Simulation and Optimization of Rice Husk Asification Using Intrinsic Reaction Rate Based CFD Model
Simulation and Optimization of Rice Husk Asification Using Intrinsic Reaction Rate Based CFD Model
Simulation and Optimization of Rice Husk Asification Using Intrinsic Reaction Rate Based CFD Model
Renewable Energy
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Article history: Entrained flow gasification processes of rice husk were simulated and optimized in this study using an
Received 15 December 2018 intrinsic reaction rate based CFD model. A detailed sensitivity analysis was conducted to characterize the
Received in revised form effects of operation parameters on the gas composition, gas production and cold gas efficiency. Gasifi-
4 February 2019
cation temperature, average particle diameter, ER (equivalence ratio) and CO2/biomass (mass ratio of
Accepted 20 February 2019
carbon dioxide to biomass) are important operation parameters affecting the gasification process, and
Available online 23 February 2019
they were investigated in this study. Three-objective optimization of rice husk gasification was per-
formed base on the response surface methodology (RSM) to maximize CO content, gas production, and
Rice husk
cold gas efficiency, and the Pareto optimal solutions were obtained from NSGA-II (non-dominated sorting
Gasification genetic algorithm) to instruct gasification operation. With standard TOPSIS (technique for order pref-
Sensitivity analysis erence by similarity to ideal situation), the optimal solutions with CO concentration of 25.15%, gas
Multi-objective optimization production of 1.96 Nm3/kg and cold gas efficiency of 65.34% were obtained.
Pareto optimal solution © 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
0960-1481/© 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
612 X. Gao et al. / Renewable Energy 139 (2019) 611e620
comprehensive CFD model to study the biomass gasification in a objectives were: (a) to investigate the sensitivities of gasification
dual fluidized bed system, they concluded that syngas yield and performances varied by the changes in the operation parameters,
hydrogen content were improved by the increases in gasifier and (b) to obtain the optimal conditions to operate rice husk
temperature and steam/biomass ratio. In contrast, Couto et al. [18] entrained flow gasification.
developed and validated a 2D multiphase model for biomass
gasification in a bubbling fluidized bed, and their numerical results 2. Numerical method
indicated that the cold gas efficiency increased with oxygen con-
tent but decreased with steam/biomass ratio. Ismail et al. [19] 2.1. CFD model description
investigated gasification process of coffee husk in a fluidized bed,
and the simulated data revealed that both moisture content and An intrinsic char reaction rate based CFD model was previously
equivalence ratio had negative effects on cold gas efficiency and established and verified for predicting the biomass gasification
syngas higher heating value. According to the numerical results of performances in entrained flow reactors [25], it was therefore
CO2-biomass gasification using Eulerian method, Cheng et al. [20] adopted in the present study. The gas species inside the reactor
found CO content raised with the promotion of CO2/biomass ratio, were modeled as continuous phase according to the Euler method,
while the H2 content dropped. Commonly, the biomass gasification and the standard k-ε turbulent model was applied to close the
process is affected by operating parameters including bed tem- governing equations. The biomass particles were modeled as
perature, residence time, moisture content, particle size, etc. [9,21], discrete phase according to the Lagrange approach. The governing
and the knowledge of the effects of operating parameters on equations for both gas phase and solid phase are summarized and
gasification performances is indispensable to the optimization of they are shown in Table 1.
gasifier operations. Once entering a gasifier, the biomass particles generally go
Optimization of reactor operation is one of the critical methods through the processes of moisture release, devolatilization, ho-
to improve the performances of biomass gasification [22]. Previous mogenous reaction and heterogeneous reaction. Hence those
efforts have been made to promote gasification efficiency. Campoy chemical reactions were all considered in the CFD model, and the
et al. [23] conducted a process optimization of biomass gasification corresponding rate equations for each process are displayed in
with air-steam and reported that a maximum cold gas efficiency of Table 2. Assumed to be a diffusional limited step [26], the release of
70% could be obtained at the optimal condition. Based on the moisture stored as liquid water or water bound in biomass was
developed stoichiometric equilibrium model, Ng et al. [24] opti- modeled by wet combustion model. One-step global single reaction
mized the gasification condition to gain the maximum H2 pro- was adopted for describing the pyrolysis, thus the devolatilization
duction. They suggested that it's necessary to optimize the rate relied on the unpyrolyzed mass of biomass (as listed in Table 2).
operating parameters (such as ER, particle size, etc.) simultaneously For the partial combustion and gasification of gas phase, the reac-
in future work. With the help of CFD model and response surface tion rate was calculated from the finite-rate/eddy-dissipation
methodology, Silva and Rouboa [9] provided optimal gasification model, which chose the smaller value of the Arrhenius rate and
conditions for different objectives. Generally, maximizing the eddy-dissipation rate. Table 3 gives kinetic constants for the gas
multi-index of biomass gasification is expected in many industrial phase reactions. The heterogeneous reaction between char and
processes, therefore the multi-objective optimization combined gases is the rate controlling step inside a gasifier, thus it receives
with stable operating parameters is of great importance [9]. How- much attention. In the realistic gasification process, the combustion
ever, limited researches concerned multi-objective optimization of and gasification of char particles always take place in regime II
biomass gasification. where the actual char conversion rate depends on the combined
In order to gain a better understanding of biomass gasification effect of physical diffusion and chemical reaction. In the char re-
and offer an effective way to improve gasification performances, action submodel, the char reaction rate was expressed by a com-
sensitivity analysis and multi-objective optimization of rice husk bination of effectiveness factor h and intrinsic reaction rate Rint to
gasification in an entrained flow reactor were performed in this take the chemical reaction rate and gas diffusion rate into account,
study using an intrinsic reaction rate based CFD model. The specific and the expressions are listed in Table 2. The deduction of the
X. Gao et al. / Renewable Energy 139 (2019) 611e620 613
Table 1
Governing equations for CFD model.
Table 2
Governing equations for CFD model.
k yR;r MR k j y} Mj
Heterogeneous reaction r p d p R
Rp;j ¼ pd2p Rp;j RP;j ¼ hRint Pg;j p;j
6 Kd
Rint ¼ A expð E=RTÞP m j
3 1 1
4 tanh 4 4
dp ðm þ 1ÞA expðE=RTÞFðXÞrp vg RTg P s;j
4 ¼
6 2Mc De
2Mc Di
Kd ¼
vg dp RTg
Table 3
Kinetic parameters for homogeneous phase reactions.
d a b E A Ref.
Ri in the unit of kmol/(m3∙s); E in the unit of kJ/mol; C in the unit of kmol/m3; A in the unit of (kmol/m3)m/(Kd∙s), where m ¼ 1-a-b.
f is forward reaction; b is backward reaction.
614 X. Gao et al. / Renewable Energy 139 (2019) 611e620
intrinsic reaction rate submodel was detailed in our previous work computational domain of the reactor was discretized into a finite
[25]. number of grid cells, meanwhile the discrete governing equations
were obtained through finite volume method for each grid cell. For
2.2. Computation scheme the gas phase, the governing equations of continuity, momentum,
energy and species were solved sequentially by SIMPLE algorithm.
The gasification model presented above was realized by ANSYS For the solid phase, particle streams were tracked one by one once
Fluent software according to the finite volume technique. For the biomass particles entered the computational domain through
biomass gasification in an entrained flow reactor, the injection, and the corresponding governing equations were solved
by the DPM (discrete phase model) method. Meanwhile the user
defined functions were adopted for modeling the char-gas re-
Table 4 actions using intrinsic reaction rate submodel. The iteration
Main characteristics of rice husk.
calculation was alternated between continuous phase and
Characteristics Rice husk dispersed phase until the convergence criteria were met.
Proximate analysisa (%)
Moisture content 6.86 2.3. Computation domain
Volatile mater 60.92
Fixed carbon 15.22
The gasification processes of rice husk with air or air-CO2
Ash 17.00
Ultimate analysisa (%) mixture in an entrained flow reactor were investigated through
C 37.35 using intrinsic reaction rate based CFD model. The proximate and
H 4.40 ultimate analyses of rice husk are listed in Table 4, and the intrinsic
Ob 34.05
kinetic parameters for char heterogenous reaction are given in
N 0.20
S 0.14
Table 5. Fig. 1 displays the schematic diagram of a lab-scale
Lower heating value (MJ/kg) 14.48 entrained flow gasification system, which is composed of mainly
Bulk density (kg/m3) 519 gas supplying system, sampling system and a downdraft entrained
Weight percentage on air dried basis. flow reactor. The internal diameter of the reactor is 10 cm and the
Calculated by difference. height is 190 cm. A fuel and gas injector is located at the top, and
the gas flows downward and exits the reactor from the outlet at the
bottom. The geometry of the entrained flow reactor was meshed
Table 5
with a total number of 0.37 million hexahedral elements, which
Intrinsic kinetic parameters.
met the grid independence test [15].
Reaction A (1/s$Pam) E (kJ/mol) m Ref.
3.3. Effect of ER In this section, the gasification temperature was kept at 900 C,
the average particle diameter was maintained at 240 mm, and the
The gasification temperature was held at 900 C, the average ER was 0. The effects of CO2/biomass mass ratio on the gasification
particle diameter was kept at 240 mm, and the CO2/biomass was performances are shown in Fig. 6. As the CO2/biomass raised from
maintained at 0. The variations of rice husk gasification perfor- 0 to 0.8, the amounts of CO, CO2, CH4, and H2 varied in the ranges of
mances with ER are demonstrated in Fig. 5. All the yields of 23.49e29.05%, 6.08e23.1%, 0.92e1.16%, and 5.88e8.26%, respec-
combustible gases displayed the downtrends in the ranges of tively. It is observed that the CO content in the produced gas
23.49e12.80% (CO), 1.16e0.43% (CH4) and 8.26e6.22% (H2) with the increased first and then declined, and the CO2 content increased
increasing ER around 0.2e0.4, whereas the yield of CO2 presented a markedly, while the yields of CH4 and H2 reduced. These were
monotone uptrend ranging from 6.08% to 11.07%. At higher ERs, because low CO2 addition in the gasifying agent accelerated the
more air amounts were introduced into the gasifier, thereby Boudouard reaction and reversed water gas shift reaction, however,
accelerating the oxidation of char and volatiles, which reduced the the high CO2 injection decreased the temperature and most of the
contents of flammable gases (CO, CH4 and H2) while increased the CO2 left the gasifier directly [35].
content of CO2 in the produced gas [33]. In Fig. 6 (b), the CO2/biomass had different effects on gas pro-
As the ER increased from 0.2 to 0.4, the gas production increased duction and cold gas efficiency. As the CO2/biomass increased in the
from 1.56 Nm3/kg to 2.17 Nm3/kg. This could be related to the facts range of 0e0.8, the gas production increased monotonously from
that (a) more gases were generated from tar combustion, and (b) 1.56 Nm3/kg to 2.08 Nm3/kg. Meanwhile the cold gas efficiency
more amount of N2 was introduced by air [34]. The cold gas increased initially from 48.65% to 65.12% and then decreased to
X. Gao et al. / Renewable Energy 139 (2019) 611e620 617
Maximize G ¼ y1 xj ; y2 xj ; y3 xj
Suject to xLj xj xU
j ; i ¼ 1; 2; :::; 4
4. Multi-objective optimization
response and the four decision variables, the fully quadratic model
was initially applied for the regression of objective function, and
then the insignificant terms were removed from the regression y2 ¼ 0:88 þ 3:72E 04x1 8:68E 04x2 þ 2:92x3 þ 0:63x4
model based on the analysis of the variance (ANOVA) to gain the (2)
revised regression model. Consequently, the relationship between
CO concentration (y1) and decision variables (xi) could be given by: The effects of the four variables on the gas production are dis-
played in Fig. 8. The gas production of rice husk gasification
y1 ¼ 75:93 1:82E 02x1 0:20x2 85:62x3 þ 12:32x4 increased with gasification temperature, ER, and CO2/biomass mass
14:62x24 þ 8:52E 05x1 x2 þ 0:16x2 x3 ratio, while decreased with average particle diameter.
Similarly, the regression model for cold gas efficiency (y3) ob-
tained from ANOVA is given by:
Fig. 7 demonstrates the effects of decision variables on the CO
concentration in produced gas. The CO concentration increased
with gasification temperature, and the increasing amplitude y3 ¼ 52:36 þ 4:95E 02x1 0:15x2 61:54x3 þ 30:41x4
increased with the increment in average particle diameter. The CO
content decreased with average particle diameter, and the 29:96x24 (3)
decreasing amplitude reduced with gasification temperature. In Fig. 9 exhibits the effects of decision variables on the cold gas
addition, the increase in ER always had a negative effect on CO efficiency. Generally, the cold gas efficiency increased with gasifi-
production, while the increase in CO2/biomass increased CO pro- cation temperature, whereas decreased with average particle
duction initially and then decreased the CO amount. diameter and ER. However, the cold gas efficiency rose initially and
According to the ANOVA, the regression response model for gas then dropped with the increase in CO2/biomass mass ratio. This is
production, y2, can be expressed as follows: consistent with the results presented in the parametric study.
Fig. 8. Response surface of gas production for rice husk entrained flow gasification. Fig. 9. Response surface of cold gas efficiency for rice husk entrained flow gasification.
X. Gao et al. / Renewable Energy 139 (2019) 611e620 619
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