AP Bio Unit 7 Study Guide Chapter 43

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The document discusses the immune system and its physical barriers and responses to pathogens. The lymphatic system, inflammatory response, and generation of antibodies are described.

The lymphatic system involves the spleen, lymph nodes, adenoids, tonsils, appendix, and special portions of the small intestine.

The recognition of an antigen by antigen-presenting cells and presentation to T cells and B cells.

Name: ________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: __________ ID: A

AP Bio Unit 7 Study Guide Chapter 43

Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Physical barriers to invasion by other organisms

a. include the skin and the mucous membranes.
b. are difficult for bacteria and viruses to penetrate.
c. may work in conjunction with secretions like tears, perspiration, and mucus.
d. Only A and C are correct.
e. A, B, and C are correct.

____ 2. Both the eye and the respiratory tract are protected against infections by which of the following?
a. the mucous membranes that cover their surface
b. the secretion of complement proteins
c. the release of slightly acidic secretions
d. the secretion of lysozyme onto their surface
e. interferons produced by immune cells

____ 3. The lymphatic system involves which of the following organs?

a. spleen and lymph nodes
b. adenoids and tonsils
c. appendix and special portions of the small intestine
d. A and B only
e. A, B, and C

____ 4. In the inflammatory response, the absence of which of the following would prevent all the others from
a. dilation of arterioles
b. increased permeability of blood vessels
c. increased population of phagocytes in the area
d. release of histamine
e. leakage of plasma to the affected area

____ 5. A bacterium entering the body through a small cut in the skin will do which of the following?
a. inactivate the hemocytes
b. stimulate apoptosis of body cells
c. stimulate release of interferons
d. stimulate natural killer cell activity
e. activate a group of proteins called complement

____ 6. What is the single most important event establishing a primary immune response?
a. the presentation of viral protein complexed to class I MHC
b. the lyses of virally infected cells by cytotoxic T cells
c. the phagocytosis of microbes by antigen-presenting cells
d. the recognition of self versus foreign
e. apoptosis of virally infected cells

Name: ________________________ ID: A

____ 7. What are antigens?

a. proteins found in the blood that cause foreign blood cells to clump
b. proteins embedded in B cell membranes
c. proteins that consist of two light and two heavy polypeptide chains
d. foreign molecules that trigger the generation of antibodies
e. proteins released during an inflammatory response

Use the graph in the figure below to answer the following questions.

____ 8. When would memory cells be produced?

a. between 0 and 7 days
b. between 7 and 14 days
c. between 28 and 35 days
d. between 35 and 42 days
e. both A and C

____ 9. When would you find antibodies being produced?

a. between 3 and 7 days
b. between 14 and 21 days
c. between 28 and 35 days
d. both B and C
e. both A and C

____ 10. Which of the following is true of both T cells and B cells?
a. They produce effector cells against specific pathogens.
b. They are produced from stem cells of the bone marrow.
c. They can attack and destroy invading pathogens.
d. Only A and B are true.
e. A, B, and C are true.

____ 11. The MHC is important in

a. distinguishing self from nonself.
b. recognizing parasitic pathogens.
c. identifying bacterial pathogens.
d. identifying cancer cells.
e. both A and D

Name: ________________________ ID: A

____ 12. A patient can produce antibodies against some bacterial pathogens, but he does not produce antibodies
against viral infections. This is probably due to a disorder in which cells of the immune system?
a. B cells
b. plasma cells
c. natural killer cells
d. T cells
e. macrophages

____ 13. In which of the following situations will helper T cells be activated?
a. when an antigen is displayed by a dendritic cell
b. when a cytotoxic T cell releases cytokines
c. when natural killer (NK) cells come in contact with a tumor cell
d. in the bone marrow during the self tolerance test
e. when B cells respond to T-independent antigens

For the questions below, match the following answers with the phrase that best describes them.
A. cytotoxic T cells
B. natural killer cells
C. helper T cells
D. macrophages
E. B cells

____ 14. These cells are involved in innate immunity, and a person lacking these cells may have a higher than normal
chance of developing malignant tumors.
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
e. E

____ 15. Which of the following is (are) not involved in the activation and functioning of cytotoxic T cells?
a. interleukins
b. antigen-presenting cells
c. class I MHC molecules
d. T cell surface protein CD8
e. perforin

____ 16. Which of the following is the last line of defense against an extracellular pathogen?
a. lysozyme production
b. phagocytosis by neutrophils
c. antibody production by plasma cells
d. histamine release by basophils
e. lysis by natural killer cells

Name: ________________________ ID: A

____ 17. The following events occur when a mammalian immune system first encounters a pathogen. Place them in
correct sequence and then choose the answer that indicates that sequence.
I. Pathogen is destroyed.
II. Lymphocytes secrete antibodies.
III. Antigenic determinants from pathogen bind to antigen receptors on lymphocytes.
IV. Lymphocytes specific to antigenic determinants from pathogen become numerous.
V. Only memory cells remain.

a. I, III, II, IV, V

b. III, II, I, V, IV
c. II, I, IV, III, V
d. IV, II, III, I, V
e. III, IV, II, I, V

____ 18. CD4 and CD8 are proteins

a. secreted by antigen-presenting cells.
b. present on the surface of natural killer (NK) cells.
c. that are T-independent antigens.
d. that are present on the surface of T cells where they enhance cellular interaction.
e. that are on the surface of antigen-presenting cells where they enhance B cell activity.

____ 19. Which of the following are all types of T cells that participate in the immune response system?
a. CD4, CD8, and helper cells
b. cytotoxic and helper cells
c. plasma, antigen-presenting, and memory cells
d. lymphocytes, macrophages, and dendritic cells
e. class I MHC, class II MHC, and memory cells

____ 20. Why can normal immune responses be described as polyclonal?

a. Blood contains many different antibodies to many different antigens.
b. Construction of a hybridoma requires multiple types of cells.
c. Multiple immunoglobulins are produced from descendants of a single B cell.
d. Diverse antibodies are produced for different epitopes of a specific antigen.
e. Macrophages, T cells, and B cells all are involved in normal immune response.

____ 21. Antibodies of the different classes IgM, IgG, IgA, IgD, and IgE differ from each other in the
a. way they are produced.
b. way they interact with the antigen.
c. type of cell that produces them.
d. antigenic determinants that they recognize.
e. number of carbohydrate subunits they have.

____ 22. Which of the following statements about humoral immunity is correct?
a. It primarily defends against fungi and protozoa.
b. It is responsible for transplant tissue rejection.
c. It protects the body against cells that become cancerous.
d. It is mounted by lymphocytes that have matured in the bone marrow.
e. It primarily defends against bacteria and viruses that have already infected cells.

Name: ________________________ ID: A

____ 23. What happens to people who receive flu vaccinations?

a. They develop active immunity to the flu.
b. They develop passive immunity to the flu.
c. They have immunity to smallpox infection.
d. They have an increased number of natural killer (NK) cells.
e. They develop a hypersensitive humoral immune response.

____ 24. A major difference between active and passive immunity is that active immunity requires
a. acquisition and activation of antibodies.
b. proliferation of lymphocytes in bone marrow.
c. transfer of antibodies from the mother across the placenta.
d. direct exposure to a living or simulated pathogen.
e. secretion of interleukins from macrophages.

____ 25. Which of the following would be most beneficial in treating an individual who has been bitten by a
poisonous snake that has a fast-acting toxin?
a. vaccination with a weakened form of the toxin
b. injection of antibodies to the toxin
c. injection of interleukin-1
d. injection of interleukin-2
e. injection of interferon

____ 26. The successful development of a vaccine to be used against a pathogen

a. is dependent on the surface antigens of the pathogen not changing.
b. requires a rearrangement of the B cell receptor antibodies.
c. is not possible without knowing the structure of the surface antigens on the pathogen.
d. is dependent on the pathogen having only one epitope.
e. is dependent on MHC molecules being heterozygous.

Use the data below to answer the following questions..

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3
Mother Rh -
Rh -
Rh +
Fetus Rh + Rh - Rh -

____ 27. In which of the cases could the mother exhibit an anti-Rh-factor reaction to the developing fetus?
a. case 1 only
b. case 3 only
c. cases 1 and 2 only
d. cases 1, 2, and 3
e. It cannot be determined from the data given.

____ 28. In which of the cases would the mother not exhibit an anti-Rh-factor reaction to the developing fetus?
a. case 1 only
b. case 3 only
c. cases 2 and 3 only
d. cases 1, 2, and 3
e. It cannot be determined from the data given.

Name: ________________________ ID: A

____ 29. In which of the cases would the precaution likely be taken to give the mother anti-Rh antibodies before
delivering her baby?
a. case 1 only
b. case 3 only
c. cases 1 and 2 only
d. cases 1, 2, and 3
e. It cannot be determined from the data given.

____ 30. There is usually no concern if the mother's blood type is different from that of the developing fetus unless the
Rh factor is involved. This is because
a. the mother naturally develops a passive immunity to Rh unless she has had an
Rh-positive child.
b. fetal blood cells can cross the placenta.
c. maternal blood cells can cross the placenta.
d. maternal Rh antibodies can cross the placenta, whereas those against the ABO blood
groups cannot.
e. maternal Rh antibodies cannot cross the placenta, whereas those against the ABO blood
groups can.

____ 31. In order to investigate the immune system of an invertebrate animal, a scientist grafts a section of epidermis
from one earthworm to another. What might be the result of such an experiment?
a. Invertebrates do not have immune responses, so the graft will be accepted.
b. The graft will be recognized as nonself and rejected.
c. This graft will be accepted, but a second graft would be rejected.
d. The graft may recognize the host as foreign and react to it.
e. Both B and D would happen.

____ 32. An immune response to a tissue graft will differ from an immune response to a bacterium because
a. MHC molecules of the host may stimulate rejection of the graft tissue.
b. the tissue graft, unlike the bacterium, is isolated from the circulation and will not enter
into an immune response.
c. a response to the graft will involve T cells and a response to the bacterium will not.
d. a bacterium cannot escape the immune system by replicating inside normal body cells.
e. the graft will stimulate an autoimmune response in the recipient.

____ 33. Which of the following could prevent the appearance of the symptoms of an allergy attack?
a. blocking the attachment of the IgE antibodies to the mast cells
b. blocking the antigenic determinants of the IgM antibodies
c. reducing the number of helper T cells in the body
d. A and B only
e. B and C only

____ 34. A patient reports severe symptoms of watery, itchy eyes and sneezing after being given a flower bouquet as a
birthday gift. A reasonable initial treatment would involve the use of
a. a vaccine.
b. complement.
c. sterile pollen.
d. antihistamines.
e. monoclonal antibodies.

Name: ________________________ ID: A

____ 35. All of the following are usually considered disorders of the immune system except
a. AIDS.
b. SCID.
c. lupus erythematosus.
d. multiple sclerosis.
e. MHC-induced transplant rejection.

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