Chapter 8 Products, Services, and Branding Strategy

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Chapter 8 Products, Services, and Branding Strategy

1) We define a ________ as anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or
consumption and that might satisfy a want or need.
A) private brand
B) service variability
C) service
D) product
E) service encounter

2) ________ are a form of product that consists of activities, benefits, or satisfactions offered for sale that are
essentially intangible and do not result in the ownership of anything.
A) Line extensions
B) Services
C) Brands
D) Consumer products
E) Supplements

3) A product is a key element in the ________. At one extreme, it may consist of pure tangible goods or at
the other extreme, pure services.
A) market offering
B) brand equity
C) brand extension
D) co-branding
E) value chain

4) To differentiate themselves, many companies go beyond offering products and services; they are also
creating and managing customer ________.
A) feedback
B) experiences
C) brands
D) product lines
E) events

5) Product planners need to consider products and services on three levels. Each level adds more customer
value. The most basic level is the ________, which addresses the question, "What is the buyer really
A) actual product
B) augmented product
C) core customer value
D) co-branding
E) exchange

6) The third level of a product that product planners must consider is a(n) ________ that offers additional
consumer services and benefits.
A) brand equity
B) augmented product
C) brand extension
D) industrial product
E) image
7) Products and services fall into two broad classifications based on the types of consumers that use them.
Which is one of these broad classes?
A) industrial products
B) specialty products
C) supplies and services
D) materials and parts
E) convenience products

8) ________ are products and services bought by final consumers for personal consumption. These include
convenience products, shopping products, specialty products, and unsought products.
A) Services
B) Consumer products
C) Line extensions
D) Industrial products
E) Straight extensions

9) ________ are less frequently purchased consumer products and services that customers compare carefully
on suitability, quality, price, and style. Consumers spend much time and effort in gathering information and
making comparisons about these products.
A) Shopping products
B) Convenience products
C) Unsought products
D) Industrial products
E) Line extensions

10) ________ are consumer products and services with unique characteristics or brand identification for
which a significant group of buyers is willing to make a special purchase effort.
A) Shopping products
B) Unsought products
C) Specialty products
D) Industrial products
E) Line extensions

11) ________ are consumer products that the consumer either does not know about or knows about but does
not normally think about buying. These products require a lot of advertising, personal selling, and other
marketing efforts.
A) Specialty products
B) Line extensions
C) Unsought products
D) Shopping products
E) Staples

12) ________ are those products purchased for further processing or for use in conducting a business.
A) Unsought products
B) Specialty products
C) Shopping products
D) Industrial products
E) Accessories
13) Most manufactured materials and parts are sold directly to ________. Price and service are the major
marketing factors; branding and advertising tend to be less important.
A) consumers
B) industrial users
C) brand extensions
D) co-branders
E) wholesalers

14) ________ are industrial products that aid in the buyer's production or operations, including installations
and accessory equipment.
A) Materials
B) Parts
C) Capital items
D) Specialty items
E) Supplies

15) Which of the following capital items is NOT considered accessory equipment?
A) buildings
B) hand tools
C) lift trucks
D) desks
E) chairs

16) Which of the following does NOT belong to the materials and parts group of industrial products?
A) farm products such as wheat
B) natural products such as iron ore
C) repair and maintenance items
D) petroleum
E) lumber

17) Paper, pencils, paint, nails, and brooms are examples of ________.
A) supplies
B) capital items
C) raw materials
D) specialty products
E) installations

18) ________ consists of activities undertaken to create, maintain, or change the attitudes and behavior of
target consumers toward an organization.
A) Person marketing
B) Organization marketing
C) Internal marketing
D) Service variability
E) Intelligence marketing

19) ________ consists of activities undertaken to create, maintain, or change attitudes toward particular
A) Corporate image marketing
B) Person marketing
C) Social marketing
D) Organization marketing
E) Intermarket marketing
20) ________ involves activities undertaken to create, maintain, or change attitudes toward particular cities,
states, and regions.
A) Idea marketing
B) Place marketing
C) Organization marketing
D) Social marketing
E) Interactive marketing

21) ________ is defined as the use of commercial marketing concepts and tools in programs designed to
influence individuals' behavior to improve their well-being and that of society.
A) Unsought product marketing
B) Internal marketing
C) Social marketing
D) Product line
E) Interactive marketing

22) Public health campaigns to reduce alcoholism, drug abuse, smoking, and obesity are all examples of
A) specialty products
B) social marketing
C) shopping products
D) consumer products
E) responsibility marketing

23) Developing a product or service involves defining the benefits that it will offer. These benefits are
communicated and delivered by ________ such as quality, features, and style and design.
A) package labeling
B) product attributes
C) support services
D) product mixes
E) marketing tools

24) ________ is one of the marketer's major positioning tools because it has a direct impact on product or
service performance; it is therefore closely linked to customer value and satisfaction.
A) Packaging
B) Product quality
C) Total quality management
D) Specialty product marketing
E) Positioning

25) ________ is an approach in which all the company's people are involved in constantly improving the
products, services, and business processes.
A) Product quality
B) Brand equity
C) Total quality management
D) Branding
E) Positioning
26) What are the two dimensions of product quality?
A) consistency and level
B) performance and resistance
C) design and innovation
D) conformance and style
E) feature and design

27) Which of the following types of quality refers to freedom from defects and consistency in delivering a
targeted level of performance?
A) value
B) product
C) level
D) conformance
E) design

28) A sensational ________ may grab attention and produce pleasing aesthetics, but it does not necessarily
improve a product's performance.
A) design
B) style
C) experience
D) service-profit chain
E) augmented product

29) ________ contributes to a product's usefulness as well as to its looks.

A) Style
B) Design
C) Conformance quality
D) Brand
E) Functionality

30) A(n) ________ is a name, term, sign, symbol, design, or a combination of these, that identifies the maker
or seller of a product or service.
A) service
B) brand
C) co-branding
D) internal marketing
E) external marketing

Chapter 9 New-Product Development and Product Life-Cycle Strategies

1) Which of the following is NOT a challenge presented by the product life cycle that a firm must face?
A) All products eventually decline.
B) Changing tastes, technologies, and competition affect the marketing of the product as it passes through
life-cycle stages.
C) A firm must be good at developing new products to replace aging ones.
D) A firm must be good at adapting its marketing strategies.
E) It is difficult to plot the stages as a product goes through them.
2) What are the two ways that a company can obtain new products?
A) line extension and brand management
B) internal development and brand management
C) new-product development and acquisition
D) service development and product extension
E) market mix modification and research and development

3) Product improvements, product modifications, and original products can all be classified as ________.
A) pioneer products
B) new products
C) product strategies
D) product extensions
E) test products

4) Which of the following is NOT a potential reason for a new product to fail?
A) an underestimated market size
B) a poorly designed product
C) an incorrectly positioned product
D) higher than anticipated costs of product development
E) ineffective advertising

5) Your firm added three new products earlier this year to increase variety for customers. Two of them failed
to reach even minimal sales. Which of the following is LEAST likely to have been the cause of their failure?
A) The products were priced too high.
B) The products were advertised incorrectly.
C) Competitors fought back harder than expected.
D) Research was too extensive.
E) The product launch was ill-timed.

6) New-product development starts with ________.

A) idea generation
B) idea screening
C) concept development
D) concept testing
E) test marketing

7) Executives, manufacturing employees, and salespeople are all examples of ________.

A) external sources for new-product ideas
B) internal sources for new-product ideas
C) core members of innovation management systems
D) research and development team members
E) test marketers

8) Your company decides to use only internal sources for developing new-product ideas. Which of the
following would NOT be consulted?
A) executives and professionals
B) company records and data
C) intrapreneurial programs
D) suppliers
E) salespeople
9) Which of the following is NOT a recommended method for companies to tap into their customers as
sources for new-product ideas?
A) analyzing customer complaints and questions
B) relying heavily on customers to know what types of technical products they need
C) working alongside customers to get ideas and suggestions
D) turning customers into cocreators
E) putting customer-created products on the market

10) Your firm asks you to consult external sources for new-product ideas. All of the following are common
external sources EXCEPT ________.
A) customers
B) suppliers
C) competitors
D) trade shows and magazines
E) the firm's executives

11) Which of the following is the practice of inviting broad communities of customers, employees,
independent researchers, and members of the public into the new-product innovation process?
A) brainstorming
B) idea screening
C) crowdsourcing
D) outsourcing
E) concept testing

12) The purpose of idea generation is to create a ________ number of ideas. The purpose of succeeding
stages is to ________ that number.
A) small number; reduce
B) small number; increase
C) large number; increase
D) large number; reduce
E) limited number; sustain

13) The owners of Noel Gifts have just brainstormed a large number of ideas for adding new products and
services after visiting several buying fairs. The owners will begin the first idea-reducing stage, called
________, to arrive at a realistic number to adopt.
A) business analysis
B) idea generation
C) concept testing
D) idea screening
E) concept development

14) Which of the following is most likely to be included in an executive's write up of a new-product idea to
be presented to a new-product committee?
A) the customer value proposition
B) the product image
C) the marketing strategy
D) the business analysis
E) the planned market rollout
15) A detailed version of a new idea stated in meaningful customer terms is called a ________.
A) product idea
B) product concept
C) product image
D) product proposal
E) product movement

16) A ________ is the way consumers perceive an actual or potential product.

A) product idea
B) product concept
C) product image
D) test market
E) concept test

17) An attractive idea must be developed into a ________.

A) product idea
B) product concept
C) screened product
D) test market
E) product strategy

18) ________ calls for testing new-product concepts with groups of target consumers.
A) Concept development
B) Concept testing
C) Idea generation
D) Idea screening
E) Test marketing

19) In the concept testing stage of new-product development, a product concept in ________ form is
presented to groups of target consumers.
A) physical or symbolic
B) experiential
C) final
D) market-tested
E) commercial

20) With what groups do firms conduct concept testing for new products?
A) suppliers
B) employees
C) target consumers
D) manufacturers
E) competitors

21) For some ________, a simple description consisting of a word or picture might be sufficient.
A) concept tests
B) test markets
C) marketing strategies
D) product developments
E) business analyses
22) After concept testing, a firm would engage in which stage in developing and marketing a new product?
A) idea screening
B) marketing strategy development
C) business analysis
D) product development
E) test marketing

23) The first part of the marketing strategy statement describes the target market; the planned product
positioning; and goals for sales, profits, and ________.
A) market share B) product longevity C) secondary markets
D) promotional mixes E) life-cycle duration

24) The second part of the marketing strategy statement outlines the product's planned price, distribution,
and ________ for the first year.
A) advertising
B) promotional mix
C) marketing budget
D) positioning
E) target market

25) The third part of the marketing strategy statement includes all of the following EXCEPT ________.
A) long-run sales
B) profit goals
C) marketing mix strategies
D) short-run sales
E) A and C

26) A review of the sales, costs, and profit projections for a new product to find out whether they satisfy the
company's objectives is called a ________.
A) business feasibility plan
B) marketing strategy development
C) business analysis
D) product acceptance
E) proposal

27) During which stage of new-product development will management most likely estimate minimum and
maximum sales to assess the range of risk in launching a new product?
A) concept testing
B) marketing strategy development
C) business analysis
D) product development
E) test marketing

28) Once managers of The Grecian Urn have decided on their product concept and marketing strategy, they
can evaluate the business attractiveness of the proposal in the ________ stage of the new-product
development process.
A) business feasibility
B) feasibility study
C) business analysis
D) product acceptance
E) concept testing
29) New World Releases is conducting a business analysis to determine which of the many new songs
available to management should be released. Sales must be estimated before costs can be estimated. Which
of the following did your text recommend for forecasting sales?
A) conducting surveys of competitors
B) considering the history of market opinions
C) considering the sales history of similar products and conducting surveys of market opinions
D) applying the PLC concept
E) none of the above

30) Once the product or service passes the business analysis test, it moves into what stage?
A) concept development
B) product development
C) market testing
D) strategy development
E) product proposal

Chapter 10 Pricing Products: Understanding and Capturing Customer Value

1) ________ is the amount of money charged for a product or service.

A) Value
B) A demand
C) Price
D) A wage
E) Salary

2) Price is the only element in the marketing mix that produces ________.
A) revenue
B) variable costs
C) expenses
D) outfixed costs
E) stability

3) ________ is an important element in the marketing mix. It is the only element that does not represent
A) Profit maximization
B) Market share leadership
C) Price
D) Product quality leadership
E) The target market

4) Consumer perceptions of the product's value set the ________ for prices.
A) demand curve B) floor C) ceiling
D) variable cost E) image

5) Product costs set a(n) ________ to a product's price.

A) demand curve
B) floor
C) ceiling
D) break-even cost
E) experience curve
6) Which of the following is a customer-oriented approach to pricing?
A) Customer value-based pricing
B) Sealed-bid pricing
C) Break-even pricing
D) Target profit pricing
E) C and D

7) ________ uses buyers' perceptions of what a product is worth, not the seller's cost, as the key to pricing.
A) Customer value-based pricing
B) Cost-based pricing
C) Variable cost
D) Price elasticity
E) Product image

8) In ________, price is considered along with the other marketing mix variables before the marketing
program is set.
A) value-based pricing
B) cost-based pricing
C) variable costs
D) price elasticity
E) markup pricing

9) Value-based pricing is the reverse process of ________.

A) variable cost pricing
B) cost-plus pricing
C) cost-based pricing
D) good-value pricing
E) value-added pricing

10) With ________, price is set to match customer’s perceptions of product value.
A) variable cost pricing
B) cost-plus pricing
C) cost-based pricing
D) value-based pricing
E) everyday low pricing

11) Measuring ________ can be difficult. A company might conduct surveys or experiments to test this in
the different products it offers.
A) price elasticity
B) the demand curve
C) perceived value
D) break-even pricing
E) quantity supplied

12) An important type of good-value pricing at the retail level is _________________.

A) everyday low pricing (EDLP)
B) best pricing
C) variable pricing
D) cost-plus pricing
E) break-even pricing
13) To offer everyday low prices, a company must first have __________________.
A) low rental B) bulk pricing C) variable pricing
D) everyday low costs E) break-even pricing

14) Some companies have adopted a(n) ________ strategy, offering just the right combination of quality and
good service at a fair price.
A) value-based pricing
B) good-value pricing
C) cost-plus pricing
D) low-price image
E) elastic-pricing

15) When McDonald's and other fast food restaurants offer "value menu" items at surprisingly low prices,
they are using ________.
A) break-even pricing
B) target profit pricing
C) good-value pricing
D) cost-plus pricing
E) bundling

16) Wal-mart is famous for using what important type of value pricing?
A) competition-based pricing
B) everyday low pricing
C) cost-plus pricing
D) break-even pricing
E) penetration pricing

17) ________ involves charging a constant, everyday low price with few or no temporary price discounts.
A) High-low pricing
B) Target pricing
C) Cost-plus pricing
E) Penetration pricing

18) ________ involves attaching features and services to differentiate a company's offers and to support
charging higher prices.
A) Break-even pricing
B) Target pricing
C) Value-added pricing
D) Cost-plus pricing
E) Pricing-down

19) When there is price competition, many companies adopt ________ rather than cutting prices to match
A) pricing power
B) value-added features
C) fixed costs
D) price elasticity
E) image pricing
20) AirAsia offers flights at rock-bottom prices to many of its customers. It then charges for all extra
services, such as baggage handling and in-flight refreshments. Which of the following best describes
AirAsia’s pricing method?
A) value-added pricing
B) good-value pricing
C) cost-plus pricing
D) high-low pricing
E) image pricing

21) ________ pricing involves setting prices based on the costs for producing, distributing, and selling the
product plus a fair rate of return for the company's efforts and risks.
A) Value-based
B) Fixed cost
C) Cost-based
D) Variable
E) Skimming

22) Fixed costs ________ as the number of units produced increases.

A) decrease
B) increase
C) divide in half
D) remain the same
E) increase at a diminishing rate

23) Costs that do not vary with production or sales level are referred to as ________.
A) fixed costs
B) variable costs
C) target costs
D) total costs
E) unit costs

24) Rent, interest, and executive salaries are examples of ________.

A) fixed costs
B) variable costs
C) accumulated costs
D) total costs
E) marketing costs

25) Costs that vary directly with the level of production are referred to as ________.
A) fixed costs
B) variable costs
C) target costs
D) total costs
E) unit costs

26) ________ are the sum of the ________ and ________ for any given level of production.
A) Fixed costs; variable; total costs
B) Fixed costs; total; variable costs
C) Variable costs; fixed; total costs
D) Total costs; fixed; variable costs
E) Break-even costs; fixed; total costs
27) SRAC is the acronym for which concept related to costs at different levels of production?
A) strategic reasoning and costs
B) short-run accounting costs
C) short-run average cost
D) strategic rights and company
E) strategic revenues and costs

28) The LRAC is most closely related to which of the following?

A) long-term marketing plans
B) long-term business plans
C) the cost of producing a greater quantity of units
D) the cost of promoting a greater quantity of units
E) the legal responsibility of a company

29) The learning curve is also referred to as the ________.

B) experience curve
C) demand curve
D) break-even curve
E) price elasticity curve

30) As production workers become better organized and more familiar with equipment, the average cost per
unit decreases. This is called the ________.
A) demand curve
B) experience curve
C) short-run average cost curve
D) long-run average cost curve
E) marginal utility

Chapter 11 Pricing Products: Pricing Strategies

1) A company sets not a single price, but rather a ________ that covers different items in its line that change
over time as products move through their life cycles.
A) pricing by-product B) pricing structure C) pricing loop
D) pricing cycle E) pricing bundle

2) Companies facing the challenge of setting prices for the first time can choose between two broad
strategies: market-penetration pricing and ________.
A) market-level pricing
B) market-competitive pricing
C) market-skimming pricing
D) market-price lining
E) market-price filling

3) Of the following, which statement(s) would NOT support a market-skimming policy for a new product?
A) The product's quality and image support its higher price.
B) Enough buyers want the products at that price.
C) Competitors are not able to undercut the high price.
D) Competitors can enter the market easily.
E) C and D
4) A firm is using ________ when it charges a high, premium price for a new product with the intention of
reducing the price in the future.
A) price skimming
B) trial pricing
C) value pricing
D) market-penetration pricing
E) prestige pricing

5) ________ pricing is the approach of setting a low initial price in order to attract a large number of buyers
quickly and win a large market share.
A) Market-skimming B) Market-penetration C) Below-market
D) Value-based E) Leader

6) Which of the following conditions would NOT support the use of a market-penetration pricing strategy?
A) The market is highly price sensitive.
B) Production and distribution costs will fall as sales volume increases.
C) The product's quality and image support a high price.
D) A low price would help keep out the competition.
E) A and C

7) Which of the following is a reason that a marketer would choose a penetration pricing strategy?
A) to ensure the company has the ability to increase prices once demand decreases
B) to focus on the rapid achievement of profit objectives
C) to appeal to different consumer segments with different levels of price sensitivity
D) to create markets for highly technical products
E) to help keep out the competition

8) Companies usually develop ________ rather than ________.

A) single products; product families
B) product lines; single products
C) product families; product lines
D) product brands; product images
E) product images; product brands

9) A marketer must be familiar with the five major product mix pricing situations. Which of the following is
NOT one of them?
A) product line pricing
B) optional product pricing
C) captive product pricing
D) unbundled product pricing
E) by-product pricing

10) A challenge for management in product line pricing is to decide on the price steps between the
A) various products in a line
B) product mixes
C) product groupings
D) product lines
E) channel partners
11) Typically, producers who use captive-product pricing set the price of the main product ________ and set
________ on the supplies necessary to use the product.
A) low; low markups
B) high; low markups
C) low; high markups
D) high; high markups
E) moderately; moderate markups
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Objective: 11-2

12) Mach 3 razor blades must be used in the Mach 3 razor. Which type of pricing is being used?
A) product line pricing
B) optional product pricing
C) captive product pricing
D) by-product pricing
E) product bundle pricing

13) In the case of services, captive product pricing is called ________ pricing.
A) by-product
B) optional product
C) two-part
D) bundle
E) segmented

14) When amusement parks and movie theaters charge admission plus fees for food and other attractions,
they are following a(n) ________ pricing strategy.
A) by-product
B) optional-product
C) two-part
D) skimming
E) penetration

15) Southeast Telephone Company uses two-part pricing for its long-distance call charges. Because this is a
service, the price is broken into a fixed fee plus a(n) ________.
A) fixed usage rate
B) variable usage rate
C) standard usage rate
D) market usage rate
E) optional usage rate
16) Companies involved in deciding which items to include in the base price and which to offer as options
are engaged in ________ pricing.
A) product bundle
B) optional product
C) captive product
D) by-product
E) skimming
17) Using ________, companies are able to turn their by-products into cash, allowing them to make the price
of their main product more competitive.
A) product bundle pricing
B) optional product pricing
C) captive product pricing
D) by-product pricing
E) skimming

18) Using product bundle pricing, sellers combine several products and offer the bundle ________.
A) as a functional unit
B) at a reduced price
C) as a complete self-service package
D) as a reward to loyal customers
E) at a premium price

19) What is a major advantage of product bundle pricing?

A) It can promote the sales of products consumers might not otherwise buy.
B) It allows a company to offset the costs of disposing of by-products.
C) It combines the benefits of the other pricing strategies.
D) It creates a brand experience for consumers.
E) It offers consumers less value for the money.

20) Which of the following is NOT a price adjustment strategy?

A) segmented pricing
B) promotional pricing
C) free samples
D) geographical pricing
E) seasonal pricing

21) Service Industries Pte Ltd plans to offer a price-adjustment strategy in the near future. It could consider
each of the following EXCEPT ________.
A) discount and allowance pricing
B) segmented pricing
C) physiological pricing
D) promotional pricing
E) location pricing

22) A quantity discount is a price reduction to buyers who purchase ________.

A) frequently
B) large volumes
C) close outs
D) inferior merchandise
E) superior merchandise

23) Trade or functional discounts are offered by manufacturers to ________.

A) channel members who perform tasks that the manufacturer would otherwise have to perform
B) consumers who earn a price reduction for buying in bulk
C) intermediaries such as financing institutions as a cost of doing business with them
D) other channel members that agree to exclusive distribution contracts
E) the government market and other organizations that require bid proposals
24) Which of the following is an example of a cash discount?
A) 2/10, net 30
B) $5.00 with a two-pack
C) a free case when you buy 12
D) when you pay cash and take the product with you
E) none of the above

25) When General Motors provides payments or price reductions to its new car dealers as rewards for
participating in advertising and sales support programs, it is granting a ________.
A) trade discount
B) functional discount
C) cash discount
D) promotional allowance
E) trade credit

26) Trade-in allowances are most commonly used in the ________ industry.
A) real estate
B) automobile
C) packaged goods
D) financial services
E) health care

27) By definition, ________ is used when a firm sells a product or service at two or more prices, even
though the difference in price is not based on differences in cost.
A) segmented pricing B) variable pricing C) flexible pricing
D) cost-plus pricing E) reference pricing

28) The New Age Gallery has three admission prices for students, adults, and seniors. All three groups are
entitled to the same services. This form of pricing is called ________.
A) time pricing
B) location pricing
C) customer-segmented pricing
D) revenue management pricing
E) generational pricing

29) Under product-form pricing, different versions of a product are priced differently, but not according to
differences in its ________.
A) costs
B) distribution channels
C) marketing budgets
D) reference prices
E) retail outlets

30) When a firm varies its price by the season, month, day, or even hour, it is using ________ pricing.
A) revenue management
B) penetration
C) variable
D) time
E) value-added
Chapter 12 Marketing Channels: Delivering Customer Value

1) Which of the following is NOT a typical supply chain member?

A) resellers
B) customers
C) intermediaries
D) government agencies
E) raw materials supplier

2) ________ the manufacturer or service provider is the set of firms that supply the raw materials,
components, parts, information, finances, and expertise needed to create a product or service.
A) Downstream from
B) Upstream from
C) Disintermediated from
D) Horizontal to
E) Parallel with

3) All of the following are typical supply chain members EXCEPT ________.
A) resellers
B) customers
C) intermediaries
D) intermediary creditors
E) C and D

4) When suppliers, distributors, and customers partner with each other to improve the performance of the
entire system, they are participating in a ________.
A) value delivery network
B) channel of distribution
C) supply chain
D) demand chain
E) conventional distribution channel

5) Most producers today sell their goods directly to ________.

A) final users
B) final users and marketing members
C) intermediaries
D) warehouses
E) third-party logistics providers

6) From the economic system's point of view, the role of marketing intermediaries is to transform the
assortment of products made by producers into the assortment of products wanted by ________.
A) channel members B) distributors C) consumers
D) manufacturers E) marketers

7) Producers benefit from using intermediaries because they ________.

A) offer greater efficiency in making goods available to target markets
B) bring a fresh point of view to strategy development
C) eliminate risk
D) are generally backlogged with orders
E) refuse to store products for longer than a few days
8) Intermediaries play an important role in matching ________.
A) dealer with customer
B) supply and demand
C) product to region
D) manufacturer to product
E) information and promotion

9) Channel members add value by bridging the major gaps of ________ that separate goods and services
from those who would use them.
A) time, need, and form
B) place, possession, and form
C) time, place, and possession
D) place, time, and need
E) place, need, and distribution

10) Which of the following is NOT a key function that intermediaries play in completing transactions?
A) promotion
B) information
C) matching
D) risk taking
E) negotiation

11) Which of the following is NOT a key function that intermediaries play in helping to fulfill a completed
A) physical distribution
B) promotion
C) financing
D) risk taking
E) storing goods

12) In a(n) ________ channel, the same member both produces and distributes a product or service.
A) tiered
B) direct
C) horizontal
D) vertical
E) exclusive

13) In marketing terms, we say that the number of intermediary levels indicates the ________ of a channel.
A) depth
B) complexity
C) involvement
D) length
E) width

14) At minimum, a marketing channel consists of a producer and a(n) ________.

A) wholesaler
B) agent
C) broker
D) intermediary
E) customer
15) To a producer of goods, a greater number of channel levels means ________ and greater channel
A) less distance between producer and end consumer
B) less control
C) fewer potential ideas
D) higher taxes
E) fewer channel partners

16) A business marketer can sell to sell to various types of __________, who in turn sell to these customers.
A) final users
B) final users and marketing members
C) intermediaries
D) the government at various levels
E) competitors

17) In a global marketplace, selling a product is sometimes easier than getting it to _________.
A) promotion B) acquisition C) customers
D) return product E) by-product

18) ________________ buy large quantities from many producers and break them down into the smaller
quantities and broader assortments wanted by consumers.
A) Intermediaries
B) Marketing channel members
C) Corporate marketers
D) Finance companies
E) Customers

19) An advantage of a channel of distribution over selling direct to consumers is that each channel member
plays a(n) ________ in the channel.
A) time-saving part
B) specialized role
C) decisional role
D) informational role
E) disciplinary role

20) Joanie Chan is experiencing a disagreement with intermediaries in the channel over who should do what
and for what rewards. Joanie is experiencing ________.
A) a tying disagreement
B) channel conflict
C) channel disintermediation
D) third-party logistics
E) channel intermediation

21) ________ conflict, which occurs between different levels of the same channel, is more common than
________ conflict, which occurs among firms at the same level of the channel.
A) Horizontal; vertical
B) Vertical; horizontal
C) Contractual; corporate
D) Corporate; franchise
E) Wholesaler; retailer
22) Historically, ________ have lacked the leadership to assign member roles and manage conflict.
A) corporate vertical marketing systems
B) contractual vertical marketing systems
C) conventional distribution channels
D) administered vertical marketing systems
E) conventional vertical marketing systems

23) A conventional distribution channel consists of one or more ________ producers, wholesalers, and
A) product-related
B) independent
C) contract
D) estranged
E) merchant

24) A channel consisting of one or more independent producers, wholesalers, or retailers that seek to
maximize their own profit-even at the expense of profits for the channel as a whole-is a(n) ________.
A) vertical marketing system
B) conventional distribution channel
C) independent channel allocation
D) corporate VMS
E) administered vertical marketing system

25) An advantage of a vertical marketing system (VMS) is that it acts as a ________ system.
A) unified
B) creative
C) modern
D) customer-driven
E) task-driven

26) A corporate VMS has the advantage of controlling the entire distribution chain through ________.
A) a profit-maximizing strategic plan
B) single ownership
C) mass distribution
D) contracts among separate members
E) franchise agreements

27) Which of the following are the three major types of vertical marketing systems?
A) corporate, contractual, and chain
B) contractual, corporate, and independent
C) contractual, corporate, and administered
D) administered, independent, and franchised
E) contractual, corporate, and task

28) A distinguishing feature of a contractual VMS is that coordination and conflict management among the
independent members of the channel are attained through ________.
A) agents and brokers
B) unspoken partnerships
C) limited liability incorporation
D) contractual agreements
E) natural competitive forces
29) The most common type of contractual relationship in business is the ________.
A) franchise organization
B) administered marketing system
C) conventional marketing channel
D) corporate VMS
E) horizontal marketing system

30) Leadership in which type of marketing system is assumed not through common ownership or contractual
ties but through the size and power of one or a few dominant channel members?
A) horizontal marketing system
B) administered VMS
C) corporate VMS
D) multichannel distribution system
E) conventional marketing channel

Chapter 13 Retailing and Wholesaling

1) ________ includes all the activities involved in selling products or services directly to final consumers for
their personal, nonbusiness use.
A) Franchising
B) Retailing
C) Brokering
D) Wholesaling
E) Disintermediation

2) In recent years, ________ has been growing fast. This includes selling to final consumers through direct
mail, catalogs, telephone, and the Internet.
A) social marketing
B) shopper marketing
C) franchising
D) non-store retailing
E) e-commerce

3) ________ is the basis of all discount operations and is typically used by sellers of convenience goods.
Retailers offering this level of service require customers to perform their own "locate-compare-select"
process in order to save money.
A) Limited-service
B) Self-service
C) Full-service
D) Specialty-service
E) Wholesaling

4) ________ such as BHG provide more sales assistance because they carry more shopping goods about
which customers need information. Their increased operating costs result in higher prices.
A) Self-service retailers
B) Full-service retailers
C) Off-price retailers
D) Limited-service retailers
E) Specialty-service retailers
5) Which type of stores usually carry more specialty goods for which customers like to be "waited on" and
have much higher operating costs, which are passed along to the customer?
A) self-service stores
B) category killer stores
C) full-service stores
D) independent stores
E) specialty-service retailers

6) At Takashimaya in Japan, a first-class department store, customers shop for high-end products and have
come to expect assistance in every phase of the shopping process. Takashimaya is a ________.
A) self-service retailer
B) limited-service retailer
C) full-service retailer
D) specialty store
E) power center

7) Which of the following types of retailers likely requires their employees to focus most on assisting
customers as they shop?
A) self-service retailers
B) full-service retailers
C) off-price retailers
D) limited-service retailers
E) megaretailers

8) ________ are flourishing due to increased use of market segmentation and market targeting.
A) Chain stores
B) Specialty stores
C) Superstores
D) Discount stores
E) Off-price stores

9) Specialty stores carry ________ with ________ within them.

A) convenience items; mostly staples
B) narrow product lines; deep assortments
C) narrow product lines; shallow assortments
D) wide product lines; shallow assortments
E) wide product lines; deep assortments

10) Which type of store carries a wide variety of product lines and differentiates itself through service, but
has been squeezed in recent years between more focused and flexible specialty stores on the one hand and
more efficient, lower-priced discounters on the other?
A) chain B) department C) factory outlet
D) merchant wholesaler E) independents

11) ________ are facing slow sales growth because of slower population growth, increased competition, and
the rapid growth of out-of-home eating.
A) Convenience stores
B) Department stores
C) Chain stores
D) Supermarkets
E) Hypermarkets
12) Which type of retailer tends to be the most frequently shopped?
A) convenience stores
B) department stores
C) superstores
D) supermarkets
E) off-price retailers

13) Which type of small store carries a limited line of high-turnover convenience goods and makes most of
its revenues from cigarette, beverage, and gasoline sales?
A) convenience
B) chain
C) department
D) supermarket
E) hypermarket

14) Which type of store is much larger than regular supermarkets and offers a large assortment of routinely
purchased food products, nonfood items, and services?
A) category killer
B) chain
C) factory outlet
D) superstore
E) off-price

15) Which type of store carries a deep assortment, has knowledgeable staff, and might actually be viewed as
a giant specialty store?
A) category killer
B) chain
C) factory outlet
D) shopping center
E) independent

16) Service retailers include all of the following EXCEPT ________.

A) hotels and motels B) airlines C) movie theaters
D) bowling alleys E) convenience stores

17) Although _________ have been very successful in Europe and other world markets, they have met with
little success in the United States, China, and Southeast Asia.
A) discount stores
B) convenience stores
C) hypermarkets
D) specialty stores
E) factory outlets

18) ________ sell standard merchandise at lower prices by accepting lower margins and selling higher
A) Merchant wholesalers
B) Discount stores
C) Full-service retailers
D) Limited-service retailers
E) Factory outlets
19) Early ________ cut expenses by offering few services and operating in warehouse-like facilities in low-
rent, heavily traveled districts.
A) chain stores
B) factory outlet malls
C) discount stores
D) off-price retailers
E) full-service retailers

20) ________ have filled the ultralow-priced, high-volume gap by buying at less-than-regular wholesale
prices and charging consumers less than retail.
A) Off-price retailers
B) Discount stores
C) Convenience stores
D) Chain stores
E) Limited-service retailers

21) Which of the following is NOT one of the main types of off-price retailers?
A) independents
B) factory outlets
C) warehouse clubs
D) category killers
E) membership warehouses

22) ________, which buy at less-than-regular wholesale prices and charge consumers less than retail, are
independently owned and run or are divisions of larger retail corporations.
A) Discount stores
B) Warehouse clubs
C) Superstores
D) Independent off-price retailers
E) Full-service retailers

23) ________ are sometimes several stores grouped together. These stores offer prices as low as 50 percent
below retail on a wide range of mostly surplus, discounted, or irregular items.
A) Category killers B) Factory outlets C) Specialty stores
D) Superstores E) Power centers

24) ________ operate in warehouse-like facilities, sell a limited selection of items, and offer few frills.
Customers pay annual membership fees and are able to purchase goods at deep discounts.
A) Warehouse clubs
B) Independent off-price retailers
C) Factory outlets
D) Discount stores
E) Superstores

25) ________ are two or more outlets that are commonly owned and controlled.
A) Chain stores
B) Convenience stores
C) Off-price retailers
D) Independent off-price retailers
E) Power centers
26) As a result of the great success of corporate chains, many independent stores choose to band together in
either a voluntary chain or a(n) ________.
A) factory outlet
B) retailer cooperative
C) independent off-price retailer
D) warehouse club
E) convenience cooperative

27) The main difference between ________ organizations and other contractual systems is that these systems
are normally based on some unique product or service.
A) voluntary chain
B) retailer cooperative
C) franchise
D) agent
E) warehouse-club

28) McDonald's and Subway are both examples of a ________.

A) voluntary chain
B) retailer cooperative
C) franchise
D) full-service retailer
E) power center

29) Retail assortments are looking more and more alike because ________.
A) customers today are more focused on service differentiation
B) national-brand manufacturers have placed their products almost everywhere
C) market segmentation has proved ineffective
D) stores are clustered together to increase their customer pulling power
E) more stores are practicing "experiential retailing"

30) Until retailers ________ and ________ their markets, they cannot make consistent decisions about
product assortment, services, pricing, advertising, store décor, or any of the other decisions that must support
their positions.
A) compete with; position
B) target; compete with
C) define; profile
D) limit; serve
E) divest; eliminate

Chapter 14 Communicating Customer Value: Integrated Marketing

Communications Strategy

1) A company's total marketing communications mix consists of a special blend of advertising, sales
promotion, public relations, personal selling, and direct-marketing tools that the company uses to
communicate customer value and build customer relationships. This is also called ________.
A) direct marketing
B) integrated marketing
C) the promotion mix
D) competitive marketing
E) target marketing
2) The use of short-term incentives to encourage the purchase or sale of a product or service is called
A) direct marketing
B) sales promotion
C) personal selling
D) public relations
E) publicity

3) Any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified
sponsor is called ________.
A) sales promotion
B) advertising
C) direct marketing
D) personal selling
E) public relations

4) Which of the five major promotion tools includes building up a positive corporate image and handling
unfavorable stories and events?
A) sales promotion
B) personal selling
C) direct marketing
D) public relations
E) advertising

5) Which of the following is NOT a major category in a company's promotion mix?

A) sales promotion
B) strategic positioning
C) direct marketing
D) public relations
E) advertising

6) Which major promotion category makes use of catalogs, telephone marketing, kiosks, and the Internet?
A) sales promotion
B) direct marketing
C) publicity
D) public relations
E) advertising

7) Which major promotion category makes use of displays, discounts, coupons, and demonstrations?
A) sales promotion
B) direct marketing
C) publicity
D) public relations
E) advertising

8) The promotion mix is the company's primary communication activity; the marketing mix must be
coordinated for the greatest communication impact. What is NOT included in the entire marketing mix?
A) product
B) competitor
C) price
D) place
E) promotion
9) The communication tools a company uses to pursue its advertising and marketing objectives is often
referred to as the company’s ________.
A) direct marketing
B) integrated marketing
C) promotion mix
D) competitive marketing
E) target marketing

10) Which of the following is NOT a factor in the changes occurring in today's marketing communications?
A) Mass markets have fragmented, and marketers are shifting away from mass marketing.
B) Improvements in communication technologies are changing how companies and customers communicate
with each other.
C) Companies routinely invest millions of dollars in the mass media.
D) Mass media no longer capture the majority of promotional budgets.
E) Today's consumers are better informed about products and services.

11) Moving away from ________, marketers have been shifting toward highly focused marketing, spawning
a new generation of more specialized and highly targeted communications efforts.
A) mass marketing
B) advertising
C) direct marketing
D) pull strategies
E) push strategies

12) Which of the following is NOT an example of a specialized and highly targeted media that an advertiser
might use to reach smaller customer segments?
A) cable television channels
B) e-mail
C) cell phone content
D) network television
E) online social networks

13) Companies are doing less ________ and more ________ as a result of an explosion of more focused
media that better match today's targeting strategies.
A) marketing; media
B) media; sales
C) narrowcasting; broadcasting
D) broadcasting; narrowcasting
E) advertising; word-of-mouth

14) All of the following are reasons that marketers are losing confidence in television advertising EXCEPT
which one?
A) TV ad spending is rising at a slower rate than online ad spending.
B) TV and other mass media no longer capture the lion share of promotional budgets.
C) Many viewers are using video streaming or DVRs.
D) Mass media costs are rising.
E) TV audience size is on the decline.
15) Companies often fail to integrate their various communications to consumers because ________.
A) historically consumers have been able to distinguish between message sources
B) advertising departments are reluctant to work with public relations professionals
C) communications often come from different parts of the company
D) personal selling and sales promotion are in direct conflict
E) they have overemphasized the concept of brand contact

16) Consumers today receive commercial messages from a broad range of sources. However, consumers
________ the way marketers do.
A) don't distinguish between message sources
B) are able to differentiate among messages sources
C) don't care about buzz marketing
D) are not able to block out messages
E) block them all out

17) More companies are adopting the concept of ________, which carefully integrates and coordinates the
company's many communication channels to deliver a clear, consistent, and compelling message about the
organization and its brands.
A) integrated marketing communications
B) integrated personal selling
C) integrated competitive methods
D) nonpersonal communication channels
E) buzz marketing

18) Advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, public relations, and direct marketing are all ________.
A) communications channels that should be integrated under the concept of integrated marketing
B) communications channels focused more on narrowcasting than broadcasting
C) promotional tools used for push strategies but not pull strategies
D) promotional tools used for pull strategies but not push strategies
E) promotional tools adapted for use in mass marketing

19) Integrated marketing communications require a company's mass-market advertisements, Web site, e-
mail, and personal selling communications to all have ________.
A) equal portions of the advertising budget
B) independent communications directors
C) separate marketing objectives
D) the same target audience
E) the same message, look, and feel

20) To produce better communications consistency, a unified company image, and greater sales impact,
some companies employ a(n) ________.
A) advertising agency
B) marketing communications director
C) public relations specialist
D) personal sales force
E) media planner
21) Integrated marketing communications produces better communications ________ and greater ________
A) consistency; sales
B) sales; consistency
C) marketing; competitive
D) variety; production
E) branding; quality

22) Today, marketers are moving toward viewing communications as managing the ________ over time.
A) advertising agency
B) nonpersonal communication channels
C) word-of-mouth influence
D) customer relationship
E) product life cycle

23) Using integrated marketing communications, the communications process should start with ________.
A) an advertising strategy
B) the competitive-parity method
C) public relations
D) an audit of all potential customer touch points
E) publicity

24) Which of the following is NOT one of the four major communication functions?
A) feedback
B) encoding
C) noise
D) response
E) decoding

25) The communication channel a company uses to move its advertising messages from sender to receiver is
called the ________.
A) message
B) media
C) encoder
D) communicator
E) feedback loop

26) The receiver assigns meaning to the symbols encoded by a company in its advertisements through a
process known as ________.
A) disencoding
B) feedback
C) acknowledgement
D) decoding
E) response

27) In the communication process, the reaction of the receiver after being exposed to a message is called the
A) response
B) answer
C) noise
D) feedback
E) decoding
28) When a customer lets a producer know something about its products or advertising, the customer is
providing ________.
A) decoding
B) noise
C) feedback
D) encoding
E) reverse marketing

29) A consumer is reading a magazine with an advertisement, but is distracted from reading the
advertisement or its key points. This unplanned static or distortion during the communication process is
called ________.
A) noise
B) distraction
C) feedback
D) response
E) decoding

30) In the communication process, the more the sender's field of experience ________ that of the receiver,
the more ________ the message is likely to be.
A) varies from; distinguishable
B) overlaps with; effective
C) connects with; ineffective
D) coincides with; creative
E) departs from; direct

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