Influence of Sequential vs. Simultaneous Dual-Task Exercise Training On Cognitive Function in Older Adults

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published: 07 November 2017

doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2017.00368

Influence of Sequential vs.

Simultaneous Dual-Task Exercise
Training on Cognitive Function in
Older Adults
Jamie L. Tait 1*, Rachel L. Duckham 1, 2 , Catherine M. Milte 1 , Luana C. Main 1 and
Robin M. Daly 1
Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition, School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences, Deakin University, Geelong, VIC,
Australia, 2 Australian Institute for Musculoskeletal Science, St. Albans, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Emerging research indicates that exercise combined with cognitive training may improve
cognitive function in older adults. Typically these programs have incorporated sequential
training, where exercise and cognitive training are undertaken separately. However,
simultaneous or dual-task training, where cognitive and/or motor training are performed
simultaneously with exercise, may offer greater benefits. This review summary provides
an overview of the effects of combined simultaneous vs. sequential training on cognitive
function in older adults. Based on the available evidence, there are inconsistent findings
with regard to the cognitive benefits of sequential training in comparison to cognitive
or exercise training alone. In contrast, simultaneous training interventions, particularly
multimodal exercise programs in combination with secondary tasks regulated by sensory
cues, have significantly improved cognition in both healthy older and clinical populations.
Edited by: However, further research is needed to determine the optimal characteristics of a
Ashok Kumar, successful simultaneous training program for optimizing cognitive function in older
University of Florida, United States
Reviewed by:
Cay Anderson-Hanley, Keywords: dual-task training, cognition, aging, physical activity, older adults
Union College, United States
Brittney Yegla,
University of Florida, United States INTRODUCTION
Jamie L. Tait Age-associated cognitive decline, which can progress to mild cognitive impairment and dementia,
[email protected] are growing public health concerns with no known cure. Regular exercise has been shown to
provide some cognitive benefits in healthy and cognitively impaired older adults (Colcombe and
Received: 26 May 2017 Kramer, 2003; Heyn et al., 2004; Angevaren et al., 2008), but the optimal type and dose (frequency,
Accepted: 26 October 2017 intensity, duration) of exercise remains unclear. Cognitive training and regular participation in
Published: 07 November 2017
mentally stimulating activities have also been demonstrated to have positive effects on cognitive
Citation: function in older adults (Valenzuela and Sachdev, 2009; Martin et al., 2011), but there is uncertainty
Tait JL, Duckham RL, Milte CM, as to whether such training alone can enhance functional tasks of everyday living such as talking
Main LC and Daly RM (2017) Influence
whilst walking. A reduced ability to simultaneously divide attention between a primary and
of Sequential vs. Simultaneous
Dual-Task Exercise Training on
secondary task, which is referred to as the dual-task paradigm, is clinically important as it has been
Cognitive Function in Older Adults. associated with reduced reaction time and walking speed, more frequent contact with obstacles
Front. Aging Neurosci. 9:368. whilst walking, and an increased risk of falls (Melzer et al., 2010; Pichierri et al., 2011). In
doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2017.00368 conjunction with age-associated deterioration in executive function, deficits in divided attention

Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience | 1 November 2017 | Volume 9 | Article 368

Tait et al. Dual-Task Training and Cognition

can be problematic for tasks such as driving (Anstey et al., outcomes assessed in this trial were also included in cognitive
2005), and represents a strong risk factor for falls in the elderly training (both used the CogniFit program), these measures may
(Tinetti et al., 1995; Muir et al., 2012), which collectively increase lack external or clinical validity (Noack et al., 2014; Ratner and
the risk for institutionalization (Tinetti and Williams, 1997; Atkinson, 2015; Simons et al., 2016). As shown in Table 1 the
Bharucha et al., 2004). Given this research, there has been findings from a number of other trials have demonstrated that
recent interest into whether dual-task cognitive-motor exercise sequential training involving interventions ranging from 7 to
training, whereby cognitive or motor tasks are performed 30 weeks, and incorporating a range of intensities of aerobic
sequentially or simultaneously with exercise training, result and/or PRT in combination with cognitive training, did not
in greater improvements in selected cognitive domains than confer any superior transfer effects to cognitive performance
either exercise or cognitive training alone to prolong functional compared to cognitive training alone (Oswald et al., 2006;
independence, or reduce the risk of cognitive-related diseases Linde and Alfermann, 2014; Shah et al., 2014; Rahe et al.,
such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. This review will 2015; Desjardins-Crépeau et al., 2016). Furthermore, few studies
provide an overview of the evidence related to the effectiveness of have demonstrated greater cognitive benefits following sequential
sequential (separate) vs. simultaneous exercise-cognitive training training compared to exercise alone in older adults aged >50
for improving cognitive function, and whether there is an years (Fabre et al., 2002; Shatil, 2013; van het Reve and de Bruin,
optimal modality and dose for cognitive gains in healthy and 2014).
cognitively impaired older adults. Specifically, this review will There are several factors that could explain the mixed
include evidence from 29 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) effects of sequential exercise-cognitive training on cognitive
and factorial design studies ≥7 weeks in duration and published function, including variations in the dosage of physical and
up to December 2016, and will extend on previous reviews that cognitive training provided, differences in exercise intensity and
have not delineated the specific benefits from simultaneous and intervention lengths and the outcome measures and populations
sequential studies (Law et al., 2014; Lauenroth et al., 2016). studied, the specificity of cognitive training (e.g., multi-domain
vs. specific memory training), and/or whether the cognitive
training was conducted prior to or after exercise training.
EFFECTS OF SEQUENTIAL For instance, a 16-week RCT in older adults observed no
EXERCISE-COGNITIVE TRAINING ON cognitive benefits when exercise training was delivered after
COGNITIVE FUNCTION the cognitive training (Legault et al., 2011). In contrast, a
30-week trial in adults aged 75–93 years reported significant
An overview of the trials which have investigated whether cognitive improvements when exercise training was performed
combined sequential cognitive-exercise training can benefit before cognitive training (Oswald et al., 2006). Evidence from
cognitive function in older adults to a greater extent than animal studies indicates exercise promotes neurogenesis in
either cognitive or exercise training alone is provided in the brain (Van Praag et al., 2005), while cognitive training
Table 1. While there is some evidence that exercise training regulates synaptic formation (Trachtenberg et al., 2002) and
followed sequentially by cognitive/motor training on the same enhances the survival of these exercise-induced neurons (Fabel
day (prior to or after exercise training), or separate days, can et al., 2009). Therefore, exercise may facilitate synaptic plasticity
enhance cognitive abilities including memory and executive and neurogenesis within a fertile neuro-environment, created
function in healthy older adults (Schaefer and Schumacher, through the release of growth factors such as brain derived
2011; Law et al., 2014; Lauenroth et al., 2016), there is neurotrophic factor (BDNF) (Cotman et al., 2007). The potential
considerable heterogeneity between the different interventions cognitive advantages available from sequential training may
which makes interpretation of the results difficult. In one therefore require an additional exposure to cognitive or motor
of the first factorial designed randomized controlled trials training elements following exercise training, in order to exploit
(RCT) to address whether sequential exercise-cognitive training this environment to a greater extent than either cognitive or
improved cognitive function in healthy older adults, Fabre et al. exercise training alone (Kraft, 2012; Curlik and Shors, 2013).
(2002) found that 8-weeks of moderate-intensity aerobic training
performed twice per week combined with memory training once
per week was more effective at improving a composite memory EFFECTS OF SIMULTANEOUS
score than either approach alone. However, a limitation of this EXERCISE-COGNITIVE TRAINING ON
study was that the total dose of training was greater in the COGNITIVE FUNCTION
combined training group, compared to each intervention alone.
Despite this, a 16-week factorial design RCT in 180 adults aged To date, no studies have directly evaluated the efficacy of
65–93 years living independently in retirement villages found sequential vs. simultaneous exercise-cognitive training on
that a combination of walking and progressive resistance training cognitive function in older adults. However, there is some
(PRT), and cognitive training (each performed three times per evidence that simultaneous exercise-cognitive training studies
week), or cognitive training alone, led to greater improvements incorporating aerobic training combined with cognitive
in hand-eye coordination, global visual memory, and processing challenges (e.g., exergaming) and memory training, are
speed, than those who did not engage in cognitive training associated with cognitive improvements in healthy older adults
(exercise-only and controls; Shatil, 2013). However, as cognitive (Anderson-Hanley et al., 2012; Theill et al., 2013; Barcelos

Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience | 2 November 2017 | Volume 9 | Article 368

TABLE 1 | Randomized controlled trials examining the effects of sequential exercise-cognitive training on cognitive function in older adults.
Tait et al.

Author Participants N Study design Duration Cognitive intervention Exercise intervention Control Cognitive outcomes ExCT vs
(weeks) group
Type Dose Type Dose Measure >Ex >CT >CON

Legault et al., Community 80 Factorial 16 Memory training 50 min Aerobic 60 min Health EF N N N
2011 dwelling, risk of CI ExCT, Ex, CT and (before Ex) 1–2/week and 2/week education Mem N N N
70-85 years Con flexibility (150 min total)
Fabre et al., Community 32 Factorial 8 Memory training 90 min Aerobic 60 min Health Mem Y Y Y
2002 dwelling, 60–76 ExCT, Ex, CT and (after Ex) 1/week 2/week education
years Con
van het Reve Community/ 182 RCT 12 Attention and 10 min PRT and 30 min – EF Y – –
and de Bruin, residentially ExCT and Ex alertness training 3/week balance 3/week RT/PS N – –
2014 dwelling ≥ 65 (unclear)

Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience |

Oswald et al., Community 375 Quasi RCT 30 Processing speed, 90 min Coordination 45 min No RT/PS NA NA Y
2006 dwelling 75-93 Factorial memory and 1/week flexibility 1/week treatment Att NA NA Y
years with 5-year ExCT, Ex, CT, PET, attention training and Mem EF NA NA Y
follow-up ExPET and Con (before and after balance NA NA Y
Barnes et al., Community 126 2 × 2 Factorial 12 Visual and auditory 60 min Aerobic 60 min Educational EF N N N
2013 dwelling, ExCT, CTCon, processing training 3/week and PRT 3/week DVDS, VS N N N
subjective CI ≥ 65 ExCon, Con (unclear) stretching Mem N N N
years and toning Global N N N

Shatil, 2013 Independent 180 Factorial 16 Multidomain 40 min Aerobic 45 min Book club Att N N N
living- retirement ExCT, Ex, CT, and cognitive training 3/week and PRT 3/week Mem Y N# Y
village 65-93 years Con (unclear) EF N N N
Rahe et al., Community 68 Factorial 7 Memory, attention, 90 min Aerobic, 90 min – Mem – N –
2015 dwelling 50-85 ExCT* CT EF training 2/week PRT, 2/week Att – N –
years (after Ex) coordination, EF – N –
flexibility Global – N –
VF – N –
Desjardins- Community 76 2x2 Factorial 12 DT cognitive 60 min Aerobic 60 min Mental Mem N N N
Crépeau dwelling ≥60 ExCT, CTCon, training 1/week and PRT 2/week activity, EF N N Y†
et al., 2016 years ExCon, Con (after Ex) stretching Att N N N
and toning
Shah et al., Community 224 Non-RCT 16 Multidomain 60 min Walking 60 min No Mem N N Y
2014 dwelling 60-85 ExCT, CT, Ex, Con cognitive training 5/week and PRT 3/week, treatment PS N N N
years (unclear) 40 min Att N N N
2/week EF N N N
Global N N N
Linde and Community 70 Factorial 16 Multidomain 30 min Aerobic 60–90 min No Att N N N
Alfermann, dwelling 60-75 ExCT, CT, Ex, Con cognitive training 1/week and PRT 2/week treatment EF N N N
2014 years (before Ex) PS N N Y
Mem N N N

Att, Attention; Con, Control group; CI, Cognitive impairment; CRT, Choice Reaction Time; CT, Cognitive training group; DT, Dual-task training; EF, Executive Function; Ex, Exercise group; ExCT, Exercise and Cognitive training combined
group; Mem, Memory; Global, Global Cognitive Function; N, no; NA, not assessed; PET, Psychoeducational training; PRT, Progressive Resistance Training; PS, Processing speed; RCT, Randomized Controlled Trial; RT, Reaction time;

VF, Verbal fluency; VR, Virtual Reality, VS, Visuospatial ability; Y, yes. Only in DT training groups; # CT also greater than Con.

November 2017 | Volume 9 | Article 368

Dual-Task Training and Cognition
Tait et al. Dual-Task Training and Cognition

et al., 2015). In addition, studies that have incorporated function. In contrast to more conventional simultaneous
PRT with balance training (Hiyamizu et al., 2012), stepping interventions that often use disparate training elements
exercises (Kayama et al., 2014; Nishiguchi et al., 2015), and/or (e.g., walking while doing arithmetic), exergaming typically
aerobic training (Leon et al., 2015; Yokoyama et al., 2015), includes cognitive challenges embedded within realistic physical
performed with secondary cognitive or motor tasks, have also activities, whilst providing virtual feedback. One of the first
shown positive effects on cognition (Table 2). For example, RCTs of exergaming for older adults revealed a promising
improvements in executive function, global cognitive function differential cognitive benefit of exergaming (pedaling a virtual
and attention were observed in community dwelling older reality enhanced stationary bike; d = 0.50 over and above
adults following 12-weeks of low-intensity aerobic and PRT traditional stationary cycling alone; Anderson-Hanley et al.,
performed simultaneously with arithmetic and word games, 2012). A subsequent 2016 systematic review that focused on
compared to an exercise-only (60-min three times a week) exergaming studies geared toward falls prevention included
group (Yokoyama et al., 2015). However, a limitation of many five RCTs and two uncontrolled studies, and advocated a role
of the current simultaneous training interventions is a lack of for exergaming in improving cognitive function, although
a factorial 2 × 2 design, which makes it difficult to determine did not find any additional cognitive benefits compared to
whether simultaneous exercise-cognitive programs can provide exercise alone (Ogawa et al., 2016). However, this review only
added cognitive benefits to exercise or cognitive training alone. included two studies that had an appropriate control comparison
Nonetheless, 12-weeks of a multimodal exercise program group that received exercise alone, with one of these producing
incorporating aerobic training and PRT (60-min twice per week) cognitive benefits (Kayama et al., 2014). Nevertheless, large effect
performed in conjunction with motor tasks (e.g., walking, object sizes (η2 = 0.80) on cognitive function have been observed
manipulation) regulated by external cues, improved choice following a 12-week exergaming (Nintendo Wii) trial in one
reaction time in community-dwelling older adults, compared study involving 32 independent living older adults aged 65–78
to a group that performed exercise only, and a usual care group years (Maillot et al., 2012). Computerized step-pad training,
(Leon et al., 2015). While further long-term, well-designed whereby participants take steps in different directions on a step
factorial RCTs are needed, the available data indicates that pad following instructions displayed on a computer screen, has
multimodal exercise programs performed under dual-task also been shown to provide some cognitive benefits in older
conditions provide more consistent cognitive benefits in older adults (Schoene et al., 2013, 2015). For instance, an 8-week study
adults. in 37 older adults residing in independent retirement villages
To summarize the available data with regard to the effects found that home-based step pad training 2–3 times per week
of combined exercise-cognitive training on cognitive function in for 15–20 min improved processing speed compared to normal
older adults, Zhu et al. (2016) conducted a meta-analysis of 20 aging (Schoene et al., 2013). Similarly, a 16-week study with
intervention studies comprising 2,667 cognitively healthy older more challenging stepping games improved central processing,
adults aged 65–82 years which included both sequential and visuospatial abilities, and efficiency of executive networks in 90
simultaneous training studies. Overall, a small effect of these healthy older adults (Schoene et al., 2015). Although the number
combined interventions (sequential and simultaneous together) of studies is currently limited, the above findings provide some
on memory, executive function, attention, visuospatial ability promising evidence that exergaming may improve cognitive
and global cognition were observed when compared to a control function in older adults.
group [effect size (ES) 0.29 (95% confidence interval (CI): Cognitive improvement through simultaneous dual-task
0.12–0.46), P < 0.001] or exercise training alone [ES: 0.22 training may be shaped by the secondary attention-demanding
(95% CI: 0.06–0.38), P < 0.01), but there were no differences task performed with exercise. Secondary tasks requiring a
between the combined intervention and cognitive training alone. functional response to verbal and auditory cues (e.g., switching
Secondary analysis also revealed that the effect size for sequential walking direction according to verbal instruction, stepping to
interventions was less than those for simultaneous interventions music) or motor tasks requiring divided attention (e.g., tossing
[sequential ES 0.27 (95% CI: 0.08–0.46); simultaneous ES 0.43 a ball while walking), have improved multiple cognitive abilities
(95% CI: 0.01–0.86)], but did not include exergaming or more in older adults (Marmeleira et al., 2009; Kounti et al., 2011;
recently published studies. Another review of 13 studies also Hars et al., 2014; Leon et al., 2015; Yokoyama et al., 2015). For
reported that simultaneous dual-task training interventions instance, 6-months of stepping exercises (dancing) performed
including low-intensity activity (walking and balance training) synchronously with verbal and motor tasks, in accordance
performed with a secondary cognitive or motor tasks, can benefit to musical cues (60-min, once a week), led to significant
both physical function (e.g., balance) and the cognitive abilities improvements in executive function (and reduced the risk of
of older adults in dual-task situations (e.g., response time to an falling) in community dwelling older adults at increased risk
auditory cue while walking or balancing; Wollesen and Voelcker- of falling, compared to usual care (Hars et al., 2014). However,
Rehage, 2013). However, an important unanswered question is simultaneous interventions incorporating memory training and
whether these benefits transfer to untrained cognitive abilities. arithmetic in secondary tasks have produced mixed findings
Exergaming is a relatively new and unique form of dual-task (Hiyamizu et al., 2012; Theill et al., 2013; Eggenberger et al.,
training that may provide an attractive alternative to traditional 2015). For instance, a 26-week intervention combining PRT and
simultaneous training protocols for improving cognitive balance training along with either treadmill walking performed

Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience | 4 November 2017 | Volume 9 | Article 368

TABLE 2 | Randomized controlled trials examining the effects of simultaneous (dual-task) exercise-cognitive training on cognitive function in older adults.
Tait et al.

Author Participants N Study design Duration Simultaneous intervention Control Cognitive outcomes
(weeks) group
Cognitive Exercise Dose Measure ExCT > Con

Theill et al., Community-dwelling 63 RCT 10 Memory training Aerobic training ExCT, 40 min, No treatment EF Y*
2013 65-84 years ExCT vs. CT 2/week Att N
vs. Con (Total 800 min) Mem Y
CT, 30 min, PS N
Anderson- Independent living- 102 RCT 12 VR enhanced Stationary cycling 45 min, – EF Y
Hanley et al., retirement village ExCT vs. Ex 3-5/week Att N
2012 ≥55 years (Total 2700 min) VS N
Mem N
Barcelos et al., Independent living- 64 RCT 12 VR enhanced high Stationary cycling 45 min, – EF Y

Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience |

2015 retirement village ExCT (high) vs. or low cognitive 3-5/week
Mean age: 82 years ExCT (low) demand) (Total 2700 min)
Hars et al., Community dwelling 134 RCT 26 Auditory cues Walking, motor 60 min, 1/week No treatment EF Y
2014 at risk of falling ExCT vs. Con activity (Total 1,560 min) VS N
≥65 years Global N
Marmeleira Community dwelling 32 RCT 12 Auditory and visual Walking, motor 60 min, 3/week No treatment EF N
et al., 2009 ≥60 years ExCT vs. Con cues activity (Total 2,160 min) RT Y
Att N

Leon et al., Community dwelling 151 RCT 12 Auditory and visual Aerobic (walking) 60 min, 2/week No treatment RT Y
2015 ≥60 years ExCT vs. Ex vs cues, motor and PRT (Total 1,440 min) CRT Y*
Con activity
Schoene et al., Independent living- 37 RCT 8 Computerized and Step training 20 min, No treatment PS Y
2013 retirement village ExCT vs. Con interactive 2-3/week EF N
≥65 years (Total 480 min)
Schoene et al., Independent living- 90 RCT 16 Computerized and Step training 20 min, 3/week No treatment EF N
2015 retirement village ExCT vs. Con interactive (Total 960 min) PS Y
≥60 years CRT Y
Att Y
Kounti et al., Community 88 RCT 20 Auditory and visual Walking, motor 90 min, 1/week No treatment Global Y
2011 dwelling, with MCI ExCT vs. Con cues activity, balance (Total 1,800 min) Att Y
≥65 years VS Y
Mem N
Yokoyama Community dwelling 27 RCT 12 Auditory cues, Aerobic and PRT 60 min, 3/week – Global N
et al., 2015 ≥65 years ExCT vs. Ex arithmetic and (Total 2,160 min) VF Y
word games Att Y


November 2017 | Volume 9 | Article 368

Dual-Task Training and Cognition
TABLE 2 | Continued
Tait et al.

Author Participants N Study design Duration Simultaneous intervention Control Cognitive outcomes
(weeks) group
Cognitive Exercise Dose Measure ExCT > Con

Nishiguchi Community dwelling 48 RCT 12 Verbal and motor PRT, step training, 90 min, 1/week No treatment Global N
et al., 2015 ≥60 years ExCT vs. Con tasks walking (Total 1,080 min) Mem Y
Eggenberger Community dwelling 89 RCT 26 Verbal memory Aerobic (treadmill 60 min, 2/week – EF N
et al., 2015 ≥70 years with ExCT (VR) vs. training or VR or dancing) + PRT (Total 3,120 min) Mem N
1-year follow-up ExCT vs. Ex enhanced and balance Att N
Hiyamizu et al., Community dwelling 43 RCT 12 Arithmetic, visual, PRT and balance 60 min, 2/week – EF Y
2012 ≥70 years ExCT vs. Ex verbal training (Total 1,440 min)

Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience |

Gill et al., 2016 Community dwelling 44 RCT 26 Verbal and Aerobic, PRT, 90 min, 3/week – Global Y
55–90 years, ExCT vs. Ex arithmetic tasks balance, flexibility, (Total 1,440 min) EF N
subjective CI step training PS N
Mem Y
Suzuki et al., Community 50 RCT 52 Verbal and Aerobic, PRT, 90 min, 2/week Education Global Y
2012 dwelling, with MCI ExCT vs. Con memory tasks balance, walking (Total 80 Mem Y
≥65 years sessions PS N
7,200 min) VF Y
Con: 3 times EF N

Coelho et al., Community-dwelling 27 RCT 16 Auditory cues, Aerobic, PRT, 60 min, 3/week No treatment EF Y
2013a with AD ExCT vs. Con motor, attention balance, flexibility, (Total 2,880 min) Att N
(Mean age of >77.1 and EF training agility training
Maillot et al., Community dwelling 32 RCT 12 Aerobic within 60 min, 2/week No treatment EF Y
2012 older adults ExCT vs. Con Exergaming (Total 1,440 min) VS Y
(Mean age 73.5 PS Y
Kayama et al., Community dwelling 48 Unclear 12 Suduko within VR Aerobic, PRT, 80 min, 1/week – EF Y
2014 ≥65 years ExCT vs. Ex enhanced Tai-Chi balance, flexibility, (Total 960 min) VF N
step training
Padala et al., Assisted living with 22 RCT 8 PRT, balance and 30 min, 5/week Walking Global N
2012 mild AD ExCT vs. Ex yoga within (Total 1,200 min) group
≥60 years Exergaming

AD, Alzheimer’s disease; Att, Attention; Con, Control group; CI, Cognitive impairment; CRT, Choice Reaction Time; CT, Cognitive training group; DT, Dual-task training; EF, Executive Function; Ex, Exercise group; ExCT, Exercise
and Cognitive training combined group; Global, Global Cognitive Function; MCI, mild cognitive impairment; Mem, Memory; N, no; PET, Psychoeducational training; PRT, Progressive Resistance Training; PS, Processing speed; RCT,
Randomized Controlled Trial; RT, Reaction time; VF, Verbal fluency; VR, Virtual Reality, VS, Visuospatial ability; Y, yes. *Compared to Ex and Con.

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Dual-Task Training and Cognition
Tait et al. Dual-Task Training and Cognition

simultaneously with verbal fluency training, or interactive improving specific cognitive domains in healthy and cognitively
stepping in adults over 70 years, had no effect on cognition impaired older adults. In partial support of this notion, a
compared to exercise alone (Eggenberger et al., 2015). Similarly, systematic review of 20 RCTs found that five out of six
memory training with treadmill walking produced minimal studies that adopted a sequential approach and 12 out of
improvements in various cognitive abilities (Theill et al., 2013). 13 studies that implemented simultaneous training reported
Collectively, these data suggest that secondary components significant cognitive improvement, with the most successful
which require the engagement of executive processes (e.g., interventions involving aerobic training and PRT, combined
inhibition, planning and execution of a rapid motor response), with cognitive training of attention, working memory or
as required in responding to an external cue, may offer wider executive function (Lauenroth et al., 2016). However, this review
cognitive benefits when combined with exercise, compared to did not separate the different types of combined training
domain-specific cognitive tasks (e.g., memory training). studies.
Currently there is a lack of available data to determine In terms of the optimal training dose, evidence from
whether cognitively intact or impaired older adults may receive simultaneous training studies suggests that significant cognitive
greater cognitive benefits from undertaking simultaneous benefits for older adults typically appear after a minimum of
exercise-cognitive training. A 2014 review considered 12-weeks or a total of 1,000 min (∼16.5 h) of exposure, with a
simultaneous dual-task training to be effective for adults training frequency between 1 and 3 times per week (Table 2).
with cognitive impairment, however no dual-task studies However, significant improvements in cognitive function have
involving cognitively healthy older adults were included for been produced with less than 1,000 min of training (Theill et al.,
comparative effects (Law et al., 2014). Limited evidence from 2013; Schoene et al., 2015), but not with more than 3,000 min
simultaneous studies with cognitively impaired older adults (50 h; Eggenberger et al., 2015). These inconsistencies may be
undertaking multimodal (Suzuki et al., 2012; Coelho et al., due to heterogeneity in terms of the length of studies (7-weeks
2013a; Gill et al., 2016), and movement-based exercise training to 12-months), differences in training modalities and intensity,
(Kounti et al., 2011) corroborates the cognitive benefits observed the unsystematic selection of cognitive assessments, and the
in healthy older adults. Whether simultaneous training is a characteristics of the control group. Despite these variations,
viable strategy to preserve cognitive function in older adults 17 of the 19 simultaneous studies featured in Table 2 produced
with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is not known, benefits in at least one cognitive domain, compared to six out of
but enhancements in abstract reasoning and attention were the ten sequential studies. Of further importance, simultaneous
produced following a 16-week multimodal exercise program training minimizes the possibility for discrepant doses of training
performed simultaneously with verbal and motor tasks (60-min, between intervention groups, as often seen in sequential training
three times per week) in older adults with AD, compared to studies.
usual care (Coelho et al., 2013a). In contrast, no significant
improvements in global cognitive function were observed in
assisted living residents with mild AD who undertook 8-weeks MECHANISM(S) UNDERLYING COGNITIVE
of a multimodal exergaming program (PRT, balance and yoga IMPROVEMENTS FOLLOWING
30 min per day, 5-times per week), compared to a walking group DUAL-TASK TRAINING
(Padala et al., 2012). Therefore, while simultaneous training
may be beneficial in offsetting further cognitive decline in The neurophysiological mechanisms underlying the cognitive
older adults with cognitive impairment, it is unclear whether improvements observed through combined cognitive and
this format may be effective for older adults with AD or exercise training are yet to be identified; however cognitive and
dementia due to the limited data with discrepant intervention exercise training may stimulate similar neurobiological processes
elements. which produce a synergistic response. Exercise and cognitive
training both increase cerebral blood flow (Ide and Secher,
2000; Mozolic et al., 2010), and induce angiogenesis in the
IS THERE AN OPTIMAL TYPE, DURATION cortex and cerebellum (Black et al., 1990; Ding Y. H. et al.,
AND DOSE OF EXERCISE-COGNITIVE 2006). Similarly, both forms of training have demonstrated that
TRAINING? executive control processes and underlying brain regions are
plastic and adaptive in the aging brain (Erickson et al., 2007;
An important question is whether there is an optimal training Voelcker-Rehage and Niemann, 2013), in exerting training-
type and dose (frequency, intensity, duration) of simultaneous induced plasticity (Colcombe et al., 2004; Erickson et al., 2007;
exercise and cognitive-motor training that promotes cognitive Lustig et al., 2009) and increasing brain volume (Colcombe et al.,
improvement in older adults. Based on the available data, 2006; Boyke et al., 2008), which correlate with better cognitive
interventions incorporating functional stepping exercises (Hars performance (Voss et al., 2010; Erickson et al., 2011). Emerging
et al., 2014; Nishiguchi et al., 2015; Schoene et al., 2015; evidence suggests that these neural modifications may also occur
Gill et al., 2016), and moderate-intensity aerobic-based or following cognitively challenging exercise programs, as training-
multimodal exercise training (Anderson-Hanley et al., 2012; induced decreases in prefrontal brain activation have been
Suzuki et al., 2012; Theill et al., 2013; Coelho et al., 2013a; detected following simultaneous dual-task exercise (Nishiguchi
Barcelos et al., 2015; Gill et al., 2016) appear to be effective for et al., 2015), and exergaming (Eggenberger et al., 2016), which

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Tait et al. Dual-Task Training and Cognition

have correlated with improvements in executive function, while CONCLUSION

increases in hippocampal volume (Rehfeld et al., 2017) and
white matter integrity (Burzynska et al., 2017) have been shown Combined exercise and cognitive training interventions can
following dancing training in older adults. This suggests that a improve cognitive function in healthy and cognitively impaired
combination of physical exercise, sensorimotor stimulation and older adults, with evidence suggesting that simultaneous training
cognitive engagement may facilitate neurophysiological changes may be more effective than sequential training and exercise
that contribute to cognitive improvement. Exercise can also alone. Moreover, 17 of the 19 simultaneous studies featured in
protect vasculature and neural tissue through counteracting this review produced benefits in at least one cognitive domain,
age-related increases in circulating inflammatory biomarkers compared to six out of the ten sequential studies reviewed. While
(Petersen and Pedersen, 2005; Cotman et al., 2007), which have the optimal characteristics of a simultaneous training program
been linked to cognitive decline and dementia (Yaffe et al., 2003; (e.g., type and dose of exercise and secondary tasks) remain
Engelhart et al., 2004). Emerging evidence has demonstrated to be determined, studies incorporating moderate-intensity
that the exercise-induced release of growth factors such as multimodal training in combination with secondary tasks
BDNF and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) are important involving a functional response to sensory cues have improved
for neurogenesis, angiogenesis and synaptic plasticity (Ding Q. executive abilities and memory, which may prolong functional
et al., 2006; Cotman et al., 2007). An increase in BDNF was independence in older adults. However, further research is
observed following exergame cycling (Anderson-Hanley et al., needed to determine if these improvements can be maintained,
2012), which may be due to the addition of a cognitively and even prevent or delay the onset of cognitive impairment
challenging component (Pressler et al., 2015) as the effects and dementia. Finally, an understanding of the neurobiological
of aerobic training on circulating BDNF in older adults are mechanisms underpinning any cognitive improvements available
limited (Coelho et al., 2013b). Concentrations of amyloid- from combined exercise-cognitive training in older adults also
β (1–40) protein, a biomarker of AD, also increased within requires further investigation.
a group that performed multimodal training simultaneously
with various secondary tasks (Yokoyama et al., 2015), and in AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
a group that performed exercise alone. Further, a sequential
exercise-cognitive program in community-dwelling adults (50– JT and RMD wrote the manuscript and RLD, CM, and LM
85 years) did not change concentrations of BDNF, IGF-1 or reviewed the draft versions. All authors have read and approved
vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) (Rahe et al., 2015); the final version.
however this may have resulted from an inadequate amount
of time allocated for physical training in each session to elicit ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
benefits. Future studies may determine whether sequential and
simultaneous exercise-cognition training may activate different Our research is supported by a grant from the National Health
neurobiological pathways. and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) (APP1046267).

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