Mississippi Purchase Agreement

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This form is provided as a courtesy to the parties only. It is not required to be used in this transaction and may not fit the needs, goals
and purposes of the parties. The Mississippi Association of REALTORS® makes no statement or warranty as to this form, its contents
or use, and the parties, by their use of this form, acknowledge said facts and agree that neither the Mississippi Association of
REALTORS® nor any member thereof shall be liable to any party or person for its contents or use. If any party to this transaction does
not fully understand it, or has any question, the party should seek advice from a competent legal professional before signing.

1 This Contract is made the day of , .

2 Buyer(s) agree(s) to buy
3 and Seller(s) agree(s) to
4 sell, the herein described property:
5 Legal Description:
7 in County, MS
8 (street address) (city/town/zip code)
9 together with the following items:
11 all items permanently attached, unless specifically excluded herein. The Property is further
12 described as tax parcel # in the records of the county courthouse
13 within which the property is located, the exact legal description to be determined by survey (if warranted).
14 1. PURCHASE PRICE: The buyer will pay a total sum of $
15 Cash Down Payment: Paid at closing and subject to adjustments and prorations $
16 BALANCE: Balance payable $
17 Balance is payable as: (check one of the options below)
18 (A) Cash
19 OR
20 (B) New Loan (check appropriate boxes):
21 FHA VA CONV Other: Adjustable Fixed
22 2. LOAN AND INSURANCE CONTINGENCY: Contract is contingent upon (1) Buyer(s) being approved for a loan
23 sufficient to close and (2) approval of homeowner's insurance to be issued to Buyer(s) at Closing.
25 Within seven (7) calendar days after the effective date of the Contract, Buyer(s) will make application in proper form for both
26 the loan(s) and homeowner's insurance, shall cooperate with proper parties to obtain approval(s), diligently and timely pursue
27 the same in good faith, execute all documents and furnish all information and documents required, and timely pay any costs of
28 obtaining such loan and insurance commitments.
29 Within twenty-one (21) calendar days of the effective date of the Contract, Buyer(s) shall deliver to Seller(s) (1) written
30 notice of loan approval from lender, and (2) written proof of a commitment to issue insurance. Failure of the Buyer(s) to
31 make timely application for loan and/or insurance or deliver the required loan commitment notice or proof of insurability
32 shall entitle the Seller(s) at its option to (A) excuse the failure and proceed with the transaction on such terms as the parties
33 may agree to in writing in the form of an amendment to the Contract; or (B) declare the Contract void and return to Buyer(s)
34 its earnest money deposit.
35 3. EARNEST MONEY: A sum of $ (per cash check ) is to be deposited with
36 [Broker/Trustee], who shall hold it in trust, presuming
37 clearance of check. Upon acceptance of the Contract, earnest money deposit and down payment received by above named
38 Broker/Trustee shall be deposited in an escrow account and shall remain in that account until the transaction has been
39 consummated or terminated. All such funds will be deposited by the above named Broker/Trustee in federally insured
40 accounts. The Broker has the authority to provide the earnest money to the rightfully entitled party based upon the terms of
41 the Contract. Any party who wrongfully terminates this Contract shall forfeit their right to any earnest money funds. In the
42 event the Broker cannot determine by the terms of the Contract which party is rightfully entitled to the earnest money, the
43 Broker shall interplead the funds.
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Copyright ©2008 by Mississippi Association of REALTORS®
F1 - Contract for the Sale and Purchase of Real Estate Rev. Date 1/2008
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Produced with ZipForm™ by RE FormsNet, LLC 18025 Fifteen Mile Road, Clinton Township, Michigan 48035 www.zipform.com
44 4. MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE (MLS). The Selling Broker is a participant of the
45 Multiple Listing Service and the sales information will be provided to the MLS to be published and disseminated to it's
46 Participants.
47 5. COSTS OF SALE: (Please mark each space with appropriate letter(s) Print the letter S if paid by the Seller(s) Print
48 the letter B if paid by Buyer(s). Print the letter J if split by parties. Print NA if not applicable or No if not desired.
49 Loan Origination VA Funding Fee Doc. Prep. Home Insp.
50 Disc. Points Tax Service Title Ins. Owner Mold Insp.
51 Appraisal Pre-paid items Title Ins. Lender Well/Septic Insp.
52 Credit Report PMI/FHA-MIP Courier Ser. Environmental Insp.
53 Assumption Fee Atty. Closing Fee Recording Fee Wetlands Insp.
54 Underwriting Certificate of Title Survey Home Warranty
55 Flood Cert. Deed Preparation Wood Destroying Insect Report (WDIR)
56 Leasehold Transfer Fee
57 Other
59 VA/FHA FINANCING: It is expressly agreed that not withstanding any other provisions of this Contract, the Buyer(s) shall
60 not be obligated to complete the purchase of the Property described herein or forfeiture of earnest money deposits or otherwise
61 unless the Seller(s) has/have delivered to Buyer(s) a written statement issued by the Federal Housing Commissioner setting
62 forth the appraised value ( FHA or VA ) of the Property for mortgage insurance purpose (excluding closing costs),
63 of not less than $ which statement the Seller(s) hereby agrees to deliver to the Buyer(s) promptly
64 after such appraised value statement is made available to the Seller(s). The Buyer(s) shall, however, have the privilege and option
65 of proceeding with the consummation of this Contract without regard to the amount of the appraised valuation made by the
66 Federal Housing Commissioner or the Veterans Administration. The appraised valuation is arrived at to determine the maximum
67 mortgage the Department of Housing and Urban Development or the Veterans Administration will insure. HUD or VA does not
68 warrant the value or the condition of the Property. The Buyer(s) should satisfy itself that the price and condition of the property
69 are acceptable.
71 Property must appraise at or above sale price or Buyer(s) shall not be obligated to complete the purchase of the Property
72 described herein and all earnest money shall be refunded to the Buyer(s).
73 8. OFFER: This offer expires at o'clock AM PM, Central time on (date) ,
74 if not accepted, countered or rejected by Seller(s) by that time.
75 9. CLOSING: Closing to be on , , or before if mutually agreed to by the parties.
76 10. POSSESSION: Possession shall be delivered to Buyer(s) (check one box):
77 (A) Upon completion of Closing;
78 (B) By separate Pre-Closing Possession Addendum attached and made a part of this Contract.
79 11. PRORATION: All taxes, rents, utility and other assessments and appropriate condominium or Property Owner's Association
80 fees are to be prorated as of the settlement date. Seller(s) represent(s) that all mortgage payments, taxes, escrow accounts and
81 condominium or Property Owner's Association fees will be current at Closing date.
82 12. HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION: Homestead exemption is or is not in effect for the current year as represented by
83 the Property Condition Disclosure Statement.
84 13. COMPENSATION: Seller(s) Buyer(s) of property sold under this Contract or through any other negotiated
85 agreement agrees to pay as per listing agreement and prior offer of cooperation and compensation. If Broker collects this
86 compensation, or any part thereof through legal action, defaulting party agrees to pay court costs including reasonable attorney
87 fees. The agreement(s) is extended through the date of this Contract or any other agreement or negotiated contract between the
88 parties or the successors, the heirs or the assigns. Any compensation or fee due hereunder shall be earned and payable upon
89 presentation of a Buyer(s) ready, willing and able to purchase at any price and terms acceptable to Seller(s), although Broker
90 agrees to accept said compensation or fee at closing as an accommodation to party paying compensation.

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Copyright ©2008 by Mississippi Association of REALTORS® Rev. Date 1/2008
F1 - Contract for the Sale and Purchase of Real Estate
Produced with ZipForm™ by RE FormsNet, LLC 18025 Fifteen Mile Road, Clinton Township, Michigan 48035 www.zipform.com
92 General Warranty Deed, Special Warranty Deed, Assignment of Lease, Quit Claim Deed and a certificate of title
93 prepared by an attorney upon whose certificate title insurance may be obtained from a title insurance company qualified to do and doing
94 business in the State of Mississippi will be provided by (See Clause 5). Seller(s) shall, prior to closing, satisfy all outstanding mortgages, deeds
95 of trust and special liens affecting the subject property which are not specifically assumed by Buyer(s) herein. Title shall be good and
96 marketable, subject only to the following items recorded in the Chancery Clerk's office of said county: easements without encroachments,
97 applicable zoning ordinances, protective covenants and prior mineral reservations; otherwise Buyer(s), at its option, may either (A) if defects
98 cannot be cured by designated Closing date, cancel this Contract, in which case all earnest money deposited shall be returned; (B) accept title as
99 is or; (C) if the defects are of such character that they can be remedied by legal action within a reasonable time, permit Seller(s) such reasonable
100 time to perform this curative work at Seller(s)' expense. In the event the curative work is performed by the Seller(s), the time specified herein
101 for closing sale shall be extended for a reasonable period necessary for such action. Seller(s) represents that the property may be legally used as
102 zoned and that no governmental agency has served any notice requiring repairs, alterations or corrections of any existing condition except as
103 stated herein.
104 15. MINERAL RIGHTS. Seller(s)will transfer ANY NONE % OTHER mineral
105 rights which it possesses in the real property to the Buyer(s).

106 16. BREACH OF CONTRACT. Specific performance is the essence of this Contract, except as otherwise specifically provided for herein
107 and as further delineated below, and time is of the essence.

108 In the event of breach of this Contract by Buyer(s), Seller(s) may at its option (A) accept the earnest money deposit as liquidated damages and
109 this Contract shall then be null and void; (B) file suit in any court of competent jurisdiction for damages; or (C) file suit in any court of
110 competent jurisdiction for specific performance. If Seller elects to proceed under (A) or (B) in this section, or if Seller(s) proceed(s) under (C)
111 and is/are unsuccessful in a suit for specific performance but receive(s) an award of the earnest money deposit and/or damages, Listing Broker
112 shall retain or be paid one-half of the earnest money deposit amount or damages awarded as their compensation, not to exceed the full
113 compensation due under the Listing Agreement. If Seller(s) elects to proceed under option (C) and secure(s) specific performance, Listing
114 Broker shall be paid the full compensation due under the Listing Agreement.
115 In the event of breach of this Contract by Seller(s), Buyer(s) may at its option (A) accept the return of its earnest money deposit as liquidated
116 damages and this Contract shall be null and void; or (B) file suit in any court of competent jurisdiction for damages, less credit for earnest
117 money returned to Buyer(s); or (C) file suit in any court of competent jurisdiction for specific performance. In the event of Seller(s)' breach,
118 Listing Broker shall be paid the full compensation due under the Listing Agreement, unless and except this Contract requires Buyer(s) to pay
119 all or any portion of said compensation.
120 If it becomes necessary to ensure the performance of this Contract for either party to initiate litigation, then the non-prevailing party agrees to
121 pay reasonable attorney fees and court costs in connection therewith to the prevailing party.

122 17. ACCELERATION (Due on Sale) CLAUSE. If the note and/or deed of trust or mortgage for any existing loan contains an acceleration
123 (Due on Sale) clause, the lender may demand full payment of the entire balance as a result of the transfer. Both parties acknowledge that they
124 are not relying on any representation of the other party or Broker with respect to the enforceability of such provision(s).

125 18. SURVIVAL OF CONTRACT. All express representations, warranties and covenants shall survive delivery of the deed unless
126 specified to the contrary. All other contractual obligations shall terminate at Closing.


129 Buyer(s) acknowledge(s) receipt of the Property Condition Disclosure Statement.
130 OR
131 Seller(s) has/has not delivered the Property Condition Disclosure Statement. This Offer/Contract is contingent upon delivery to
132 Buyer(s) of the Property Condition Disclosure Statement no later than (date) . Upon failure of
133 the Seller(s) to do so, Buyer(s) may void the Offer/Contract and receive a refund of the earnest money.

134 Disclosure of the Parties. The parties acknowledge that Buyer(s) may rely upon the Property Condition Disclosure statement in accordance
135 with Sections 89-1-501 et seq. of the Mississippi Code of 1954, as amended. Seller(s) and Buyer(s) acknowledge that neither of them have
136 relied upon any statement, representation, omission made or documentation provided by the other party or the broker(s) and salesperson(s) and
137 that their representatives, relating to this transaction including, but not limited to, value of the Property, condition of the Property, the decision
138 to sell or purchase the Property, the terms or conditions of sale, tax or legal considerations or liability, size or condition of the Property, the
139 presence or lack thereof of UFFI insulation, the presence of or lack thereof of Exterior Insulated Finish Systems (E.I.F.S.), previous flooding,
140 effect of or location within Mississippi State Tidelands or Federal wetlands, presence of expansive soils, or the presence or absence thereof of
141 acceleration clauses or tax or balloon notes. The parties further acknowledge that this Contract form is provided as a courtesy to the parties only.
142 It is not required to be used in this transaction and may not meet the specific needs, goals and purposes of the parties, or any of them. If any
143 party to this transaction does not fully understand it, or has any question, the party has been advised to, and should, seek advice from a
144 competent legal professional before signing.

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Copyright ©2008 by Mississippi Association of REALTORS®
F1 - Contract for the Sale and Purchase of Real Estate Rev. Date 1/2008
Produced with ZipForm™ by RE FormsNet, LLC 18025 Fifteen Mile Road, Clinton Township, Michigan 48035 www.zipform.com
146 Buyer(s) and Seller (s) have executed a Home Inspection Addendum as part of this Contract, the same being attached hereto
147 and incorporated herein.
148 OR
149 Buyer(s) has/have inspected the property and finds the same to be in satisfactory condition and DOES NOT wish to
150 perform further inspections prior to Closing or avail itself of the benefit of a home inspection. Buyer(s) accept(s) the Property
151 "AS IS WHERE IS" in its condition as of the effective date of this Contract, and acknowledges that neither Seller(s) nor Listing
152 Broker, Selling Broker or salespersons associated with this transaction have made any warranty, express, implied or otherwise, as
153 to the Property, except such express warranties as the parties agree in writing attached to this Contract shall survive the Closing.
154 Buyer(s) understand that it has the right to perform a final walk-through inspection of the Property prior to Closing to verify that
155 the terms of the Contract have been fulfilled.
157 (A) Wood Destroying Insect Report: (check box) Buyer(s) Seller(s) shall furnish and pay for within
158 days before closing approved FHA/VA Wood Destroying Insect Report from a licensed termite company indicating that
159 subject Property shows no evidence of termite or other wood destroying insect infestation. If such infestation constitutes
160 material damage, the buyer(s) can declare the Contract null and void and have its earnest money refunded. Additionally,
161 when any infestation is found on the subject Property Seller(s) can either furnish a warranty of approved treatment and
162 correct any structural damage caused by such infestation or deem said repairs as cost prohibitive and declare the contract
163 null and void refunding buyer(s)' earnest money.
164 (B) Parties acknowledge that Listing and Selling Broker(s), salespersons associated with this transaction, Lender,
165 and Attorney(s) have relied solely on the Wood Destroying Inspect Report (WDIR) at Closing. In the event damage is
166 found, the Buyer(s) release the Listing and Selling Broker(s), salespersons associated with this transaction, Lender, and
167 Attorney(s) from any liability. Both Buyer and Seller acknowledge that the Broker(s) did not recommend any pest control
168 company or in any way warrant the inspection or treatment made by the company, and are in no way responsible for
169 damage attributable to wood destroying insects.
170 (C) Any material change to the subject property shall be disclosed in accordance with the Mississippi Real Estate
171 Brokers License Act of 1954 as amended (89-1-503) allowing for termination of the offer as prescribed by law.
172 22. DAMAGE BY FIRE, ETC. Subject to the provisions of this Clause, this Contract is further conditioned upon delivery
173 of the improvements in their present condition, reasonable wear and tear excepted. In the event of damage to the Property or
174 improvements before Closing by virtue of causes beyond the parties' control, such as fire, flood, war, acts of God or other causes,
175 Seller(s) shall, within three (3) calendar days or as soon thereafter as reasonably possible, notify Buyer(s) in writing of said
176 damage, at which time Buyer(s) may, at its option:
177 (A) cancel this contract and be entitled to the return of earnest money deposits; or
178 (B) waive any objection and proceed to Closing on the terms set forth in this Contract; or
179 (C) seek to reach suitable agreement with Seller(s) as to repair(s), extension of the Closing date and/or other
180 adjustments to the Contract as may be agreed upon by the parties. Failure of the parties to reach a suitable agreement within
181 five (5) calendar days after election by Buyer(s) to proceed under this option (C) shall automatically and without further
182 notice cancel this Contract and entitle Buyer(s) to the return of earnest money deposits.
183 23. AGREEMENT OF THE PARTIES. This Contract incorporates all prior agreements between the parties, contains the
184 entire and final agreement of the parties and cannot be changed except by their written consent.
186 (A) The Listing Firm, the Selling Firm, and their salespersons represent the Seller(s) as their Client. The Buyer(s)
187 is/are the customer.
188 (B) The Listing Firm and its salespersons represent the Seller(s). The Selling Firm and its salespersons represent the
189 Buyer(s).
190 (C) The Listing Firm and its salespersons represent both the Seller(s) and the Buyer(s) as dual agents by mutual
191 agreement and all parties have signed and understand the Dual Agency Confirmation form attached and made a part of this
192 Contract
193 (D) The Selling Firm and its salespersons represent the Buyer(s). The Seller(s) is/are the customer.

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Rev. Date 1/2008
Copyright ©2008 by Mississippi Association of REALTORS®
F1 - Contract for the Sale and Purchase of Real Estate
Produced with ZipForm™ by RE FormsNet, LLC 18025 Fifteen Mile Road, Clinton Township, Michigan 48035 www.zipform.com
194 25. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY. In accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law, it is illegal to block bust or to
195 discriminate against any person because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin in the sale or
196 rental of housing or residential lots, in advertising the sale or rental of housing, in the financing of housing, in the providing of
197 real estate brokerage services.
198 26. PRIVACY ACT. Signature of Buyer(s) on this Contract or counteroffer is authorization by Buyer(s) to the mortgage
199 company processing a loan application to examine the credit worthiness of Buyer(s). Signature of Seller(s) of this Contract or
200 counter offer is authorization to any mortgage company to release any information pertinent to the mortgage secured by the
201 subject Property to foresaid brokers or salespersons and the closing attorney.
203 Property Condition Disclosure Statement Yes No Mandatory Arbitration Addendum Yes No
204 Home Inspection Addendum Yes No Other Yes No
205 Dual Agency Confirmation Yes No Other Yes No
206 Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Yes No Other Yes No
207 Possession Agreement Yes No Other Yes No
208 Property Issues Addendum Yes No Other Yes No
209 30. LEAD-BASED PAINT DISCLOSURE. Every Buyer of any interest in residential real property on which a residential dwelling
210 was built prior to 1978 is notified that such subject property may present exposure to lead from lead-based paint that may place
211 young children at risk of developing lead poisoning. Lead poisoning in young children may produce permanent neurological
212 damage, including learning disabilities, reduced intelligence quotient, behavioral problems, and impaired memory. Lead
213 poisoning also poses a particular risk to pregnant women. The Seller of any interest in residential real property is required to
214 provide the Buyer with any information on lead-based paint hazards from risk assessments or inspections in the Seller's
215 possession and notify the Buyer of any known lead-based paint hazards. A risk assessment or inspection for possible lead-based
216 paint hazards is recommended prior to purchase.
236 30. MISCELLANEOUS. (A) Neither party shall be bound by any terms, conditions, oral statements, warranties or representations
237 not herein contained. (B) Broker's liability to Buyer(s) and Seller(s) in this transaction shall not exceed the amount it has received
238 as commission. (C) Each party acknowledges and hereby affirms that it has read and understands this Contract. (D) This Contract
239 shall not be assignable by either party without consent of the other party.
240 31. NOTICE. Any notices required or permitted to be given under this Contract shall be delivered by hand or mailed by certified
241 or registered mail, return receipt requested, in a postage prepaid envelope; by nationally recognized overnight carrier service; by
242 facsimile with receipt acknowledgment (if the fax number is listed below); or by email (if the email address is listed below), at
243 Sender's option, and addressed as follows:

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Copyright ©2008 by Mississippi Association of REALTORS®
F1 - Contract for the Sale and Purchase of Real Estate Rev. Date 1/2008
Produced with ZipForm™ by RE FormsNet, LLC 18025 Fifteen Mile Road, Clinton Township, Michigan 48035 www.zipform.com
244 If to Seller(s):
245 Address:
246 Facsimile:
247 Email:
248 If to Buyer(s):
249 Address:
250 Facsimile:
251 Email:

252 Signed this the day of , , at a.m. p.m., and a copy hereof received:


255 Phone Phone
256 Title conveyed to (print clearly):


258 The foregoing offer is accepted this the day of , , at a.m. p.m.,
259 and a copy hereof received:
262 Phone Phone
263 A copy of this acceptance has been received this the day of , , at a.m. p.m.

264 The Sellers have countered this offer subject to the terms of the attached Counter Offer No. this the
265 day of , , at a.m. p.m., and a copy hereof received:

266 SELLER(1)Signature SELLER(2)Signature


268 The Sellers have rejected this offer and make no counter offer this the day of , ,
269 at a.m. p.m., and a copy hereof received:
270 SELLER(1)Signature SELLER(2)Signature
272 A copy of this rejection has been received this the day of , , at a.m. p.m.

273 BUYER(1)Signature BUYER(2)Signature


275 Selling Agency Selling Agent(Signature)

276 Business Phone Business Phone

277 Listing Agency Listing Agent(Signature)

278 Business Phone Business Phone

Submit by Email

NOTE: This form is provided by MAR to its members for their use in real estate transactions and is to be used as is. By using this form, you agree and covenant not to alter,
amend, or edit said form or its content, and agree and acknowledge that any such alteration, amendment or edit of said form is done at your own risk. These forms are
provided with the understanding that the publisher does not engage in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services.
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Copyright ©2008 by Mississippi Association of REALTORS®
F1 - Contract for the Sale and Purchase of Real Estate Rev. Date 1/2008
Produced with ZipForm™ by RE FormsNet, LLC 18025 Fifteen Mile Road, Clinton Township, Michigan 48035 www.zipform.com

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