Cosmetics Lect.09

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1|P age
Makeup Technology
 Types of color cosmetics: foundation; blushers; mascara; eyeliner; eye
shadow; lip color; nail color.
 Purpose- improve appearance; impart color; even out skin tones; hide
imperfections; protection(if contains sunscreen or moisturizers)
 Types of formulations: suspensions; aqueous; anhydrous.
 Emulsions: oil-in-water; water-in-oil.
 powder: pressed; loose.
 Anhydrous
 pay-off ‫سهل اخدها بالسفنجة بتاعتها‬
makeup ‫ترتيب وضع الـ‬ 
foundation .1
face pd .2
blusher & eyeshadow .3

The term powdered cosmetics are generally used to describe
1. face powders,
2. eyeshadows,
3. and blushers.

When the product is applied to the skin:

 The shade must not significantly change when worn, ‫يعني لما استخدمها تفضل بنفس لونها ميتغيرش وال هي تقع‬
‫من علي الوجه‬
 Must feel smooth in use
 Making it easy to apply,
 Adhere well for a reasonable time, without reapplication.
‫ للوجه‬inflammation ‫وال وقت قصير جدًا بحيث احتاج احط كل شوية وال وقت طويل جدًا بحيث لو حاولت اشيلها تعمل‬

Face Powders
1. adds longevity to the make-up overall;
2. Suppresses surface oil and shine.

Face Powder Consists of :

talc + kaolin →70% of formulation

Calcium Magnesium Metallic

Talc Kaolin Carbonate Carbonate

Polymers Colorants Perfumes Preservatives

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Talc Kaolin
china clay almost white,
hydrated magnesium silicate. hydrated
aluminum silicate.

white, free of asbestos, not exhibit a high degree of

have high spreadability or slip, slip.
with low covering power. dense ‫مش هايش زي التلك‬, and is
sometimes used to reduce bulk
densities in loose
grades: lighter and fluffier powderproducts.

provide shinny surface It provides a matte surface

 Perfumes
 The use of perfumes is important for face powder, which requires them
because most of the raw materials used are earthy smelling and should be
 Perfumes should show stability and low volatility.
 Preservatives
 Preservation of face powders is usually not a problem since they are used
dry, but small amounts of antibacterial are recommended.

Loose Face Powders Pressed Face Powders

• This type has declined in popularity • more popular

products in favor of pressed face • the same as loose powder except
powder products that a binder
• properties of a binder are as follows:
if the binder level is too high, it may be : • provides creaminess to the powder,
1. difficult to remove the powder with
• ,Aids in compression and adhesion,
a puff.
2. high levels may lead to glazing ‫لمعان‬ • water resistance and pick-up and
of the powder surface, making it deposit.
waxy looking

3|P age
Powder Blushers
• Pressed powder blushers are similar to • ThePressed Powder Eyeshadows
technology is similar to other
face powder formulations, except that a pressed powder products but the
greater range of color pigments are used. permitted color range is NOT limited.
• Usually they are applied from the godet • Preservation is very important in eye
with the finger ‫بس ده كان زمان ودلوقتي بيتحط‬ makeup products.

Quality Assurance on Powder Products ‫بس األسماء اللي تحتها خط‬

 Color testing is done, where production batch and standard are
placed side by side on white paper and pressed flat with a palette-knife.
 Bulk Density is carried out on loose powder to ensure that no
entrapped air is present so that incorrect filling weights are minimized.
 Penetration and drop tests are carried out on pressed godets. A
penetrometer is used to determine the accuracy of the pressure used
during filling. ‫بدخل جوه البودر حاجة زي الشنيور تطلعلي قراءات‬
A drop test is designed to test the physical strength of the cake.
Normally, the godet is dropped onto a wooden floor or rubber matte (1-3
times) at a height of 2 to 3 ft to note damage to the cake.
 Glazing and payoff is done where the pressed cake is rubbed through to
the base of the godet with a puff and any sign of glazing is noted.
Payoff must be sufficient and the powder should spread evenly without
losing adhesion to the skin.


Requirements for an ideal makeup foundation's application are as follows:

(1) Moderately fast drying to allow for an even application;
(2) Should be nonsettling, easy pourability, stable in storage;
(3) No tacky, greasy, or dry feel;
(4) Improve appearance, not artificially;
(5) Have proper "play time" and slip. ‫يديني وقت مناسب اقدر افرده على وشي قبل ما ينشف‬

 There should be shade consistency between the bottle and skin tone.
 Wear is extremely important; product should not peel off, become orangy on the skin,
or rub off on clothes.
‫ ممكن نحط درجة أفتح‬face pd‫* في الفاونديشن الزم نحط أقرب درجة للون اللجلد لكن الـ‬
‫ في نفس العبوة‬fondation ‫بيتحطوا مع الـ‬moisturizers ‫ و الـ‬sunscreen‫* حاليًا الـ‬

4|P age
Foundation makeup is available in the following forms:

• anionic ‫ده اللي موجود في السوق‬
• nonionic (usually not stable)
• cationic (difficult to make, not on market).

• more popular for water/proofness and contains volatile silicone

• cream powder and stick.

Formulation Considerations
1. Prolonged skin contact. Minimize emulsifier levels to avoid irritation.
2. Choose oils based on low comedogenicity.
3. Foundations may be difficult to preserve if they contain water, gums, etc

 Mascara's performance is usually judged by application, appearance, wear, and ease
of removal
 Mascara and eyeliners consists of one or more film formers, pigment, and the
vehicle that mostly evaporates to allow the film to set

Three types of formulations are currently in use:

1- Anhydrous solvent- 2-Water-in-oil emulsion 3- Oil-in-water emulsion

based suspension:
• waterproof but not • "water-based" if the film is
• waterproof but not smudge-proof and can sufficiently flexible can be
smudge proof and difficult removed with soap and flake-proof and smudge-
to remove. water. proof.

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Water resistance can be achieved with the addition of emulsion polymer, (i.e., acrylics, polyvinyl

 Eyeliners
 Eyeliners frame the eye while adding shape or change the shape of the eye
 They give the illusion of a larger or smaller eye, bringing out the color
contrast between the iris and white of the eye. Last, eyeliners assist making
the lashes appear thicker.
 Generally, liquid eyeliners are the most popular.

 Pencils
 Pencils are used in general for coloring the eyebrows and eyelids,
although they are now popular as lipsticks, lip liner, and blushers
depending on the hardness of the pencil and the color composition.
‫* استخدامهم زاد دلوقتي‬

•Lipsticks add color to the face for a healthier look, shape and sometimes condition the lips.
•Harmonizes the face between the eyes, hair, and clothes.
•Creates the illusion of smaller or larger lips depending on the color.
• There are two types of lipsticks:
•1-Classicalg;k hgK,hu hg;,dsm fjfrn lfjj;sva fs
•2-Volatile based (The proper balance of solvents and emollients
•transfer and allow lipstick not to become too dry on the lips).

Nail Color
• Nail lacquers form the largest group of manicure preparations.
• They should be waterproof, glossy, adherent, dry quickly and be resistant to
chipping and abrasion.
• main constituents include a film former, modifying resin, plasticizer,and solvents.

• Additionally, pigments, suspending agents and ultraviolet absorbers are

• included.
• Nitrocellulose is the chief film-forming ingredient.
• Nitrocellulose is derived from cellulose.
• Nitrocellulose by itself will produce a hard brittle film so it is necessary to
• modify it with resins and plasticizers to provide flexibility and gloss.
‫• علشان كده األنواع اللي مش كويسة بتتكسر بسرعة من على الضوافر لكن األنواع الكويسة بتبقى مبتتكسرس‬
‫وحاطين فيها مواد تغذي الضوافر‬

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