q203017 Team Mechaholics

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TEAM ID: Q203017


QUAD is an ATV (All-Terrain Vehicle)
which is designed to handle a wider Tube diameter 25.4mm
variety of terrain than most other vehicles. Wall thickness 1.65mm
Quad Bike Design Challenge (QBDC), an Width 254mm
initiation by Fraternity of Mechanical and
Automotive Engineers (FMAE), which is a
student level off-road ATV bike design ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS
challenge. QBDC as a design challenge is a
platform where young aspiring engineers Manufacturer KTM
from all across the country team up and
explore their skills and knowledge on Engine Type Single Cylinder,
designing and fabricating an ATV. four-stroke, liquid
Team Mechaholics from National Institute cooled
of Technology, Warangal proposes to do
the same while applying technical Type of fuel Petrol
knowledge and innovative approach to
build a safe functional vehicle suitable for Mode DUKE-250
any type of terrain according to Rule Book.
Valves (Per cylinder) 4
Bore*Stroke 72*61.1mm
VEHICLE DIMENSIONS Displacement 248.00cc
Roll Cage Material AISI 1018 Compression Ratio 12.5:1
Total Mass 260 kg (with
Maximum Power & 23kW/30.87hp@9
Rotating speed 000 rpm
Ground Clearance 304.8mm
Vehicle length 1650mm
Maximum Torque & 24N.m @7250rpm
Vehicle width 1350mm Rotating Speed
Track Width 1100mm
Wheel Base 1100mm Starter Electric/Kick

1 2.666
2 1.875
3 1.421
4 1.142
5 0.956
6 0.84

Steering Tripod Mechanism CG LOCATION – 660mm from centre of wheel in

Suspension Independent
double wishbone longitudinal direction 22 inch from ground.
type (both front
and rear) A. CHASSIS or FRAME
Brakes Hydraulic disc
brakes The chassis is the component in charge of
supporting all other vehicle sub-systems
with taking care of driver’s safety, all the time.
The team intends to complete the The chassis design must be prepared for
challenge by applying certain constraints
like impacts created in any certain crash or roll
• Safety over. It must be strong and durable.
• Utility
• Durability We have selected AISI 1018 material because
• Cost Reduction
• Ergonomics it has a good combination of the required
The main focus is to design a compact strength and durability. It also has good
high-performance quad bike with low
weight for higher fuel efficiency without weldability and is relatively soft.
compromising on the driver's safety.
The design department focuses on: Pipe dimensions:
• Chassis Outside diameter – 25.4 mm
• Front wheel assembly
• Rear wheel assembly Thickness– 1.65 mm

Taking inputs from steering It is assured by analysis in ANSYS 18.1.

and suspension department, Taking inputs from the suspension

the design of wheel assembly department the front and rear control arm
was started.
mounting points were decided through v-

FRONT TRACK WIDTH – susp report and Modelling was done in

935mm solidworks 2019.



Considering the vehicle is moving at 60kmph

– 16.6 m/sec.

Taking impact time as 0.3 sec (from company


Mass of the vehicle = 250 kg

Force= m*(v-u)/t

= 250* (0- 16.6)/0.3

= 13892 N~13900N

Approximately = 6g force (ENCAP STD)

Impact analysis is done on the
frame taking 6g load for front and
4g is taken rear impact and side
impact and results were obtained.
The maximum stress obtained –
258.18 Mpa
The minimum factor of safety –


The maximum stress obtained –

The minimum factor of safety –
REAR IMPACT ANALYSIS Therefore, time taken = .5*60/9000
= 60/18000 sec
Therefore, piston has the maximum velocity at
60/36000 sec.
Force acting on the piston = m (v-u)/t
Where v is the mean piston speed & u =0 m/sec

V= 2*stroke length *rpm/60

= 2* 61.1* 9000/60
= 18.33 m/sec

F = m*(v-u)/t
= .8 (18.33 -0)* 36000/60
=8798.4 N

B. HUB (AL 2014T6)

• Hub is a component of unsprung mass
which connects the wheel rim and disc
rotor with the help of bolt mountings.
• We have selected Al 2014 T6 as our
material for hub because of less weight
and high tensile yield strength.

The maximum stress obtained

The minimum factor of safety –

Engine mounting

We have used a KTM Duke 250 engine. The engine

exerts a force on its mountings due to the inertia of
the oscillating parts in the engine cylinder. These
forces can only be determined if the mass of the
oscillating cylinder parts is known.

Let us consider the mass of the oscillating parts =

.8 kg Piston has zero instantaneous velocity at top
and bottom dead center and velocity is maximum
somewhere in between. Assuming, V is max at
midpoint Stroke length - 61.1 mm.

Time taken for piston to move from TDC to BDC in

one half revolution, N= 9000rpm

60 sec = 9000 revs

? = 0.5 rev
C. KNUCKLE (AL 2014 T6)

In automotive suspension, a steering knuckle

is the part which contains the spindle, and
attaches to the suspension (ball joints for
connection of lower and upper control arms to
knuckle) and steering components (steering

The dimensions of knuckle were taken from

the suspension team and the modelling is done
in SolidWorks followed by simulation using
ANSYS. The different loads acting on the
knuckle are shown below:

1. Force due to steering on steering arm

2. Brake torque on calliper mounting
3. Bump force on ball joint mountings

Simulation was done in ANSYS 18.1 and

results were obtained.

The maximum stress developed -130 MPa

The minimum factor of safety – 3.2


A part of your vehicle's suspension system, the

spindle is what attaches the wheel and tire
onto the steering system. To be able to
securely link the wheel and tire onto the
steering assembly, this part pivots between the
lower and upper A-frames and holds the wheel
bearings in position.

The power generated by the

engine is transmitted to the
wheel with the help of chain
mechanism. The drive shaft
rotates the small sprocket
which transmits the power
further to the larger
sprocket with the help of a
chain. The sprocket is
mounted on a shaft made of
EN19 material which has
greater strength and ma-
4. POWER TRANSMISSION & chinability. The shaft has
EXHAUST splines on either ends which
mate with the female end of
The engine used here is of KTM CV shafts. CV shafts allow
DUKE 250 cc which runs cooler and the independent movement
cleaner, delivering more power, of both wheels.
smoother operation, longer engine
life and improved fuel economy. Ex- Specifications of the engine
cellent performer for mid-duty ap- used:
plications. It delivers plenty of
torque thus producing good acceler- ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS
ation. It is a 4 stroke, single cylinder,
DOHC (Dual Overhead Camshafts) Manufacturer KTM
The sole purpose of our team was Engine Type Single Cylinder,
transferring the power obtained four-stroke, liquid
from the engine to the wheels with cooled
the highest efficiency possible. The
ultimate purpose of the team was to Type of fuel Petrol
design and build the drivetrain itself
which encompasses the engine and
Mode DUKE-250
its necessary Components, and ulti-
mately power transfer to the
ground. Valves (Per cylinder) 4

Bore*Stroke 72*61.1mm
Our ultimate goal-
Obtaining Displacement 220.00cc
power output Compression Ratio 12.5:1
from the en-
gine with all Maximum Power & 23kW/30.87hp@9
the re- Rotating speed 000 rpm
strictions in
place. Maximum Torque& 24N.m @7250rpm
Make an engine Rotating Speed
that is as fuel effi-
cient as can be Starter Electric/Kick
without sacrific- starter
ing power.
GEARBOX Gears Gears Ov Max Max
GEAR GEAR RATIO Ratio era ve- torque
ll locity on the
Ge y(Km wheel
1 2.666 ar ph) (N-m)
2 1.875 Ra-
3 1.421 tio
4 1.142 Pri- 2.66 - - -
5 0.956 re-
6 0.84 duc-
The engine specification (gear ratios), along with a sec- 4.5 - - -
desired top speed of 78 km per hour, the target
vehicle weight, and the size of the tires and wheels drive
used, led our team to design an overall gear ratio ratio
with a range first 2.666 32 24.58 614.4
second 1.857 22. 35.29 432
of 10.08 to 32.00 5
third 1.421 17. 46.13 327.4
forth 1.142 13. 57.35 263.12
fifth 0.956 11. 68.53 220.26



D = Diameter of the wheel (23 B. ACCELERATION CALCULATION

inches), R = overall gear ratio,
N = Maximum rpm (9000 rpm), FORMULA USED
ηt = Transmission efficiency 1. Traction force (TF) = (Te*R*n)/Rw
(80%), T = Engine torque (24 Te= Engine Torque = 24 N-m
N-m) R = Overall Gear Ratio
Rw = Wheel Radius = 11.5 inch =
Vehicle speed (V) = (2π×D 0.2921 m n = Transmission Efficiency
×N×60/(2×R×1000)) = 80%
2. Rolling Resistance= fr*W
(Assuming 80% efficiency, due to trans- fr = coefficient of rolling resistance
mission losses, frictional, bearing losses) fr = 0.05+0.0002(X)
X = Max velocity of the vehicle
At 5th gear: fr = 0.05324
58= (2π×23×2.54×8500/2×3.473×.923×S×60) W = Weight of Vehicle = m*g
×0.80 m = Mass of Vehicle + Driver = 250kg
We get: g = Acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s2
Secondary drive ratio(S) = 4
No. of teeth on rear sprocket = 4×13 = 52 3. Air Resistance = ka*A*V2
A = Front area = 1.0 m2
V = Velocity
ka = coefficient of air resistance = 0.25-0.3
(take it as 0.3).
Acceleration = R/m


1st 7.875
2nd 5.278
3rd 3.843
4th 2.895
5th 2.223
6th 1.771

Gear Overall gear Velocity Traction Rolling re- Aerodynamic re- Resultant
ratio (m/s) force sistance sistance force (R)
(N) (N) (N) (N)
1st 32 24.58 2103.4 125.97 8.6 1968.83

2nd 22.5 35.29 1464.86 127.433 17.7 1319.73

3rd 17.05 46.13 1120.85 128.91 30.29 960.8

4th 13.7 57.35 901.45 130.44 46.83 723.73

5th 11.5 68.53 754.47 131.96 66.85 555.66

6th 10.08 78.03 662.56 133.25 86.69 442.62

Assuming adequate power from the engine,

the acceleration is limited by the Coefficient of
performance between and the road.
D. Traction Force Calculations
Acceleration performance depends upon
Acceleration Performance can be studied as
1. Engine Power is Limiting factor @ High
• Engine Power Limited Acceleration
• Traction limited Acceleration 2. Traction is limiting Factor @ Low Speed


The acceleration performance depends on- Track width = 47 inch
➢ Engine Characteristics
Distance of center of mass from rear wheels
➢ Power to Weight Ratio
= 17 inch
➢ Power Train Inertia
Distance of center of mass from front
Height of center of mass from ground (h) =
22 inch INTAKE
Total weight of the vehicle (including driver) After-market conical air filter were used due to
= 250*9.81 =2452.5 N their high efficiency, free-flow of air to the
engine and low space occupancy.
Values used
μ= 0.65 (Sand, mud, loose sand etc.)
m= 250Kg (Weight of Vehicle + Exhaust:
Driver) The properly designed muffler for any
L1= 660.4 mm (Distance of CG from particular application should satisfy the
Front wheel centerline) often-conflicting demands of at least
L= 1092.2 mm (Wheelbase) five criteria simultaneously:
Fr = 0.0132 (Sand, mud, loose sand
etc.) • The acoustic criterion, which specifies
T = Overall Gear Ratio at Top Gear =
(Primary)*(6th Gear) *(Secondary) =
the minimum noise reduction, required
(2.666) *(0.84) *(4.5) from the muffler as a function
= 10.08h = 558.8 (height of CG) of frequency. The operating conditions
nt = 0.80 (Transmission efficiency) must be known because large steady-
Rw = 0.2921 m (Radius of tires) flow velocities or large
alternating velocities (high sound
There are two ways by which Traction is lim- pressure levels) may alter its acoustic
ited- performance.
• The aerodynamic criterion which
1. Road Tire Interaction specifies the maximum acceptable
Tractive force= (μm (L1-Fr*h)/L) / (1-μh/L) average pressure drop through the
= 1427.5N muffler
at a given temperature and mass flow.
2. Power limited
Tractive force = (Te*T*nt) / r = 662.56N The geometrical criterion, which specifies the
Since Tractive force due to maximum allowable volume and restrictions
Power Limitations is less than on shape.
the tire road interaction, • The mechanical criterion, which may
power is limited due to specify materials from which it is
Powertrain. durable and requires little maintains.
The economical criterion is vital in the

The rear sprocket is fixed rigidly to the frames An exhaust system is usually piping used to
via bearing and shaft housing which allows to guide reaction exhaust gases away from a
transmit power to the drive wheels in equal controlled combustion inside an engine or
ratio. As ATV is more concerned with the stove. The entire system conveys burnt gases
power transmission to the wheels than the from the engine and includes one or more
cornering performance, this system helps us to exhaust pipes.
gain power on off-roads. For maximum transmission loss up to 80-40
dB targeted frequencies should be calculated
from maximum rpm.

CV axle are chosen to transmit power to the • Cylinder Firing Rate (CFR): -
wheels due to their independency. They offer • CFR = (Engine speed rpm) / 120 4stroke]
an efficient way to transmit rotational power • = 9000 / 120
to the wheels when they are at different • =75 Hz
inclinations to the drive sprocket. Maruti 800 • Engine Firing Rate
MPFi 5-speed internal splines axles were (EFR): - n=Number of
chosen for this purpose as they were readily cylinders
• EFR = n* CFR
available in the local market.
= 1* 75
= 75 Hz Bending of exhaust pipe
• Hole perforators choose to match fre- and finishing operation
quency that needs to be killed based on was done as per our re-
EFR & CFR quirements.
Bore (D) = 72 mm Length (L) = 61.1 mm
No of cylinders = 1 5. STEERING
• Engine power = 30.87
hp Maximum
Objective- The objective of steering system is
to provide maximum directional control of the
• Allowable back pressure = 10 in H2O
vehicle and easy manoeuvrability in all the
Transmission loss noise target (muffler)
• = 30 dB terrains with appreciable safety and minimum
• Diameters of holes drilled effort. Typical target for a quad vehicle
should suppress these fre- designer is to achieve perfect steering, which
quencies is defined as the movement of wheels without
• Muffler volume calculation: - skidding and wearing effect.

Swept Volume (Vs) Keeping this in mind we have decided to use


Total volume in litres Steering Design

= 248.768 cc * dilution fac-
tor (3.016) Since the steering actuating mechanism is
= 0.690.26 litres operated by handlebars. So instead of Rack
and Pinion, we use trapezoidal linkage
Volume that should be considered
mechanism i.e. “Tripod Mechanism” which is
for calculations
much feasible with handlebars and it is
Volume = n (Vs/2) cheaper than other mechanism.
= 0.34513 litres
Our steering design is shown is below diagram
Actual muffler Volume (Vm)
Factor (for gauge steel)
Considered Volume = 16 *Vm
=5.522 litres
Diameter of muffler
Vm = LLength = 30 cm
Π*L*d^2 /4 =5522 cc
D = 15.3 cm

Inlet pipe up to 10 cm & outlet

pipe up to 12 to 13 cm
Diameters of inlet pipe same
as diameter of outlet pipe
Diameters of inlet pipe = Diameter
of outlet of engine

Based upon our calculation we de-

cided to use KTM Duke 250 ex-
haust in our ATV because of ap-
proximate muffler volume and
also inner and outer pipe diame-
ters were almost similar to our re-
quirements. A practical trial was
also done to ensure that most of
the noise is eliminated.
Turning Radius of 1.5-0.54=.96
Inner wheel
Turning Radius of 1.5+0.54=2.04
Outer wheel
Steering Handle 800mm
Ackermann angle = tan-1(b/2l)
= tan-1 (825/2(1100))
= 20.55
Radius of gyration (k) = w2/8
= 412.90/8
= 51.61cm2=5161.2mm2
Effective torque arm length (h) = sq. root (k+e2)
= sq. Root (5161.2+102)
Steering System basically comprises of two = 72.53mm
steering arms, two tie-rods, and a base plate Moment at kingpin = g*W*h*μ
serving as a steering plate, heim-joints, a = 9.81*62.5*72.53*0.65
steering column, steering handle and bearings = 28905.471 N-mm
for holding steering column. It follows law of Force at tie rod ends = moment at kingpin/ steer-
Ackermann steering and it is ing arm
designed taking into consideration various Length
constraints specified. =28905.471/90
COMPONENT MATERIAL Moment at tripod = Force at tri pod*Arm of tri
Steering arm 7075 T6 pod
knuckle 7075 T6 =321.172*118.94
Tie rod 4130 steel =38200.197 N-mm
Base plate Mild steel Moment at tripod = moment at steering handle
Steering column Mild steel Steering effort =Moment at tripod/ handle length
Steering effort = 38200.197/800
Design Methodology Steering effort = 47.75 N
The link lengths of various components were
found out directly by drawing the top view of Ackermann percentage
the steering system in SOLIDWORKS by Now geometry has to be decided, so 100%
performing various iterations. After many Ackermann was considered to be best solution
iterations the following values were obtained for low speed manoeuvres but due to
adhering to all the required specifications. compliance effects an Ackermann percentage
of around 70
%to 80% was considered to best solution.
Calculations Input parameter
Steering Geometry Ackermann Ackermann Percentage is calculated from
Steering Mecha- Tripod referring to the SOLIDWORKS model of the
nism Steering system.
Steering Arm length 90mm
Inner wheel lock 40 deg Intersection of steering arm extension from
angle front axle=825 mm
Outer wheel lock 21.23 deg
angle Wheelbase=1100 mm
Wheel base 1100mm Ackermann percentage = (Intersection of
Track width 935mm steering arm extension from front
Track(b) 825mm axle×100/wheelbase)
Scrub Radius 9.32mm
Load on each tyre 62.5 kg = (825×100/1100)
Radius of track 1.5m =75%


Rf =reaction of front axle

MAXIMUM VELOCITY OF COG OF VEHICLE: Rr =reaction of rear axle

Rf×1100=mg (436.88)

v= velocity of center of mass of vehicle Rf =mg*436.88/1100

g= acceleration due to gravity m=250 kg

r= distance of cg from instantaneous center Rf =974.044N

μ=coefficient of static friction hence this reaction is equally divided on each

m= mass of vehicle=250kg
Rf/2 = reaction on a front wheel
mv2/r= μmg
Rf/2 =487.022N
v= (μrg)0.5
final reaction on each front wheel = 487.022N

v= (0.65×9.81×1.777)0.5=3.366m/s CORNERING

K = amount of load transfer

K=sprung mass ×acceleration ×height of cg from

ground / track width


This is expected to transfer according to center

of mass.

LATERAL ACCELERATION DURING MAXIMUM So, weight transfer at the front =

TURN 724.335×436.88/1100 =287.68N

This is expected to transfer according to center

of mass.
a= lateral acceleration
So, weight transfer at the rear=436.655N

At max velocity
Assuming that vehicle is taking right turn so
v2 =μrg weight transfer takes place from right to left,

a=μg Final reaction on left and right wheel

a=0.65×9.81=6.3765m/s2 Rfl = reaction of front left wheel

Rfr = reaction of front right wheel Lateral force=503.507N

Longitudinal force=38.735N

Rfl=487.022+287.68= 774.702N

Rfr =487.022-287.68= 199.342N FORCES ACTING ON RIGHT WHEEL:

Reaction on both front left and right wheel Rfr+fl Normal force=199.342N
Lateral force=129.55N
Rfl/ Rfr+fl = 0.7953
Longitudinal force=9.967 N
Rfr/ Rfr+fl =0.2046



Balancing torques about rear wheel

Lateral force×1100=mv2/r ×436.88 Longitudinal force acts along X-axis.

Lateral force =436.88×250×(3.366)2/(1.777×1100) Lateral force acts on Y-axis.

Lateral force =633.067N Normal force acts along Z-axis.

Where r = 1.777 m(turning radius of cog) Following are values of different parameter in
turning of vehicle.
R fr lateral=lateral force acting on front right wheel
Kingpin inclination=∩=12.57de
R fl lateral=lateral force acting on front left wheel
Castor angle=CA=5.86deg
Lateral force acting on right wheel
Radius of wheel Rnom=11.5inch
R fr lateral=633.067×199.342/974.044=129.55N
Scrub radius rKP=0.367inch=0.0093m
R lf lateral =633.067×774.702/974.044=503.507N
Steering arm (r)= 0.09m

Pitman arm length=0.1189m

Angle made by inner wheel with horizontal
let’s take μ=0.05 about instantaneous centre Ωi=40 deg.
Rfl = reaction of front left wheel Angle made by outer wheel with horizontal
Rfr = reaction of front right wheel about instantaneous centre Ωo=21.23deg

Longitudinal force on right wheel Mechanical trail tm=28.35mm (from LOTUS)

=0.05×Rfr=0.05×199.342=9.967N Pneumatic trail tp=2 inch (from observation)
Longitudinal force on left wheel t=tp+tm
t=50.8+28.35= .0793m

Ftie rod=force acting on tie rod.

We have resolved component along steering axis
Normal force=774.702N
RIGHT WHEEL: t=tp+tm

tp =2inch (from observation)

TorqueFX=FX×cos(CA)[rkpcos(∩)+Rnomsin(∩)] tm=28.35mm

TorqueFY=FY×cos(∩)[t cos(CA)+Rnomsin(CA)] t =0.0793m

TorqueFZ=FZ×sin(∩)×cos(CA)×sin(Ωo)×cos(∩)[ TorqueFY=503.507cos(12.57)[0.0793cos(5.86)+
rKP+Rnom×tan(∩)] 0.2921sin(5.86)]=53.4235Nm
TorqueFX=9.967 cos(5.86)[ 0.0093cos(12.57) TorqueFZ=774.702sin(12.57)cos(5.86)sin(40)cos(12.57
+0.2921sin(12.57)]=0.7203Nm. )[.0093+0.2921tan(12.57)]=7.8319 Nm
TorqueFY=129.55cos(12.57)[0.0793cos(5.86) Total torque due to left wheel=64.054Nm
Ftie rod=force acting on tierod.
os(12.57)[ 0.0093+0.2921tan(12.57)]] Angle between Tie rod & steering arm=89.05 deg
Ftie rod×0.09×sin(89.05)=65.054Nm
Total torque acting on right wheel =15.60Nm
Ftie rod=711.80N
Steering arm (r) = 0.09m
Torque of steering column due to left wheel =
Ftie rod= force acting on tie rod. 711.80×0.1189×sin(146.79)=46.354Nm
Angle between steering arm & tie
Torque on steering column due to both wheels=
Torque = r×Ftie rod×sin(168.23)
If we use a steering handle of 80 cm length
15.60=0.09×Ftie rod×0.2039
Force on steering bar =143.772/0.8=179.715N.
Ftie rod=850.089N
Hence the force driver has to apply on steering
pitman arm length=0.1189m handle is found to be 89.85N.

Angle between tie rod & pitman arm=74.54deg

Torque on steering column due to right wheel
=850.089×pitman arm length ×sin(74.54)=



TorqueFY=FY×cos(∩)[t cos(CA)+Rnomsin(CA)]


TorqueFX=38.735 cos(5.86)[.0093cos(12.57)
Torque on front wheel = F1 * r1
Weight of the vehicle = 260kg = 603.48 * 0.2921
Wheel base of Quad bike = 1100mm = 176.27 Nm
Coefficient of friction between tyre and road
= 0.65 Torque on rear wheel = F2 * r2
Coefficient of friction between brake pad and = 225.61 * 0.3048
rotor = 0.33 = 68.76 Nm
Radius of front tyre = 11.5'' = 0.2921 m
Radius of rear wheel = 11.5'' = 0.2921 m BRAKING TORQUE

On front wheel = (Factor of safety* Torque)

Master cylinder bore diameter: = 1.5 * 176.27
Front = 0.63'' = 16 mm = 264.405 Nm
Rear = 0.75'' = 17 mm On rear wheel = (Factor of safety * Torque)
= 1.5 * 68.76
Double piston fixed calliper: = 103.14 Nm
Bore diameter =30mm
Disc rotor: Required braking torque on
Width = 3mm
Outer diameter = 190 mm Both front wheels = 2* 264.405
Inner diameter = 60 mm = 528.81 Nm
Effective diameter = 130 mm Both rear wheels = 2* 103.14
= 206.28 N
About 'A’:
N2 * (43’’) – mg*(26'‘) + ma * (22'') = 0 Front:
N2 * (1.092) – mg * (0.64) + ma* (0.5588) = 0 Lever ratio = 6:1
Force applied on front hand brake = 300 N
N2 = (mg * (0.64) – ma * (0.5588))/ 1.092
= (1684.416 – 871.728) Area of master cylinders = 0.0002010 m2
= 760.656N Pressure on master cylinder = (force on
About 'B’: = (300 * 6)/ 0.0002010
-N1 * (43'') + mg *(17'') + ma* (22'') = 0 = 8955223.881 N/m2
-N1 * (1.092) + mg *(0.4318) + ma*(0.5588)
=0 Area of calliper = 0.0007065 m2
Force on calliper = pressure * area
N1 = (mg * (0.4318) + ma* (0.5588) ) / 1.092 = 8955223.881 * 0.0007065
= 6850.746 N
N1 = (1101.35 + 870.48)/1.092
N1 = 1973.07708 N Force on Brake pad = 2* 6850.746
= 13701.41 N
Required braking torque:
Frictional force on rotor = 0.35 * F
Frictional force on front wheel (F1) = (μ * = 0.35 * 13701.39
N1)/2 = 4795.5215 N
F1 = (0.65 * 1856.87)/2
F1 = 603.48 N Rotor diameter = 190 mm
Effective rotor diameter = 130 mm
Frictional force on rear wheel (F2) = (μ * N2)/2 Braking torque = 4795.5215 * 0.065
F2 = (0.65 * 694.194)/2
F2 = 225.61 N
τobtained = 311.708 Nm
Since we have used two rotors on the front,
τobtained = 311.708 * 2
= 623.41 Nm

τobtained > τrequired v = at

623.41 Nm > 528.81 Nm
15.27 = 6.01 * t
Pedal ratio = 6:1 t = 2.5 sec
Force applied on pedal = 300 N Response time = 2 sec (approx.)
Area of master cylinder = 0.0002848 m2
Total stopping time = 4.5 sec
Pressure on master cylinder=(force on
pedal)/area 7. SUSPENSION
= (300 * 6)/0.0002848
= 6436095.5 N/m2
Objectives of Suspension:
Area of caliper = 0.0007065 m2 Absorb Shocks during travel of vehicle.
Force on caliper = Pressure * Area Wheel Alignment and proper contact of tyres
= 6436095.5 * 0.0007065 with roads.
= 4547.101 N
Provide Comfortable Ride.
Force on brake pad = 2* 4547.101 Proper Steering Control.
= 9094.202 N The most important thing to begin suspension
design is to fix the type of suspension.
Frictional force on rotor = 0.35 * F Front and Rear Suspension:
= 0.35 * 9094.202
= 3182.97 N We chose Double A-arm suspension type for
Rotor diameter = 190 mm both front and rear side due to the following
Effective rotor diameter = 130 mm advantages:
This system allows the user to select and
Braking torque = 3182.97 * 0.065
optimize their own geometry (camber, caster,
= 206.89 Nm
scrub radius).

τobtained > τrequired For good driving comfort. Mostly used in sports
206.89 Nm > 206.28 Nm
The properties which rule the settings of
Since the obtained torque was greater than the suspension are:
required torque, we proceeded with
specifications of the callipers, rotors and
master cylinders. Caster
STOPPING DISTANCE: King Pin Inclination
Control Arm lengths and angles
v = 55 kmph, u = 0
Roll-center height
v2 – u2 = 2as
Scrub radius
s = (15.27)2 / 2 * 6.01 = 19.38 m Our first step is to set the above parameters so
that the obtained conditions are optimum.
stopping distance = 19.38 m
car go straight without holding the steering
FRONT SUSPENSION: Excess caster makes steering heavier and less
Lotus software helps in calculating the Therefore, optimum value of 6 degrees is
parameters necessary for both static and chosen.
dynamic settings.
Choosing Camber:
Camber angle is the measure in degrees of the
Choosing Toe:
difference between the wheel’s vertical
alignment perpendicular to the surface. Generally Toe-in is used for rear wheel drives and
Negative camber: toe-out is used in front wheel drive.
Increased grip during cornering. Due to manufacturing constraints, toe is not
To compensate the body roll and counter-act the taken into account.
force +ve camber that occurs while cornering
i.e., when the car turns (to left), all the weight of Choosing Roll center height:
the car will push outwards to the right side
(centripetal force). This will bring camber of right Roll center is the position where the lateral
side to zero camber, making right tire contact forces developed at the wheels are transmitted
fully with the road, thus assisting in during to the vehicle’s sprung mass.
cornering. A “roll center” (RC) is a theoretical point around
Excess Negative camber wears out tires. which the chassis rolls, and is determined by the
Therefore, Optimum value: -1 to -3 degrees. design of the suspension. Front and rear
Positive Camber: suspensions have different roll centers.
Improve the quality of rides and stability of the If the distance between the RC and CG is more,
vehicle. jacking forces develop.
Excess positive camber also wears out the tires. Therefore, RC should be near to CG.
Last year, the camber was chosen to be -2.4
degrees in static setting. But after including the The criterion for optimum conditions is as
driver’s weight into account, the camber
increased to around -5 degrees.
Therefore, this year we chose the camber to be
With bump height varying from minimum (0
around 0 degrees. So, when the driver sits, the
inch) to maximum (5 inch), the variation of
camber may go up to -1 to -3 degree.
camber should be less than 7-8 degrees.
Roll centre height should be around 10 to 12
Choosing Caster: inches(as close to CG as possible).
Track width should near to 42 inches & wheel
It is the angle between the wheel’s vertical axis offset = 0.984 inch.
and the steering axis looked from the side. Based on number of iterations, final values of
Negative Caster: control arm lengths, control arms inclinations, RC
Lightens the steering effort. height are obtained.
Increases freedom of vehicle to wander down its
path without proper direction.
Positive Caster:
Provides self-centering force which makes the
Final Static Conditions In Lotus:
Conclusions from the above two images:
Track width at static conditions<40’’.
Camber change < 8 degrees.

Final Static Conditions in V-susp:

The Final values are fixed with the above

In Lotus software the suspension model was
designed according to chassis design and co-
ordinates of control arms pivot points were
obtained. From these pivot points the lengths of
control arms were determined and used in V-
Susp and the values were obtained.

Final Condition after 5 INCH bump: Values obtained from Lotus and V-susp:

Ride Height: 12.1 inches

Roll Center (static): 10.709 inches
Track width: 36.837 inches
Upper control arm length: 10.972 inches.
Lower control arm length: 13.89 inches.
Upper Control arm right inclination: -11.853
Upper Control arm left inclination: -11.853
Lower Control arm right inclination: -22.005
Lower Control arm left inclination: -22.005 Final Static Conditions in Lotus:
Right tire camber(static): 0 degrees
Left tire camber(static): 0 degrees
Right tire camber change for 5 inch bump: -7.55
Left tire camber change for 5 inch bump: -7.55
Tire diameter :23 inches
Wheel radius: 6 inches
Left and right scrub radius: 0.367 inches
These values obtained from the Lotus and V-susp
are utilized in drawing the geometry of Final Static Conditions in V-susp:
suspension in SOLID WORKS software.

Rear Suspension
Rear suspension is also designed using lotus
software. We have considered two factors while
designing this:
1. Track Width = 43 inches
2. Rear side roll center should be higher than
front side roll center.
The length of control arms are known based on
the position of mountings on the chassis. Final Condition after 5 INCH bump:
We used following process for finalizing the rear
First, design the position of control arms in Lotus
software according to track width and other
Changes according to different heights of bumps
are observed and position of a-arm pivot points
is finalized.
Then, the coordinates are noted and inputs are
given in V-susp and V-susp model is made.
Conclusions from the above two images:
Using Lotus Software and V-susp, we took the
graphs and analyzed the graph over a range of
Track width at static conditions<44’’.
bump travel.
Camber change < 3degrees.
When the result is within the optimum value
range, the design finalized.
Spring calculations
Front track width, Tf =3.067 feet
Rear track width, Tr =3.608 feet
Wheel base, L= 3.608 feet
Height of cg from ground, h=1.75 feet
Distance between CG and roll axis, H=0.55 feet
Cornering radius, R=10 feet
Speed of vehicle, v=15 km/hr.
Angle of banking,  = 0o
Weight on front left tyre, W1 =114.64 lbs
Weight on front right tyre, W2 =114.64 lbs
Weight on rear left tyre, W3 =171.96 lbs
Weight on rear right tyre, W4 =171.96 lbs
Total weight on front tires, Wf =229.28 lbs
Total weight on rear tires, Wr =343.92 lbs
Total weight of vehicle, WT =573.2012 lbs

Values obtained from Lotus and V-susp: Calculation for location of CG

Location of CG from rear axle, b= Wf *L/ WT
Ride Height: 12.73 inches =1.443 feet
Roll Centre Height(static): 14.646 inches Location of CG from front axle, a = (l-b) = 2.165
Track width: 43.2 inches feet
Upper control arm length: 12.83inches.
Lower control arm length: 13.63 inches.
Upper Control arm right inclination: -29.138
Calculation for load on individual
degrees wheels during cornering
Upper Control arm left inclination: -29.138 Lateral acceleration = V2/(R*g) =0.579 g's
degrees As there is no banking of road
Lower Control arm right inclination: -32.93 Effective weight on front side= total weight of
degrees front side, Wf ‘=229.28 lbs
Lower Control arm left inclination: -32.93 Effective weight on rear side= total weight on
degrees rear side, Wr ‘=343.92 lbs
Right tire camber(static): 0 degrees Weight transfer due to lateral acceleration
Left tire camber(static): 0 degrees (assume vehicle is taking right turn)
Right tire camber change for 5-inch bump: -1.955 Weight transfer on front axle=lat. Accln *Height
degrees of CG*Front axle load/front track width
Left tire camber change for 5-inch bump: -1.955 = 66.376 lbs.
degrees Weight on outer front wheel, WFO
Tire diameter :23 inches =114.64+66.376
Wheel radius: 6 inches =181.016 lbs.
Left and right scrub radius: 3.68 inches Weight on inner front wheel, WFI =114.64-66.376
=48.264 lbs
Weight transferred on rear axle=lat. Accln
*Height of CG*Rear axle Load/Rear track Width
Spring rates
=96.584 lbs Installation ratio is defined as the rate of change
Weight on outer rear wheel, WRO of spring compression with wheel movement.
=171.96+96.584=268.544 lbs For current suspension design, spring
Weight on inner rear wheel, WRI =171.96- compression is nearly the same for a unit change
96.584=75.376 lbs in wheel center position i.e. IR is always
Change from static level measured on ground constant.
WFO =181.016-114.64=+66.376 lbs KW = FS(▲IR/▲) + KS /(IR)2
WFI =48.264-114.64 = -66.376 lbs As ▲IR = 0
WRO =268.544-171.96= +96.584 lbs KW = KS /(IR)2
WRI =75.376-171.96= -96.584 lbs For front IR = 0.45, For rear IR = 0.458
Assume 3.5 inch of jounce travel and use 2.5 Therefore, KSF = KWF/ (0.45)2
inches to accommodate weight increase allowing =24.0527 N/mm
1 inch for additional travel due to breaking, KSF = KWF/ (0.458)2
acceleration and localized bump on track. =32.88 N/mm

Ride Rates Ergonomics (or human factors) is the scientific
Ride rate front = KRF =66.376/2.5 = 26.5504 discipline concerned with the understanding
lb./inch of interactions among humans and other
Ride rate rear = KRR =96.584/2.5 = 38.6336 elements of a system, and the profession that
applies theory, principles, data and methods to
lb./inch design in order to optimize human well-being
Ride frequencies assuming symmetrical and overall system performance.
geometry Proper care is taken so that the driver is not
F = (KRF*12*32.2/W1)1/2 /  exposed to repetitive strain injuries by
=1.505 Hz= 90.335 cycles/min constant cross checking using a PVC model.
Sufficient clearance has been provided
R = (KRR*12*32.2/W3)1/2 /  between the driver and all the moving parts
=1.482 Hz=88.973 cycles/min which suppresses the chance of any injury to
Roll Rates driver and at the same time ensures smooth
functioning of all the subsystems.
For front, KF = 12*KRF*tf2/2 = 1498.476 lb ft/rad
For front, KR = 12*KRR*tr2/2 = 3017.515 lb ft/rad

Wheel Center Rates We will be using a custom-made seat mounted

For a high performance tyre a reference value of on the bike which accommodates a single
person only which helps in reduction of
tyre rate could be about 250000 N/m
weight. The seat is mounted in an inclined
For passenger one, it could from 20% to 35% fashion, allowing the driver to lean forwards,
So consider a tyre vertical rate of 1000 lb./inch which results in an optimum angle of the
For front, KWF = (KRF*KT)/(KT-KRF) drivers’ back. The positioning of components
= 27.2745 lb./inch is so as to maintain proper sitting posture of
the driver. Knee and spine angles are 74.730
For rear, KWR = (KRR*KT)/ (KT – KRR)
= 40.1861 lb./inch
and 21.420 respectively which reduce fatigue
of the driver.


Safety of the driver is the first and foremost

priority of any vehicle. Each and every
potential threat will be minimized by taking
following steps:
i) Complete analysis of the frame was done in
ANSYS software.
ii) 2 kg ABC type fire is placed on the vehicle.
iii) Rated safety gear will be used.
iv) Kill switches are installed at easily
accessible positions.
v) Sufficient clearance is provided between
driver and all moving components.


Reza N Jazar – Vehicle Dynamics, theory and

V.B Bhandari – Design of machine elements
S. S. Ratan - Theory of machines
Adam Herb’s – Chassis Engineering



is grateful to FMAE for giving us opportunity
to participate in QBDC event. We also show
our sincere thanks to our faculty advisor
Dr. A. VEERESH BABU, for his technical advice
and guidance which always keep us going and
our college for providing workshop facilities
for fabrication.

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