Diagnostic, Patient Monitoring and Therapy: Electrocardiogram (ECG) /portable ECG and Electroencephalogram (EEG)

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Diagnostic, Patient Monitoring and Therapy

➔ Electrocardiogram (ECG)/Portable ECG and Electroencephalogram (EEG)

Biophysical Monitoring Overview wall contraction spreads electrical cur­ spikes, respiration (which may be
The human medical data acquisition rents from the heart throughout the body. rhythmic or sporadic), electro­magnetic
system, in particular the patient moni- The spreading electrical currents create interference (EMI), and noise from other
toring system, presents the challenge different potentials at different points electronic components that couple into
to designers of measuring very small on the body, which can be sensed by the input. Some of the noise can be
electrical signals in the presence of electrodes on the skin surface using cancelled with a high-input-impedance
much larger common-mode voltages biological transducers made of metals instrumentation amplifier (INA), like the
and noise. Front-end amplifiers perform and salts. This electrical potential is an INA333 or INA118, which removes the
the essential conditioning that comple- AC signal with bandwidth of 0.05Hz to AC line noise common to both inputs
ments downstream digital processing, 100Hz, sometimes up to 1kHz. It is and amplifies the remaining unequal
which in turn refines the measurement generally around 1mV peak-to-peak in signals present on the inputs; higher
and communicates with other systems. the presence of much larger external INA common-mode rejection (CMR)
Biophysical measurements include high frequency noise plus 50/60Hz will result in greater rejection. Because
electrical and mechanical signals for interference normal-mode (mixed they originate at different points on the
general monitoring, diagnostic and with the electrode signal) and com- body, the left-arm and right-arm ECG
scientific purposes both in clinic and mon-mode voltages (common to all signals are at different voltage levels
non-clinic environments. Successfully electrode signals). and are amplified by the INA. To further
meeting the signal acquisition chal- reject 50 and 60Hz noise, an opera-
lenge requires system designers to The common-mode is comprised of tional amplifier deriving common-mode
have knowledge of the signal source, two parts: 50Hz or 60Hz inter­ference voltage is used to invert the common-
good design practice and ICs with and DC electrode offset potential. mode signal and drive it back into
appropriate characteristics, features Other noise or higher frequencies the patient through the right leg using
and performance. within the biophysical bandwidth come amplifier A2. Only a few microamps or
from movement artifacts that change less are required to achieve significant
Signal Acquisition Challenges the skin-electrode interface, muscle CMR improvement and stay within the
The action potential created by heart contraction or electromyographic UL544 limit.


Integrated Analog Front End LCD

Touch Screen Control

Input Low Pass
Buffer (DC)

ADC Wireless:
High Display Zigbee

Pass Driver Bluetooth


Ref DS Converter

Summer Clock Signal USB
(resistive) Processor RS232

RLD Core
Temp Sense
and I/O

Low Noise Power Level Shift

Human Body


Plug DDR
Green Power
AC/DC Battery
Supply Management
Control Memory
AC Line Power Management
P M t
Processor Power
Interface ADC/DAC
RF/IF Clocks
Amplifier Other

Product Availability and Design Disclaimer – The system block diagram depicted above and the devices recommended are designed in this manner as a reference. Please contact your local TI sales office or
distributor for system design specifics and product availability.

Three ECG electrodes connected to patient using CMOS components with 5V single supply. This circuit will
operate on a 3.3V supply.

Medical Applications Guide 34 Texas Instruments 2010

Diagnostic, Patient Monitoring and Therapy
➔ Electrocardiogram (ECG)/Portable ECG and Electroencephalogram (EEG)
Supply Voltage Frequency Response
Operational Amplifier
As in most other applications, the Standard –3dB frequency bandwidth
system supply voltage in biophysical for patient monitoring is 0.05Hz to 30Hz,
monitoring continues the trend toward while diagnostic grade monitoring • Low noise in high gain
low, single-supply levels. While bipolar requires 0.05Hz to 100Hz or more. The (Gain = 10 to 1000)
supplies are still used, 5V systems are analog front end must be AC coupled • Rail-to-rail output
now common and trending to single to remove artifacts from the electrode • Very low offset and drift
3.3V supplies. This trend presents a offset potential.
significant challenge for the designer Connectivity for ECG/EEG equipment
faced with at least a 300mV DC elec- Instrumentation Amplifier has become of interest as caregivers
trode potential and emphasizes the Requirements require data to move from medical end
need for a precision signal-conditioning • Stability in low gain (Gain = 1 to 10) equipment to data hubs such as the
solution. • High common-mode rejection hospital/clinic IT infrastructure, com-
• Low input bias current (IB) puters or even mobile phones.
• Good swing to the output rail
• Very low offset and drift

Low-Power Applications Processor

Get datasheets, samples and technical documents at: www.ti.com/sc/device/omap-l137

Key Features The OMAP-L137 is a low-power applications processor based on an ARM926EJ-S™

• Dual core SoC and a C674x DSP core. It consumes significantly lower power than other members
• 300MHz ARM926EJ-S™ of the TMS320C6000™ platform of DSPs. The OMAP-L137 enables OEMs and
RISC MPU ODMs to quickly bring to market devices featuring robust operating systems sup-
• 300MHz C674x VLIW DSP port, rich user interfaces, and high processing performance life through the maxi-
• TMS320C674x fixed/floating-point mum flexibility of a fully integrated mixed processor solution. The dual-core archi-
VLIW DSP core tecture of the OMAP-L137 provides benefits of both DSP and Reduced Instruction
• Enhanced direct-memory-access Set Computer (RISC) technologies, incorporating a high-performance TMS320C674x
controller 3 (EDMA3) DSP core and an ARM926EJ-S core. The ARM926EJ-S is a 32-bit RISC processor core
that performs 32-bit or 16-bit instructions and processes 32-bit, 16-bit, or 8-bit data.
• 128K-byte RAM shared memory
• Two external memory interfaces
• Three configurable 16550 type UART ARM9
PRU Subsystem
2x PRU

modules 4K+4K Prog

512+512 Data
ARM C674x
• LCD controller 926EJ-S DSP
• Two serial peripheral interfaces (SPI) CPU Core
• Multimedia card (MMC)/secure L1P 18K
L1P 32K
L1D 32K
L1D 18K
digital (SD) L2 256K
Controller RAM
• Two master/slave inter-integrated
Switched Central Resource (SCR) / EDMA
• One host-port interface (HPI) Peripherals
Connectivity Control Timers
• USB 1.1 OHCI (Host) with integrated 10/
100 HPI USB2.0 Timer
PHY (USB1) EMAC 1.1 (1)
(2) (2) (3) (3)

Serial Interfaces External Memory Interfaces

(2) (3) (2) (3) SDRAM
32 -bit

• Medical measurement
• Industrial diagnostics
OMAP-L137 block diagram.

Medical Applications Guide 35 Texas Instruments 2010

Diagnostic, Patient Monitoring and Therapy
➔ Electrocardiogram (ECG)/Portable ECG and Electroencephalogram (EEG)

Complete Analog Front End for ECG/EEG Applications

Get datasheets, samples and evaluation modules at: www.ti.com/sc/device/ADS1298
View the ADS1298 video at: http://e2e.ti.com/videos/m/analog/134732.aspx

Key Benefits The eight-channel, 24-bit ADS1298 is the first in a family of fully integrated analog
• Reduce components and board size front ends (AFEs) for patient monitoring, portable and high-end electrocardiogram
by 95% (ECG) and electroencephalogram (EEG). Succeeding four- and six-channel versions
• 1mW/channel reduces solution and 16-bit versions offer designers a migration path to varying resolutions and
power by 95% channel combinations for low-noise medical equipment. Examples include patient
monitors, rest and stress ECG, fetal monitoring, hospital and public access AEDs,
• Single-chip solution increases sys-
as well as sports and fitness monitors.
tem reliability and patient mobility
Key Features
• Eight low-noise PGAs ADS1298 REF
• Eight high-resolution, simultaneous
sampling ADCs PGA1 ADC1
• Integrated amplifier for right-leg drive SPI
• Integrated amplifiers for Wilson MUX and
Central Terminal (WCT) and
Goldberger Central Terminals (GCT)
• Digital pace detection capability
Lead Off Oscillator
• Continuous lead-off detection
RLD Temperature
• Onboard oscillator and reference for Pace
smaller footprint and low-power Detect
applications Wilson
• ECG and EEG applications ADS1298 block diagram.

Medical Applications Guide 36 Texas Instruments 2010

Diagnostic, Patient Monitoring and Therapy
➔ Electrocardiogram (ECG)/Portable ECG and Electroencephalogram (EEG)

Low-Noise, 900kHz, 50µV, RRIO Precision Op Amps

OPA378, OPA2378
Get samples and datasheets at: www.ti.com/sc/device/OPA378 or www.ti.com/sc/device/OPA2378

Key Features Applications The OPA378 (single) and OPA2378

• Low noise 0.1Hz to 10Hz: 0.4µVPP • Battery-powered instruments (dual) represent a new generation of
• Low offset voltage: 15µV (typ) • Medical instrumentation micro­power op amps featuring a com-
bination of rail-to-rail I/O, low input
• Quiescent current: 125µA (typ) • Temperature measurement
offset voltage (50µV (max)), low quies-
• Offset drift: 0.1µV/°C (typ) • Handheld test equipment
cent current and 90kHz bandwidth. It
• Single-supply operation has excellent PSRR which makes it an
• Supply voltage: 2.2V to 5.5V ideal choice for applications that run
• EMI input filters and RRIO direct from batteries without regulation.
• Packaging: SC70-5, SOT23-5


Voltage Noise (nV/√Hz)



Time (1s/div) 1 10 100 1k 10k 30k
Frequency (Hz)
OPA378: 0.1Hz to 10Hz noise. OPA378: voltage noise spectral density
versus frequency.

Zerø-Drift, Low-Offset, Single-Supply Op Amps

OPA334, OPA335
Get samples, datasheets, evaluation modules and application reports at: www.ti.com/sc/device/OPA334
or www.ti.com/sc/device/OPA335

Key Features The OPA334 and OPA335 CMOS op amps use auto-zeroing techniques to
• GBW: 2MHz simultaneously provide very low offset voltage and near-zero drift over time and
• Low offset voltage: 5µV (max) tem­perature. These high-precision amps offer high input impedance and rail-to-rail
output swing.
• Zero drift: 0.05µV/°C (max) VEX R1
• Quiescent current: 285µA
• EMI input filtered
• Shutdown available on OPA344
• Packaging: SOT23-5, SOT23-6,
SO-8, MSOP-10 (dual) OPA335 VOUT

• Transducer applications, such as R1
pressure sensing
• Electronic weight scales
• Temperature measurement OPA335 –5V supply bridge amplifier for high CMRR

Medical Applications Guide 37 Texas Instruments 2010

Diagnostic, Patient Monitoring and Therapy
➔ Electrocardiogram (ECG)/Portable ECG and Electroencephalogram (EEG)
Precision, Rail-to-Rail I/O Instrumentation Amplifier
Get samples, datasheets, evaluation modules and application reports at: www.ti.com/sc/device/INA326

Key Features The INA326 is a precision instrumentation amplifier with rail-to-rail input and
• Low offset: 100µV (max) output and with true single-supply operation it offers very low DC errors and
• Low offset drift: 0.4µV/°C (max) input common-mode ranges that extend beyond the positive and negative rails.
Excellent long-term stability and very low 1/f noise assure low offset voltage and
• Excellent long-term stability
drift throughout the life of the product.
• Very low 1/f noise V+ V-
• Input common-mode range: 200mV Applications 7
below negative rail to 100mV above • Medical instruments VIN–
1 4
positive rail • Multi-channel data acquisition
• Wide output swing: Within 10mV of 6
systems R1 INA326 VO
rails • Low-level transducer amplifier for 8
• Single supply: +2.7V to +5.5V bridges, load cells, thermocouples 3
5 G = 2(R2/R1)
• Packaging: MSOP-8, MSOP-10 • Wide dynamic range sensor
measurements R2 C2

INA326 functional block diagram.

4-/8-Channel, 16-Bit, Serial Output ADC for Portable Applications

ADS8331, ADS8332, ADS8341, ADS8342, ADS8343, ADS8344, ADS8345
Get samples, datasheets, evaluation modules and application reports at: www.ti.com/sc/device/PARTnumber
(Replace PARTnumber with ADS8331, ADS8332, ADS8341, ADS8342, ADS8343, ADS8344 or ADS8345)

Key Features The ADS8341 is a 4-channel, 16-bit ADC with synchronous serial interface. Typical
• Conversion rate: up to 100kHz power dissipation is 8mW at a 100kHz throughput rate and a +5V supply. The ref-
• 4-/8-channel single-ended or erence voltage can be varied between 500mV and VCC, providing a corresponding
2-channel differential input input voltage range of 0V to VREF. It is tested down to 2.7V operation. The serial
interface also provides low-cost isolation for remote data acquisition.
• SINAD: 86dB
• Serial interface
• Single supply: 2.7V to 5V
• Packaging: SSOP-16 SAR DCLK

• Portable medical devices CS
CH0 Comparator
• Test and measurement SHDN
Four Serial
• Data acquisition CH1
Channel Interface DIN
CH2 Multiplexer and
CH3 Control

ADS8341 functional block diagram.

Medical Applications Guide 38 Texas Instruments 2010

Diagnostic, Patient Monitoring and Therapy
➔ Electrocardiogram (ECG)/Portable ECG and Electroencephalogram (EEG)
Multi-Channel, 24-Bit, Delta-Sigma ADCs
ADS1271, ADS1274, ADS1278
Get samples, datasheets, evaluation modules and application reports at: www.ti.com/sc/device/PARTnumber
(Replace PARTnumber with ADS1271, ADS1274 or ADS1278)

Key Features The ADS1271, ADS1274 and ADS1278 are single-, quad- and octal-channel ADCs,
• Single-channel or simultaneously respectively. These 24-bit, delta-sigma ADCs have data rates of up to 128kSPS,
measures 4/8 channels allowing simultaneous sampling of all channels, and are offered in identical pack-
• Up to 128kSPS data rate ages for drop-in expandability. The devices offer excellent DC and AC specifica-
• AC performance: tions for high-precision measurement applications. They provide a usable signal
• Bandwidth: 62kHz bandwidth of up to 90 percent of the Nyquist rate with less than 0.005dB of ripple.
• SNR: 111dB (high-resolution mode) Four operating modes allow for optimization of speed, resolution and power.
• THD: –108dB THD

• Offset drift: 0.8µV/°C

• Gain drift: 1.3ppm/°C Logic MODE
• Linear-phase digital filter
• SPI or frame-sync serial interface
• Analog supply: 5V DRDY/FSYNC
• Packaging: HTQFT-64 PowerPAD™ ∆Σ SCLK
Digital Serial
Modulator Filter Interface DOUT
Applications AINN DIN
• Pressure sensors
• Patient monitoring
• Vibration/modal analysis AGND DGND

• Multi-channel data acquisition ADS1271/4/8 functional block diagram.

• Acoustics/dynamic strain gauges

Single, Dual and Quad Fully Differential Amplifiers

THS4521, THS4522, THS4524
Get samples, datasheets, evaluation modules and application reports at: www.ti.com/sc/device/PARTnumber
(Replace PARTnumber with THS4521, THS4522 or THS4524)

Key Features The THS4521(single), THS4522 (dual), and THS4524 (quad) are negative rail input, rail-
• Low quiescent current: 1.14mA (typ) to-rail output, fully differential amplifiers operating from a single +2.5V to +5.5V supply.
• Power down capability: 20μA (typ) The low 1.14mA/channel quiescent current and power down capability to 20µA make it
• Input voltage noise: 4.6nV/√Hz a good choice for low power applications. The output common-mode control with low
• Slew rate: 490V/µs offset and drift allows for dc-coupling in high accuracy data acquisition systems.
• Neg. rail-input and rail-to-rail output
• Power supply voltage: 1.5nF

+2.5V (±1.25V) to +5.5V (±2.75V) 5V

• Packaging1: SO-8 and MSOP-8 1k 49.9

(THS4521), TSSOP-16 (THS4522) –
and TSSOP-38 (THS4524) THS4521
2.2nF ADS1278: Ch1
VIN– +
Applications 1k VOCM
• Portable medical equipment
• Low power SAR and delta-sigma 1.5 nF
ADC drivers
• Low power differential driver 1k
• Low-power differential signal
THS4521 driving one channel of ADS1278 .

Medical Applications Guide 39 Texas Instruments 2010

Diagnostic, Patient Monitoring and Therapy
➔ Electrocardiogram (ECG)/Portable ECG and Electroencephalogram (EEG)
Electrocardiogram (ECG) Analog Front End Module for the C5515 ECG Medical Development Kit
Get samples, datasheets and evaluation modules at: www.ti.com/tmdxmdkek1258

Key Features To reduce the time to market for medical device companies, TI has launched a
• ECG AFE module key components set of medical application development tools with complete signal chain designs
• ADS1258: 16-channel, 24-bit and software for electrocardiograms, digital stethoscopes, and pulse oximeter
sigma delta analog-to-digital products. Each of the three medical development kits (MDKs) is comprised by
converter (ADC) purchasing an analog front-end (AFE) module with specific circuitry design opti-
• INA128: precision, low power mized for each end product plus a TMS320C5515 DSP Evaluation Module (EVM)
instrumentation amplifier based on the industry’s lowest power DSP – TMS320C5515. MDKs provide a
• PCA9535: remote 16-bit I2C and great evaluation platform to help medical device manufacturers focus on product
SMBus low-power I/O expander differentiation, like algorithm development and feature enhancement.
• TLV3404: nanopower open drain
output comparator The TMDXMDKEK1258 Electrocardiogram (ECG) Analog Front End (AFE) module
• REF5025: low-noise, very low drift is part of the ECG medical development kit (MDK) that consists of the ECG AFE
precision voltage reference module, a processor board (C5515 DSP evaluation module), a set of collateral and
• ECG MDK system features C5515 based application sample code to implement the ECG application. The
• Based on industry’s lowest power ECG MDK delivers a complete signal chain solution to enable ECG developers to
DSP processor – TMS320C5515 build a complete ECG system quickly for evaluation and get to production faster.
• 12-lead ECG output using 10
electrode input
• 0.05Hz to 150Hz bandwidth
• Leads off detection
• Real-time 12-lead ECG waveform
display on EVM LCD, one lead at a
• Real-time 12-lead ECG waveform
display on PC, three leads at a
• Heart beat rate display
• Recording of ECG data, and offline
display option of recorded ECG

Applications TMDXMDKEK1258 EVM .

• Portable ECG devices
• Patient monitoring
A new ECG Analog Front End module is also now available using the latest
ECG ADC – the ADS1298. The P/N for this is ADS1298ECGFE-PDK and it can
be used seamlessly with the C5515 EVM (TMDXEVM5515).

MDK ECG SW is freely available at:


Medical Applications Guide 40 Texas Instruments 2010

Diagnostic, Patient Monitoring and Therapy
➔ Electrocardiogram (ECG)/Portable ECG and Electroencephalogram (EEG)
Component Recommendations
Component Description Key Features Benefits Other TI Solutions
INA118 Instrumentation 110dB CMRR, 5nA (max) bias current, 50µV (max) offset Wide BW at high gain, ±1.35V to ±18V supply INA128, INA121
INA121 Instrumentation 106dB CMRR, 4pA (max) bias current, 200µV (max) offset Low input bias current INA126
INA126 Instrumentation 175µA/ch supply, 3µV/°C (max) drift, 250µV (max) offset Precision low power, ±1.35V to ±18V supply INA2126
INA128 Instrumentation 120dB CMRR, 5nA (max) bias current, 50µV (max) offset High CMRR, wide BW at high gain, ±2.25V to ±18V INA129
Amp supply
OPA277 Op Amp 10µV offset, ±0.1µV/°C drift, 134dB open-loop gain High precision, low drift, low power OPA2277 (dual)
OPA4277 (quad)
INA326 Instrumentation 120dB CMRR (G = 100), 100µV (max) offset, 0.4µV/°C High CMRR, low cost, +2.7V to +5.5V INA321, INA333
*Page 38 Amp (max) drift
INA333 Instrumentation 25μV (max) offset, 50nV/°C drift, 50μA (typ) Iq Best offset/noise combination, supply down to 1.8V, INA326, INA321
Amp low power
OPA130 FET-Input 20pA (max) bias current, 90dB (min) CMRR, 1MHz BW Precision, low input bias, low power OPA131, OPA137
OPA333 Precision Op Amp 1.8V min supply, 0.017mA/ch (max), 10μV offset (max), Zero drift, high precision, low power, EMI input OPA335, OPA378,
0.05μV/°C drift (max) OPA330
OPA334/5 Op Amp 2MHz, 5µV (max) offset, 0.05µV/°C (max) drift, 285μA Provides very low offset voltage and near-zero drift OPA735, OPA333,
*Page 37 over time and temperature; SOT23 OPA334
OPA336 Op Amp 125µV (max) offset, 1.5µV/°C drift, 20µA supply micoPower, SOT23 package OPA379
OPA378 Low Noise 0.1µV/°C Vos drift, 125µA, 900kHz, 0.4μVPP (0.1Hz to Lowest noise, power, price, precision zero-drift option OPA330, OPA333
*Page 37 Precision Op Amp 10Hz) 0.4µ Vpp (0.1Hz to 10Hz), 0.9MHz
OPA2378 Precision Op Amp 2.2V to 5.5V supply, 20µV voltage, 0.1µV/°C drift, 125µA Has excellent PSRR which makes it an ideal choice
*Page 37 quiescent current for applications that run direct from batteries without
THS4521/22/24 Low Power FDA 1.14mA quiescent current (typ), 4.6nV/√Hz voltage noise, Low power, low noise enables high accuracy
*Page 39 2.5V to 5.5V supply
Data Converters
ADS1258 Delta-Sigma ADC 16-channel, 24-bit, 125kSPS, 23.7kSPS/channel Fastest multi-channel, delta-sigma ADC, measures ADS1256, ADS1255,
all 16 inputs in <675µs ADS8344
ADS1271/74/78 Delta-Sigma ADC 24-bit, 128kSPS, 8-channel, 111dB SNR Simultaneous measurement, onboard decimation
*Page 39 filter
ADS1298 ECG/EEG AFE 24-bit, 8 PGA, 8 ADC, plus RLD and RESP Complete front end, reduction in power and size, ADS1294, ADS1296,
*Page 36 increase reliability ADS1198, ADS1258
ADS8317 SAR ADC 16-bit, 250kSPS, 2.7V to 5.5V supply, ±1.5 LSB (max) Low power, small package, and wide supply range ADS8326
INL, differential input
ADS8326 Low-Power ADC 16-bit, 250kSPS, 2.7V to 5.5V supply, ±1.5 LSB (max) INL Small package, wide supply range
ADS8331/32 SAR ADC 16-bit, 500kSPS, 4/8 channels, with serial interface Mux out feature can be used to reduce system part ADS8342
*Page 38 count and overall cost
ADS8341/2/3/4/5 Serial Output 16-bit, 4-/8-channel single-ended or 2-channel Easy to use
*Page 38 ADC differential input, 2.7V to 5V single supply ADC
ADS8519 High Volt. SAR ADC 16-bit, 250kSPS, 1.5LSB (max) INL, 92dB SNR Single supply, high voltage inputs ADS8515
DDC112 Charge-Digitizing Dual current input, 20-bit ADC, ±0.005% INL reading High precision, true integrating function DDC114, DDC118,
ADC ±0.5ppm FSR DDC232
REF02 Precision VREF 0.2% (max) initial accuracy, 10ppm/°C (max) drift, 1.4mA (max) Excellent line/load regulation, low noise REF5050
REF102 10V, Ultra 0.05% (max) initial accuracy, 2.5ppm/°C (max) drift, Excellent stability and line/load regulation REF5010
Precision 1.4mA (max)
REF30xx Low-Power, 50µA, 0.2% initial accuracy, 50ppm/°C max drift, ±25mA REF31xx, REF33xx,
Low-Drift Ref. output, 1.25V, 2.048V, 2.5V, 3.0V, 3.3V, 4.096V REF29xx
REF32xx Ultra-Low-Drift 100µA, 0.2% initial accuracy, 7ppm/°C max drift, Improves system accuracy
Series Reference ±10mA output, 1.25V, 2.048V, 2.5V, 3.0V, 3.3V, 4.096V
REF33xx Very Low-Power 5µA, 0.15% initial accuracy, 30ppm/°C max drift, Preserves battery life, fits into physically constrained REF30xx, REF31xx,
Series Reference ±5mA output, 1.25V, 1.8V, 2.048V, 2.5V, 3.0V, 3.3V systems REF29xx
REF5010 10V, High-Precision, 0.05% initial accuracy, 3ppm/°C max drift, ±10mA Improves system accuracy REF102
Very Low-Drift output, 10V
Series Reference
REF50xx High-Precision, 0.05% initial accuracy, 3ppm/°C max drift, ±10mA Improves system accuracy REF02
Very Low-Drift output, 2.048V, 2.5V, 3.0V, 4.096V, 4.5V, 5.0V
Series Reference
*For additional product information see designated page number. New products are listed in bold red.
To view more system block diagram compatible products, visit www.ti.com/medical

Medical Applications Guide 41 Texas Instruments 2010

Diagnostic, Patient Monitoring and Therapy
➔ Electrocardiogram (ECG)/Portable ECG and Electroencephalogram (EEG)
Component Recommendations (Continued)
Component Description Key Features Benefits Other TI Solutions
MSP430F20xx Ultra-Low-Power 1KB/2KB Flash, 128B RAM, SPI+I2C 16-bit MCU 8 ch. 12-bit ADC or 4 ch. 16-bit SD ADC, 4 x 4mm
16-bit MCU package
MSP430F22x4 Ultra-Low-Power 8 to 32KB Flash, 512B/1KB RAM, SPI + I2C + UART/LIN 12 ch. 10-bit ADC, 2 operational amplifiers
16-bit MCU + IrDA
MSP430F23x0 Ultra-Low-Power 8 to 32KB Flash, 1KB/2KB RAM, SPI + I2C + UART/LIN Analog comparator, HW multiplier
16-bit MCU + IrDA
MSP430F41x Ultra-Low-Power 4 to 32KB Flash, 256B to 1KB RAM, SVS, Analog comparator
16-bit MCU 96 segment LCD
MSP430F42x Ultra-Low-Power 8 to 32KB Flash, 256B to 1KB RAM, SPI + UART, SVS, 3 x 16-bit SD ADC
16-bit MCU 128 segment LCD
MSP430F42x0 Ultra-Low-Power 16 to 32KB Flash, 256B RAM, 56 segment LCD 5 ch. 16-bit SD ADC, 12-bit DAC
16-bit MCU
MSP430F43x Ultra-Low-Power 16 to 32KB Flash, 512B/1KB RAM, SPI + UART, SVS, 8 ch. 12-bit ADC, analog comparator
16-bit MCU 160 segment LCD
MSP430F44x Ultra-Low-Power 32 to 60KB Flash, 1KB/2KB RAM, 2x SPI + UART, SVS, 8 ch. 12-bit ADC, HW multiplier
16-bit MCU 160 segment LCD
MSP430F47xx Ultra-Low-Power 60KB Flash, 256B RAM, (4) USCI, 160 segment LCD (4) SD16 ADC, HW multiplier, temp. sensor, analog
16-bit MCU comparator
MSP430F241x Ultra-Low-Power 120KB Flash, 8KB RAM, (4) USCI, SVS, temp. sensor 8 ch. 12-bit ADC, analog comparator, HW multiplier
16-bit MCU
MSP430F261x Ultra-Low-Power 120KB Flash, 8KB RAM, (4) USCI, SVS, DMA, temp. Analog comparator, 2 ch. 12-bit DAC, 8 ch. 12-bit
16-bit MCU sensor ADC, HW multiplier
MSP430F471xx Ultra-Low-Power 120KB Flash, 8KB RAM, (4) USCI, DMA 160 segment LCD (7) SD16 ADC, HW multiplier, temp. sensor, analog
16-bit MCU comparator
MSP430F54xxA Ultra-Low-Power 128 to 256KB Flash, 16KB RAM, (4) USCI, PMM, DMA, 16 ch. 12-bit ADC, analog comparator, RTC, internal
16-bit MCU temp. sensor voltage regulator for power optimization
MSP430FG42x0 Ultra-Low-Power 16 to 32KB Flash, 256B RAM, 56 segment LCD 5 ch. 16-bit SD ADC, 12-bit DAC, 2 integrated
16-bit MCU op amps
MSP430FG43x Ultra-Low-Power 32 to 60KB Flash, 1KB/2KB RAM, SPI + UART, SVS, 12 ch. 12-bit ADC, 2 ch. 12-bit DAC, DMA, 3 op amps
16-bit MCU 128 segment LCD
MSP430FG461x Ultra-Low-Power 92 to 120KB Flash, 4KB/8KB RAM, SPI + I2C + UART/LIN 12 ch. 12-bit ADC, 2 ch.12-bit DAC, A-comp, 3 op
16-bit MCU + IrDA, 160 LCD amp, HW multiplier
MSP430FG47x Ultra-Low-Power 32 to 60KB Flash, 2KB RAM, SPI + I2C + UART/LIN + 5 ch. 16-bit SD ADC, 2 ch. 12-bit DAC,
16-bit MCU IrDA, 128 LCD controller comparator_A, 2 op amps
OMAP3530 Applications ARM® Cortex-A8, C64x+™, graphics accelerator, video Laptop-like performance at handheld power levels OMAP3503,
Processor accelerators OMAP3515,
OMAP-L137 Low-Power 300MHz ARM9™ w/MMU + 300MHz C674x™ floating- Highly integrated, dual-core solution drives low system cost OMAP-L138
*Page 35 Applications point DSP core, rich peripheral set including 10/100 and maximum flexibility for connectivity, GUI and high-level OS
Processor Ethernet MAC, LCD controller, USB 2.0 HS OTG, USB 1.1 options. Extends product battery life by providing greater than
full speed, SPI and MMC/SD 60% power reduction over existing solutions in the market.
TMS320C5000™ DSP Power efficient, high performance
TMS320F28x™ 32-Bit MCU 32-bit architecture, fixed- or floating-point code, up to Microcontroller integration, real-time control TMS320F2823x,
225MIPS operation performance TMS320F2833x
TMS320F2802x/3x 32-Bit Up to 60MHz C28x™ core with optional control law With dedicated, high precision peripherals, Piccolo TMS320F283x
Piccolo™ Microcontroller accelerator. Up to 128KB Flash, high resolution (150ps) microcontrollers are the ultimate combination of Delfino,
PWMs, 4.6MSPS ADC, CAN/LIN, QEP. performance, integration, size, and low cost. Ideal for TMS320F280x
precision sensing and control applications.
TMS320F283x 32-Bit Up to 300MHz C28x™ core. Up to 512KB Flash, high Delfino brings floating point and unparalleled TMS320F2802x/3x
Delfino™ Floating-point resolution (150ps) PWMs, 12MSPS ADC, CAN/LIN, QEP, performance to MCUs. Native floating point brings Piccolo,
Microcontroller external memory bus, DMA. increased performance and quicker development. TMS320F280x
Ideal for precision sensing and control applications.
TMS320VC5506 DSP 200MHz, dual MAC, very low stand-by power of 0.12mW Supported by eXpressDSP™ and many other TMS320VC5509A,
software packages and tools TMS320VC5502
Power Management
bq20z90-V110 Battery Fuel Instant accuracy better than 1% error over lifetime of the Automatically adjusts for battery aging, battery self bq20z70, bq20z80
Gauge battery discharge and temperature inefficiencies
bq24703 Battery Charger 0V operation, ±0.4% charge voltage accuracy, integrated PWM Dynamic power management, multichemistry bq24702, bq24705
bq24721C Battery Charge Multi-chemistry and multi-cell sync switch-mode charger High efficiency, pack and system protection functions
additional product information see designated page number.
*For New products are listed in bold red.
To view more system block diagram compatible products, visit www.ti.com/medical

Medical Applications Guide 42 Texas Instruments 2010

Diagnostic, Patient Monitoring and Therapy
➔ Electrocardiogram (ECG)/Portable ECG and Electroencephalogram (EEG)
Component Recommendations (Continued)
Component Description Key Features Benefits Other TI Solutions
Power Management (Continued)
bq29330 Battery Safety Battery pack full-protection analog front end Provides individual cell voltages and battery voltage
to battery management host
DCH010505D Galvanic Isolated, 1W, 3kV isolation, minimal external components Safety isolation, removal of ground loops DCH010512/15
DC/DC Conv. DCR021205
TPS22902 Load Switch with Low on resistance, controlled turn-on, ultra small 0.64mm2 Ultra-small, fully integrated solution TPS22901, TPS22922,
Controller Turn-On package, quick output discharge TPS22924C, TPS22960
TPS22946 Current Limited Configurable current limit, ultra-small package, 1µA Ultra-small, low quiescent current current limited switch TPS22949, TPS22945
Load Switch quiescent current at 1.8V
TPS3808Gxx Voltage Supervisor Low quiescent current, programmable-delay Circuit initialization and timing supervision TPS310x
TPS54350 DC/DC Converter 4.5 to 20VIN 3A DC/DC w/integrated switch FET, sync pin, enable Eliminate beat noise/ceramic caps/FPGA/integration TPS54550
TPS61097-33 Boost Converter Highly efficient, operates down to 0.3V; bypass switch; 5nA Supper efficient boost, works over entire battery range,
with Bypass shutdown current; SOT-23 low quiescent current, integrate the bypass switch,
Switch small package
TPS62110 Step-Down 3.1V to 17V VIN, 1.5A conversion, synchronization pin, low Very low noise/high efficiency TPS62050
Converter battery indicator, power save mode
TPS62230 Step-Down Conv. Up to 90dB PSRR, excellent AC and transient load regulation Low noise regulation, 12mm2 solution size TPS62260
TPS62400 Dual Output 180° out of phase operation, serial interface Flexible voltage adjustment for processors and MCUs TPS62410
Step-Down Conv.
TPS63030 Buck-Boost 1A switch, automatic transition between step down and Extending application run time, small solution TPS61020
Converter boost mode
TPS65130 Boost Converter 800mA switch, adjustable, dual output, positive/negative boost Two supplies from one switcher
TPS717xx Single-Channel LDO Very high rejection of power-source noise Low-noise power rails for sensitive analog components TPS795xx, TPS799xx
TPS718xx-yy Dual-Channel LDO Very high rejection of power-source noise Low-noise power rails for sensitive analog components TPS719xx-yy
TPS780xx LDO with DVS Dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) with low IQ 500nA DVS voltage designed to operate with MSP430 to TPS78101
increase power savings
TPS79901 Single Channel LDO Very high rejection of power-source noise Low-noise power rails for sensitive analog components TPS79501, TPS74301
RF Transceivers
CC1101 Sub-1GHz RF Wake-on-radio functionality; integrated packet handling Ideal for low-power systems; any low-end MCU CC2500
Transceiver with 64B data FIFOs; high RF flexibility: FSK, MSK, OOK, can be used; backwards compatible with existing
1.2 to 500kbps; extremely fast PLL turn-on/hop time systems; suitable for fast frequency-hopping systems
CC2520 2.4GHz ZigBee®/ Best-in-class coexistence and selectivity properties; Reliable RF link with interference present; 400m CC2530
IEEE 802.15.4 RF excellent link budget (103dBm); extended temperature line-of-sight range with the development kit; ideal for
Transceiver range; AES-128 security module industrial applications; no external processor needed
for secure communication
RF Systems-on-Chip
CC2560 2.4GHz Bluetooth® Single-chip Bluetooth® solution using TI’s digital radio Sophisticated low-power technology ideal for battery
2.1 chipset processor technology. operated solutions
CC1110/11 Sub-1GHz MCU, Flash and RAM in one package; four flexible power Complete low-cost solution on single chip; ideal for CC2510, CC2511
System-on-Chip modes for reduced power consumption; includes CC1101 low-power battery-operated systems; robust and
transceiver frequency synthesizer; built-in AES-128 secure link with good noise immunity; no external
encryption coprocessor processor needed for secure communication
CC2530/CC2531 Second Gen. Excellent RX sensitivity, low power, easy to use RF design System-on-Chip for quick time to market. CC2590/91,
System-on-Chip development tools Provides a robust and complete ZigBee USB dongle CC2530ZNP
2.4GHz IEEE or firmware-upgradable network node
CC2540 2.4GHz Bluetooth® Excellent link budget enabling long range applications Fast-to-market Bluetooth® low energy compliant
Low Energy without external frontend, receiver sensitivity, selectivity solution
Compliant RF and blocking performance
WL1271 2.4GHz 802.11b/g/n Single-chip 802.11b/g/n WLAN and Bluetooth® solution Sophisticated low-power technology ideal for battery operated WL1273
and Bluetooth® 2.1 using TI’s digital radio processor technology using a solutions; coexistence features enable simultaneous WLAN and
Chipset single antenna. Bluetooth® operations; supports ANT+ standard.
WL1273 2.4/5GHz Single-chip 802.11a/b/g/n WLAN and Bluetooth® solution Sophisticated low-power technology ideal for battery WL1271
802.11a/b/g/n using TI's digital radio processor technology using a operated solutions; coexistence features enable
and Bluetooth® single antenna. simultaneous WLAN and Bluetooth® operations;
2.1 Chipset supports ANT+ standard.
RF Network Processor
CC2530ZNP Second ZigBee stack and radio in one chip; implements ZigBee Add CC2530ZNP and your system is ZigBee enabled;
Generation certified stack; configurable device type and network ideal for battery operated systems; excellent
Z-Stack™ settings; excellent selectivity and blocking performance coexistence with Bluetooth® technology and Wi-Fi.
Network Processor
TMDXMDKEK1258 ECG Analog Front 12-lead ECG output using 10 electrode input; 0.05Hz to Based on industry’s lowest power DSP processor –
*Page 40 End Module for 150Hz bandwidth; leads off detection; heart beat rate TMS320C5515
the C5515 ECG display
Medical Dev. Kit
*For additional product information see designated page number. New products are listed in bold red. Preview products are listed in bold blue.
To view more system block diagram compatible products, visit www.ti.com/medical

Medical Applications Guide 43 Texas Instruments 2010

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