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JC2 Preliminary Examination 2019

General Certificate of Education Advanced Level

Higher 2



04 September 2019
Paper 1 [100 marks] 3 hours

Candidates answer on the Question Paper

Additional Materials: List of Formulae (MF26)


Write your name, civics group and question number on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
Do not use paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.
Answer all questions.

Give non-exact numerical answers correct to 3 significant figures, or 1 decimal place in the case of angles in
degrees, unless a different level of accuracy is specified in the question.
The use of an approved graphing calculator is expected, where appropriate.
Unsupported answers from a graphing calculator are allowed unless a question specifically states otherwise.
Where unsupported answers from a graphing calculator are not allowed in a question, you are required to
present the mathematical steps using mathematical notations and not calculator commands.
You are reminded of the need for clear presentation in your answers.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

This document consists of 27 printed pages (including this cover page) and 1 blank page.

For markers’ use:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Total
1 Electricity cost per household is calculated by multiplying the electricity consumption (in kWh), by the tariff
(in cents/kWh). The tariff is set by the government and reviewed every 4 months.
The amount of electricity used by each household for each 4-month period, together with the total electricity
cost for each household in the year, are given in the following table.

Jan – April May – Aug Sept – Dec Total electricity cost in the year
(in kWh) (in kWh) (in kWh) ($)

Household 1 677 586 699 529.53

Household 2 1011 871 1048 790.63

Household 3 1349 1174 1417 1063.28

Write down and solve equations to find the tariff, in cents/kWh, to 2 decimal places, for each 4-month
period. [4]

2 A string of fixed length l is cut into two pieces. The first piece is used to form a square of side s and the second
piece is used to form a circle of radius r. Find the ratio of the length of the first piece to the second piece that
gives the smallest possible combined area of the square and circle. [6]

3 A geometric progression has first term a and common ratio r, and an arithmetic progression has first term a
and common difference d, where a and d are non-zero. The sums of the first 2 and 4 terms of the arithmetic
progression are equal to the respective sums of the first 2 and 4 terms of the geometric progression.

(i) By showing r 3  r 2  5r  3  0 , or otherwise, find the value of the common ratio. [5]

(ii) Given that a  0 and the nth term of the geometric progression is positive, find the smallest possible
value of n such that the nth term of the geometric progression is more than 1000 times the nth term of
the arithmetic progression. [3]

Find the series expansion for 1  ax  in ascending powers of x, up to and including the term in x3 ,
4 (i)
where a is non-zero and a  1 . [1]

(ii) It is given that the coefficients of the terms in x, x 2 , and x3 are three consecutive terms in a geometric
progression. Show that n  1 . [2]

Show that the coefficients of the terms in the series expansion of 1  ax  form a geometric progression.
(iv) Evaluate the sum to infinity of the coefficients of the terms in x of odd powers. [2]

2019 JC2 H2 Mathematics Preliminary Examination

5 (a) It is given that the equation f  x   a has three roots x1 , x2 , x3 where x1  0  x2  x3 , and a is a

(i) How many roots does the equation f  x   a have? With the aid of a diagram, or otherwise,
explain your answer briefly. [2]

(ii) How many roots does the equation f  x  a   a have? With the aid of a diagram, or otherwise,
explain your answer briefly. [2]

2ln 2
(b) Solve the inequality x  ln 1  sin x  , where 0  x  2 . [4]

x2  5x  3
6 The curve C has equation y  .
x 1
(i) Show algebraically that the curve C has no stationary points. [2]
(ii) Sketch the curve C, indicating the equations of any asymptotes, and the coordinates of points where C
intersects the axes. [4]

(iii) Region S is bounded by C, the y-axis, and the line y  . Find the volume of the solid formed when
region S is rotated about the x-axis completely. [3]

7 In the Argand diagram, the points P1 and P2 represent the complex numbers z and z 2 respectively, where
z  3i 3 .

(i) Find the exact modulus and argument of z. [2]

(ii) Mark the points P1 and P2 on an Argand diagram and find the area of the triangle OPP
1 2 , where O
represents the complex number 0. [3]
 
i  
Let w  2e  3

(iii)  
Find the set of integer values n such that arg wn z 3  
. [4]
Given that 2  2  sin 2 x, use repeated differentiation to find the Maclaurin series for y , up to and
8 (a)
including the term in x 2 . [5]



The points A, B, C, and D lie on a semi-circle with AC as its diameter. Furthermore, angle DAB   ,

and angle ACB  .
BC 1
(i) Show that  . [3]
DC cos  3 sin 

(ii) Given that  is a sufficiently small angle, show that

 1  a  b 2 ,
for constants a and b to be determined. [3]

9 (a) (i) Find  2sin x cos3 x dx. [3]

(ii) Hence, show that  2 x sin x cos3x dx   4 x cos 4 x  8 x cos 2 x  sin 4 x  4sin 2 x   C, where C
is an arbitrary constant. [3]
(b) The curve C has parametric equations

x   2 , y  sin  cos3 , where 0    .
(i) Sketch the curve C, giving the exact coordinates of the points where it intersects the x-axis. [2]

(ii) By using the result in (a)(ii), find the exact total area of the regions bounded by the curve C and
the x-axis. [4]

2019 JC2 H2 Mathematics Preliminary Examination

10 An object is heated up by placing it on a hotplate kept at a high temperature. A simple model for the temperature
of the object over time is given by the differential equation

 k TH  T  ,

where T is the temperature of the object in degrees Celsius, TH is the temperature of the hotplate in degrees
Celsius, t is time measured in seconds and k is a real constant.

(i) State the sign of k and explain your answer. [1]

(ii) It is given that the temperature of the object is 25 degrees Celsius at t  0 , and the temperature of the
hotplate is kept constant at 275 degrees Celsius. If the temperature of the object is 75 degrees Celsius at
t  100 , find T in terms of t , giving the value of k to 5 significant figures. [6]
The model is now modified to account for heat lost by the object to its surroundings. The new model is given
by the equation

 k TH  T   m T  TS  ,

where TS is the temperature of the surrounding environment in degrees Celsius and m is a positive real
(iii) It is given that the object eventually approaches an equilibrium temperature of 125 degrees Celsius, and
that the surrounding environment has a constant temperature which is lower than 125 degrees Celsius.
One of the two curves (A and B) shown below is a possible graph of the object’s temperature over time.
State which curve this is, and explain clearly why the other curve cannot be a graph of the object’s
temperature over time. [2]



(iv) Using the same value of k as found in part (ii) and assuming TS  25 , find the value of m . (You need
not solve the revised differential equation.) [3]


Methane ( CH 4 ) is an example of a chemical compound with a tetrahedral structure. The 4 hydrogen (H)
atoms form a regular tetrahedron, and the carbon (C) atom is in the centre.

Let the 4 H-atoms be at points P, Q, R, and S with coordinates  9,2,9  ,  9,8,3 ,  3,2,3 , and 3,8,9 

(i) Find a Cartesian equation of the plane 1 which contains the points P, Q and R. [4]

(ii) Find a Cartesian equation of the plane  2 which passes through the midpoint of PQ and is
perpendicular to PQ . [2]

(iii) Find the coordinates of point F, the foot of the perpendicular from S to 1 . [4]

(iv) Let T be the point representing the carbon (C) atom. Given that point T is equidistant from the points P,
Q, R and S, find the coordinates of T. [3]

End of Paper

2019 JC2 H2 Mathematics Preliminary Examination

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