All-Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells With High e Ciency
All-Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells With High e Ciency
All-Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells With High e Ciency
CsSnI 3 : Semiconduct or or Met al? High Elect rical Conduct ivit y and St rong Near-Infrared Phot …
Christ os D Malliakas, Hao Li
Energy barrier at t he N719-dye/CsSnI 3 int erface for phot ogenerat ed holes in dye-sensit ized solar cells
Kai Shum
© 2012 American Chemical Society 8579 | J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 8579−8587
Journal of the American Chemical Society Article
cage and on the formation of the perovskite octahedral semiconductor with a band gap of 1.3 eV. We demonstrate that
network.7 the CsSnI3 is a unique system that combines two generally
Despite its interesting physical and chemical properties, our contra-indicated properties, strong PL and high electrical
understanding of the origin of such properties in CsSnI3 is still conductivity. The data show that the hole mobilities in this
limited. Additionally, many previous reports understate its high material are among the highest known in medium gap
sensitivity to air, moisture, and organic solvents, resulting in an compound semiconductors (∼585 cm2 V−1 s−1). Remarkably,
incorrect description of the phase change behavior and its near-infrared PL emission at 950 nm is remarkably strong at
unreliable characterization results.1,3 Some authors also room temperature and orders of magnitude greater than that of
revealed the inclusion of impurities in their syntheses.2 Most a standard commercially available InP single-crystalline wafer
importantly, the black phases of CsSnI3 have never been which also emits in the same wavelength. It is important to note
structurally characterized because of the extreme difficulty of that solid-state materials emitting near-IR light at room
single-crystal X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies. As a result, temperature are highly desirable for noninvasive investigations
theoretical and experimental studies have been severely limited, of paintings and artifacts,8 optical amplifiers,9 fiber-optic
and the origin of its phase transition has never been systems for telecommunications,10 tunable solid-state laser
understood. systems, and biomedical applications.11 Currently available
Here we report the synthesis, single-crystal structure materials for such applications are compounds containing
refinements, charge transport and optical properties, and lanthanides12 and some III/V and II/VI semiconductors such
theoretical calculation studies of all polymorphic forms of as InP, GaAs, and CdTe. However, they show low emission
CsSnI3. We determined the single-crystal structures of the three efficiency. Therefore, materials that consist of environmentally
black polymorphs by in situ temperature-dependent single- friendly and inexpensive elements with high emission efficiency,
crystal XRD studies for the first time. Examination of the such as CsSnI3, are highly sought after.
coordination sphere of Cs+ in the three perovskite frameworks Temperature-dependent electrical conductivity of the black
suggests that the transitions are the result of the desire of the phase shows metallic behavior, and, surprisingly, the con-
Cs+ cation to achieve closest packing and the remarkable ductivity and PL intensity gradually increase upon heat
flexibility of the perovskite network thanks to the plasticity of treatment. The results of ab initio density functional theory
the Sn−I−Sn angle. Based on an in situ temperature-dependent (DFT) calculations suggest that such phenomena may result
synchrotron powder XRD study, we probed in detail the from facile formation of Sn vacancies in the structure, which
reversible phase transitions. The interconversions of the four form hole carriers only in the black polymorphs of CsSnI3.
polymorphs proceed under specific conditions along with the
influence of air, moisture, and organic solvents. Surprisingly, the EXPERIMENTAL SECTION
black polymorphs exhibit one of the largest volumetric thermal
■ Synthesis. The synthesis of the pure black orthorhombic phase of
coefficient for inorganic solid materials, close to that for liquid. CsSnI3 was achieved by reacting a stoichiometric mixture of CsI and
We also show with optical absorption spectroscopy, Hall SnI2 in an evacuated Pyrex tube at 550 °C for 1 h, followed by cooling
effect, and Seebeck coefficient measurements that the black for 6 h to room temperature. The synthesis of the pure yellow phase
orthorhombic perovskite phase is a p-type direct band gap was achieved by reacting a stoichiometric mixture of CsI and SnI2
Figure 1. Illustration of phase change details of four CsSnI3 polymorphs and their crystal structures. How phase transitions of CsSnI3 polymorphs
proceed is displayed with synthesis conditions and conversion temperatures obtained by in situ temperature-dependent synchrotron powder XRD
studies. Crystal structures of the respective polymorph are shown: (a) black cubic (B-α) at 500 K; (b) tetragonal (B-β) at 380 K; (c) orthorhombic
(B-γ) at 300 K; yellow (Y) phase at 300 K. Disordered atoms in (c) are omitted for clarity. Cs atoms, blue; Sn atoms, yellow; I atoms, violet. Green
dashed lines represent a unit cell.
(total ∼0.3 g) in ethylenediamine (0.2 mL) in an evacuated Pyrex tube ∼2 mm × 3 mm × 8 mm under N2 atmosphere. Electrical conductivity
at 140 °C for 3 d. Large crack- and bubble-free ingots (ca. 6 g) were and Seebeck coefficient were measured simultaneously under He
prepared using a modified vertical Bridgman technique, and the atmosphere from room temperature to 650 K on a ULVAC-RIKO
growth condition was guided by the DTA results. Pure CsSnI3 powder ZEM-3 instrument system. The mechanical electrodes made of Rh/Pt
in an evacuated fused silica tube was passed down a single-zone and Pt were directly contacted to the ingot with no use of a chemical
Bridgeman furnace at a rate of 2 cm h−1, maintained at 550 °C. The paste. Six heating and cooling cycles were repeated for a given sample.
phase purity of the ingot obtained was confirmed by powder XRD Hall Effect Measurements. The Hall coefficient was measured on
analysis (Supporting Information, Figure S1). a polycrystalline bar-shaped ingot with four cold-pressed In contacts
Powder X-ray Diffraction. Powder XRD analysis was performed (one on each side of the ingot) positioned in a standard Hall
using a calibrated CPS 120 INEL powder X-ray diffractometer (Cu Kα geometry. The sample was subjected to a flow of nitrogen gas to
graphite-monochromatized radiation) operating at 40 kV/20 mA and protect it from oxidation during measurements. A dc current source
equipped with a position-sensitive detector with flat sample geometry. (6220 Keithley Instruments) was utilized to supply a constant 100 mA
In Situ Temperature-Dependent Synchrotron Powder X-ray current through the sample, while an external magnetic field up to
Diffraction. Fine powders of a black CsSnI3 (B-γ) compound were ±1.4 T was applied in steps of 0.25 T. The voltage response, in both
sealed in an N2-filled Roentgen glass tube. In situ synchrotron XRD (λ the positive and negative directions of the magnetic field, was recorded
= 0.413975 Å) patterns were recorded from room temperature to 673 at each respective step by a nanovoltmeter (2182A Keithley
K at a rate of 5 K h−1 using at the 11-BM beamline at the Advanced Instruments), and half the difference of the two signals was recorded
Photon Source. as the Hall voltage.
Single-Crystal X-ray Crystallography. Intensity data for black Optical Absorption Spectroscopy. Optical diffuse reflectance
and yellow CsSnI3 were collected at 300(2)−500(2) K on a STOE measurements were performed at room temperature using a Shimadzu
IPDS 2T diffractometer with Mo Kα radiation operating at 50 kV and UV-3101 PC spectrometer operating in the 200−2500 nm region. The
40 mA with a 34 cm diameter imaging plate under N2 atmosphere. reflectance versus wavelength data generated were used to estimate the
Individual frames were collected with a 3 min exposure time and a band gap of the material by converting reflectance to absorption data
1.0ω rotation. The X-AREA, X-RED, and X-SHAPE software packages according to the Kubelka−Munk equation: α/S = (1 − R)2(2R)−1,
were used for data extraction and integration and to apply empirical where R is the reflectance and α and S are the absorption and
and analytical absorption corrections. The SHELXTL software scattering coefficients, respectively. The details of the energy gap
package13 was used to solve and refine the structure. The parameters measurements have been discussed elsewhere.14
for data collection and the details of the structural refinement are given Theoretical Calculations and Electronic Structures. The
in Table 1. Fractional atomic coordinates and displacement parameters electronic structures of CsSnI3 were calculated by the full potential
are given in Supporting Information, Tables S1−S8. The selected linearized augmented planewave (FLAPW) method15 based on DFT;
bond distances and angles are given in Tables S9 and S10. experimental lattice constants and atomic coordinates were employed.
Charge Transport and Thermopower Measurements. The The muffin-tin radii for Cs, Sn, and I atoms were chosen to be 2.90,
ingot was cut and polished into a rectangular shape with dimensions of 2.70, and 2.50 Bohr, respectively. The cutoff energies for the
planewave basis and star function were 13 and 144 Ry, respectively; with cubic Pm3m ̅ space group (Figure 1a). All Cs, Sn, and I
5×5×3 and 5×9×3 meshes of special k-points were used in the atoms reside on the special positions of the space group. The
irreducible Brillouin zone for the B-γ and Y phases, respectively. Sn2+ center sits in an ideal octahedral geometry with six I−
Within the local density approximation (LDA), the Hedin−Lundqvist anions, resulting in stereochemically inactive 6s2 lone pair
form16 of the exchange-correlation functional was used, and spin−orbit
coupling (SOC) was included by a second variation method.17 In electrons. The more common coordination geometries for Sn2+
order to improve the accuracy of the band gap, which is usually are trigonal pyramidal found in SnCl2 and SnS and square
underestimated within LDA, the nonlocal scheme of the screened- pyramidal found in SnO and α-SnWO 3 . The [SnI6/2] −
exchange LDA (sX-LDA) method was also employed.18 This method octahedra condense to form a three-dimensional cubic
leads to good agreement with experimentally measured band gaps and framework via corner-sharing with the Cs+ countercations
improves the conduction band topology as well.14,19 residing at 12-coordinate interstices within the network made
Defect Formation Energy Calculations. The defect formation by eight [SnI6/2]− octahedra. The Sn−I distance is normal at
energy is a function of the chemical potentials of atoms and electron. 3.1028(4) Å, and the bond angle of Iap−Sn−Ieq is 90°.
The set of chemical potentials is determined by the experimental
When cooled, the cubic form undergoes successive displacive
growth condition. Based on the total energy from the ab initio
calculation, we calculate the defect formation energy, ΔHD,q,20 defined phase transitions to lower symmetry with no bond breaking
by the eq 1: (Figure 1b,c). The Pm3̅m symmetry is lowered to tetragonal
P4/mbm at 380 K (B-β) and orthorhombic Pnma at 300 K (B-
ΔHD , q = [ED , q − E H] + q(ΔE F + Ev ) + ∑ nα(μα0 + Δμα ) (1) γ). The B-β phase results from the tilting of the neighboring
[SnI6/2]− octahedra in only the ab plane to give Sn−I(2)eq−Sn
In this formula, the first term on the right-hand side defines the = 167.989° (Glazer tilting system: a0a0c−) (Figure S2). The
binding energy ΔE of the defect D in the host system. The second Sn−I distances slightly differ: Sn−I(1)ap, 3.0954(3) Å; Sn−
term represents the energy of the charge q change from the Fermi level I(2)eq, 3.0994(5) Å. Neither tilting of the octahedra viewed
EF = ΔEF + Ev, where Ev is the energy of the valence band maximum of
host system. The third term is the energies of atoms of species α added
down the c axis nor the bent bond angle in the [SnI6/2]−
to (or removed from) reservoirs of elements with chemical potential octahedron is observed: Sn−I(1)ap−Sn, 180°; I(2)eq−Sn−
nα = μ0α + Δμα, where μ0α is the reference energy of the most stable I(2)eq, 90°; I(1)ap−Sn−I(2)eq, 90°. The new cell is enlarged to
phase of each element. Possible ranges of Δμα are determined by the a √2a×√2a×a supercell with Z = 2 (Z is the number of
thermodynamic stable condition of host material, and ΔEF is obtained formula units per unit cell). In the B-γ phase at room
as a function of temperature within the charge neutrality condition. To temperature, octahedral tilting occurs along both the apical and
reduce the effect caused by finite cell size, we considered a large equatorial directions (a+a−a−) to give bond angles of 157.6(4)°
supercell which includes 360 atoms. For each defect, the internal and 166.0(3)° for Sn−I(1a)ap−Sn and Sn−I(2a)eq−Sn,
coordinates of atoms are relaxed. Relaxation and total energy of
respectively (Figure S1). Some internal bond angles of the
pristine and each defected supercell are calculated by using a plane
wave basis and projector augmented wave method21 which is [SnI6/2]− octahedron are also slightly distorted to give the
implemented in the Vienna ab initio simulation package.22 The energy I(1a)eq−Sn−I(2a)eq, 88.6(2)° and 88.9(1)°, and cis-I(2a)ap−
cutoff for the plane wave basis set was set to 300 eV. For the k-point Sn−I(2a)eq, 89.95(3)°, while those of I(1a)ap−Sn−I(1a)ap and
sampling, a 1×1×1 mesh is used in the relaxation, and a 3×3×3 mesh the trans-I(2a)eq−Sn−I(2a)eq remain at 180°. The distances of
is used for total energy calculations. The generalized gradient Sn−I(1a)ap and Sn−I(2a)eq deviate more than those in the B-β
approximation (GGA) is used for the exchange-correlation functional phase: 3.124(5) and 3.118(1) Å, respectively. Consequently,
within the Perdew−Burke−Ernzerhof (PBE) formalism;23 the SOC the √2a×2a×√2a supercell is obtained with Z = 4. Note that
interaction is not considered here. investigation of the reciprocal lattice using the extended X-ray
exposure did not reveal any superstructure or twinning.
■ RESULTS AND DISCUSSION When exposed to air or organic solvents such as acetonitrile,
Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Phase Transitions. the B-γ phase undergoes a significant reconstructive phase
The yellow phase of CsSnI3 was isolated and structurally transition to the Y phase at room temperature in 1 h (Figure
characterized in 1980,24 whereas the black phases were only 1d). The composition of the latter is better described as
studied by powder XRD two decades ago.1 We observed that Cs2Sn2I6. The edge-sharing [SnII2/2I3/3]− octahedra condense
obtaining suitable single crystals for XRD analysis of black to form infinite one-dimensional double chains of 1∞[Sn2I62−]
phases is extremely difficult. When melts of CsSnI3 cool to form running down the crystallographic b axis, separated by Cs+
crystals, a phase transition typically occurs anisotropically from cations. There is one crystallographically independent Sn and
higher to lower symmetry, resulting in inhomogeneous Cs atom and three I atoms. The [SnI6/2]− octahedra are
crystallographic domains in the crystals. Starting materials of distorted to give I−Sn−I angles ranging from 91.28(2)° to
CsI and SnI2 that contain even very minor impurities give 96.32(2)°. The Sn−I distances are 3.2243(6) and 3.1968(6) Å
mixtures of the Y and B-γ phases in solid-state reactions, with to bridging I(1) and (2) atoms, respectively, and 2.9518(8) Å
single crystals of only the Y phase. When exposed to air, the B-γ to the terminal I(3) atom. It is important to note that the B-γ
crystals promptly lose single crystallinity, rapidly transform to phase does not spontaneously transform to the Y phase under
the polycrystalline yellow phase, and ultimately decompose. an inert atmosphere. Some previous reports incorrectly
We determined the single-crystal structures of the three indicated that grinding the black phase gave the yellow
metastable black polymorphs for the first time (Table 1). To polymorph.1 Such a transition results from exposure to air,
obtain the high-temperature B-α phase, a melt of CsSnI3 was not pressure. The Y phase transforms to the B-α phase on
quenched at 623 K. The lustrous black block-like crystal was heating above 425 K under inert atmosphere.
immediately sliced to a thin plate to minimize stress by the Local Coordination Environment. Examination of the
phase transitions and loaded on a single-crystal diffractometer, coordination environment and anisotropic displacement
maintained at 500 K. The single crystal chosen showed a single parameters (ADPs) of Cs atoms obtained from single-crystal
crystallographic domain, indexed to a cubic unit cell. The B-α XRD studies provided important clues on what drives these
phase forms in the ideal three-dimensional perovskite structure phase transitions (Tables S5−S8). At 500 K, the Cs atoms
8582 | J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 8579−8587
Journal of the American Chemical Society Article
reside in the ideal, 12-coordinated cuboctahedral geometry with distances, including the shortest of 3.902(9) Å, become
a Cs−I distance of 4.3881(5) Å. Note that this distance is significantly shorter than that at 500 K of 4.3881(5) Å. The
significantly longer than that found in CsI (3.94 Å) and the sum longer distances to the opposite side of the shifted Cs(a) atoms
of the ionic radii of I− and 12-coordinated Cs+ (4.08 Å).25 The are as long as 5.19 Å, where Cs(b) occupies the void.
ADPs of Cs atoms at this elevated temperature are unusually Cs atoms in the yellow phase no longer rattle in the
high: U11 = U22 = U33 = 0.154 Å2; U23 = U13 = U12 = 0 Å2, but oversized cages but instead are eventually stabilized in a nine-
are isotropic by symmetry. These data indicated that the Cs coordinated tricapped trigonal prism geometry, surrounded by
atoms randomly rattle inside the oversized perovskite cages, as three adjacent 1∞[Sn2I62−] chains. The Cs−I distances narrowly
observed in clathrate compounds (Figure 2a). The ADPs of I range from 3.8760(7) to 4.0687(9) Å, much shorter than those
of the black phases, and the APDs of all atoms are nearly ideal.
The cell volume per formula unit decreases throughout the
phase transitions from cubic perovskite to yellow phases: B-α,
239.99(5) Å3; B-β, 235.27(2) Å3; B-γ, 232.25(2) Å3; Y,
217.94(4) Å3 (Table 1 and Figure S4). The mass density
calculated from the structural models presented above increases
from B-α, 4.393 g cm−3; B-β, 4.463 g cm−3; B-γ, 4.521 g cm−3;
to Y, 4.818 g cm−3. It is also interesting to note that the phase
change between the two room-temperature forms involves a
remarkable 6.6% increase in density. Thus, the yellow phase is
the best packing model for the CsSnI3 stoichiometry and likely
the thermodynamically stable form.
To confirm our assumption that stabilization of Cs atoms in
CsSnI3 plays a key role in phase transitions, we examined
relevant phases that include different size combinations of
component atoms. Presumably due to the smaller size of Rb,
the perovskite phase of RbSnI3 does not exist (the cage for the
Rb atoms is too large) and instead only forms the one-
dimensional structure isomeric to yellow CsSnI3.3,26 In contrast,
the bigger, asymmetric CH3NH3+ cation can better support the
cages and only forms a cubic perovskite with no phase
transition near room temperature.27 Indeed, [CH3NH3]SnI3
Figure 2. Coordination environments of Cs atoms in the 3∞[SnI3−] shows even larger cell volume per formula unit of 243.4(1) Å3
perovskite cage in the black phases at (a) 500 K (B-α), (b) 380 K (B- than black CsSnI3 at room temperature.27 With a smaller cage
β), and (c) 300K (B-γ). (d) Cs atoms are surrounded by three of 3∞ [SnBr3−], CsSnBr3 can only form the perovskite structure.2
1 2−
∞[Sn2I6 ] chains in the yellow phase (Y). Split models of I and Cs In Situ Temperature-Dependent Synchrotron X-ray
atoms are shown in (c). I atoms are labeled. Cs atoms, blue; Sn atoms, Diffraction. To track each phase transition, we performed in
yellow; I atoms, wine in (a), (b), and (d). In (c), Cs(a) atoms, blue; situ temperature-dependent synchrotron powder XRD studies
Cs(b), light blue; Sn atoms, yellow; I(1a,2a) atoms, wine; I(1b,2b)
atoms, orange. The Cs−I bond distances are given in Å. The thermal on the B-γ phase from room temperature to 673 K. Figure 3
ellipsoids are shown at 80% probability. shows the temperature dependence of XRD patterns on heating
at a rate of 5 K h−1 with a 2θ range of 5.3−6.9° for selective
temperatures. The XRD pattern at room temperature
atoms indicate large thermal vibrations perpendicular to the confirmed the purity of the B-γ phase. The doublet around
Sn−I−Sn bonds: U11 = 40(1), U22 = U33 = 0.215(2) Å2; U23 =
U13 = U12 = 0 Å2. Correspondingly, the Sn−I−Sn bonds are
flexible and can bend in order to distort the cages and get Cs
and I atoms closer.
When cooled to 380 K, the 3∞[SnI3−] framework compress
slightly along the ab axis to make the Sn−I(1)ap−Sn angles
bend, but still with high ADPs in the I atoms (Figure 2b). Cs
atoms vibrate ellipsoidally (U11 = U22 = 0.134(3) Å2, U33 =
0.120(4) Å2) along the elongated direction (a and b axes) of
the cages. The Cs atoms sit in a distorted cuboctahedral
geometry, and, because of this distortion, four of the Cs−I
bonds become significantly shorter than those at 500 K: four
each of 4.146(3), 4.3591(4), and 4.6030(3) Å (Table S10).
At room temperature, Cs and I atoms finally have to be
modeled with split positions and their occupancies refined
(Figure 2c). As a result, the ADPs of Cs and I atoms are close Figure 3. In situ temperature-dependent synchrotron XRD patterns of
to normal. The occupancy ratios of Cs(a):Cs(b), I(1a):I(1b), black CsSnI3 on heating. Changes in the Bragg reflection peaks
and I(2a):I(2b) were refined to 76:24, 75:25, and 77:23, indicate temperature-driven phase transitions to higher symmetry on
respectively. The Cs(a) atom shifts to one side of the distorted heating: orthorhombic (B-γ) to tetragonal (B-β) above 362.1 ± 5.4 K
cage to effectively interact with I atoms, as does the Cs(b) atom and the latter to orthorhombic (B-α) above 440.5 ± 3.5 K. The
in the opposite direction. As a result, nine of the Cs(a)−I representative XRD peaks that reflect phase transitions are indexed.
Figure 6. Calculated band structures of (a) the B-γ and (c) Y phase using the sX-LDA method, showing the direct and indirect band gap nature,
respectively. The projected density of states (PDOS) for individual atoms calculated with the sX-LDA method for (b) the B-γ and (d) Y phases is
shown. (e) Diagrams of calculated defect formation energies for VSn, VCs, SnI, and VI in the B-γ form. Charge state, q, is denoted by +, 0, and −. The
energy level of the VBM is set to zero. The regions below VBM and above CBM are shaded in gray color. The defect formation energies of SnI are
higher than 2.5 eV in the Sn-poor, I-rich and the Cs-poor, I-rich conditions.
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