗ ranked in Figs. 16 and 17. These numbers use the nearest neighbor method to
the top 1 and 3. describe the classification of chosen 41 cases. As described above,
Table 5 shows the overall performance of our method. By re- this result supports similarity metrics calculated between the most
sampling with different training validation proportions, the ex- similar examples determined in each case (template) and historical
periments are conducted on different training sets and valida- data sets. In this particular example, the number of modes used in
tion sets. The percentage of training data we used are 40%, 50%, the assessment is M = 9, which is based on the analysis of Section
and 60% respectively. Using 60% data for training has the highest 5.2.2.
CorrectRates: are 0.7180, 0.7641, 0.7953, 0.8391 and 0.8394. Using
50% data for training has the median CorrectRates: 0.7069, 0.7532, 5. Discussion
0.7832, 0.8027 and 0.8046. The CorrectRates is the lowest when us-
ing 40% data for training, which are 0.6943, 0.7346, 0.7803, 0.7986 We propose a social medical network-based method for predict-
and 0.7992. CorrectRate11 is larger than CorrectRate1 , CorrectRate3 , ing the risk of heart failure. A heart failure high-risk group in the
CorrectRate5 and CorrectRate9 , but it is similar to CorrectRate9 . Ac- network is constructed through assessing whether a person is at
cording to Section 5.2.2, we choose CorrectRate9 as the suitable high risk of developing heart failure. Further screening of people
one. The results show that accurate recommendations of labora- in the high-risk group can help to achieve early detection, early
tory risk factors could be presented. diagnosis, and early treatment, which can eventually improve the
Furthermore, we compare the efficiency of our method with ex- survival rate of heart failure and reduce the mortality. It will also
isting traditional methods such as SVM and ANN. From Fig. 15, we have the potential to reduce the cost of medical visits, and effec-
can see, when the training data percentage is almost 0, the effi- tively relieve medical resources.
ciency of all methods is very low. Meanwhile, with the increase Four tests are included in our experiments. Test 1 shows the
of training data percentage, the efficiency of three methods all in- heart failure expression and detection. These experiments show
crease. When the training data percentage is smaller than 50%, the that: 1) many risk factors may belong to the same RF, and the
efficiency increase fast; however, when it is more than 50%, the ef- same risk factor may be included in different RFs; 2) different
ficiency grows slowly. When the training data percentage is smaller RFs have different influencing factors on heart failure; 3) different
people have different risk factor combinations; 4) different people
C. Zhou, A. Li and A. Hou et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 151 (2020) 113361 11

Fig. 16. The assessment process.

have different heart failure performances in the same period; and risk prediction method cannot provide early warning for 100% pa-
5) same people have different heart failure expressions at different tients who will have heart failure in the future, because not all
times. patients have significant risk factors.
Test 2 tested the influences of different RF for heart failure risk Test 4 proposes a Mean Average Precision-inspired evaluation
prediction method, and discovered a suitable RF0 . All 50 test data method to measure the effectiveness of our method. Since each
groups are assessed. As proved in the medical field, the larger the person has more than one demanded risk factor, other measure-
area under the ROC curve, the better the assessment value of the ments can be deducted directly from CorrectRateM . We adopt M =
method. Here, the logistic method is used to obtain RFs based on 1, M = 3, M = 5, and M = 9, which means the proportion of peo-
the same data to prove the credibility of the result. The specific ple that the golden standard risk factors rank in the top 1, the top
process is as follows: 1) the single-factor conditional logistic re- 3, the top 5 or the top 9. By re-sampling with different training
gression analysis is used to analyze all study variables with heart validation proportions, the experiments are conducted on different
failure one by one. We analyze all statistically significant factors training sets and validation sets. From the experimental results of
when α = 0.02; 2) based on the single factor analysis, variables are Tables 4 and 5, we choose CorrectRate9 as the suitable one. The
further screened using multi-factor conditional logistic regression best accuracy can reach almost 90%. Furthermore, we compare the
analysis and stepwise regressive method; 3) we discover nine RFs: efficiency of our method with the existing traditional methods-
infection, diet, arrhythmia, personal disease history, mental stress, SVM and ANN in Fig. 15. The efficiency of our method is always
long-term smoking and alcohol abuse, obesity, excessive physical the best, which is about 90% with the increase of training data per-
exertion, family history of heart failure. Except miscarriages, the lo- centage.
gistic result includes the factors of RF9 in two results, which proves In short, the method proposed in this paper has several ad-
the credibility of RF9 . However, a corresponding risk assessment vantages: 1) The data set contains records of different types of
will be used to consider which is better of the two results. In fu- people, thus the experimental results are very representative. 2)
ture work, we will explore the risk factors in higher detail, includ- The unique design for selecting risk factors related to heart failure
ing the best choice of risk factor (or a combination), the time in- makes the method generalizable for other countries and regions. 3)
fluence, and the validation from a clinical perspective. It can provide early warning to a high proportion of patients who
By using different threshold values (L) to compute the high-risk are discovered to have heart failure in the future, which is mean-
group, the newly discovered patients in the high-risk group are ingful for the prevention and control of heart failure.
identified in Test 3. The high-risk group includes more newly dis- However, there are also some limitations of our method: 1) we
covered heart failure patients when the value of L is smaller. How- only prove which combination of risk factors is better suited to
ever, when L = 0, the heart failure risk prediction method has no diagnose heart failure based on the tested data set, but not con-
effect, because all people need heart screening. So we tried to find sidering the time influence, and the validation from a clinical per-
the threshold value of L, in which the method can provide early spective. 2) our heart failure risk prediction method cannot provide
warning for a high percentage of newly discovered patients in the early warning for 100% patients who will have heart failure in the
future, and reduce the screening range. However, the heart failure future, because not all patients have significant risk factors.
12 C. Zhou, A. Li and A. Hou et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 151 (2020) 113361

Algorithm 1 Heart Failure Risk Prediction Method. prediction method has no effect, because all people need heart
Input: screening. So we tried to find the threshold value of L, in which the
The number of HF patients, F ; method can provide early warning for a high percentage of newly
The number of healthy people, H; discovered patients in the future, and reduce the screening range.
The total number of RF s, M; In the future work, the computation of L threshold and posterior
r fm ∈ RFM ; choice of values may be analysed in higher detail. 4) Up to now,
Output: there are no very relevant researches which aim directly at predict-
GF, GH; ing the risk of heart failure based on the analysis of cardiovascu-
1: for j = 1; j < H + F ; j + + do
lar risk factors. The purpose of this manuscript is to provide early
2: for i = j + 1; i <= H + F ; i + + do warning to patients with suspected heart failure, not necessarily
3: Compute Sr fm ( j, i ); diagnosed heart failure patients. However, in order to prove the ef-
4: end for ficiency of our method, we compare with the traditional methods-
5: end for
SVM and ANN, as shown in Fig. 15. By comparing, we can see the
Network G is constructed based on Sr fm efficiency of our method is always the best, which is about 90%
Based on the rules to initialize the group with the increase of training data percentage. In addition, we will
Select two nodes hi and f j , hi ∈ GH, f j ∈ GF do some further comparison in our future work, such as space cost,
6: for k = 1; k <= H + F ; k + + do
time cost, parameter influence, and so on.
7: if k! = i and k! = j then
8: k is involved in GH; Declaration of Competing Interest
9: calculate ZGH ;
10: k is involved in GF; There is no conflict of interest form in this paper.
11: compute ZGF ;
12: if ZGH > ZGF then Supplementary material
13: k joins GH;
14: else Supplementary material associated with this article can be
15: k joins GF; found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2020.113361.
16: end if
17: end if Credit authorship contribution statement
18: end for
Chunjie Zhou: Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation, For-
mal analysis, Writing - original draft, Funding acquisition. Ali Li:
Methodology, Validation, Visualization. Aihua Hou: Investigation,
6. Conclusions
Resources, Data curation, Formal analysis. Zhiwang Zhang: Valida-
tion, Funding acquisition. Zhenxing Zhang: Resources, Project ad-
The existing research works mainly consider the analysis of
ministration. Pengfei Dai: Software, Supervision, Project adminis-
ECG. However, when an ECG abnormality is detected, the person
tration. Fusheng Wang: Writing - review & editing.
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