Question Paper Code:: Reg. No.

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Reg. No. :

Question Paper Code : X 85123

M.B.A. Degree Examinations, November/December 2020
ba 5019 – strategic human resource management
(Regulations 2017)

Time : Three Hours Maximum : 100 Marks

Answer all questions

Part – A (10×2=20 Marks)

1. How the need assessment is done in HRD ?

2. What is HR Audit ?

3. What is Virtual learning ?

4. What do you mean by e-Employee profile ?

5. Define Cultural dynamics.

6. What is international compensation ?

7. How is career plateaus managed ?

8. Define career enrichment.

9. What are the components of counseling programmes ?

10. Define EI.

Part – B (5×13=65 Marks)

11. a) Explain the strategic framework for HRD.

b) Describe the Indian perspective on SHRM. How it differs from the western
view of SHRM ?
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12. a) Elucidate e-performance management and compensation design with example.

b) Briefly discuss about designing human resource portals.

13. a) What is Cross Cultural Sensitivity ? Explain the importance of developing

Cross Cultural Sensitivity ?
b) Explain the cultural issues in mergers and acquisitions along with effects on
performance of organization.

14. a) Define “competencies”. How competencies are useful in HR strategies.

b) Explain career planning perspectives. What do you mean by organization
centered career planning and individual centered career planning ?

15. a) Explain the need for counseling. What are the components of counseling
programs ? How can we ensure effectiveness of counseling ?
b) What is work stress ? Explain the various Stress Management Technique and

Part – C (1×15=15 Marks)

16. a) AMEX India Ltd. (AIL), a consulting company, is planning to redesign its
career management system in order to establish a better link between required
competencies and employees. Explain the various elements that AIL needs to
consider while redesigning its career management system.
b) You are the recently hired HR manager at an organization that completed a
merger roughly two months ago. While the two organizations are still in the
transition period, you have noticed that the number of employees who have
been coming to you with workplace concerns and issues has risen dramatically.
Most of the complaints surround the culture clash between the two merging
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Prior to coming on board, you were given the history of these two organizations
and the background on the management style of both leaders. It became
quite clear that this merger was going to be challenging, given the drastically
different cultures of the two organizations. One of the companies was headed
by a gentleman known for his casual, fatherly and employee-centric approach
to business. This CEO allowed for an informal work environment that included
all-staff coffee breaks and casual attire. The other company was run by a
gentleman who was known for his thousand-dollar suits and a “take no prisoner”
approach to business. This CEO wanted the job done, and he wanted it done
In addressing this situation,
i) What is the first thing you would do as the HR manager ? (5)
ii) How would you address the two vastly different approaches to business
management ? (5)
iii) What can an organization do prior to the merging of two companies to
address the issue of culture management ? (5)
Source: HR Society for HRM


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