Tle6 Q1 Week2

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Self-Instructional Packets (SIPacks) for


Quarter 1 Week 2
S.Y. 2021-2022


A. Content Standard: Demonstrates an understanding of and skills in managing family resources

B. Performance Standard: Manages family resources applying the principle of home management

C. Learning Competency:
 Prepare feasible and practical budget. TLE6HE-ob-4
 Manages family resources efficiently
 Prioritizes needs over wants
A. LESSON: Management of Family Resources

a. References:
o Textbook: Life Skills Through TLE 6 (pages 104-106)
o Teacher’s Guide: pages 28-29
o Localized Material pages 9-12
b. Other Learning Resources:
o pictures


A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

Hello! How are you today? Before you proceed to your lesson, let us have a short recap about the
things you learned in the previous lesson. Answer the following orally.

1. What are the types of family resources? Can you tell me its importance in your daily living?

2. Can you give me the basic needs of a human to survive?

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

What budgeting actually does is clearly show you how you allocate your money and present you the
choices on what stuff to enjoy – based on your financial limitations.  It will save you the grief of
overspending and being too much in debt. Budgeting does not stop you from enjoying stuff. It ensures that
you enjoy stuff when you want it.

C. Presenting examples/instances of the lesson

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Question: Answer orally.

1. How much is your baon every day?

2. How do you budget your money?

Remember! Not at all times that your baon

given by your parents are enough for you to buy
anything you want. So it is important to budget
your money so that you will not get hungry in

D. Discussing new concepts #1

What is Income?

It is money that an individual or business receives in exchange for providing goods or services.

Family income – is the total income earned by all the members of the household.

Sources of family income

 Salary earned for services rendered
 Bonuses, commissions, or honoraria given by an employer to employees
 Profits earned from business
 Rentals from owned properties
 Dividends from stock holdings

What is Budget?

A budget is the amount of money set aside for planned expenses. It is a plan specifying how much
money will be spent or allocated during a particular period.

Budgeting is related to the wise use of family resources. It is based on the system by which wages
or salaries are received and how these are to be spent by itemizing the needs of the family and how much
money is needed to meet such needs.

Components or elements of a family budget

1. Food – groceries, raw and cooked food, staples, condiments, and spices
2. Shelter – if not renting, includes taxes, repair, and maintenance
3. Clothing – uniforms, clothes, and accessories
4. Education – tuition fees, books, daily food, transportation allowance of children
5. Household Operations – things needed in the house, beddings, curtains, furniture, and other
paraphernalia to make members comfortable
6. Utilities – electric, water, and telephone bills, gas, salaries of helpers
7. Health – medicine, check-up
8. Recreation – family outings, outside dining, watching movies.
9. Savings – the amount set aside or deposited in the bank.
Allocation of Family Budget

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A family budget may differ from one family size and composition, family values and standards of
living. Some families may spend more on food, others on clothing and still others on education.

The values of the family influence its priorities.

Sample of Monthly Budget

Monthly Income: Php. 25, 000.00
Family Members: 4


25,000 x 0.40 = 10,000

Monthly % of
Income Budget

Item % of Budget Allotted Amount

Food 40 10,000.00
Education 16 4,000.00
Shelter 15 3,750.00
Utilities 12 3,000.00
Household Operation 6 1,500.00
Clothing 3 750.00
Recreation 3 750.00
Savings 5 1,250.00
Total 100 25,000.00

E. Continuation of the discussion of new concept #2

Our needs and wants to motivate us to work hard. They encourage and inspire us to get involved in
productive endeavors that will help our families live better. It is important for family members to clearly
distinguish their needs from their wants. In family budgeting, we must prioritize our needs and not wants.

Identify the following if they are “needs” or “wants” and explain.

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F. Developing mastery


1. Why is there a need to budget the income

of the family?

2. How can we manage family resources efficiently?

3. Differentiate needs from wants and give


G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Directions: Make a weekly budget of your allowance and list down your needs and allocate a percentage of
your allowance of each item.

Weekly Allowance: ___________________________

Item % of Budget Allotted Amount


H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

REMEMBER: Budgeting is a guide on how to allocate one’s income and resources so that these are met. A
specific portion of the family income is set aside for basic necessities while another portion is set aside to
finance special needs.

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I. Evaluating learning

Directions Look down the pictures below and write down on the space provided before each number
whether you think each one is a need or want.

_____1. water _____6. home

_____2. headset _____7. necklace

_____3. donut _____8. lipstick

_____4. school _____9. clothes

_____5. soda _____10. medicine

J. Additional activities for applications or remediation

How can you help in the effective implementation of your family budget? Direction: Put a check ( / )on the
blank before each number.

_____ 1. I save a part of my daily allowance for future use.

_____ 2. I buy only the things which is needed and within the allotted budget.
_____ 3. I stick to my market list when buying.
_____ 4. I recycle my used notebooks, pens, etc. so that I can use it again.
_____ 5. I mend tears on my clothes right away to avoid buying a new one.
_____ 6. I avoid buying unnecessary things, like toys, if they’re out of the budget.
_____ 7. I buy unlabeled canned goods with dents and scratches to save money.
_____ 8. I always wash my hands before and after eating to avoid sickness and buying expensive medicine.
_____9. I switch off the lights, TV, and electric fan if it is not being used.
_____10. I find some income-generating activity like selling bottles of ketchup, soy sauce, old newspaper,
etc., in junk shop.

Prepared and submitted by: Checked and reviewed by: Reviewed and noted by:


TLE Teacher Master Teacher II Principal I

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