Unified DCR 37 (1 AA) DT 08 03 2019..

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rEnrg rn+frrfi Gfqtqq q;Fr{ E|=TT sTfttrqq' lSss +

w,.oq ie (t n6 6',) 3rq+ {q#it

rrgrrr{qftq,T EFraiIT F4 qrRqflwfi/ q'm.iqq-fr/
urftrdF{stftTl/Rs fi+tr{
fiftr*wriqr \r*,k{-a v4 {qrarrr fu*rs t+ieur a
elruca Fttqr*d oq m,'{+{rdd...

ftroc, I.H_re
prrsa ft ple *'. Tnm r *,. ffi c'q/s a q a/
{fi u.F'. l i Vl arTfr- s i

Inq-r ftTUlq :- qffi w{r qil-{q {rl{-{rqT, sI{|lqRUr {Mq-flItE vrqmtr+* cfuq
ch{ uq lfl qtqt.

'raft. fr. ote+)
rrfra, Fdnrgvnqq

9 m.ge{rlfi qfud, riiT-q, 5{t

R) qT.{q{-*, (r'q{fuffq.)
qiiqrq'fr sfrs,
t) vtm sfu-{ cb-ql, q.'T{ fr -m'tq frqrT' dnEq, 5eg
t) riqreo, r'rT{rs-{ wrqe'sfu's, a-Rfu-mrqfu'gl'T'
rtimq' tE-t
R) {qffifi,
q.R {sqr, qfl{ts {rq, 5q.
qaqq uFqK.
/- sE{ qviqr efr vd *qftraia.
r) 3Tr{fi , €ti rdT{Ttqrf,{r
; o.fi; engm,
'!et ra-+n cq..' stt fusTq vTp*'{ur, f+i I o.rn.n oT*"ff, q.rrrR !-+qr '
'filq eIRrq-$T, gq I rTqT{ I iliYre / 3rtt'Trem.
ql q-qe{q-*lq riqdn, P-*',, td.
qi qs+r{m-rit 3rft rsTfi , E€RTE 3neifi rfi h-fl q qfl ris-d' ri+.t
*l *t"**, -* rq+, q)-+q- I g0\ 7 qrRTs 7 ql.'q{ 7 or}cnqrs I qqrr+fr fu
'rq" fr.q17o3fio1o n-frqr qfifu*61e frtflIis* q
urfru' {Fircrdr
!fu-{ Et-{ drtq, qd qs{ qtffi s{rfi
qniTf, .€.Jc"***.,

D qfi{rdiufl=qTmrffiqiq'- qq{fu-srsfrqFT' riilffi' tE*-it'

D:\Pune Dcsk\Policy Matters\DCR\KZ\Notice.dOCX I
ii) qr#fidslDTglffiil :_ ?flFF.ra
iii) cfu?++E'd.q :- Tqiprfi€qfq.rwirfr*
iyl *iorm'ft-qn :_ qd
vl fudqaq-*ra ,-q*rio-+qq-*"-n-&gfrq-rTd
vi; fr':fiiar :- q.h-EI
vii) qr+{id qqii qq-+- qtlTeT :- €aiftra fu+.frq R-6Tism*., TrR Tqqr.
qftrst-.qifig qTdqTqqT+
a; v6-a-o {urc+., TqT €{r / T,rt {qqrsR, e-d fl qr q.pliri, qrrt
ql sr+r sfu{, o6- 11ffi- o t-qfl hlTFT.
1 / mer srftffiTfr,qh s/ch_ s i, {.R fus;
qqerrd' fl-qslqqt4-{dtinT|mc. s-{t-s, qS-€.
m*, **.,
/- RirT fr;i$ oquqn +d +1, rtqn_* dqdc "_t
E-drT q6r{iE yrI€rTqT, sr€FrRur
rrqqffi d {rqw{Tqr cfu l< s-s-q. erqT yffi I o o l-fr
i.rr{ fr fi q fu rmq _G"
tcstftffifr G-d Tr{qfrq-qT / rq{qqp-tr}
srI sqr oTftrirrficqh-tq) rrRfu-fi.€.fr.qFl, riiTdq, qsf.
/- qt*r* q+ir qr frqr,Tr+r {+trsrdm rfud;r"i.
ttI e.qr erftr+irl, qiffiq ritnfqrn r, creq, q-iE
l- vqcqr qrrT ynsrrqT {+il€ranT rfr+
txt f++srkii (sTqiq-{_qf t.

D:\Pt:ne Desk\Policy Marters\DCR\K2\Notice.OOCX

! Le.. .:
{Tritc, ff-rr
m'.ffif'c- ffiC's-Caf aiCialtafrfu-tl:- qreqT, qn-sflqr qrR fumr€ fqqrflt rr-qTdtd
oqq foorv crRr*rd (qrgb "Tm Ffllw{ vrRr6{+' rdq +€r enb qi-qr fufirs.
qtsiiiT lvrge .vfr fuorq rdq
ar+or ent) s 6e.tq 1q?irur q yterc-c
1qq| "vm f{fir€ fi?i*sr frrqqr*d,, vdq #6r qd qil1iq lTiRTfi
trqtq-q q qrn {q=Tr olftrfrqc, s3qs (qrg} ..vm erfuftqe, indq Ad6r eTr+) qr sdq
lqlqy srq+{{frfq*der};
eTfoT GWTqT, Frqtq-{ crR|$-{qi-qT sffi fr.-srs fu?.q FTqqr{d 6qT +rFirrdzn
s{s-€d +q {Tre-{r+ elq]fiTs^ trt'iur q elffiET frqrTrqT (DIrr) tllwlqqR Il-qrdtf, R-d
q-d-drnqimsT, ffifiq-qr n-$q wr frd--q-r Nftr*qiqtar €-d qcrAffi \rsfr-td fr-fiq
ft E-{ur F{qcwdi q{$q {-d.+A-qr FqN1qR 3rRr\ :nqgo enil
efoT qrc{fr, sqtffi qs fr-qRTd'+sr {'rru-{fqr rR fr-fl-s frrlrr+ qflc'nqrk-qr,
ilqftsqT , l.rtqqTq-tr ,Rq ifltq-{ !rftm{"} ,rqqrn fu-*-rq'crftrfidr, qErrrR s+$ f{sTq
qrftr$-$}qi-qTe.i-dTqsfnfdRdRqT-aTmfu-*lsfqziflTqet'NTfiFrqqTq-df dfi6w-qTqel
qn-s{ FT.iq m. frqigs-taqa/ H.F.ttq n olzl cfu-l?, R.t/lo/t o 1z wqt €firfr ffi
Cqrg* " vmmM " w*nvdu*or;r&ai'e1eG;
enfr r qrerqi. vm +fi r*i #qd fu qn q-eq qT Fd imqq Hfi rfiruris-i-dr q-stf,f d
{d qqr+qlfi fumrq ftdwr e dffi€q tffiqtqdr iF{R sF{ yrNF{R{ fr.oE/oQ/lol! rlql RrEt
cng|t q ---]
efl.M qT rptT. r{flqr'{ 3ffi rd-firq lqq?q ffir e-<-qr mrqdqr {l--qil€ s-q{a
e'TadT sd qEnrRqrfrqr, q'Rqfts-(r, q.ffi ffi ftdqq yrF]-s{d ,r++n fr-+rq
HFrswt ,q6r+R vkr fr*.m nftr*{qiqr& Efi o.frSi qrc{ +dd q-sir-*-d R-+ Rqrdrr.*.
fufirq fr?ipr q ctnqE-{ frqqqifr orfr q-qorsa eia{e q{oqqi-dT H{-s{d F1"i eil{q{ffi'
3T16 srs yns-{q'r-d w-A siTi fqrgd qfsr Bwq trRrFdd q-{-qEo,' 3RTr s--{uqrf, 3TrdeTr

e+rFr qrecefi, dt*- kad gqt+ fr-qT{ +-r-c s-wfr-d qrq-tom# sw e*rFrqq+f,
sc,rrl l\e (1 + 6) 3T;qn sTtiqrEi s-tuT en-qq?$ 3116;

ereeff, Effi srfrrfrqqrqr+--6q 1\e, t-s-f,c 1 c€*) iris

CO rtfranqctmdwren-o
HR srfrrsT{rd {qrd-m g6+i{i qla-dr s'{ q-dr'+nqTftr'sr, qr{qftq-qr rir*iqq-fr, ffi'nA*
, T{+R fq-sTq erftr*-{il,qErc.I{ !i{r fu-fis crfrrspi€Tdi sTft--€Tf, e-sAeT frqqqFi


W q+ff,fd hqr€ frqilT s lt*r-fi frTqqr+d GrTe "Tff cmrkd fuqrq#, ert
sidTd m-tlirmT$ q'{drfud t-r+{d s-$qrqT t-qlnc+ lr*rt uifr -a +-n-d sG eTrfr
emfud +rq{drqT e1Effi ffi rFqr Fc+-tr erqqlqT oo6", 6q q14fioi.ft uqa+ q++
q€RTy rrrurl rrqq-{Tqd ck< Ht@TqT ftqisTwrq q qte{rqT {ed-d qr+{ *-{ratrd.

sm qwf*d +-.q{dmqd v<5fr 46*q.a{9 n".; cfu*a fl@Tqrqc qs-rT l

ET+r+ s qteqTqT 666 5<-*a a'R {qlt fu+tqrn €Efrrd fflTrflq q-6{qrffi qtqr {rA ffi
qdqrd, sr{urRr6, srdE{|alkt ctilri{d fiq-i-{dRidqTd ctR
{s'rT/FtsilqRicr grTq!ft i$T ffi
F) qrAi{ n-qst{sR qTffi $ ow eT+i-o er6qrf,
s-mq i\s, qt-.+-dq (S s
TrRr"rRT Rr({ sllqrsr& sm eTfuftcqrqr *oq tqqef,q+;Frt Fm fuTprr+, *ifud
faqFftq Ra*iq-o-" qirT sTftrorft qun frW isro-qkT +d iTrt sa i;rcqo vnq-qr+ {q{
tl q€r{E {rm{rqr {l"Fr{ffr cfu-d FRlqTqq 1o fqqqii e+n qrfrry-d- orft{srfr
qiqr+'gercilFr+€rqqlTlEr*if tqtqvirr+-+-qq'kqT{+drsTid.

sRR qq-rT sfr s-Rrfu '-d fi raqwtr€o rTrrfusiqr er+ets-n{ +lrrorqrqr

qate qrqiaqia gqFre{ }q!-qrd qr$:-
ffi fl qk+{
(i) {iq?Fs., qrRrfiT, qd{rgrrq, cq{frqql6, gfr -yqq ooq.
(iD fqqTrflqe-d€atm+., +nrqlT, g0ifst5.urfrTftr6'/rTq5fsirrtTq-q/qq11{S.
(iii) frRrFr*lft, {-dRrdR.

1TREqsfTlTRFITdtT www,maharashtra.gov.in 1-qg{7fi-qg q1{i;cerar*qf$ds-fo-qfd


qtmqri {rqrnm qiq etrtHmr q

gGf{TilEril, q5RT9VIT{FT

C \Users\Admrn\Deskrop\Nontication FinatU?.docx

: :t€ F -
Government of Maharashtra,
Urban Development Department,
Mantralaya, Mumbai-400 032.
Dated :08/03/2019


No.TPS-1818/cR-236/18ruD-13:- whereas, the Government has sanctioned various

Development Plans (hereinafter referred to as 'the said Development plans,) along with their
Regional & Development control and Promotion Rules (hereinafter referred to as 'the said ievelopment
Town control Re gulations') for Municipal corporations, Municipal council, Nagarpanchayat, SpA,
NTDA, Metropolitan Region Development Authorities etc. (hereinafier referred to ai ,the said
Act, 1966
Planning Authorities) in Maharashtra State under the provisions of the Maharashtra Regional
& Town Planning Act, 1966 ((hereinafter refeted to as 'the said Act)) ;

And whereas, the said Development Control Regulations of the said Planning Authorities
are different, the Department of Industrial Policy and promotion (DIpp) of central Govemment
has stated a need for common Development Control Regulations for all Municipal Corporation,
Municipal councils and other planning authorities in the state as per the agenda of Ease of
Doing Business;

And whereas in view of the above, the Govemment in Urban Development Depanment,
vide its resolution no TPS-1818/cR-236/18/uD-13, dated the 03l1ol20ls has appointed a two
member committee ((hereinafter referred to as 'the said committee) for drafting unified
Development control and Promotion Regulations for said planning Authorities in the State;

And whereas, the said committee after deliberating and meeting among themselves
prepared the Unified Development control and Promotion Regulations for said planning
Authorities in the state and submitted the same to the Government on date 06103/2019:

And whereas, the Government felt it necessary to replace the existing said Development
control Regulations by the new set of Unified Development control Regulations for all
Municipal corporations (except Municipal corporation of Greater Mumbai) Municipal council,
Nagarpanchayat, sPA, NTDA, Metropolitan Region Development Authorities etc. in the state
prepared by the said committee with few Modifications (hereinafter referred to as 'the said .
propo s e d m o difi c ation);

And whereas, the Government, found it expedient in the public interest to take recourse to
the provision contained in Section 37(1AA) ofthe said Act;

Now therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (a) ofsub-section (1AA) of
Section 37 of the Maharashtra Regional and rown planning Act, 1966 (Mah. XXXVII of 1966)
and_all other powers enabling in that behalf, the Gort. of Maharashtra hereby, in supersession of
all the earlier existing Development control regulations ofthe said Planning authorities declares
its intention them and newly insert the said proposed modification in respect of Unified
Development Control Regulations.for all Planning Authorities in Maharashtra except
corporation of Greater Mumbai, and for that purpose publishes a notice for inviting
suggestions/objections from any person with respect to the s;id proposed regulations within
period of one month from the date of publication of this notice in the Mahara*shtra

Any objections and suggestions upon the said proposed modifications be forwarded
before the expiry of one month from the date of publication of this notice in Maharashtra
Government Gazette to the concemed Divisional Joint Director of Town planning who is hereby
authorised as an officer under section 162 of the said act to hear the objections or
which may be received by the concerned Officer appointed. The appointed officer shall submit
his report with respect to the proposed modification to the Government after following and
completing the procedure as per provisions of sub-section (l A A) of Section 37 the
said Act
This said proposed modification will be made applicable after it,s sanction by the

/ or objections from any person within a period of one month from

Suggestions and the
date ofpublication ofthis Notice in the Maharashtra Government Gazette shall be considered:

This notice along with the said proposed regulations shall be kept open for inspection to
the general public in the following offices for the above period on all working days.

(i) Director of Town Planning, Central Building, pune;

(ii) Joint Director of Town Planning, Kokan, pune, Nashik, Nagpur,
Aurangabad, Amravati Division;

This Notice shall also be published on the Government website www.maharashtra.gov.in

tcnrqq / tiqq ).

By order and in the name of Govemor of Maharashtra,

Secretary to Government

C:\Users\Admin\Deskop\Notification Final\3?.uusx

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