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Albert, Nakayama, and martin (2007) defines A feedback is a response of the receiver to the
communication as a “transactional process in which sender and vice versa. This is very important in
people generate meaning through the exchange of verbal communication since it tells how ideas and feelings have
messages in specific context, influenced by individual been shared in the way they intended to.
and societal force and embedded in culture.
Context and Basic Concepts of Communication
Noise keeps a message from being understood or
 The context can be email, television, with a accurately interpreted it occurs between sender’s
friend, with family a political campaign or a receiver. Noise may be an external or internal
protest rally, celebration, or a religious or social interference in transmitting and receiving the message.
 Context is among the most essential aspects in
The setting is essentially the context where
human communication and by and large,
communication occurs. It may be a venue, formal or
listeners base their interpretation of expression
informal seating arrangement, attire, use of sound, etc.
of language and actions on their prior knowledge
and wide range of contextual information. It is Levels of Communication
the context that give meaning to the
communication process. Intrapersonal

Goals of communication This refers to communication that occurs within

us. This involves feelings, thoughts, and the way we
 Communication shapes the receiver behavior in look at ourselves. The set is the only sender and receiver.
a way that is compatible both with their own The channel is your brain. The feedback is in the form of
goals, a communicator wins their consent to talking to oneself or discarding certain ideas and
behave in ways that favor his/her. replacing them with others.
 Communication is essential for every life. The Interpersonal
goal is to make group life possible through
socialization, enculturation, international The communication that occurs on one-to-one
solidarity, nation building, and social change. basic usually in an informal, unstructured setting is
interpersonal communication. Message consist of both
 The goals of communication are expressing verbal and non-verbal symbols. The most channels are
one’s needs and wants; transferring or sight and sound.
conveying information establishing social
closeness or sustaining relationships with others; Intercultural
and facilitating social etiquette, that is to This is an interpersonal communication that
conform to the social conventions of politeness. occurs between or among members of different cultures
Basic Elements of Communication or people who are enculturated differently. This is more
apparent between persons coming from two different
Sender cultures of upbringing but can also be among people of
the same culture but brought up in different times or
Communication means that the sender and the receiver
cultural contexts.
get involved in communication because they have ideas
and feelings to share. This sharing, however, is not one- Small group
way or turn-talking process. In most communication
situations, people are senders and receivers at the same Small group communication occurs when a
time. They are the participants in a communication. small group of people meets to solve a problem. There is
cooperative thinking, there is a specific purpose.
Message Communication process in small groups is more
complicated than in interpersonal communication.
The message is made up to the ideas and
feelings that the senders/ receivers want to share. Mass media
Moreover, ideas and feelings can only be shared if they
are represented by symbols. Symbols are things that The sender receiver (speaker) sends a message
stand for something else. All communication message is (speech) to an audience in a highly structured manner.
made up to two symbols: verbal and non-verbal. Additional visuals may be used.


The channels are routes traveled by a message as
it goes between the senders/receivers sound and sight are Defining the roles, functions, and competencies of
primary channels in face-to-face communication, and communicators and journalist
even in not face-to-face.  The foremost important role of communicators
and journalist is to make available information-
and evidence to inform the public about issues to just and fair law and universally recognized
that matter to them in the most neutral way principles of human rights.
possible. They facilitate accurate processing and
analysis of such facts in a professional and
 To communicate is to deliver truth. They gather
news, facts, and information that are critical to Characteristics of Clientele and Audiences of
public life and well-being. The function includes Communication
being present where the news is happening and
having the ability to record what is happening Social position is the status that a person enjoys
accurately with available technology. in a communication context. One may be a president
or leader, middle manager, a colleague or co-equal,
 The competencies of communication and or a subordinate in an organization of community.
journalist are along their delivery of roles and These social positions dictate how one gets
functions. They need to have listening, reading, communicated to and how that communication has
writing, and speaking skills. to be crafted, packaged, contained, and delivered.
Career Paths Education level may suggest the reading skills and
healthy literacy and the ability to engage with more
Advertising and marketing specialists
complex topics—new and even unfamiliar. An
Can work as copy writer, account executive, audience that has limited literacy skills may find it
sales manager, media planner, media buyer, creative difficult to use written materials; with such audience,
director, media sales representatives, and can also oral presentations may be more effective.
function as public opinion researchers and pollsters.
Age range can affect choice of communication
Communication educators format or distribution. The Communication material
may be relevant to people of all ages but the age of
Can work as college or university professors,
the audience may affect the communication format
and may also serve as speech communication
or distribution channels for providing information to
department chairpersons, language arts coordinators,
younger audience while printed materials, emails
elementary and high school speech teachers, forensic
phone calls, meetings, and memos may be more
and debate coaches, or drama directors.
effective for older audience.
Broadcasting careers
Race and ethnicity is an important consideration in
Can include opportunities to work as communication particularly in deciding on graphics
broadcasting station manager, director of and photos. It is important to design the graphics and
broadcasting, film and tape librarian, community photos in the communication materials to reflect the
relations anchor, transmitter engineer, and technical demographics of the intended audience.
Primary language must be considered if the
In journalism message is to be effective. If the language used is
different from the one used by the target audience,
One can work as a reporter, editor, newscaster, there is a need to translate the communication
author, copy writer, script writer, publisher, news materials into the primary language.
service researcher, technical writer, acquisition
editor, and interviewer. Health status matters a lot as it dictates people’s
disposition to listening and responding and the
Rights, Responsibilities and Accountabilities of ability to make meaning out of the communication
Communicators and Journalists material. Although people with certain health
 It is also part of the responsibility of conditions tend to be more informed health care
communication and journalists to ensure that consumers with a greater awareness of issues within
citizens are able to originate context and the health-care system, it is important that the
contribute to media context, and not just remain materials are more personal and relevant to specific
passive consumers of media output. health conditions or issues.

 Communicator and journalist have rights, Join type of the audience can affect the format of
responsibilities, and accountabilities to exercise materials and the distribution methods to be used.
and live by and which must provide guarantees For an audience without access to their own
against censorship and protection of freedom of computers, disseminating the materials through an
expression, safeguarding the government can be Internet site or email messages may not be effective.
timely and easily accessed by the public. Information sources matter for they affect the
 It is a responsibility of communicators and format and distribution of the communication
journalists to ensure that citizens have materials and the medium they trust.
convenient access to all media which is subject
Telecommunications refers to the transmission of
Government Setting information by electromagnetic means. Large
volumes of information form words, sounds or
The government deals with citizens and
images over long distances, are transmitted in the
particularly deliver social and public services that
form of electromagnetic signals, by telegraph,
ensure peaceful and orderly living. This being the
telephone radio, or television
essence of government, the purpose of
communication becomes more of public to
government and government to public.
Private Sectors Settings
The private sector refers to business community,
the people who are involved in the delivery of public
service that include job creation and employment
provision but are not government.
Civil Society Setting
This sector of society sees itself as the “third
force.” It comes to complement government and
business action. It includes groups of non-
government organization, charities, foundations
,people’s organizations, and other pressure groups
that exist to advocate the causes of social justice on
behalf of the marginalized sectors, disenfranchise,
minorities and even on behalf of biodiversity.
School Setting
Schools are educational and social institutions.
Their participation in communication is to deliver
educational goods to the public and engage
communication is to deliver educational goods to the
public and engage communicates in agenda setting
regarding educational goals and means.
Community Setting
The community is where all sectors interact,
government, business, civil society, and just about
all individuals and groups. In general,
communication with communication has tended to
favor a one directional pattern of mass media.
Sectors of a community announce their offering to
the wider community, and government agencies
would also inform communication to know.
Mass Media
All Form of communication that are devoted to
transmitting standardized messages to widespread
audience are called mass media (Thomson &
Heckey 1999).
New Media and Social Media
Under new media and social media,
communication is not necessarily relational, but
issue and interest based instead. With the help of
technology, new media has helped transform the
notion of a community based on geography to a
community based on interest, from citizens to

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